Logo Design

Logo Design
Skill Set: Promotion
Promotion through design
Students will
 develop a print advertisement for a product or service using effective headlines, copy,
illustrations, color, and typeface.
 draw displays using principles of design.
 prepare a broadcast advertisement.
 compute media costs.
 choose elements of visual merchandising.
Branding a company through its use of logos is an important element of promotion (think the Nike
swoosh). In this project, teams of 3 to 4 students will create a logo – being very specific about its design
(color, images, and typeface) for a fictitious ice cream company (each team can choose their own
company name). Teams will create 2 advertisements – one print (for online or newspaper) and another
broadcast (radio or TV), research the costs of both types of advertisements and determine which one
your team would prefer to get the most local customers in to their ice cream shop.
Upload the finalized logos (with very specific details on its design), created print and broadcast
advertisements and information on the costs to advertise (print vs. broadcast), including which method
of advertising your team believed would be the most effective and why to the class blog. Respond
thoughtfully and respectfully to at least one other team’s post (more than I agree).
What ways can businesses use visual designs to promote themselves?
Academics: Upon completion of the project, the above referenced CSOs will be met.
Technology: Students will rely heavily on the Internet to research costs of advertisement. Students will
also use a variety of software to design the company logo and advertisements (Word, Publisher, Adobe
Entrepreneurship: Students will get some hands-on experience in company logo design and the
elements that are involved in developing advertising in print and broadcast.
Students will choose the name of their company, design the logo, create 2 advertisements and explain
which method they believed would be most effective.
Day 1:
Students will:
 Break into teams of 3 to 4
 Choose a name for their ice cream company
 Develop a logo (being very specific as to its design – color, typeset, image used)
 Upload their logo onto the class blog along with company name and specifics of their logo.
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Day 2:
Students will:
 Develop 2 advertisements for their ice cream shop. One print (online or newspaper) and one
broadcast (TV or radio).
 Research the costs involved in their advertisement.
 Determine which advertisement would be most effective for drawing in customers to their local
ice cream shop.
Day 3:
Students will:
 Upload both ads along with the costs and explanation of what ad would be most effective and
why to the class blog.
 Respond to at least one other team’s ad’s (more than I agree).
 Participate in a class discussion of the project on how design affect’s a company’s promotion.
Internet, computer software such as Word, Publisher, and/or Adobe CS6
Internet will be used to research company advertising costs and logo ideas. Computer software will be
used to create the logo and write a brief report on the costs and advantages of using a specific type of
Using rubrics, the students will be evaluated on their understanding of using design as promotion
through their logo creation. Assessment of advertising options and costs will also be done using rubrics.
End of project discussion will allow for re-teaching if necessary on the fundamentals of promotion.
3 class periods at 45 minutes each
How can a logo/design attract a customer?
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Checklist for design promotion
Break into teams of 3 to 4 students
Create a logo for a fictitious ice cream company, provide specific explanation about the logo’s
o Color
o Image(s)
o Typeface
Choose company name
Create 2 advertisements for the ice cream company - one print (for online or newspaper) and
other broadcast (radio or TV).
Research the costs associated with print and broadcast advertising
Determine which method of advertising would be most effective for the ice cream company and
On the class blog, upload the finalized logos (with very specific details on its design), created
print and broadcast advertisements and information on the costs to advertise (print vs.
broadcast), including which method of advertising your team believed would be the most
effective and why.
Read all the other team’s posts
Respond thoughtfully and respectfully to at least one other team’s post (more than I agree)
Original blog post
Class blog rubric (10 points)
As a team, upload the finalized
logo (with very specific details on
its design), created print and
broadcast advertisements and
information on the costs to
advertise (print vs. broadcast),
including which method of
advertising your team believed
would be the most effective and
why. (2 -8 points)
Individually, thoughtfully and
respectfully respond to at least
one other team’s post
(more than I agree).
(1 point)
No more than 1 obvious
grammar and/or spelling error(s)
in the response.
(1 point)
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No credit (0 points)
No post or very limited
No response to other peer or
little more than I agree and/or
disrespectfully presented.
Multiple grammatical or spelling