Affirmation to release split and multiple personalities

September 25, 2010
Dr. Art Martin
916 663-9178
Centerpoint: For Body, Mind, and Spirit
An experiential lecture and workshop with Dr. Art Martin, PhD Developer of a new healing modality,
applying neuroscience, energy medicine with the power of our mind to heal any malfunction.
Dr. Martin teaches Healing using the unlimited power of the mind. With love and forgiveness we can
create miracles.
You may never have received the eight qualities of unconditional love as a child. Your parents most
likely gave you a parenting program which was based on control, authority, forced discipline and
If I set something up, it always happens—but I must believe it will happen.
Affirmations can cure snoring also!
Rational conscious mind / the amigdala (the mind can sabotage us.) The mind controls everything.
The first thirteen affirmations are written in third person YOU ARE form due to the fact that you do
not have control over your mind. At Step fourteen they switch to I AM form as you now have taken
control over your mind. They must be done in this manner. We have to Re-Parent ourselves and
grow up again.
Do the polarity exercise every day for about one month. Do it 5-10 minutes per day for about 30 days.
To get in balance
Step 1: Check for polarity balance. Using NK when you check for polarity, if the arm goes down,
polarity is reversed. Push against the step on your hands. Plug it in the right way and push to become
balanced. Hold the insides of your wrists together, with your fingers pointing toward your elbows,
one on top and one under. It makes no difference which way they are positioned, on top or bottom.
The lines on your wrists at the base of your palms must be aligned, touching flat together or it will not
work. There is an offset step on the base of each palm. Push those together so the bracelet lines on
each wrist are touching. Then place your hands with your fingers grasping your forearms, pointing
toward your elbows just above the wrists. Hold for two to ten minutes. For best results, hold for five
to ten minutes a day. You will feel your wrist begin to pulse or become warm. Hold until pulsing
This polarity exercise will balance all your electromagnetic fields, your quadrant energies and the
electrical flow in the meridians. It will also balance all your chakras and ground you at the same
time... Remember that this will not work if the circulation meridian is not connected. The circulation
meridian stops at the end of our third or middle finger. When you connect the meridians
By holding them together, you complete the circuit so it creates a circular flow of energy around the
This is Sept 25, 2010
I am Dinah Mack
I am in my conscious rational thinking mind
Affirmation to release split and multiple personalities:
“I am asking my Higher Self, file and program managers, to remove
______________________,__________________, ________________________________ split
personalities, ____________________________________multiple personalities, and any forces
formed or present in any way or shape or form that have together blocked, held and supported these
illusions and allowed false and disowned selves to run my life and hide and block the truth about my
true self from me and the rest of the world.
I am asking you to do a file scan and and file search through all back-up files, past, present, current,
future time-lines files, denial, and denial-of-denial files, history archive files, data base files in
subconscious and conscious mind, including all unmarked, mismatched files, mislabeled, untitled files,
orphan files, forgotten files, ghost files, mislabeled, untitled files, orphan files that have been
prohibited, forbidden, distorted, aborted, damaged, and locked up as unavailable or rendered
inoperable and all recreator, reactivator, regenerator, reproducer, reconstructor, and reinstaller virus
files which could reactivate or reinstall these split or multiple personalities. Put them in the trash bin”
Delete, erase and destroy all their operating instructions and programs, patterns and systems.
Remove them from all operating systems and file folders “from conscious Mind’s, middle self’s, and
subconscious mind’s operating files, lock them up and put them in the trash bin so they will never
affect me again. I am asking you to clear and empty the trash bin and delete all files, send them for
immediate disposal now. Thank you for your help. I am loving and forgiving myself now.”
As babies and young children, we get deprogrammed through rejection, discipline, spankings, and
screaming. We want love because we know what love is. We than walk (metaphorically) out of our
bodies, so we can’t feel the beating, screaming, hurts, rejections, and various other pains.
So go to the source. The subconscious mind has all the data recorded. ASK THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND
what happened, and what is wrong.
We have to believe. There can be no doubt that we are healed. Illnesses and disease are a state of
mind. We don’t have to get sick. We don’t have to get illnesses. We don’t have to die to run away
from people and situations.
In fact, there is no illness, there is no disease, there is only dysfunction of the mind. For example,
excess weight is from lack of love. Food becomes love. Sugar becomes love.
The mind is extremely literal. It just funnels any info right into it. It is not even filed accurately
sometimes. Must stand up to folks and not allow them to put untruths in my mind. We must
uninstall the negative programming, and reinstall good information like a computer.
