Computation Theory Labs

Computation Theory Labs
1. Meta Programming using Reflection
Reflection is covered here: Java Reflection
We work in a restricted subset of Java called Lava. In Lava all methods have the signature:
String method(String ...args)
For example:
package meta;
public class Greeter {
public String greetings(String ... args) {
for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
System.out.print(args[i] + " ");
return "done";
The greetings method can be called with any number of strings. (This is called varargs).
Implement a class called MetaMachine:
import java.lang.reflect.*;
class MetaMachine {
public String execute(String ... args) throws Exception {???}
The execute method assumes args[0] is the full name of a class, args[1] is the name of a method in
args[0], and the remaining args are this inputs to this method.
Execute uses Java reflection to load the class, find the method, and invoke it on the arguments.
For example:
class MetaMachineTester {
public static void main(String args[]) {
MetaMachine mm = new MetaMachine();
mm.execute("meta.Greeter", "greetings", "Hello", "Jupiter");
Hello Jupiter
What is printed by:
mm.execute("meta.MetaMachine", "execute", "meta.Greeter", "greetings",
"Hello", "Jupiter");
2. BigNat
In Java, implement and test the class BigNat:
class BigNat { ... } // multiple precision natural numbers
Each instance of BigNat contains a list of integers representing mega-digits:
class BigNat {
private ArrayList<Integer> digits;
// ...
We only allow non-negative integers to be digits.
For example, if x.digits = (a, b, c), then
x = a * m2 + b * m1 + c * m0 where m = 1 + Integer.MAX_VALUE (= 231)
Complete the proof by implementing inc and dec as BigNat methods.
Using inc and ec, implement add, mul, exp, and sub as BigNat methods. Hint: use recursion.
3. Closure Theorems
Prove the following theorems by implementing Java combinators that take as input deciders,
recognizers, or enumerators for A and B and return the desired decider, recognizer, or enumerator:
Theorem: If A and B are recursive, then so are A  B, A  B, A – B, and A X B.
class RecClosures {
// returns memC for C = A U B
public static Predicate<Integer> union(Predicate<Integer> memA,
Predicate<Integer> memB) { ??? }
// etc.
Theorem: If A and B are recursively enumerable, then so are A  B, A  B and A X B.
Provide test harnesses for your classes.
4. Turing Machines
Complete the implementation and testing of the TuringMachine class
5. PL
Complete the implementation and testing of the PL virtual machine.