2015-05-06 Workshop: Community of Practice on Core Data Models Meeting Minutes DRAFT FOR REVIEW Date: 09/02/2016 Workshop: Community of Practice on Core Data Models Venue Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Riga Meeting date 2015-05-06 Meeting time 09:00 – 15030 Stijn Goedertier Authors Nikolaos Loutas Stefanos Kotoglou MINUTES This section documents the discussions that took place during the workshop. The workshop started with a round-table discussion where all the participants to had the opportunity to introduce themselves and explain their interest in being part of the CoP. 1.1. Introduction VP introduced the topic and the goals of the workshop. “It is necessary to establish a common terminology for the core data models. We are working for similar goals in isolation. I invite everyone to share his/her experiences and collaborate within the Community of Practice (CoP) for agreeing and for achieving consensus”. VP introduced the CoP to the new members. VP gave a brief overview of the Community of Practice workshop in November 2014 and the webinar in March 2015. VP presented the goals of the workshop. He emphasised on the need to agree on a common terminology for the CoP and explained that the CoP can provide the means for improving internal and external communication around core data models and reference data. 1.2. Setting the scene NL presented the view of ISA regarding the key building blocks in the core data models. The semantic view of the European Interoperability Reference Architecture (EIRA) 1 presents a harmonised view of the core data models landscape. The EIRA is currently developed in collaboration with public administrations in the Member States and has been endorsed by the ISA Coordination Group. The semantic view of the EIRA defines the different building blocks that can play a roles when setting up and implementing core data models and reference data initiatives within and across borders. 1 Further information can be found on the following folder containing the development version of the EIRA: https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/site/eia/EIRA/EIRA_beta_dev/ 09/02/2016 Page 1 of 13 The semantic view of the EIRA will be submitted for review to the members of the CoP on 12 May 2015 via the mailing list. In order to facilitate harmonisation and alignment between core data models initiatives, the ISA Programme has piloted a Core Data Model Mapping Directory 2. The CoP will be invited to provide feedback on this pilot and requirements for improving it further. Some documentation to support this will be provided via the mailing list. Figure 1 Simplified semantic view of EIRA 1.3. Lighting talks from the participants and discussion At this stage, the participants presented the initiatives in their country and described the current situation. Belgium – Flemish Region (OSLO 2.0): o OSLO characteristics : Is local government driven; o 2 there is already an internationalisation effort; there is a focus on how people made it reusable; extended based on Core vocabularies. In collaboration with the Flemish regional government, V-ICT-OR developed a software catalogue, documenting which software solutions http://mapping.semic.eu 09/02/2016 Page 2 of 13 by local administrations are conforming to the OSLO standard. This was done in order to encourage the use of OSLO by local governments. o The OSLO model has been piloted in the “digital declaration of death” public service. After assessing the implementation of the standard, it was found that the reusing OSLO led to cost reductions of EUR 20.000 per year. o The OSLO specifications are also included in the MAGDA platform of the Flemish Government, which is used to connect to the base registries. o OSLO is now part of an international standardisation effort in the context of LOLA3. Cyprus: o 3 There are public administrations that are starting to follow standards in a common direction for creating a core data model. Germany (KoSIT - XOV): o There is a governmental data warehouse project that was recently started. The data model of the data warehouse will be based on the ISA Core Vocabularies and it will store a large amount of data that will be used for information exchange with other countries. Georgia: o ISA is interested to know more about how this cost analysis was done. There is a core model in place and the objective is to explore the potential advantages that ISA could provide especially on an international level. Japan (Japanese Infrastructure for Multilayer Interoperability (IMI)): o Mappings can be created at the conceptual level and at the data type level. o The meaning of the mapping relationships such as ‘exact match’, ‘close match’, ‘narrow/broad match’ needs to be defined more clearly. For example, for an exact match is it sufficient to have semantic equivalence, or do you also need to have syntactical equivalence (e.g. correspondence of the data type)? Or based on which criteria should one select ‘close match’ vs. ‘exact match’? o Some mappings may be more complicated and require a conditional statement (mapping rules). Some fields shall be combined or be separated to include or better match the needs and the concepts of each specific mapping. http://lola-ict.org/ 09/02/2016 Page 3 of 13 o Latvia: o o 4 There is in place the “Unified data space programme 4” is project portfolio for 2014-2020. It is now piloted with Latvian base registries. Legal perspective – establishing management framework Information resource Organizational perspective clarifies responsibilities for involved parties Semantic perspective deals with Standardization, vocabularies, business rules, metadata etc. Technical perspective - Solutions – register of EA artifacts, data marketplace, caching solution There is an interest for collaborating and receiving feedback regarding