Graduate Schools PGR Issues Meeting Friday 27 November 2009 14:00 – 16.00 The Billiard Room, 58 Prince’s Gate, South Kensington Campus Notes 1. Introduction The meeting was jointly chaired by Professor Bernie Morley (Director of GSLSM) and Professor Richard Kitney (Director of GSEPS) 2. Direct PhD Registration PGRIssues/2009/1 The proposal is for students to register directly for a PhD, rather than registering for an MPhil and upgrading to a PhD. There are several assessment points proposed throughout the student’s PhD, each with different aims and possible outcomes. The main issues raised regarding the proposals were: Six weeks – three months The aim of assessing the potential of a student to undertake research: this was felt to be unrealistic so early on. It was agreed that the main aim of the report should be to ensure there was communication between the student and supervisor and that the students understand the procedures; if possible a project could be sketched out. The possible outcome of downgrading a student to an MPhil: it was considered that six weeks – three months was too early to make a decision on whether a student should be downgraded and it was requested that this possible outcome should be removed from the proposal. It was noted the independent assessor could be, for example, the DPS. Nine months It was agreed that the aim of this assessment should be to check on potential rather than achievement and was about putting the research in context. Eighteen to twenty-four months It was clarified that the ‘independent assessor’ for the report would be an internal assessor who is independent of the project and the supervisor. It was agreed this assessment would indicate a plan for future work. ELSP requirement It was suggested that initial ELSP testing could take place at nine months and be retested at twenty-four months. It was agreed that the proposals should be discussed with the ELSP. Confidential written reports It was agreed that these should take place every six months, with the first report taking place at six months. It was confirmed that the minimum registration period for students would remain the same. The paper will be redrafted following the discussion and referred back to the Graduate Schools for approval before going to Senate. 3. Maternity leave for PhD students PGRIssues/2009/2 The new procedures for maternity leave for PhD students were noted. It was noted that an interruption of studies procedure would be used. Registry would arrange separate procedures to ensure the bursaries were not stopped. It was highlighted that overseas students are not covered by the new arrangements. 4. 1 + 3 PhD registration protocols Course Directors only register students for 1 + 3 studies when the candidates are part of an approved programme of study (FoM MRC DTAs, CIMPP, Wellcome molecular basis of Infection, etc) Registry write to all Directors of 1+3 programmes in January of each year asking which registered Master’s students are in fact undertaking 1+3 programmes of study Course Directors notify Directors of Postgraduate Studies (DPS) from respective Schools/Institutes/Departments (SIDs) of any students wishing to undertake the PhD part of their programme within their SID by 1st August each year. In doing so, Course Directors seek approval from each SID DPS. Course Directors then forward the information to Registry upon DPS’s approvals. 5. Writing up arrangements for part-time students It was reported that there was an issue with staff members undertaking part-time PhDs; if their College contract comes to an end they lose access to facilities such as the library and their email account. It was also reported that there was some confusion in Registry regarding granting writing up status for part-time students. Professor Morley reported that this issue had already been raised and dealt with and that the information on the Registry website had been updated: 6. Change to Precept 1 To note that QAAC has approved a change in wording to Precept 1 of the Research Degree Precepts. PGRIssues/2009/3 It was reported that a change proposed by QAAC had been agreed by Senate to Precept 1 of the Research Degree Precepts. It was also noted that two new questions have been added to the Graduate Schools’ Research Degree Evaluation form: 1. A question about quality enhancement 2. A question asking departments to outline what changes have been made since their last periodic review. 7. Scholarships application process Amanda James (Student Financial Support Officer) gave a presentation on the new process of scholarship application (see Appendix 2) ITEMS TO NOTE 8. To note that a seminar entitled ‘Skills training in the PhD: Experience in China and the UK’ will be held on 2nd December. PGRIssues/2009/4 9. To note that the Graduate Schools’ Postgraduate Open Day will be held on Wednesday 9th December, 12.30 – 16.00 in the Great Hall, South Kensington. 10. To note that Elaine Walsh will be presenting “Well-being of PhD Students – Results and Next Steps” on 15th December, 18.00 in G34 lecture theatre. 11. To note that a consultation on postgraduate skills needs for the environmental science sector by the Natural Environment Research Council, in conjunction with the Environment Research Funders' Forum (ERFF), is taking place to determine future skills needs in the environmental sciences sector. This consultation is part of a broader skills needs review. The deadline for responses is 8th January 2010. To take part in the consultation, please visit the NERC website: 12. Any Other Business Reminder of QAA Audit Visit – QAA Briefing Visit (5-7 January 2010) and QAA Audit Visit (8-12 February 2010). The meeting was reminded that all courses are required to have up-to-date Programme Specifications in the new standard format for all taught courses available on departmental web pages, with links available centrally on the Registry’s website. Appendix 1 Dear All, Further to my short Q&A at today’s PGR Issues meeting, I thought it helpful to add a brief memo to summarise our more streamlined (student friendly!) application service for PGR scholarships this year (2010-11 entry). Shortly we will be sending out automatic emails to all students who have applied to College with information on scholarships they may be eligible for (based on the applicant’s PG1 details). We are keen to dispense with the ‘Single Selection Process’ application form as much of this lengthy document reproduces information we already hold (from the PG1) and students have in the past expressed particular dismay at having to supply us with duplicate references, copies of research proposals etc; also not many of the original schemes remain and Professor Ritter/the International Office are keen to promote their Imperial College International Scholarships (formerly the Rector’s Awards) in their own right rather than as part of a ‘process’ which can be confusing. Ultimately the framework of selection will remain the same. Once the student has checked they meet the application criteria (summarised on line) and replied to us expressing their wish to be considered for a scholarship, we will enter their details onto a spreadsheet and email departments a list of candidates (after the closing date.. now set for 01 Feb). The intention is then for departments to use the PG1 to assess academic merit and potential and decide if the candidate should be shortlisted for consideration by the Selection Committee (who will hopefully meet in March, thus allowing us to inform Imperial’s best students of their success before the Easter break). Hope this makes sense; tweaks to the website are in hand, but please let me know if you have any questions or queries. Kind regards, Amanda. Amanda James Student Financial Support Officer