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Educational Technologies Advisory Committee
January 11, 2012
Board Room 3:00 – 4:30 PM
Mission statement:
The mission of ETAC (Educational Technologies Advisory Committee) is to foster cross-campus
communication, collaboration, coordination and visioning on e-learning and use of educational
technologies at NSCC. To this end, ETAC provides a venue for a monthly dialogue amongst interrelated
support units of the college to catalyze campus-wide communication and guidance.
Chris Davis, Thom Cook, Tom Braziunas, Amy LaZerte, Joanne Fall, Art Woodbury,
Christopher Tjong, Rebecca Cory, Coryl Celene-Martel
 General introductions and welcome to all!
 We reviewed how to find the agenda from
 Agendas and minutes can always be found at
http://webshares/ .
 We intend to set up Collaborate in future so that committee members who cannot
intend in person can involved
 FACTC, a monthly publication, is looking for contributors on the subject “Is online
learning all that it’s cracked up to be?”.
o Jill Lane and Karen Teal will be contributing.
o More information found at:
 There are several “Leading from the Classroom” workshops being offered by the
state board on several different topics for free. They are presented by other faculty,
lunch is provided. More info at:
There is another workshop on advanced ANGEL training in Tacoma on February 3rd. To
register visit:
The annual Horizon Report will be released in the next few weeks. It will be a
review of six technologies that are on the verge of being adopted. They project
tablet computing and mobile apps to be the widely adopted in an educational
setting. Link to follow.
o Thom comments that tablets are great to sit and read, but maybe not so great
to do quite a bit of work on.
o Tom Braziunas commented that applications are being developed to make
using tablets for education more accessible.
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E-learning enrollment at North (distribute profile)
o The profile contains up to date information, collected in just the last few
o There is significant growth in fully online enrollment over the last few years,
but growth seems to have leveled off when comparing last year to this year.
 This may be due to all enrollment leveling off.
o There is quite a bit of growth in ANGEL use on the NSCC campus. It seems
that students expect their on campus classes to use ANGEL.
Tegrity Conference in Seattle, Apr 18-20 – $400 registration by Feb. 15, “3 for 2” option
o NeLSC is interested in seeing if a group would like to participate to take advantage of the
3 for 2 pricing option. Contact Tom Braziunas for details if you are interested in
Upcoming workshops (distribute schedule)
o UPDATE: Collaboration day will feature QR Codes, Softchalk, Tegrity, and Livescribe
 All NeLSC supported workshops are on the TLC Schedule, complete with
o Intro to ANGEL for all users (VEP -- “View, Edit, Practice”)
o Collaboration Day Techno Intros
o New topics SoftChalk interactive assessment builder, Hover Cam for Tegrity
 We have purchased several SoftChalk Licenses. Contact NeLSC if you are
interested in trying it out.
 There are a number of interactive games and exercises you can use with
 Coryl describes it as a “little book” and thinks it’s “pretty cool”.
 The learning curve is not steep; it’s easy to use as faculty and from the student
 If there is enough interest we may be able to purchase a district license.
 There may be accessibility issued, and additional cost associated with the screen
reader function of SoftChalk.
 Tegrity
 The new Hovercam works with Tegrity
 Thom’s new part-timer may be interested in using Tegrity in future,
o New coordination with Central & South
 Stephanie Delaney, the new associate dean at South, comes to us from Cascadia.
Welcome Stephanie!
NSCC’s learning management system
o Feedback on current issues for teaching using ANGEL
 ANGEL has many features, and is not as problematic as WebCT
 At the beginning of the quarter ANGEL was not working properly, but that issue
seems to have been resolve.
 Thom would like a better functioning wiki. He is currently using a wiki outside
o Transition to universal SIDs & effects on ANGEL users
 Student IDs vary from college to college, and have a different SID for each
college. The universal ID would work at every college in the Community and
Technical College system.
