Parent Information Booklet - Mahogany Rise Primary School

South-Eastern Victoria Region
Student Development Centre
Parent Information
The Student Development Centre [S.D.C.] is an alternative educational setting hosted by a
mainstream primary school – Mahogany Rise Primary School.
Individualised behaviour intervention and learning programs are provided for students who require
assistance with severe social, emotional and behavioural problems.
Identified students are referred by Student Support Services Officers [S.S.S.O.’s] from the primary
Two programs are offered. The Intake Program is for students who it is felt would benefit by
withdrawal from their local school. The Outreach Program supports students within their own schools.
The Student Development Centre, located in Southern Eastern Victoria Region, work with referred
students who manifest significantly disturbing behaviours with a shared belief that they can
successfully re-establish themselves in the education system.
To assist schools to in the implementation of individual learning and behaviour management
programs to improve student outcomes
To increase students’ participation in a variety of positive learning experiences
To develop in students a more positive orientation to learning, teachers, peers and other
members of the community
To enhance students confidence and self esteem
To provide mainstream primary school teachers and support staff with a range of strategies in
working effectively with students experiencing behavioural problems
Prior to a student commencing the program a placement meeting is held. The participants in the
placement meeting will include the parents/caregivers, referring school class teacher, referring school
principal or nominee, referring S.S.S.O. and other relevant personnel. Initial placement for the intake
program is two days at the centre and three days at the school of referral.
This meeting has as its purpose and provides:
Outline of the intake program
Opportunity for participants to ask questions and for the sharing of information
Outline of the expectations of all parties to support the program for the student
Identification of targeted behaviours for the first ten week period and a review meeting date is
Intake student enrolment details to be provided by the school as the student needs to be
entered on CASES 21 as a dual attendee prior to commencement of the program
Review Meeting
The review meeting is convened by the S.D.C. staff and will be held at the school of referral. The
participants in the review meeting will include the parents/caregivers, referring school class teacher,
referring school principal or nominee, referring S.S.S.O. and other relevant personnel.
This meeting has as its purpose and provides:
The opportunity for participants to report on the S.D.C. student’s progress
An appropriate forum for questions and the sharing of relevant information
The opportunity for participants to discuss current and future goals for the student and to plan
Recommendations for the next ten week period are discussed and agreed upon
Attendance at the S.D.C. is from 9:30am to 3:00pm. All students maintain their enrolment at their
school. They attend the SDC on the determined days and their referring school every other day.
The students wear their school uniform to the centre. The centre provides all books and stationery for
the students enrolled in the program.
The Program
The S.D.C. will provide an educational program for the students but with the focus being on changing
the behaviours which are preventing the students from learning. Common goals and expectations
between the S.D.C. and referring school will provide consistency and unity of purpose for the
Program Costs
Referring schools will be billed on a term by term basis
The S.D.C. teachers communicate with the referring school staff via email and telephone. This is a
reciprocal and regular expectation and is an important part of the support program. As well as being
able to have discussion when students are dropped off and picked up, we also have a communication
book which we send home with your child.
There is an answering machine in operation 24 hours a day so please ring and leave a message if your
child is going to be absent.
Phone number: 9786 7307
S.D.C. teacher absences
Casual Replacement Teachers are employed to cover S.D.C. Intake teacher absences.
In the unusual event of replacement teachers being unavailable, parents will be advised as
soon as possible before school commences. There is an understanding with the referring schools that
if this is the case, schools will be notified and arrangements made for the student to attend there until
notified otherwise.
S.D.C. teacher professional development and curriculum days
S.D.C. teachers attend regional professional development programs.
When S.D.C. staff attend regional professional development days, S.D.C. students are to attend their
own schools.
