Open Forum for CSO Development Effectiveness Methodology Training GUIDANCE NOTE AND SAMPLE AGENDA FOR TRAINING ORGANISERS AND FACILITATORS Version August 2012 So why are we doing this training workshop? - To start putting the Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness into practice in your organization/ country/ region! Planning to advocate for a more enabling environment for civil society around the world! And how do we do this? A Methodology for Putting CSO Development Effectiveness into Practice! To further support country level implementation and strategic planning around the Istanbul Principles and enabling environment, Open Forum is currently developing an outreach and planning methodology to help CSOs start working with the International Framework for CSO Development Effectiveness in their own context. The aim of this methodology is to train CSO practitioners to transmit the concepts and collective experience behind the International Framework and the accompanying Toolkits, and to help CSOs take those first conceptual and planning steps on the path to improving their effectiveness. Included with the Guidance note: - Annex 1: Proposed Workshop Agenda - Annex 2: Sample Background materials list - Annex 3: Participants feedback form - Annex 4: Facilitators feedback form - Annex 5: General Istanbul Principle checklist - Practitioners Activity Guide (separate document) SO LET’S GET STARTED! General Background From 2009 until 2011, thousands of civil society organizations (CSOs) worldwide engaged in discussions on their role as development actors through a fully inclusive global consultation process - the Open Forum for CSO Development Effectiveness. The objective of the Open Forum was to define common guiding standards for effective development work as shared by civil society organizations worldwide. After some 70 national, regional, sectoral and global consultations, the Open Forum finalized the International Framework for CSO Development Effectiveness, which includes: □ □ □ Eight ‘Istanbul’ Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness: guiding values for CSO development work Statement on CSO Accountability: reflecting the commitment of CSOs to be fully accountable to each other, the other development actors, and the communities that they serve Minimum Standards for an Enabling Environment required from governments and donors As a global consolidated statement and product of numerous consultations worldwide, the International Framework represents a reference of effective development work for CSOs worldwide. To guide CSOs as they apply the global standards of the International Framework at national level, 2 Toolkits accompany the International Framework: □ □ Implementation Toolkit: Planning process for applying the Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness in any context, with examples from CSOs across the globe Advocacy Toolkit: Tips and advice from fellow CSOs on advocating for a more enabling environment from governments and donors You can find much more information on our website: Overview of the Outreach and Planning Methodology The Practitioners Activity Guide currently being developed provides learning activities and training tools to help CSOs give meaning to the Istanbul Principles in their own context and to get inspiration and ideas about how to start putting the principles into practice! As each Istanbul Principles implementation process is unique to the organization where it takes place, the Practitioners Activity Guide does not provide a blueprint training methodology or a sequence of concrete actions to be taken to implement the principles. Instead, it suggests participatory activities that you can do with your colleagues or partners to initiate a change process within your CSO: to make the principles real for you and come up with your own actions for implementing them! The Practitioners Activity Guide consists of three chapters each aiming at a number of different learning goals and proposing guided activities to achieve these goals. …Turn the page for more! Chapter 1. Introduction: Understanding and Owning the Istanbul Principles which provides activities to: a) give an overview of the principles; b) examine their importance and interrelationship for development effectiveness; c) explore different dimensions of each principle and d) reflect on one’s attitudes and commitment to the principles. Chapter 2. Setting the Ground for Change: Looking at where we are and where we want to go which provides activities to a) explore how much the principles reflect the values of the CSO b) identify the areas where the CSO already does well for development effectiveness and the areas where change