Teacher: Mercs Course: Foods 1 Date: 1 of 9 Semester: 1 Global Essential Question: What are the six nutrient groups of food and what are their functions? Content Sentence: Students will understand the 6 nutrient groups, functions, sources, deficiencies and excesses. Daily Essential Question: What are the 6 categories of nutrients? NCSCOS: 4.01 Understand the six nutrient groups in food. Students will engage in: x Independent study x x Cooperative learning x Peer tutoring x Art/Drama activities Hands-on activities Class Starter /Activating Prior Knowledge: Discuss EQ. Hand out bottle of water to each student. Whole group instruction Small group instruction Projects Technology Presentations Role plays Research Debate Lecture x Simulations Pairing Other: Time: 5 min. 10 min. Teacher Input/Student Active Participation: 4.01A Scavenger Hunt Nutrient PPT Nutrient Functions and Sources graphic organizer (Hand out) Fill in Water, Guided Practice: Students will create a poster on benefits of water. Time: 20 min. 20 min. Vocabulary: Time: Independent Practice with Corrective Feedback: 4.01H What Is Your Water Intake? 4.01I Comparing Water Requirements to Consumption. Time: 10 min. 10 min. Evaluate /Closure/Summarizing Activity: Discuss ways to include more water. Time: 10 min. 10 min. Time: 30 min. Additional Activity: None. At Home Assignment: None. Anticipated time for completion: Modifications Needed: None. Materials Needed / Text References / Technology Needs: 4.01H What Is Your Water Intake? 4.01I Comparing Water Requirements to Consumption, poster supplies, projector, nutrient functions and sources. Notes to self (Reflection): Teacher: Mercs Course: Foods 1 Date: 2 of 9 Semester: 1 Global Essential Question: What are the six nutrient groups of food and what are their functions? Content Sentence: Students will understand the 6 nutrient groups, functions, sources, deficiencies and excesses. Daily Essential Question: What are the functions, sources, and symptoms of deficiency and excess of Carbs, fats, and proteins? NCSCOS: 4.01 Students will engage in: x Whole group instruction x Research Understand the six x Independent study x Small group instruction Debate nutrient groups in x Cooperative learning x Projects x Lecture food. Peer tutoring x Technology x Simulations Art/Drama activities Presentations Pairing x Hands-on activities Role plays Other: Class Starter /Activating Prior Knowledge: Discuss EQ. Time: 5 min. Teacher Input/Student Active Participation: Using Carbs, fats, and proteins ppt, Time: 20 min. add to nutrient handout. Guided Practice: Time: Vocabulary: 4.01K Food Terms PIZZA Instructions Time: 20 min. Independent Practice with Corrective Feedback: 4.01N Testing For Simple or Time: 30 min. Complex Carbohydrates Key and 4.01OTesting For Simple or Complex Carbohydrates. Evaluate /Closure/Summarizing Activity: Assign diabetes diet brochure. Time: 20 min. Additional Activity: At Home Assignment: Finish Brochure. Anticipated time for completion: 20 min. Modifications Needed: Reduced rubric for brochure, help filling in handout. Materials Needed / Text References / Technology Needs: Projector, art supplies, brochure instructions, article copy. Experiment supplies and handouts. Notes to self (Reflection): Teacher: Mercs Course: Foods 1 Date: 3 of 9 Semester: 1 Global Essential Question: What are the six nutrient groups of food and what are their functions? Content Sentence: Students will understand the 6 nutrient groups, functions, sources, deficiencies and excesses. Daily Essential Question: What are the types of Fats and Lipids and what are the fat soluble vitamins functions, and sources? NCSCOS: 4.01 Understand the six nutrient groups in food. Students will engage in: x Independent study x x Cooperative learning Peer tutoring x Art/Drama activities x Hands-on activities Class Starter /Activating Prior Knowledge: Discuss EQ Whole group instruction Small group instruction Projects Technology Presentations Role plays Research Debate Lecture x Simulations Pairing Other: Time: 5 min. Teacher Input/Student Active Participation: 4.01R Exemplifying Fats/Lipids Time: 10 min. Instructions 4.01T Exemplifying Fats/Lipids Graphic Organizer. Guided Practice: 4.01U Protein Lab Activity Instructions to set up this lab. Students Time: 30 min. will use 4.01V Protein Lab Graphic Organizer Vocabulary: Time: Independent Practice with Corrective Feedback: crossword. Fat