BushBroker information sheets - Department of Environment, Land

Fees and services
Information sheet number 22
Department of Environment and Primary
Industries fees and services
Fees for services allow Department of Environment and
Primary Industries (DEPI) to assist permit holders in
securing third party offsets. All monies raised by the
collection of fees are allocated to fund the native vegetation
credit register program. Fees have been set in accordance
with the Victorian Government’s Cost Recovery Guidelines
and Competitive Neutrality Policy.
Fees for services in 2014/15
The services and associated fees apply from the
15th of September 2014 are shown in Table 1.
Collection of fees
Fees set by DEPI will be collected from the party receiving the
service – see table below for details.
The fees will be collected at the time of the provision of the
Table 1 Services and fees for 2014/15
Service for DEPI
Submission of Trade
Credit Agreement
Quality Assurance
Fee ($)*
Accredited Organisation pays registration fee when they submit a trade package to
Securing DEPI
Agreement on title
*all fees are inclusive of GST
Quality Assurance fee added to accredited organisation invoice once trade invoice
has been raised.
This service is now managed by the native vegetation credit register
Landowner pays when the first credit trading agreement is signed or once a DEPI
Landowner Agreement is recorded on-title. This fee includes monitoring of the
agreement over a 10 year period.
< 50 hectare (standard)
> 50 hectares (large) ‒ Sites over 50 hectares in size, DEPI will consider the number
of sites and zones involved as this will impact on monitoring time required and
overall additional administration costs.
Fees and services
Specifications of BushBroker and the native vegetation credit register
BushBroker service specifications
BushBroker will:
receive the trade package from the accredited organisation
quality assurance the relevant BushBroker credit trading agreement
arrange execution of the BushBroker credit trading agreement by the Secretary (or delegate)
prepare and issue an invoice to the permit holder and accredited organisation
receive funds and hold in DEPI trust fund for annual landowner payments as per DEPI Landowner
apply to the native vegetation credit register to change ownership of credits and arrange for an Allocated
Native Vegetation Credit Extract to be issued
send signed copies of the BushBroker credit trading agreement and native vegetation credit register
extracts to the permit holder and landowner.
Native vegetation credit register service specifications
Section 69
The native vegetation credit register will undertake quality assurance checks of:
the package submitted by the accredited organisation including reviewing the draft DEPI Landowner
Agreement, management plan
arrange to have a recording of the DEPI Landowner Agreement made in the Register of Titles
receive monitoring reports and undertake compliance checks on an annual basis
monitor the site as required to ensure the obligations in the Landowner Agreement are achieved,
make timely payments based on compliance to the Landowner on an annual basis
provide information to the public about the DEPI Landowner Agreement as required by Section 80 of the
Conservation, Forests & Lands Act 1987.
Further information
For further information on BushBroker or the native vegetation credit register, please contact the Department of Environment
and Primary Industries Customer Service Centre on 136 186 or visit the DEPI website at: www.depi.vic.gov.au/bushbroker. All
BushBroker Information Sheets are available on the website.
© The State of Victoria Department of Environment and Primary Industries
Melbourne 2014
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licence. You are free to re-use the work under that licence, on the condition that
you credit the State of Victoria as author. The licence does not apply to any
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Victorian Government logo and the Department of Environment and Primary
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ISBN 978-1-74287-692-4 (online – set)
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telephone DEPI Customer Service Centre 136 186, email
customer.service@depi.vic.gov.au, via the National Relay Service on 133 677
www.relayservice.com.au. This document is also available on the internet at
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