SAGE 期刊及数据库评估报告 (2012 年 1 月) 1. 公司介绍及数据库................................................................................................... 2 1.1 SAGE 出版公司:来自美国的权威学术出版集团 .......................................... 2 1.2 SAGE 旗下主要数据库产品 .............................................................................. 3 2.SAGE 期刊及数据库介绍(按学科) ..................................................................... 4 2.1 人文社科类......................................................................................................... 4 2.1.1 教育学.......................................................................................................... 4 2.1.2 心理学........................................................................................................ 10 2.1.3 社会学........................................................................................................ 15 2.1.4 传播学........................................................................................................ 21 2.1.5 法学与刑罚学............................................................................................ 24 2.1.6 政治与国际关系........................................................................................ 26 2.1.7 经济管理.................................................................................................... 29 2.1.8 语言、文学与文化研究............................................................................ 34 2.1.9 历史、地理与环境科学............................................................................ 37 2.1.10 城市规划与研究...................................................................................... 41 2.1.11 信息科学.................................................................................................. 43 2.1.12 哲学.......................................................................................................... 45 2.1.13 音乐.......................................................................................................... 47 2.2.1 生命科学.................................................................................................... 49 2.2.2 材料科学.................................................................................................... 51 2.2.3 工程学........................................................................................................ 54 2.2.4 临床医学.................................................................................................... 57 2.2.5 公共卫生与护理学.................................................................................... 62 2.2.6 药理学与毒理学........................................................................................ 65 3. SAGE 期刊与其他数据库 ...................................................................................... 67 4. 附录......................................................................................................................... 71 附录 1 SAGE Premier(现刊) 列表:1999 年-最新 ............................................ 71 附录 2 SAGE Deep Backfile(过刊)列表:1 卷/1 期-1998 年 ............................... 86 附录 3 SAGE 期刊影响因子(2009)和 JCR 学科排名........................................... 96 附录 4 与 SAGE 合作的 285 家学协会及期刊列表: ....................................... 116 (所有附录均为电子版数据) 1. 公司介绍及数据库 1.1 SAGE 出版公司:来自美国的权威学术出版集团 SAGE 出版公司于 1965 年创立于美国,分支遍布北美、欧洲、南亚及泛太平洋 地区。致力于成为著者、编辑和协会天然家园的宗旨,SAGE 与全球超过 285 家专业学术协会合作出版 620 余种高品质学术期刊,每年出版 12 到 15 种百科 全书和超过 700 种的新书。SAGE 出版的学术期刊为 100%同行评审,其中 352 种期刊收录于 2009 年 JCR(Thomson Scientific Journal Citation Report)中,占 SAGE 期刊总数的 57%,其中 234 种期刊收录于 SSCI 部分,122 种收录于 SCI 部分。30%的 SAGE 期刊位列相应领域的前 10 位,更有 4 种期刊排名首位。 SAGE 全文期刊的电子访问平台是由美国斯坦福大学 HighWire 公司开发的 SAGE 期刊在线(SAGE Journals Online,SJO) 。SJO 具有的强大而友好的检 索性能,因此受到科研人员及专业图书馆员的一致好评,并荣获 2007 年美国出 版家协会最佳平台大奖。 SAGE 期刊覆盖领域 学科范畴 教育学 心理学 社会学 传播学 法学与刑罚学 政治与国际关系 经济管理 语言、文学与文化研究 历史、地理与环境科学 城市规划与研究 期刊数量 78 73 101 37 25 43 99 56 49 9 学科范畴 信息科学 哲学 音乐 生命科学 材料科学 工程学 临床医学 公共卫生与护理学 药理学与毒理学 期刊数量 6 15 10 7 21 34 60 45 17 1.2 SAGE 旗下主要数据库产品 SAGE 旗下主要有如下针对国内综合性大学及研究院所的期刊全文数据库产品: 现刊数据库 (1999 年-最新) SAGE Premier(现刊全库):SAGE 公司 2005 年向全球用户推出的期刊全文数 据库,可在线访问 570 余种 SAGE 高品质学术期刊全文,学科范围涉及人文社 科、科技和医药等 40 个学科领域。 HSS Package(人文社科库):包含 SAGE 出版的 417 种人文和社会科学期刊。 STM Package(科技医药库):包含 SAGE 出版的 190 种科技和医药类期刊。 HSN Package(健康科学和护理学库):包含 SAGE 出版的 150 种健康科学和护 理学类期刊。 CM Package(临床医学库):包含 SAGE 出版的 96 种临床医学类期刊。 深度过刊回溯数据库 (第 1 卷/1 期-1998) SAGE Deep Backfile(过刊全库):对应 SAGE Premier 内期刊的回溯全文数据 库。共计收录 384 种期刊,涵盖人文社科、科技和医药等 40 个学科领域。 SAGE 公司已经和中国国家图书馆达成了过刊的全国访问协议,具体内容请咨询 SAGE 北京办公室。 2.SAGE 期刊及数据库介绍(按学科) 2.1 人文社科类 2.1.1 教育学 SAGE 在这一领域出版 78 种期刊,其中的重点期刊介绍如下: Educational Researcher, 与美国教育研究会合作出版; 在 177 种教育与教育研究类期刊中名列第 1 位 IF 2009: 3.774 Review of Educational Research , 与美国教育研究会合作出版; 在 177 种社会科学,跨学科研究类期刊中名列第 2 位 IF 2009: 3.127 Journal of Learning Disabilities, SAGE 与 Hammill 障碍研究中心合作出版; 在 36 种教育,特殊类期刊中排名第 3 位; 在 62 种康复学期刊中排名第 4 位 IF 2009: 2.24 American Educational Research Journal, 与美国教育研究会合作出版; 在 117 种教育与教育研究类期刊中名列第 7 位 IF 2009: 2.479 Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, SAGE 与 Hammill 障碍研究中心合作出版; 在 36 种教育,特殊类期刊中排名第 7 位; 在 50 种心理学,教育类期刊中排名第 8 位 在 120 种心理学,综合类期刊中排名第 22 位; IF 2009: 2 The Journal of Special Education, SAGE 与 Hammill 障碍研究中心、特殊儿童研究部门合 作出版; 在 36 种教育,特殊类期刊中排名第 8 位; 在 102 种心理学,临床类期刊中排名第 34 位; IF 2009: 1.943 Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, SAGE 与 Hammill 障碍研究中心、积极行为支持协会合 作出版; 在 36 种教育,特殊类期刊中排名第 8 位; 在 102 种心理学,临床类期刊中排名第 34 位; IF 2009: 1.943 Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 与美国教育研究会合作出版; 在 117 种教育与教育研究类期刊中名列第 14 位 IF 2009: 1.919 Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 与美国教育研究会合作出版; 在 11 种心理学,数学类期刊中排名第 4 位; 在 42 种社会科学,数学研究方法类期刊中排名第 11 位; 在 117 种教育与教育研究类期刊中名列第 25 位 IF 2009:1.644 Autism, 与国际孤独症学会合作出版; 在 66 种心理学,发展类期刊种名列第 18 位 IF 2009: 2.606 该领域的 SAGE 期刊列表: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Active Learning in Higher Education Adult Education Quarterly American Educational Research Journal American Journal of Evaluation American Journal of Men's Health Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health Assessment for Effective Intervention Autism British Journal of Visual Impairment 10 11 Canadian Journal of School Psychology Career Development for Exceptional Individuals Child Language Teaching and Therapy Childhood Communication Disorders Quarterly Community College Review Diabetes Educator,The Education and Urban Society Educational Administration Quarterly Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis Educational Policy 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 32 33 Educational Researcher European Physical Education Review First Language Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities General Music Today Gifted Child Quarterly Global Health Promotion (formerly known as Promotion & Education) Health Education & Behavior Health Education Journal Health Promotion Practice Health: Intervention in School and Clinic Journal of Career Assessment 34 Journal of Career Development 25 26 27 教育及学习,高等教育 高等教育,人力资源管理 教育学 评估,项目评估,研究方法 公共健康教育学 公共健康教育学 教育学,特殊教育,心理学 孤独症,教育课程,特殊教育 特殊教育,老年健康关怀,护理 学 教育学 教育学,特殊教育,心理学 语言学,特殊教育,语言发展 儿童早期教育学 教育学,特殊教育,心理学 管理及领导,教育 公共健康教育 教育,教育研究 管理及领导,教育 教育,公共政策及公共管理,评 估 管理及领导,课程发展,法律与 教育 教育学 体育教育,运动研究 幼儿语言学 教育,特殊教育,心理学 教育,音乐教育/高雅艺术/戏剧 教育,异常教育,天才儿童教育 健康教育学 健康教育学 健康教育学 健康教育学 学校健康教育学 教育,特殊教育,心理学 心理咨询,职业心理学,教育心 理学 心理咨询,职业心理学,教育心 理学 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership Journal of Disability Policy Studies Journal of Early Childhood Literacy Journal of Early Childhood Research Journal of Early Intervention Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Journal of Hispanic Higher Education Journal of Learning Disabilities Journal of Literacy Research Journal of Management Education Journal of Mixed Methods Research Journal of Music Teacher Education Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment Journal of Research in International Education Journal of Research in Music Education Journal of Special Education Journal of Studies in International Education Journal of Teacher Education Journal of Transformative Education Management in Education Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development Music Educators Journal NASSP Bulletin Qualitative Research Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin[applicable now] Remedial and Special Education[applicable now] Review of Educational Research Review of Research in Education Scandinavian Journal of Public Health School Psychology International Science Communication 教育学 教育,特殊教育,心理学 幼儿语言学 教育,特殊教育,心理学 教育,特殊教育,心理学 教育,统计学研究 教育,特殊教育,心理学 管理与领导,教育 教育,特殊教育,心理学 教育学,教育心理学 商业管理,组织行为 研究方法及评估,研究决策、技 巧及方法 教育,音乐教育/高雅艺术/戏剧 教育,特殊教育,心理学 心理学,临床心理学 国际教育 教育,音乐教育/高雅艺术/戏剧 教育,特殊教育 比较教育,课程发展 教育,职业教育 终生教育,组织心理学 教育金融 教育辅导,评估 教育,音乐教育/高雅艺术/戏剧 教育学 人类学,教育学 教育学 教育,特殊教育,心理学 教育学 教育学 公共健康教育学 教育心理学 社会学,哲学,教育学 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 Simulation & Gaming Sociology of Education Teacher Education and Special Education The Journal of Special Education Theory and Research in Education Topics in Early Childhood Special Education[now association] Update: Applications of Research in Music Education Urban Education Word of Mouth[now association] Written Communication Young Exceptional Children 商业管理,教育,研究方法 社会学,教育学 教育,特殊教育,职业教育 教育,特殊教育,心理学 教育哲学,教育研究 教育,特殊教育,心理学 音乐教育/高雅艺术/戏剧 城市教育,教育 教育,特殊教育,心理学 书面沟通,教育,人类学 教育,特殊教育,心理学 2.1.2 心理学 SAGE 在这一领域出版 73 种期刊,其中的重点期刊介绍如下: Personality and Social Psychology Review, 与性格与社会心理学学会合作出版; 在 56 种心理学,社会类期刊中排名第 2 位 IF 2009: 6.091 Organizational Research Methods, 与管理科学院研究方法部合作出版; 在 67 种心理学,应用类期刊中排名第 2 位; 在 140 种管理学类期刊中排名第 7 位 IF 2009: 4.423 Perspectives on Psychological Science, 与心理学协会合作出版; 在 120 种心理学,综合性学科类期刊中排名第 5 位; IF 2009: 5.26 Psychological Science, 与心理学协会合作出版; 在 120 种心理学,综合性学科类期刊中排名第 7 位; IF 2009: 4.699 Journal of Health & Social Behavior, 与美国心理协会合作出版; 在 56 种心理学,社会类期刊中排名第 9 位; 在 114 种公共环境与职业健康类期刊中排名第 24 位 IF 2009: 2.18 Journal of Psychopharmacology, 与英国心理药物协会合作出版; 在 185 种临床神经病学类的期刊中排名第 35 位; 在 237 种神经系统科学期刊中排名第 71 位; 在 249 种药物学类期刊中排名第 48 位; 在 126 种心理学类期刊中排名第 28 位. IF 2009: 3.801 Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 美国心理学会的官方刊物; 在 12 种心理学,心理分析类期刊中排名第 4 位; 在 107 种心理学期刊中排名第 83 位 IF 2009: 0.881 The Journal of Special Education, SAGE 与 Hammill 障碍研究中心、特殊儿童研究部门合 作出版; 在 36 种教育,特殊类期刊中排名第 8 位; 在 102 种心理学,临床类期刊中排名第 34 位; IF 2009: 1.943 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 性格与社会心理学学会的官方期刊; 在 56 种心理学,社会类期刊中排名第 5 位 IF 2009: 2.518 Criminal Justice and Behavior, 与纠正与法医心理学国际学会合作出版; 在 43 种犯罪学,刑罚学类期刊中排名第 9 位; 在 102 中心理学,临床类期刊中排名第 47 位 IF 2009: 1.59 该领域的 SAGE 期刊列表: SAGE 期刊刊名 学科 1 Adaptive Behaviour 社会学,心理学,国际关系 2 American Behavioral Scientist 社会学,心理学,国际关系 3 ANNALS of the American Academy of Political 政治学,国际关系学,心理学,社 and Social Science, The 会学 Applied Psychological Measurement 心理学研究方法,统计学研究,学 No. 4 生评估 5 Assessment 心理学,临床心理学 6 Behavior Modification 临床心理学 7 Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience 神经心理学,神经学 Reviews(not available) 8 Clinical Case Studies 心理学,临床心理学 9 Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 儿童心理学,临床心理学 10 Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation 心理学,心理咨询,研究方法和评 估 11 Counseling Psychologist, The 心理咨询,心理学,心理咨询与方 法 12 Criminal Justice and Behavior 犯罪学,心理学 13 Culture & Psychology 文化心理学 14 Current Directions in Psychological Science 统计学研究,心理学研究方法,阶 段检测 15 Educational and Psychological Measurement 心理学,感知心理学,社会心理学 16 Emotion Review 心理学,语言学,哲学 17 Environment and Behavior 环境心理学 18 Ergonomics in Design 人体工程学,环境心理学 19 Feminism & Psychology(two impact factor) 女性心理,性别研究 20 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 社会心理学 21 Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 跨文化心理学,拉美研究 22 History of Psychiatry 精神病学,人文科学历史,心理学 史 23 Human Factors 环境改造,应用心理学,工程学 24 International Journal of Behavioral Development 发展心理学,儿童发展,心理学 25 International Journal of Bilingualism 应用语言学,外语研究,心理学 26 International Journal of Offender Therapy and 犯罪学,辩论心理学 Comparative Criminology 27 International Journal of Social Psychiatry 精神病社会工作,社会神经病学 28 Journal of Adolescent Research 发展心理学,家庭研究 29 Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, The 老年学,心理学 30 Journal of Attention Disorders 发展心理学,心理学 31 Journal of Black Psychology 文化心理学,民族社会学 32 Journal of Child Health Care 儿童心理虐待,小儿内科 33 Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision 心理学,环境心理学 Making 34 Journal of Consumer Culture 消费心理学,社会与文化人类学 35 Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 跨文化心理学 36 Journal of Early Adolescence, The 发展心理学,家庭教育,儿童教育 37 Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology 老年心理学,老年精神病学 38 Journal of Health & Social Behavior 社会学,健康心理学 39 Journal of Health Psychology 临床心理学, 健康心理学 40 Journal of Humanistic Psychology 心理哲学 41 Journal of Language and Social Psychology 社会心理学,心理学,人际交流 42 Journal of Psychopharmacology 心理药物学,心理学,临床医学 43 Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses 精神病护理学,精神病学 Association 44 Journal of the American Psychoanalytic 心理学,临床心理学,心理分析 Association 45 Language and Speech(applicable now) 心理学,实验心理学,认知心理学 46 Leadership 组织研究,心理学,管理学 47 Musicae Scientiae 音乐,认知心理学 48 Neuroscientist, The 神经科学,心理学 49 Organizational Psychology Review 组织心理学,组织行为学 50 Organizational Research Methods 管理学,心理学,研究方法学 51 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 社会心理学,性格研究,心理学 52 Personality and Social Psychology Review 社会心理学,性格研究,心理学 53 Perspectives on Psychological Science 跨文化心理学 54 Psychological Science 心理学 55 Psychological Science in the Public Interest 心理学 56 Psychology & Developing Societies[now 心理学,跨文化心理学 applicable] 57 Reviews of Human Factors and Ergonomics 心理学,环境心理学 58 School Psychology International 教育心理学 59 Second Language Research 语言心理学 60 Sexual Abuse 应用心理学,性犯罪,性侵犯 61 Small Group Research 心理学,商业管理,社会学 62 Social Psychological and Personality Science 社会心理学,个性研究,心理学 63 Social Psychology Quarterly 社会学,社会心理学 64 Society and Mental Health 社会学,健康心理学 65 Teaching of Psychology 心理学,心理学研究方法,教学方 法和学习方式 66 The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 商业管理,组织心理学,组织行为 67 The Journal of Early Adolescence 家庭研究,发展心理学,儿童发展 68 The Journal of Special Education 心理学,教育学,特殊教育 69 Theory & Psychology 心理哲学 70 Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology 精神病药理学 71 Transcultural Psychiatry 跨文化精神病学 72 Traumatology[now no association] 心理学,心理治疗,社会公众 73 Young 发展心理社会学 2.1.3 社会学 SAGE 出版超过 101 种期刊,其中的重点期刊介绍如下: American Sociological Review, 与美国社会学协会合作出版; 在 129 社会学期刊中排名第 1 位 IF 2009: 3.693 Personality and Social Psychology Review, 与性格与社会心理学学会合作出版; 在 56 种心理学,社会类期刊中排名第 2 位 IF 2009: 6.091 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 性格与社会心理学学会的官方期刊; 在 56 种心理学,社会类期刊中排名第 5 位 IF 2009: 2.58 Sociological Methods & Research, 在 129 中社会学类期刊中排名第 5 位; 在 42 中社会科学,研究方法类期刊中排名第 6 位 IF 2009: 2 Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 与 Hammill 障碍研究中心合作出版; 在 120 中心理学,综合科类期刊中排名第 22 位; 在 50 种心理学,教育学类期刊中排名第 8 位; 在 36 种教育学,特殊类期刊中排名第 7 位 IF 2009: 2 Science, Technology, & Human Values, 与科学的社会学研究协会合作出版; 在 35 种社会问题研究类期刊中排名第 2 位 IF 2009: 2.21 Gender & Society, 社会妇女学家协会的官方刊物; 在 35 种妇女学研究类期刊排名第 2 位; 在 129 种社会学类期刊中排名第 4 位 IF 2009: 2.088 Human Relations, 与英国塔维斯托克研究协会合作出版; 在 140 种管理学类期刊中排名第 54 位; 在 83 种社会科学,跨领域学科类期刊中排名第 10 位 IF 2009: 1.701 Journal of European Social Policy; 在 39 种公共管理学类期刊中排名第 5 位 在 35 种社会问题学类期刊中排名第 4 位 IF 2009: 1.673 Work, Employment and Society, 与伦敦社会学学会合作出版; 在 22 种工业关系与劳动力类期刊中排名第 5 位; 在 129 种社会学期刊中排名第 33 位, 在 304 种经济学期刊中排名地 96 位 IF 2009: 1.108 Youth & Society, 在 35 种社会问题类期刊中排名第 11 位; 在 83 种社会科学,跨学科类期刊中排名第 21 位; 在 129 种社会学期刊中排名第 36 位 IF 2009: 1.058 该领域的 SAGE 期刊列表: 学科 SAGE 期刊刊名 No. 1 Acta Sociologica 社会学,文化研究 2 Affilia 社会工作实践,妇女研究 3 American Behavioral Scientist 人类学,社会学,文化研究 4 American Sociological Review 社会学 ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, The 文化理论,大众传媒理论,社 会理论 6 Anthropological Theory 人类学,社会学,文化研究 7 Armed Forces & Society 社会学,军事战略研究,和平 5 研究/冲突解决 8 9 Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources BMS: Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique 组织、机构社会学,工商管理, 人力资源管理 社会学,研究方法和评估 10 Body & Society 社会和文化人类学,性别研究, 社会理论 11 Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society 儿童社会学,社会工作-儿童 12 Capital & Class 社会理论,政治学理论与思考, 经济与发展研究 13 Childhood 社会学,职业研究,家庭消费 科学 14 Chronic Illness 健康与病痛社会学,初级护理/ 大众医疗 15 Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 社会学 16 Contexts 社会学 17 Contributions to Indian Sociology 犯罪学,社会法学 18 Critical Social Policy 社会政策,欧洲社会政策 19 Critical Sociology 人类学,社会学 20 Critique of Anthropology 比较社会学,社会及人类文化 21 Cross-Cultural Research 社会及人类文化,种族社会学, 社会性别研究 22 Cultural Dynamics 地理环境科学,社会学,历史 学 23 Cultural Sociology 社会学 24 Current Sociology 社会学 25 Dementia 生物学,老年社会学,老年医 疗保健 26 East European Politics and Societies 种族社会学,地区及种族研究 27 Education Citizenship & Social Justice 社会学,社会公正 28 European Journal of Communication 文化研究,社会文化 29 European Journal of Cultural Studies 社会理论,文化理论,政治理 论 30 European Journal of Social Theory 社会学,犯罪学,性别研究 31 Feminist Criminology 犯罪学,社会学,性别研究 32 Feminist Theology 社会性别研究,妇女理论研究, 性别政策 33 Feminist Theory 女权主义,性别社会,性别政 策 34 Field Methods 社会学,人类学和考古学 35 Games and Culture 传媒,社会学,文化研究 36 Gender & Society 妇女研究,社会科学 37 Global Media and Communication 商业管理,社会工作,组织行 为 38 Group & Organization Management(no association) 传媒,社会学,大众传媒理论 39 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 社会心理学 40 Human Relations 社会学,组织研究 41 International Journal of Comparative Sociology 文化研究,社会文化,传媒 42 International Journal of Social Psychiatry 社会学 43 International Review for the Sociology of Sport 运动社会学 44 International Social Work 社会工作和社会政策,全球社 会政策 45 International Sociology 社会老年学,老年病学 46 Journal of Applied Gerontology 文化心理学,社会人种学 47 Journal of Black Psychology 黑人研究,社会人种学 48 Journal of Black Studies 社会学 49 Journal of Classical Sociology 社会消费学,文化研究,传媒 50 Journal of Consumer Culture 社会学,文化研究,定性研究 51 Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 家庭社会学,历史学,家庭研 究 52 Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 家庭社会学,家庭研究 53 Journal of European Social Policy 社会政策,欧洲社会政策 54 Journal of Family History 家庭社会学,家庭研究 55 Journal of Family Issues 护理学,家庭社会学 56 Journal of Fire Protection Engineering 工程技术与社会 57 Journal of Fire Sciences 工程技术与社会 58 Journal of Health & Social Behavior 社会学,社会心理学 59 Journal of Language and Social Psychology 社会心理学,人际关系 60 Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions 教育学,社会情感 61 Journal of Social Archaeology 社会考古学 62 Journal of Social Work 社会工作和社会政策,体育与 休闲社会学 63 Journal of Sociology 社会学,社会工作,运动社会 学 64 Journal of Sport and Social Issues 经济学,运动社会学,劳动经 济学 65 Labor Studies Journal(now association) 社会学,管理学,组织研究 66 Management and Organizational History 社会文化,传媒,传媒与文化 67 Media, Culture & Society 社会学,传媒,政治及国际关 系 68 Media, War & Conflict(now association) 社会学,文化研究,心理学 69 Men and Masculinities 新媒体与传播技术,社会学, 传媒 70 New Media & Society 社会学,商业管理,地理及环 境科学 71 Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 社会工作与社会政策,管理学 72 Organization & Environment 政治学,经济学,社会学 73 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 社会心理学,心理学 74 Personality and Social Psychology Review 社会心理学,心理学 75 Philosophy of the Social Sciences 社会科学哲学 76 Politics & Society 社会科学,科学哲学,传媒 77 Qualitative Social Work 社会工作实践,社会工作与政 策 78 Rationality and Society 社会老年学,老年病学 79 Research on Aging 社会科学 80 Research on Social Work Practice[now no association] 社会工作实践 81 Science Communication 社会科学,科学哲学,教育学 82 Science Technology & Society[now applicable] 科学社会学,组织社会学 83 Science, Technology & Human Values 性别研究 84 Small Group Research 社会学,心理学,管理学 85 Social Change 社会学,社会政策 86 Social Compass 研究方法,社会学 87 Social Psychological and Personality Science 社会心理学 88 Social Psychology Quarterly 社会学,教育学 89 Social Science Computer Review 人类学,社会学,心理学 90 Society and Mental Health 社会学,社会健康与疾病 91 Sociological Methods & Research 社会学 92 Sociology 人类地理学,社会学,文化社 会考古 93 Sociology of Education 理论及圣经研究 94 Space and Culture 政治与国际关系,社会学,心 理学 95 Teaching Sociology 社会学,教学方法与学习方式 96 Theory and Research in Education 社会理论,政治理论 97 Thesis Eleven 时间研究,考古学,哲学 98 Work and Occupations 工作社会学,商业管理,工业 关系 99 Work, Employment & Society 青年社会学,教育学,文化研 究 100 Young 青年社会学,社会学,家庭研 究 101 Youth & Society 社会学,社会学研究方法 2.1.4 传播学 SAGE 出版超过 37 种期刊,其中的重点期刊介绍如下: Communication Research, 在 67 种传媒类期刊中排名第 6 位 IF 2009: 1.819 Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 与国际人际关系协会合作出版; 在 67 种传播学期刊中排名第 22 位; 在 56 种心理学,社会类期刊中排名第 34 位 IF 2009: 1.049 Public Understanding of Science, 在 45 种传播学期刊中排名第 10 位; 在 32 种科学史与科学哲学类期刊中排名第 2 位 IF 2009: 1.838 Social Studies of Science, 在 36 种科学史与科学哲学类期刊中排名第 3 位 IF 2009: 1.723 Management Communication Quarterly, 在 140 中管理学类期刊中排名第 75 位; 在 67 种传播学类期刊中排名第 16 位 IF 2009: 1.109 Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 与国际人际关系协会合作出版; 在 67 种传播学期刊中排名第 22 位; 在 56 种心理学,社会类期刊中排名第 34 位 IF 2009: 1.049 该领域的 SAGE 期刊列表: SAGE 期刊刊名 No. 