Children get sick because they want love. But how can you as a parent give love if you don’t know
what it is? Authority, control, force, manipulation, compliance—it does not work, never did.
In this work we (dr. martin) does 3 things.
He Gets us in our body
Rewriting new programs
He is dialoging with your mind. Takes a concentrated effort to do this However, muscle-testing is a
direct line to the subconscious mind. We use the arm as a signaling device. Then ask questions. Is the
polarity balanced? The names have no relevance. Just something picked up out of the blue.
All we need to do is dialogue with our mind to take control of our mind and move forward
Affirmation to make peace and reinstall file and program manager:
“In accordance with universal law, free will and the law of right action, you recognize now that you
must make peace with your Middle Self. You are doing that now. You know that Middle self is the
program manager and it has done the best it could with the programs it had available. It is your
responsibility to reclaim your personal power now. Middle self we are taking our power back now.
We are only taking back the power that is rightly ours. We have no intention of damaging or
destroying you because you are an important part of our team and we need your help. You know
now we must work together as a team. Conscious Mind is the chief computer operator and the
program supervisor. It is our responsibility to install all the program files now. I am asking you to
refrain from making judgments and creating sub-personalities and programs. We reserve the right to
rewrite any file in keeping with our highest good. We reserve the right to rewrite any file in keeping
with our highest good. We are thanking you for your help. We are grateful we are now a team.
“You must make peace with your ego now. Due to false information, misconception, and
misinterpretation, You thought it was the villain and the enemy. You recognize your mistake now.
You know now that it is the file manager, secretary and librarian for your Subconscious Mind
computers. You know as the file manager it did the best it could with the programs it had available to
it. We are committed to making friends with your now. You are giving yourself 100% permission to
forgive yourself for any harm and trauma that you may have inflicted on Ego in the past based on your
misconception of what Ego’s role in your life is. We are asking for your forgiveness Ego. We need
your help since you are an important part of our team. We are grateful we can now work as a team.
You are forgiving yourself for any misperceptions, errors, misconceptions or misinterpretations you
held about Ego’s behavior. You are accepting and loving Ego knowing it did the best it could. You are
loving and forgiving yourself. You are installing these operation systems in the files now. You thank
Ego for it’s help. You are loving and forgiving yourself for giving away your personal power, and You
are doing that now.
Uninstalling Conscious Controlling Mind Affirmation
“In accordance with free will and the law of right action, you are claiming your right to reclaim your
power now. When traumatic events confronted you in your early childhood you lost the direction of
your life which caused you to escape from the feeling and emotional experience of the trauma you
were facing, which caused you to separate from conscious self and escape into magical child.
Since you were not in control of your life your mind activated its safe mode/back up operation system
and Conscious controlling mind took over control. It displaced and pushed out conscious mind and
inner conscious mind and set up auto pilot. They used your loss of control against you to hold on to
control of conscious Mind. You realize now you allowed Conscious Controlling Mind to take control,
not knowing what you had done.
You didn’t recognize that you had become your own worst enemy when you allowed Conscious
Controlling Mind to take control of your mind. Conscious controlling mind will hold on to control until
you reclaim your personal power because it thinks that it has better knowledge to take care of you
than you, since it took over control when escaped into magical child. It has been in control most of
your life so it will not release control until you reclaim your personal power and take responsibility for
your life.
When you were a child you did not know how to handle the conflicts you were facing with personal
power and responsibility. The result was you lost control of your life during the traumatic events you
were facing.
Conscious Controlling mind has resistance to letting go of control and allowing Conscious Mind to step
in and reclaim control, so you can take control back. Since Conscious Controlling mind has been
unwilling to cooperate you are asking your Higher Self and File Manager to perform a file scan and a
file search for all operating programs, patterns and operating instructions that Conscious Controlling
mind and Irrational Conscious mind operate from. Collect all files and capture quarantine, remove,
delete, erase and destroy all conscious controlling mind’s file directories, file folders, files systems,
records, programs, patterns, beliefs, concepts, attitudes, perceptions, interpretations, and all
regenerator, recreator, reactivator, duplicator, compiler, reconsturctor, and reinstaller virus files and
programs they have held which allowed conscious controlling mind to retain control or reactivate and
reinstall itself. Remove all programs, patterns, operating instructions, interpretations, and
perceptions and…..
Finally, the Affirmation to recover lost self
“In accordance with universal laws, free choice and right action, now that you have reclaimed your
personal power you know you are committed to be proactive to take responsibility for your life,
healing the separation with self and reintegrating your conscious mind now.