lessons learnt and best practices followed by other countries. Lithuania: o Japan offered to share with the CoP some work that will help clarifying the mapping relationships. It is very important (from a legal point of view) to identify the parties that are exchanging information, e.g. what is the organisation and legal constraints of exchanging information between two information systems. Netherlands (Stelselcatalogus): o The public administrations are decentralised and the main objective is to increase transparency and to create one single point of retrieving information. o Data from base registries has the potential to be reused within public administrations. In order to foster the reusability of such data, the Stelselcatalogus gives users, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders a complete view and explanation of the available data and terms within base registries. Poland: o Agreeing on the syntax is equally important to agreeing on the semantics in order to achieve interoperable information exchanges. o The CoP could work on identifying a list of recommended syntaxes for interoperability in specific policy areas. o The objective of creating mappings should be clearly defined. https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/sites/default/files/isa_field_path/presentation_by_dita_gabalina_core_dat models_in_e-governement_interoperability_-_roadmap_for_latvia.pdf 09/02/2016 Page 4 of 13 o When mapping, some information may be lost. In some cases this may be an issue but in other it may not be important. It depends on the context and the requirements of the specific information exchange. o How detailed should a (core) data model be? More detail means higher expressivity, but requires higher cost and more effort in order to collect the required information. Spain: o EM emphasised that the model and its properties should be defined only after the analysis and the information requirements are defined. o For each data model, it is important to consider the context in which such an interoperability specification can be used. The models are a means to an end. She explained that the CoP should focus on a small set of models related to cross-border information exchange. Sweden: o The internationalisation of core data models is very important, especially for implementing cross border e-services. USA (NIEM 3.0): o In a model like NIEM (with more than 6000 elements), the challenge is to create and maintain a model that does not differentiate periodically and a model that is compatible with new entries (new services that are created). o The mappings are mainly used to harmonise the data models in NIEM (NIEM Core, NIEM domain models, NIEM IEPD). The mappings are also important to internationalise the vocabularies of NIEM. Therefore, before starting the mapping, it is important to decide with parts of the vocabulary should be internationalised. o NIEM will run a pilot in the context of the Geospatial Enhancement for NIEM (Geo4NIEM) initiative to enhance NIEM’s geospatial exchange capabilities and improve inter-government information sharing of homeland security, law enforcement, emergency management and public safety missions in the US. The pilot will also explore access control features and data access standards. o NIEM is currently defined in XML Schema. It can be represented in UML. To ensure the NIEM Program is growing its technical architecture and capabilities in alignment with community needs—future targets for representation may include JSON, RDF, and others. Additionally, Jesper Abrahamsen from DG COMP presented the Reference Data Deployment Adaptor (REDDA). The workshop also contained two presentations on spatial data modelling from ISA Action 2.13 (European Union Location Framework) and ISA Action 1.13 (Reusable ARE3NA reference platform). : Spatial data modelling in the context of intelligent transportation systems: the INSPIRE Data Specifications on Transport Networks have been extended with data elements related to static road information such as speed 09/02/2016 Page 5 of 13 limits, vehicle restrictions, etc. The EULF transportation pilot demonstrated how data from mapping agencies and road authorities can be exchanged with vendors of navigation systems and maps to provide better navigation support to road users. Call interest in INSPIRE Linked Data pilots: The JRC is planning to conduct INSPIRE linked data pilots, involving the use of URIs and the encoding INSPIRE data specifications in RDF. There is a clear demand for that from the member states. Any EU Member State that is interested to participate can contact Robin Smith and Michael Lutz of the Joint Research Centre for this. 1.4. Discussion VP emphasised on the opportunity for initiatives that are now starting in the MSs to start from and extend the ISA Core Vocabularies. The ISA Programme can support them in this process. The CoP agreed that measuring and demonstrating the extra value that the implementation of core data models can bring are required for convincing people to adopt them. EM asked for a way of easily finding on Joinup data models which have already been defined in an EU context. This will facilitate their reuse and adoption. This feedback will be share with ISA Action 4.2.4 European Federated Interoperability Repository 5. VP encouraged the members of the CoP to contribute ideas for future work on core data models, which can be funded under ISA Action 1.1. Everyone is invited to share their thoughts via the mailing list. The members of the CoP agreed to collaborate on the creation of a document, in coordination with the UN, to provide common guidelines, good practices and lessons learnt for core data models. This exercise will build further on the Methodology and tools for Metadata Governance and Management for EU Institutions and Member