Educreations Tutorial: The Reality of Sound Waves How to Work the App 1. Click the Educreations App 2. Tap New 3. You may type by hitting the T button or write by clicking on any of the colors. 4. Once you have completed a page, click record for 5 seconds and then hit pause. Please be aware that it will record not only the information on the screen but all the surrounding noises. 5. Then click the bottom right arrow to move to the next page. 6. To download a picture, you must turn your wi-fi on, take a screen shot of the picture you want, then click the picture icon and find it in your photo roll. 7. At the end of the tutorial or time limit, you must save your tutorial by clicking Done, then Save Lesson, put your first and last name as the title, click next, private, and save. If a welcome sign pops up, hit cancel. Information to Include 1. Explain what acoustics and noise pollution are. 2. Give examples of sound waves as they undergo reflection, refraction, diffraction, absorption, transmission, and interference. Acoustics & Noise Pollution Reflection Refraction Diffraction Absorption Transmission Interference 25 points Both terms are explained correctly with good detail. An example of reflection is correctly given and explained with both words and pictures. An example of refraction is correctly given and explained with both words and pictures. An example of diffraction is correctly given and explained with both words and pictures. An example of absorption is correctly given and explained with both words and pictures. An example of transmission is correctly given and explained with both words and pictures. An example of interference is correctly given and explained with both words and pictures. 20 points Both terms are explained correctly. 10 points One term is explained correctly. 5 points Neither term is explained correctly. An example of reflection is correctly given and explained with words or pictures. An example of reflection is attempted. No information provided. An example of refraction is correctly given and explained with words or pictures. An example of refraction is attempted. No information provided. An example of diffraction is correctly given and explained with words or pictures. An example of diffraction is attempted. No information provided. An example of absorption is correctly given and explained with words or pictures. An example of absorption is attempted. No information provided. An example of transmission is correctly given and explained with words or pictures. An example of interference is correctly given and explained with words or pictures. An example of transmission is attempted. No information provided. An example of interference is attempted. No information provided.