Background Research Project for John Steinbeck*s Of Mice and Men

Research Project for John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men
Work independently to find information about your assigned topic. Use the library
databases to find answers to your questions. Record your sources, research, and summary
in the template provided on the class website. When you finish, submit your research
notes to Next, you will work in small groups and use your research to
create an informative poster (or electronic presentation) that you will present in class.
Topic #1: The Great Depression
When did it happen? How long did it last?
Describe exactly what happened.
What effects did it have on our nation? Give at
least three specific examples.
Topic #2: WPA
What does WPA mean, in this context?
What was the purpose of the WPA?
What kinds of help did it provide to people?
Topic #3: Dust Bowl
What was it?
What caused it?
What were the effects on the land?
What happened to the farmers?
Topic #4: Migrant workers
What does “migrant” mean?
Why would a person who owns a farm hire
migrant workers?
Why would someone be a migrant farm worker?
What would it be like to be a migrant worker?
Topic #5: “Okies”
Who were the “Okies”?
Why did “Okies” migrate to California during the
Great Depression?
What impact did the “Okies” have on California
farm workers?
Topic #6: John Steinbeck
List major facts about Steinbeck’s life.
When and where was he born? When did he die?
List at least three books he wrote.
Why do you think he wrote books about poor
people trying to survive?
What was John Steinbeck’s connection to the
Salinas Valley?
What awards and honors did Steinbeck receive?
Who are some of the recipients of the Steinbeck
award? What is the purpose of the award?
Include any other interesting details.
Topic #7: Salinas, California
What are the geographical features of California’s
Salinas River Valley? What is the climate?
The Salinas Valley is often called the
“_________________ of the World.” Why?
What kinds of jobs are available there?
Poster Directions
1. Put the title of your research topic in an important place.
2. Write 5 of the most important pieces of information from your research.
3. Use a significant image (drawing, photo, etc.) as the central focus of the page. It must relate
to your topic.
4. Scatter 5 to 7 key words about your topic around the central image. These words should
describe your impressions, feelings, or thoughts about your topic.
5. Write 2 open-ended questions you still have about your topic.
6. Make a symbolic border around the edges of the poster. The border should relate to the
information you found in your research.
7. Practice your presentation. Make sure every group member contributes equally.
Topic #1: The Great Depression
Topic #2: WPA
Topic #3: Dust Bowl
Topic #4: Migrant workers
Topic #5: “Okies”
Topic #6: John Steinbeck
Topic #7: Salinas, California