is desired. Chapter 3. Making Change Happen: Putting the Principles into Practice which provides activities to explore what changes can your CSO make in terms of planning, monitoring and evaluation to improve the implementation of the principles and promote an enabling environment for CSOs. How to use this methodology? In an ideal setting, we suggest that you approach each chapter as a learning section and dedicate a day to it. Both chapter 1 and chapter 3 could be split into two days – depending on how deeply you want to explore each principle and/or revisit your planning, monitoring and evaluation processes Check out the Sample agenda in Annex 1! HOWEVER, for the purposes of this pilot testing phase, we have prepared a sample 3-day agenda that we would ask you to consider using! Day 1 of the sample workshop agenda is targeted at participants who have not had much exposure to the aid effectiveness debates and dialogue (and so includes a longer introductory presentation session) Days 2 and 3 of the sample workshop agenda can be targeted at all participants – beginners (after Day 1 introduction) and those who already know the development effectiveness background, and can jump right into the planning! Please see the suggested sample agenda (Annex 1) Personalizing the agenda Alternatively, you can ‘mix and match’ learning activities from different chapters to create your own learning and planning process. This could take the form of a 1-5 days training (for your CSO, or regional or national platform) or a series of workshops or meetings that suit your CSO’s learning and planning needs. EXAMPLE: Let’s say your CSO would like to explore how the principles could be better integrated in its programmes. In this case, your learning day could include activity 1.2 to discuss the interrelationship of all principles, activity 2.1 to see how the principles fit into your CSOs’ values and then activity 3.1 to see how you can improve programme planning to make sure it puts in practice all principles. More tips on how to use the Guide Most learning activities are designed or introduced for a group of CSO colleagues but they can be easily adapted for a group of practitioners that represent different CSOs – relevant guidance is given when need. For each activity, the guide provides an indication of the time and resources needed. However, make sure to adjust the time to your own needs and be creative with resources! For each chapter we provide a form for participants to assess their personal learning and there is also a template for planning how to take learning into action at the end of this guide Preparing the training workshop – some ideas and sample checklist □ Defining your target group: beginners or more experienced users? The agendas and proposed activities (see sample agenda, Annex 1) will largely depend on how familiar participants already are with CSO development effectiveness issues. □ Setting the date and location for this workshop □ Inviting participants to participate To get a representative feedback, we recommend inviting a broad CSO constituency in your context, including women organizations, faith-based, youth, etc. □ Finalizing your training agenda, designating facilitators for the various session and developing the training materials □ Preparing documentation and audio-visual material There is a wealth of information out there on CSO development effectiveness and enabling environment. See Annex 2 for a list of key materials that can be used in the training, or to prepare participants ahead of the workshop. □ Don’t forget to send us your feedback on this methodology! See Annex 3 for the participants feedback form, and Annex 4 for the organizer/facilitator feedback form, and send them all to GOOD LUCK WITH THE WORKSHOP! Annex 1: PROPOSED AGENDA PLEASE NOTE! Day 1 of the sample workshop agenda is targeted at participants who have not had much exposure to the aid effectiveness debates and dialogue (and so includes a longer introductory presentation session) Days 2 and 3 of the sample workshop agenda can be targeted at all participants – beginners (after Day 1 introduction) and those who already know the development effectiveness background and can jump right into the planning! Based on this sample agenda, you can organize: - A Full Workshop of 3 days for beginners - A Workshop of 2 days for beginners (Day 1 and Day 2) - A Workshop of 2 days for users with prior knowledge of the CSO effectiveness topics (based on proposed activities in Day 2 and Day 3) Day 1 Time 08:30 - 09:00 09:00 - 09:15 09:15 - 10:00 10:00 - 10:15 10:15 - 12:45 12:45 - 13:45 13:45 - 15:45 or 13:45 - 17:45 depending on the activities selected 15:45 - 16:00 17:45 - 18:00 16:30 - 