New Course Addendum Must be accompanied by a Course Change Form. Course Prefix/Number: Programmatic Objectives Related to this Course: DHYG1005 Course Title: Introduction to Dental Sciences Provide students with a foundation in dental science to prepare them for entrance into an accredited dental program. Upon completion of the Introduction to Dental Sciences course, students will be able to: Week / Lesson 1. Understand the roles of Dental Personnel including 1.1. Identify the basic roles of the dental assistant, front office manager, lab technician, and dentists of various specialties 1.2. Identify fundamental roles of a dental hygienist including scope of practice and duties that will be regularly required of them within a practice setting 1.3. Relate a basic understanding of career outlook and career options 2. Medical Histories and Vital signs 2.1. Value the importance of a complete medical/dental history review at every appointment 2.2. Describe why vital signs are important to a dental team 2.3. List the steps for taking vital signs 2.4. Evaluate vital signs for healthy parameters 2.5. Differentiate why and which patients need a prophylactic antibiotic before dental treatment Student Learning Outcomes: 3. Basic Head and Neck anatomy 3.1 Identify the major bones of the skull 3.2 List the bones muscles and joint involved in mastication 3.3 Identify the major nerve branches which innervate the teeth 3.4 Identify the major blood vessels which innervate the jaw and recognize foramens in the mandible 4. Tooth Anatomy and Oral structures 4.1. Identify oral structures 4.2. Explain tooth anatomy 4.3. Identify the tooth surfaces 4.4. Recognize dental vocabulary and anatomical terms 5. Teeth names and Numbering 5.1. Identify teeth by their proper name and number in both primary and permanent dentition 5.2. Relate general tooth eruption patterns 6. Infection Control 6.1. Value the importance of appropriate infection control practices 6.2. Explain and utilize universal precautions 6.3. Relate the cycle of disease transmission 6.4. Demonstrate proper antiseptic hand washing technique 7. Disinfection and Sterilization 7.1. Define disinfection and sterilization. 7.2. Differentiate between disinfection and sterilization 7.3. List methods for accomplishing each. 7.4. Compare and contrast the basic processes of sterilization and the levels of disinfectants. 8. Radiology Basics 8.1. Employ ALARA concept 8.2. Identify standard types of radiographs and their common purposes 8.3. Differentiate between radiopaque and radiolucent 8.4. Recall basic exposure and development errors 9. Instrument Identification 9.1. Identify the differences between examination instruments and treatment instruments. 9.2. Differentiate between certain instruments by their appearance. 9.3. Identify the functions of different instruments 10. Introduction to Exploring and Scaling 10.1 Identify the correct working end of an ODU explorer 10.2 Identify the cutting edge of a dental hygiene scaling instrument 10.3 Experience dental hygiene instrumentation using dentiforms and practice materials. 11. Introduction to Dental Materials 11.1 Identify the materials commonly used in restorative dentistry and hygiene procedures 11.2 Identify dental materials employed in operative dentistry and various dental specialties 11.3 Compare and contrast the composition, properties and usage of different dental materials 12. Laboratory Experience of dental materials 12.1 Observe amalgam tituration 12.3 Observe placement and curing of composite resin in a dentiform 12.4 Observe constitution of dental alginate and dental stone 13. Introduction to scientific Writing 13.1 Evaluate internet sources and reference materials 13.2 Demonstrate critical evaluation of text book, journal and internet source material 14. APA format 14.1 Relate the importance of using APA format for scientific writing 14.2 Apply some of the basic rules of APA format and citations (reflection/research term paper) 15. One hour observation of Dental Hygiene Clinic General Outline of Course Content: See above Methods of Student Assessment (e.g. type, number, percent): Possible Text (or other materials): Attendance – 15% 10 Assignments – 30% 5 Quizzes – 20% Midterm Exam – 15% Final Exam – 20% Required Text: None Recommended Text: Medical Dictionary Needed reading materials will be supplied electronically pursuant to copyright laws Other Information: Areas in bold are required.