ROUTINE CLAIM LETTER (1) Request action (refund, replacement, free repair, credit on your account, etc.) (2) Explain the details supporting the request -Be careful not to place blame (3) Remind of action requested with an expression of appreciation for taking the action. Routine Claim Scenario #1 Last month, you and your significant other went out to eat at a nice restaurant to celebrate your 1st anniversary. To impress your loved one, you decided to leave a $10 tip for the waitress. After checking your bank statements at the end of the month, you noticed a charge for $162.73. You quickly realized the restaurant must have added a $100 tip instead of a $10 tip by accident. Required: Write to the restaurant manager explaining your situation and clarify your claim. Address your letter to your favorite restaurant at 4435 Spare Rib Road Gatlinburg, TN 37738 Routine Claim Scenario #2 Last month, you and your significant other purchased two cell phones with a family share plan so you can stay in contact with each other. Upon review of your first statement, you discovered the phone company accidentally double billed you for the activation charge. The charge notated as “Activation Charge $25.00” appears twice. Required: Write to the store manager explaining your situation and clarify your claim. Address your letter to your favorite cell phone provider at 11087 Strong Signal Avenue Austin, TX 73301 Routine Claim Scenario #3 Last month, you purchased your college textbooks from an online textbook provider. Upon receiving the shipment of texts, you noticed your College Algebra book is an older edition than what’s being required. Since you paid for a newer version and since there are significant changes between versions, you believe you deserve a refund or a replacement text. Classes begin in two weeks. Required: Write to the manager of the textbook provider explaining your situation and clarify your claim. Address your letter to your favorite textbook provider at 8298 Cheap Texts Drive Llano, TX 78643. Routine Claim Scenario #4 Last month you purchased a set of 4 new tires for your vehicle. After driving on the new tires for a short period of time, you noticed the back passenger side tire appears to have a broken belt. As you believe this is likely a manufacturer’s defect you believe you deserve a replacement tire or a refund. After speaking with the shift manager, Mr. Axelrod, he deferred you to his manager, Mr. Rims. Time is of the essence as you will be leaving for a family vacation in three days. Required: Write to the store manager, Mr. George Rims, explaining your situation and clarify your claim. Address your letter to your favorite repair shop at 542 Assembly Line Drive The Woodlands, TX 77380