UNCG COURSE CREDIT STRUCTURE GUIDE FOR STANDARD COURSES THAT MEET WEEKLY Course credit should be structured as follows, with minor exceptions, for standard courses that are based on lecture/laboratory/studio/practice situations and that meet weekly. This structure is based on UNC Policy Manual section 400.1.6, which states that all UNC campuses must ensure that every course offered for academic credit adheres to the standard of a minimum of 750 scheduled minutes of instructional time or the equivalent per credit hour. This structure is not intended for internships or practicum situations that may require very different arrangements. Departments should avoid designing courses that require substantially fewer than the suggested contact hours per week or that greatly exceed that required number of contact hours. A rationale must be offered if the credit structure either exceeds or requires fewer than the required contact hours. International Affairs Office, U.S. Department of Education has the following guidelines: One lecture or seminar credit hour represents 1 hour per week of scheduled class/seminar time and 2 hours of student preparation time. Most lecture and seminar courses are awarded 3 credit hours. One laboratory credit hour represents 1 hour per week of lecture or discussion time plus 1-2 hours per week of scheduled supervised or independent laboratory work, and 2 hours of student preparation time. Most laboratory courses are awar4ded up to 4 credit hours One practice credit hour (supervised clinical rounds, visual or performing art studio, supervised student teaching, field work, etc.) represents 3-4 hours per week of supervised and/or independent practice 1 semester credit hour = 50 contact minutes of lecture or 150 contact minutes of laboratory/studio/practice per week. Examples of acceptable credit structures that meet all contact hour requirements: (1:1) (1:0:3) (2:2) (2:1:3) (2:0:6) (3:3) (3:1:6) (3:2:3) (4:4) (4:1:9) (4:2:6) (4:3:3) course that carries 1 hour of credit and that meets for 50 minutes of lecture per week course that carries 1 hour of credit and that meets for 150 minutes of lab per week, but does not meet for any lecture hours course that carries 2 hours of credit and that meets for 100 minutes of lecture per week course that carries 2 hours of credit and that meets for 50 minutes of lecture and 1 50 minutes of lab per week course that carries 2 hours of credit and that meets for 5 hours of lab per week course that carries 3 hours of credit and that meets for 150 minutes of lecture per week course that carries 3 hours credit and that meets for 50 minutes of lecture and 300 minutes (5 hours) of lab per week course that carries 3 hours of credit and that meets for 100 minutes of lecture and 150 minutes of lab per week course that carries 4 hours of credit and that meets for 200 minutes of lecture per week course that carries 4 hours of credit and that meets for 50 minutes of lecture and 450 minutes (7.5 hours) of lab per week course that carries 4 hours of credit and that meets for 100 minutes of lecture and 5 hours of lab per week course that carries 4 hours of credit and that meets for 150 minutes of lecture and 150 minutes of lab per week Credit for an internship/practicum should be indicated by three digits which show: Credit hours for the course: hours lecture per week (or 0 if none): hours in the field per week For example: 1-3:0:3-9 6:1:15 The course can be taken for 1-3 hours credit: there are no lecture hours: hours in the field per week depends on the number of credit hours designated. The course carries 6 hours credit: there is one on-campus class or meeting per week: there are 15 hours in the field per week. Examples of credit structures that are acceptable but that slightly exceed the mandatory number of contact hours: (1:0:4) course that carries 1 hour of credit and that meets for 200 minutes of lab/studio/practice per week but does not meet for any lecture hours; exceeds the actual contact hour requirement by 1 hour (3:2:4) course that carries 3 hours of credit and that meets for 100 minutes of lecture and 200 minutes of lab/studio/practice per week; exceeds the actual contact hour requirement by 1 lab hour Example of credit structure that substantially exceeds the mandatory number of contact hours and should have the semester credit hours or contact hours adjusted: (3:3:3) course that carries 3 hours of credit and that meets for 150 minutes of lecture AND 150 minutes of lab/studio/practice per week; exceeds the actual contact hour requirement by 3 hours of lab time; course credit should be adjusted to 4 hours of credit per semester or lecture hours reduced to 100 minutes per week. Examples of credit structures that may be unacceptable because they require substantially FEWER than the mandatory number of contact hours: (1:0:1) course that carries 1 hour of credit and meets for only 50 minutes of lab/studio/practice per week; minimum number of lab/studio/practice hours must be 3 if no lecture hours are attached to course (3:1:2) course that carries 3 hours of credit and meets for 50 minutes of lecture and 100 minutes of lab/studio/practice per week; lecture time needs to be increased to 100 minutes and lab time to 150 minutes; or if lecture time remains 50 minutes, lab time needs to be increased to 5 hours; or semester course credit should be reduced to 2 hours.