States6. Proposed activities: 5 Co-define the scope (based on the EIRA semantic view); Share ideas on how to assess practices and lessons learnt shared by the members of the CoP; Co-create a template for documenting the efforts from the different MSs; Agree on a timeplan and allocation of roles and responsibilities; and Identify and start working on some first candidate cases. http://ec.europa.eu/isa/actions/04-accompanying-measures/4-2-4action_en.htm 6 http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/site/core_vocabularies/governance_and_management_of_structural_met adata/Methodology-and-tools-for-Structural-Metadata-Management-and-Governance-for-EUInstitutions-and-Member-States_v1.00.pdf 09/02/2016 Page 6 of 13 The members of the CoP agreed to document not only “good” practices but also initiatives that did not take up. This will allow the CoP to derive lessons learnt that are equally valuable and can benefit everyone. Hence, a set of criteria will be created to categorise practices. NIEM shared some advice and lessons learnt: codelists and reference data are hard to be applied; extending the core data models should be consistent for achieving interoperability; the information exchange model should be created based on the Core Vocabularies. Next webinar meeting of the Community of Practice will take place in June. ISA will send out an invitation and will prepare the webinar. 1.5. The Core Public Service Vocabulary Application Profile (CPSV-AP) A special session was organised in the context of the workshop to demonstrate how a core data model, i.e. the ISA Core Public Service Vocabulary, was extended in order to address the information requirements of the Service Directive and its implementation on the Points of Single Contact. This led to the definition of the Core Public Service Application Profile (CPSV-AP7). This work is carried out in the context of ISA Action 1.3 Catalogue of Services8. The CPSV-AP was developed by a working group, which was a subgroup of the EUGO network9 of DG GROW, following an open consensus building approach 10. The following 10 EU Member States participated in the development of the CPSV-AP: Austria, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and Sweden. X+2 out of these 10 countries participated in the workshop. Some of those countries made specific interventions in the workshop: Estonia: o There is a pilot project for describing the different public services provided from 7 public authorities using and extending the CPSV. The objectives are: to increase the maturity level of the authorities; to make it available in a machine readable format (JSON); 7 https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/cpsv-ap/description 8 http://ec.europa.eu/isa/actions/01-trusted-information-exchange/1-3action_en.htm 9 http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/eu-go/index_en.htm 10 https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/node/43160 09/02/2016 Page 7 of 13 o In this pilot, the Estonian metadata reference architecture will be piloted in the domain of public service provision, in order to facilitate the public service portfolio management initiative of the Estonian administration. o The CPSV-AP is used as the common vocabulary for creating descriptions of public services. o The pilot, which is supported by ISA Action 1.1, comprises the development of two reusable software tools: An editor for creating descriptions of public services based on the CPSV-AP. A harvester for collecting CPSV-AP based descriptions of public services published in a decentralised fashion on the websites of local authorities, and storing these descriptions in a central repository. Emphasis has been placed on the need for developing tools that are reusable, so that other MSs can also benefit from those. Finland: o There is one common model (updated) that is compatible with the ISA Core Vocabularies. Poland: o Each authority follows its own XML schema. o Currently, there is an effort to synchronise and harmonise all existing data models for describing public services (both for citizens and businesses) into one data model. The main objective for initiating this was to provide a more efficient and faster way to update and store information on the PSC. o It is an opportunity to reuse the CPSV-AP when developing this new data model for public services in Poland. Something to be explored together with ISA, who is willing to provide support. Spain: o There is a common data model for representing public services for all Spanish public administrations. o For Spain, the CPSV-AP provides opportunities for aligning regional and local models for describing public services and business events. o PN supported the use of the CPSV-AP for international alignment of public service descriptions to facilitate the exchange of such descriptions between PSCs and/or other government portals across borders and at the European level. o There is a need for coordination between ISA Action 1.3 and e-SENS. Sweden: 09/02/2016 Page 8 of 13 o The focus is on G2C collaboration. The CPSV-AP should be extended to cover also life events of citizens. In order to support adoption of the CPSV-AP by EU Member States, the EC is creating, in collaboration with the 10 participating Member States, functional specification for the following tools: o public service description editor; o data validator (checking conformance and give feedback to the owners of the descriptions); o harvesting tool that publishes the description at the common portal; o mapping tool for the harmonisation of data models. The participants expressed the following suggestions for future work under ISA Action 1.3: to co-define a taxonomy for types of public service outputs, e.g. permission, authorisation etc.; run a pilot of a European catalogue of public services by federating