You have been invalidating yourself with the belief others were blocking your success and not
accepting and validating you. You know that the universe has unlimited abundance and we all can
have what we desire when we recognize we are the only one who can put limitations on ourselves
and block our abundance.
I just did not recognize that it was right in front of me. I am accepting the abundance of the universe
at every level of my life now. My ability to accept success money and rich rewards will flow into me
now. I am entitled to live in peace, happiness, harmony, joy, unconditional love, unlimited abundance
and wealth. I know I have it now. I am grateful that I can see now that I was living in fear, lack,
scarcity, resentment. The new reality is before you now. I have it now! I refuse to live in fear which
Irrational Conscious Mind has held onto in the past.
I know I can accept every situation as it is, without judgment or justification. I am accepting
nonresistance as my path in life I must follow. I am accepting everything as it is without resistance
knowing that what IS,IS. I am accepting I have no need or desire to change anything or anyone. I can
change my own path. I am accepting my path in life without any need to change, control, or
manipulate any person or circumstances. Resistance causes pain, suffering and struggle. I know I can
view everything and every situation as a lesson in acceptance, which will release me from pain,
suffering and struggle. I know I must recognize, and validate and accept myself as I am, knowing I am
all right, before others will acknowledge me. I am letting go of all my limitations. I am validating
myself. I am doing this now. I know that I can claim my freedom by knowing that all I need to do is
accept it. I know I am the only one who can validate myself. Other people cannot do it for me. I must
do it myself. I am validating myself now. I am doing this now.
I know I can live in the present, accepting what is now. I have and can move through every lesson,
accepting that I will accomplish anything I choose to do because I am free of limitation, lack and
scarcity. Abundance of love, acceptance, validation, and success is my responsibility. I accept this
now. I am loving and forgiving myself now. Everything I choose manifest for me now. I am choosing
success at all levels of my life I am entitled to perfect health physically, mentally, emotionally and
spiritually now. Abundance will flow to me now. I have reclaimed my personal power.
I am loving myself and forgiving myself for giving up control of my life and separating from true self. “
Remember the key to releasing blocks is your belief and the follow through. It all depends on your
desire, intention, commitment and discipline to reach your goal……
September 25, 2010
Dr. Art Martin
916 663-9178
Centerpoint: For Body, Mind, and Spirit
An experiential lecture and workshop with Dr. Art Martin, PhD Developer of a new
healing modality, applying neuroscience, energy medicine with the power of our
mind to heal any malfunction.
Dr. Martin teaches Healing using the unlimited power of the mind. With love and
forgiveness we can create miracles.
You may never have received the eight qualities of unconditional love as a child.
Your parents most likely gave you a parenting program which was based on
control, authority, forced discipline and compliance.
Affirmations can cure snoring also!
Rational conscious mind / the amigdala (the mind can sabotage us.) The mind
controls everything. The first thirteen affirmations are written in third person
YOU ARE form due to the fact that you do not have control over your mind. At
Step fourteen they switch to I AM form as you now have taken control over your
mind. They must be done in this manner. We have to Re-Parent ourselves and
grow up again.
Do the polarity exercise every day for about one month. Do it 5-10 minutes per
day for about 30 days. To get in balance
Step 1: Check for polarity balance. Using NK when you check for polarity, if the
arm goes down, polarity is reversed. Push against the step on your hands. Plug
it in the right way and push to become balanced. Hold the insides of your wrists
together, with your fingers pointing toward your elbows, one on top and one
under. It makes no difference which way they are positioned, on top or bottom.
The lines on your wrists at the base of your palms must be aligned, touching flat
together or it will not work. There is an offset step on the base of each palm.
Push those together so the bracelet lines on each wrist are touching. Then place
your hands with your fingers grasping your forearms, pointing toward your
elbows just above the wrists. Hold for two to ten minutes. For best results, hold
for five to ten minutes a day. You will feel your wrist begin to pulse or become
warm. Hold until pulsing stops.
This polarity exercise will balance all your electromagnetic fields, your quadrant
energies and the electrical flow in the meridians. It will also balance all your
chakras and ground you at the same time... Remember that this will not work if
the circulation meridian is not connected. The circulation meridian stops at the
end of our third or middle finger. When you connect the meridians
By holding them together, you complete the circuit so it creates a circular flow of
energy around the body.
Additionally, Dr. Martin gave us powerful affirmations to help us live well.
Examples follow:
[b]Affirmation to release split and multiple personalities:[/b]
This is Sept 25, 2010 etc. insert the current date ......
