Formelark / Formula sheet Omregningsfaktorer/ Conversion factors 1 cp = 10-3 Pas 1 bar -12 2 1 Darcy = 0.9869 10 m 1 dyn/cm = 105Pa = 10-3 N/m Konstanter/Constants Standard temperatur :288 Kelvin Standard trykk/pressure: 1.01 bar Generell gasskonstant/ General gas constant: 8314 Molvekt luft/air: 28.97 kg/kmol Tyngdens akselerasjon/ Acceleration of gravity :9.81 … m/s2 4 Formulae Fluidegenskaper/Fluid properties (SI, trykk i bar/SI, pressure in bar): Tetthet olje/Oil density: l o o g o Rs / Bo g Formasjonsfaktor/FVF: Bo 0.9759 9.52 10 4 o 0.5 Rs 0.410 T 103 1.2 Over metningstrykket/ Above saturation pressure: 104 2.81 Rt 3.10 T 171 o 118 g 1102 Bo Bob pb p Løysbarhet/Solubility : Rs 5.90 10 3 g 10 2.14 / o 10 0.00198 T 0.797 p 1.4 1.205 1 Gasstetthet/ Gas density: g pM zRT o g p k Bg , g i pi Enfase strømning/ Single phase flow Hydraulisk potensial/Hydraulic potential: P p dh Strømning i røyr/Pipe flow: dP v d v vd f 0.16 Friksjonsfaktor/Friction factor correlation: Gass/ Gas in pipes: pth2 pw2 e Dysestrøm/Orifice flow: Pumpeeffekt/Pump power: 2 2 g x L zRT Røyrstrøm/Pipe flow: 8 f zRT 2 gxd 5 pc 0.5 Q / Ac 2 0.172 g x L 2 2 zRT 1 e m 2 E Qp p g x L 8 f zRT Gass/Gas: pth2 e zRT pw2 2 gxd 5 Tofasestrøm/ Two phase flow 1 2 f v dx 0 2 d 2 g x L 2 1 e zRT m 2 dp TP g x dx 0.5 f m / d v 2 dx 0 Fart-fraksjon/Velocities and fraction: vg vsg yg vsg 1 yl Driftfluksrelasjon/Drift flux relationship: v g Co vl vo TP g y g l yl Tofasetetthet/two-phase density: Strømningstetthet/ Flow-averaged density: m g g l l TP cTP vk dvsl dyl v Kritisk fart/Critical velocity: 1 v* Kinematisk/ Kinematic wave : m Innstrømningeskarakteristikk/ inflow performance dP v v 2 Strømning i porøse media/ Flow in porous mediea: dr k (P= hydraulisk potensial / P = hydraulic potential) 6 kh PI horisontal brønn/PI horizontal well J H D h h o Bo f a 3 ln S Lw 2 rw 2 Lw 2 1 Lw L Lw Lw L L Geometri/ Geometry factor: f a 0.53 1.15 0.164 0.45 Lw L L L D D ˆ yˆ y kh kv , k kh kv Skalering for anisotropi/ Anisotropy scaling : Skintrykktap/ Skin pressure drop: S H p S 2 k Lw qo o Bo Innstrømningskarakteristikk m. friksjon/ IPR with flow friction along liner: 1 16 f 3 2 Pwt PR qL xo jL Qt jL 3 2d 5 Med innstrømningskontroll/With ICD: Pwt PR 1 Qt pw jL Lw Trykktap i kompletteringsrøyr/ pressure drop in liner: pw Spes. prodindeks/ Spec. PI: 8 f 2 5 qL 2 Lw3 3 d jL JBo Lw 2 1 L 2 Trykkfall over ICD/Pressure drop accross ICD: pc c q L 2 nc Ac Gassløft/Gas lift g x 2d 5 8 f m Optimal gassrate/Opt. Gas rate: Qˆ g Oljerate/ Oil rate: Qo Qg pR ps g g x L 8 f m 8 fm Pumping Effekt /Power: E Q p p o d 2 5 LQg2 g LQg2 2d 5 1 Qg o g x L JBo