introduction - Guilford Technical Community College

Guilford Technical Community College
Effective as of 3/17/14
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 6
COLLEGE ORGANIZATION ................................................................................................................ 14
ORGANIZATIONAL CHARTS ............................................................................................................. 23
USE OF FACILITIES AND GROUNDS........................................................................................ 23
I 1.020
I -1.061
USE OF TASER ELECTRONIC CONTROL DEVICES........................................................... 24
WORKPLACE ANTI-VIOLENCE AND THREAT ASSESSMENT ............................................. 25
ACCIDENTS/SAFETY ......................................................................................................... 29
SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE .............................................................. 30
ALCOHOL AND CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE USE .............................................................. 32
PARKING ............................................................................................................................ 35
TOBACCO USE .................................................................................................................. 39
SOLICITATION ON CAMPUS ............................................................................................... 39
FREE SPEECH AND PUBLIC ASSEMBLY ........................................................................... 41
SPEAKERS, NON-CLASSROOM GUEST ............................................................................ 43
LAKE AND SHORE AREA USE ........................................................................................... 49
SKATEBOARDING AND OTHER CONVEYANCES ............................................................... 50
NAMING OF FACILITIES ..................................................................................................... 51
PUBLIC COMPLAINT POLICY ............................................................................................. 51
POLICIES AFFECTING THE DELIVERY OF PROGRAMS ................................................ 52
II-1. THE INSTRUCTIONAL PROCESS .......................................................................................... 52
ACADEMIC FREEDOM AND RESPONSIBILITY POLICY ...................................................... 52
CREDIT HOURS AND COURSEWORK ................................................................................ 53
OUTCOMES-BASED EDUCATION POLICY ......................................................................... 54
STUDENT GRIEVANCE ...................................................................................................... 55
FEDERAL LOAN DEFAULT MANAGEMENT PLAN .............................................................. 59
FINANCIAL AID, COORDINATION OF ................................................................................. 60
GRADUATION ..................................................................................................................... 61
PROGRAM AND SERVICE REVIEW .................................................................................... 62
ANNUAL PROGRAM AND SERVICE AREA PLANNING ....................................................... 63
SACSCOC COMPLIANCE SUBSTANTIVE CHANGE POLICY............................................ 64
II-2. OTHER CAMPUS ISSUES ........................................................................................................ 65
CODE OF ETHICS .............................................................................................................. 65
ADVERTISING, EXTERNAL ................................................................................................. 66
BOARD POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND REVIEW ................................................................. 67
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY................................................................................................ 68
COPYRIGHT ....................................................................................................................... 75
IDENTITY THEFT PREVENTION PROGRAM ....................................................................... 76
PERSONAL INFORMATION PROTECTION POLICY ............................................................. 79
TELECOMMUNICATIONS .................................................................................................... 80
INTERNET ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY .......................................................................... 80
SOCIAL MEDIA .............................................................................................................. 83
TELEPHONE USE .......................................................................................................... 85
USE OF PRIVATE INFORMATION ................................................................................... 86
INFORMATION SECURITY AND CONFIDENTIALITY POLICY .......................................... 87
DISEASE, INFECTIOUS OR COMMUNICABLE .................................................................... 90
TUITION AND FEES ............................................................................................................ 92
FEES, USER AND PATRON ................................................................................................ 98
FUNDRAISING .................................................................................................................. 103
INVESTMENT .................................................................................................................... 105
MARKETING/PUBLIC INFORMATION ................................................................................ 105
PUBLIC RECORDS ........................................................................................................... 107
CHILDREN ON CAMPUS ................................................................................................... 107
PETS ON CAMPUS ........................................................................................................... 108
RETURNED CHECKS ....................................................................................................... 109
SELF-SUPPORTING CLASSES......................................................................................... 111
COLLEGE CLOSURE/DELAY............................................................................................ 112
POLICIES AFFECTING STUDENT LIFE .............................................................................. 115
ACADEMIC ISSUES ............................................................................................................ 115
III-1.010 ADMISSIONS .................................................................................................................... 115
III-1.011 APPEAL OF DENIAL OF ADMISSION OR READMISSION ...................................................... 119
III-1.019 STUDENT ACADEMIC INTEGRITY .................................................................................... 120
III-1.021 GRADE ASSIGNMENT AND GPA ..................................................................................... 122
III-1.022 MINIMUM GRADE POINT AVERAGE POLICY ................................................................... 124
III-1.023 FORGIVENESS POLICY FOR PREVIOUSLY EARNED CREDITS ....................................... 125
III-1.030 HONOR ROLL(S).............................................................................................................. 125
ACADEMIC DIFFICULTIES ............................................................................................ 126
ATTENDANCE .................................................................................................................. 126
EARLY ALERT .................................................................................................................. 127
PROBATION AND SUSPENSION IN NON-HEALTH PROGRAM ......................................... 129
READMISSION .................................................................................................................. 130
ADVANCED STANDING .................................................................................................... 131
MAXIMUM COURSE LOAD ............................................................................................... 134
HEALTH PROGRAM STUDENT SCREENING REQUIREMENTS ........................................ 135
GRADUATE GUARANTEE................................................................................................. 135
DISABILITY ACCESS ........................................................................................................ 137
NON-ACADEMIC ISSUES .................................................................................................. 139
STUDENT CONDUCT ....................................................................................................... 139
IDENTIFICATION CARD .................................................................................................... 145
SEXUAL HARASSMENT.................................................................................................... 146
DRESS CODE .................................................................................................................. 146
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION ............................................................................................ 147
HOUSING ......................................................................................................................... 150
RIGHT TO PRIVACY ......................................................................................................... 150
STUDENT TRAVEL ........................................................................................................... 153
STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION SPONSORED TRAVEL .................................... 153
CLASS FIELD TRIPS ........................................................................................................ 154
TUITION AND FEES REFUND ........................................................................................... 154
TUITION AND FEES DEFERMENT .................................................................................... 155
USE OF HUMAN SUBJECTS............................................................................................. 157
POLICIES AFFECTING EMPLOYEES.................................................................................. 159
TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT............................................................................................ 159
INCONSISTENT PUBLICATIONS ....................................................................................... 159
CONFLICT OF INTEREST.................................................................................................. 159
EMPLOYMENT .................................................................................................................. 160
CLASSIFICATIONS OF POSITIONS ................................................................................... 164
CHANGE IN EMPLOYMENT STATUS ................................................................................ 166
EQUAL OPPORTUNITY .................................................................................................... 167
INITIAL PROBATIONARY EMPLOYMENT .......................................................................... 169
BACKGROUND CHECKS .................................................................................................. 170
EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTS ......................................................................................... 173
NONTENURE .................................................................................................................... 174
NEPOTISM ....................................................................................................................... 174
SEPARATION ................................................................................................................... 175
NON-RENEWAL ............................................................................................................... 175
DISCIPLINARY ACTION INCLUDING TERMINATION ......................................................... 175
DUE PROCESS FOR EMPLOYMENT TERMINATION ........................................................ 176
REDUCTION IN FORCE .................................................................................................... 177
FURLOUGHS .................................................................................................................... 179
OUTSIDE/DUAL EMPLOYMENT ....................................................................................... 179
VOLUNTEERS .................................................................................................................. 180
COMPENSATION: PAY AND BENEFITS .................................................................. 181
OFFICIAL HOLIDAYS ........................................................................................................ 181
PAY .................................................................................................................................. 182
OVERTIME PAY ............................................................................................................... 182
SUBSTITUTE COMPENSATION ........................................................................................ 183
LONGEVITY PAY .............................................................................................................. 183
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ..................................................................................... 185
VEHICLE USE AND MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT............................................................. 186
OTHER BENEFITS ............................................................................................................ 188
LEAVE ................................................................................................................................ 188
ANNUAL LEAVE ............................................................................................................... 188
BEREAVEMENT LEAVE .................................................................................................... 191
REQUIRED COURT ATTENDANCE ................................................................................... 191
EDUCATIONAL LEAVE WITH PAY .................................................................................... 192
FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT ................................................................................. 194
MILITARY AND NATIONAL EMERGENCY LEAVE.............................................................. 197
SICK LEAVE ..................................................................................................................... 201
VOLUNTARY SHARED LEAVE (VSL) ............................................................................... 203
LEAVE W ITHOUT PAY ..................................................................................................... 207
EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE ........................................................................................... 208
CONDITIONS OF WORK ................................................................................................ 210
DRESS ............................................................................................................................. 210
DRUG FREE W ORKPLACE .............................................................................................. 210
EMPLOYEE GRIEVANCE .................................................................................................. 211
EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS ...................................................................... 214
PERSONNEL RECORDS, PUBLIC ACCESS TO ................................................................ 217
POLITICAL ACTIVITIES OF EMPLOYEES .......................................................................... 218
ANTI-HARASSMENT POLICY ........................................................................................... 219
WORK SCHEDULES, NON-FACULTY .............................................................................. 221
WORK SCHEDULES, FACULTY........................................................................................ 222
REPORTING FRAUD AND IMPROPER ACTIVITIES ........................................................... 225
LAPTOPS/COMPUTER SYSTEMS, USE OF ...................................................................... 227
Purpose of the Manual:
The purpose of the Management Manual is to publish the official policies established by the Board
of Trustees of Guilford Technical Community College and the associated administrative procedures
in an accessible, understandable format. The Management Manual should serve as a reference
and guide to action for college personnel, students and members of the public.
Vision Statement
Creating Successful Futures
College Mission
Guilford Technical Community College provides access to lifelong learning opportunities for
personal growth, workforce productivity, and community service. It serves all segments of
Guilford County’s diverse population, delivering quality educational programs and services,
through partnerships with business, community groups, and other educational institutions.
 Students
 Learning
 Challenging, Innovative instruction and targeted services that meet the needs of
individual students
 Employees who are committed to providing services that ensure student success
 Diversity
 Honesty and integrity
 Institutional effectiveness achieved through planning and teamwork
Institutional Goals
 GTCC will pursue excellence in all it does, will make its facilities available to the public,
and will support good citizenship by students and employees.
 GTCC will provide excellent/innovative teaching, appropriate technology for learning,
and targeted student services.
 GTCC will promptly respond to support area economic development efforts with highquality programs that meet the needs of both new and existing businesses and
 GTCC will empower, reward, and develop the skills and abilities of its employees.
 GTCC will identify and measure desired outcomes both in the operation of the college
and in the classroom.
 GTCC will be alert to new approaches, technologies, and knowledge, and will apply
them in the context of its mission and goals.
 GTCC students will learn the skills and knowledge that will enable them to reach their
educational goals.
 GTCC will be respected and valued by residents of Guilford County. It will be regarded
as a major contributor to the quality of life in the county.
 GTCC will be a partner in attracting and retaining business and industry, contributing to
the economic development of the county.
GTCC will attract and retain qualified and caring employees.
GTCC will be accountable to students, taxpayers, and the public.
GTCC will be a benchmark by which other community colleges measure their progress.
Positioning Statement
Guilford Technical Community College has a broader, more profound and more productive
impact on business, professional and personal lives in Guilford County than any other
institution by raising the standard of living, and helping people retool their lives.
