Lesson 7


Introduction to Information Technology in Business

Binary Information

Information Technology: How It Works

Digital Information and that circuits are either ON or OFF. The transistor (a switch) is the main type of circuit control in a computer and each transistor is CLOSED or OPEN. Therefore the two states of a circuit are

In the previous lesson, Circuits & Switches, you saw that a computer is made of circuits

 ON when the transistor (switch) is CLOSED and

 OFF when the transistor (switch) is OPEN

This system of having only two states is called binary (from Latin binarius which means a

pair). The binary number system uses only these two states to represent numbers using 1 and 0 as symbols for ON and OFF.

So the only information a computer actually uses is .

In this system the smallest unit of digital information (one binary number) is called a which is short for .

One bit by itself is not very useful so we use them in groups of called a .

We see information on a monitor because millions of bits of information are lit up as which is short for .

Here is an example. On the left is a picture of a team of horses. On the right is the image zoomed in so that you see the individual pixels.

Every image on a monitor is made of pixels (picture elements)

Here is part of the same image enlarged to see the pixels

In a black and white image, a pixel that is lit up represents a binary 1 (or ON).

A binary 0 displays as a pixel turned OFF. How does a monitor produce a colour image?

BTT 1O1—Unit 1 Lesson 7: Digital Information 14

Introduction to Information Technology in Business

Learning Activity

 Visit our class Webpage at http://www.rbvweb.net/

 Click on the BTT 1O1 link

 Under the heading

Introduction to Computer Hardware, click this the link to The Journey Inside

 Select the Digital Information tab 

 Explore each of the lessons and complete these learning activities:

Digital Literacy: The Language of Machines

Computers contain millions of Click here to enter text.

microscopic electronic switches that turn on and off millions of times a second to create the computer experience you're having right now.

What part of a circuit is a transistor? Choose an item.

(HINT: look back at the previous lesson: 1-6:Circuits and Switches)

Word Watch

Transistor: click the word and copy the meaning here

Discover more about computer technology by following these links 

BTT 1O1—Unit 1 Lesson 7: Digital Information 15

Introduction to Information Technology in Business

Lesson 1: What Is Binary Code?

 What is binary code? Explain briefly in your own words:

Word Watch

Binary: click the word and copy the meaning here

Lesson 2: A Bit of This and a Bit of That

 What is the only language a computer knows?

 What do you call one of these 0s or 1s?

Word Watch



BTT 1O1—Unit 1 Lesson 7: Digital Information 16

Introduction to Information Technology in Business

Lesson 3: How Computers Work with Pictures

Picture this. A computer is made up of millions of electronic _______________ (transistors).

They're either ______ or ______, open or closed.

Word Watch


 Complete Activity 1: Work and Play With Pictures.

Show the teacher when you are finished teacher’s initials

Lesson 4: Binary Numbers

How many symbols does binary have? __________

What are the symbols? ______________________

It is a Base ______ number system.

What is the name of our number system?


How many symbols does this base ____ system have? _____

What are the symbols?


Watch the animation at the bottom of the page and complete this table of the binary numbers:


















BTT 1O1—Unit 1 Lesson 7: Digital Information 17

Introduction to Information Technology in Business

Lesson 4: Activity 1: Decimal and Binary Numbers

 Complete Activity 1: Decimal and Binary Numbers.

Use the Decimal to Binary Converter to convert these numbers:

Decimal Binary

65 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0



Optional Lesson 5: Adding Binary Numbers

 Read through this lesson on how binary numbers are added together and try Activity 1

Lesson 6: ASCII, An Alphabet For Computers

To make it easier for computers to communicate with each other, a standard language has been created: ASCII which stands for

A ______________ S _______________ C____________ for I_______________ I______________


Activity 1: The Name Game

 Complete Activity 1: The Name Game. What is your name in ASCII?

BTT 1O1—Unit 1 Lesson 7: Digital Information 18