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A student who does not have a Social Security Number or who refuses to
provide it will still have individual SIDs at each college.
 This has created a few roadblocks in ANGEL, but they have been few
and manageable.
ANGEL campus uses (Program Review, Professional Development, rubrics, ELOs)
 Every faculty member now has ANGEL accounts
 They have access to a TLC shell, and program review shell, professional
development shell, and a practice shell.
 70% of full timers have had ANGEL training, but it’s hard to tell how
many part timers have had ANGEL training. Perhaps 20%.
Upgrade to ANGEL 8 – benefits
 An upgrade to ANGEL 8 is in the works, the exact date of the upgrade is to be
 We are upgrading so that Blackboard will continue to support ANGEL. They
will no longer support 7.4.
 More browsers will be compatible with ANGEL 8, such as Safari and Chrome.
 Courses that are backed up with ANGEL 8 will be more compatible with other
 We may be upgrading as early as fall 2012.
Mobile technologies, ANGEL current use & option of ANGEL apps
 There will be more mobile features with ANGEL 8, with an additional cost.
Timeline / involvement for the “next system”: vendor submissions 1/19/2012, reviews
in 2/2012 (faculty stipends), final selection 3/27/2012, migration by 10/2014
 About a dozen vendors have submitted applications for their LMS to be
 Faculty will be provided stipends if they wish to be part of
the LMS review process in February.
Thom participated in the selection process last time.
There will be a rubric set up to help us analyze these different systems
Tom would really love for our faculty to play a part in this review
There will never be one standardized LMS for the whole state; it’s up to each
college to decide which LMS works for them.
By moving to ANGEL initially we were later able to move to the state system,
which automates many of the functions we had to perform in house.
One alternative is to have an open source system, but that system would have to
be completely supported in house.
Open Course Library / open educational resources
o NSCC textbook survey (distribute table)
 The numbers on the table are gathered from our online bookstore. The numbers
from the bookstore are, in part, educated guesses.
 We found that textbook costs demonstrate that our instructors are already
conscious of textbook costs.
 By using Open Source textbooks costs could be reduced to $30 (or less) per
student per course.
 Thom has written a textbook and charges $20 for it. All proceeds go to non-profit
funds. He notes the disadvantage is that you only have one perspective.
 Art has also written a textbook and distributes it for free. He is constantly
updating it based on student feedback.
 Chris’s class used mostly online resources and a few books that can be easily
found used from a variety of bookstores.
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 Tom is personally going to try to teach his class using open source texts.
Status – 20 courses still needed, development Spr ’12, piloting Fall ’12, revise Winter
’13, release Spr. ’13, use of Google Docs
 There is a $15,000 stipend available for those who wish to develop courses for
Open Source Library. The course development can be shared between
instructors, but the stipend is split as well.
 Courses can be explored at
 Phase 1courses are in ANGEL format, available for review and perusal.
 Phase 2 courses are being developed in Google Docs.
ETAC involvement / review (demo the process)
NeLSC expansion
o More student/faculty separate work space (e.g. small group work space, student
proctoring & assistance; new operations manager & pursuit of new directions)
 There will be a private room to work with faculty, as well as a quiet space for
 Proctored students will be recorded using a webcam and Tegrity.
 The proposed “Grand Reopening” is the end of this quarter.
o Temporary relocation to offices near cafeteria
 These are the old Workforce offices.
 We should only be there for one or two weeks.
NSCC e-learning planning & core themes – consider priorities (distribute table)
o This is a snapshot of the different projects NeLSC is involved with on the college,
district, and national level, organized based on the college’s core themes.
o Business partnerships- we have elected to partner with Planned Parenthood to support
businesses in our community and produce revenue for the college.
Other topics
o For a future meeting
 Perhaps a demo of some of the accessibility software our students use.
 We would like opinions on our best practices matrix for course design.
Next meeting Feb. 8th, 2012, 3PM Board Room