2/14 President Council update
Section 1. Definitions. In these Bylaws, the following terms have the following meanings:
a) "Act" means Chapter 115D of the North Carolina General Statutes, as amended
from time to time.
b) “Board” or “Board of Trustees” means The Trustees of Guilford Technical
Community College, a body corporate established under the Act, and is
sometimes referred to herein as the “College.”
c) “President” means the person appointed by the Board of Trustees to act as chief
administrative officer of the College.
d) “State Board” means the State Board of Community Colleges established by the
e) “Trustee” means a member of the Board of Trustees.
Board of Trustees
Section 1. Membership. The members of the Board of Trustees shall be selected from time to
time as provided in §115D-12 of the Act, and shall serve for terms of four years or as otherwise
provided by law. The president of the Student Government Association shall serve as an ex
officio, nonvoting member of the Board of Trustees.
Section 2. Powers and Duties. The Board of Trustees shall have all of the powers and duties
provided in §115D-20 and other provisions of the Act, such other powers as are delegated to it by
the State Board and such other powers as are necessary or incidental to the exercise of such
specified powers. The Board of Trustees shall exercise its control of the College through the
President. The Board of Trustees shall collectively formulate policy and leave policy administration
to the President and the College staff.
Section 3. Removal and Vacancies. Members of the Board of Trustees may be removed as
provided in §115D-19 of the Act. The Board of Trustees may declare vacant the office of any
Trustee who does not attend three consecutive, scheduled meetings without justifiable excuse.
The Board of Trustees may also declare vacant the office of a Trustee who, without justifiable
excuse, does not participate within six months of appointment in a trustee orientation and
education session sponsored by the North Carolina Association of Community College Trustees.
The Board of Trustees shall notify the appropriate appointing authority of any vacancy, however
occurring. Vacancies, however arising, shall be filled as provided in Section 115D-12 of the Act.
Section 4. Compensation and Expenses. Members of the Board of Trustees shall not be
compensated for services they render as Trustees, but shall be entitled to receive reimbursement,
according to the regulations adopted by the State Board, for the reasonable cost of travel, meals
and lodging while performing their duties as Trustees.
Section 5. Office of Record. The Board of Trustees’ office of record shall be maintained in the
office of the President in Medlin Campus Center on the Jamestown Campus of the College unless
the Board of Trustees otherwise elects.
Section 6. Indemnification. The Board of Trustees may, in its sole discretion, indemnify and
hold harmless its current and former Trustees, President, other officers of the College, members of
the staff and other employees of the College against liability and expenses, including reasonable
attorneys’ fees, arising out of their status or activities in any such capacity provided such liability
and expenses do not arise by reason of actions that at the time taken were clearly in conflict with
the best interests of the College.
Meetings of the Board of Trustees
Section 1. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held at least
once every three months in accordance with a schedule of regular meetings that the Board of
Trustees shall adopt from time to time. Work sessions (sometimes called “retreats”) of the Board
of Trustees shall be deemed regular meetings of the Board of Trustees and included in the
schedule of regular meetings. Regular meetings may be held within or outside Guilford County as
the Board of Trustees directs. The schedule of regular meetings adopted by the Board of Trustees
shall be kept on file with the Secretary and in the office of the President, as required by General
Statutes §143.318.12(a).
Section 2. Notice of Regular Meetings. Notice of regular meetings of the Board of Trustees
shall be given as the Board of Trustees may direct. The place of all regular meetings of the Board
shall be the Evon and Willard Dean Board Room in Medlin Campus Center on the Jamestown
Campus of the College, unless the notice of the meeting shall otherwise specify. If the Board of
Trustees holds any meeting at any time or place other than a time or place shown on the schedule
of regular meetings provided for in Section 1 of this Article III, public notice of the time and place of
such meeting shall be given as provided in General Statutes §143-318.12(b). Unless the Board of
Trustees otherwise directs, notices of regular meetings of the Board of Trustees need not describe
the purpose of the meetings.
Section 3. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board of Trustees may be held at any
date, time and place within Guilford County upon the call of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees
or the President of the College. Special meetings of the Board of Trustees may be held outside
Guilford County only if approved by the Board of Trustees.
Section 4. Notice of Special Meetings. The person or persons calling a special meeting of the
Board of Trustees shall, at least forty-eight (48) hours before the meeting, give or cause to be
given to the Trustees notice of the date, time and place thereof by any usual means of oral or
written communication, including without limitation, in person, by telephone, facsimile transmission,
mail, electronic mail or other form of wire or wireless communication. Notice of a special meeting
given by mail shall be effective only if mailed at least four (4) days before the date of the meeting.
Unless the Board of Trustees otherwise directs, notices of special meetings of the Board of
Trustees need not describe the purpose of the meetings. Notices of special meetings shall also be
given in accordance with General Statutes §143-318.12(b).
Section 5. Emergency Meetings. Emergency meetings of the Board of Trustees may be held
at any date, time and place within Guilford County upon the call of the Chairman of the Board or
the President of the College provided that public notice of such emergency meetings is given in
accordance with General Statutes §143-318.12(b).
Section 6. Notice of Emergency Meetings. Notice of emergency meetings of the Board of
Trustees may be given in person, by telephone, facsimile transmission, electronic mail or other
form of wire or wireless communication. Unless the Board of Trustees otherwise directs, notices of
emergency meetings of the Board of Trustees need not describe the purpose of the meetings.
Section 7. Adjourned Meetings. Notice of an adjourned meeting of the Board of Trustees need
not be given if the date, time and place are fixed at the adjourned meeting and if the period of
adjournment does not exceed ten (10) days in any one adjournment.
Section 8. Waiver of Notice. A Trustee may waive any notice required by these Bylaws or the
Board of Trustees before or after the date and time stated in the notice. The waiver must be in
writing, signed by the Trustee entitled to the notice and filed with the records of the Board of
Trustees, except that a Trustee’s attendance at or participation in a meeting waives any required
notice of the meeting to the Trustee, unless the Trustee at the beginning of the meeting (or
promptly upon the Trustee’s arrival) objects to holding the meeting or transacting business at the
meeting, and does not thereafter vote for or assent to action taken at the meeting.
Section 9. Quorum. A majority of the Trustees then holding office shall constitute a quorum for
the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board of Trustees.
Section 10. Manner of Acting. The act of a majority of the Trustees present at a meeting at
which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board of Trustees. Roberts Rules of Order shall
apply at meetings of the Board of Trustees unless the Board of Trustees otherwise elects to act.
Section 11. Presumption of Assent. A Trustee who is present at a meeting of the Board of
Trustees when action is taken shall be deemed to have assented to the action taken unless the
Trustee objects at the beginning of the meeting (or promptly upon the Trustee’s arrival) to holding
the meeting or transacting business at the meeting, or unless the Trustee’s dissent or abstention
from the action shall be entered into the minutes of the meeting or unless the Trustee shall file
written notice of dissent or abstention to such action with the presiding officer of the meeting before
the adjournment thereof or with the Secretary promptly after adjournment of the meeting. Such
right of dissent or abstention shall not apply to a Trustee who voted in favor of the action taken.
Section 12. Participation other than in Person. The Board of Trustees may permit any, but not
all, Trustees to participate in any meeting by, or conduct the meeting through the use of, any
means of communication by which all Trustees participating and all other persons attending the
meeting may simultaneously hear each other during the meeting. A Trustee participating in a
meeting by this means is deemed to be present in person at the meeting.
Section 13. Open Meetings Law. All meetings of the Board of Trustees and its committees
shall be conducted in compliance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 143, Article 33C, of the
North Carolina General Statutes.
Officers of the Board of Trustees
Section 1. Officers of the Board. The officers of the Board of Trustees shall consist of a Chair,
a Vice-Chair and a Secretary, who shall be elected by the Board of Trustees from its members
prior to and effective as of July 1 of each year or at such other time as the Board of Trustees may
determine. The Board of Trustees may also appoint a Recording Secretary who need not be a
member of the Board of Trustees and shall not be deemed an officer of the Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees may also elect such other officers of the Board of Trustees as it deems
necessary or desirable from time to time.
Section 2. Terms. All officers of the Board of Trustees shall be elected for terms of one year,
and may serve in any one office for a maximum of three (3) consecutive years. Any officer who
holds a particular office for the maximum number of three (3) consecutive years shall be eligible to
hold the same office again after a period of one (1) year has elapsed. Unless otherwise directed
by the Board of Trustees, there shall be no limit on the time a Recording Secretary may serve in
that capacity.
Section 3. Election. The Chair of the Board of Trustees shall appoint a nominating committee
to prepare and submit to the Board of Trustees a list of nominees as officers of the Board of
Trustees not later than April 30 of each year. The officers of the Board of Trustees shall serve from
the time of their election until the following June 30 or until such later date as their successors are
Section 4. Vacancies in Offices. If any officer of the Board of Trustees resigns or otherwise
ceases to serve as an officer, the Board of Trustees may fill the vacancy. The Board of Trustees
may also remove an officer at any time, with or without cause.
Section 5. Chair. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Trustees and the
Executive Committee, and shall appoint the members of each committee except the Executive
Committee, and shall serve as an ex-officio, voting member of each committee of the Board of
Trustees. The Chair shall also perform all other functions delegated to the Chair by the Board of
Section 6. Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair of the Board shall preside at all meetings of the Board
of Trustees and the Executive Committee in the absence of the Chair, and shall perform all
functions of the Chair during the absence or disability of the Chair. The Vice-Chair shall also
discharge such other functions as are delegated to the Vice-Chair by the Board of Trustees or the
Section 7. Secretary. The Secretary shall oversee the keeping and attest to the accuracy of
minutes of meetings of the Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee and other committees of
the Board of Trustees, and shall maintain all official records and documents of the Board of
Trustees and its committees at the office of the President or such other place on the Jamestown
Campus of the College as the Board of Trustees may direct.
Section 8. Recording Secretary. The Recording Secretary shall, subject to the supervision of
the Secretary, keep minutes and maintain records of all meetings and actions of the Board of
Trustees, the Executive Committee and other committees of the Board of Trustees. The Recording
Secretary shall also perform such other functions and duties as may be assigned by the Board of
Trustees, the Chair, the President or the Secretary from time to time.
Section 9. President of the College.
(a) Though he or she shall not be an officer of the Board of Trustees, the Board of Trustees
shall elect from time to time, subject to approval of the State Board, a President of the College,
who shall be the chief administrative officer of the College, shall perform such duties and functions
as may be assigned to him or her from time to time by the Board of Trustees and shall have full
authority and responsibility for the administration, management, operation and development of the
College under policies, rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Trustees and within budgets
approved by the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall annually evaluate the President.
The President shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees according to the terms of his
contract of employment with the Board of Trustees. The President shall attend and participate in,
without the right to vote, all meetings of the Board of Trustees, except where his absence is
requested or required by a majority of the Trustees in attendance at such meetings.
(b)The President may designate or employ from time to time, subject to supervision by the
Board of Trustees, such vice presidents and other personnel of the College as the President may
deem necessary or desirable for the proper administration, management, operation and
development of the College. Such persons shall not be officers of the Board of Trustees.
Section 10. Execution of Contracts, Etc. The Chair of the Board of Trustees, any other officer
of the Board of Trustees, any Trustee, the President or any other person designated by the Board
of Trustees or by any committee of the Board of Trustees acting on the authority of the Board of
Trustees, may execute contracts and other documents on the authority of and by and in the name
of the Board of Trustees.