17:45 Session Reference material Welcome and Introduction □ CSO Development Effectiveness in a nutshell □ The objectives of the workshop □ The format of the workshop (TIP: explain the focus on Guided Activities to participants) Icebreaker Presentation of the Open Forum process and outcomes Coffee break Familiarizing ourselves with the Istanbul Principles □ Guided activity 1.1 (page 9 ) □ Guided activity 1.2 (page 11) Lunch Exploring the different dimensions of each Istanbul Principle □ Selecting one or two principles to explore with the participants □ Guided activities: 1.3 – 1.10, depending on the selected Principles (pages 13 – 31) Open Forum ePoster Open Forum ePoster Practitioners Activity Guide Practitioners Activity Guide Coffee Break CONCLUSIONS OF THE DAY & WRAP UP OPTIONAL (if 16:30 wrap up): Reflecting on own attitudes to the Istanbul Principles □ Select from Guided activities 1.11 to 1.13 (pages 32 - 34) Practitioners Activity Guide Day 2 Time Session 08:30 - 09:00 Refreshing our memory on previous activities and conclusions 09:00 - 10:30 10:30 - 10:45 10:45 - 12:45 12:45 - 13:45 13:45 – 15:45 15:45 - 16:00 Revisiting our organizational values through the lens of the Istanbul Principles □ Guided Activity 2.1 (page 36) Reference material Practitioners Activity Guide Principles Checklist (Annex 5) Coffee break What we already do, where we want to be, & how to get there □ Guided activity 2.2 (page 38) Practitioners Activity Guide Lunch What we already do, where we want to be, & how to get there CONTINUED □ Guided activity 2.2 (page 38) Practitioners Activity Guide Coffee Break 16:00 - 16:45 What we already do, where we want to be, & how to get there CONTINUED □ Guided activity 2.2 (page 38) Practitioners Activity Guide 16:45 - 17:45 Making the changes and integrating the principles □ Guided activity Choosing Your Case study (O.P.E.R.A tool; p. 42 – 43) Practitioners Activity Guide 17:45 - 18:00 WRAP UP (AND EVALUATION IF LAST DAY) Evaluation forms Day 3 Time 08:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 11:15 11:15 - 13:15 13:15 - 14:00 14:00 - 16:30 16:30 - 16:45 16:45 - 17:45 17:45 - 18:00 Session Exploring root causes, consequences and stakeholders through Principle-oriented thinking □ Guided Activity 3.1 (page 44) Coffee break Examine and assess change strategies and their alignment with the principles □ Guided activity 3.2 (page 48) OR □ Guided activity 3.3 (page 50) Reference material Practitioners Activity Guide Practitioners Activity Guide Lunch To collectively reflect on the benefits and challenges of monitoring and evaluation □ Guided activity 3.4 ( page 54) Practitioners Activity Guide Coffee Break Planning concrete actions □ Guided activity “Translate learning into action” (page 57) WRAP UP (AND EVALUATION IF LAST DAY) Practitioners Activity Guide Evaluation forms Annex 2: Sample Background materials list Important Background Documents/ Links International Framework for CSO Development Effectiveness o The Advocacy and Implementation Toolkits o The Istanbul Principles o Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation o,190 HLF4 information and resources for CSOs o,080 Other Recommended Reading/Watching Check out your country’s national consultation report o,049-.html The regional consolidated reports page o,051-.html The thematic consultation pages o,059-.html Video on Implementing the Istanbul Principles: Video on the enabling environment: Keep Connected! The Open Forum newsletter o,012-.html The Open Forum blog o,008 The Open Forum on Facebook o!/CSOeffectiveness The Open Forum on Twitter o!/CSOpenForum The Open Forum YouTube Channel o Annex 3: Participants feedback form Open Forum for CSO Development Effectiveness Methodology Training Feedback Form for Workshop Participants This questionnaire should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Thank you in advance for your participation, and if you have any questions during or after completing this survey, please contact the Open Forum Secretariat at 1. To what extent did the workshop meet your learning interests and needs? 1 2 Not at all Please explain your choice: 3 4 5 6 7 Absolutely 2. List the two activities you liked most, and explain why: ACTIVITY Why I liked it ACTIVITY Why I liked it 3. Were there any activities you did not find useful? Why did they not work? Other comments: 4. Please rate the following elements of the workshop from 1 to 4. (1=poor; 2=average; 3=good; 4=excellent) Please give reasons for your assessment, as appropriate: Ensuring that participants have a clear understanding of CSO effectiveness Comments: 1 2 3 4 Opportunities for discussing and planning how to implement the principles 1 2 3 4 Comments: Focus and content of the activities 1 2 3 4 Comments: Role and performance of the facilitator 1 2 3 4 Comments: Participant engagement 1 2 3 4 Comments: Facilities and logistics (venue, meals, etc.) 1 2 3 4 Comments: 5. What do you feel you personally gained from this workshop? (new knowledge/skills/attitudes have you acquired or developed)? 