FOWHS Minutes - 01/09/15

Mr Ewan Cameron
Mrs Sally Kane
Mr Ewen Cameron
Mrs Elizabeth Gillan
Mrs Jill Parr
Mrs Wilma Hershaw
Mr Sandy McIntosh
Cllr Fay Sinclair
Mr Stuart Fraser, Acting Depute Rector
Mr David Crabb
Mrs Kimberley Jeanes
Mrs Annette McCann
Mrs Shoana Smedley
Cllr Brian Goodall
Ms Audrey Hunter
Mr Cameron welcomed everyone to this first meeting of the new session and
presented apologies. Members represent a good coverage of the school with a
spread of pupils throughout every year.
The Minutes of 9th June 2015 were accepted as a correct record.
Small Lotteries Licence: The fee of £20 has been paid.
Parent Council Insurance: Fife Council has renewed the block insurance for school
Parent Councils. The paperwork has been received and will go to the school office.
Summer Newsletter: Mr Cameron had prepared an article on behalf of the Parent
Licence and Insurance: Already covered.
SPTC: ‘Backchat’: A copy of the June newsletter was forwarded to members.
SPTC: Training: Information on a training day to be held in Kirkcaldy was received.
Members were interested but the time of 3.30pm-5.30pm made attendance
impossible. This will be noted to the SPTC.
Fife Council – ‘Culture of Enterprise’: Information was received.
Scottish Schools Pipe Band Championship: Information on this competition was
received and will be passed to the Music Department. WHS does not have a pipe
band at present but it is something which the school would be keen to encourage
and pursue. The necessary financial outlay and commitment would be massive.
Summer Maintenance: Most of the work programme was completed on time:
 Window replacement on the old block facing Shields Road completed
 Astroturf replaced. Some lining still to be carried out and a new path around
this area is under consideration
 New flooring laid in the library and school office
Decoration in the library and the Maths/Science base
General upgrading in B17 to bring the lab back into more frequent use as a
 Electrical works: various throughout the school
 Room A12: final upgrade finished and now in use by Support for Learning
 Games Hall: major repairs to the roof undertaken but may not have been
completely successful
A possible programme of work for the October break is being looked at, including
wifi in the library, improvements to the lighting and further electrical work.
Mr McIntosh introduced Mr Stuart Fraser, Acting Fifth Depute Rector, who will speak
first to members about his remit and responsibilities.
Mr Fraser spoke on this new role in the school which supports the Fife priority of
Employment. A paper had been prepared and he spoke in detail of the 3 key
priorities to ensure that pupils are ready for life and learning after leaving school:
Skills Development:
Transferable Skills: there will be a radical overhaul of preparing skills which will
transfer to the work place, focusing on communication, problem solving and working
with others
Profiling Skills: identifying strengths and areas for development – tied to the S3
Career Skills: as part of the PSE programme, developing understanding of work
Employer Links:
WHS already has good links with employers and is looking to broaden this.
Work place learning: developing a ‘hands on’ experience of work focused on every
pupil receiving a work experience relevant to their career path. A Graduate Aide is
working successfully with the school and meeting with employers.
Building relationships: with employers and links with career days and course choice
Application skills: linked with SDS, PSE programme and Support faculty as targeted
Higher and Further Education links:
Preparing for study and application: PSE programme, study skills and sessions on
the important Personal Statement with input from visiting university staff.
Widening Access: linking with organisations such as First Chances, Reach, Sutton
Trust, Robertson Trust and Pathfinder courses to support pupils
Developing choice: building motivation and aspirations – HE convention, course
choice events, university visits
Members discussed Mr Fraser’s report including communication and how parents
can best support their children. It was felt that more contact time with subject
teachers would be helpful and the school aims to provide opportunities for parents
to come into school to learn more of career and relevant course choices. Parents are
invited to a Higher Education Convention to be held on 17th September. Work
experience was also raised. Mr Fraser explained that S3 can be too early and a restructuring to S5/S6 would be more useful. It could be taken out of term time. Mr
Cameron thanked Mr Fraser for coming this evening and speaking on this important
SQA EXAMS: A summary of Whole School Performance (DAS adjusted) had been
prepared. The results had been very positive with the school performing above the
Fife average in 8 of the 9 measures and Mr McIntosh spoke in detail on the results.
Meetings are taking place with Heads of Departments and SQA attainment reviews
are underway within departments to look in depth at results, develop action
planning and identify any improvement priorities around those areas considered for
development. The useful new ‘Insight’ national assessment tool will become
available during September and give a more focused analysis of results and
performance. Mr McIntosh will bring more details to the Parent Council and will
present a full Attainment Report to the Dunfermline City Area Committee in early
November. Members discussed his report with Mr McIntosh.