Committees of the Board of Trustees
Section 1. Committees. Unless the Board of Trustees shall otherwise direct, there shall be five
(5) standing committees of the Board of Trustees, to wit, the Executive Committee, the Finance
Committee, the Facilities Committee, the Personnel and Policy Committee and the Curriculum
Committee. The Board of Trustees may also establish such other standing committees and such
ad hoc committees as it deems necessary or desirable from time to time. The Chair of the Board
of Trustees shall appoint members of all standing committees (except the Executive Committee)
and other committees at least annually, and may designate the chair of such committees or leave it
to the committees to elect their chair. Unless the committee otherwise directs, the President and
his designee(s) may attend meetings of each committee.
Each committee shall have two or more members, who shall be appointed by the Chair of
the Board of Trustees and shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees. The provisions of
these Bylaws that govern meetings, notice, quorum and voting requirements of the Board of
Trustees shall also apply to such committees and their members. If authorized by the Board of
Trustees, each committee may exercise the authority of the Board of Trustees as specified by the
Board of Trustees from time to time, except as to the following matters, which are excepted from
the authority of any committee and reserved to the Board of Trustees:
Appointment, compensation and termination of the President.
Election of officers of the Board of Trustees.
Amendment of these Bylaws.
Indemnification pursuant to Article II, Section 6, of these Bylaws.
The Board of Trustees may also establish and appoint committees, whether of Trustees or
others, who shall not have the authority to act for the Board of Trustees.
Section 2. Executive Committee. The Board of Trustees shall appoint an Executive Committee
of the Board of Trustees consisting of the Chair of the Board, the Vice-Chair of the Board, the
Secretary, the immediate past Chair of the Board and such other members of the Board, if any, as
may be determined by the Board of Trustees. The Chair of the Board of Trustees shall serve as
Chair of the Executive Committee.
The responsibilities of the Executive Committee shall include exercising all of the powers,
duties, privileges and prerogatives of the Board of Trustees during intervals between meetings of
the Board of Trustees (a) with respect to those matters the Board of Trustees authorizes the
Executive Committee to act for the Board of Trustees and (b) with respect to all those other matters
the Executive Committee determines require action before the next regular meeting of the Board of
Trustees and when a special or emergency meeting of the Board of Trustees is not feasible under
the circumstances, except for the matters set forth in this Article V, Section 1, above, that are
reserved to the Board of Trustees. All actions of the Executive Committee taken in accordance
with this Section 2 shall be reported to the Board of Trustees by the Chair of the Board of Trustees
or another member of the Executive Committee at the next regular or special meeting of the Board
of Trustees, and the action of the Executive Committee thus taken shall be the action of the Board
of Trustees and shall be final. The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the Chair of the
Board of Trustees or the President. Other members of the Board of Trustees may attend meetings
of the Executive Committee, but only members of the Executive Committee shall be entitled to vote
at such meetings.
Section 3. Authority of Committees. If the Board of Trustees authorizes a committee other
than the Executive Committee to act on a matter referred to the committee on behalf of the Board
of Trustees, the Chair of the committee shall report at the next regular or special meeting of the
Board of Trustees on the action taken by the committee, and the action of the committee thus
taken shall be the action of the Board of Trustees and shall be final. If the Board of Trustees does
not authorize a committee to act on a matter on behalf of the Board of Trustees, any committee
action shall be reported to the Board of Trustees as a recommendation for consideration and
action by the Board of Trustees. Each ad hoc committee shall cease to exist upon presentation of
its final report.
Section 4. Finance Committee. The Finance Committee shall consist of not less than four (4)
members of the Board of Trustees. The Finance Committee shall monitor and supervise the
College’s fiscal affairs and recommend fiscal policy to the Board of Trustees and the College’s
senior staff. The Finance Committee shall also review and recommend for Board approval annual
budgets, financial reports of expenditures and audit reports, and perform such other responsibilities
as may be assigned by the Board of Trustees. If authorized by the Board of Trustees, the Finance
Committee may approve annual budgets for the Board of Trustees. The Finance Committee shall
also designate from time to time persons having authority to sign checks and other orders for the
payment of funds of the College. The Chair of the Finance Committee or his or her designated
member of the Finance Committee shall attend exit conferences with State financial auditors.
Unless the Board of Trustees otherwise directs, the members of the Finance Committee of the
Board of Trustees shall serve as the Investment Committee required by General Statutes §115D58.6(g), shall make investment decisions in accordance with guidelines approved by the Board of
Trustees for investments of cash held by the Board of Trustees as authorized by General Statutes
§115D-58.6(d1), shall monitor the performance of such investments, and shall make regular
reports regarding investment results to the Board of Trustees.
Section 5. Facilities Committee. The Facilities Committee shall consist of not less than four (4)
members of the Board of Trustees, and shall monitor and supervise all matters affecting the
College’s facilities and plan improvements and enhancements to such facilities and recommend
facilities policy to the Board of Trustees and the College’s senior staff. The Facilities Committee
shall have the power to approve designers and award bids for major construction projects.
Section 6. Curriculum Committee. The Curriculum Committee shall consist of not less than
four (4) members of the Board of Trustees, and shall monitor and supervise the College’s
curriculum, curriculum changes, student life, student affairs and all matters related thereto. The
Curriculum Committee shall also approve, modify or discontinue curriculum programs.
Section 7. Personnel and Policy Committee. The Personnel and Policy Committee shall
consist of not less than four (4) members of the Board of Trustees, and shall monitor the
appointment of all instructional, administrative and non-teaching staff members, personnel policies
and the annual evaluation of the President. The Personnel and Policy Committee shall also
recommend to the Board of Trustees changes in the Management Manual of the Board of
Policies and Regulations
Section 1. General Provisions. The Board of Trustees may adopt and amend such policies,
rules and regulations for the operation of the College as may be authorized by law and as may be
required in the judgment of the Trustees for the effective discharge of the Board of Trustees’ duties
and responsibilities and the effective operation of the College.
Section 2. Notification and Publication. The President shall be responsible for providing each
member of the Board of Trustees, employees of the College, students and the general public
access to these Bylaws and all policies, rules and regulations of the College. Such documents
shall also be available for public inspection by interested persons at reasonable times during
regular business hours of the College as required by law.
Section 3. Conflicting Authority. In the event of conflict between these Bylaws, the College’s
charter or the laws of the State of North Carolina, the laws of the State of North Carolina shall have
primary precedence, and the charter of the College shall have secondary preference.
Adoption and Amendments
Section 1. Adoption. These Bylaws shall be deemed adopted upon the affirmative vote of a
majority of all Trustees then serving on the Board of Trustees. The adoption of these Bylaws shall
repeal all bylaws formerly adopted by any Board of Trustees.
Section 2. Amendments. Amendments of these Bylaws may be proposed at any meeting of
the Board of Trustees. Such proposed amendments shall be referred to the Personnel and Policy
Committee for review and presentation at a subsequent meeting of the Board of Trustees.
Amendments shall be effective upon the affirmative vote of a majority of all Trustees then serving
on the Board of Trustees. The Secretary shall maintain a record of all amendments of these
02/16/12 (Section 4 of Article V was amended to provide that the Finance Committee shall act
as the Investment Committee required by General Statutes Section 115D-58.6(g).)
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is a body corporate with powers to enable it to acquire, hold, and
transfer real and personal property; to enter into contracts; to institute and defend legal
actions and suits; and to exercise such other rights and privileges as may be necessary for
the management and administration of the college. The Board must act in accordance with
the provisions of the Community College Laws of North Carolina (G.S. 115D) and the
policies of the State Board of Community Colleges.
The President serves as the Chief Administrative Officer of the college, reporting directly to
the Board of Trustees. The President is responsible for the administration of the total
operation of the college within the policies adopted by the Board of Trustees, the State
Board of Community Colleges and the General Assembly of North Carolina.
Organizational Structure
The organizational structure of the college is the responsibility of the President, who may
adjust it as and when he or she sees fit.
Reporting directly to the President are the Executive Vice President, the Executive
Assistant to the President, the Vice President of Instruction, the Vice President for
Corporate and Continuing Education, the Vice President for Student Support Services, The
Executive Director of Institutional Advancement (Marketing, Public Information,
Foundation), Director of Organizational Development and the Executive Director of
Completion by Design and Achieving the Dream.
The remaining divisions of the college report to the Executive Vice President:
Associate Vice President for Administrative Services
Association Vice President for Business and Finance
Chief Information Officer (ITS)
Director of Human Resources
A. Vice Presidents report directly to the President. Each is responsible for a major
administrative area of the college. Responsibilities include planning, budgeting,
operation and evaluation of all functions under their direction.
B. Deans report to a Vice President. Deans are responsible for major divisions of the
college or have a major responsibility for college policy or planning. Responsibilities
include budgeting, operation and evaluation of all functions under their direction.
C. Division Heads report to a Vice President or Dean and are responsible for planning,
budgeting, operation and evaluation of a unit of the college under their direction.
D. Department Heads report to a Division Head or a Vice President and are responsible for
planning, budgeting, operation and evaluation of a unit of the college under their
Councils and Committees
Many of the oversight, review and planning activities of the College are performed through the
work of established councils, standing committees, special purpose committees, ad hoc
committees, and affiliated associations as detailed below. The groups provide advice, counsel,
and recommendations to the President and other administrators on issues critical to the college.
Membership on councils and committees is determined by the President or designee on the advice
of the Vice Presidents (or the Faculty and Staff Association Presidents, as indicated). The primary
criteria shall be to ensure that each committee has the expertise required, each committee is
representative of all college groups with a direct interest in its area of responsibility, and each
committee is diverse as to race, gender and ethnicity. The President and Vice Presidents shall
consider nominations from interested groups and self-nominations when selecting the committee.
The membership of each committee shall be publicized to the campus community and shall be
available in the President's office.
Meetings are convened by the administrative officer or the chair of the committee. Copies of the
minutes of each meeting, including those in attendance, and an annual summary of committee
activities and/or recommendations and member participation are forwarded to the President and
Vice Presidents for review. Participation on a committee to which an employee is assigned is
considered part of the job duties, and shall be considered in the Employee Performance Appraisal
A. Councils provide communication links throughout GTCC for both information and operations.
Councils meet on a regular basis.
President's Council
President's Council meets weekly or at the pleasure of the President. Its purpose is to
provide visionary leadership, clear communication, and consistent coordination, which
sets the direction for accomplishing the college mission and goals.
Direct reports of the President
Administrative Council
Administrative Council meets monthly or at the pleasure of the President. Its purpose is
to provide leadership, clear communication, and consistent coordination, which sets the
direction for accomplishing the college mission and goals.
President’s Council
Associate Vice Presidents
Athletic Director
Campus Deans
Campus Police Chief
Chief Information Officer
Division Chairs
Director, Business and Industry Training
Director, Financial Aid
Director, the Foundation
Director, Human Resources
Director, IRER
Director, Occupational Training
Director, Marketing & Public Information
Director, Small Business Center
Faculty Association President
Staff Association President
Early and Middle College Principals
Institutional Effectiveness Council
Institutional Effectiveness Council promotes ongoing, integrated, and institution-wide
research-based planning and evaluation processes that will incorporate a systematic
review of institutional mission, goals, and outcomes; result in continuing improvement in
institutional quality; and demonstrate the institution is effectively accomplishing its
mission. Some members serve by virtue of position, other members are appointed to a 2
year term. Term appointments shall be staggered to allow for continuing expertise from
year to year.