学科 1 Animation 新媒体与技术,传媒 2 Bioscope: South Asian Screen Studies 传媒,影视 3 British Journalism Review 新闻学,社会学,政治传播 4 Business Communication Quarterly 传媒,组织沟通,管理沟通 5 Communication Research 传媒,人际沟通,大众传媒 6 Convergence 新媒体与技术,传媒 7 Discourse & Communication 传媒,论述分析 8 Discourse & Society 传媒,论述分析 9 Discourse Studies 传媒,论述分析 10 Electronic News 传媒,新闻学 11 European Journal of Communication 传媒,社会学 12 Games and Culture 传媒,社会学,文化研究 13 Global Media and Communication 传媒,社会学 14 Index on Censorship 传播与媒体研究,政治国际关系,社会学 15 Information Visualization 视觉传媒,电脑模型 16 International Communication Gazette 传媒,社会学,大众传媒理论 17 International Journal of Bilingualism 演讲沟通,应用语言学,心理学 18 International Journal of Cultural Studies 文化研究,社会文化,传媒 19 International Journal of Press/Politics,The 群众沟通,政治学 20 International Journal of Social Psychiatry 社区精神病学 21 Journal of Business and Technical 传媒,组织沟通 Communication 22 Journal of Business Communication 传媒,管理沟通,组织沟通 23 Journal of Communication Inquiry 传媒,文化研究,大众传媒 24 Journal of Creative Communications 传媒 25 Journal of Language and Social Psychology 人际沟通,社会心理学,心理学 26 Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 人际关系,人际沟通 27 Journal of Visual Culture 传媒,视觉文化,人类学 28 Journalism 传媒,新闻学,政策传播 29 Management Communication Quarterly 组织沟通,组织研究,组织行为 30 Media, Culture & Society 传媒,社会文化 31 Media, War & Conflict(now association) 传媒,社会学,政治与国际关系学 32 New Media & Society 新媒体与传播技术,文化与媒体,社会学 33 Public Understanding of Science 社会科学,科学哲学,传媒 34 Social Studies of Science 社会科学,科学哲学,传媒 35 Theory, Culture & Society 文化理论,大众传媒,社会理论 36 Visual Communication 视觉传播,文化研究,人类学 37 Written Communication 书面传播,教育学,人类学 2.1.5 法学与刑罚学 SAGE 出版超过 25 种期刊,其中的重点期刊介绍如下: Crime & Delinquency, 在 43 种犯罪学与刑罚学类期刊中排名第 5 位 IF 2009: 1.75 Criminal Justice and Behavior, 国际矫正与辩论心理学会的官方刊物; 在 43 种犯罪学与刑罚学类期刊中排名第 9 位; 在 102 种心理学,临床类期刊中排名第 47 位 IF 2009: 1.59 Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 与 John Jay 犯罪司法学院合作出版; 在 43 种犯罪学与刑罚学类期刊中排名第 6 位 IF 2009: 1.694 Punishment & Society, 在 43 种犯罪学与刑罚学类期刊中排名第 7 位 IF 2009: 1.639 该领域的 SAGE 期刊列表: No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 SAGE 期刊刊名 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology Crime & Delinquency Crime, Media, Culture Criminal Justice and Behavior Criminal Justice Policy Review Criminal Justice Review Criminology & Criminal Justice European Journal of Criminology Feminist Criminology Homicide Studies International Criminal Justice Review International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 学科 犯罪学,青少年犯罪 犯罪学,青少年犯罪,监狱管理 犯罪学,媒体与犯罪 犯罪审判,心理学 犯罪审判 犯罪与犯罪审判 犯罪学,社会法学,犯罪与审判 犯罪学,犯罪审判,防止犯罪 犯罪学,社会学,性别研究 犯罪学 犯罪学与犯罪审判 犯罪学,辩论心理学 犯罪与犯罪审判,监狱,青少年犯 罪 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Journal of Correctional Health Care Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency Police Quarterly Probation Journal Punishment & Society Race & Class Race and Justice Sexual Abuse Social & Legal Studies Theoretical Criminology Youth Justice 犯罪与犯罪审判,公共健康倡导 犯罪学,青少年犯罪 犯罪审判 鉴定,犯罪学,犯罪与审判 犯罪与犯罪审判,监狱 种族划分和犯罪 犯罪学 性犯罪,性侵犯,临床心理学 社会法学,犯罪学,犯罪审判 犯罪学,犯罪与审判 犯罪与审判,比较犯罪学,青少年 犯罪 25 Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice[now association] 青少年犯罪,犯罪学,家庭暴力 2.1.6 政治与国际关系 SAGE 出版 43 种期刊,其中的重点期刊介绍如下: European Journal of International Relations, 与 ECPR 国际关系常委会合作出版; 在 73 种国际关系类期刊中排名第 12 位 IF 2009: 1.426 European Union Politics, 在 139 种政治科学类期刊中排名第 17 位 IF 2009: 1.550 Journal of Conflict Resolution, 国际和平科学协会的官方刊物; 在 73 种国际国际类期刊中排名第 7 位; 在 139 种政治科学类期刊中排名第 8 位 IF 2009: 1.883 Comparative Political Studies, 在 139 种政治科学类期刊中排名第 11 位 IF 2009: 1.813 该领域的 SAGE 期刊列表: No. 1 SAGE 期刊刊名 Administration & Society 学科 公共政策与公共管理,政治与国 际关系 2 Alternatives 政治与国际关系,国际关系,文 化研究 3 American Behavioral Scientist 政治与国际关系,社会学,心理 学 4 5 6 7 American Politics Research ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, The British Journalism Review Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 政治学,美国政府与政策 政治与国际关系,社会学,哲学 政治传播,新闻学,社会学 和平研究/争端研究,政治与国际 关系 8 Capital & Class 经济与发展研究,政治学理论, 社会理论 9 10 11 12 Comparative Political Studies Conflict Management and Peace Science Cooperation and Conflict East European Politics and Societies 政治学,比较政治学 争端研究,国际关系 争端研究,国际关系 政治与国际关系,历史学,社会 学 13 Ethnicities 政治地理学,发展研究,地域与 种族研究 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 European Journal of International Relations European Journal of Political Theory European Journal of Social Theory European Union Politics Feminist Theory Global Social Policy India Quarterly 国际关系 政治理论 政治理论,社会理论,文化理论 欧洲政策研究 女权主义,性别社会,性别政治 政治与国际关系,社会政策 经济与发展研究,政治与国际关 系 21 International Journal of Press/Politics,The 政治学,大众传媒,政治与国际 关系 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 International Political Science Abstracts International Political Science Review International Relations International Studies Journal of Conflict Resolution Journal of Theoretical Politics Latin American Perspectives Media, War & Conflict(now association) 政治学 政治学 国际关系 国际关系 争端研究,国际关系,政治 政治学 政治与国际关系,文化研究 传媒,政治与国际关系,社会学 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Millennium: Journal of International Studies(now association) Party Politics(now asssociation) Political Research Quarterly[now applicable] Political Science Political Theory Politics & Society Politics, Philosophy & Economics 政治与国际关系,经济与发展, 争端研究 政党政策,选举及政治竞选研究 政治与国际关系,政治学 政治学 政治学,政治理论 政治学,社会学,经济学 经济政治学,政治哲学,政治理 论 37 38 39 Public Finance Review Rationality and Society Review of Radical Political Economics 经济政治学,会计学 政治社会学 经济政治学,经济学,政治与国 际关系 40 41 South Asian Survey[applicable now] State and Local Government Review 政治与国际关系 政治与国际关系,国家政策与公 共管理 42 43 Thesis Eleven World Policy Journal 社会理论,政治理论 政治与国际关系,政策学,国际 关系 2.1.7 经济管理 SAGE 出版 99 种期刊,其中的重点期刊介绍如下: Educational Researcher, 与美国教育研究会合作出版; 在 177 种教育与教育研究类期刊中名列第 1 位。 IF 2009: 3.774 Journal of Management, 南部管理协会官方刊物; 在 101 种商业类期刊中排名第 7 位; 在 140 种管理类期刊中排名第 12 位 IF 2009: 3.747 Organization Studies, 与欧洲组织研究团体合作出版; 在 140 种管理学类期刊中排名第 29 位 IF 2009: 2.339 Organizational Research Methods, 与管理科学院研究方法部合作出版; 在 67 种心理学,应用类期刊中排名第 2 位; 在 140 种管理学类期刊中排名第 7 位 IF 2009: 4.423 Strategic Organization, 与战略组织协会合作出版; 在 101 种商业类期刊中排名第 16 位; 在 140 种管理类期刊中排名第 25 位 IF 2009: 2.727 Family Business Review, 与家族企业学会合作出版; 在 101 种商业类期刊中排名第 20 位 IF 2009: 2.426 Group & Organization Management, 与东方管理学会合作出版; 在 140 种管理学类期刊中排名第 37 位; 在 67 种心理学,应用类期刊中排名第 12 位 IF 2009: 2.415 Journal of Service Research, 由马里兰州大学优质服务研究中心赞助出版; 在 101 种商业类期刊中排名第 31 位 IF 2009: 1.615 该领域的 SAGE 期刊列表: No. SAGE 期刊刊名 学科 1 Accounting History 财务 2 Action Research 行为研究,商业管理研究方法 3 Administration & Society 商业管理,公共政策与公共管理 4 Advances in Developing Human Resources 人力资源发展与管理 5 American Journal of Medical Quality 医疗保健管理和行政学,医疗质量 6 Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 人力资源管理 7 Asian Journal of Management Cases 商业管理 8 Australian Journal of Management 商业管理,经济学 9 Business & Society 商业管理 10 Business Information Review 商业管理,信息科学 11 Capital & Class 经济学和发展研究,社会理论 12 Compensation & Benefits Review 人力资源管理 13 Cornell Hospitality Quarterly(formerly known as 旅游管理,商业管理,市场 Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly) 14 Economic and Industrial Democracy 工业管理,人力资源 15 Economic Development Quarterly 经济学,经济思想 16 Educational Administration Quarterly 领导学和管理学,教育学 17 Educational Management Administration & Leadership 学校管理学,领导学和管理学 18 Educational Policy 领导学和管理学,教育学 19 Educational Researcher 领导学和管理学,教育学 20 European Journal of Industrial Relations 工业管理 21 Evaluation & the Health Professions 医疗健康管理学和行政学 22 Family Business Review 小型公司,组织行为,管理技能 23 Global Business Review 商业管理 24 Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies 经济学与发展研究,发展经济学 25 Global Social Policy 经济学,发展研究 26 Group & Organization Management(no association) 商业管理,工作社会学 27 Health Education Journal 健康、教育学和福利经济学 28 Health Informatics Journal 信息管理学,信息科学 29 Home Health Care Management & Practice 家庭健康保健管理学和行政学 30 Human Relations 商业管理 31 Human Resource Development Review 人力资源发展与管理 32 Improving Schools 领导学和管理学,教师培训 33 India Quarterly 经济学和发展研究,国际关系 34 International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 商业管理 35 International Journal of Rural Management 商业管理 36 International Regional Science Review 经济学 37 International Small Business Journal 商业管理 38 Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance 商业管理 39 Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, The 商业管理 40 Journal of Business Communication 管理沟通,商业管理,传媒 41 Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership 领导学和管理学 42 Journal of Disability Policy Studies 领导学和管理学 43 Journal of Emerging Market Finance 金融经济学, 金融管理学 44 Journal of Entrepreneurship 商业管理 45 Journal of Generic 商业管理 46 Journal of Health Management 商业管理 47 Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 旅游管理,市场 48 Journal of Human Values 商业管理,工业关系 49 Journal of Industrial Relations 商业管理,工业关系 50 Journal of Industrial Relations 商业管理,工业关系 51 Journal of Infrastructure[ Development]name change 经济与发展研究 52 Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies 商业管理,组织管理,领导学 53 Journal of Macromarketing 市场营销,商业管理 54 Journal of Management 人力资源发展,组织行为,战略管 理 55 Journal of Management Education 商业管理,教育,组织行为 56 Journal of Management Inquiry 商业管理 57 Journal of Medical Marketing 商业管理 58 Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice 药学实践管理 59 Journal of Pharmacy Practice 药学实践管理 60 Journal of Service Research 市场营销 61 Journal of Sports Economics 商业管理,旅游管理 62 Journal of Travel Research 旅游研究,旅游管理,服务管理 63 Journal of Vacation Marketing 商业管理 64 Latin American Perspectives 经济学和发展研究 65 Leadership 领导学,商业管理 66 Management and Organizational History 核心管理,组织研究,社会学 67 Management in Education 领导学和管理学, 学校管理 68 Management Learning 人力资源发展与管理,组织研究 69 Margin - The Journal of Applied Economic 经济学和发展研究 Research(now association) 70 Marketing Theory 市场分析 71 Medical Care Research and Review 医疗经济学 72 Millennium: Journal of International Studies(now 经济学和发展研究 association) 73 NASSP Bulletin 学校管理学 74 National Institute Economic Review 经济学 75 Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 商业管理 76 Organization 组织研究 77 Organization & Environment 商业管理,社会学,地理及环境研 究 78 Organization Studies 组织研究 79 Organizational Psychology Review 人力资源管理 80 Organizational Research Methods 商业管理,研究方法,心理学 81 Politics & Society 经济学,社会学 82 Politics, Philosophy & Economics 政治经济学,政治哲学 83 Progress in Development Studies 经济学和发展研究 84 Public Finance Review 政治经济学,财务 85 Review of Market Integration 经济学和发展研究 86 Review of Public Personnel Administration 人力资源发展,商业管理,公共政 策 87 Review of Radical Political Economics 政治经济学,经济学 88 Simulation & Gaming 商业管理,研究方法 89 Small Group Research 商业管理,心理学 90 Social Science Information 人类学,哲学,经济学 91 South Asia Economic Journal[now applicable and 发展经济学 association] 92 Strategic Organization[now association] 战略管理,组织研究 93 The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 商业管理,组织心理学,组织研究 94 The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit 经济学和发展研究 95 Tourism and Hospitality Research 商业管理 96 Transfer 商业与管理,工业关系,经济与工 业民主 97 Urban Affairs Review[now association] 经济学和发展研究 98 Urban Studies[now association] 经济学和发展研究 99 Work, Employment & Society 社会工作,商业管理,工业关系 2.1.8 语言、文学与文化研究 SAGE 出版 19 种语言、文学期刊和 37 种文化研究期刊 。其中的重点期刊介绍 如下: Second Language Research, 在 141 种语言学类期刊中排名第 17 位; 在 177 教育与教育学研究类期刊中排名第 27 位 IF 2009: 1.621 Language Teaching Research, 在 141 种语言学类期刊中排名第 33 位; 在 177 教育与教育学研究类期刊中排名第 44 位 IF 2009: 1.205 Journal of English Linguistics, 在 141 种语言学类期刊中排名第 39 位; IF 2009: 1.04 Theory, Culture & Society, 与诺丁汉伦特大学 TCS 中心合作出版; 在 83 种社会科学,交叉学科类期刊中排名第 30 位 IF 2009: 0.821 New Media & Society, 在 67 种传播学类的期刊中排名第 18 位; IF 2009: 1.091 Modern China, 在 60 种地区研究类期刊中排名第 14 位 IF 2009: 0.615 该领域的 SAGE 期刊列表: SAGE 期刊刊名 No. 学科 1 Child Language Teaching and Therapy 语言学,特殊教育 2 Discourse & Communication 论述分析,传媒 3 Discourse & Society 论述分析,传媒 4 Discourse Studies 论述分析,传媒 5 Emotion Review 语言学,哲学,心理学 6 International Journal of Bilingualism 应用语言学,外语研究,心理学 7 Journal of Commonwealth Literature, The 文学 8 Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 幼儿教育,幼儿语言与文学 9 Journal of English Linguistics 语言学 10 Journal of European Studies 文学,文化研究 11 Journal of Literacy Research 教育学,文学 12 Language and Literature 文学理论,语言学 13 Language and Speech(applicable now) 文学理论,语言学 14 Language Teaching Research 语言学,应用语言学,语言心理学 15 Language Testing 语言学,应用语言学 16 Perspectives in Public Health 语言学,应用语言学,现代外语 17 RELC Journal 语言学,应用语言学,教育 18 Second Language Research 应用语言学,语言学 19 The Journal of Commonwealth Literature 应用语言学,语言学,语言心理学 1 Acta Sociologica 社会学,文化研究 2 Alternatives 国际关系,文化研究 3 Anthropological Theory 人类学,文化研究,社会学 4 British Journalism Review 新闻学,文化与传媒 5 Childhood 社会与文化人类学 6 Cross-Cultural Research 比较社会学,社会与文化人类学 7 Cultural Sociology 社会学,文化研究 8 Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies 文化研究,定性研究 9 Diogenes 哲学,历史学,文化研究 10 European Journal of Cultural Studies 文化研究,文化社会学 11 European Journal of Social Theory 社会理论,文化理论,哲学理论 12 European Physical Education Review 文化、运动和休闲,体育教育 13 Games and Culture 传媒,社会学,文化研究 14 Global Media and Communication 传媒,社会学,文化研究 15 Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 跨文化心理学及多样性 16 International Journal of Cultural Studies 文化研究,文化社会学,传媒 17 Journal of Black Psychology 文化心理学,种族社会学 18 Journal of Communication Inquiry 传媒,文化研究,大众传媒 19 Journal of Consumer Culture 消费社会学,文化研究,传媒 20 Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 社会学,文化研究 21 Journal of European Studies 文学,文化研究 22 Journal of Material Culture 物质文化研究,人类学 23 Journal of Sociology 社会学,文化研究 24 Journal of Transcultural Nursing 医疗保健文化能力 25 Journal of Visual Culture 视觉文化,人类学,传媒 26 Journalism 文化研究,传播与媒体研究,新闻学 Latin American Perspectives 政治与国际经济,文化研究,经济与发 展 28 Law, Culture and the Humanities 人文学,文化研究 29 Media, Culture & Society 传媒,文化与媒体,文化社会学 30 Modern China 亚洲研究,地区研究 New Media & Society 新媒体与传播技术,文化与媒体,社会 学 27 31 32 Psychology & Developing Societies[now applicable] 跨文化心理学及多样性,心理学 33 Qualitative Research 人类学,文化研究方法 34 Space and Culture 社会与文化人类学,社会学 35 Television & New Media 电视广播,文化研究,电影研究 36 Theory, Culture & Society 文化研究,传媒,社会文化 37 Transcultural Psychiatry 跨文化精神病学 2.1.9 历史、地理与环境科学 SAGE 出版 18 种历史学期刊,31 种地理与环境科学期刊。其中的重点期刊介绍 如下: Journal of Family History, 在 26 种历史社会科学类期刊中排名第 12 位; 在 43 种历史学类期刊中排名第 8 位; 在 39 种家庭教育类期刊中排名第 30; 在 75 种人类学类期刊中排名第 49 位 IF 2009: 0.442 History of the Human Sciences, 在 36 种历史与哲学期刊(社会科学索引)中排名第 25 位 在 26 种社会科学史期刊中排名第 16 位 IF 2009: 0.357 Journal of Contemporary History, 在 43 种历史学类期刊中排名第 15 位 IF 2009: 0.397 The Holocene, 在 42 种地理学类期刊中排名第 8 位; 在 165 种地球科学,综合类期刊中排名第 23 位 IF 2009: 2.772 Environment and Urbanization, 在 77 种环境研究类期刊中排名第 10 位; 在 36 种城市研究类期刊中排名第 2 位 IF 2009: 2.224 Progress in Human Geography, 在 65 种地理学类期刊中排名第 2 位 IF 2009: 3.793 Progress in Physical Geography, 在 42 种地理学,物理类期刊中排名第 13 位; 在 165 种地理科学,多学科研究类期刊中排名第 36 位 IF 2009: 2.280 Urban Studies, 在 36 种城市研究类期刊中排名第 6 位; 在 77 种环境科学类期刊中排名第 23 位 IF 2009: 1.531 该领域的 SAGE 期刊列表: SAGE 期刊刊名 No. 学科分类 1 Diogenes 哲学,历史学,文化研究 2 East European Politics and Societies 政治与国际关系,历史学,社会学 3 European History Quarterly 历史学,人文科学 4 European Journal of Archaeology 人类学,历史学 6 History of Psychiatry 心理学,人文科学史,心理学史 7 History of the Human Sciences 人文科学史 8 Indian Historical Review 历史学,亚洲历史学,南亚研究 9 Journal of Contemporary History 历史学,人文科学 10 Journal of Family History 家庭社会学,历史学,家庭研究 11 Journal of Planning History 历史学,规划学,区域地理学 12 Journal of South Asian Development 亚洲历史学,亚洲研究,南亚研究 13 Journal of Urban History 历史学,城市研究 14 Medieval History Journal(applicable now) 中世纪历史学 15 Memory Studies 人类学,哲学,历史学 16 Studies in History 历史学 17 Time & Society 人类学,哲学,历史学 18 War in History 历史学 1 Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 环境健康学,土木工程 2 Cultural geographies 地理与环境科学,社会学,历史学 3 Dialogues in Human Geography 地理学,文化地理学,地球与环境科学 4 Environment and Behavior 环境心理学 5 Environment and Urbanization 城市地理,地理与环境科学,发展科学 6 Environment and Urbanization Asia 地理学,发展地理学,地球与环境科学 7 Ergonomics in Design 环境心理学 8 9 政治地理学,发展研究,地域与种族研 Ethnicities 究 European Urban and Regional Studies 城市地理 10 Holocene, The 地理与环境科学 11 Human Factors 环境心理学,心理学 12 Indoor and Built Environment 环境健康学,空气污染,噪声污染 13 International Journal of Rural Management 乡村地理学 14 International Regional Science Review 地理与环境科学,规划科学,经济学 15 Journal of Building Physics 建筑环境,土木工程 16 17 18 Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making 环境心理学,心理学 Journal of Developing Societies 发展地理学,地域研究,发展研究 Journal of Education for Sustainable Development 环境研究,自然地理学 19 Journal of Environment & Development, The 环境研究,自然地理学 20 Journal of Planning History 历史学,规划学,区域地理学 21 Lighting Research & Technology 工程学,环境工程 22 Organization & Environment 商业管理,社会学,地理及环境科学 23 Planning Theory 规划,城市规划,城市地理 24 Progress in Human Geography 地理与文化研究,文化地理 25 Progress in Physical Geography 地理与文化研究,人文地理 26 Public Works Management & Policy 公共政策与管理,工程学,环境科学 27 Reviews of Human Factors and Ergonomics 环境心理学,心理学 28 Space and Culture 人文地理,社会学 29 The Journal of Environment & Development 环境研究,自然地理学 30 31 城市规划,地理环境科学,经济发展研 Urban Affairs Review[now association] 究 Urban Studies[now association] 地理与环境科学,发展科学,城市规划 2.1.10 城市规划与研究 SAGE 出版 9 种城市规划学期刊,其中的重点期刊介绍如下: Environment and Urbanization, 在 77 种环境研究类期刊中排名第 10 位; 在 36 种城市研究类期刊中排名第 2 位 IF 2009: 2.224 European Urban and Regional Studies, 在 36 种城市研究类期刊中排名第 9 位; 在 77 种种环境研究类期刊中排名第 34 位 IF 2009: 1.222 Urban Studies, 在 36 种城市研究类期刊中排名第 6 位; 在 77 种环境科学类期刊中排名第 23 位 IF 2009: 1.531 该领域的 SAGE 期刊列表: No. SAGE 期刊刊名 分类 1 Environment and Urbanization 城市地理学,地理、地球和环境科学 2 Environment and Urbanization Asia 城市地理学,地理、地球和环境科学, 发展地理学 3 European Urban and Regional Studies 城市地理学 4 Journal of Planning Education and Research 规划,城市规划 5 Journal of Planning Literature 规划学,城市规划 6 Journal of Urban History 历史学,城市规划 7 Planning Theory 规划,城市规划,城市地理 8 The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit 城市规划,经济发展研究,城市、农村 及区域经济学 9 Urban Affairs Review[now association] 城市规划,地理与环境科学,经济发展 研究 2.1.11 信息科学 SAGE 出版 6 种信息技术学期刊,其中的重点期刊介绍如下: IFLA, 与国际图书馆协会联合会(IFLA)合作出版 Journal of Information Science, 在 126 种计算科学,信息系统类期刊中排名第 51 位; 在 76 种信息技术与图书馆学期刊中排名第 24 位 IF 2009: 1.406 Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 在 76 种信息技术与图书馆学期刊中排名第 45 位 IF 2009: 0.636 该领域的 SAGE 期刊列表: No. 1 2 3 刊名 Business Information Review Health Informatics Journal IFLA Journal 学科 信息科学 信息科学,信息管理 信息科学 4 Information Development 5 Journal of Information Science 6 Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 信息科学 信息科学 信息科学 2.1.12 哲学 SAGE 出版 15 种哲学期刊,其中的重点期刊介绍如下: Public Understanding of Science, 在 67 种传播学期刊中排名第 5 位; 在 36 种科学史与科学哲学类期刊中排名第 2 位 IF 2009: 1.838 Social Studies of Science, 在 36 种科学史与科学哲学类期刊中排名第 3 位 IF 2009: 1.723 该领域的 SAGE 期刊列表: SAGE 期刊刊名 No. 学科 1 Diogenes 哲学,历史学,文化研究 2 Education Citizenship & Social Justice 社会哲学基础,社会学,社会公正 3 Emotion Review 心理学,语言学,哲学 4 Journal of Humanistic Psychology 哲学心理学 5 Memory Studies 人类学,哲学,历史学 6 Philosophy & Social Criticism 哲学 7 Philosophy of the Social Sciences 社会科学哲学,定性研究 8 Politics, Philosophy & Economics 政治经济学,政治哲学,政治理论 9 Public Understanding of Science 社会科学,科学哲学,传媒 10 Science Communication 社会科学,科学哲学,教育学 11 Social Science Information 社会科学,科学教育,科学哲学 12 Social Studies of Science 科学哲学,传媒 13 Theory & Psychology 哲学心理学 14 Theory and Research in Education 哲学,教育学,社会哲学基础 15 Time & Society 时间研究,人类学,哲学 2.1.13 音乐 SAGE 出版 10 种音乐期刊,其中的重点期刊介绍如下: International Journal of Music Education, 国际音乐教育研究会的官方期刊; 在 67 种音乐类期刊中排名第 2(SJR 排名) SJR 2009: 0.027 Psychology of Music, 教育、音乐与心理研究学会的官方期刊; 在 50 种心理学,教育类期刊中排名第 22 位 IF 2009: 1.182 Musicae Scientiae, 欧洲音乐认知科学学会官方期刊; 在 67 种音乐类期刊中排名第 5(SJR 排名) SJR 2009: 0.031 Research Studies in Music Education , 教育、音乐与心理研究学会的官方期刊; 在 67 种音乐类期刊中排名第 8(SJR 排名) SJR 2009: 0.027 该领域的 SAGE 期刊列表: SAGE 期刊刊名 NO. 学科 1 General Music Today 教育,音乐,音乐/艺术教育 2 International Journal of Music Education 音乐/艺术教育,音乐 3 Journal of Music Teacher Education 教育,音乐,音乐/艺术教育 4 Journal of Research in Music Education 教育,音乐,音乐/艺术教育 5 Music and Medicine 舞蹈,音乐,音乐/艺术教育 6 Music Educators Journal 教育,音乐,音乐/艺术教育 7 8 9 10 音乐,音乐/艺术教育,认知心理 Musicae Scientiae 学 Psychology of Music 教育,音乐,音乐/艺术教育 教育心理学,音乐,音乐/艺术教 Research Studies in Music Education 育 Update: Applications of Research in Music Education 教育,音乐,音乐/艺术教育 2.2.1 生命科学 SAGE 出版 7 种期刊,其中的重点期刊介绍如下 Innate Immunity 影响因子为 3.283,在 282 种生物 化学与分子生物学期刊中名列第 117 位,在 134 种免 疫学期刊中名列第 52 位,在 106 种医学研究及实验 类期刊中名列第 29 位,在 107 种微生物学期刊中名 列第 31 位。该期刊涵盖了先天性免疫的各个研究方 面,包括微生物衍生的分子模式(如细菌内毒素)、 病毒性与寄生性成分等等。该期刊是国际内毒素与天 然免疫研究会主办的刊物 。 Journal of Biological Rhythms 影响因子为 3.309, 在 85 种生物学期刊中名列第 16 位,在 77 种生理学 期刊中名列第 23 位。该期刊是生物节律研究学会主 办的刊物,从基因学、生物化学、行为学角度探索植 物、动物和人类生物节律的原理、机理和功能。 Journal of Biomolecular Screening 影响因子为 2.500,在 71 种生物化学研究方法类期刊中名列第 34 位,在 160 种生物科技与应用微生物学期刊中名列第 61 位,在 71 种分析化学类期刊中名列第 25 位。该 期刊是实验室自动化和筛选研究学会主办的期刊,刊 载有关生物分子间相互作用和相关问题的同行评审文 章和评论性文章,并介绍本领域应用科技的新发展。 Reproductive Sciences 影响因子为 2.586,在 75 种妇产科期刊中名列第 12 位.在 26 种生殖生物学期刊 中名列第 11 位。该期刊是妇产科研究学会主办的刊 物,旨在展现近年来生殖科学及相关领域内研究的快 速发展状况。该期刊刊载了大量的原创研究报告和评 论,并始终保持着很高的引用率。此外,该期刊重视 生殖科学与医药的转化研究,并致力于联结基础研究 与临床研究。 该领域的其他 SAGE 期刊包括: 刊名 No. 学科 1 Innate Immunity 生命科学 2 Journal of Biological Rhythms 生命科学 3 Journal of Biomolecular Screening 生命科学 4 Reproductive Sciences 生命科学 5 Food Science and Technology International 生命科学 6 Human & Experimental Toxicology 生命科学 7 Toxicology and Industrial Health 生命科学 2.2.2 材料科学 SAGE 出版 21 种材料科学期刊,其中的重点期刊介绍如下 Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers, 在 160 种生物技术与微生物应用期刊中排名第 59 位; 在 25 种材料科学,生物材料类的期刊中排名第 10 位; 在 79 种聚合科学类材料中排名第 14 位 IF 2009: 2.610 Journal of Composite Materials, 在 22 种合成类材料科学期刊中排名第 8 位 IF 2009: 0.968 The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 与英国机械工程学会合作出版; 在 122 种工程学,机械类期刊中排名第 41 位; 在 32 种材料科学,鉴定与测试类期刊中排名第 9 位; 在 132 种机械学类期刊中排名第 78 位 IF 2009: 0.897 Journal of Plastic Film & Sheeting, 在 18 种材料科学,电影材料类期刊中排名第 11 位 IF 2009: 0.688 Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 与美国复合材料协会合作出版; 在 24 种材料科学,复合材料类的期刊中排名第 9 位 IF 2009: 0.865 Textile Research Journal , 在 21 种材料科学,纺织类期刊中排名第 3 位 IF 2009: 1.102 该领域的 SAGE 期刊列表: No. 1 2 SAGE 期刊刊名 International Journal of Damage Mechanics 结构材料,分析设备,断裂力学 化学,复合材料,高分子科学与 High Performance Polymers 技术 3 Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers 生物技术,工程与材料科学 4 Journal of Biomaterials Applications 材料科学 5 Journal of Cellular Plastics 工程与材料科学,塑料 6 7 8 9 工程与材料科学,断裂力学,复 Journal of Composite Materials 合材料 Journal of Elastomers and Plastics 材料化学,塑料,热力学 材料化学,工程与材料科学,复 Journal of Industrial Textiles 合材料 结构材料,航天航空工程,工程 Journal of Intelligent and Materials Systems & Structures 技术 10 Journal of Material Culture 材料物质研究,考古学,人类学 11 Journal of Plastic Film and Sheeting 材料化学,制造工程,塑料 12 13 塑料,复合材料,计算机辅助设 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 计 工程与材料科学,制造工程,机 Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 械工程 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 工程与材料科学,塑料,复合材 Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 料 Journal of Wide Bandgap Materials(not available) 材料科学 工程与材料科学,机械制造,材 Mathematics & Mechanics of Solids 料力学 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 生物医药工程,生物材料,生物 Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 力学 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials Design and Applications 材料科学,设计 Reuse/Recycle Newsletter 工程与材料科学 材料化学,工程与材料科学,纺 Textile Research Journal 织与纤维科学 The Journal of Strain Analysis 应变分析,材料力学,材料科学 2.2.3 工程学 SAGE 出版 34 种工程学期刊,其中的重点期刊介绍如下: Concurrent Engineering, 在 95 种计算科学,跨学科应用期刊中排名第 65 位; 在 38 种工程学,制造类期刊中排名第 20 位; 在 73 种运作研究与管理科学类期刊中排名的 41 位 IF 2009: 0.959 The International Journal of Robotics Research, 与 Multimedia Archives 合作出版; 在 17 种机器人研究类期刊中排名第 1 位 IF 2009: 4.095 Journal of Vibration and Control, 在 29 种声学类期刊中排名第 16 位; 在 122 种工程学,机械类期刊中排名第 43 位; 在 132 种力学类期刊中排名第 80 位 IF 2009: 0.863 Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 与英国机械工程学会合作出版; 在 11 种工程学,船舶类期刊中排名第 6 位 IF 2009: 0.259 该领域的 SAGE 期刊列表: SAGE 期刊刊名 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 学科 土木工程,建筑环境,环境健 Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 康 计算机工程,计算机辅助设 Concurrent Engineering 计,工程学 视觉通信,计算机模型,计算 Information Visualization 机工程 International Journal of High Performance Computing 计算机模型,计算机编程,计 Applications 算机工程 计算机科学,计算机工程,机 International Journal of Robotics Research 器人 生物技术,工程与材料科学, Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers 医药开发 Journal of Building Physics 土木工程,建筑环境 工程与材料科学,塑料,材料 Journal of Cellular Plastics 科学工艺 工程与材料科学,断裂力学, Journal of Composite Materials 复合材料 土木工程,工程技术与社会 Journal of Fire Protection Engineering 学,人机工程 土木工程,工程技术与社会 Journal of Fire Sciences 学,人机工程 材料化学,工程与材料科学, Journal of Industrial Textiles 纺织与纤维科学 航天航空科学,结构材料,工 Journal of Intelligent and Materials Systems & Structures 程与技术 材料化学,工程与材料科学, Journal of Plastic Film and Sheeting 制造工程 工程与材料科学,制造工程, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 机械工程 工程与材料科学,塑料,复合 Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 材料 航天航空工程,自动化工程, Journal of Vibration & Control 材料制造 工程与材料科学,机械制造, Mathematics & Mechanics of Solids 材料制造 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 工程设计,工程控制 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 机械工程,工程与技术 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part 自动化工程,引擎研究 D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering 机械工程 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit 运输工程,机械工程 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering 航天航空工程,航天引擎研究 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 生物制药工程,生物材料 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering 工程控制,控制系统 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology 表面工程 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment 船舶工程 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology 运动工程 公共政策与管理,工程学,环 Public Works Management & Policy 境科学 31 Reuse/Recycle Newsletter 工程与材料科学 32 SIMULATION 计算机模型,计算机工程 33 34 航天航空工程,自动化工程, Structural Health Monitoring 土木工程 材料化学,工程与材料科学, Textile Research Journal 纺织与纤维科学 2.2.4 临床医学 SAGE 出版 60 种临床医学领域的期刊,包括 13 种神经系统科学和神经病学期 刊,7 种整形医学及运动医学期刊,13 种血管药物及手术类期刊,11 种慢性疾 病与舒缓药物类期刊以及其他的临床医学刊物 16 种。