soluble vitamin ppt and Time: 20 min. 20 min. Evaluate /Closure/Summarizing Activity: Clean up. Time: 15 min. Additional Activity: Nutrition Jeopardy. At Home Assignment: Finish Crossword. Anticipated time for completion: 10 min. Modifications Needed: None. Materials Needed / Text References / Technology Needs: Fat lipid copy, protein lab supplies and copies. Notes to self (Reflection): Teacher: Mercs Course: Foods 1 Date: 4 of 9 Semester: 1 Global Essential Question: What are the six nutrient groups of food and what are their functions? Content Sentence: Students will understand the 6 nutrient groups, functions, sources, deficiencies and excesses. Daily Essential Question: What are the functions and sources of Foliate, Niacin, panthothenic acid and biotin? NCSCOS: 4.01 Understand the six nutrient groups in food. Students will engage in: Whole group instruction x Independent study Small group instruction x Cooperative learning Projects Peer tutoring Technology x Art/Drama activities Presentations x Hands-on activities Role plays Class Starter /Activating Prior Knowledge: Discuss EQ. Research Debate Lecture Simulations Pairing Other: Time: 5 min. Teacher Input/Student Active Participation: PPTs for folate, niacin, panthothenic Time: 20 min. acid and biotin. Guided Practice: Tasting of foods that go with each nutrient. Begin nutrient foldable. Time: 20 min. 20 min. Vocabulary: 4.01 vocab. Time: Independent Practice with Corrective Feedback: Folate and pregnancy brochure Time: 20 min. Evaluate /Closure/Summarizing Activity: Work on brochure and organizer. Time: 10 min. Additional Activity: Nutrition Jeopardy. At Home Assignment: Finish Brochure. Anticipated time for completion: 15 min. Modifications Needed: Reduced Rubric for EC. Materials Needed / Text References / Technology Needs: Art supplies, projector, foldable supplies. Notes to self (Reflection): Teacher: Mercs Course: Foods 1 Date: 5 of 9 Semester: 1 Global Essential Question: What are the six nutrient groups of food and what are their functions? Content Sentence: Students will understand the 6 nutrient groups, functions, sources, deficiencies and excesses. Daily Essential Question: What are the functions and sources of Vitamin C and Calcium NCSCOS: 4.01 Understand the six nutrient groups in food. Students will engage in: Independent study x Cooperative learning x Peer tutoring x Art/Drama activities x Hands-on activities Class Starter /Activating Prior Knowledge: Discuss EQ. Whole group instruction Small group instruction Projects Technology Presentations Role plays x Research Debate x Lecture Simulations Pairing Other: Time: 5 min. Teacher Input/Student Active Participation: Vitamin C and Calcium ppt. Time: 20 min. Guided Practice: Milk and orange juice tasting or smoothie. Time: 20 min. Vocabulary: Time: Independent Practice with Corrective Feedback: Calcium Ad. Time: 20 min. Evaluate /Closure/Summarizing Activity: Add Vitamin C and Calcium to foldable. Time: 20 min. Additional Activity: Nutrient Jeopardy. At Home Assignment: Finish Brochure and adding to foldable. Anticipated time for completion: 15 min. Modifications Needed: reduced rubric. Materials Needed / Text References / Technology Needs: Print outs of article for calcium ad. Art supplies, projector. Notes to self (Reflection): Teacher: Mercs Course: Foods 1 Date: 6 of 9 Semester: 1 Global Essential Question: What are the six nutrient groups of food and what are their functions? Content Sentence: Students will understand the 6 nutrient groups, functions, sources, deficiencies and excesses. Daily Essential Question: What are the functions and sources of Thiamin, riboflavin, iron, zinc and iodine? NCSCOS: 4.01 Understand the six nutrient groups in food. Students will engage in: Whole group instruction x Independent study x Small group instruction x Cooperative learning x Projects Peer tutoring x Technology x Art/Drama activities Presentations x Hands-on activities Role plays Class Starter /Activating Prior Knowledge: Discuss EQ. Research Debate Lecture Simulations Pairing Other: Time: 5 min. Teacher Input/Student Active Participation: Iron Zinc and Iodide, and thiamin and Time: 20 min. riboflavin ppt. Guided Practice: Students will taste foods with those nutrients. Time: 20 min. Vocabulary: Time: Independent Practice with Corrective Feedback: Students will make a brochure on Time: 20 min. iodine deficiency. Evaluate /Closure/Summarizing