Oct. 15

***Plans may change at teacher’s discretion***
Oct. 15
Oct. 16
Oct. 17
Oct. 18
Oct. 19
On Level
Objective: TLW change between fractions,
decimals & percents.
Activity: Bits & Pieces I
Assessment: Computation Quiz 2
High Level Questions: How can you represent
situation where the part is greater than the whole
as fractions, decimals and percent?
Homework: Weekly Homework packet, due
Tuesday, Oct. 16th.
Objective: TLW see percents as a part-whole
relationship with denominators of 100.
Activity: Bits & Pieces I
Assessment: Skill Page: Fractions, Decimals &
High Level Questions: How can you represent
situation where the part is greater than the whole
as fractions, decimals and percent?
Homework: Weekly Homework packet, due
Tuesday, Oct. 23rd.
Objective: TLW review for Unit 3 Test.
Activity: Bits & Pieces I Review
High Level Questions: How can you represent
situation where the part is greater than the whole
as fractions, decimals and percent?
Homework: Weekly Homework packet, due
Tuesday, Oct. 23rd.
Objective: TLW show mastery of Unit 3.
Assessment: Unit 3 Test
Homework: Weekly Homework packet, due
Tuesday, Oct. 23rd.
Objective: TLW add & subtract fractions
Activity: Fraction Action
High Level Questions : Describe an algorithm you
used to add and subtract fractions.
Homework: Weekly Homework packet, due
Tuesday, Oct. 23rd.
Pre AP
Objective: TLW use algorithms for adding and
subtracting fractions.
Activity: Bits & Pieces II Invest. 2.4
Assessment: Computation Quiz 2
High Level Questions: Describe an algorithm you
used to add and subtract fractions.
Homework: Weekly Homework packet, due
Tuesday, Oct. 16th.
Objective: TLW use algorithms for adding and
subtracting fractions.
Activity: Bits & Pieces II
Assessment: Skill Page: Adding & Subtracting
High Level Questions: Describe an algorithm you
used to add and subtract fractions.
Homework: Weekly Homework packet, due
Tuesday, Oct. 23rd.
Objective: TLW review for Unit 4 Test
Activity: Bits & Pieces II Review
High Level Questions: Describe an algorithm you
used to add and subtract fractions.
Homework: Weekly Homework packet, due
Tuesday, Oct. 23rd.
Objective: TLW show mastery on Unit 4 Test
Assessment: Unit 4 Test
Homework: Weekly Homework packet, due
Tuesday, Oct. 23rd.
Objective: TLW model mutiplying with fractions
Activity: Bits & Pieces II Invest. 3.1
High Level Questions: What does it mean to find
a part of another fraction?
Homework: Weekly Homework packet, due
Tuesday, Oct. 23rd..
We will / Objective: We will represent ratios and percents with concrete models, fractions, and decimals.
I will / Product/Task: I will be able to represent ratios and percents with concrete models, fractions, and decimals.
We will / Objective: We will represent multiplication and division situations involving fractions and decimals
with models.
I will / Product/Task: I will be able to represent multiplication and division situations involving fractions and
decimals with models