Members, by position:
President’s Council
Associate Vice Presidents (4)
Dean, Greensboro Campus
Dean, High Point Campus
Director of Occupational Training
Faculty Association President
Director, Institutional Research, Effectiveness and Reaffirmation
QEP Committee Chairman
Staff Association President
Members, by appointment:
Division Chair rotating
Faculty Representatives (2) one technical, one college transfer
Executive Vice President Designee Representatives
Student Support Services Representative
Student Government Association Representative
Standing Committees
College standing committees are formed to address specific areas of interest to the college
community. Memberships are set for each committee according to the committee's scope,
impact and the expertise needed, taking into account employees' assigned duties and
individual interests. Committees provide advisory recommendations to designated
administrative officers. Recommendations may involve the initiation of or modification to
college philosophy, procedures, practices, or Board policies.
The following summary provides the administrative officer(s) responsible for each standing
committee, membership (by position or function), and purpose of the committee.
Curriculum Committee - Vice President of Instruction
The role of the Curriculum Committee is to ensure the integrity and consistency of
curricula through review of all proposals for the following: new programs, new courses
and changes to existing programs including adding/deleting courses, modifying preand co-requisites revising course level student learning outcomes, or fourth sentences
(local) of course descriptions, adding to the elective list or modifying semester layout.
The committee also makes recommendations for the establishment or revision of
college policies on academic standards. Its objectives are to assure that changes are
educationally sound, to avoid unnecessary duplication of effort, and to reflect the
constructive advice of a cross section of faculty, staff, and administration in its
recommendations. While the committee seeks input from staff and faculty on
curriculum issues, in accordance with the SACS Comprehensive Standard that “The
Institution places primary responsibility for the content, quality, and effectiveness of its
curriculum with its faculty”, only faculty members have voting authority.
Voting Members:
Faculty Curriculum, Chair
Faculty Representatives, Arts & Sciences (2)
Faculty Representatives, Business Technologies (2)
Faculty Representatives, Health Sciences (2)
Faculty Representatives, Human Services & Public Safety (2)
Faculty Representatives, ICET (2)
Faculty Representatives, Student Development & Learning (2)
Faculty Representatives, Transportation (2)
Faculty Representative, Greensboro Campus
Faculty Representative, High Point Campus
Non-Voting Members:
Vice President of Instruction or Associate Vice President of Instruction
Director, Advising
eLearning Representative
Director, Financial Aid
Coordinator, Instructional Schedule
Library Representative
eLearning Committee – Vice President of Instruction
The role of the eLearning Committee is to provide support and direction to the
development, content, and delivery of eLearning courses at the college. The
committee will provide support to the Director of eLearning and aid in the formation of
policy recommendations and evidence-based review of eLearning curricula.
Specifically, the committee will:
 Develop standards for eLearning course delivery.
 Develop protocols for assessment and review of eLearning courses.
 Collect and analyze data to support evidence based decision making regarding
 Assist with the needs of new users of eLearning technology.
 Identify priorities for planning and budgeting for eLearning.
 Serve as an advocate for eLearning faculty and students.
 Inform faculty regularly of its work and recommendations.
Director, eLearning, Chair
Vice President of Instruction or Associate Vice President
Small Business Center/Continuing Education Representative
MIS Representative
eLearning Faculty –One per academic division, representative of all campuses
Student Support Services Representative
Disability Services Representative
Learning Evidence Committee - Vice President of Instruction
This committee will focus on analysis of evidence that student learning outcomes are
systematically identified and progress on achieving them is assessed. It will monitor
improvements made as a result of those assessments. The Learning Evidence
Committee will review and systematically revise the college’s General Education Core
curriculum and monitor its assessment. Its work will be faculty driven and supported by
a Data Resource Team charged with working out sound processes for collection and
analysis of relevant data. It will submit its analysis to the Divisional Leadership Team
and the President’s Council.
Associate Vice President of Instruction
IRER Representative
Faculty (14) - Two representatives will be selected from each academic division
Selected faculty co-chairs will facilitate the work of the committee
Professional Development – Director of Organizational Development
This committee is chaired by the Director of Organizational Development. The
committee will promote excellence through a professional development program for fulltime and part-time faculty, staff, and administrators.
Members will be recommended by the Director of Organizational Development for
approval by the President’s Council.
Risk Management/Health & Safety Committee: Executive Vice President
This committee will provide a means to continually enhance campus safety by
completion of campus safety objectives assigned annually by the President’s Council.
Members act as liaisons to raise safety awareness among the campus community. The
committee provides an annual report to the Executive Vice President regarding
completion of objectives and recommendations for consideration by President’s
Council. The committee may also provide recommendations to enhance campus safety
that are not directly related to annual objectives.
Members will be recommended by the Executive Vice President for approval by
President’s Council. Selection of members will be based on unique skills, knowledge,
and experience essential to completion of the Committee’s annual objectives.
Executive Vice President will appoint a committee chair from the approved membership.
Threat Assessment Team: President or Executive Vice President
The Threat Assessment Team (“Team”) provides a means to assess situations when a
student or employee makes comments or displays behavior suggesting that the
individual might be at risk of causing harm to himself or others and to help prevent
situations of safety concern, either before or after a violation has occurred, from
becoming more serious. Specifically, the Team will:
a. Review the alleged safety concern or violation
b. Evaluate the student’s or employee’s behavior in light of accumulated evidence
c. Provide recommendations to the President
d. Complete the assessment as soon as possible if the student or employee has been
removed from campus and, in any event, within ten (10) business days of the date it
first convenes unless the President approves a request for additional time.
When performing its function, the Team will have the full investigatory authority of the
College. If a violation of College policy has occurred, the work of the Team may be in
tandem with the work of the appropriate college official responsible for responding to
the violation. In the event a conflict arises between the two processes, the President
will resolve the conflict.
During the investigation, the Team has the right to:
a. Interview the student or employee
b. Interview all relevant witnesses
c. Interview any individual that the team deems helpful in providing a proper
d. If applicable, interview the accuser(s)
e. Inspect any of the student’s school records or employee’s personnel records.
f. Request the student or employee to release medical records to the college
g. Request the student to release information from prior colleges and, if necessary,
elementary and secondary schools the student has attended
If the student remains enrolled, the Team will meet at least once per semester for one
academic year to monitor the progress of the student. It will create a written progress
report after each meeting that will be included in the student’s official college records.
If the student is removed from campus, the student’s record will be flagged. If the
student seeks re-enrollment, efforts will be made, to the best of the College’s ability in
accordance with the available information, to determine the student’s readiness to
return to college. At the end of the one year review period, the Threat Assessment
Team will decide if additional monitoring is necessary and for how long. Once
monitoring is complete, the Team will create a final written progress report and include
that report in the student’s official college records.
Members of the Threat Assessment Team will be appointed by the Executive Vice
President. Selection of members will be based on unique skills, knowledge, and
experience essential to completion of the Committee’s annual objectives. The
Executive Vice President will appoint a chair from among the team members.
For student threats, the team will consist of the Vice President Student Support
Services or designee, a representative of Campus Police, a representative from
Instruction, a representative from Counseling and the Dean of the campus involved, if
other than Jamestown Campus. As need arises, other personnel may be added.
For employee threats, the team will include the Director of Human Resources (or
designee if the director is not available), a representative of Campus Police, the
employee's immediate supervisor and other supervisors within the chain as needed. A
representative from Counseling and the Dean of the campus involved.
Global Education and Literacy Committee –Vice President of Instruction
The role of the Global Education and Literacy Committee is to develop and support
sound educational strategies that improve global literacy and awareness in order to
prepare students for the ever changing, interdependent, diverse, and dynamic world in
which they live.
Faculty Association Representative
Faculty Representatives (10)
Division Chair Representative
Staff Association Representative
Organizational Development Representative
High Point Campus Representative
Greensboro Campus Representative
Aviation Center Representative
Student Support Services Representatives (3)
Executive Vice President Designee
Vice President Student Support Services or designee
Appeals, Review and Hearings Committees
1. Disciplinary Review Committee – Chief Disciplinary Officer
This committee will hear appeals of the decisions of the Disciplinary Officer. The
committee is further described in the Student Conduct Policy (III-2.010).
Administrator, appointed by the Vice President for Student Support Services, who shall
serve as Chair of the committee
Faculty (3), appointed by the Vice President for Student Support Services
Staff (2), appointed by the President
Students (3), appointed by the Student Government Association with the approval of the
Vice President for Student Support Services or designee
Chief Disciplinary Officer, ex officio, non-voting
2. Employee Relations Committee – Director of Human Resources
This committee will meet as needed to hear employee grievances and to conduct
hearings pursuant to the Grievance Policy and the Due Process policy. All committee
members must be in good standing, not under disciplinary review and shall have been
employed by the college for at least 3 years. Therefore, members are recommended by
the Director of Human Resources for approval by the Executive Vice President (or
designee). Committee membership will reflect college diversity, including exempt and
non-exempt staff representation and faculty representation.
The chair and vice chair will be recommended by the Director of Human Resources for
approval by the Executive Vice President (or designee) and will receive an orientation as
to the responsibility of the committee. Upon request of the President (or designee), the
chair of the committee will designate members from the committee to conduct hearings of
employees grievances, as provided in the Grievance Policy (IV-4.030) and the Due
Process Policy (IV-1.053).
Faculty Association Representative (1)
Staff Association Representative (1)
Faculty Representatives (2)
Non-exempt Staff Representatives (2)
Exempt Staff Representatives (3)
3. Grievance Advisory Committee -- Chief Disciplinary Officer
This committee will review appeals from students under the Student Grievance Policy (III2.013). The committee will review the issues presented in student grievances and provide
a written recommendation with accompanying rationale to the appropriate Vice
Chief Disciplinary Officer, Chair, non-voting
Faculty Association Representative
Staff Association Representatives (2) one exempt, one non-exempt
Student Government Association Representative
Civil Rights representative, appointed by the Vice President, Student Support Services or
4. Traffic Appeals Committee – Director of Human Resources
This committee will serve as a hearing body for students and employees who wish to
appeal traffic citations issued by Campus Police. The committee will have final authority
in upholding or rescinding traffic citations.
Human Resources Representative, Chair
Executive Vice President Designee
Faculty Association representative
Staff Association representatives (2) one exempt, one non-exempt
Student Government Association representatives (2)
Faculty representative (1)
Staff Representative (1)
Specific Purpose Committees
Specific purpose committees are formed to plan and prepare for single annual events or
projects, or to oversee limited, specialized functions. Memberships are set for each
committee according to the committee's scope and impact, the expertise needed, and
employees' interests. Committees plan all aspects of the annual event or project, including,
but not limited to, such issues as site, procedures to be followed, timeframe, invitees, and
honorees, as appropriate to the specific event/project. Recommendations are subject to the
approval of the assigned administrative officer and the President.
