Strategies for Addressing Diagnosis Specific Behaviors

Strategies for Addressing Diagnosis Specific Behaviors
From Brainstorming Activities
Social Stories
Provide a “way out”
Take a break
Time out rooms
Use music
Talk them through it – “hurdle help”
Alternate transition plans
Safe place
Break down assignments
Flexible scheduling
Teach relaxation techniques
Peer grouping (presentations)
Reduced work load
Provide a “go to person”
Connect with nurse
Communicate with parents
Teach self-calming strategies
Teach visualization skills
Pre-teach situation
Alternate activity
Reflective listening
Redirection – moving on
Write down worries, worry jar, or verbalize worries
Map out worst case scenario
Build confidence with activities of choice
Visual schedule
Finding the logic
Give student control when appropriate
Flexibility in timing/completing assignments
Comfortable place to work
Redirect in a non-confrontational way
Team support within the building
Outlet; walk, etc.
Safe space
Provide predictable structure
Release to talk to doctor
Prepare for the unexpected
Daily personal reflection
Give student an out
Clear expectations
Medication management – Monitor
Social skills – cues
Maximize positive interactions in classroom
Educate child about their own situation
Teach self-monitoring
Provide predictable situations
Ignore “ignorable” behaviors
Recognize changes in behavior – catch it before it escalates
Plan for next time behavior occurs with student
Calming strategies
Smaller groups
Smaller parts – develop connection
Visual cue to identify
Give a sense of control/choice
Time during day to check-in
Logical thinking
Communication with parents
Patience try to find motivator
Providing breaks
Identify a safe person
Be where the child is at – “Staying in the moment”
Teach student how to identify thinking errors
Talk through the situation
Allow physical breaks/activity/outdoor time
Responsibility – give leadership role
Gratitude – celebrate
Connection to extra-curricular activity
Include with peers/ model conversations
Find out what their interests are
Communicate with others what works
Supportive wait time
Breakdown into clear academic expectations
Work on identifying feelings
Encourage positive self-image
Always showing you care
Positive environment
Prepare student ahead of time for class activities
Connect with a positive peer
Make student feel safe
Confidentiality – share pertinent information vertically
Access to communication to be able to share
Any of the general anxiety strategies
Journal writing
Communicate with parents
Use Social Worker
Consistency and structure
Flexibility with groupings and/or workload
Placement in a smaller setting
Add counseling on IEP
Seek outside counseling services
Tools for staff
Prepare students for situations
Make a connection with a good adult
Create emotional boundaries
Clear expectations
Teach calming techniques – how to self-soothe
“Green care” – Take a break
A star indicates that more than one group identified this as a
strategy they had used or found successful.