descriptions of public services from different Member States based on the CPSV-AP. This will assess the feasibility of the approach and will reveal practical challenges to be solved. Extend the CPSV-AP to cover also life events for citizens. NEXT STEPS As a result from the workshop the next steps listed in the table below were agreed. ID 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 09/02/2016 Description Material of the semantic view of the EIRA (providing definitions for all the elements of the semantic view) to be uploaded for review on Joinup and a notification e-mail will be sent to the members of the CoP. To provide feedback on the semantic view of EIRA. To provide input regarding the mapping types to the Core Vocabularies. To contact ISA for providing the mappings of the initiatives with the Core Vocabularies. The objective is to have mappings that are approved by the core data owners. To contact the responsible of core data model initiatives mapped to the ISA Core Vocabularies in order to ask them to validate the mappings The responsible of core data model initiatives mapped to the ISA Core Vocabularies to provide feedback and approval for the mappings that exist already Owner Due date ISA/ PwC 2015/05/16 CoP 2015/05/30 ST, TW 2015/05/20 CoP 2015/06/15 ISA/ PwC 2015/06/15 CoP 2015/06/30 Page 9 of 13 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. To make available the formal mappings of the core data models (initiatives) with the Core Vocabularies. To circulate the Core Data Models Mapping Directory (mapping tool) for validation. To review and validate the Core Data Models Mapping Directory (mapping tool) and provide comments and suggestions. MS participants to consider whether they want to do an INSPIRE Linked Data Pilot. Contact Robin Smith and Michael Lutz of the ISA Programme (ARE3NA Action) for further information. To share the updated version of the core data model. To collaborate on the creation of a document in coordination with the UN, to provide common guidelines for core data models. This exercise is linked to the Methodology and tools for Metadata Governance and Management for EU Institutions and Member States. The documentation will follow a common template that will be agreed among the members of the CoP. To share with the CoP a proposed scope, template and timeplan for the common document. To provide feedback on the proposed scope, template and timeplan for the common document. To support the creation of web visualisation of the guidelines document for easy access. To invite all the members to play the role of the editor or any other role that the members consider to be vital for the guidelines document. To share the existing information about data exchange between countries to be included in the guidelines document. To share the workshop material with the members of the CoP. To include the new members of the CoP in the mailing list. Members of the CoP to propose additional colleagues to be included in the list. To develop formal definitions for the mapping relationships. To organise the next webinar of the Community of Practice ISA/ PwC ISA/ PwC 2015/07/15 2015/05/16 CoP 2015/05/30 CoP 2015/07/15 JK, JKo 2015/06/01 All On-going ISA/ PwC 2015/06/15 CoP 2015/06/30 ISA 2015/09/15 ISA/ PwC 2015/06/15 JVDW 2015/06/15 ISA/ PwC ISA/ PwC CoP ISA/ PwC ISA/ PwC 2015/05/08 2015/05/08 On-going 2015/06/15 2015/06/30 23. To provide ideas for future work CoP On-going 24. To provide feedback on the meeting minutes CoP 2015/05/22 09/02/2016 Page 10 of 13 LIST OF WORKSHOP ATTENDEES Name Abbreviation Organisation Andrzej Jarzewski AJ Ministry of Economy, Poland Dita Gabalina DG Sunberry Systems Ltd, Latvia Donna Roy DR DHS Information Sharing Environment Office (NIEM), USA Eduards Cauna EC Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Latvia Elena Munoz EM Directorate of Ministry of finances and public administrations, Spain information and Communications Technologies, Spain Enric Staromiejski Torregrosa EST Everis Francesco Pignatelli FP Joint Research Centre, European Commission Hans Ekstal HE Bolagsverket - Swedish Companies Registration Office Hideaki Takeda HT National Institute of Informatics, Japan Ilze Magrica IM Regional State Development Agency of Latvia Jari Kallela JK Ministry of Finance, Finland Jarno Kovero JKo ELY - Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, Finland Jaroslaw Tomaszewski JT Instytut Logistyki i Magazynowania, Poland Johan Van Der Waal JVDW V-ICT-OR, Belgium Julius Belickas JB Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania Kristian Mul KM Logius, Netherlands Lutz Rabe LR Finanzien (KoSIT), Germany 09/02/2016 Page 11 of 13 Makx Dekkers MD AMI Consult Nikoloz Gagnidze NG Head of the Division of DEA infrastructure Data Exchange Agency, Georgia NKP Information Technology Officer A Department of Information Technology Services, Ministry of Finance, Cyprus Government Patrocinio Nieto PN Directorate of Ministry of finances and public administrations, Spain information and Communications Technologies, Spain Peter Reichstädter PR Bundeskanzleramt Österreich, Austria Risto Hinno RH Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia Schuichi Tashiro ST IPA, Japan Takashi Wada TW Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan Jesper Abrahamsen JA DG COMP (REDDA), European Commission Luisa Guedes LG DG MOVE/SRD.4, European Commission Vassilios Peristeras VP DG DIGIT/ ISA Programme Tuende Czink TC DG DIGIT/ ISA Programme Athanasios Karalopoulos AK DG DIGIT/ ISA Programme Miguel Alvarez Rodriguez MAR DG DIGIT/ ISA Programme Peter Burian PB DG DIGIT/ ISA Programme Stijn Goedertier SG PwC EU Services Nikolaos Loutas NL PwC EU Services Nicolas Loozen NLz PwC EU Services Stefanos Kotoglou SK PwC EU Services Norma Klippi Pekri 09/02/2016 Page 12 of 13 09/02/2016 Page 13 of 13