I am __________ _________ (state your name)......, I am in my conscious rational
thinking mind
“I am asking my Higher Self, file and program managers, to remove
________________________________ split personalities,
____________________________________multiple personalities, and any forces
formed or present in any way or shape or form that have together blocked, held
and supported these illusions and allowed false and disowned selves to run my
life and hide and block the truth about my true self from me and the rest of the
I am asking you to do a file scan and and file search through all back-up files,
past, present, current, future time-lines files, denial, and denial-of-denial files,
history archive files, data base files in subconscious and conscious mind,
including all unmarked, mismatched files, mislabeled, untitled files, orphan files,
forgotten files, ghost files, mislabeled, untitled files, orphan files that have been
prohibited, forbidden, distorted, aborted, damaged, and locked up as unavailable
or rendered inoperable and all recreator, reactivator, regenerator, reproducer,
reconstructor, and reinstaller virus files which could reactivate or reinstall these
split or multiple personalities. Put them in the trash bin”
Delete, erase and destroy all their operating instructions and programs, patterns
and systems. Remove them from all operating systems and file folders “from
conscious Mind’s, middle self’s, and subconscious mind’s operating files, lock
them up and put them in the trash bin so they will never affect me again. I am
asking you to clear and empty the trash bin and delete all files, send them for
immediate disposal now. Thank you for your help. I am loving and forgiving
myself now.”
Dr. Martin went on to teach us that As babies and young children, we get
deprogrammed through rejection, discipline, spankings, and screaming. We
want love because we know what love is. We than walk (metaphorically) out of
our bodies, so we can’t feel the beating, screaming, hurts, rejections, and various
other pains.
So in order to heal and live well we must go to the source. The subconscious
mind has all the data recorded. ASK THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND what happened,
and what is wrong.
We have to believe. There can be no doubt that we are healed. Illnesses and
disease are a state of mind. We don’t have to get sick. We don’t have to get
illnesses. We don’t have to die to run away from people and situations.
In fact, there is no illness, there is no disease, there is only dysfunction of the
mind. For example, excess weight is from lack of love. Food becomes love.
Sugar becomes love.
The mind is extremely literal. It just funnels any info right into it. It is not even
filed accurately sometimes. Must stand up to folks and not allow them to put
untruths in my mind. We must uninstall the negative programming, and reinstall
good information like a computer.
Children get sick because they want love. But how can you as a parent give love
if you don’t know what it is? Authority, control, force, manipulation,
compliance—it does not work, never did.
In this work we (dr. martin) does 3 things.
He Gets us in our body
Rewriting new programs
He is helping us to dialogue with your mind. Takes a concentrated effort to do
this However, muscle-testing is a direct line to the subconscious mind. We use
the arm as a signaling device. Then ask questions. Is the polarity balanced? The
names have no relevance. Just something picked up out of the blue.
All we need to do is dialogue with our mind to take control of our mind and move
[b]Affirmation to make peace and reinstall file and program manager:[/b]
“In accordance with universal law, free will and the law of right action, you
recognize now that you must make peace with your Middle Self. You are doing
that now. You know that Middle self is the program manager and it has done the
best it could with the programs it had available. It is your responsibility to
reclaim your personal power now. Middle self we are taking our power back now.
We are only taking back the power that is rightly ours. We have no intention of
damaging or destroying you because you are an important part of our team and
we need your help. You know now we must work together as a team. Conscious
Mind is the chief computer operator and the program supervisor. It is our
responsibility to install all the program files now. I am asking you to refrain from
making judgments and creating sub-personalities and programs. We reserve the
right to rewrite any file in keeping with our highest good. We reserve the right to
rewrite any file in keeping with our highest good. We are thanking you for your
help. We are grateful we are now a team.
“You must make peace with your ego now. Due to false information,
misconception, and misinterpretation, You thought it was the villain and the
enemy. You recognize your mistake now. You know now that it is the file
manager, secretary and librarian for your Subconscious Mind computers. You
know as the file manager it did the best it could with the programs it had available
to it. We are committed to making friends with your now. You are giving yourself
100% permission to forgive yourself for any harm and trauma that you may have
inflicted on Ego in the past based on your misconception of what Ego’s role in
your life is. We are asking for your forgiveness Ego. We need your help since
you are an important part of our team. We are grateful we can now work as a
team. You are forgiving yourself for any misperceptions, errors, misconceptions
or misinterpretations you held about Ego’s behavior. You are accepting and
loving Ego knowing it did the best it could. You are loving and forgiving yourself.
You are installing these operation systems in the files now. You thank Ego for
it’s help. You are loving and forgiving yourself for giving away your personal
power, and You are doing that now.
