Annex 1: Draft Announcement for LSOs Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP) Young Community Leadership Development Program (YCLDP) Announcement For LSOs and LSO networks in Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral* The Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP) is a pioneering rural development programme working in the mountain districts of Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral in KP aiming at improving the quality of life of the rural mountain people through institutional development and economic development interventions. AKRSP has mobilized and fostered over 5000 Village and Women organizations (V /WOs) in the seven districts in the programme area. Currently, AKRSP has pioneered fostering federations or alliances of these village-based institutions at the union council and/or valley levels through support to autonomous, professional and formal social organizations called Local Support Organizations (LSOs). Thus far around 59 LSOs work formally and informally in GBC. Under the new CIDA funded program, Enhancing Employability and Leadership for Youth (EELY), AKRSP is focusing on strengthening these LSOs through engaging young men and women in community development and in leadership positions. The Young Community Leadership Development Program (YCLDP) under EELY is therefore aiming at developing a cadre of young trainers, mentors and facilitators at grassroots levels who could assist LSOs and V/WOs in developing leadership skills and capacities. In partnership with Karakoram International University (KIU) and Institute of Rural Management (IRM)- NRSP AKRSP has developed an intensive one month training and placement mechanism, where selected participants will be exposed to training in areas like participatory development, leadership and organisational management, gender and development and generic training of trainer modules, followed by placement in LSOs. The LSOs in each district of the GBC, and Diamer Poverty Alleviation Program in district Diamer are requested to nominate two young men and two young women depending on the social situation per district but preferably a university graduate from within their respective districts based on the given criteria. A screening committee consisting of AKRSP staff and KIU faculty will finally select one young men and one young women per LSO and DPAP. Selection Criteria o o o o o Should be between the age of 15-35 years Preferably University graduate Must be an active member of an LSOs /or affiliate member organization of LSO Willing to pay Rs. 5,000 as subsidized cost of the training. Willing to participate and act as barefoot volunteer trainer and mentor providing further training to other young volunteers o Undertake conduction of post training sessions for at least 20 young community leaders in their concerned districts. o Willing to take and lead transfer projects in the post training phase under the supervision of LSO network and concerned LSOs. o Willing to serve in the LSO network/learning unit for at least one year period. Tuition Fee/Boarding and Lodging The participation fee is Rs. 5000 for the whole period. AKRSP will provide boarding and lodging for those participants coming from outside Gilgit town. Other Modalities/conditions 1. Potential participants will be communicated through LSOs and LSO networks 2. Each LSO may nominate two young graduates (one man, one woman). In one cycle only 24 participants will be admissible. 3. Applicants must submit a resume and one paper statement of interest, and attested copies of CNIC and key educational Degrees. (Metric, BA, BSc, and MA, MSc) . 4. Endorsement form signed by LSO/LSO network and respective LDO 5. Final selection of 24 participants will be done by a panel of scrutiny committee comprised of members from AKRSP, KIU and IRM. 6. The decision of the committee will be considered final which will be based on participants resume, personal statement and the criteria mentioned above on merit and equity grounds. How to apply? Interested candidates are advised to visit LSOs and DPAP are requested to submit nominations with resume and one pager statement of interest of participants not later than July, 25, 2013to ID Managers at AKRSP regional offices in Gilgit, Baltistan, and Chitral or email to Dr Akhtar Ali at