10th – Chambless – Algebra II Enriched

Westminster School at Oak Mountain
Algebra 2 Enriched: 2015-2016
Mr. Chambless
General Schedule / Scope of the course:
(enriched explorations are subject to change according to class needs)
First quarter:
Roughly corresponding to textbook chapters 1-4
Equations and Inequalities
Linear Functions and Relations
Systems of Equations and Inequalities
Selected introduction to Matrices
Enriched Explorations:
-Regression and Curve Fitting – applied to real-world situations
-Applications of 3-dimensional systems of equations
Second quarter:
Roughly corresponding to textbook chapters 5-8
Quadratic Functions and Relations
Polynomials and Polynomial Functions
Inverses and Radical Functions and Relations
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions and Relations
Enriched Explorations:
-Detailed study of parabolic (ballistic) flight and applications
-Study of history and applications of logarithms from Napier to
the Slide Rule
Third Quarter:
Roughly corresponding to textbook chapters 9-11
Rational Functions and Relations
Conic Sections
Sequences and Series
Enriched Explorations:
-In-depth study of conic sections and laws of planetary motion –
this will be a longer exploration, spanning two weeks, and
featuring the mathematics of astronomy.
-Study of the math of infinite series and adding infinite sums – an
introduction to the math of infinity.
Fourth Quarter:
Roughly corresponding to textbook chapters 13-14
Trigonometric Functions
Trigonometric Equations and Identities
Introduction to Spherical Trigonometry and Applications
Enriched Explorations:
- Extended study on application of 2-d trigonometry
- Introduction to use and application of spherical trigonometry
Assignments and assessments:
There will be homework given between most class periods. It will be due
at the beginning of the class after which it is assigned. Late homework will
be accepted for half credit.
We will have regular quizzes as we go through each chapter. We will not have
quizzes the week of a chapter test, the midterm, or the final. The quizzes will
primarily cover topics from the chapter we are studying, but may include some
review questions.
Throughout the year, various books will be offered as optional reading
assignments. With a short written report of one of the books, a student may
replace a grade to be averaged in the quiz grade category. Up to two of these
may be completed by each student each year.
We will have roughly three tests per quarter. Tests will be partially cumulative,
covering concepts we have covered in previous chapters and units. Tests will be
announced with enough advanced notice to allow study and review.
Each student will complete a project, with staggered due dates, to be completely
finished in mid -February, that will explore one branch of mathematics
and its concepts. These projects will include research, writing, and
to the class. Details will come later in August.
Midterm (December) – cumulative for the semester
Course Final (May) – cumulative for the year
(about 5 per quarter)
Chapter Tests:
(about 3 per quarter)
Homework/ Classwork/ Reading:
roughly 100 to 150 points per quarter
roughly 300 points per quarter
roughly 100 points per quarter
varied points per quarter
10% of 1st semester grade
10% of 2nd semester grade
Students will be issued their textbooks at the beginning of the year, and will be responsible for
returning them in the condition in which they were issued. Students can choose to be able to
access the textbook online. The way to do this will be detailed in class.
Classwork Expectations/ Partial Credit:
-Make all work easily legible. If I can’t read something, I can’t count it as correct.
-Be neat with your steps in working problems. I ask that steps in equations be done vertically down the
page rather than horizontally on the page (I can explain in class).
-Partial credit may be awarded on tests and quizzes, but will not be awarded without neat, legible work
for that problem.
Late Work Policy:
-All homework will be due at the start of the class after which it was assigned. You may turn it in the
next day for half credit.
-Parts of the project will not be accepted late.
-All other assignments will be docked 11% per day late
-Keep all homework, quizzes, and tests in your notebook. I recommend a 3-ring binder.
-You will, on occasion, be allowed to use your notebooks on quizzes. This chance to use the notebook
will only be announced the day of the quiz.
Calculators on Tests and Quizzes
You are expected to have a calculator for each test or quiz. If you do not bring one, that is your choice,
but one will not be provided to you except for demonstrable last-minute emergencies.
Plagiarism and Academic Honesty:
We do not tolerate plagiarism (taking someone else's work as your own) or cheating of any sort. Either
will result in an automatic zero for the assignment. Further consequences may be deemed appropriate
by the administration.
If you are absent for any reason, if is your responsibility to get information, notes, and assignments that
you missed. You may ask me any questions or for help during tutorial.