SCHOOL DISTRICT #8 SCHOOL PLAN TO STRENGTHEN LEARNING 2012/13 Name of School Redfish Elementary Mission Statement - Creating an environment where each child is successful, accepted and appreciated and chooses to be caring and encouraging to others. Context: Redfish Elementary is a small rural K to 5 school with approximately 93 students. All but one of our classrooms in Redfish are split grade classes where 96% of students are bussed to school. The school is located 25 km north of Nelson just a block away from Kootenay Lake. Redfish is fortunate to have a Kokanee spawning channel across the road and to be surrounded with some of the most beautiful natural scenery in B.C. Inquiry and project based learning, as well as developing learning resiliency through self-awareness, have been professional interests for the school. Goal: Will developing higher level questioning skills, specific to generating and responding, improve student learning and promote self-directed inquiry as measured by a school developed questioning assessment (adapted from Oral Language Performance Standards and Reading Power assessment rubric)? Objectives: Development of a school wide assessment tool to measure generating and responding to questions. Develop or adopt questioning criteria in kid friendly language. Staff review questioning strategies so teachers are able to model quality questions and foster student involvement within the classroom. Evidence-Based Rationale (please explain the clear reason for choosing this goal, with a link to some type of evidence) All Grade 2 students received 2.5 or less on the quality of question within their reading assessment. 100% of identified Grey Area Grade 2 At-risk boys are not meeting expectations in their questioning and responding skills Only 50% of the Grade 3/4 class were meeting or exceeding on the Listening Assessment Rubric developed from the Oral Language Performance Standards focused on generating and responding to questions Only 41% of students in the K/1 class were meeting or exceeding expectation on the teacher assessment on the Questioning Rubric for generating and responding to questions When questioning skills of the Gr. 2/3 class were assessed, only 25% of students scored Fully Meeting or Exceeding. “For schools implementing Inquiry Learning and Information Literacy there has been no argument about the importance of helping pupils develop better questioning skills” - When students learn to question while learning: “-they are learning the power of asking as well as answering questions -they are encouraged to be curious readers -they learn that asking questions can lead them to a great understanding… -they learn the difference between quick questions and deep-thinking questions -they practice what their “Power-ful brains are already capable of doing-asking questions” – Gear, A., “Reading Power”, 2006. Inquiry and project based learning has been and continues to be a focus to engage students in deeper learning opportunities, questioning in an foundational skill for these concepts Assessment tools and processes to assess progress on goals and objectives Redfish Elementary staff developed an assessment based on Oral Language Performance Standards and the Reading Power assessment rubric specific to generating and responding with quality questions. English Language IRP – Oral Language Literacy Continuum Mindset Assessment “Mountain of Questions” by The Hanen Early Language Program, “It Takes Two to Talk – The Hanen Program for Parents”, 2004 Instructional strategies/structures to be implemented to impact goal, worded as an inquiry question(s). Will using the Adriene Gear questioning strategies promote higher level questioning? Will the use of inquiry projects and project based learning increase the opportunities for asking deep level questioning? Will the continued use of the “Mind-Up” program help students develop quality questioning self-talk, to deepen their level of learning? Will developing criteria for effective questioning, specific to sharing/show and tell in the primary grades, improve effective questioning? Plans for staff development and collaborative work: Monthly ProD staff meeting to develop staff competency around questions. Use of school based collaboration for inquiry and project based learning with a focus on powerful questions. Teacher book study of “Make Just One Change –Teach Students to Ask their own Questions” by Dan Rothstein and Luz Santana. Invite Lisa Tremblay our SLP and Amber Kearns Teacher of the Hearing Impaired to discuss students’ questioning skills. Parental and community involvement strategies Send home a resource to support quality questioning for parents. Inviting SLP and district staff to support staff development of questioning skills Community/PAC member looked at questioning as part of her master’s thesis – excited to work with staff and school to develop school wide project and write submissions for the school newsletter to inform parents about questioning. Project celebrations open to community. Mind Up and Virtues project monthly student led celebrations. Communication Strategies (students, staff, community) Newsletter submissions by staff and community members to educate parents about questioning skills and the importance of deep level questions. Once a month staff meeting to focus on ProD – Questioning, inquiry, project based learning. Website of celebrations and information. Twitter updates. Use of daily agendas in all grades except Kindergarten where weekly newsletters are used. Use of internet and email for contact and distribution of learning projects, needs and homework. Monitoring Dates Plan: Nov. 7, 2012 and Jan. 9, 2012 School Plan Contributors: Members: School Planning Council 1) Julie Poetch 2) Jodi Wouters Members: All School Staff have participated in the creation of this year’s school goal. One thing you are going to do to enhance the health status of students in your school. Each week the principal runs school wide multi-age Daily Physical Activity. Guided by our Public Health Nurse, Kari McCulloch, a Sip Smart Program will be implemented during Daily Physical Activity. Kari will also teach the Hand washing Program to our students. We are a member of Action Schools and we participate in the School Fruit and Vegetable Nutritional Program. The principal has shared with PAC the healthy food guidelines. Mind Up and Friends for Life programs being presented by school LST/Counselor One thing you are doing to help with the implementation of the Aboriginal Enhancement Agreement and improve the performance of aboriginal students. We are in the beginning stages of developing a multi-age cultural theme celebration. All parents of aboriginal students have been asked to share books that highlight their cultural connection. All parents have been contacted and consulted on what they feel their child needs to be successful. School Aboriginal Plan was developed from this feedback and an individual plan provided to each student. Redfish School Questioning Assessment Rubric Grade ____________ Questioning: Generating Not Yet Meeting Minimally Meeting Meeting Fully Meeting Exceeding The child cannot formulate questions before, during or after the learning experience The child can formulate some questions, but the questions are “quick questions” (literal) and/or are not related to the topic in any meaningful way. The child is able to ask questions before, during or after the learning experience. They are asking both “quick” (literal) and “deep thinking” (inferential) questions. Most of the questions relate to the content, but some are helping the child go deeper into the meaning of the learning experience. The child knows the difference between a quick (literal) and a deeper thinking (inferential) question. The questions are relevant to the learning experience, and help the child learn about the topic. Gr. __ Gr. __ Gr. __ Gr. __ Gr. __ Gr. __ Gr. __ Gr. __ The questions the child asks before, during and after the learning experience help them to think beyond the literal interpretation based on the learning experience. The questions are relevant and encourage debate and discussion among the other learners. The child knows how the questions help them understand the topic. Boy Girl Gr. __ Gr. __ Circle aboriginal student’s tally mark. Circle aboriginal student’s tally mark. Circle aboriginal student’s tally mark. Circle aboriginal student’s tally mark. Circle aboriginal student’s tally mark. With support, the child can sometimes focus on the speaker and respond to literal questions The child can sometimes focus on the literal question asked and respond when called upon. The child is able to answer a literal question with a statement and a deeper thinking question with an answer incorporating some knowledge about the learning experience. The child consistently focusses on the questioner during the learning experience and responds accurately to higher level questions most of the time. The child listens actively with focus during the learning experience and responds with thoughtful answers which often extend the thinking of others. Boy Questioning: Responding Year ____________________ Boy Girl Boy Girl Boy Girl Boy Girl Boy Girl Boy Girl Boy Girl Girl Boy Girl Gr. __ Gr. __ Gr. __ Gr. __ Gr. __ Gr. __ Gr. __ Gr. __ Gr. __ Gr. __ Circle aboriginal student’s tally mark. Circle aboriginal student’s tally mark. Circle aboriginal student’s tally mark. Circle aboriginal student’s tally mark. Circle aboriginal student’s tally mark.