
Name: Date: Class and Period:

Beowulf Lesson 1: English Language Arts IV


Answer all questions on a separate piece of paper. Be sure to label them into categories as I have on this piece of paper.

Beowulf by Anonymous, pg. 27

Beowulf arrives in Denmark and is directed to Herot, the mead-hall of King Hrothgar. The King sends Wulfgar, one of his Thanes (or feudal lords), to greet the visitors.

The Arrival of the Hero

125…Then Wulfgar went to the door and addressed

The waiting seafarers with soldier’s words:

“My lord, the great king of the Danes, commands me

To tell you that he knows of your noble birth

And that having come to him over the open

130 Sea you have come bravely and are welcome.

Now go to him as you are, in your armor and helmets,

But leave your battle-shields here, and your spears,

Let them lie waiting for the promises your words

May make.”

Beowulf arose, with his men

135 Around him, ordering a few to remain

With their weapons, leading the others quickly

Along under Herot;s steep roof into Hrothgar’s

Presence. Syandnig on that very prince’s own hearth,

Helmeted, the silvery metal of his mail shirt

140 Gleaming with a smith’s high art, he greeted

The Danes’ great lord:

Day One: Focus Lesson: Watch me

Annotate for our Answers


Why would the author begin the story in this way?


How would you describe the overall structure of the story in terms of its impression or effect on the reader?


Which choices regarding structure most contribute to the story’s meaning and aesthetic impact?


Instructor, N. Pachecker

Name: Date: Class and Period:

Beowulf Lesson 1: English Language Arts IV


Answer all questions on a separate piece of paper. Be sure to label them into categories as I have on this piece of paper.

In Your Groups: While reading pages 27-28 Only Section 4 answer the following questions:


Page 27: A. How does the author choose to begin the passage?

B. How does this choice contribute to the overall structure that follows?


Page 27-28: How does Beowulf’s explanation in lines 142-175 of his purpose in coming affect the aesthetic impact of the text?


Page 28: A. How does the author structure the end of section 4?

B. How does this decision affect the overall aesthetic impact of the text?

On Your Own  10 Minute, 5 Sentence Exit Slip: Do this on an index card that I will give you.

On the blank side write: Day One, LAFS.910.RL.2.5 Exit Slip

Using the excerpt of text read today explain how the author’s choices of text structure in this specific portion of text, including the choice to provide a comedic or tragic resolution, begin or end the story, contributed to the overall aesthetic impact, structure and meaning of the passage?


Instructor, N. Pachecker

Name: Date: Class and Period:

Beowulf Lesson 1: English Language Arts IV


Answer all questions on a separate piece of paper. Be sure to label them into categories as I have on this piece of paper.

Instructor, N. Pachecker

