Myth Trading Cards Assignment and Rubric

God/Hero Profile
Goal: To learn about a mythological character and share your knowledge with our
class, other students, and the school community. Skills practiced: research,
source citation, reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
1. The character you will research is_________________________.
2. You will research your character and find out as much about him or her as
possible. Discover your character’s:
 Origin and lineage (parents/grandparents, where he or she came from, etc.)
 Interests
 Personality/ Attributes
 One or two famous stories that have been passed down about your character
(you must summarize the story/stories in your own words – DO NOT COPY
directly from your sources)
 Symbols
MAKE SURE TO RECORD AND CITE YOUR SOURCES while doing your research! (A
works cited page must be turned in with your trading card.
3. Create a Trading Card for your character (8x11, the size of a piece of looseleaf). Use the table provided to gather quality information as your research.
Spelling and grammar will count, so take your time and complete your card
thoughtfully and carefully.
4. Prepare an oral presentation, using note cards to help you, where you will
take the role of your character. Be your character, and tell the class about
yourself. Include as much information from your Trading Card as possible…
Presentations should be 1-2 min in length. Here are some ways to make your
presentation special and worthy of an outstanding grade:
 Dress in character
 Use items (props) that represent your character in his/her stories
 Bring a visual aid, such as a picture, diagram, etc.
 Stay “in character” throughout the performance and field questions from
the class
_____ Research Notes: Friday January 30th, 2015
_____ Outline and Works Cited Page: Monday February 2nd, 2015
_____Trading Card: Friday February 6th, 2015
_____ Note Cards for Oral Presentation: Monday February 9th, 2015
Oral presentations will begin on Wednesday February 12th, 2015. A sign up sheet will
be available.
If you foresee a problem, talk to me IMMEDIATLEY!
Mythology Trading Card and Presentation
Trading Card Paragraphs
Visual Look of Trading Card
Sources / Photo Credit
Presentation Content
Beginning to Meet (2)
Information is written in
complete sentences. Topic
and conclusion sentences are
sometimes missing. Details
are not presented clearly and
may not be factual.
Meeting (3)
Information is written in
paragraphs that include both
topic and conclusion
sentences. Includes 2 or 3
details to support their topic
Choices of font, photo, and
color are inappropriate for
the overall look of the
trading card. Information
lacks organization. Viewer is
unable to find desired
Includes 1 source for
information and a photo
Choices of font, photo, and
color are appropriate for the
overall look of the trading
card. Information is
organized and presented
neatly. Viewer is able to find
desired information.
Includes 2 reliable sources
for information and a photo
-Information lacks
-Visual aids and props do not
add to the overall message
-Presenter speaks unclearly
and does not make eye
-Information is organized
-Visual aids and props add to
the overall message
-Presenter speaks clearly and
makes eye contact
Excelling (4)
Information is well organized
and written in paragraphs
that include both topic and
conclusion sentences.
Includes 3 or more factual
details to support their topic
Choices of font, photo, and
color enhance the overall
look of the trading card.
Information is well organized
and presented neatly. Viewer
is easily able to find desired
Includes 2 or more reliable
sources for information from
a variety of sources (book,
website, encyclopedia) and a
photo credit.
-Information is well
organized and clearly
-Visual aids enhance the
overall message
-Presenter speaks clearly,
maintains good pace, makes
eye contact and confidently
fields questions from the