SCHOOL OF COMPUTING UUM COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA COURSE CODE COURSE PRE-REQUISITE SEMESTER 1.0 : : : : STIN1013 INTRODUCTION TO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE NONE A132 SYNOPSIS This course discusses the fundamental aspects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) field in terms of definition, history and characteristics, example of applications, knowledge representation and problem solving techniques, and several AI programming languages. Towards the end of the course, there are several discussions of AI advanced technology. 2.0 OBJECTIVE Upon completion, students are expected to be able to 2.1 2.2 2.3 understand the concept and problem solving principle. understand different types of AI knowledge representation techniques. apply knowledge and skill necessary to solve problem using AI techniques. 3.0 LEARNING OUTCOME Upon completion, students are expected to be able to 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 describe the characteristics of intelligent systems. identify the differences between intelligent systems and conventional systems. use appropriate techniques to represent knowledge. solve the given problems using appropriate AI techniques. identify the need and opportunity for adopting AI techniques into real world application. 4.0 REFERENCES Bratko, I. (2011). PROLOG Programming for Artificial Intelligence (4th Edition). Reading: Addison-Wesley. Ertel, W. (2011). Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. London: Springer-Verlag. Floreano, D. & Mattiusi, C. (2008). Bio-inspired Artificial Intelligence: Theories, Methods and Technologies. Cambridge: MIT Press. Jones, T. (2008). Artificial Intelligence: A Systems Approach. Massachusetts: Infinity Science Press LLC. Luger, G. F. (2009). Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving (6th). Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. 1 Negnevitsky, M. (2011). Artificial Intelligence: A Guide to Intelligent Systems. England: Addison Wesley. Nilsson, N. (2008). The Quest for AI. New York: Cambridge University Press. Padhy, N. P. (2005). Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Russell, S. J. & Norvig, P. (2009). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (3rd Edition). New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Warwick, K. (2012). Artificial Intelligence: The Basics. Oxon: Routledge. CONTENT 5.0 NO. TOPIC HOUR 1 1.0 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 1.1 Definition of AI 1.2 History of AI 1.3 Characteristics of AI Systems 1.4 Artificial intelligence as different approach in computing world 1.5 Applications using Artificial Intelligence 1.6 Philosophical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence 2.0 Knowledge and Reasoning 2.1 Definition of knowledge 2.2 Knowledge categories and hierarchy 2.3 Knowledge representation 2.3.1 OAV, semantic network and frames (object-based) 2.3.2 Production rules (rule-based) 2.3.3 Propositional logic (logic-based) 2.3.4 Predicate calculus (FOPL) (logic-based) 2.4 Knowledge reasoning and inference 2.4.1 Modus Ponens 2.4.2 Modus Tollens 2.4.3 Hypothetical Syllogism 2.4.4 Resolution 2.5 Expert Systems 2.5.1 Chaining Strategy 2.6 Case-based Reasoning 2.7 Fuzzy Logic 3.0 Problem Solving and Strategies 3.1 Problem solving paradigms 3.1.1 State space vs problem reduction paradigm 3.2 Blind/Uninformed search strategies 3.2.1 Breadth-first search 3.2.2 Depth-first search 3.2.3 Uniform cost search 3.2.4 Depth limited search 3.2.5 Iterative deepening search 3.3 Heuristic/Informed search strategies 3.3.1 Hill climbing search 3.3.2 Best-first search 3 2 3 2 12 12 4 4.0 5 5.0 6 6.0 7 7.0 3.3.3 A* algorithm 3.4 Comparison of search strategies Learning 4.1 Learning from observations 4.2 Neural Networks learning 4.3 Reinforcement learning Communicating, perceiving and acting 5.1 Communication 5.2 Perception 5.3 Robotics Artificial Intelligence Programming 6.1 Programming in Logic (PROLOG) 6.2 List Processing (LISP) 6.3 Object based programming 6.4 Agent based programming AI: Present and Future 7.1 Applications of AI in real world 7.2 Advanced Technology in AI 3 3 6 3 TOTAL HOURS 6.0 42 TEACHING METHOD 42 hours lecture, demo, discussion, tutorial and self-centred learning (SCL). 7.0 ASSESMENT Coursework: Quiz / SCL Assignment* Test** Final examination TOTAL 10% 40% 10% 60% 40% 100% *There will be TWO (2) assignments on topics no. 2, 3 and 6; each worth 20 marks (15 marks for the submitted scripts + 5 marks for presentation). All assignments are group assignments. **Tentative date for Test is Friday, 28th March 2014 OR 18th April 2014 (kindly mark this date on your calendar). The exact date, time and venue will be announced later. 8.0 Group A B C LECTURER INFO Name Nur Azzah Abu Bakar Aniza Mohamed Din Dr. Husniza Husni Room No. 2103, SOC Building 3040, SOC Building 3035, SOC Building 3 Phone 04-9285166 04-9285189 04-9285184 E-mail nurazzah anizamd husniza 9.0 OTHERS Plagiarism is considered as a very serious academic misconduct. All students are responsible to make sure their work are free from plagiariasm. The lecturers will not tolerate, and will not assess any plagiarised attempt found in students’ work. 4