Membership on specific committees is determined by the President after consideration of the
roster of names submitted by the assigned administrative officer. The primary criteria shall be
to insure that each committee has the expertise required, each committee is representative of
all college groups with a direct interest in its area of responsibility, and each committee is
diverse as to race, gender and ethnicity. The membership of each committee shall be
publicized to the campus community and shall be available in the President's office.
Meetings are convened by the administrative officer or the chair of the committee. Copies of
the minutes of each meeting and an annual summary of committee activities and/or
recommendations are forwarded to the President and Vice Presidents for review.
The following describes the purpose of each specific purpose committee, and lists the
administrative officer responsible.
1. Calendar Committee –Vice President of Instruction or designee
This committee plans the annual academic calendar for the college.
2. Graduation Committee –Vice President of Student Support Services or designee
This committee plans the annual graduation celebration.
3. Employee of the Month Selection Committee –Director of Human Resources This
committee reviews nominations, and selects an employee of the month as outlined in
the Employee of the Month Award Procedures, College Wide Rules and Procedures.
4. Scholarship Committee –Vice President of Student Support Services or designee
This committee selects eligible recipients and alternates for GTCC Foundation, state,
and outside funded scholarships from a list of nominees compiled by the Scholarship
5. Registration Committee –Vice President of Student Support Services or designee
This committee develops and recommends the registration and schedule adjustment
processes and calendar for each term for approval by the President’s Council. It acts
as a problem-solving group during registration and schedule adjustment.
6. Student Honors/Recognition Committee –Vice President of Instruction or designee
This committee identifies and organizes an annual program to recognize outstanding
academic and leadership achievement among GTCC students.
7. Information Technology Committee–Chief Information Officer. The Chief Information
Officer (CIO) serves as chair of the committee and will assist the college in staying
abreast of information technologies and with the implementation of the College’s current
Technology Plan. The committee will make recommendations to the CIO concerning
information technology directions for the college.
Ad Hoc Committees are formed for a single task or project. These committees have a
definite life span and dissolve when the task or project is complete. Such committees may
have short or long duration, large or small memberships, large or narrow scope. Examples
include the Self-Study Committee or committees formed to study college issues. Ad Hoc
committees make recommendations to college administrators or to standing committees.
Ad Hoc Committees may be named by the President, Vice Presidents or administrative
officers of standing committees. Membership should be determined to insure that the
committee has the expertise needed, is representative of those areas of the college directly
affected by the issue being studied, and to the extent practical, has racial, ethnic and gender
Staff meetings and work unit meetings are conducted on a regular basis within divisions or
departments of the college and are concerned with the functioning of the specific work unit.
These groups may be referred to as "council" or "committee". These groups are official
college committees or councils, but, due to their specificity to the work unit and its day to day
operation, for the purposes of this manual, they are not listed.
Affiliated Associations are groups that function to represent critical college constituencies,
concerns, and interests. Members of these affiliated organizations are included on
appropriate college councils and committees as described above to ensure shared
governance on items of mutual concern. They may also make recommendations as a group
to the President or designee.
1. Faculty Association
2. Staff Association
3. Student Government Association
2/14 PC udpate
Organizational Charts
Campus Police Authority and Responsibility to Report Criminal Activity
The college maintains a Campus Police Department for security and law enforcement on its
campuses. The GTCC Campus Police Department employs both sworn and non-sworn
personnel. The sworn officers possess the power of arrest and the authority to enforce all state
laws and college regulations on all of GTCC's property and on all roads and highways that run
through or adjacent to the campuses. The Campus Police Department enjoys a close working
relationship with local law enforcement agencies, including the Greensboro Police Department,
Guilford County Sheriff's Department, High Point Police Department and the Piedmont Triad
International Airport Police.
The college will make timely warning reports to members of the campus community regarding the
occurrence of criminal offenses as required by 20 United States Code section 1092(f), the “Jeanne
Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.”
All students, employees, and others on campus have a duty to report incidents of criminal activity
to Campus Police or another college official as soon as possible after they are observed.
1. Campus Police are present on the Jamestown Campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week,
365 days a year, and on the Aviation, Greensboro, and High Point Campuses during building
operation hours. Campus buildings are locked and alarmed at the end of each day and
reopened at the beginning of the next day. When alarms are activated, Campus Police officers
respond. Pending the arrival of a Campus Police Officer, the nearest law enforcement agency
may be notified to respond.
2. Campus Police will compile the statistics on criminal activity for each campus of GTCC as
required by law. Campus Police will regularly report the statistics by October 1 each year to
the appropriate federal agencies as required by law, and to the President, Executive Vice
President, all Vice Presidents, Campus Deans, the Director of Marketing and Public
Information, and Director of Human Resources monthly.
3. The annual statistics on criminal activity for each campus of GTCC for the most recent three
calendar years will be available for public viewing in the Campus Police Offices, Admissions
Office, the Human Resources Office, the college web site and on the US Department of
Education web site.
4. A notice of the availability of these statistics will be published annually in the Student Handbook
and on the college website.
5. Any college official to whom criminal activity is reported shall report the activity to Campus
Police as soon as possible. (See Emergency Procedures in the College Wide Rules and
Procedures section of the Management Manual.)
Adopted 10/02/01
Use of Taser Electronic Control Devices
The college’s campus police are authorized to utilize taser electronic control devices against
dangerous or violent persons as reasonably necessary in the performance of their lawful duties for
the college. Provided, however, that the campus police shall not utilize taser electronic control
devices to deny or violate anyone’s constitutional rights under the North Carolina State Constitution
or the Constitution of the United States of America.
1. The Chief of Campus Police oversees the employment of taser electronic control devices and
proper discharge by campus police of their responsibilities in the employment and use of such
2. The Chief of Campus Police shall develop and implement appropriate directives and
procedures for training and qualifying campus police officers in the lawful and proper use of
taser electronic control devices.
3. Copies of such directives and procedures shall be reviewed periodically by the President.
4. The Chief of Campus Police shall report to the President every incident involving the
employment of a taser by a campus police officer.
Workplace Anti-violence and Threat Assessment
Guilford Technical Community College is committed to providing a safe learning and working
environment for all students, faculty and staff. This policy applies to all situations, including
electronic communication, involving acts of harassment or abusive behavior, assaults, threats or
other acts of violence by any student, employee, or other person on a GTCC campus or at any
sponsored or supervised college activity.
Acts of violence, threats of violence, harassment, or acts of intimidation (i.e. statements or physical
acts which put a reasonable person in fear of harm to him/herself or another), with or without the
presence of a weapon, will not be tolerated at GTCC. Violations of this policy shall result in
appropriate disciplinary action, including suspension, expulsion and, when appropriate, criminal
1. The purpose of this procedure is to provide an effective and efficient process to report concerns
that someone may pose a threat to his or her own safety or to the safety of another, and to
establish a process for identifying, assessing and managing individuals who may pose a threat
of violence to themselves or others.
2. A Threat Assessment Team will be appointed by the Executive Vice President as described in
the College Organization section of the Management Manual.
3. Threat assessment is a process of evaluating a threat to determine, to the best of the college’s
ability, the likelihood that the threat poses an actual risk of harm so that precautionary steps
can be taken. A threat assessment shall be conducted when a person threatens to commit a
violent act or engages in behavior that suggests that an act of violence might occur. The threat
assessment is ultimately concerned with whether an individual poses a threat, not whether he
or she has actually made a threat. The following definitions will be used in this process:
a. Threat – any comment or conduct that suggests that one might cause harm to one’s
self, or others, or to the campus community in general.
b. Appropriate college official - the college official designated to receive notice of potential
threats. Campus Police officers are designated college officials for any notice of threat.
Designated college officials for student threats include the Chief Disciplinary Officer at
Jamestown Campus, Dean of the campus involved, the Transportation Division Chair
for the Aviation Center, and the Small Business Center Director. The designated
college official for employee threats is the Director of Human Resources.
4. Conduct or behavior not tolerated by the College includes:
c. Physical conduct that results in harm to people or property.
d. Acts or threats in any manner made directly or indirectly to intimidate, coerce, or cause
fear of harm.
e. Possession of a weapon(s) on college property.
Intimidating conduct or harassment that disrupts the work environment, educational
process, or results in fear for personal safety.
5. Members of the campus community are encouraged to report any comments or behaviors that
raise concern regarding the likelihood of violence to the Campus Police Department and to the
appropriate college official. The conduct giving rise to the concern need not be witnessed by
the individual making the report. Faculty and staff who receive reports of threatening comments
or conduct shall make the proper notifications to the appropriate college official.
6. If a situation occurs that results in physical harm to an individual, damage to property, involves
the possession of a weapon, or that poses an imminent danger to person or property,
employees should remove themselves from the situation and, to the best of their ability, warn
students and other individuals who may be the immediate vicinity, and contact Campus Police
or call 911.
7. Upon receiving a report, the designated college official will immediately conduct a preliminary
investigation to determine if the report should be reviewed by the Threat Assessment Team
(see Management Manual - College Organization). A preliminary investigation for a student
threat may include, but is not limited to, contacting faculty and staff who know the student(s),
and if deemed necessary and safe, meeting with the student(s). If the student(s) refuse(s) to
meet or there are immediate safety concerns, the student(s) may be immediately removed from
campus by Campus Police. Such action is required when the student is suspected to be
engaged in criminal activity.
Depending on the circumstances, employees may be suspended from employment and
directed not to return to the campus pending further notice.
8. The President, Executive Vice President, any Vice President, any Associate Vice President,
Campus Police Chief, the Chief Disciplinary Officer, or the Dean of any Campus has the
discretion to call for a Threat Assessment Team review when facing an extraordinary discipline
or safety issue. Factors that should be considered by the appropriate college official include but
are not limited to the following:
a. Does the individual pose a possible threat to the health, safety and welfare of him or
herself and/or others? Why?
b. Could the individual benefit from additional psychological, physical or emotional
services? How?
c. Does the individual have a past history of disciplinary problems?
d. Does the allegation include an altercation with a student or a member of the faculty or
e. Has the individual already taken some action to apologize or accept responsibility for
the conduct?
f. Has the individual sought or is currently seeking outside help (i.e. private counseling)?
g. Given the situation, is there adequate time for review of the situation by the team?
9. In situations that, in the President’s judgment, involve imminent risk of serious harm, the
President (or his designee) reserves the right, in his/her discretion, to waive the assessment
process outlined in this procedure and act immediately in the best interests of the campus
10. Unless the Executive Vice President directs otherwise, the Threat Assessment Team will be
convened any time a student is immediately removed from campus for threatening behavior.
Generally, the Threat Assessment Team will be expected to return a report within ten (10)
business days of the date it first convenes unless the Chair of the Team determines that
additional time is required, makes a request to the Executive Vice President for additional time
specifying the reasons for the request, and the Executive Vice President or designee approves
the request for additional time.
11. Nothing herein prevents the College from responding to violations of policy in accordance with
disciplinary policy as stated in the College’s Management Manual. It is possible for the same
conduct to form the basis for both disciplinary action and threat assessment at the same time.
In that event, the appropriate college officials will coordinate their efforts. In the event a conflict
arises, the Executive Vice President will resolve the conflict.
