Minutes of Meeting Meeting: SENATE Date and Time: Wednesday 4th December 2013 at 2.15 pm Venue: Council Chamber Present: Professor x (Chair) List members In Attendance: List names Apologies: Apologies for absence were received from Professor x etc ACTION 10001 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the meeting of Senate held on 16th October 2013 (Paper S13/14-59) were approved as a correct record of the proceedings and signed by the Chair. 10002 MATTERS ARISING Senate noted the election of x as the x student representative on Senate. 10003 TITLE 1) Senate considered the Annual Report of the x Committee (Paper S13/1461A). 2) APPROVED the Annual Report on progress against the x (Paper S13/1461B). Key issues noted were: 10004 several successful events over the last year; on-line training completed by all managers; a new comprehensive policy on x; TITLE Senate considered the proposed amendments as set out in Paper S13/14-62. 1) AGREED that x be revised as recommended by the x Committee. 2) AGREED that an additional paragraph be added to the beginning of the x as follows: ‘xxx’.. - Page 1 of 4 - 10005 etc Senate AGREED the following proposals: 10006 MINUTES OF BOARDS OF STUDIES Senate received the minutes of the following meetings of Boards of Studies: Faculty of Engineering & Design Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences Faculty of Science School of Management 10007 9th October 2013 9th October 2013 9th October 2013 9th October 2013 CALENDAR OF MEETINGS 2013/14 The Calendar of Meetings for the remainder of 2013/14 was noted as follows: Wednesday 5th February 2014 Wednesday 9th April 2014 Wednesday 4th June 2014 Note: All meetings start at 2.15pm in the Council Chamber. The meeting concluded at 3.30 pm - Page 2 of 4 - Minutes of Meeting FoIA Restricted - Not For Publication Meeting: SENATE Date and Time: Wednesday 4th December 2013 at 2.15 pm Venue: Council Chamber Note: These minutes contain information which the University has declared will not be routinely published under the Freedom of Information Act for the reasons specified: Minutes x to x: Information that might prejudice the University’s commercial interests Present: List Professor x (Chair) In Attendance: List Apologies: Apologies for absence were received from Professor x ACTION 10008 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the FoIA restricted items discussed at the meeting of Senate held on 16th October 2013 were approved as a correct record of the proceedings and signed by the Chair. 10009 TITLE Senate considered the X Strategy (Paper S13/14-63). There was a discussion about xx. APPROVED the X Strategy at Appendices 1 and 2. 10010 REPORT OF THE X Senate considered the annual report of the X (Paper S13/14-64). It was noted that xxxx 10011 to 10013 RESERVED AREA BUSINESS The student representatives left the meeting, which then proceeded to reserved area business (Minutes xxx to xxx refer). The meeting concluded at 3.30pm - Page 3 of 4 - Minutes of Meeting Reserved Area Business - Not For Publication Meeting: SENATE Date and Time: Wednesday 4th December 2013 at 2.15pm Venue: Council Chamber Note: These minutes contain information which the University has declared will not be routinely published under the Freedom of Information Act for the reasons specified: Minutes x to x: Present: List Information held under obligation of confidentiality and about living individuals (including, but not limited to, members of staff, students or research subjects) the processing of which is covered by the Data Protection Act 1998. Professor x (Chair) In Attendance: List Apologies: Apologies for absence were received from Professor x. ACTION 10011 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING (RESERVED AREA BUSINESS) The minutes of the reserved area items discussed at the meeting of Senate held on 16th October 2013 were approved as a correct record of the proceedings and signed by the Chair. 10012 TITLE Senate noted Paper S13/14-70 regarding X. 10013 MINUTES OF BOARDS OF STUDIES (RESERVED AREA BUSINESS) Senate received the minutes of the reserved area items discussed at, and noted the appointment of External Examiners reported to, the following meetings of Boards of Studies: Faculty of Engineering & Design Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Science School of Management 9th October 2013 9th October 2013 9th October 2013 9th October 2013 The meeting concluded at 3.30pm - Page 4 of 4 -