Activity: Add nutrients to foldable. Time: 20 min. Additional Activity: Nutrition Jeopardy. At Home Assignment: Finish brochure and adding to foldable. Anticipated time for completion: 20 min. Modifications Needed: Reduced rubric. Materials Needed / Text References / Technology Needs: projector. Art supplies. Food to taste. Notes to self (Reflection): Teacher: Mercs Course: Foods 1 Date: 7 of 9 Semester: 1 Global Essential Question: What are the six nutrient groups of food and what are their functions? Content Sentence: Students will understand the 6 nutrient groups, functions, sources, deficiencies and excesses. Daily Essential Question: What are the functions of B6, B12, sodium, potassium, and chloride? NCSCOS: 4.01 Understand the six nutrient groups in food. Students will engage in: Independent study x Cooperative learning x Peer tutoring x x Art/Drama activities Hands-on activities Class Starter /Activating Prior Knowledge: Discuss EQ Whole group instruction Small group instruction Projects Technology Presentations Role plays x Research Debate x Lecture Simulations Pairing Other: Time: 5 min. Teacher Input/Student Active Participation: B6, B12, sodium, potassium, and Time: 20 min. chloride ppt. Guided Practice: Taste foods with items. Time: 20 min. Vocabulary: Time: Independent Practice with Corrective Feedback: Sodium and heart disease ad. Time: 20 min. Evaluate /Closure/Summarizing Activity: Add items to foldable. Time: 20 min. Additional Activity: Nutrition Jeopardy. At Home Assignment: Finish foldable, and brochure. Anticipated time for completion: 20 min. Modifications Needed: reduced rubric. Materials Needed / Text References / Technology Needs: Projector, art supplies, sodium article, Notes to self (Reflection): Teacher: Mercs Course: Foods 1 Date: 8 of 9 Semester: 1 Global Essential Question: What are the six nutrient groups of food and what are their functions? Content Sentence: Students will understand the 6 nutrient groups, functions, sources, deficiencies and excesses. Daily Essential Question: What are the functions and sources of all nutrients? NCSCOS: 4.01 Understand the six nutrient groups in food. Students will engage in: Whole group instruction Independent study x Small group instruction x Cooperative learning x Projects Peer tutoring s Technology x Art/Drama activities s Presentations x Hands-on activities Role plays Class Starter /Activating Prior Knowledge: Discuss EQ. Research Debate x Lecture Simulations Pairing Other: Time: Teacher Input/Student Active Participation: Students will be in groups of 2 to Time: 30 min. choose one nutrient to present. Guided Practice: Collage with all nutrients, student will work in groups to categorize. Time: 30 min. Vocabulary: Time: Independent Practice with Corrective Feedback: VoCATS review. Time: 20 min. Evaluate /Closure/Summarizing Activity: Finish any assignments from last few Time: 20 min. days. Additional Activity: Nutrition jeopardy. At Home Assignment: None. Anticipated time for completion: Modifications Needed: none. Materials Needed / Text References / Technology Needs: magazines, poster Notes to self (Reflection): Teacher: Mercs Course: Foods 1 Date: 9 of 9 Semester: 1 Global Essential Question: What are the six nutrient groups of food and what are their functions? Content Sentence: Students will understand the 6 nutrient groups, functions, sources, deficiencies and excesses. Daily Essential Question: What are the functions and sources of all the nutrients? NCSCOS: 4.01 Understand the six nutrient groups in food. Students will engage in: Whole group instruction x Independent study Small group instruction Cooperative learning Projects Peer tutoring Technology Art/Drama activities Presentations Hands-on activities Role plays Class Starter /Activating Prior Knowledge: Study for test. Research Debate Lecture Simulations Pairing Other: Time: 15 min. Teacher Input/Student Active Participation: Cumulative test Time: 60 min. Guided Practice: Time: Vocabulary: Time: Independent Practice with Corrective Feedback: Corrections. Time: 15 min. Evaluate /Closure/Summarizing Activity: Explain corrections homework. Time: 5 min. Additional Activity: Nutrition Jeopardy. At Home Assignment: Finish corrections. Anticipated time for completion: 15 min. Modifications Needed: Testing Mods. Materials Needed / Text References / Technology Needs: Tests scan trons. Projector. Notes to self (Reflection):