[b]Uninstalling Conscious Controlling Mind Affirmation[/b]
“In accordance with free will and the law of right action, you are claiming your
right to reclaim your power now. When traumatic events confronted you in your
early childhood you lost the direction of your life which caused you to escape
from the feeling and emotional experience of the trauma you were facing, which
caused you to separate from conscious self and escape into magical child.
Since you were not in control of your life your mind activated its safe mode/back
up operation system and Conscious controlling mind took over control. It
displaced and pushed out conscious mind and inner conscious mind and set up
auto pilot. They used your loss of control against you to hold on to control of
conscious Mind. You realize now you allowed Conscious Controlling Mind to
take control, not knowing what you had done.
You didn’t recognize that you had become your own worst enemy when you
allowed Conscious Controlling Mind to take control of your mind. Conscious
controlling mind will hold on to control until you reclaim your personal power
because it thinks that it has better knowledge to take care of you than you, since
it took over control when escaped into magical child. It has been in control most
of your life so it will not release control until you reclaim your personal power and
take responsibility for your life.
When you were a child you did not know how to handle the conflicts you were
facing with personal power and responsibility. The result was you lost control of
your life during the traumatic events you were facing.
Conscious Controlling mind has resistance to letting go of control and allowing
Conscious Mind to step in and reclaim control, so you can take control back.
Since Conscious Controlling mind has been unwilling to cooperate you are
asking your Higher Self and File Manager to perform a file scan and a file search
for all operating programs, patterns and operating instructions that Conscious
Controlling mind and Irrational Conscious mind operate from. Collect all files and
capture quarantine, remove, delete, erase and destroy all conscious controlling
mind’s file directories, file folders, files systems, records, programs, patterns,
beliefs, concepts, attitudes, perceptions, interpretations, and all regenerator,
recreator, reactivator, duplicator, compiler, reconsturctor, and reinstaller virus
files and programs they have held which allowed conscious controlling mind to
retain control or reactivate and reinstall itself. Remove all programs, patterns,
operating instructions, interpretations, and perceptions and…..
Finally, the [b]Affirmation to recover lost self[/b]
“In accordance with universal laws, free choice and right action, now that you
have reclaimed your personal power you know you are committed to be proactive
to take responsibility for your life, healing the separation with self and
reintegrating your conscious mind now.
You have been invalidating yourself with the belief others were blocking your
success and not accepting and validating you. You know that the universe has
unlimited abundance and we all can have what we desire when we recognize we
are the only one who can put limitations on ourselves and block our abundance.
I just did not recognize that it was right in front of me. I am accepting the
abundance of the universe at every level of my life now. My ability to accept
success money and rich rewards will flow into me now. I am entitled to live in
peace, happiness, harmony, joy, unconditional love, unlimited abundance and
wealth. I know I have it now. I am grateful that I can see now that I was living in
fear, lack, scarcity, resentment. The new reality is before you now. I have it now!
I refuse to live in fear which Irrational Conscious Mind has held onto in the past.
I know I can accept every situation as it is, without judgment or justification. I am
accepting nonresistance as my path in life I must follow. I am accepting
everything as it is without resistance knowing that what IS,IS. I am accepting I
have no need or desire to change anything or anyone. I can change my own path.
I am accepting my path in life without any need to change, control, or manipulate
any person or circumstances. Resistance causes pain, suffering and struggle. I
know I can view everything and every situation as a lesson in acceptance, which
will release me from pain, suffering and struggle. I know I must recognize, and
validate and accept myself as I am, knowing I am all right, before others will
acknowledge me. I am letting go of all my limitations. I am validating myself. I
am doing this now. I know that I can claim my freedom by knowing that all I need
to do is accept it. I know I am the only one who can validate myself. Other
people cannot do it for me. I must do it myself. I am validating myself now. I am
doing this now.
I know I can live in the present, accepting what is now. I have and can move
through every lesson, accepting that I will accomplish anything I choose to do
because I am free of limitation, lack and scarcity. Abundance of love,
acceptance, validation, and success is my responsibility. I accept this now. I am
loving and forgiving myself now. Everything I choose manifest for me now. I am
choosing success at all levels of my life I am entitled to perfect health physically,
mentally, emotionally and spiritually now. Abundance will flow to me now. I have
reclaimed my personal power.
I am loving myself and forgiving myself for giving up control of my life and
separating from true self. “
Remember the key to releasing blocks is your belief and the follow through. It all
depends on your desire, intention, commitment and discipline to reach your