其中的重点期刊介绍如下: Lupus, 在 22 种风湿病研究期刊中名列第 14 位 。 该期刊是国际唯一的一本专注于研究红斑狼疮及相关疾 病的国际性期刊,它登载了由杰出专业人士作出的最具 发展前景的临床和实验室研究成果。 IF 2009: 2.6 Palliative Medicine, 欧洲舒缓医学研究会的官方期刊; 在 71 种保健科学与服务期刊中排名第 13 位; 在 151 种医学与内科医学期刊中排名第 31 位; 在 140 种公共健康环境与职业健康期刊中排名第 35 名 IF 2009: 2.515 Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology , 在 185 种神经内科临床医学期刊中排名第 87 位; 在 126 种精神病学期刊中排名第 63 位, 在 44 种老年病学期刊中排名第 22 位 IF 2009: 2.131 Neurorehabilitation & Neural Repair , 美国神经看复学学会与世界神经康复学协会官方期刊 在 185 种神经内科临床医学期刊中排名第 37 位; 在 43 种康复学期刊中排名第 1 位 IF 2009: 3.772 The Neuroscientist , 在 185 种神经内科临床医学期刊中排名第 25 位; 在 237 种神经科学期刊中排名第 52 位 IF 2009: 4.577 The American Journal of Sports Medicine , 美国骨科运动医学研究会的官方期刊; 在 72 种运动科学期刊中排名第 3 位 在 56 种整形外科类期刊中排名第 2 位 IF 2009: 3.605 The Journal of Hand Surgery, 英国手部手术学会与欧洲手部手术协会的官方期刊; 在 61 种骨科期刊中排名第 35 位; 在 187 种外科期刊中排名第 125 位 IF 2009: 0.868 Clinical and Applied Thrombosis / Hemostasis, 在 60 种血液学期刊中名列第 50 位; 在 66 种外周血管疾病期刊中排名第 48 位 IF 2009: 1.476 International Journal of Surgical Pathology, 在 76 种病理学期刊中排名第 56 位, 在 187 种外科期刊中排名第 103 位 IF 2009: 1.134 Perfusion , 在 60 种外周血管疾病期刊中排名第 54 位 IF 2009: 0.642 Vascular Medicine , 在 66 种外周血管疾病期刊中排名第 49 位 IF 2009: 1.467 Clinical Pediatrics , 在 107 种儿科期刊中排名第 79 位 IF 2009: 0.896 Clinical Rehabilitation , 在 33 种康复治疗期刊中排名第 12 位 IF 2009: 1.767 Diabetes Educator, 美国糖尿病研究学会的官方期刊; 在 116 种内分泌与新陈代谢类期刊中排名第 84 位 IF 2009: 1.947 Statistical Methods in Medical Research , 在 71 种保健科学与服务期刊中排名第 32 位; 在 22 种医药信息学期刊中排名第 9 位; 在 37 种数学与计算生物学期刊中排名第 17 位; 在 110 种统计学与概率学类期刊种排名第 17 位 IF 2009: 1.377 Innate Immunity, 国际内毒素与天然免疫研究会的官方期刊; 在 282 种生物化学与分子生物学期刊中排名第 117 位; 在 134 种免疫学期刊中排名第 52 位; 在 106 种医学研究及实验类期刊中排名第 29 位; 在 107 种微生物学期刊中排名第 31 位 IF 2009: 3.283 该领域的 SAGE 期刊列表: 刊名 No. 1 学科 Journals of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care 慢性疾病与舒缓药物 2 Integrative Cancer Therapies 慢性疾病与舒缓药物 3 Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease 慢性疾病与舒缓药物 4 Chronic Respiratory Disease 慢性疾病与舒缓药物 5 Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology 慢性疾病与舒缓药物 6 Chronic Illness 慢性疾病与舒缓药物 7 American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine 慢性疾病与舒缓药物 8 Journal of Aging and Health 慢性疾病与舒缓药物 9 10 Genes & Cancer 慢性疾病与舒缓药物 American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias 神经系统科学和神经病学 11 The Neurohospitalist 神经系统科学和神经病学 12 Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 神经系统科学和神经病学 13 Dementia 神经系统科学和神经病学 14 Cephalalgia 神经系统科学和神经病学 15 International Journal of Social Psychiatry 神经系统科学和神经病学 16 Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 神经系统科学和神经病学 17 Transcultural Psychiatry 神经系统科学和神经病学 18 Sports Health :A Multidisciplinary Approach 整形医学及运动医学 19 Geriatric Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation 整形医学及运动医学 20 Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease 整形医学及运动医学 21 Foot & Ankle Specialist 整形医学及运动医学 22 Cartilage 整形医学及运动医学 23 Angiology 血管药物及手术 24 Perspectives in Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy 血管药物及手术 25 Surgical Innovation 血管药物及手术 26 Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 血管药物及手术 27 The International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds 血管药物及手术 28 Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 血管药物及手术 29 Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease 血管药物及手术 30 Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 血管药物及手术 31 American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine 临床医学 32 Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography 临床医学 33 Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease 临床医学 34 Trends in Amplification 临床医学 35 Traumatology 临床医学 36 Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology 临床医学 37 American Journal of Men’s Health 临床医学 38 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 临床医学 39 Trauma 临床医学 40 41 Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism 临床医学 Journal of Dental Research 临床医学 2.2.5 公共卫生与护理学 SAGE 共出版 45 种公共卫生与健康类以及护理学类的期刊。其中的重点期刊介 绍如下: Biological Research For Nursing, 在 88 种护理学类期刊(JCR 科学索引)中排名第 45 位 IF 2009: 0.970 Journal of Human Lactation, 国际哺乳咨询协会官方期刊; 在 88 种护理科学期刊中名列第 21 位, 在 75 种妇产科期刊中名列第 50 位, 在 107 种小儿科期刊中名列 53 位 IF 2009: 1.329 Palliative Medicine, 欧洲舒缓医学研究会的官方期刊; 在 71 种保健科学与服务期刊中排名第 13 位; 在 151 种医学与内科医学期刊中排名第 31 位; 在 140 种公共健康环境与职业健康期刊中排名第 35 名 IF 2009: 2.515 Health Education & Behavior, 公众健康教育学会的官方刊物; 在 114 种公共、环境与职业健康类期刊中排名第 34 位 IF 2009: 1.742 Evaluation & the Health Professions, 在 71 种保健科学与服务期刊中排名第 49 位; IF 2009: 1.208 Medical Care Research and Review, 在 71 种健康科学与服务类期刊中排名第 22 位; 在 56 种健康政策与服务类期刊中排名第 15 位 IF 2009: 2.195 该领域的 SAGE 期刊列表: 刊名 No. 学科 1 Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health 公共卫生 2 Journal of Infection Prevention 公共卫生 3 Clinical Nursing Research 护理学 4 Dementia 护理学 5 Health Informatics Journal 公共卫生 6 Home Health Care Management & Practice 公共卫生 7 Journal of Correctional Health Care 公共卫生 8 Journal of Health Management 公共卫生 9 Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 公共卫生 10 Journal of Research in Nursing 护理学 11 Perspectives in Public Health 公共卫生 12 Promotion & Education(Global Health Promotion) 公共卫生 13 International Journal of Behavioral Development 公共卫生 14 Journal of Adolescent Research 护理学 15 Journal of Attention Disorders 护理学 16 Journal of School Nursing 护理学 17 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 护理学 18 Biological Research for Nursing 护理学 19 British Journal of Visual Impairment 公共卫生 20 Complementary Health Practice Review 公共卫生 21 Health Education Journal 公共卫生 22 Health Promotion Practice 公共卫生 23 Journal of Child Health Care 护理学 24 Journal of Family Nursing 护理学 25 Journal of Holistic Nursing 护理学 26 Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing 护理学 27 Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses 护理学 Association Nursing 护理学 28 Journal of Transcultural 29 Qualitative Health Research 公共卫生 30 ICAN: Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition 护理学 31 Journal of Asthma & Allergy Educators 公共卫生 32 Journal of Primary Care and Community Health 公共卫生 33 NASN School Nurse 护理学 34 Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice 护理学 2.2.6 药理学与毒理学 SAGE 出版 17 种期刊,其中的重点期刊介绍如下: Human & Experimental Toxicology, 在 83 种毒理学期刊中排名第 64 位 IF 2009: 1.122 Journal of Psychopharmacology, 与英国心理药理协会合作出版; 在 185 种临床神经学期刊中排名第 35 位; 在 237 种神经科学类期刊中排名第 17 位; 在 249 种药理学与药物学类期刊中排名第 48 位; 在 126 种精神病学类期刊中排名第 28 位 IF 2009: 3.801 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 美国临床药理学研究会官方刊物; 在 249 种药理学与药物学期刊中排名第 59 位 IF 2009: 3.590 Toxicologic Pathology, 与病理毒理学会合作出版; 在 76 种病理学类期刊中排名第 31 位; 在 83 种毒理学期刊中排名第 46 位 IF 2009: 2.168 该领域的 SAGE 期刊列表: 刊名 No. 学科 1 Clin-Alert 药理学及毒理学 2 Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice 药理学及毒理学 3 Toxicology and Industrial Health 药理学及毒理学 4 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 药理学及毒理学 5 Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety 药理学及毒理学 6 World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery 药理学及毒理学 7 Clinical Trials 药理学及毒理学 8 Journal of Pharmacy Practice 药理学及毒理学 9 Journal of Histochemisty &Cytochemistry 药理学及毒理学 10 Music and Medicine 药理学及毒理学 11 Therapeutic Advances in Urology 药理学及毒理学 3. SAGE 期刊与其他数据库 SAGE 出版的期刊只有极少量的被其他数据库收录,而且多为文摘和索引。具体 情况如下: SAGE 和 EBSCO 有 23 本 SAGE 期刊可通过 EBSCO 访问,但是只有 6 种可以获得全文,并且有 一年的滞后期。 序号 刊名 文摘及索引 全文 1/1/1997 to present Theology & Sexuality: The Journal of the Institute for the Study of Christianity 1 & Sexuality 1/1/1997 to present 2 Theoretical Criminology 1/1/1999 to present 3 Theory & Psychology 1/1/1999 to present 4 Theory, Culture & Society 1/1/1998 to present 5 Thesis Eleven 1/1/1999 to present 6 Time & Society 2/1/1995 to present 7 Transcultural Psychiatry 1/1/1999 to present 8 Trauma, Violence & Abuse 1/1/2000 to present 9 Urban Affairs Quarterly 1/1/1992 to 12/31/1992 10 Urban Affairs Review 12/1/1993 to present 11 Urban Education 1/1/1990 to present 12 Violence Against Women 1/1/1995 to present 13 Western Journal of Nursing Research 1/1/1979 to present 14 Work & Occupations 2/1/1982 to present 15 Written Communication 1/1/1998 to present 16 Youth & Society 9/1/1974 to present 17 Vascular & Endovascular Surgery 1/1/2002 to present 18 Vascular Surgery 7/1/2000 to 12/31/2001 19 Toxicology & Industrial Health 1/1/1998 to present 1/1/1998 to present Transactions of the Institute of 20 Measurement & Control 1/1/2000 to present 1/1/2000 to present 21 Trauma 1/1/1999 to present 1/1/1999 to present 22 Vascular Medicine 1/1/1998 to present 1/1/1998 to present 23 War in History 1/1/1997 to present 1/1/1997 to present SAGE 和 OVID OVID 整合了 16 种由 SAGE 出版的美国医学杂志,并通过 OVID 平台访问。 序号 刊名 1 American Journal of Medical Quality 2 American Journal of Sports Medicine 3 Angiology 4 Clinical Pediatrics 5 Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostatsis 6 Complementary Health Practice Review 7 Dementia 8 Diabetes Educator, The 9 International Journal of Surgical Pathology 10 Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 11 Journal of Human Lactation 12 Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing 13 Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association 14 Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 15 Trends in Amplification 16 Vascular & Endovascular Surgery SAGE 和 JSTOR 用户可以通过 JSTOR 访问 19 种 SAGE 过刊数据。 序号 刊名 1 American Educational Research Journal 2 Annals of the American Academy of Political & Social Science 3 Educational Evaluation & Policy Analysis 4 Educational Researcher 5 Gender & Society 6 International Political Science Review 7 Journal of Black Studies 8 Journal of Conflict Resolution 9 Journal of Contemporary History 10 Journal of Educational & Behavioral Statistics 11 Journal of Peace Research 12 Latin American Perspectives 13 Modern China 14 Political Research Quarterly 15 Political Theory 16 Review of Educational Research 17 Review of Research in Education 18 Science, Technology & Human Values 19 Social Studies of Science SAGE 和 INFOTRAC INFOTRAC 数据库收录了 40 种 SAGE 期刊。 序号 刊名 1 Adaptive Behavior 2 Concurrent Engineering 3 Indoor and Built Environment 4 International Journal of Damage Mechanics 5 International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 6 Journal of Fire Protection Engineering 7 Journal of Vibration and Control 8 Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 9 The International Journal of Robotics Research 10 The Shock and Vibration Digest 11 Waste Management and Research 12 Journal of Building Physics 13 Journal of Fire Sciences 14 American Journal of Sports Medicine 15 American Journal of Medical Quality 16 Complementary Health Practice Review 17 Clin Alert 18 Health Informatics Journal 19 Integrative Cancer Therapies 20 International Journal of Lower Extremety Wounds 21 Journal of Psychopharmacology 22 Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association 23 Journal of Biological Rhythms 24 Journal of Biomolecular Screening 25 Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 26 Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography 27 Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry & Neurology 28 Journal of Human Lactation 29 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 30 Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing 31 Journal of Neuroimaging 32 Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing 33 Journal of Pharmacy Practice 34 Journal of Psychopharmacology 35 Medical Decision Making 36 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 37 The Diabetes Educator 38 The Neuroscientist 39 Journal of the International Association of Physicians in Aids Care 40 Dementia 4. 附录 附录 1 SAGE Premier(现刊) 列表:1999 年-最新 序号 SAGE 期刊刊名 Print ISSN 影响因子 2009 1 Accounting History 1032-3732 2 Acta Sociologica 0001-6993 1 3 Action Research 1476-7503 0.846 4 Active Learning in Higher Education 1469-7874 5 Adaptive Behaviour 1059-7123 1.136 6 Administration & Society 0095-3997 0.944 7 Adult Education Quarterly 0741-7136 0.556 8 Advances in Dental Research 0022-0345 3.773 9 Advances in Developing Human Resources 1523-4223 10 Aesthetic Surgery Journal 1090-820X 11 Affilia 0886-1099 0.582 12 American Behavioral Scientist 0002-7642 0.492 13 American Educational Research Journal 0002-8312 2.479 Dementias 1533-3175 1.774 15 American Journal of Evaluation 1098-2140 1.157 16 American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine 1049-9091 0.969 17 American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine 1559-8276 18 American Journal of Medical Quality 1062-8606 1.707 19 American Journal of Men's Health 1557-9883 1.238 20 American Journal of Sports Medicine,The 0363-5465 3.605 21 American Politics Research 1532-673X 0.716 22 American Review of Public Administration, The 0275-0740 1 23 American Sociological Review 0003-1224 3.693 24 Angiology 0003-3197 0.992 25 Animation 1746-8477 14 26 American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease & Other ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, The 0002-7162 1.039 27 Anthropological Theory 1463-4996 28 Applied Psychological Measurement 0146-6216 1.137 29 Armed Forces & Society 0095-327X 0.615 30 Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 1474-0222 31 Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 1010-5395 32 Asian Journal of Management Cases 0972-8201 0.988 33 Assessment 1073-1911 34 Assessment for Effective Intervention 1534-5084 35 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology 0004-8658 0.821 36 Australian Journal of Management 0312-8962 0.469 37 Autism 1362-3613 2.606 38 Behavior Modification 0145-4455 1.585 39 Biblical Theology Bulletin 0146-1079 40 Biological Research For Nursing 1099-8004 41 Bioscope: South Asian Screen Studies 0974-9276 42 0.97 BMS: Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique 0759-1063 43 Body & Society 1357-034X 44 British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease,The 1474-6514 45 British Journal of Visual Impairment 0264-6196 46 British Journalism Review 0956-4748 47 2.338 1.082 Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 0143-6244 0.915 48 Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society 0270-4676 49 Business & Society 0007-6503 50 Business Communication Quarterly 1080-5699 51 Business Information Review 0266-3821 52 Canadian Journal of School Psychology 0829-5735 53 Capital & Class 0309-8168 54 Cardiac Cath Lab Director(? records) 2150-1335 55 Career Development for Exceptional Individuals 0885-7288 56 Cartilage 1947-6035 57 Cephalalgia 0333-1024 58 Child Language Teaching and Therapy 0265-6590 59 Child Maltreatment 1077-5595 60 Childhood 0907-5682 61 China Information 0920-203X 62 China Report 0009-4455 63 Chronic Illness 1742-3953 64 Chronic Respiratory Disease 1479-9723 65 Clin-Alert 0069-4770 66 Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis 1076-0296 67 Clinical Case Studies 1534-6501 68 Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 1359-1045 69 Clinical Nursing Research 1054-7738 70 Clinical Pediatrics 0009-9228 71 Clinical Pharmacology in Drug Development 2160-763X 72 Clinical Rehabilitation 0269-2155 1.767 73 Clinical Trials 1740-7745 2.356 1.22 4.265 1.984 1.061 1.476 0.896 74 Clothing and Textiles Research Journal 0887-302X 0.19 75 Communication Disorders Quarterly 1525-7401 76 Communication Research 0093-6502 77 Community College Review 0091-5521 78 Comparative Political Studies 0010-4140 79 Compensation & Benefits Review 0886-3687 80 Concurrent Engineering 1063-293X 0..959 81 Conflict Management and Peace Science 0738-8942 0.682 82 Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 0094-3061 0.294 83 Contributions to Indian Sociology 0069-9667 84 Convergence 1354-8565 85 Cooperation and Conflict 0010-8367 0.868 Quarterly) 1938-9655 0.549 87 Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation 2150-1378 88 Counseling Psychologist, The 0011-0000 1.878 89 Crime & Delinquency 0011-1287 1.75 90 Crime, Media, Culture 1741-6590 91 Criminal Justice and Behavior 0093-8548 92 Criminal Justice Policy Review 0887-4034 93 Criminal Justice Review 0734-0168 94 Criminology & Criminal Justice 1748-8958 95 Critical Social Policy 0261-0183 96 Critical Sociology 0896-9205 97 Critique of Anthropology 0308-275X 0.425 98 Cross-Cultural Research 1069-3971 0.641 99 Cultural Dynamics 0921-3740 100 Cultural geographies 1474-4740 1.143 101 Cultural Sociology 1749-9755 0.559 102 Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies 1532-7086 103 Culture & Psychology 1354-067X 0.946 104 Current Directions in Psychological Science 0963-7214 3.49 105 Current Sociology 0011-3921 0.674 106 Currents in Biblical Research(removed) 1476-993X 107 Dementia 1471-3012 108 Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research 1479-1641 2.468 109 Diabetes Educator,The 0145-7217 1.947 110 Dialogues in Human Geography 2043-8206 111 Diogenes 0392-1921 112 Discourse & Communication 1750-4813 0.688 113 Discourse & Society 0957-9265 1.032 114 Discourse Studies 1461-4456 0.508 1.819 1.813 Cornell Hospitality Quarterly(formerly known as 86 Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration 1.59 0.679 115 East European Politics and Societies 0888-3254 0.306 116 Economic and Industrial Democracy 0143-831X 0.489 117 Economic Development Quarterly 0891-2424 1.059 118 Education and Urban Society 0013-1245 0.406 119 Education Citizenship & Social Justice 1746-1979 120 Educational Administration Quarterly 0013-161X 1.286 121 Educational and Psychological Measurement 0013-1644 0.831 122 Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 0162-3737 1.919 123 Educational Management Administration & Leadership 1741-1432 124 Educational Policy 0895-9048 0.47 125 Educational Researcher 0013-189X 3.774 126 Electronic News 1931-2431 127 Emotion Review 1754-0739 128 Environment and Behavior 0013-9165 1.921 129 Environment and Urbanization 0956-2478 1.583 130 Environment and Urbanization Asia 0975-4253 131 Ethnicities 1468-7968 132 Ethnography 1466-1381 133 European History Quarterly 0265-6914 0.3 134 European Journal of Communication 0267-3231 1.077 135 European Journal of Criminology 1477-3708 136 European Journal of Cultural Studies 1367-5494 137 European Journal of Industrial Relations 0959-6801 0.69 138 European Journal of International Relations 1354-0661 1.426 139 European Journal of Political Theory 1474-8851 140 European Journal of Social Theory 1368-4310 141 European Journal of Women's Studies 1350-5068 0.579 142 European Physical Education Review 1356-336X 0.667 143 European Union Politics 1465-1165 1.55 144 European Urban and Regional Studies 0969-7764 1.128 145 Evaluation 1356-3890 146 Evaluation & the Health Professions 0163-2787 1.208 147 Evaluation Review 0193-841X 1.16 148 Expository Times 0014-5246 149 Family Business Review 0894-4865 150 Family Journal, The 1066-4807 151 Feminism & Psychology 0959-3535 0.922 152 Feminist Criminology 1557-0851 0.567 153 Feminist Theology 0966-7350 154 Feminist Theory 1464-7001 155 Field Methods 1525-822X 156 First Language 0142-7237 0.667 2.426 1.186 157 Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 1088-3576 0.286 158 Food Science and Technology International 1082-0132 0.467 159 Foot and Ankle Specialist 1938-6400 160 French Cultural Studies 0957-1558 161 Games and Culture 1555-4120 162 Gender & Society 0891-2432 163 Gender, Technology & Development 0971-8524 164 General Music Today 1048-3713 165 Genes & Cancer 1947-6019 166 Geriatric Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation 2151-4585 167 Gifted Child Quarterly 0016-9862 168 Global Business Review 0972-1509 169 2.088 0.684 Global Health Promotion (formerly known as Promotion & Education) 1757-9759 170 Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies 171 Global Media and Communication 1742-7665 172 Global Social Policy 1468-0181 173 Group & Organization Management 1059-6011 174 Group Analysis 0533-3164 175 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 1368-4302 1.369 176 Health Education & Behavior 1090-1981 1.742 177 Health Education Journal 0017-8969 0.679 178 Health Informatics Journal 1460-4582 179 Health Promotion Practice 1524-8399 180 Health: 1363-4593 1.754 181 High Performance Polymers 0954-0083 1.318 182 Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 0739-9863 0.981 