12. Students and employees shall fully cooperate with the Threat Assessment Team and its
investigation. A student's failure to cooperate with the Threat Assessment Team in any way
shall subject the student to immediate involuntary withdrawal from all college activities.
Requirements for cooperation and consequences for failure to cooperate shall be stated in
written communication to the student.
An employee's failure to cooperate with the Threat Assessment Team's investigation will result
in appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
13. Once the Threat Assessment Team has concluded its investigation, the Team will issue a
written recommendation to the Executive Vice President. If time is of essence, the Threat
Assessment Team’s verbal recommendation shall be reduced to writing as soon as practicable.
Recommendations may include:
a. An opinion as to whether or not the individual may constitute a threat to the health, safety
and welfare to himself/herself or others. If “yes”, the Campus Police Chief will be notified.
b. If the individual is a student, a suggested Action Plan, if appropriate. The Action Plan may
include, but is not limited to, the following:
1) Anger management counseling
2) Psychological counseling
3) Professional psychological assessment
4) Waiver from the student(s) allowing the release of the student’s school records to local
mental health authorities and/or law enforcement
5) Waiver from the student(s) allowing the release of the student’s health records and
prior educational records to the college
6) Scheduled meetings with Student Support Services staff
7) In the case of a policy violation, appropriate discipline sanctions, if any
8) Suspension, expulsion or administrative withdrawal from the college
9) Placing a hold on the student’s application for admission or course request form
14. The President reserves the right to disagree with the recommendations of the Threat
Assessment Team and to implement other actions in the best interest of safety of the campus
community. In such a case, an addendum to the original report will be prepared by the Threat
Assessment Team.
15. Once the Report is finalized, the Chief Disciplinary Officer and at least one other Threat
Assessment Team member will meet with the student to review it. At this meeting, the student
will be given:
c. A summary of the investigation, findings, recommendations and, if applicable, disciplinary
sanctions and the appeal process. Conditions under which the student may remain in good
standing or return to campus and follow-up requirements will also be provided.
d. If applicable and in accordance with the Threat Assessment Team’s Report, the student will
be given an agreement to sign indicating that he or she agrees to forgo the right to future
hearings and future appeals and his or her willingness to be bound by the
recommendations in the Threat Assessment Team's Report.
e. If the student does not voluntarily agree to the recommendations in the Threat Assessment
Team’s Report, the College may file the appropriate charge and pursue the student
disciplinary process. In these circumstances, the Chief Disciplinary Officer will determine
whether the student may remain actively enrolled while the disciplinary process occurs.
f. A copy of the Threat Assessment Team's Report shall be included in the student's official
college records.
g. If the student agrees to be bound by the recommendations of the Threat Assessment Team
and the student violates any of those recommendations, the violation will be treated as a
violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
h. If the student remains enrolled, the Threat Assessment Team shall meet at least once per
quarter for one academic year to monitor the progress of the student. After each meeting,
the Team will create a written progress report that will be included in the student’s official
college records.
i. If the student is removed from campus, the student’s record will be flagged and, if the
student seeks re-enrollment, efforts will be made, to the best of the College’s ability in
accordance with available information, to determine the student’s readiness to return to
college. If readmitted, the Threat Assessment Team shall meet at least once per semester
for one academic year (or, if the student is not enrolled for an academic year, for so long as
the student is enrolled) to monitor the progress of the student.
j. At the end of the one year review period, the Threat Assessment Team will decide if
additional monitoring is necessary and for how long. Once additional monitoring is deemed
unnecessary, the Threat Assessment Team will prepare a final written progress report and
include that report in the student’s official college records.
16. Confidentiality of all reports, including student and employee information, will be preserved to
the greatest extent possible, understanding that the College has an obligation to conduct an
inquiry and in appropriate cases to share information to protect the safety of the campus
community and others. All members of the campus community involved in an inquiry are
expected to maintain confidentiality, understanding that they may impair the inquiry by divulging
information to persons outside the process. All inquiries and reporting of findings will be
conducted in compliance with state and federal confidentiality laws. Students or employees
undergoing threat assessment may be asked to authorize the release of confidential medical or
educational records to the Team in order to complete the process. If the student or employee
fails or refuses to so authorize, the Team should report the failure or refusal in its
recommendations to the Executive Vice President.
17. Individuals who serve on the Threat Assessment Team shall be considered school officials with
a legitimate educational interest in accessing a student’s educational records in connection with
a threat assessment inquiry. All faculty and staff shall fully and promptly cooperate with a threat
assessment inquiry and shall provide any information requested by members of the Threat
Assessment Team, including educational records, and/or information derived there from
without the prior consent of the student. All documents, summaries or reports created or
compiled in connection with a threat assessment inquiry shall be law enforcement records
maintained by the Campus Police Department.
18. GTCC prohibits retaliation against persons who in good faith report direct or indirect threats or
acts of violence, intimidation or harassment, or concern for campus safety or for an individual’s
safety, or who cooperated in an inquiry. The College also prohibits the filing of false reports and
knowingly providing false or misleading information in an investigation. Disciplinary action may
result from either of these acts in violation of this policy.
19. Where appropriate, procedures specific to student situations may be modified to address
situations involving college employees. A visitor, guest or volunteer who presents a threat will
be immediately reported to Campus Police for appropriate action.
June 16, 2011
Revised 2/2014
Accidents and all other incidents relating to the safety of persons and the protection of property
shall be reported to the appropriate Campus Police Officer.
Preventive safety measures are the responsibility of all faculty and staff members. Faculty and staff
shall continuously monitor their working areas to detect existing or potentially unsafe work
practices and/or conditions. Such work practices or conditions will be promptly reported to the
Chief of Campus Police.
1. Accidents:
a. Any person involved in or observing an accident resulting in personal injury or damage
to property must report the accident as soon as possible to the Campus Police Officer
serving that location.
b. An injured employee must report the accident/injury both to Campus Police and to
his/her respective supervisor. The injured employee will be subject to drug testing.
Human Resources will have oversight responsibility for drug testing.
c. Upon notification of an accident, the Campus Police Officer shall:
Render First Aid and notify Emergency Services (if necessary).
Protect property involved.
Investigate the circumstances.
Document the incident.
Conduct follow-up investigation as necessary.
d. Upon notification of an accident involving an employee, the supervisor shall:
Ensure that first aid has been rendered.
Ensure that the injured person is directed to an appropriate source of
medical assistance, and assist the person if assistance is needed and/or
Ensure that Campus Police has been notified.
Ensure that Human Resources has been notified.
Complete and return the Supervisor’s Accident Report form to Human
Resources (see forms).
e. Upon notification of an accident involving an employee, the Human Resources Director
or designee shall:
Ensure that the employee contacts an appropriate medical provider.
Ensure that the medical provider will collect urine samples for drug testing
and report lab results to the Human Resources Director.
Human Resources will follow up by notifying the employee if the test results
are positive. Human Resources will advise the employee of his/her legal
option for a re-test of the original sample should the test results be positive,
and will arrange for the re-test if the employee requests that it be done. The
re-test will be at the employee’s expense. (See forms: Rights and
Responsibilities under the North Carolina Controlled Substances Act, Drug
Test Notification)
Administer appropriate disciplinary action in the event of a positive drug
screen, up to and including termination of employment.
2. Safety:
Campus Police Officers will conduct on-going safety inspections during their required
patrols throughout their assigned campuses. Upon discovery of a safety hazard, the
Campus Police Officer will:
Make on site corrections if possible.
Notify a supervisor if immediate correction requires support assistance.
Record and submit all necessary documentation.
The Chief of Campus Police will:
Insure that the departments or support elements designated to take corrective
action are notified promptly.
Direct follow up inquiries as necessary.
Ensure the distribution of required reports.
Each month, the Chief of Campus Police will present to the Director of Facilities an incident report
summarizing all of the incidents handled by the Campus Police Department.
Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C.1681 et seq., prohibits discrimination on
the basis of sex in education programs or activities operated by recipients of Federal financial
assistance. Under Title IX, discrimination on the basis of sex can include sexual harassment or
sexual violence, such as rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, and sexual coercion.
Guilford Technical Community College values the health and safety of every individual on campus
and expects its employees and students to treat other persons with respect and dignity. Sexual
violence or harassment will not be tolerated.
“Sexual violence” is a term covering a range of behaviors such as sexual assaults, sexual battery,
and/or sexual coercion. “Sexual harassment” is further defined in the college’s policy on antiharassment (IV-4.070).”
Employees engaging in sexual violence or harassment are subject to disciplinary action up to and
including dismissal. Students engaging in violence or harassment are in violation of the college’s
Student Conduct Policy (III-2.010) and this type of behavior will result in sanctions against the
student ranging from interim suspension to expulsion. Disciplinary action by the college does not
preclude the possibility of criminal charges.
All students, employees, and others on campus have a duty to report incidents of sexual violence
or harassment to Campus Police or another college official as soon as possible after they are
observed. The college will respond to complaints of sexual violence or harassment by taking
immediate action to eliminate the sexual violence or harassment, prevent its recurrence, and
address its effects.
1. In compliance with Title IX regulations, the college has:
a. Disseminated this and other notices of nondiscrimination indicating that the college does
not discriminate on the basis of sex.
b. Designated at least one employee to coordinate its efforts to comply with and carry out its
responsibilities under Title IX.
c. Adopted and published grievance procedures providing for prompt and equitable
resolution of student and employee complaints of sexual discrimination including sexual
violence or harassment.
2. The Associate Vice President for Student Learning and Success – Student Support Services,
located in Medlin Campus Center office 320, will serve as the college’s Title IX Coordinator for
students. The Director of Human Resources, located in Medlin Campus Center office 370, will
serve as the college’s Title IX Coordinator for employees. Any inquiries regarding Title IX will or
may be referred to the appropriate Title IX Coordinator or the Office of Civil Rights.
3. Victims of a sexual assault should take the following steps:
a. Go to a safe place as soon as possible.
b. Call 50911 from on campus. Call 911 from off campus. Either campus police or a local
police agency will respond if the alleged assault occurred on one of the GTCC campuses.
c. Stay on the phone with the dispatcher as long as you are needed. Call someone you
trust, such as a friend or relative, to help and support you.
d. The preservation of physical evidence may be critical for successful prosecution of the
Do not change your clothes. If you do, put the clothing you were wearing in
separate paper bags (not plastic) and take them to the hospital. This clothing may
be used as evidence for prosecution. If you wear the clothes to the hospital, bring a
change of clothes with you. Most physical evidence cannot be recovered after
seventy-two hours.
Do not clean your body or your clothes. Preserve all physical evidence. Do not
wash, bathe, douche, comb your hair, or use the toilet if you can help it. Washing
might be the first thing you want to do, but don’t. You literally might be washing
away valuable evidence. Wait until after you have a medical examination.
Do not alter or disturb the crime scene. Leave tables, fixtures, grass, etc., as they
were after the assault so that investigators may view the area. Ideally, evidence
should be collected within twenty-four hours of the assault.
e. Campus Police will need your assistance to make a crime report. You may ask for a
victim advocate to be present during the report-taking. GTCC has a trained group of
counselors who will support you and can assist you in accessing medical and counseling
services, and reporting the incident.
f. You have the right to file a Title IX sex discrimination complaint with the college’s Title IX
Coordinator in addition to filing a criminal complaint.