Staffing: The school is currently fully staffed with 20 new staff, permanent
appointments and probationer teachers. One post for maternity cover is in the
process of being advertised, to be filled in October, and one in Drama from October
has been filled.
Acting Depute Rector: Mr Stuart Fraser was the successful candidate (see previously)
and took up post at the start of term with responsibility for Devon House. He is
linked with Mr Marshall as Guidance for Devon.
PT Design Engineering Technology: Miss Kirsty McDermid started in post today.
English: The department is now fully staffed with longer term vacancy issues from
the last session resolved. A maternity leave is due to start in 2 weeks but the post
has been filled with an English teacher.
Other posts will be advertised and filled through the course of the next 23 months
as the school moves to the new staffing plan, There are now 5 Deputes linked to the
5 Guidance houses with specific remits and responsibilities. A paper detailing
management structure had been prepared for members.
Assemblies: These took place for all pupils during the first week around Being
Prepared, Productive and Polite. These will be ongoing areas of focus.
New S1: The new intake of 271 S1 pupils has made a very positive start. They have
settled well into their classes and continue to make a good impression. Temporary
signage has been erected around the school and previous work to ensure a smooth
transition work has proved successful.
Prefects: The prefect interview process is now completed and the Prefect Leadership
Team has been formed. A conference set clear expectations with discussions of the
role, remit and responsibilities, including duties at parent and information evenings.
School Uniform: Pupils have made an excellent effort in respect to school uniform.
School Award: Former Head Boy, Mr John King, will donate £3,000 a year to support
‘STEAM’ (formerly STEM) priorities throughout the school. The first donation will be
used to purchase PC tablets for senior pupils to use within their Advanced Higher
enquiries through Science.
Penumbra: Penumbra is a Scottish mental health charity working to improve mental
well being for all. As part of their work within Fife, Mr Norris has negotiated that
they will attend every parent’s night event to address parental issues and concerns
and offer advice on all aspects of internet safety. Staff are trained CEOP
Bus Issues: The contract has been re-negotiated and there are, at present, no issues
in relation to capacity. Buses are no longer shared with St Columbas although one
bus from Limekilns/Crombie may also be a service bus. Some timetables have been
changed and parents have been notified with a Groupcall to a new timetables link.
HMI Visit: Moira Cummings, area HMI link for Fife Council, has been invited into the
school and will visit during September to talk to some pupils and staff about the
school Leadership programmes. Mr Wyse is at present developing a range of
leadership opportunities for some pupils from S6-S1 and pupils are taking a lead role
within aspects of this activity. A PT led group is also working on the development of
leadership skills and opportunities to further develop their own range of personal
and professional skills. Mrs Cummings’ visit to the school has many positive aspects.
Pupil Representatives to the Parent Council: It was suggested that a clear view of
expectations and remit should be given with a task such as the preparation of a
report for meetings or a topic raised by pupils. This could link in with Miss
Thompson’s ‘Pupil Voice’ and would enhance the value of the experience for
Parent Evenings: The S1 Parent Evening will be Monday 28th September from 5pm7pm. Prefects have signed up and the Parent Council will serve refreshments. It is
an opportunity to promote the Parent Council, the AGM and Woodmill Winners.
There will be a group call and check on supplies. Mrs Jeanes will provide name
Duke of Edinburgh Award: Of 18 Gold awards presented, 9 went to pupils from
WHS. The school is keen to support this well recognised achievement and 60 pupils
have applied for 14 places this year.
WHS New Build: Cllr Goodall and Cllr Sinclair reported that they continue the
campaign to try and maintain a high profile and ensure a strong credibility for a rebuild of WHS within the wider Capital Plan. Mr McIntosh informed members that
the roll stands at approximately 1270 and he has received a petition from S6 for a
designated S6 space. The school would like to be able to provide this and the best
environment for pupils but there is very limited social space or covered space
available. There is also a shortage of parking and the astro turf is shared with others.
Libraries Consultation: Cllr Sinclair spoke on the Fife consultation on changes to
library provision. The service must change and it is important that people, and
especially young people, are included in the survey to identify the provision that is
wanted and needed. The library at WHS is well used and WHS encourage the culture
of library use.
The AGM will be held Tuesday, 29th September 2015 at 6.30pm in the school library
and followed by the regular Parent Council meeting.