183 History of Psychiatry 0957-154X 0.205 184 History of the Human Sciences 0952-6951 0.357 185 Holocene, The 0959-6836 2.481 186 Home Health Care Management & Practice 1084-8223 187 Homicide Studies 1088-7679 1.455 188 Human and Experimental Toxicology 0960-3271 1.211 189 Human Factors 0018-7208 1.373 190 Human Relations 0018-7267 1.701 191 Human Resource Development Review 1534-4843 192 ICAN: Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition 1941-4064 193 ICU Director 1944-4516 194 IFLA Journal 0340-0352 195 Improving Schools 1365-4802 196 Index on Censorship 0306-4220 0974-9101 2.415 197 India Quarterly 0974-9284 198 Indian Economic & Social History Review 0019-4646 199 Indian Historical Review 0376-9836 200 Indian Journal of Gender Studies 0971-5215 201 Indoor and Built Environment 1420-326X 202 Information Development 0266-6669 203 0.698 Innate Immunity (formerly known as Journal of Endotoxin Research) 1753-4259 3.283 204 Integrative Cancer Therapies 1534-7354 1.716 205 International Communication Gazette 1748-0485 206 International Criminal Justice Review 1057-5677 207 International Journal of Behavioral Development 0165-0254 1.304 208 International Journal of Bilingualism 1367-0069 0.862 209 International Journal of Comparative Sociology 0020-7152 210 International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 1470-5958 211 International Journal of Cultural Studies 1367-8779 212 International Journal of Damage Mechanics 1056-7895 1.958 Applications 1094-3420 1.171 214 International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds, The 1534-7346 215 International Journal of Music Education 0255-7614 213 216 International Journal of High Performance Computing International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 0306-624X 1.071 217 International Journal of Press/Politics,The 1940-1612 0.825 218 International Journal of Robotics Research 0278-3649 4.095 219 International Journal of Rural Management 0973-0052 220 International Journal of Social Psychiatry 0020-7640 1.106 221 International Journal of Surgical Pathology 1066-8969 1.134 222 International Journal of Toxicology 1091-5818 1.762 223 International Political Science Abstracts 0020-8345 224 International Political Science Review 0192-5121 0.585 225 International Regional Science Review 0160-0176 0.667 226 International Relations 0047-1178 227 International Review for the Sociology of Sport 1012-6902 228 International Review of Administrative Sciences 0020-8523 0.848 229 International Small Business Journal 0266-2426 0.927 230 International Social Work 0020-8728 0.436 231 International Sociology 0268-5809 0.920 232 International Studies 0020-8817 233 Intervention in School and Clinic 1053-4512 234 Irish Theological Quarterly 0021-1400 235 JDMS: Journal of Defense Modeling & Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology 1548-5129 0.351 236 Journal for the Study of the New Testament 0142-064X 237 Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 0309-0892 238 Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 0951-8207 239 Journal of Adolescent Research 0743-5584 1.164 240 Journal of Aging and Health 0898-2643 1.467 241 Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, The 0021-8863 1.682 242 Journal of Applied Gerontology 0733-4648 0.985 243 Journal of Asian and African Studies 0021-9096 244 Journal of Asthma & Allergy Educators 2150-1297 245 Journal of Attention Disorders 1087-0547 2.955 246 Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers 0883-9115 2.61 247 Journal of Biological Rhythms 0748-7304 3.309 248 Journal of Biomaterials Applications 0885-3282 1.651 249 Journal of Biomolecular Screening 1087-0571 2.5 250 Journal of Black Psychology 0095-7984 0.956 251 Journal of Black Studies 0021-9347 0.163 252 Journal of Building Physics 1744-2591 0.618 253 Journal of Business and Technical Communication 1050-6519 0.656 254 Journal of Business Communication 0021-9436 255 Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1074-2484 1.969 256 Journal of Career Assessment 1069-0727 1.639 257 Journal of Career Development 0894-8453 1.05 258 Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership 1555-4589 259 Journal of Cellular Plastics 0021-955X 260 Journal of Child Health Care 1367-4935 261 Journal of Child Neurology 0883-0738 262 Journal of Classical Sociology 1468-795X 263 Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, The 0091-2700 264 Journal of Commonwealth Literature, The 0021-9894 265 Journal of Communication Inquiry 0196-8599 266 Journal of Composite Materials 0021-9983 0.968 267 Journal of Conflict Resolution 0022-0027 1.883 268 Journal of Consumer Culture 1469-5405 269 Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 1043-9862 270 Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 0891-2416 0.731 271 Journal of Contemporary History 0022-0094 0.397 272 Journal of Correctional Health Care 1078-3458 273 Journal of Creative Communications 0973-2586 274 Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 0022-0221 1.857 275 Journal of Dental Research 0022-0345 3.773 276 Journal of Developing Societies 0169-796X 277 Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography 8756-4793 1 1.668 3.59 278 Journal of Disability Policy Studies 1044-2073 279 Journal of Early Adolescence, The 0272-4316 280 Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 1468-7984 281 Journal of Early Childhood Research 1476-718X 282 Journal of Early Intervention 1053-8151 283 Journal of Education for Sustainable Development 0973-4082 284 Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 1076-9986 1.644 285 Journal of Elastomers and Plastics 0095-2443 0.658 286 Journal of Emerging Market Finance 0972-6527 287 Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 1063-4266 2 288 Journal of English Linguistics 0075-4242 1.04 289 Journal of Entrepreneurship 0971-3557 290 Journal of Environment & Development, The 1070-4965 291 Journal of European Social Policy 0958-9287 292 Journal of European Studies 0047-2441 293 1.556 0.694 1.673 Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine 2156-5872 294 Journal of Family History 0363-1990 0.442 295 Journal of Family Issues 0192-513X 1.264 296 Journal of Family Nursing 1074-8407 1.689 297 Journal of Fire Protection Engineering 1042-3915 0.296 298 Journal of Fire Sciences 0734-9041 0.942 299 Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology 0891-9887 2.131 300 Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume) 1753-1934 0.868 301 Journal of Health & Social Behavior 0022-1465 2.18 302 Journal of Health Management 0972-0634 303 Journal of Health Psychology 1359-1053 304 Journal of Hispanic Higher Education 1538-1927 305 Journal of Histochemisty & Cytochemistry 0022-1554 306 Journal of Holistic Nursing 0898-0101 307 Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 1096-3480 0.653 308 Journal of Human Lactation 0890-3344 1.329 309 Journal of Human Values 0971-6858 310 Journal of Humanistic Psychology 0022-1678 0.488 311 Journal of Industrial Relations 0022-1856 0.43 312 Journal of Industrial Textiles 1528-0837 0.811 313 Journal of Infection Prevention(原名:British Journal of 1757-1774(原 Infection Control) ISSN:1469-0446) 314 Journal of Information Science 0165-5515 315 Journal of Infrastructure[ Development]name change 0974-9306 316 Journal of Intellectual Disabilities(removed) 1744-6295 317 1.542 2.381 1.406 Journal of Intelligent and Materials Systems & Structures 1045-389X 1.604 318 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 0885-0666 319 Journal of Interpersonal Violence 0886-2605 1.354 320 Journal of Language and Social Psychology 0261-927X 0.885 321 Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies 1548-0518 322 Journal of Learning Disabilities 0022-2194 2.24 323 Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 0961-0006 0.636 324 Journal of Macromarketing 0276-1467 1.175 325 Journal of Management 0149-2063 3.758 326 Journal of Management Education 1052-5629 327 Journal of Management Inquiry 1056-4926 328 Journal of Marketing Education 0273-4753 329 Journal of Material Culture 1359-1835 0.867 330 Journal of Mixed Methods Research 1558-6898 2.219 331 Journal of Music Teacher Education 1057-0837 332 Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice 1078-1552 333 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 0148-6071 2.606 334 Journal of Peace Research 0022-3433 1.476 335 Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing 1043-4542 0.897 336 Journal of Pharmacy Practice 0897-1900 337 Journal of Planning Education and Research 0739-456X 338 Journal of Planning History 1538-5132 339 Journal of Planning Literature 0885-4122 1.143 340 Journal of Plastic Film and Sheeting 8756-0879 0.688 341 Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions 1098-3007 1.943 342 Journal of Primary Care and Community Health 2150-1319 343 Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 0734-2829 0.717 344 Journal of Psychopharmacology 0269-8811 3.801 345 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 0731-6844 0.823 346 Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 0022-4278 1.694 347 Journal of Research in International Education 1475-2409 348 Journal of Research in Music Education 0022-4294 349 Journal of Research in Nursing 1744-9871 350 Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 1099-6362 0.773 351 Journal of School Nursing,The 1059-8405 0.717 352 Journal of Service Research 1094-6705 1.615 353 Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 0265-4075 1.049 354 Journal of Social Archaeology 1469-6053 355 Journal of Social Work 1468-0173 0.605 356 Journal of Sociology 1440-7833 0.674 357 Journal of South Asian Development 0973-1741 358 Journal of Special Education 0022-4669 1.943 359 Journal of Sport and Social Issues 0193-7235 0.692 360 Journal of Sports Economics 1527-0025 0.528 1.283 1 361 Journal of Studies in International Education 1028-3153 0.739 362 Journal of Teacher Education 0022-4871 1.891 363 364 Journal of the [International] Association of Physicians in AIDS Care(name add) 1545-1097 Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association 1078-3903 365 Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 0003-0651 0.881 366 Journal of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System 1470-3203 1.968 367 Journal of Theoretical Politics 0951-6298 0.487 368 Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 0892-7057 0.865 369 Journal of Transcultural Nursing 1043-6596 0.714 370 Journal of Transformative Education 1541-3446 371 Journal of Travel Research 0047-2875 1.549 372 Journal of Urban History 0096-1442 0.129 373 Journal of Vacation Marketing 1356-7667 374 Journal of Vibration & Control 1077-5463 375 Journal of Visual Culture 1470-4129 376 Journalism 1464-8849 377 Labor Studies Journal 0160-449X 378 Language and Literature 0963-9470 379 Language and Speech(applicable now) 0023-8309 0.895 380 Language Teaching Research 1362-1688 1.205 381 Language Testing 0265-5322 382 Latin American Perspectives 0094-582X 383 Law, Culture and the Humanities 1743-8721 384 Leadership 1742-7150 0.535 385 Lighting Research & Technology 1477-1535 1.256 386 Lupus 0961-2033 2.6 387 Management and Organizational History 1744-9359 388 Management Communication Quarterly 0893-3189 389 Management in Education 0892-0206 390 Management Learning 1350-5076 391 0.863 0.32 1.109 1.206 Margin - The Journal of Applied Economic Research(now association) 0973-8010 392 Marketing Theory 1470-5931 0.833 393 Mathematics & Mechanics of Solids 1081-2865 1.296 Development 0748-1756 0.903 395 Media, Culture & Society 0163-4437 0.663 396 Media, War & Conflict(now association) 1750-6352 397 Medical Care Research and Review 1077-5587 2.195 398 Medical Decision Making 0272-989X 2.013 399 Medieval History Journal(applicable now) 0971-9458 394 Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and 400 Memory Studies 1750-6980 401 Men and Masculinities 1097-184X 0.814 association) 0305-8298 0.727 403 Modern China 0097-7004 0.615 404 Multiple Sclerosis 1352-4585 4.230 405 Music and Medicine 1943-8621 406 Music Educators Journal 0027-4321 407 NASN School Nurse 1942-602X 408 NASSP Bulletin 0192-6365 409 National Institute Economic Review 0027-9501 410 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 1545-9683 3.772 411 Neuroscientist, The 1073-8584 4.577 412 New Media & Society 1461-4448 1.091 413 Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 0899-7640 0.648 414 Nursing Ethics 0969-7330 1.085 415 Nursing Science Quarterly 0894-3184 1.215 416 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 0884-5336 2.078 417 Organization 1350-5084 1.488 418 Organization & Environment 1086-0266 1.085 419 Organization Studies 0170-8406 2.339 420 Organizational Psychology Review 2041-3866 421 Organizational Research Methods 1094-4281 4.423 422 Palliative Medicine 0269-2163 2.515 423 Party Politics(now asssociation) 1354-0688 1.016 424 Perfusion 0267-6591 0.642 425 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 0146-1672 2.518 426 Personality and Social Psychology Review 1088-8683 6.091 402 427 428 Millennium: Journal of International Studies(now Perspectives in Public Health (原名:Journal of the Royal Society for Promotion of Health, The) 1757-9139 (原 ISSN:1466-4240) 0.833 Perspectives in Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy 1531-0035 429 Perspectives on Psychological Science 1745-6916 430 Philosophy & Social Criticism 0191-4537 431 Philosophy of the Social Sciences 0048-3931 432 Planning Theory 1473-0952 433 Police Quarterly 1098-6111 434 Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice 1527-1544 435 Political Research Quarterly[now applicable] 1065-9129 1.018 436 Political Science 0032-3187 0.478 437 Political Theory 0090-5917 0.822 438 Politics & Society 0032-3292 1.342 439 Politics, Philosophy & Economics 1470-594X 5.260 0.476 0.93 440 Prison Journal, The 0032-8855 0.538 441 Probation Journal 0264-5505 442 Progress in Development Studies 1464-9934 443 Progress in Human Geography 0309-1325 3.59 444 Progress in Physical Geography 0309-1333 2.261 445 Psychological Science 0956-7976 4.699 446 Psychological Science in the Public Interest 1529-1006 447 Psychology & Developing Societies[now applicable] 0971-3336 448 Psychology of Music 0305-7356 449 Public Finance Review 1091-1421 450 Public Policy and Administration 0952-0767 451 Public Relations Inquiry 2046-147X 452 Public Understanding of Science 0963-6625 453 Public Works Management & Policy 1087-724X 454 Punishment & Society 1462-4745 1 455 Qualitative Health Research 1049-7323 2.264 456 Qualitative Inquiry 1077-8004 0.673 457 Qualitative Research 1468-7941 458 Qualitative Social Work 1473-3250 459 Race & Class 0306-3968 460 Race and Justice 2153-3687 461 Rationality and Society 1043-4631 1.059 462 Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin[applicable now] 0034-3552 0.74 463 RELC Journal 0033-6882 464 Remedial and Special Education[applicable now] 0741-9325 0.561 465 Reproductive Sciences 1933-7191 2.586 466 Research on Aging 0164-0275 1.29 467 Research on Social Work Practice 1049-7315 1.13 468 Research Studies in Music Education 1321-103X 469 Review of Educational Research 0034-6543 470 Review of Market Integration 0974-9292 471 Review of Public Personnel Administration 0734-371X 472 Review of Radical Political Economics 0486-6134 473 Review of Research in Education 0091-732X 1.909 474 Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 1403-4948 1.487 475 School Psychology International 0143-0343 0.716 476 Science Communication 1075-5470 1.579 477 Science Technology & Society[now applicable] 0971-7218 478 Science, Technology & Human Values 0162-2439 2.21 479 Second Language Research 0267-6583 1.621 480 Security Dialogue 0967-0106 1.6 481 Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 1089-2532 482 Sexual Abuse 1079-0632 1.182 1.838 0.316 3.127 0.891 1.5 483 Sexualities 1363-4607 484 SIMULATION 0037-5497 485 Simulation & Gaming 1046-8781 486 Small Group Research 1046-4964 487 Social & Legal Studies 0964-6639 488 Social Change 0049-0857 489 Social Compass 0037-7686 490 Social Psychological and Personality Science 1948-5506 491 Social Psychology Quarterly 0190-2725 1.108 492 Social Science Computer Review 0894-4393 0.913 493 Social Science Information 0539-0184 0.55 494 Social Studies of Science 0306-3127 1.723 495 Society and Mental Health 2156-8693 496 Sociological Methods & Research 0049-1241 2 497 Sociology 0038-0385 1.488 498 Sociology of Education 0038-0407 1.344 499 1.148 0.224 South Asia Economic Journal[now applicable and association] 1391-5614 500 South Asia Research 0262-7280 501 South Asian Survey[applicable now] 0971-5231 502 Space and Culture 1206-3312 503 0.611 Sports Health[:A Multidisciplinary Approach ](name change,add) 1941-7381 504 State and Local Government Review 0160-323X 505 Statistical Methods in Medical Research 0962-2802 1.768 506 Statistical Modelling[now association] 1471-082X 0.632 507 Strategic Organization[now association] 1476-1270 2.727 508 Structural Health Monitoring 1475-9217 2.115 509 Studies in Christian Ethics 0953-9468 510 Studies in History 0257-6430 511 Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses 0008-4298 512 Surgical Innovation[now applicable and association] 1553-3506 513 Teacher Education and Special Education 0888-4064 514 Teaching Sociology 0092-055X 0.582 515 Teaching of Psychology 0098-6283 0.333 516 Television & New Media 1527-4764 0.179 517 Textile Research Journal 0040-5175 1.102 518 The Neurohospitalist 1941-8744 519 Theology 0040-571X 520 Theology Today 0040-5736 521 Theoretical Criminology 1362-4806 1.639 522 Theory & Psychology 0959-3543 1.062 523 Theory and Research in Education 1477-8785 2.255 524 Theory, Culture & Society 0263-2764 525 Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease 1753-9447 526 Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease 2040-6223 527 Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety 2042-0986 528 1.015 Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism 2042-0188 529 Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology 1756-283X 530 Therapeutic Advances in Hematology 2040-6207 531 Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology 532 Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease 1759-720X 533 Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 1756-2856 534 Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology 2045-1253 535 Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease 1753-4658 536 Therapeutic Advances in Urology 1756-2872 537 Thesis Eleven 0725-5136 538 Time & Society 0961-463X 0.528 association] 0271-1214 1.171 540 Tourist Studies 1468-7976 541 Toxicologic Pathology 0192-6233 2.168 542 Toxicology and Industrial Health 0748-2337 0.915 Control 0142-3312 0.462 544 Transcultural Psychiatry 1363-4615 545 Transfer 1024-2589 539 543 546 1758-8340 Topics in Early Childhood Special Education[now Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Transformation[: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies](name change,delete) 0265-3788 547 Trauma 1460-4086 548 Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 1524-8380 549 Traumatology 1534-7656 550 Trends in Amplification(? Record) 1084-7138 551 Update: Applications of Research in Music Education 8755-1233 552 Urban Affairs Review[now association] 1078-0874 1.333 553 Urban Education 0042-0859 0.5 554 Urban Studies[now association] 0042-0980 1.301 555 Vascular and Endovascular Surgery[now applicable] 1538-5744 1.154 556 Vascular Medicine[now association] 1358-863X 1.467 557 Veterinary Pathology 0300-9858 1.333 558 Violence Against Women 1077-8012 1.215 559 Visual Communication 1470-3572 0.34 560 War in History 0968-3445 0.265 561 Waste Management and Research 0734-242X 1.222 2.6 562 Western Journal of Nursing Research 0193-9459 563 Word of Mouth[now association] 1048-3950 564 Work and Occupations 0730-8884 0.857 565 Work, Employment & Society 0950-0170 1.108 566 1.138 World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery 2150-1351 567 Written Communication 0741-0883 568 Young 1103-3088 569 Young Exceptional Children 1096-2506 570 Youth & Society 0044-118X 571 Youth Justice 1473-2254 572 Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice[now association] 1541-2040 0.939 1.058 1.132 附录 2 SAGE Deep Backfile(过刊)列表:1 卷/1 期-1998 年 序号 SAGE 期刊刊名 ISSN 1 Accounting History 1032-3732 2 Acta Sociologica 0001-6993 3 Adaptive Behaviour 1059-7123 4 Administration & Society 0095-3997 5 Adult Education Quarterly 0741-7136 6 Affilia 0886-1099 7 American Behavioral Scientist 0002-7642 8 American Educational Research Journal 0002-8312 9 American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias 1533-3175 10 American Journal of Evaluation 1098-2140 11 American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine 1049-9091 12 American Journal of Medical Quality 1062-8606 13 American Journal of Sports Medicine, The 0363-5465 14 American Politics Research 1532-673X 15 American Review of Public Administration, The 0275-0740 16 Angiology 0003-3197 17 ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, The 0002-7162 18 Applied Psychological Measurement 0146-6216 19 Armed Forces & Society 0095-327X 20 Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 1038-4111 21 Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 1010-5395 22 Assessment 1073-1911 23 Autism 1362-3613 24 Behavior Modification 0145-4455 25 Biblical Theology Bulletin 0146-1079 26 Body & Society 1357-034X 27 British Journal of Visual Impairment 0264-6196 28 British Journalism Review 0956-4748 29 Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 0143-6244 30 Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society 0270-4676 31 Business & Society 0007-6503 32 Business Information Review 0266-3821 33 Business Communication Quarterly 1080-5699 34 Canadian Journal of School Psychology 0829-5735 35 Career Development for Exceptional Individuals 0885-7288 36 Child Language Teaching and Therapy 0265-6590 37 Child Maltreatment 