ShankersinhVaghelaBapuInstitue of Technology Branch:-Electronics and communication Engineering Subject Code: 151002 Year/Sem : - 3rd /5th Subject -Engineering Electromagnetics Bulletin Q1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q7 Q8 (a) (i) Transform the vector B = yax– xay+ zaz into cylindrical coordinates. (ii) Transform vector field G = (xz/y) ax into spherical components and variables (b) Explain Cross Product & Dot Product in detail (c) Explain Position and distance vectors with suitable example Given vectors A = 3ax + 4ay + az and B = 2ay - 5az, find the angle between A and B (a) Given point P (—2, 6, 3) and vector A = yax + (x + z) ay, express P and A in Cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Evaluate A at P in the Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical systems (b) Explain spherical coordinate system. (a) Given points are E (2, 5, 1), F (-1, 4, -2) and G (3, -2, 4). Find: (i) A unit vector directed from E towards F. (ii) The angle between REF and REG. (iii) The scalar projection REF and REG. (a) Express in cylindrical components: (a) the vector from C(3,2,-7) to D(-1,-4,2); (b) a unit vector at D directed towards C; (c) a unit vector at D directed toward the origin. (d) E and F are vector fields given by E = 2xax + ay + yzaz and F = xy ax -y2ay+ xyz az Determine (i) | E | a t (l, 2, 3) (ii) The component of E along F at (1, 2, 3) (iii) A vector perpendicular to both E and F at (0, 1, - 3) whose magnitude is unity The three vertices of a triangle are located at A(6,−1, 2), B(−2, 3,−4), and C(−3, 1, 5). Find: (a) RAB; (b) RAC; (c) the angle θBAC at vertex A; (d) the (vector) projection of RAB on RAC. In order to illustrate these definitions and operations, consider the vector field G = yax −2.5xay +3az and the point Q(4, 5, 2).We wish to find: G at Q; the scalar component of G at Q in the direction of aN = 1/3(2ax + ay − 2az ); the vector component of G at Q in the direction of aN ; and finally, the angle θGa between G(rQ) and aN . Transform the following vectors to spherical coordinates at the points given: (a) 10ax at P(x = −3, y = 2, z = 4); (b) 10ay at Q(ρ = 5, φ = 30◦,z = 4); (c) 10az at M(r = 4, θ = 110◦, φ = 120◦). Q9 Given points M(−1, 2, 1), N(3,−3, 0), and P(−2,−3,−4), find: RMN; (b) RMN + RMP; (c) |rM|; (d) aMP; (e) |2rP − 3rN |. Q 10 A vector field S is expressed in rectangular coordinates as S = {125/[(x −1)2+(y−2)2+(z+1)2]}{(x −1)ax +(y−2)ay +(z+1)az}. (a) Evaluate S at P(2, 4, 3). (b) Determine a unit vector that gives the direction of S at P. (c) Specify the surface f (x, y, z) on which |S| = 1. Q11 The three vertices of a triangle are located at A(6,−1, 2), B(−2, 3,−4), and C(−3, 1, 5). Find: (a) RAB × RAC; (b) the area of the triangle; (c) a unit vector perpendicular to the plane in which the triangle is located. Q 12 Transform the vector B = yax − xay + zaz into cylindrical coordinates. Q 13 Given the vectors M = −10ax + 4ay − 8az and N = 8ax + 7ay − 2az , find: a unit vector in the direction of −M+ 2N; (b) the magnitude of 5ax + N − 3M; (c) |M||2N|(M+ N). Q 14 (i)State and prove the Gauss’s law. (ii) Explain Coulomb's Law and Field Intensity with suitable example. (iii) Derive the expression for the intensity of electric field due a line charge along the Z direction with uniform charge density ρL c/m using Coulomb’s law and verify the same using Gauss’s law. Q 15 (a) State and derive following: (1) Maxwell’s first equation for electrostatics, (2) Divergence theorem. (b) Write a detailed note on potential gradient (c) Derive the expression of curl. Also mention its physical interpretation (a) State and Explain Biot-Savart law. Derive an expression of magnetic field intensity for an infinitely long straight filament carrying a direct current I on the z axis from ∞< z <∞. (b) Write a detailed note on Magnetization and permeability Mention all four Maxwell’s equations for steady fields. Using the concept of Faraday’s law and displacement current modify them for time varying fields. (b) The electric field amplitude of a uniform plane wave propagating in the az direction is 250 V/m. If E = Exax and w = 1.00 Mrad/s, find: (a) the frequency; (b) the wavelength; (c) the period; (d) the amplitude of H. Write a detailed note on : (1)skin effect and skin depth. (2) Explain the Electric Dipole (3) write short notes on magnetic boundary conditions State Ampere’s Circuital law and derive the expression for curl of magnetic field intensity. Q 16 Q 17 Q 18 (4) (5) (6) Define and explain the following terms: (i) Magnetization (ii) Polarization (iii) Skin effect and (iv) Standing wave ratio Write short note on Stoke’s theorem Q 19 Derive equation to find Energy stored in the field of a system of charges Q 20 Find Capacitance between two concentric spheres using Laplace Equation Q.21 (a)State and prove the Gauss’s law. Also state the conditions to be satisfied by the special Gaussian surfaces. (b)A uniform line charge density of 20 nC/m lies on the Z-axis between Z=1 and Z=3 m. No other charge is present. Find electric field intensity at :(a) the origin (b) P (4,0,0). Q22 Derive Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations and states their key applications. Write down a general procedure for solving poisson's or laplace's equation & also Explain a Uniqueness theorem. Q 23 State and prove Poynting theorem relating to the flow of energy at a point in space in an electromagnetic field. Q 24 a) State and Explain Biot-Savart law. Derive an expression of magnetic field intensity for an infinitely long straight filament carrying a direct current I on the z axis from - ∞ < z < ∞. b) As shown in the figure below, the finite length current element is on the z – axis. Using Bio– savart law show that H = I / 4∏ p (sinα2 - sin α1) aφ Q 25 Write the statement of Stoke’s theorem. Evaluate both sides of Stoke’s theorem for the field H = 6xy a x - 3y2 a y A / m and the rectangular path around the region, 2 ≤ x ≤ 5, – 1 ≤y ≤1, z = 0. Let the positive direction of dS be az.