6. What follow-up are you planning as a result of this workshop? 7. What suggestions do you have for improving this workshop in the future? Thank you very much for taking the time to provide comments, suggestions and feedback! Annex 4: Facilitators feedback form Open Forum for CSO Development Effectiveness Methodology Training Feedback Form for Facilitators/Organizers This questionnaire should take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Thank you in advance for your participation, and if you have any questions during or after completing this survey, please contact the Open Forum Secretariat at Your contribution is crucial for drafting a good quality Practitioner’s Guide to the Open Forum Implementation and Advocacy Toolkits, so please do contribute as much as you can. All feedback is valuable! Please send the following to the Open Forum Secretariat ( a) A copy of this feedback questionnaire, completed b) The completed feedback forms from participants; c) A copy of the agenda and other materials from your workshop d) Any other information that would be useful for the refinement of this methodology General Information Organizer(s)/ Institution: Contact information: Number of people invited to the consultation: Final number of participants: 1. Please express your level of agreement/disagreement with the following statements. Please give reasons for your assessment, as appropriate (1=strongly disagree; 2=disagree; 3=neutral; 4=agree; 5=strongly agree) a. The Practitioner’s Guide, materials and suggested agenda: o are well structured and easy to read and navigate Comments: 1 2 3 4 5 o serves well the purpose for which it is intended Comments: 1 2 3 4 5 b. The methodology used (sequence and type of activities): o is clear and relevant Reasons: 1 2 3 4 5 o adaptable to diverse contexts Reasons: 1 2 3 4 5 2. What I liked about the materials and methodology… 3. What I didn’t like about the materials and methodology … 4. What I think is missing from the Practicioner’s Guide is… 5. My suggestions for improving the Practioner’s Guide are… 6. Which Activities did you use for your workshop, and what was your experience of these suggested activities? How clear were the instructions provided? Was the time suggested well estimated? What worked well/ what less well? What challenges did you face during the planning and execution of this workshop? Which adjustments/changes did you make, and do you have any specific recommendations would you make for the final version of the activity? Activity Feedback 7. What follow-up activities, if any, were agreed upon at the meeting? 8. How relevant has this workshop been to the work of your organisation? Completely Mostly Fairly Somewhat Not at all Please give reasons for your assessment 9. How relevant has the workshop been to the work of other civil society organizations and actors in your country? Completely Mostly Fairly Somewhat Not at all Please give reasons for your assessment 10. Do you have any final comments or reflections about this experience, to contribute the final rewrites and refinement of this outreach and planning methodology? Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this questionnaire! Annex 5: Istanbul Principles Checklist What is my organization already doing to implement this principle? Principle 1: Respect and Promote Human Rights and Social Justice Principle 2: Embody gender equality and equity while promoting women and girls’ rights Principle 3: Focus on people’s empowerment, democratic ownership and participation Principle 4: Promote environmental sustainability Principle 5: Practice transparency and accountability Principle 6: Pursue equitable partnerships and solidarity Principle 7: Create and share knowledge and commit to mutual learning Principle 8: Commit to realizing positive sustainable change What is civil society in my country or region already doing collectively to implement this principle? How can this existing work be supported/ strengthened? What else can/must we do to more effectively put this principle into practice in my organization? As a sector? Do the other development stakeholders in our country/local context facilitate or hinder realization of this principle? How could we influence these stakeholders to achieve better results? What other stakeholders in my or region could we work with in achieving greater impact with this principle?