1077-5595 38 Childhood 0907-5682 39 China Information 0920-203X 40 China Report 0009-4455 41 Clin-Alert 0069-4770 42 Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis 1076-0296 43 Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 1359-1045 44 Clinical Nursing Research 1054-7738 45 Clinical Pediatrics 0009-9228 46 Clinical Rehabilitation 0269-2155 47 Clothing and Textiles Research Journal 0887-302X 48 Communication Disorders Quarterly 1525-7401 49 Communication Research 0093-6502 50 Community College Review 0091-5521 51 Comparative Political Studies 0010-4140 52 Compensation & Benefits Review 0886-3687 53 Complementary Health Practice Review 1533-2101 54 Concurrent Engineering 1063-293X 55 Contributions to Indian Sociology 0069-9667 56 Convergence 1354-8565 57 Cooperation and Conflict 0010-8367 58 Cornell Hospitality Quarterly(formerly known as Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly) 1938-9655 59 Counselling Psychologist, The 0011-0000 60 Crime & Delinquency 0011-1287 61 Criminal Justice and Behavior 0093-8548 62 Criminal Justice Policy Review 0887-4034 63 Criminal Justice Review 0734-0168 64 Critical Social Policy 0261-0183 65 Critical Sociology 0896-9205 66 Critique of Anthropology 0308-275X 67 Cross-Cultural Research 1069-3971 68 Cultural Dynamics 0921-3740 69 Cultural geographies 1474-4740 70 Culture & Psychology 1354-067X 71 Current Sociology 0011-3921 72 Diogenes 0392-1921 73 Discourse & Society 0957-9265 74 East European Politics and Societies 0888-3254 75 Economic and Industrial Democracy 0143-831X 76 Economic Development Quarterly 0891-2424 77 Education and Urban Society 0013-1245 78 Educational Administration Quarterly 0013-161X 79 Educational and Psychological Measurement 0013-1644 80 Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 0162-3737 81 Educational Management Administration & Leadership 1741-1432 82 Educational Policy 0895-9048 83 Educational Researcher 0013-189X 84 Environment and Behavior 0013-9165 85 European History Quarterly 0265-6914 86 European Journal of Archaeology 1461-9571 87 European Journal of Communication 0267-3231 88 European Journal of Cultural Studies 1367-5494 89 European Journal of Industrial Relations 0959-6801 90 European Journal of International Relations 1354-0661 91 European Journal of Social Theory 1368-4310 92 European Journal of Women's Studies 1350-5068 93 European Physical Education Review 1356-336X 94 European Urban and Regional Studies 0969-7764 95 Evaluation 1356-3890 96 Evaluation & the Health Professions 0163-2787 97 Evaluation Review 0193-841X 98 Expository Times 0014-5246 99 Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 1077-727X 100 Family Journal, The 1066-4807 101 Feminism & Psychology 0959-3535 102 Feminist Theology 0966-7350 103 Field Methods 1525-822X 104 First Language 0142-7237 105 Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 1088-3576 106 Food Science and Technology International 1082-0132 107 French Cultural Studies 0957-1558 108 Gender & Society 0891-2432 109 Gender, Technology & Development 0971-8524 110 Gifted Child Quarterly 0016-9862 111 Global Health Promotion (formerly known as Promotion & Education) 1757-9759 112 Group & Organization Management 1059-6011 113 Group Analysis 0533-3164 114 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 1368-4302 115 Health Education & Behavior 1090-1981 116 Health Education Journal 0017-8969 117 Health Informatics Journal 1460-4582 118 Health: 1363-4593 119 High Performance Polymers 0954-0083 120 Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 0739-9863 121 History of Psychiatry 0957-154X 122 History of the Human Sciences 0952-6951 123 Holocene, The 0959-6836 124 Home Health Care Management & Practice 1084-8223 125 Homicide Studies 1088-7679 126 Human and Experimental Toxicology 0960-3271 127 Human Relations 0018-7267 128 IFLA Journal 0340-0352 129 Improving Schools 1365-4802 130 Indian Economic & Social History Review 0019-4646 131 Indian Journal of Gender Studies 0971-5215 132 Indoor and Built Environment 1420-326X 133 Information Development 0266-6669 134 Innate Immunity (formerly known as Journal of Endotoxin Research) 1753-4259 135 International Communication Gazette 1748-0485 136 International Criminal Justice Review 1057-5677 137 International Journal of Behavioral Development 0165-0254 138 International Journal of Cultural Studies 1367-8779 139 International Journal of Damage Mechanics 1056-7895 140 141 142 International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 1094-3420 International Journal of Music Education 0255-7614 International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 0306-624X 143 International Journal of Robotics Research 0278-3649 144 International Journal of Social Psychiatry 0020-7640 145 International Journal of Surgical Pathology 1066-8969 146 International Political Science Review 0192-5121 147 International Regional Science Review 0160-0176 148 International Relations 0047-1178 149 International Review for the Sociology of Sport 1012-6902 150 International Review of Administrative Sciences 0020-8523 151 International Small Business Journal 0266-2426 152 International Social Work 0020-8728 153 International Sociology 0268-5809 154 International Studies 0020-8817 155 Irish Theological Quarterly 0021-1400 156 Journal for the Study of the New Testament 0142-064X 157 Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 0309-0892 158 Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 0951-8207 159 Journal of Adolescent Research 0743-5584 160 Journal of Aging and Health 0898-2643 161 Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, The 0021-8863 162 Journal of Applied Gerontology 0733-4648 163 Journal of Attention Disorders 1087-0547 164 Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers 0883-9115 165 Journal of Biological Rhythms 0748-7304 166 Journal of Biomaterials Applications 0885-3282 167 Journal of Biomolecular Screening 1087-0571 168 Journal of Black Psychology 0095-7984 169 Journal of Black Studies 0021-9347 170 Journal of Building Physics 1744-2591 171 Journal of Business and Technical Communication 1050-6519 172 Journal of Business Communication 0021-9436 173 Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1074-2484 174 Journal of Career Assessment 1069-0727 175 Journal of Career Development 0894-8453 176 Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership 1555-4589 177 Journal of Cellular Plastics 0021-955X 178 Journal of Child Health Care 1367-4935 179 Journal of Child Neurology 0883-0738 180 Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, The 0091-2700 181 Journal of Commonwealth Literature, The 0021-9894 182 Journal of Communication Inquiry 0196-8599 183 Journal of Composite Materials 0021-9983 184 Journal of Conflict Resolution 0022-0027 185 Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 1043-9862 186 Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 0891-2416 187 Journal of Contemporary History 0022-0094 188 Journal of Correctional Health Care 1078-3458 189 Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 0022-0221 190 Journal of Dental Research 0022-0345 191 Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography 8756-4793 192 Journal of Disability Policy Studies 1044-2073 193 Journal of Early Adolescence, The 0272-4316 194 Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 1076-9986 195 Journal of Elastomers and Plastics 0095-2443 196 Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 1063-4266 197 Journal of English Linguistics 0075-4242 198 Journal of Entrepreneurship 0971-3557 199 Journal of Environment & Development, The 1070-4965 200 Journal of European Social Policy 0958-9287 201 Journal of European Studies 0047-2441 202 Journal of Family History 0363-1990 203 Journal of Family Issues 0192-513X 204 Journal of Family Nursing 1074-8407 205 Journal of Fire Protection Engineering 1042-3915 206 Journal of Fire Sciences 0734-9041 207 Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology 0891-9887 208 Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume) 1753-1934 209 Journal of Health Psychology 1359-1053 210 Journal of Holistic Nursing 0898-0101 211 Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 1096-3480 212 Journal of Human Lactation 0890-3344 213 Journal of Human Values 0971-6858 214 Journal of Humanistic Psychology 0022-1678 215 Journal of Industrial Relations 0022-1856 216 Journal of Industrial Textiles 1528-0837 217 Journal of Information Science 0165-5515 218 Journal of Intellectual Disabilities 1744-6295 219 Journal of Intelligent and Materials Systems & Structures 1045-389X 220 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 0885-0666 221 Journal of Interpersonal Violence 0886-2605 222 Journal of Language and Social Psychology 0261-927X 223 Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies 1548-0518 224 Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 0961-0006 225 Journal of Macromarketing 0276-1467 226 Journal of Management 0149-2063 227 Journal of Management Education 1052-5629 228 Journal of Management Inquiry 1056-4926 229 Journal of Marketing Education 0273-4753 230 Journal of Material Culture 1359-1835 231 Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice 1078-1552 232 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 0148-6071 233 Journal of Peace Research 0022-3433 234 Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing 1043-4542 235 Journal of Pharmacy Practice 0897-1900 236 Journal of Planning Education and Research 0739-456X 237 Journal of Planning Literature 0885-4122 238 Journal of Plastic Film and Sheeting 8756-0879 239 Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 0734-2829 240 Journal of Psychopharmacology 0269-8811 241 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 0731-6844 242 Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 0022-4278 243 Journal of Research in Nursing 1744-9871 244 Journal of Service Research 1094-6705 245 Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 0265-4075 246 Journal of Sociology 1440-7833 247 Journal of Special Education 0022-4669 248 Journal of Sport and Social Issues 0193-7235 249 Journal of Studies in International Education 1028-3153 250 Journal of Teacher Education 0022-4871 251 Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association 1078-3903 252 Journal of Theoretical Politics 0951-6298 253 Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 0892-7057 254 Journal of Transcultural Nursing 1043-6596 255 Journal of Travel Research 0047-2875 256 Journal of Urban History 0096-1442 257 Journal of Vacation Marketing 1356-7667 258 Journal of Vibration & Control 1077-5463 259 Language and Literature 0963-9470 260 Language Teaching Research 1362-1688 261 Language Testing 0265-5322 262 Latin American Perspectives 0094-582X 263 Lighting Research & Technology 1477-1535 264 Lupus 0961-2033 265 Management Communication Quarterly 0893-3189 266 Management in Education 0892-0206 267 Management Learning 1350-5076 268 Mathematics & Mechanics of Solids 1081-2865 269 Media, Culture & Society 0163-4437 270 Medical Care Research and Review 1077-5587 271 Medical Decision Making 0272-989X 272 Medieval History Journal 0971-9458 273 Men and Masculinities 1097-184X 274 Millennium: Journal of International Studies 0305-8298 275 Modern China 0097-7004 276 Multiple Sclerosis 1352-4585 277 NASSP Bulletin 0192-6365 278 National Institute Economic Review 0027-9501 279 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 1545-9683 280 Neuroscientist, The 1073-8584 281 Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 0899-7640 282 Nursing Ethics 0969-7330 283 Nursing Science Quarterly 0894-3184 284 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 0884-5336 285 Organization 1350-5084 286 Organization & Environment 1086-0266 287 Organization Studies 0170-8406 288 Organizational Research Methods 1094-4281 289 Palliative Medicine 0269-2163 290 Party Politics 1354-0688 291 Perfusion 0267-6591 292 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 0146-1672 293 Personality and Social Psychology Review 1088-8683 294 Perspectives in Public Health (原名:Journal of the 1757-9139 (原 Royal Society for Promotion of Health, The) ISSN:1466-4240) 295 Perspectives in Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy 1531-0035 296 Philosophy & Social Criticism 0191-4537 297 Philosophy of the Social Sciences 0048-3931 298 Police Quarterly 1098-6111 299 Political Research Quarterly 1065-9129 300 Political Theory 0090-5917 301 Politics & Society 0032-3292 302 Prison Journal, The 0032-8855 303 Probation Journal 0264-5505 304 Progress in Human Geography 0309-1325 305 Progress in Physical Geography 0309-1333 306 Psychology & Developing Societies 0971-3336 307 Psychology of Music 0305-7356 308 Public Finance Review 1091-1421 309 Public Policy and Administration 0952-0767 310 Public Understanding of Science 0963-6625 311 Public Works Management & Policy 1087-724X 312 Qualitative Health Research 1049-7323 313 Qualitative Inquiry 1077-8004 314 Race & Class 0306-3968 315 Rationality and Society 1043-4631 316 RELC Journal 0033-6882 317 Remedial and Special Education 0741-9325 318 Reproductive Sciences 1933-7191 319 Research on Aging 0164-0275 320 Research on Social Work Practice 1049-7315 321 Research Studies in Music Education 1321-103X 322 Review of Educational Research 0034-6543 323 Review of Public Personnel Administration 0734-371X 324 Review of Radical Political Economics 0486-6134 325 Review of Research in Education 0091-732X 326 School Psychology International 0143-0343 327 Science Communication 1075-5470 328 Science Technology & Society 0971-7218 329 Science, Technology & Human Values 0162-2439 330 Second Language Research 0267-6583 331 Security Dialogue 0967-0106 332 Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 1089-2532 333 Sexual Abuse 1079-0632 334 Sexualities 1363-4607 335 SIMULATION 0037-5497 336 Simulation & Gaming 1046-8781 337 Small Group Research 1046-4964 338 Social & Legal Studies 0964-6639 339 Social Compass 0037-7686 340 Social Science Computer Review 0894-4393 341 Social Science Information 0539-0184 342 Social Studies of Science 0306-3127 343 Sociological Methods & Research 0049-1241 344 Sociology 0038-0385 345 South Asia Research 0262-7280 346 South Asian Survey 0971-5231 347 Space and Culture 1206-3312 348 Statistical Methods in Medical Research 0962-2802 349 Studies in Christian Ethics 0953-9468 350 Studies in History 0257-6430 351 Surgical Innovation 1553-3506 352 Textile Research Journal 0040-5175 353 The Diabetes Educator 0145-7217 354 The International Journal of Press/Politics(原名:Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, The) 1940-1612 355 Theoretical Criminology 1362-4806 356 Theory & Psychology 0959-3543 357 Theory, Culture & Society 0263-2764 358 Thesis Eleven 0725-5136 359 Time & Society 0961-463X 360 Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 0271-1214 361 Toxicology and Industrial Health 0748-2337 362 Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 0142-3312 363 Transcultural Psychiatry 1363-4615 364 Traumatology 1534-7656 365 Trends in Amplification 1084-7138 366 Urban Affairs Review 1078-0874 367 Urban Education 0042-0859 368 Urban Studies 0042-0980 369 Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 1538-5744 370 Vascular Medicine 1358-863X 371 Violence Against Women 1077-8012 372 War in History 0968-3445 373 Waste Management and Research 0734-242X 374 Western Journal of Nursing Research 0193-9459 375 Word of Mouth 1048-3950 376 Work and Occupations 0730-8884 377 Work, Employment & Society 0950-0170 378 Written Communication 0741-0883 379 Young 1103-3088 380 Young Exceptional Children 1096-2506 381 Youth & Society 0044-118X 附录 3 SAGE 期刊影响因子(2009)和 JCR 学科排名 序号 SAGE 期刊刊名 影响因子 2009 Print ISSN 学科排名 2009 1 Acta Sociologica 0001-6993 1 43/129 in Sociology 2 Action Research 1476-7503 0.846 93/140 in MANAGEMENT and 28 out of 83 in SOCIAL SCIENCES, INTERDISCIPLINARY 3 Adaptive Behaviour 1059-7123 1.136 64/108 in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence; 63 out of 81 in Psychology, Experimental; and 18 out of 83 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 4 Administration & Society 0095-3997 0.944 18/39 in Public Administration 5 Adult Education Quarterly 0741-7136 0.556 113/177 in Education & Educational Research 6 Advances in Dental Research 0022-0345 3.773 2/77 in Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine 7 Affilia 0886-1099 0.582 19/35 in Women's Studies and 24 out of 36 in Social Work 8 Alternatives 0304-3754 0.357 49/73 in International Relations 9 American Behavioral Scientist 0002-7642 0.492 55/83 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary and 85 out of 102 in Psychology, Clinical 10 American Educational Research 0002-8312 2.479 Journal 11 American Journal of Alzheimer's 7/177 in Education & Educational Research 1533-3175 1.774 Disease & Other Dementias 104/185 in Clinical Neurology and 27 out of 44 in Geriatrics & Gerontology 12 American Journal of Evaluation 1098-2140 1.157 17/83 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 13 American Journal of Hospice and 1049-9091 0.969 Palliative Medicine 14 American Journal of Medical & Services 1062-8606 1.707 Quality 15 American Journal of Men's Health 55/71in Health Care Sciences 34/71 in Health Care Sciences & Services 1557-9883 1.238 63/114 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health 16 American Journal of Sports 0363-5465 3.605 3/72 in Sport Sciences, 2/56 in Medicine,The Orthopedics 17 American Politics Research 1532-673X 0.716 65/139 in Political Science 18 American Review of Public 0275-0740 1 17/39 in Public Administration Administration, The 19 American Sociological Review 0003-1224 3.693 1/129 in Sociology 20 Angiology 0003-3197 0.992 56/66 in Peripheral Vascular Disease 21 22 ANNALS of the American 0002-7162 1.039 37/139 in Political Science, Academy of Political and Social 24/83 in Social Sciences, Science, The Interdisciplinary Applied Psychological 0146-6216 1.137 Measurement 7/11 in Psychology, Mathematical, 18/42 in Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods 23 Armed Forces & Society 0095-327X 0.615 73/139 in Political Science, 80/129 in Sociology 24 Asia Pacific Journal of Public 1010-5395 0.988 Health 105 out of 140 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health 25 Assessment 1073-1911 2.338 25/102 in Psychology, Clinical 26 Australian & New Zealand Journal 0004-8658 0.821 24/43 in Criminology & of Criminology Penology 27 Australian Journal of Management 0312-8962 0.469 121/140 in Management 28 Autism 1362-3613 2.606 18/66 in Psychology, Developmental 29 Behavior Modification 0145-4455 1.585 48/102 in Psychology, Clinical 30 Biological Research For Nursing 1099-8004 0.97 45/88 Nursing (science) 31 Body & Society 1357-034X 1.082 34/129 in Sociology 32 Building Services Engineering 0143-6244 0.915 15/49 in Construction & Research and Technology 33 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Building Technology 0096-3402 1.057 18/73 in International Relations and 12/35 in Social Issues 34 Business & Society 0007-6503 1.22 56 out of 101 in Business 35 Cephalalgia 0333-1024 4.265 28/185 in Clinical Neurology and 57/237 in Neurosciences 36 Child Maltreatment 1077-5595 1.984 5/39 in Family Studies, 2/36 in Social Work 37 Childhood 0907-5682 1.061 20/83 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 38 Clinical and Applied 1076-0296 1.476 Thrombosis/Hemostasis 39 Clinical Pediatrics 50/65 in Hematology, 48/66 in Peripheral Vascular Disease 0009-9228 0.896 79/107 in Pediatrics 40 Clinical Rehabilitation 0269-2155 1.767 12/33 in Rehabilitation 41 Clinical Trials 1740-7745 2.356 26/106 in Medicine, Research & Experimental 42 Clothing and Textiles Research 0887-302X 0.19 Journal 72 /83 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary and 93/101 in Business 43 Communication Research 0093-6502 1.819 6/67 in Communication 44 Comparative Political Studies 0010-4140 1.813 11/139 in Political Science 45 Concurrent Engineering 1063-293X 0..959 65/95 in Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; 20/38 in Engineering, Manufacturing; and 41/73 in Operations Research & Management Science 46 Conflict Management and Peace 0738-8942 0.682 Science 47 Contemporary Sociology: A 34/73 in International Relations 0094-3061 0.294 106/129 in Sociology 0010-8367 0.868 24 /73 in International Journal of Reviews 48 Cooperation and Conflict Relations and 53/139 in Political Science 49 Cornell Hospitality 1938-9655 0.549 84/129 in Sociology,113 /140 Quarterly(formerly known as in Management and 24/ 31 in Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Administration Quarterly) Tourism 50 Counseling Psychologist, The 0011-0000 1.878 19/67 in Psychology, Applied 51 Crime & Delinquency 0011-1287 1.75 5/43 in Criminology & Penology 52 Criminal Justice and Behavior 0093-8548 1.59 9/43 in Criminology & Penology, 47/102 in Psychology, Clinical 53 Critical Social Policy 0261-0183 0.679 19/35 in Social Issues, 39/83in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 54 Critique of Anthropology 0308-275X 0.425 50/75 in Anthropology 55 Cross-Cultural Research 1069-3971 0.641 43/83 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 56 Cultural geographies 1474-4740 1.143 34/66 in Environmental Studies, 31/61 in Geography 57 Cultural Sociology 1749-9755 0.559 83/129in Sociology 58 Culture & Psychology 1354-067X 0.946 69/120 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary 59 Current Directions in Psychological Science 0963-7214 3.49 11/120 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary 60 Current Sociology 0011-3921 0.674 69/114 in Sociology 61 Diabetes and Vascular Disease 1479-1641 2.468 66 /116 in Research ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM and 27/66 PERIPHERAL VASCULAR DISEASE 62 Diabetes Educator,The 0145-7217 1.947 84/116 in Endocrinology & Metabolism 63 Discourse & Communication 1750-4813 0.688 38/54 in Communication 64 Discourse & Society 0957-9265 1.032 23/67 in Communication, 63/120 