4. Sexual offenders are subject to arrest, prosecution through the state courts, and incarceration.
Student sexual offenders are subject to college disciplinary proceedings that may result in
permanent expulsion from GTCC. (See Student Conduct, III-2.010.)
5. In any college disciplinary proceeding that may occur pertaining to an incident of alleged sexual
discrimination including complaints of sexual violence or harassment, the college will provide:
a. An adequate, reliable, and impartial investigation of the complaint.
b. Changes in the victims schedule to try to avoid contact with the accused if necessary
and possible.
c. A designated and reasonably prompt time frame for conducting the investigation, being
notified of the outcome, and appealing, if applicable.
d. An equal opportunity for both parties to present witnesses and other evidence.
e. If there is a pending criminal charge against the accused or against any witness, the
accused or witness against whom such a charge is pending may be accompanied to the
hearing by a licensed attorney, who may confer with the accused or witness during the
hearing but may not address the committee, any other parties, or any other witness.
f. Any individual, including an attorney, who delays or disrupts the proceedings, may be
excluded from further participation.
g. In its Title IX investigation of a sexual violence or harassment claim, the college will use
a “preponderance of the evidence standard” (it is more likely than not that sexual
harassment or violence occurred).
h. A notice to both parties of the outcome of the complaint.
i. Assurance that the college will take steps to try to prevent recurrence of any sexual
violence or harassment and that the college will not tolerate retaliation relating to such
6. The Student Services Office shall offer annually educational programs dealing with sexual
offenses and drug and alcohol education to college employees, Campus Police and students.
Members of the GTCC counseling staff will be trained to provide initial support and referral for
ongoing services to victims of sexual offenses.
7. Any college official to whom sexual violence or harassment is reported shall report the alleged
activity to the appropriate Title IX Coordinator, Campus Police and/or trained GTCC counseling
staff as soon as possible. The alleged victim should be apprised of the procedures outlined in
this policy.
8. Victims of alleged sexual violence or harassment shall be notified of the options for making
alternative academic arrangements and assisted in making such changes as appropriate.
I 1.020
Alcohol and Controlled Substance Use
No person shall manufacture, distribute, dispense, sell, possess or use alcoholic beverages or
controlled substances on the premises of Guilford Technical Community College (GTCC) except as
otherwise provided in this policy. No person shall manufacture, distribute, dispense, sell or illegally
possess or illegally use alcoholic beverages or controlled substances at any location while
engaged in activities on behalf of GTCC.
“Alcoholic beverage” means any beverage containing at least one-half of one percent (0.5%) by
volume, including beer, malt beverages, unfortified wine, fortified wine, spirituous liquor and mixed
beverages and any other beverages regulated by the North Carolina ABC Commission (NCABC)
under Chapter 18B of the North Carolina General Statutes.
“Controlled substances” means any drug included in 21 CFR Part 1308, Article V of Chapter 90 of
the North Carolina General Statutes or any other drugs or substances regulated under any federal
or state laws or regulations, including but not limited to heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine and all
of its derivatives, marijuana, PCP, and crack, and otherwise legal drugs when possessed or used
by persons without a prescription.
Subject to compliance with the procedures set forth below, the above prohibitions shall not apply to
the following circumstances:
1. Use of alcoholic beverages at special events on GTCC property that have been specifically
approved in advance by the President or designee and comply with applicable laws and the
requirements outlined in Paragraph 4 of the Procedures below. The President shall have
the authority to limit the types of alcohol served.
2. Use of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances for approved educational purposes on
the premises of GTCC or at other locations on behalf of GTCC when the activity complies
with the applicable laws.
3. Possession and use of legal drugs by a person with a valid prescription for such drugs.
However, if the legal prescription is being improperly used, or if it has side effects that
cause the user to become impaired, GTCC may take appropriate protective measures.
1. An employee who violates this policy and/or any alcoholic beverage or controlled substance
laws while in the workplace, on GTCC property or acting on behalf of GTCC shall be
subject to disciplinary action determined to be appropriate in GTCC’s discretion based on
the circumstances. Disciplinary actions may include, but are not limited to, probation,
suspension, termination, referral for prosecution or the required successful completion of a
drug or alcohol treatment program sponsored by an approved private or governmental
institution as a precondition for continued employment.
2. Any student who violates this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action determined to be
appropriate in GTCC’s discretion based on the circumstances and consistent with GTCC’s
Student Conduct procedure. Disciplinary actions may include, but are not limited to, a
written reprimand, being dropped from a class, receiving a failing grade on a test or course,
probation, suspension from GTCC, dismissal from GTCC, referral for prosecution, or
required successful completion of a drug or alcohol treatment program sponsored by an
approved private or governmental institution as a precondition for continued enrollment at
3. Use of Alcoholic Beverages or Controlled Substances For Educational Purposes:
To secure approval to use alcoholic beverages or controlled substances for educational
purposes, the instructor of a class or leader of a recognized group must submit a request in
writing to the appropriate Vice President for permission to use any alcoholic beverage or
controlled substance as an aid in the effective presentation of subject matter. This
presentation must comply with applicable laws. Requests must be submitted at least seven
business days (excluding official holidays and weekends) before its intended use, and must
include the following items:
a. Instructor’s or leader’s name
b. Title of class and meeting time,
c. Number of students in the class
d. Substance and quantity to be used,
e. Rationale for use of the items,
f. How the items will be used,
g. Proposed schedule for using the items, and
h. Any other relevant information.
The appropriate Vice President will answer the request, in writing, within four business days
(excluding official holidays and weekends) of its receipt.
All alcoholic beverages and controlled substances approved for educational purposes on
GTCC premises or other locations on behalf of GTCC must be stored under lock and key at
all times when not being used for approved events.
Students approved to use alcoholic beverages for educational programs must be 21 years
of age or older. Students younger than 21 years old are not permitted to ingest alcoholic
beverages. Students younger than 21 are permitted to remain in the classroom, separated
from the table or area where alcoholic beverages are in use, and may only observe
classroom activities and listen to instruction.
4. Use of Alcoholic Beverages at Special Events
a. Special events at which the use of alcoholic beverages may be approved under this
policy are as follows:
1) Events sponsored by GTCC, faculty, staff or college organizations; or
2) Events sponsored by external individuals or organizations that GTCC, in its
discretion, determines are appropriate to be held on GTCC property.
b. The sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited at any event on campus. “Sale” means
any transfer, trade, exchange or barter in any manner or by any means for
consideration including but not limited to required fees or the purchase of tickets for
admission to an event at which alcoholic beverages will be served. Donations may
not be required or solicited in connection with the event. State, County or
Institutional funds may not be used for the purchase of alcoholic beverages at
c. Every event at which alcoholic beverages will be served must have a designated
sponsor that is either an individual who is at least twenty-one years of age or a bona
fide organization or association. The sponsor of each event must designate an onsite event supervisor (who must be an individual who is at least twenty-one years of
age) to be responsible, on behalf of the sponsor, for the supervision of the serving
and consumption of alcoholic beverages throughout the event, and for assuring that
all pertinent state and local laws governing the possession and consumption of
alcoholic beverages are observed. If the alcoholic beverages at the event are to be
provided by a catering service, the on-site event supervisor must be a
representative of the catering service.
d. A Campus Alcoholic Beverage Use Agreement, Waiver of Liability Form and a
Campus Activity Reservation Form must be submitted by the sponsor and the event
supervisor at least 15 days prior to the event to the Events Scheduler in the Office of
the Associate Vice President for Administrative Services for review, clarifications,
and notification of other departments as needed. The Events Scheduler will route
the request to the appropriate approvers. Once all pertinent information is gathered,
approval will be granted only if GTCC is satisfied that the requirements of this policy
and the law have been met. Only the President or designee can authorize changes
from the standard agreements. If the event is approved, the sponsor must submit a
certificate of insurance evidencing liability coverage, including liquor liability
coverage, of at least $1 million and naming GTCC as an additional insured no later
than five business days prior to the event. Failure to do so shall result in event
e. The sponsor and the event supervisor are responsible for ensuring that the event
and the service of alcoholic beverages in connection with the event are in full
compliance with applicable portions of NCGS 18-B and the following requirements:
1) The service of alcoholic beverages at the event will be limited to a total of not
more than two hours, and must stop at least one hour prior to the official end
of the event.
2) Alcoholic beverages may not be served to anyone who is or appears to be
3) Consumption of alcoholic beverages is limited to persons twenty-one years
of age or older. No one under the age of twenty-one will be served alcoholic
4) If the event is open to the public or student population, signage must be
posted that states that “No alcoholic beverages shall be served to or
consumed by anyone under the age of 21”.
5) Food and non-alcoholic beverages must be provided in sufficient quantities
for the number of attendees at the event.
6) The sponsor must obtain (or ensure that its caterer obtains) the applicable
permits from the NCABC and submit a copy of such permits to the
appropriate GTCC office at least five business days prior to the event.
7) Alcoholic beverages must remain in the areas specifically approved for the
8) Licensed security personnel must be provided for the duration of the event if
the event is open to the community or general student population.
9) Depending on the nature of the event, GTCC reserves the right to require
the use of trained personnel to serve alcoholic beverages or impose
additional precautions in GTCC’s discretion.
Failure to adhere to applicable laws, GTCC’s policies and procedures or the terms
of the Campus Alcoholic Beverage Use Agreement or the Campus Activity
Reservation Form may result in termination of the event, denial of future requests,
possible criminal or civil prosecution, and/or disciplinary action by GTCC.
Depending on the nature and severity of the violation, additional sanctions may be
5. While on GTCC property or at a GTCC-sanctioned event, a person who is believed to be
impaired by alcohol, a controlled substance, or prescription medication (either from side
effects or improper use) should be referred to the Campus Police Department for action. It
is the policy of the GTCC Campus Police Department to handle such individuals on GTCC
property with discretion depending upon the circumstances encountered. This includes the
arrest of such individuals who are in violation of North Carolina General Statutes.
Rev. 8/17/95
Procedures 1/13/14
Guilford Technical Community College maintains parking regulations for the safety and benefit of
its employees, students, and visitors. GTCC governs its citations, traffic control, and fines
according to N.C. General Statutes Chapter 115D-21(as modified by S.L. 2012-142) and Chapter
20-219.11. A current GTCC parking permit is required for each vehicle parked on campus by
GTCC employees and students.
1. Parking permits are issued as follows:
a. The President's Office issues parking permits to all trustees and foundation directors.
b. The GTCC Human Resources Office will issue an employee permit to all employees and
will be valid until the end of employment. Upon request, an employee may be issued one
additional tag for a second vehicle.
c. Full-time regular employees will be issued permanent tag permits.
d. Part-time or temporary faculty/staff will be issued permits valid for one year and renewable
each year.
e. Department heads may pick up tags for their part-time personnel but will be responsible for
seeing that the registration cards are completed and returned to Campus Police, as the
numbers on these tags will be initially checked out to the Department Head.
f. Student permits will be issued to students on an annual basis at all GTCC campuses.
Permits are available from the cashier during registration each term. After registration, the
permits are available from Campus Police or the cashier’s office.
GTCC curriculum students will pay a campus access, parking and security fee each
semester. Continuing education students will pay a fee for each course. (A schedule of
fees is in section II.2.042). Students must present proof of enrollment in order to obtain the
required permit. Permits are valid on all GTCC campuses.