Referring School Support
S.D.C. teachers regularly visit students at their referring schools, during S.D.C. placement. These
visits occur on Wednesdays and will involve teacher consultation, classroom observations and student
Once students have returned to their referring schools on a full time basis, S.D.C. staff will provide a
twelve month follow up service to the schools. This may involve visitations, involvement in P.S.G.’s,
case conferences, consultations, provision of professional development and general support as
Please find attached the documentation that needs to be completed prior to a student starting their
program at the SDC. Please contact the school or SDC staff if you have any questions about the
documents. The SDC will have a copy of the documents at the placement meeting for everyone to
Support & maintain student attendance at the S.D.C.
Maintain communication book.
Attend all reviews/meetings.
Maintain contact with:
- S.D.C. Team - S.S.S.O. personnel
- Relevant school personnel
 Support the S.D.C. program strategies at home.
Referring S.S.S.O.
Attend all reviews/meetings.
Maintain contact with and support:
- the student/family
- the class teacher/referring school
- the S.D.C. Team
Continue case management at conclusion of program.
Visit student at S.D.C. minimum of twice per term.
Attend all Reviews/meetings.
Maintain regular email communication with S.D.C. Team.
Complete class/yard behaviour checklists.
Support and implement program recommendations / strategies.
Attend all reviews / meetings.
Assist in completion of class/yard behaviour checklists.
Maintain regular email communication with S.D.C. Team.
Support regular classroom teacher visits to S.D.C.
Convene and attend all reviews/meetings.
Assist with the implementation and evaluation of individual student
behaviour management and individual education plans
Initiate and continue regular email communication.
Provide behaviour management strategies to referring school.
Provide & assist with class / yard behaviour management strategies.
Provide 12 month follow-up at conclusion of program.
Support parents/care-givers.
Referring School
- class teacher
- administration
S.D.C. Team
We, the undersigned, agree to fulfill our component of this agreement, ensuring a consistent approach
to achieve the target behaviour goals for ………………………………………..
S.D.C.Team:…..…………………………Referring School Principal……………………
Class Teacher:….…………………………………Parents/Care-givers ………………………………
S.S.S.O:.……………………… Date:…………………………………………
I/we give permission for ..................................................... to be placed on the Student
Development Centre [S.D.C.] Intake Program.
I/we have discussed and understand the practices, procedures and programs of the S.D.C.
I/we understand that this initial placement and each recommended subsequent placement is
of ten school weeks duration, and that all placements are subject to review at conclusion of
this time or earlier as may be required.
I/we give permission for and agree to:
Referral to School Support Services personnel for assessment and/or other
assistance as required;
The S.D.C. Team consulting with any other professional person/agency who
is/has been involved with my/our child [e.g. doctor, psychologist/psychiatrist,
social worker etc.];
Complete the daily communication book and use telephone contact and
Attend regular review/case conference meetings as required.
Signed: ....................................................................... Parent/Care-giver
Signed: ....................................................................... Parent/Care-giver
Date: ..........................................
[Notification to parents]
On January 1st 1983, Victorian Government Policy made it an offence to use corporal
punishment in government schools.
Due to the nature of the students placed on the S.D.C. Programs it is sometimes necessary
to use some form of physical restraint in order to maintain a “Duty Of Care” and protect the
student from harming him/herself and/or others during a behavioural outburst. This is set out
in Regulation 5.2 of the Education Regulations 1988 [Vic.].
Restraint of a student by a S.D.C. Team member will only be applied as the final step of the
discipline/behaviour management process. Once the student has calmed down the S.D.C.
Team Member will attempt to work through the problem and/or cause of the behaviour with
the student.
S.D.C. Team members have been professionally trained in the use of specific manual
restraint techniques.
The signing of this document indicates that the restraint techniques used by the S.D.C.
Team Members and the associated Student Individual Behaviour Management Plan have
been fully explained and agreed to by all parties.
I/we have had the restraint techniques used by S.D.C. Team Members fully explained to
I/we understand and accept these conditions of my/our child’s S.D.C. Program Placement.
I/we give my/our permission for the S.D.C. Team Members to use manual restraint
techniques when deemed necessary.
Signed .....................................................................…………. Parent/Care-giver
Signed .....................................................................…………. Parent/Care-giver
Date: .......................................………………