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary, 41/129 in Sociology 65 Discourse Studies 1461-4456 0.508 49/67 in Communication 66 East European Politics and 0888-3254 0.306 108/139 in Political Science 0143-831X 0.489 13/22 in Industrial Relations & Societies 67 Economic and Industrial Democracy 68 Economic Development Quarterly Labor 0891-2424 1.059 101/304 in Economics, 25/47 in Planning & Development, 14/36 in Urban Studies 69 Education and Urban Society 0013-1245 0.406 32/36 in Urban Studies 70 Educational Administration 0013-161X 1.286 38/177 in Education & Quarterly 71 Educational and Psychological Educational Research 0013-1644 0.831 Measurement 52/92 in Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications, 33/50 in Psychology, Educational, 10/11 in Psychology, Mathematical 72 Educational Evaluation and Policy 0162-3737 1.919 Analysis 73 Educational Policy 14/177 in Education & Educational Research 0895-9048 0.47 123/177 in Education & Educational Research 74 Educational Researcher 0013-189X 3.774 1/177 in Education & Educational Research 75 Environment and Behavior 0013-9165 1.921 18/77 in Environmental Studies, 25/120 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary 76 Environment and Urbanization 0956-2478 1.583 3/34 in Urban Studies 16/66 in Environmental Studies 77 Ethnicities 1468-7968 0.667 5/13 in Ethnic Studies 78 European History Quarterly 0265-6914 0.3 23/43 in History,110/139 in Political Science 79 European Journal of 1741-8267 2.633 44/114 in Cardiac & Cardiovascular Prevention & Cardiovascular Systems Rehabilitation 80 European Journal of 0267-3231 1.077 21/67 in Communication 0959-6801 0.69 11/22 in Industrial Relations & Communication 81 European Journal of Industrial Relations 82 European Journal of International Labor 1354-0661 1.426 Relations 83 European Journal of Women's 13/73 in International Relations 1350-5068 0.579 20/35 in Women's Studies 1356-336X 0.667 87/177 Studies 84 European Physical Education Review in Education & Educational Research 85 European Union Politics 1465-1165 1.55 17/139 in Political Science 86 European Urban and Regional 0969-7764 1.128 37/66 in Environmental Studies 87 Evaluation & the Health Studies, 9/34 in Urban Studies 0163-2787 1.208 Professions 88 Evaluation Review 49/71 in Health Care Sciences&Services 0193-841X 1.16 14/68 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 89 Family Business Review 0894-4865 2.426 20/101 in Business 90 Feminism & Psychology 0959-3535 0.922 71/120 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary, 11/35 in Women Studies 91 Feminist Criminology 1557-0851 0.567 30/43 in Criminology & Penology 92 Field Methods 1525-822X 1.186 16/83 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary and 22 out of 75 in Anthropology 93 Focus on Autism and Other 1088-3576 0.286 Developmental Disabilities 59/62 in Rehabilitation,66/66 in Psychology, Developmental and 34/36 in Education, Special 94 Food Science and Technology 1082-0132 0.467 International 52/64 in Chemistry, Applied, 88/118 in Food Science & Technology 95 Gender & Society 0891-2432 2.088 4/129 in Sociology, 2/35 in Women's Studies 96 Gifted Child Quarterly 0016-9862 0.684 24/36 in Education, Special,41/50 in Psychology, Educational 97 Group & Organization 1059-6011 2.415 Management 98 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 37/140 in Management, 12/67 in Psychology, Applied 1368-4302 1.369 23/56 in Psychology, Social 99 Health Education & Behavior 1090-1981 1.742 34/114 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health 100 Health Education Journal 0017-8969 0.679 66/177 in Education & Educational Research ,95/114 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health 101 Health: 1363-4593 1.754 32/114 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, 10/33 in Social Sciences, Biomedical 102 High Performance Polymers 0954-0083 1.318 34/79 in Polymer Science 103 Hispanic Journal of Behavioral 0739-9863 0.981 65/120 in Psychology, Sciences 104 History of Psychiatry Multidisciplinary 0957-154X 0.205 23/26 in History of Social Sciences, 102/107 in Psychiatry 105 History of the Human Sciences 0952-6951 0.357 25/36 in History & Philosophy of Science , 16/26 in History of Social Sciences 106 Holocene, The 0959-6836 2.481 9/35 in Geography, Physical, 26/153 in Geosciences, Multidisciplinary 107 Homicide Studies 1088-7679 1.455 11/43 in Criminology & Penology 108 Human and Experimental 0960-3271 1.211 64/83 in Toxicology 0018-7208 1.373 49/73 in Psychology,40/48 Toxicology 109 Human Factors in Behavioral Sciences,30/67 in Psychology, Applied and 5/14 in Ergonomics 110 Human Relations 0018-7267 1.701 54/140 in Management, 10/83 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 111 Indoor and Built Environment 1420-326X 0.698 24/49 in Construction & Building Technology, 33/42in Engineering, Environmental,109/122 in Public,Environmental & Occupational Health 112 Innate Immunity (formerly known as Journal of Endotoxin Research) 1753-4259 3.283 117/286 in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 52/134 in Immunology, 29/106 in Medicine, Research & Experimental, 31/107 in Microbiology 113 Integrative Cancer Therapies 1534-7354 1.716 7/19 in Integrative & Complementary Medicine and 133 /184 in Oncology 114 International Journal of Behavioral 0165-0254 1.304 Development 115 International Journal of 42/66 in Psychology, Developmental 1367-0069 0.862 52/141 in Linguistics 1056-7895 1.958 58/222 in Materials Science, Bilingualism 116 International Journal of Damage Mechanics Multidisciplinary, 16/132 in Mechanics 117 International Journal of Engine 1468-0874 0.947 Research 36/122 in Engineering, Mechanical, 25/51 in Thermodynamics, and 12/26 in Transportation Science and Technology 118 International Journal of High 1094-3420 1.171 20/48 in Computer Science, Performance Computing Hardware & Architecture, Applications 54/97 in Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications, 39/97 in Computer Science, Theory & Methods 119 120 International Journal of Offender 0306-624X 1.071 Therapy and Comparative Penology, 39/67 in Criminology Psychology, Applied International Journal of 1940-1612 0.825 Press/Politics,The 121 20/43 Criminology & International Journal of Robotics 55/139 in Political Science and 30/67 in Communication 0278-3649 4.095 1/17 in Robotics 0020-7640 1.106 72/107 in Psychiatry 1066-8969 1.134 56/76 in Pathology, 103/187 in Research 122 International Journal of Social Psychiatry 123 International Journal of Surgical Pathology 124 International Journal of Toxicology Surgery 1091-5818 1.762 57/83 in Toxicology and 156/249 in Pharmacology & Pharmacy 125 International Political Science 0192-5121 0.585 78/139 in Political Science 0160-0176 0.667 63/77 in Environmental Review 126 International Regional Science Review Studies,25/ 36 in Urban Studies, 34/47 in Planning & Development 127 International Review of 0020-8523 0.848 21/39 in Public Administration Administrative Sciences 128 International Small Business 0266-2426 0.927 Journal 63/101 in Business, 85/140 in Management 129 International Social Work 0020-8728 0.436 28/36 in Social Work 130 International Sociology 0268-5809 0.920 48/114 in Sociology 131 Intervention in School and Clinic 1053-4512 0.351 33/36 in Education, Special 132 Journal of Adolescent Research 0743-5584 1.164 49/66 in Psychology, Developmental 133 Journal of Aging and Health 0898-2643 1.467 11/28 in Gerontology, 26/56 in Health Policy & Services 134 Journal of Applied Behavioral 0021-8863 1.682 Science, The 56/140 in Management and 22 /67 in Psychology, Applied 135 Journal of Applied Gerontology 0733-4648 0.985 17/28 in Gerontology 136 Journal of Attention Disorders 1087-0547 2.955 39/126 in Psychiatry and 16/66 in Psychology,Developmental 137 Journal of Bioactive and 0883-9115 2.61 Compatible Polymers 59/160 in Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology, 10/25 in Materials Science, Biomaterials, 14/79 in Polymer Science 138 Journal of Biological Rhythms 0748-7304 3.309 16/85 in Biology, 23/77 in Physiology 139 Journal of Biomaterials 0885-3282 1.651 Applications 10/16 in Materials Science, Biomaterials 17/44 in Engineering, Biomedical, 140 Journal of Biomolecular Screening 1087-0571 2.5 25 out of 71 in Chemistry, Analytical, 61 out of 160 in Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology and 34 out of 71 in Biochemical Research Methods 141 Journal of Black Psychology 0095-7984 0.956 68/120 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary 142 Journal of Black Studies 0021-9347 0.163 13/913in Ethnic Studies, 76/83 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 143 Journal of Building Physics 1744-2591 0.618 26/49 in Construction & Building Technology 144 Journal of Business and Technical 1050-6519 0.656 Communication 145 Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 80/101 in Business, 41/67 in Communication 1074-2484 1.969 59/114 in Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems, 141/249 in Pharmacology & Pharmacy 146 Journal of Career Assessment 1069-0727 1.639 24/67 in Psychology, Applied 147 Journal of Career Development 0894-8453 1.05 41/67 in Psychology, Applied 148 Journal of Cellular Plastics 0021-955X 1 36/70 in Chemistry, Applied, 43/79 in Polymer Science 149 Journal of Child Neurology 0883-0738 1.668 109/185 in Clinical Neurology, 44/107 in Pediatrics 150 Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 0091-2700 3.59 The 151 Journal of Composite Materials 59/249 in Pharmacology & Pharmacy 0021-9983 0.968 8/22 in Materials Science, Composites 152 Journal of Conflict Resolution 0022-0027 1.883 7/73 in International Relations, 8/139 in Political Science 153 Journal of Contemporary 0891-2416 0.731 Ethnography 67/129 in Sociology, 22/36 in Urban Studies 154 Journal of Contemporary History 0022-0094 0.397 15/43 in History 155 Journal of Contemporary History 0022-0094 0.397 15/43 in History 156 Journal of Cross-Cultural 0022-0221 1.857 14/56 in Psychology, Social 0022-0345 3.773 2/74 in Dentistry, Oral Surgery Psychology 157 Journal of Dental Research & Medicine 158 Journal of Early Adolescence, The 0272-4316 1.556 11/39 in Family Studies, 32/66 in Psychology, Developmental 159 Journal of Early Intervention 1053-8151 0.694 22/36 in Education, Special, 40/50 in Psychology, Educational, 40/62 in Rehabilitation 160 Journal of Educational and 1076-9986 1.644 Behavioral Statistics 4/ 11 in Psychology, Mathematical,11/42 in Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods and 25/177 in Education & Educational Research 161 Journal of Elastomers and Plastics 0095-2443 0.658 151/212 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary, 53/76 in Polymer Science 162 Journal of Emotional and 1063-4266 2 Behavioral Disorders 22 /120 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary, 8/50 in Psychology, Educational and 7/36 in Education, Special 163 Journal of English Linguistics 0075-4242 1.04 39/ 141 in Linguistics 164 Journal of European Social Policy 0958-9287 1.673 5 /39 in Public Administration and 4/35 in Social Issues 165 Journal of Family History 0363-1990 0.442 12 /26 in History Of Social Sciences,8 /43 in History,30 /39 in Family Studies and 49 /75 in Anthropology 166 Journal of Family Issues 0192-513X 1.264 15/39 in Family Studies 167 Journal of Family Nursing 1074-8407 1.689 7/ 88 in Nursing and 10/39 in Family Studies 168 Journal of Fire Protection 1042-3915 0.296 Engineering 83/106 in Engineering, Civil, 191/212 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary 169 Journal of Fire Sciences 0734-9041 0.942 32/ 87 in Engineering, Multidisciplinary and 130/ 222 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary 170 Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and 0891-9887 2.131 Neurology 63/126 in Psychiatry, 87/185 in Clinical Neurology and 22/44 in Geriatrics & Gerontology 171 Journal of Hand Surgery 1753-1934 0.868 (European Volume) 172 Journal of Health & Social 35/61 in Orthopedics, 125/187 in Surgery 0022-1465 2.18 Behavior 9/56 in Psychology, Social and 24/114 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health 173 Journal of Health Psychology 1359-1053 1.542 51/102 in Psychology, Clinical 174 Journal of Histochemisty & 0022-1554 2.381 116/177 in Cell Biology 1096-3480 0.653 21/31 in Hospitality, Leisure, Cytochemistry 175 Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 176 Journal of Human Lactation Sport & Tourism 0890-3344 1.329 53/107 in Pediatrics, 50/75 in Obstetrics & Gynecology and 21/88 in Nursing 177 Journal of Humanistic Psychology 0022-1678 0.488 95/120 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary 178 Journal of Industrial Relations 0022-1856 0.43 17 /22 in Industrial Relations & Labor 179 Journal of Industrial Textiles 1528-0837 0.811 8 /21 in Materials Science,Textiles 180 Journal of Information Science 0165-5515 1.406 51/126 in Computer Science, Information Systems and 24/76 in Information Science & Library Science 181 Journal of Intelligent and Materials 1045-389X 1.604 Systems & Structures 182 Journal of Interpersonal Violence 80/222 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary 0886-2605 1.354 31 out of 67 in Psychology, Applied,14 out of 39 in Family Studies and 13 out of 43 in Criminology & Penology 183 Journal of Language and Social 0261-927X 0.885 Psychology 41 out of 56 in Psychology, Social,50 out of 141 in Linguistics and 27 out of 67 in Communication 184 Journal of Learning Disabilities 0022-2194 2.24 4/62 in Rehabilitation and 3/36 in Education, Special 185 Journal of Librarianship and 0961-0006 0.636 Information Science 186 Journal of Literacy Research 45/76 in Information Science & Library Science 1086-296X 0.56 43/50 in Psychology, Educational and 110/177 in Education & Educational Research 187 Journal of Macromarketing 0276-1467 1.175 57/101 in Business 188 Journal of Management 0149-2063 3.758 7/103 in Business 13 out of 144 in Management 189 Journal of Management Inquiry 1056-4926 1.283 69/140 in Management 190 Journal of Material Culture 1359-1835 0.867 33/75 in Anthropology 191 Journal of Mixed Methods 1558-6898 2.219 5/ 83 in Social Sciences, Research 192 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Interdisciplinary 0148-6071 2.606 23/70 in Nutrition & Dietetics 0022-3433 1.476 12/73 in International Nutrition 193 Journal of Peace Research Relations and 21/139 in Political Science 194 Journal of Pediatric Oncology 1043-4542 0.897 Nursing 51/88 in Nursing,160 /184 in Oncology and 48/ 85 in Nursing 195 Journal of Planning Education and 0739-456X 1 Research 16/ 36 in Urban Studies and 27/47 in Planning & Development 196 Journal of Planning Literature 0885-4122 1.143 11/36 in Urban Studies and 20/47 in Planning & Development 197 Journal of Plastic Film and 8756-0879 0.688 Sheeting 198 Journal of Positive Behavior Coatings and Films 1098-3007 1.943 Interventions 199 Journal of Psychoeducational Journal of Psychopharmacology 8/36 in Education, Special , 34/102 in Psychology, Clinical 0734-2829 0.717 Assessment 200 11/18 in Materials Science, 37/50 in Psychology, Educational 0269-8811 3.801 35/185 in Clinical Neurology; 71/ 237 in Neurosciences; 48/249 in Pharmacology & Pharmacy; and 28 /126 in Psychiatry. 201 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and 0731-6844 0.823 Composites 10/24 in Materials Science, Composites, 48/79 in Polymer Science 202 Journal of Research in Crime and 0022-4278 1.694 Delinquency 203 Journal of Sandwich Structures 6/43 in Criminology & Penology 1099-6362 0.773 and Materials 47/122 in Engineering, Mechanical; 10/32 in Materials Science, Characterization & Testing; and 11/ 24 in Materials Science, Composites 204 Journal of School Nursing,The 1059-8405 0.717 61/88 in Nursing and 58 out of 85 in Nursing 205 Journal of Service Research 1094-6705 1.615 39/101 in Business 206 Journal of Social and Personal 0265-4075 1.049 22/67 in Communication, Relationships 34/56 in Psychology, Social 207 Journal of Social Work 1468-0173 0.605 21/36 in Social Work 208 Journal of Sociology 1440-7833 0.674 74/129 in Sociology 209 Journal of Special Education 0022-4669 1.943 8 /36 in Education, Special and 34/102 in Psychology, Clinical 210 Journal of Sport and Social Issues 0193-7235 0.692 72/129 in Sociology and 20/31 in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism 211 Journal of Sports Economics 1527-0025 0.528 27/31 in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism and 198/304 in Economics 212 Journal of Studies in International 1028-3153 0.739 Education 213 Journal of Teacher Education 79/177 in Education & Educational Research 0022-4871 1.891 18/177 in Education & Educational Research 214 Journal of the American 0003-0651 0.881 Psychoanalytic Association 215 Journal of the 83/107 in Psychiatry,4/12 in Psychology/Psychoanalysis 1470-3203 1.968 Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone 31/60 in Peripheral Vascular Disease System 216 Journal of Theoretical Politics 0951-6298 0.487 84/139 in Political Science 217 Journal of Thermoplastic 0892-7057 0.865 9/24 in Materials Science, Composite Materials 218 Journal of Transcultural Nursing Composites 1043-6596 0.714 62/88 in Nursing and 59/85 in Nursing 219 Journal of Travel Research 0047-2875 1.549 5/31 in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism 220 Journal of Urban History 0096-1442 0.129 25/26 in History of Social Sciences, 35/36 in Urban Studies 221 Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic 1040-6387 1.381 36/145 in Veterinary Sciences 1077-5463 0.863 16 /29 in Acoustics; 43/122 in Investigation 222 Journal of Vibration & Control Engineering, Mechanical; and 80/132 in Mechanics 223 Language and Speech(applicable 0023-8309 0.895 now) 48/141 in Linguistics and 70/81 in Psychology, Experimental 224 Language Teaching Research 1362-1688 1.205 44 /177 in Education & Educational Research and 33 /141 in Linguistics 225 Latin American Perspectives 0094-582X 0.32 106/139 in Political Science and 34/60 in Area Studies 226 Leadership 1742-7150 0.535 114/140 in Management 227 Lighting Research & Technology 1477-1535 1.256 9/49 in Construction & Building Technology and 28/70 in Optics 228 Lupus 0961-2033 2.6 14/29 in Rheumatology 229 Management Communication 0893-3189 1.109 75 out of 140 in Management Quarterly and 16 out of 67 in Communication 230 Management Learning 1350-5076 1.206 71/140 in Management 231 Marketing Theory 1470-5931 0.833 68/101 in Business 232 Mathematics & Mechanics of 1081-2865 1.296 99/222 in Materials Science, Solids Multidisciplinary; 30/92 in Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications; and 46/132 in Mechanics 233 Measurement and Evaluation in 0748-1756 0.903 Counseling and Development 45/67 in Psychology, Applied and 31/50 in Psychology, Educational 234 Media, Culture & Society 0163-4437 0.663 40/67 in Communication, 75/129 in Sociology 235 Medical Care Research and 1077-5587 2.195 Review 22/71 in Health Care Sciences & Services, 15/56 in Health Policy & Services 236 Medical Decision Making 0272-989X 2.013 27/71 in Health Care Sciences & Services, 7/22 in Medical Informatics 237 Men and Masculinities 1097-184X 0.814 58/129 in Sociology 238 Millennium: Journal of 0305-8298 0.727 32/73 in International International Studies(now Relations association) 239 Modern China 0097-7004 0.615 14/60 in Area Studies 240 Multiple Sclerosis 1352-4585 4.230 29/185 in Clinical Neurology 241 Neurorehabilitation and Neural 1545-9683 3.772 37/185 in Clinical Neurology, Repair 242 Neuroscientist, The 1/43 in Rehabilitation 1073-8584 4.577 25/185 in Clinical Neurology, 52/237 in Neurosciences 243 New Media & Society 1461-4448 1.091 18/67 in Communication 244 Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector 0899-7640 0.648 20/35 in Social Issues Quarterly 245 Nursing Ethics 0969-7330 1.085 33/88 in Nursing 246 Nursing Science Quarterly 0894-3184 1.215 16/72 in Nursing 247 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 0884-5336 2.078 38/70 in Nutrition & Dietetics 248 Organization 1350-5084 1.488 61/140 in Management 249 Organization & Environment 1086-0266 1.085 43/77 in Environmental Studies 250 Organization Studies 0170-8406 2.339 39/140 in Management 251 Organizational Research Methods 1094-4281 4.423 7/140 in Management, 2/67 in Psychology, Applied 252 Otolaryngology 0194-5998 1.565 73/187 in Surgery and 12/41 in Otorhinolaryngology 253 Palliative Medicine 0269-2163 2.515 13/71 in Health Care Sciences & Services, 31/151 in Medicine, General & Internal, 35/140 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health 254 Party Politics(now asssociation) 1354-0688 1.016 40/139 in Political Science 255 Perfusion 0267-6591 0.642 54/60 in Peripheral Vascular Disease 256 Personality and Social Psychology 0146-1672 2.518 5/56 in Psychology, Social 1088-8683 6.091 2/56 in Psychology, Social Perspectives in Public Health (原 1757-9139 (原 0.833 85/114 in Public, 名:Journal of the Royal Society for ISSN:1466-4240) Bulletin 257 Personality and Social Psychology Review 258 Environmental & Occupational Promotion of Health, The) 259 Perspectives on Psychological Health 1745-6916 5.260 Science 260 Philosophy of the Social Sciences 5/120 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary 0048-3931 0.476 29/38 in Ethics 261 Police Quarterly 1098-6111 0.93 22/43 in Criminology& Penology 262 Political Research Quarterly[now 1065-9129 1.018 39/139 in Political Science applicable] 263 Political Science 0032-3187 0.478 86/139 in Political Science 264 Political Theory 0090-5917 0.822 56/139 in Political Science 265 Politics & Society 0032-3292 1.342 26/139 in Political Science, 9/35 in Social Issues, 28/129 in Sociology 266 Prison Journal, The 0032-8855 0.538 31/43 in Criminology & Penology 267 Proceedings of the Institution of 0957-6509 0.792 Mechanical Engineers, Part A: 46/122 in Engineering, Mechanical Journal of Power and Energy 268 Proceedings of the Institution of 0954-4054 0.699 55/122 Engineering, Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Mechanical and 22/37 Journal of Engineering Engineering, Manufacturing Manufacture 269 Proceedings of the Institution of 0954-4062 0.451 Mechanical Engineers, Part C: 79/122 in Engineering, Mechanical Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 270 Proceedings of the Institution of 0954-4070 0.441 81/122 in Engineering, Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Mechanical and 20/26 in Journal of Automobile Engineering Transportation Science and Technology 271 Proceedings of the Institution of 0954-4089 0.520 Mechanical Engineers, Part E: 72/122 in Engineering, Mechanical Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering 272 Proceedings of the Institution of 0954-4119 0.957 Mechanical Engineers, Part H: 52 out of 69 in Engineering, Biomechanical Journal of Engineering in Medicine 273 Proceedings of the Institution of 1350-6501 0.721 Mechanical Engineers, Part J: 52/122 in Engineering, Mechanical Journal of Engineering Tribology 274 Proceedings of the Institution of 1464-4207 0.467 Mechanical Engineers, Part L: 179/222 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary Journal of Materials Design and Applications 275 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment 1475-0902 0.259 6/11 in Engineering, Marine 276 Progress in Human Geography 0309-1325 3.59 2/61 in Geography 277 Progress in Physical Geography 0309-1333 2.261 11/35 in Geography, Physical, 32/153 in Geosciences, Multidisciplinary 278 Prosthetics and Orthotics 0309-3646 0.634 International 279 Psychological Science 33/43 in Rehabilitation and 40 out of 61 in Orthopedics 0956-7976 4.699 7/120 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary 280 Psychology of Music 0305-7356 1.182 22/50 in Psychology, Educational,2010 SCImago Journal Rank indicator = 0.046, 2010 SCImago Journal Rank = 3 /67 (Music) 281 Public Understanding of Science 0963-6625 1.838 5/67 in Communication, 2/36 in History & Philosophy of Science 282 Punishment & Society 1462-4745 1 21/43 in Criminology & Penology 283 Qualitative Health Research 1049-7323 2.264 13/56 in Health Policy & Services 284 Qualitative Inquiry 1077-8004 0.673 40/83 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 285 Race & Class 0306-3968 0.316 57/75 in Anthropology, 10/13 in Ethnic Studies, 28/35 in Social Issues, 64/83 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary, 101/129 in Sociology 286 Rationality and Society 1043-4631 1.059 35/129 in Sociology 287 Rehabilitation Counseling 0034-3552 0.74 36/62 in Rehabilitation 0741-9325 0.561 26/36 in Education, Special 1933-7191 2.586 11/26 in Reproductive Biology Bulletin[applicable now] 288 Remedial and Special Education[applicable now] 289 Reproductive Sciences and 12/75 in Obstetrics & Gynecology 290 Research on Aging 0164-0275 1.29 14/28 in Gerontology 291 Research on Social Work Practice 1049-7315 1.13 9/36 in Social Work 292 Review of Educational Research 0034-6543 3.127 2/177 in Education & Educational Research 293 Review of Public Personnel 0734-371X 0.891 19/39 in Public Administration 0091-732X 1.909 15/177 in Education & Administration 294 Review of Research in Education Educational Research 295 Scandinavian Journal of Public 1403-4948 1.487 Health 45 out of 114 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health 296 School Psychology International 0143-0343 0.716 38/50 in Psychology, Educational 297 Science Communication 1075-5470 1.579 10/67 in Communication 298 Science, Technology & Human 0162-2439 2.21 2/35 in Social Issues 0267-6583 1.621 17/141 in Linguistics, 27/177 Values 299 Second Language Research in Education & Educational Research 300 Security Dialogue 0967-0106 1.6 9/73 in International Relations 301 Sexual Abuse 1079-0632 1.5 10/43 in Criminology and Penology, 53/102 in Psychology, Clinical 302 SIMULATION 0037-5497 0.611 83/97 in Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications,77/99 in Computer Science, Software Engineering 303 Small Group Research 1046-4964 1.148 29/56 in Psychology, Social,73/140 in Management and 38/67 in Psychology, Applied 304 Social Compass 0037-7686 0.224 112/129 in Sociology 305 Social Psychology Quarterly 0190-2725 1.108 30/56 in Psychology, Social 306 Social Science Computer Review 0894-4393 0.913 64/97 in Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications, 32/76 in Information Science & Library Science, 27/83 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 307 Social Science Information 0539-0184 0.55 48/76 in Information Science & Library Science, 51/83 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 308 Social Studies of Science 0306-3127 1.723 3/36 in History & Philosophy of Science 309 Sociological Methods & Research 0049-1241 2 6/42 in Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods, 5/129 in Sociology 310 Sociology 0038-0385 1.488 21/129 in Sociology 311 Sociology of Education 0038-0407 1.344 26/129 in Sociology and 36/177 in Education & Educational Research 312 Statistical Methods in Medical 0962-2802 1.768 Research 32/71 in Health Care Sciences & Services, 17/37 in Mathematics & Computational Biology, 9/22 in Medical Informatics, 17/110 in Statistics and Probability 313 Statistical Modelling[now 1471-082X 0.632 association] 314 Strategic Organization[now Probability 1476-1270 2.727 association] 315 Structural Health Monitoring 75/100 in Statistics and 16/101 in Business and 25/140 in Management 1475-9217 2.115 5/87 in Engineering, Multidisciplinary, 10/61 in Instruments & Instrumentation 316 Surgical Innovation[now applicable 1553-3506 2.255 51/187 in Surgery 0092-055X 0.582 75/114 in Sociology and and association] 317 Teaching Sociology 87/139 in Education & Educational Research 318 Teaching of Psychology 0098-6283 0.333 102/120 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary | 139/184 in Education & Educational Research 319 Television & New Media 1527-4764 0.179 65/67 in Communication 320 Textile Research Journal 0040-5175 1.102 3/21 in Materials Science, Textiles 321 The Journal of Applied Behavioral 0021-8863 1.682 Science 322 The Journal of Clinical 22/67 in Psychology, Applied 0091-2700 3.59 Pharmacology 323 The Journal of Early Adolescence 56/140 in Management and 59/249 in Pharmacology & Pharmacy 0272-4316 1.556 32/66 in Psychology, Developmental and 11/39 in Family Studies 324 The Journal of Special Education 0022-4669 1.943 8/36 in Education, Special and 34/102 in Psychology, Clinical 325 The Journal of Strain Analysis 0309-3247 0.897 41/122 in Engineering, Mechanical, 9/32 in Materials Science, Characterization and Testing, and 78/132 in Mechanics 326 Theoretical Criminology 1362-4806 1.639 7/43 in Criminology & Penology 327 Theory & Psychology 0959-3543 1.062 61/120 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary 328 Theory, Culture & Society 0263-2764 1.015 18/68 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 329 Time & Society 0961-463X 0.528 54/83 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 330 Topics in Early Childhood Special 0271-1214 1.171 16/36 in Education, Special 0192-6233 2.168 31/76 in Pathology, 46/83 in Education[now association] 331 Toxicologic Pathology Toxicology 332 Toxicology and Industrial Health 0748-2337 0.915 110/140 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health and 71/83 in Toxicology 333 Transactions of the Institute of 0142-3312 0.462 Measurement and Control 43/60 in Automation & Control Systems, 44/61 in Instruments & Instrumentation 334 Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 1524-8380 2.6 1/39 in Family Studies, 1/36 in Social Work, and 3/43 in Criminology & Penology 335 Urban Affairs Review[now 1078-0874 1.333 8/36 in Urban Studies 0042-0859 0.5 119/177 in Education & association] 336 Urban Education Educational Research, 30/36 in Urban Studies 337 Urban Studies[now association] 0042-0980 1.301 6/34 in Urban Studies, 28/66 in Environmental Studies 338 Vascular and Endovascular 1538-5744 1.154 Surgery[now applicable] 53/66 in Peripheral Vascular Disease and 101/187 in Surgery 339 Vascular Medicine[now 1358-863X 1.467 association] 340 Veterinary Pathology 49/66 in Peripheral Vascular Disease 0300-9858 1.333 38/145 in Veterinary Sciences and 51/76 in Pathology 341 Violence Against Women 1077-8012 1.215 8/35 in Women's Studies 342 Visual Communication 1470-3572 0.34 57/67 in Communication 343 War in History 0968-3445 0.265 24/43 in History and 59/73 in International Relations 344 Waste Management and Research 0734-242X 1.222 26 /45 in ENGINEERING, ENVIRONMENTAL 345 Western Journal of Nursing 0193-9459 1.138 Research 29/42 in Nursing, 25/46 in Nursing (Science)/29 out of 88 in Nursing and 26 out of 85 in Nursing [now?] 346 Work and Occupations 0730-8884 0.857 9/22 in Industrial Relations & Labor, 57/129 in Sociology 347 Work, Employment & Society 0950-0170 1.108 96/304 in Economics; 5/22 in Industrial Relations & Labor; and 33/129 in Sociology 348 World Policy Journal 0740-2775 0.144 68/73 in International Relations 349 Written Communication 0741-0883 0.939 26/67 in Communication 350 Youth & Society 0044-118X 1.058 36/129 in Sociology,21/83 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary,11/35 in Social Issues 351 Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice[now association] 1541-2040 1.132 18/43 in Criminology & Penology 附录 4 与 SAGE 合作的 285 家学协会及期刊列表: 序号 SAGE 期刊刊名 Print ISSN Associated Society 合作学会 1 Accounting History 1032-3732 The Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand 2 Acta Sociologica 0001-6993 Nordic Sociological Association 3 Adaptive Behaviour 1059-7123 International Society of Adaptive Behavior (ISAB) 4 Adult Education Quarterly 0741-7136 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education 5 Advances in Dental Research 0022-0345 International & American Associations for Dental Research 6 Advances in Developing Human 1523-4223 Resources 7 Aesthetic Surgery Journal Academy of Human Resource Development 1090-820X American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), 8 Alternatives 0304-3754 the Center for the Study of Developing Societies 9 American Educational Research 0002-8312 Journal American Educational Research Association 10 American Journal of Evaluation 1098-2140 American Evaluation Association 11 American Journal of Medical 1062-8606 American College of Medical Quality 0363-5465 American Orthopaedic Society for Quality 12 American Journal of Sports Medicine,The 13 American Review of Public Sports Medicine 0275-0740 Administration, The American Society for Public Administration 14 American Sociological Review 0003-1224 American Sociological Association 15 Animation 1746-8477 Arts & Humanities Citation Index. 16 ANNALS of the American 0002-7162 American Academy of Political and Academy of Political and Social Social Science Science, The 17 Armed Forces & Society 0095-327X Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society 18 Asia Pacific Journal of Human 1038-4111 Resources(removed) 19 Asia Pacific Journal of Public (AHRI) 1010-5395 Health 20 Asian Journal of Management Assessment Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health 0972-8201 Cases 21 Australian Human Resources Institute Lahore University of Management Sciences 1073-1911 Section IX (Assessment) of Division 12 (Society for Clinical Psychology) of the American Psychological Association 22 Assessment for Effective 1534-5084 Intervention 23 Australian & New Zealand Journal Services 0004-8658 of Criminology 24 Australian Journal of Council for Educational Diagnostic Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology 0312-8962 Management Australian School of Business, The University of New South Wales 25 Autism 1362-3613 26 Biblical Theology Bulletin 0146-1079 27 Bioscope: South Asian Screen 0974-9276 Studies The National Autistic Society Biblical Theology Bulletin Inc Sarai/Centre for the Study of Developing Societies ,University of Westminster 28 BMS: Bulletin of Sociological 0759-1063 Methodology/Bulletin de Association Internationale de M&eacute;thodologie Sociologique Méthodologie Sociologique 29 Body & Society 1357-034X The TCS Centre, Nottingham Trent University 30 Building Services Engineering 0143-6244 Research and Technology 31 Bulletin of Science, Technology & The Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers 0270-4676 Society National Association for Science, Technology & Society 32 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 33 Business & Society 0007-6503 International Association for Business and Society 34 Business Communication 1080-5699 Quarterly 35 Canadian Journal of School Association for Business Communication 0829-5735 Psychology Canadian Association of School Psychologists 36 Capital & Class 0309-8168 Conference of Socialist Economics 37 Cardiac Cath Lab Director(? 2150-1335 Alliance of Cardiovascular records) 38 Career Development for Professionals 0885-7288 Exceptional Individuals Division on Career Development and Transition-CEC 39 Cartilage 1947-6035 International Cartilage Repair Society 40 Cephalalgia 0333-1024 International Headache Society 41 Child Maltreatment 1077-5595 American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children 42 Childhood 0907-5682 Norwegian Centre for Child Research 43 China Report 0009-4455 Centre for the Study of Developing Societies 44 Clinical and Applied 1076-0296 Thrombosis/Hemostasis International Academy of Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis 45 Clinical Pediatrics 0009-9228 Society for Clinical Pediatrics 46 Clinical Trials 1740-7745 The Society for Clinical Trials 47 Clothing and Textiles Research 0887-302X International Textile and Apparel Journal 48 Communication Disorders Association 1525-7401 Quarterly 49 Community College Review Division for Communicative Disabilities and Deafness-CEC 0091-5521 Department of Leadership, Policy, Adult and Higher Education at North Carolina State University 50 Concurrent Engineering 1063-293X Institute of Concurrent Engineering 51 Conflict Management and Peace 0738-8942 Peace Science Society (International) 0094-3061 American Sociological Association 0010-8367 Nordic International Studies Science 52 Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 53 Cooperation and Conflict Association (NISA) 54 Cornell Hospitality 1938-9655 The Center for Hospitality Research 2150-1378 Association for Assessment in Quarterly(formerly known as Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly) 55 Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation 56 Counseling Psychologist, The Counseling and Education 0011-0000 Division of Counseling Psychology of the American Psychological Association 57 Criminal Justice and Behavior 0093-8548 International Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology 58 Criminal Justice Policy Review 0887-4034 Department of Criminology at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Northeastern Academy Department of Criminal Justice Sciences, American Society of Public Administration 59 Criminal Justice Review 0734-0168 Georgia State University, College of Health and Human Sciences 60 Criminology & Criminal Justice 1748-8958 British Society of Criminology 61 Critical Reviews in Oral Biology & 1045-4411 Intenational & American Associations Medicine(? records) for Dental Research 62 Cross-Cultural Research 1069-3971 Society for Cross-Cultural Research 63 Cultural Sociology 1749-9755 British Sociological Association 64 Current Directions in 0963-7214 Association for Psychological Science Psychological Science 65 Current Sociology 0011-3921 International Sociological Association 66 Diabetes and Vascular Disease 1479-1641 International Society of Diabetes Research 67 Diabetes Educator,The Vascular Disease 0145-7217 American Association of Diabetes Educators 68 Diogenes 0392-1921 International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies 69 East European Politics and 0888-3254 Societies American Council of Learned Societies, American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS) 70 Economic and Industrial 0143-831X Democracy Department of Economic History, Uppsala University, Sweden 71 Economic Development Quarterly 0891-2424 Cleveland State University 72 Educational Administration 0013-161X University Council for Educational Quarterly 73 Educational Evaluation and Policy Administration 0162-3737 Analysis 74 Educational Management American Educational Research Association 1741-1432 Administration & Leadership British Educational Leadership, Management & Admin Society 75 Educational Policy 0895-9048 Politics of Education Association 76 Educational Researcher 0013-189X American Educational Research Association 77 Electronic News 1931-2431 The Radio-Television Journalism Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication 78 Emotion Review 1754-0739 The International Society for Research on Emotion 79 Environment and Behavior 0013-9165 Environmental Design Research Association 80 Environment and Urbanization 0956-2478 International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) 81 Environment and Urbanization 0975-4253 National Institute of Urban Affairs 1064-8046 Human Factors and Ergonomics Asia 82 Ergonomics in Design Society 83 European Journal of 1461-9571 Archaeology(removed) 84 European Journal of European Association of Archaeologists 1741-8267 European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention & Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation Rehabilitation,European Society of Cardiology 85 European Journal of Criminology 1477-3708 European Society of Criminology 86 European Journal of International 1354-0661 Relations 87 European Physical Education Standing Group on International Relations of the ECPR 1356-336X Review North West Counties Physical Education Association 88 Evaluation 1356-3890 Tavistock Institute, London, UK 89 Family and Consumer Sciences 1077-727X American Association of Family and Research Journal Consumer Sciences 90 Family Business Review 0894-4865 Family Firm Institute 91 Family Journal, The 1066-4807 International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors 92 Feminist Criminology 1557-0851 Division on Women and Crime of the American Society of Criminology 93 Focus on Autism and Other 1088-3576 Developmental Disabilities 94 Food Science and Technology Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities-CEC 1082-0132 International Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientÃficas (Spanish Council for Scientific Research) 95 Gender & Society 0891-2432 Sociologists for Women in Society 96 Gender, Technology & 0971-8524 Gender and Development Studies 1048-3713 MENC: The National Association for Development 97 General Music Today Music Education 98 Genes & Cancer 1947-6019 Association with Asset Publication Group, LLC 99 Gifted Child Quarterly 0016-9862 National Association for Gifted Children 100 Global Business Review 0972-1509 International Management Institute 101 Global Health Promotion (formerly 1757-9759 International Union for Health known as Promotion & Education) 102 Global Journal of Emerging Promotion & Education 0974-9101 Market Economies Emerging Markets Forum, Washington DC 103 Group Analysis 0533-3164 Group-Analytic Society, London 104 Health Education & Behavior 1090-1981 Society for Public Health Education 105 Health Promotion Practice 1524-8399 Society for Public Health Education 106 Homicide Studies 1088-7679 Homicide Research Working Group 107 Human Factors 0018-7208 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 108 Human Relations 0018-7267 Tavistock Institute, London, UK 109 Human Resource Development 1534-4843 Academy of Human Resource Review 110 IFLA Journal Development 0340-0352 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions 111 Index on Censorship 0306-4220 Writers and Scholars International Ltd,Index on Censorship 112 India Quarterly 0974-9284 Indian Council of World Affairs 113 Indian Historical Review 0376-9836 Indian Council of Historical Research 114 Indian Journal of Gender Studies 0971-5215 Centre for Women's Development Studies 115 Indoor and Built Environment 1420-326X International Society of the Built Environment 116 Innate Immunity (formerly known 1753-4259 as Journal of Endotoxin International Endotoxin & Innate Immunity Society Research) 117 International Criminal Justice 1057-5677 Review 118 International Journal of Behavioral Health and Human Sciences 0165-0254 Development 119 International Journal of Engine Georgia State University, College of International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development 1468-0874 Institution of Mechanical Engineers 0255-7614 International Society for Music Research 120 International Journal of Music Education 121 International Journal of Robotics Education 0278-3649 Multimedia Archives 0973-0052 Institute of Rural Management 1091-5818 American College of Toxicology 0020-8345 International Political Science Research 122 International Journal of Rural Management 123 International Journal of Toxicology 124 International Political Science Abstracts 125 International Political Science Association (IPSA) 0192-5121 Review International Political Science Association (IPSA) 126 International Relations 0047-1178 David Davies Memorial Institute 127 International Review for the 1012-6902 International Sociology of Sport Sociology of Sport 128 International Review of Association (ISSA) 0020-8523 Administrative Sciences International Institute of Administrative Sciences 129 International Social Work 0020-8728 IASSW, ICSW and IFSW 130 International Sociology 0268-5809 International Sociological Association 131 Intervention in School and Clinic 1053-4512 Council for Learning Disabilities 132 Irish Theological Quarterly 0021-1400 Pontifical University, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland 133 JDMS: Journal of Defense Modeling & Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology 1548-5129 The Society for Modeling and Simulation International 134 Journal of Accounting, Auditing & 0148-558X Finance The Vincent C. Ross Institute of Accounting Research, The Leonard N. Stern School of Business 135 Journal of Anglican Studies 1740-3553 The Journal of Anglican Studies Trust 0021-8863 NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral (removed) 136 Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, The Science 137 Journal of Applied Gerontology 0733-4648 Southern Gerontological Society 138 Journal of Asthma & Allergy 2150-1297 Association of Asthma Educators 0748-7304 Society for Research on Biological Educators 139 Journal of Biological Rhythms Rhythms 140 Journal of Biomolecular 1087-0571 Screening Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening 141 Journal of Black Psychology 0095-7984 Association of Black Psychologists 142 Journal of Building Physics 1744-2591 International Association of Building Physics (IABF) 143 Journal of Business and Technical 1050-6519 Iowa State University 0021-9436 Association for Business Communication 144 Journal of Business Communication Communication 145 Journal of Career Assessment 1069-0727 University of Missouri-Columbia 146 Journal of Career Development 0894-8453 University of Missouri-Columbia 147 Journal of Cases in Educational 1555-4589 University Council for Educational Leadership 148 Journal of Child Health Care Administration 1367-4935 Association of British Paediatric Nurses 149 Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 0091-2700 The 150 Journal of Cognitive Engineering Pharmacology 1555-3434 and Decision Making 151 Journal of Communication Inquiry American College of Clinical Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 0196-8599 The Iowa Center for Communication Study 152 Journal of Composite Materials 0021-9983 The American Society for Composites 153 Journal of Conflict Resolution 0022-0027 Peace Science Society (International) 154 Journal of Correctional Health 1078-3458 National Commission on Correctional Care 155 Journal of Creative Health Care 0973-2586 Communications 156 Journal of Cross-Cultural Ahmedabad 0022-0221 Psychology 157 Journal of Dental Research Mudra Institute of Communications, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology 0022-0345 International & American Associations for Dental Research 158 Journal of Diagnostic Medical 8756-4793 Sonography Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography 159 Journal of Disability Policy Studies 1044-2073 Hammill Institute on Disabilities 160 Journal of Early Intervention 1053-8151 Division for Early Childhood-CEC 161 Journal of Education for 0973-4082 Centre for Environment Education 1076-9986 American Educational Research Sustainable Development 162 Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 163 Journal of Emerging Market Association 0972-6527 Finance 164 Journal of Emotional and Institute for Financial Management and Research 1063-4266 Hammill Institute on Disabilities 0971-3557 Entrepreneurship Development Behavioral Disorders 165 Journal of Entrepreneurship Institute of India 166 Journal of Fire Protection 1042-3915 Society of Fire Protection Engineers 1753-1934 British Society for Surgery of the Engineering 167 Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume) Hand,Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand 168 Journal of Health & Social 0022-1465 American Sociological Association 0972-0634 Indian Institute of Health Management Behavior 169 Journal of Health Management Research 170 Journal of Hispanic Higher 1538-1927 Education 171 Journal of Histochemisty & American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education 0022-1554 Cytochemistry Official Journal of The Histochemical Society 172 Journal of Holistic Nursing 0898-0101 American Holistic Nurses Association 173 Journal of Hospitality & Tourism 1096-3480 International Council on Hotel, Research 174 Journal of Human Lactation Restaurant, and Institutional Education 0890-3344 International Lactation Consultant Association 175 Journal of Humanistic Psychology 0022-1678 Association for Humanistic Psychology 176 Journal of Industrial Relations 0022-1856 Australian Labour and Employment Relations Association 177 Journal of Infection Prevention(原 1757-1774(原 名:British Journal of Infection ISSN:1469-0446) Infection Prevention Society Control) 178 Journal of Information Science 0165-5515 Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals 179 Journal of Infrastructure[ Development]name change 0974-9306 India Development Foundation 180 Journal of Leadership and 1548-0518 Organizational Studies Midwest Academy of Management,Baker College 181 Journal of Learning Disabilities 0022-2194 Hammill Institute on Disabilities 182 Journal of Literacy Research 1086-296X Literary Research Association 183 Journal of Macromarketing 0276-1467 Macromarketing Society 184 Journal of Management 0149-2063 Southern Management Association 185 Journal of Management 1052-5629 OBTS Teaching Society for Education Management Educators 186 Journal of Management Inquiry 1056-4926 Western Academy of Management 187 Journal of Marketing Education 0273-4753 Marketing Educators' Association 188 Journal of Music Teacher 1057-0837 MENC: The National Association for Education Music Education and Society for Music Teacher Education 189 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral 0148-6071 Nutrition 190 Journal of Peace Research American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 0022-3433 International Peace Research Institute, Oslo 191 Journal of Pediatric Oncology 1043-4542 Nursing Association of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses (APHON) 192 Journal of Pharmacy Practice 0897-1900 New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists 193 Journal of Planning Education 0739-456X and Research 194 Journal of Planning History Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning 1538-5132 Society for American City and Regional Planning History 195 Journal of Planning Literature 0885-4122 196 Journal of Positive Behavior 1098-3007 Interventions 197 Journal of Psychopharmacology Ohio State University, The Association for Positive Behavior Support 0269-8811 British Association for Psychopharmacology 198 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and 0731-6844 The American Society for Composites 0022-4278 John Jay College of Criminal Justice 0022-4294 MENC: The National Association for Composites 199 Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 200 Journal of Research in Music Education 201 Journal of Sandwich Structures Music Education 1099-6362 The American Society for Composites and Materials 202 Journal of School Nursing,The 1059-8405 National Association of School Nurses 203 Journal of Service Research 1094-6705 Center for Excellence in Service, University of Maryland 204 Journal of Social and Personal 0265-4075 International Association for Relationships 205 Journal of Sociology Relationship Research 1440-7833 The Australian Sociological Association 206 Journal of Special Education 0022-4669 Division for Research-CEC 207 Journal of Sport and Social Issues 0193-7235 Northeastern University's Center for the Study of Sport in Society 208 Journal of Sports Economics 1527-0025 The North American Association of Sports Economists 209 Journal of Studies in International 1028-3153 Education 210 Journal of Teacher Education Association for Studies in International Education 0022-4871 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) 211 Journal of the [International] 1545-1097 Association of Physicians in AIDS International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care Care(name add) 212 Journal of the Academy of 0092-0703 Academy of Marketing Science 1078-3903 American Psychiatric Nurses Marketing Science 213 Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association 214 Journal of the American Association 0003-0651 American Psychoanalytic Association 0892-7057 The American Society for Composites Transcultural Nursing Society Psychoanalytic Association 215 Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 216 Journal of Transcultural Nursing 1043-6596 217 Journal of Transformative 1541-3446 Education 218 Journal of Travel Research American Association for Adult and Continuing Education 0047-2875 Travel and Tourism Research Association 219 Journal of Urban History 0096-1442 The Urban History Association 220 Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic 1040-6387 Official Publication of the American Investigation Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, Inc. 221 Labor Studies Journal 0160-449X United Association for Labor Education 222 Language and Literature 0963-9470 Poetics and Linguistics Association 223 Latin American Perspectives 0094-582X Latin American Perspectives, Inc. 224 Law, Culture and the Humanities 1743-8721 Association for the Study of Law, Culture, and the Humanities 225 Lighting Research & Technology 1477-1535 The Society of Light and Lighting 226 Management in Education 0892-0206 British Educational Leadership, Management & Admin Society 227 Margin - The Journal of Applied Economic Research(now association) 0973-8010 National Council of Applied Economic Research 228 Measurement and Evaluation in 0748-1756 Counseling and Development Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education ,a division of the American Counseling Association 229 Media, War & Conflict(now 1750-6352 University of Southern California association) 230 Medical Decision Making 0272-989X Society for Medical Decision Making 231 Millennium: Journal of 0305-8298 Millennium Publishing House, LSE 1943-8621 International Association for Music and International Studies(now association) 232 Music and Medicine Medicine 233 Music Educators Journal 0027-4321 MENC: The National Association for Music Education 234 Musicae Scientiae 1029-8649 European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music 235 NASN School Nurse 1942-602X National Association of School Nurses 236 NASSP Bulletin 0192-6365 National Association of Secondary School Principals 237 National Institute Economic 0027-9501 Review 238 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Social Research 1545-9683 Repair 239 Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Nutrition in Clinical Practice American Society of Neurorehabilitation 0899-7640 Quarterly 240 National Institute of Economic and Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action 0884-5336 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 241 Organization Studies 0170-8406 European Group for Organizational Studies 242 Organizational Psychology 2041-3866 Review 243 Organizational Research Methods European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology 1094-4281 The Research Methods Division of The Academy of Management 244 Otolaryngology 0194-5998 American Academy of OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery 245 Party Politics(now asssociation) 1354-0688 Political Organizations and Parties Section of the American Political Science Association 246 Personality and Social 0146-1672 Psychology Bulletin 247 Personality and Social Psychology 1088-8683 Psychology Review 248 Society for Personality and Social Society for Personality and Social Psychology Perspectives in Public Health (原 1757-9139 (原 名:Journal of the Royal Society ISSN:1466-4240) Royal Society for Public Health for Promotion of Health, The) 249 Perspectives on Psychological 1745-6916 Association for Psychological Science 1098-6111 Police Section of the Academy of Science 250 Police Quarterly Criminal Justice Sciences, Police Executive Research Forum 251 Political Research Quarterly[now 1065-9129 applicable] 252 Political Science Western Political Science Association,The University of Utah 0032-3187 School of History, Philosophy, Political Science and International Relations at the Victoria University of Wellington 253 Politics, Philosophy & Economics 1470-594X The Murphy Institute of Political Economy 254 Prison Journal, The 0032-8855 Pennsylvania Prison Society,ACJS, Corrections Section 255 Probation Journal 0264-5505 Napo, the Trade Union and Professional Association for Family Court and Probation Staff 256 Proceedings of the Institution of 0957-6509 Institution of Mechanical Engineers 0954-4054 Institution of Mechanical Engineers 0954-4062 Institution of Mechanical Engineers 0954-4070 Institution of Mechanical Engineers 0954-4089 Institution of Mechanical Engineers 0954-4097 Institution of Mechanical Engineers Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy 257 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 258 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 259 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 260 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering 261 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit 262 Proceedings of the Institution of 0954-4100 Institution of Mechanical Engineers Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering 263 Proceedings of the Institution of 0954-4119 Institution of Mechanical Engineers Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 264 Proceedings of the Institution of 0959-6518 Institution of Mechanical Engineers 1350-6501 Institution of Mechanical Engineers Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering 265 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology 266 Proceedings of the Institution of 1464-4193 Institution of Mechanical Engineers Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics 267 Proceedings of the Institution of 1464-4207 Institution of Mechanical Engineers 1475-0902 Institution of Mechanical Engineers 1740-3499 Institution of Mechanical Engineers 1748-006X Institution of Mechanical Engineers 1754-3371 Institution of Mechanical Engineers 0309-3646 International Society for Prosthetics Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials Design and Applications 268 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment 269 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems 270 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability 271 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology 272 Prosthetics and Orthotics International and Orthotics 273 Psychological Science 0956-7976 Association for Psychological Science 274 Psychological Science in the 1529-1006 Association for Psychological Science 0305-7356 Society for Education, Music and Public Interest 275 Psychology of Music Psychology Research 276 Public Policy and Administration 0952-0767 UK Joint University Council (JUC) Public Administration Committee (PAC) 277 Public Works Management & Policy 1087-724X Section on Transportation Policy and Administration of the American Society for Public Administration 278 Race & Class 0306-3968 Institute of Race Relations 279 Race and Justice 2153-3687 The American Society of Criminology, Division on People of Color and Crime 280 Rehabilitation Counseling 0034-3552 Bulletin[applicable now] American Rehabilitation Counseling Association 281 RELC Journal 0033-6882 SEAMEO Regional Language Centre 282 Remedial and Special 0741-9325 American Rehabilitation Counseling Education[applicable now] Association to Hammill Institute on Disabilities and SAGE 283 Reproductive Sciences 1933-7191 Society for Gynecologic Investigation 284 Research on Social Work Practice 1049-7315 Society for Social Work and Research 285 Research Studies in Music 1321-103X Society for Education, Music and Education 286 Review of Educational Research Psychology Research 0034-6543 American Educational Research Association 287 Review of Market Integration 0974-9292 India Development Foundation 288 Review of Public Personnel 0734-371X Section on Personnel Administration Administration and Labor Relations of the American Society for Public Administration 289 Review of Radical Political 0486-6134 Union for Radical Political Economics 0091-732X American Educational Research Economics 290 Review of Research in Education Association 291 Reviews of Human Factors and 1557-234X Ergonomics Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 292 SAGE Open 2158-2440 Frequently Asked Questions 293 Scandinavian Journal of Public 1403-4948 Associations of Public Health in the Health Nordic Countries 294 School Psychology International 0143-0343 ISPA 295 Science, Technology & Human 0162-2439 Society for Social Studies of Science 0967-0106 International Peace Research Institute, Values 296 Security Dialogue Oslo 297 Sexual Abuse 1079-0632 Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA) 298 SIMULATION 0037-5497 Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS) 299 Simulation & Gaming 1046-8781 Society of Simulation and Gaming of Singapore (SSAGSg) to North American Simulation & Gaming Association,Association for Business Simulation & Experiential Learning,International Simulation & Gaming Association,Japan Association of Simulation & Gaming,Society for Intercultural Education, Training, & Research 300 Social Change 0049-0857 Council for Social Development 301 Social Compass 0037-7686 International Federation of Institutes for Social and Socio-Religious Research (FERES) 302 Social Psychological and 1948-5506 Personality Science Society for Personality and Social Psychology,Society of Experimental and Social Psychology,European Association of Social Psychology,Association for Research in Personality,Society of Australasian Social Psychologists,Asian Association for Social Psychology 303 Social Psychology Quarterly 0190-2725 American Sociological Association 304 Social Science Computer Review 0894-4393 Social Science Computing Association 305 Social Science Information 0539-0184 The Foundation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme 306 Society and Mental Health 2156-8693 American Sociological Association 307 Sociology 0038-0385 British Sociological Association 308 Sociology of Education 0038-0407 American Sociological Association 309 South Asia Economic Journal[now 1391-5614 Institute of Policy Studies of Sri applicable and association] Lanka,Research and Information System for Developing Countries 310 South Asian Survey[applicable 0971-5231 now] 311 Sports Health[:A Multidisciplinary Indian Council for South Asian Cooperation (ICSAC) 1941-7381 Approach ](name change,add) American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, National Athletic Trainers’ Association, Sports Physical Therapy Section 312 State and Local Government 0160-323X Review Section on Intergovernmental Administration & Management (SIAM) of ASPA,Carl Vinson Institute of Government, University of Georgia 313 Statistical Modelling[now 1471-082X Statistical Modeling Society 1476-1270 Strategic Organization 0953-9468 Society for the Study of Christian association] 314 Strategic Organization[now association] 315 Studies in Christian Ethics Ethics 316 Studies in Religion/Sciences 0008-4298 Religieuses 317 Surgical Innovation[now in Religion 1553-3506 applicable and association] 318 Teacher Education and Special The Canadian Corporation for Studies Institute for Research into Cancer of the Digestive System 0888-4064 Education Teacher Education Division of the Council of Exceptional Children 319 Teaching Sociology 0092-055X American Sociological Association 320 Teaching of Psychology 0098-6283 Society for the Teaching of Psychology, Division 2 of the American Psychological Association 321 The Journal of Applied Behavioral 0021-8863 NTL Institute 0091-2700 American College of Clinical Science 322 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 323 The Journal of Special Education Pharmacology 0022-4669 Division for Research of the Council for Exceptional Children,Hammill Institute on Disabilities 324 The Journal of Strain Analysis 0309-3247 Institution of Mechanical Engineers 325 The Journal of the Local Economy 0269-0942 Local Economy Policy Unit,London Policy Unit 326 Theology South Bank University 0040-571X Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 327 Theology Today 0040-5736 Princeton Theological Seminary 328 Theory, Culture & Society 0263-2764 Nottingham Trent University 329 Therapeutic Advances in Medical 1758-8340 Committee on Publication Ethics Oncology 330 Therapeutic Advances in (COPE). 2045-1253 Psychopharmacology 331 Topics in Early Childhood Special British Association for Psychopharmacology 0271-1214 Education[now association] Hammill Institute on Disabilities and SAGE 332 Toxicologic Pathology 0192-6233 Society of Toxicologic Pathology 333 Transactions of the Institute of 0142-3312 The Institute of Measurement and Measurement and Control 334 Transcultural Psychiatry Control 1363-4615 Transcultural Psychiatry Section of the World Psychiatric Association 335 Transfer 1024-2589 European Trade Union Institute 336 Transformation[: An International 0265-3788 Oxford Centre for Mission Studies 1534-7656 Green Cross Academy of Journal of Holistic Mission Studies](name change,delete) 337 Traumatology Traumatology;The Green Cross Foundation 338 Update: Applications of Research 8755-1233 MENC: The National Association for in Music Education 339 Urban Affairs Review[now Music Education 1078-0874 association] The Urban Politics Section, American Political Science Association 340 Urban Studies[now association] 0042-0980 Urban Studies Journal Limited 341 Vascular Medicine[now 1358-863X Society for Vascular Medicine 0300-9858 American College of Veterinary association] 342 Veterinary Pathology Pathologists,European College of Veterinary Pathologists,Japanese College of Veterinary Pathologists 343 Waste Management and 0734-242X International Solid Waste Association 0193-9459 Midwest Nursing Research Society 1048-3950 Hammill Institute on Disabilities and Research 344 Western Journal of Nursing Research 345 Word of Mouth[now association] SAGE 346 Work, Employment & Society 0950-0170 British Sociological Association 347 World Journal for Pediatric and 2150-1351 World Society for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery Congenital Heart Surgery 348 World Policy Journal 0740-2775 World Policy Institute 349 Young Exceptional Children 1096-2506 Division for Early Childhood-CEC 350 Youth Justice 1473-2254 National Association for Youth Justice 351 Youth Violence and Juvenile 1541-2040 Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Justice[now association]