Student workers are not eligible for an employee parking permit.
g. Visitors may obtain parking permits from several offices on campus including Cosmetology,
Dental Services, the Testing Center, and the GTCC Campus Police Office.
h. Special permits are issued by the Campus Police Department to address special temporary
parking needs of individuals.
In addition to a regular parking permit, students or employees may apply for a special
permit for a low emission vehicle (LEV) or for a car or van being used as a carpool vehicle.
Special parking for such vehicles is available at all LEED certified buildings at GTCC
campuses. Permits for the Jamestown Campus are issued at the Campus Police
Department. Permits for the High Point Campus and the Greensboro Campus are issued
from the campus Dean’s office. Permits are valid only for the specific vehicle identified on
the permit request form. Student permits are valid for one year only. Faculty/staff permits
are valid for as long as the vehicle owner is an employee and still driving a vehicle in one of
these categories.
Applicants for an LEV permit must have a vehicle with a 40+ rating on the American
Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) annual rating guide. Campus Police will
verify the rating when an application is made. LEV permits are good only for spaces
marked as reserved and are available on a first come basis.
Applicants for the carpool/vanpool parking permit must provide additional information on the
request form about each participant in the pool. Even if a vehicle has a carpool permit, it
may not be parked in a special space unless there are two or more occupants upon arrival
on campus. Carpool/vanpool permits are valid only in appropriately marked spaces which
are available on a first come basis.
Campus police monitor those special spaces, and violators will be ticketed.
Permits must be hung on the rearview mirror of all vehicles. For motorcycles/mopeds/
bicycles, the permit must be placed on a handle bar so that the permit number is readily
Parking permits are not transferable from one vehicle to another. Employee parking
privileges do not extend to family members and friends.
A new permit is required if a parking permit is destroyed, damaged, or lost. Purchased
permits will be issued, free of charge, with proof of original payment.
Assigned parking tags issued to a regular faculty/staff member must be turned in along with
keys, employee ID, etc. upon termination of employment.
A current parking permit is honored at all GTCC campuses.
Parking spaces are reserved only for the handicapped, faculty, staff, cosmetology patrons,
dental patrons, and special permits.
A map including all GTCC campus parking locations and parking regulations is issued with
each parking permit. Additional copies of the map may be obtained from any GTCC Campus
Police Officer.
Penalties for parking violations.
a. The following parking violations will result in a fine of $25.00. An individual's having
more than 3 unpaid citations will result in towing.
Not displaying a special Cosmetology or Dental parking permit when parked in
those designated spaces.
Parking in any area posted "No Parking Anytime-Fire Zone".
Occupying more than one space.
Obstructing sidewalk or walkway.
Parking on grass.
Parking in a posted faculty/staff space without appropriate decal.
Parking the wrong direction in a "One Way" posted zone.
Parking in a reserved parking lot and/or space.
Blocking a lane of traffic.
10. Blocking a building entrance.
11. Parking on the shoulder of the road.
12. Over parking in a posted time zone.
13. Parking in a LEV space without appropriate placard or two or more people in
14. Parking in a carpool space without appropriate placard and two or more people
per vehicle
15. Driving in the wrong direction.
16. Straddling lines.
b. The following parking violations will result in immediate towing and vehicle
impoundment for each offense.
1) Parking within 15' of a fire hydrant.
2) Unattended vehicle in a loading zone.
3) Parking in a designated tow zone; ex., handicapped and patron parking spaces.
4) Other violations which affect the safe conduct of traffic.
Unauthorized parking in a "Handicapped Only" zone shall result in a $250.00 fine and
immediate towing and vehicle impoundment for each offense.
At the time a vehicle is towed, an attempt will be made to inform the owner of the place
where they can reclaim the vehicle and the conditions, which must be met when they do
so. If the person is not available at the time, Campus Police personnel will notify the
owner by telephone or mail. The notification will include information about appeals of
impoundment. All appeals for impoundment and towing will be heard by a Guilford
County magistrate, as required by General Statute 20-219.11.
Students with any unpaid citation fines will have grades and transcripts withheld and will
not be permitted to register for future terms until the indebtedness is satisfied.
Additionally, vehicles will be towed if a student has more than 3 unpaid citations. If a
student receives 6 or more citations (whether paid or unpaid) within a 12 month window,
parking privileges will be suspended. If a student’s vehicle is towed or parking
privileges are suspended, the student will be referred to the College Disciplinary Officer.
The supervisor of any full or part time faculty or staff members with unpaid fines will
receive an email notification at the end of the month. Normal disciplinary actions shall
be taken by this supervisor which may involve oral or written warnings or further action,
up to and including termination for failure to follow college procedures. The supervisor
will work with the Director of Human Resources as needed. Additionally, vehicles will
be towed if an employee has more than 3 unpaid citations. If an employee receives 3
or more citations (whether paid or unpaid) within a 12 month window, parking privileges
will be suspended for a period to be determined by the Chief of Campus Police.
Parking permits issued to the employee must be surrendered to Campus Police upon
Payments may be taken or mailed to: GTCC Cashier’s Office, P.O. Box 309, Drawer R,
Jamestown, NC 27282. A copy of the citation should be presented when payment of
the fine is made.
Debts for unpaid citations shall be submitted to the North Carolina Department of
Revenue’s Set Off Debt program for garnishment of State tax refunds which may be
due to the violator. Other collection efforts, including submission of the debt to a
collection agency or reduction of other payments that may be due to the violator, shall
also apply as appropriate.
Persons wishing to appeal a citation may do so in writing to the GTCC Traffic Appeals
Committee. Forms to be used for the appeal are available from the GTCC telephone
switchboard operator at the main entrance to the Medlin Campus Center.
10. When there are not sufficient parking spaces in parking lots, certain areas will be designated
for overflow parking. Vehicles will be directed to these areas by Campus Police Officers.
a. The Chief of Campus Police will use discretion during peak periods regarding parking
for overflow vehicles in areas marked “no parking”.
b. When there is not sufficient parking in parking lots, citations will still be issued for the
following violations:
1) Parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant - $25.00 fine.
2) Parking in a Handicapped Only zone - $250.00 fine.
3) No parking anytime - $25.00 fine.
4) Not displaying a special Cosmetology permit - $25.00 fine.
5) Parking in a Reserved Parking space - $25.00 fine.
6) Posted Tow Zones - $25.00 fine.
7) Parking in a LEV space without appropriate placard or two or more people in
carpool –$25.00 fine.
8) Parking in a carpool space without appropriate placard and two or more people per
vehicle - $25.00 fine.
Tobacco Use
Tobacco use will not be permitted at any time at any Guilford Technical Community College facility.
Minimal use of tobacco will be permitted for specific educational purposes which have prior
approval from the college. Students who violate the policy are subject to disciplinary action as
provided for in the Student Conduct Policy (III-2.010). Faculty and staff who violate the policy are
subject to disciplinary action according to the Disciplinary Action Policy (IV-1.052).
1. All members of the college community are responsible for monitoring adherence to this
2. Individuals in violation of this policy must surrender their GTCC ID. Confiscated ID’s will be
sent to the appropriate Vice President (for faculty/staff) or Chief Disciplinary Officer or
Campus Dean (for students) for disciplinary action. Visitors caught violating the policy will
be informed of the GTCC no tobacco policy and asked to cease use of the tobacco product.
3. Disciplinary action:
Students who are caught violating the policy will be subject to probation for the first offense
and suspension for one semester for a second offense. Employees who are caught violating
the policy will be subject to probation for the first offense. Employees are subject to
dismissal for the second offense.
4. To secure approval to use tobacco for educational purposes, the instructor of a class or
leader of a recognized group must submit a request in writing to the appropriate Vice
President. Requests must be submitted at least seven business days (excluding official
holidays and weekends) before its intended use, and must include the following items:
a. Instructor’s or leader’s name,
b. Rationale for use of the items,
c. How the items will be used,
d. Proposed schedule for using the items, and
e. Any other relevant information.
The appropriate Vice President will answer the request, in writing, within four business days
(excluding official holidays and weekends) of its receipt.
10/18/07 (effective 08/08)
10/14/10 (Effective 1/2011)
Solicitation on Campus
Guilford Technical Community College promotes the efficiency of the public services it performs.
Solicitation or distribution by persons other than employees of GTCC in those areas of
school property which are not open to the public is prohibited. Solicitation or distribution by
persons other than employees of GTCC in those areas of school property which are open
to the public is prohibited to the extent that such solicitation or distribution results in
disruption of or interference with college, administrative, or operational activities.
Solicitation or distribution by GTCC employees in working areas during working time is
prohibited. However, the institution may sponsor solicitations (such as United Way) during
working time.
No solicitation or advertisement may be posted on GTCC property or college electronic
media until approved by the appropriate administrator responsible for the area where the
notice is to be posted.
No solicitation or advertisement may be posted on vehicles parked on GTCC property until
approved by either the Associate Vice President, Administrative Services (when requested
by employees and/or the general public) or the Associate Vice President, Student Support
Services (when requested by students).
1. Solicitations by the General Public:
a. An individual wishing to solicit on the premises of any GTCC site must complete a
Solicitation Request/Authorization Form obtainable from the office of the Associate
Vice President, Administrative Services, which includes the following information:
Name, address, and phone number.
Individual, group, agency, and product that he/she is representing.
Address and phone number of agency/home office.
Expected length of time on campus.
When and where he/she wishes to solicit, including email solicitation.
b. The Associate Vice President’s Office records the information and reviews the
request. If approved, the individual is given a Letter of Authorization and assigned a
location from which he/she may solicit.
c. A copy of the Letter of Authorization will be sent to the Chief of Campus Police and
shall be kept on file through the date of expiration.
d. A copy of the Letter of Authorization will be sent to the Public Information Office and
to the Foundation Office for information.
Solicitations by Students:
a. A student or student organization wishing to solicit from employees or students must
complete a Solicitation Request/Authorization Form obtainable from the office of the
Associate Vice President, Student Support Services, which includes the following:
1) Name.
2) Type of solicitation, including email solicitation.
3) Individual, group, agency, or product represented.
4) Length of time expected to solicit.
5) When and where solicitation will occur.
b. The Associate Vice President, Student Support Services will consider the request
and grant written permission if appropriate. The Letter of Authorization must be
presented by the student or student organization upon request.
c. A copy of the Letter of Authorization will be sent to the Chief of Campus Police and
shall be kept on file through the date of expiration.
d. A copy of the Letter of Authorization will be sent to the Public Information Office and
to the Foundation Office for information.
Solicitations by Employees:
a. An employee wishing to solicit from fellow employees or students must complete a
Solicitation Request/Authorization Form obtainable from the Office of the Vice
President, Administrative Services, which includes the following:
1) Name.
2) Type of solicitation, including email solicitation.
3) Individual, group, agency, or product represented.
4) Length of time expected to solicit.
5) When and where he/she wishes to solicit.
b. The written permission to solicit must be presented upon request.
c. A copy of the Letter of Authorization will be sent to the Chief of Campus Police and
shall be kept on file through the date of expiration.
d. A copy of the Letter of Authorization will be sent to the Public Information Office and
to the Foundation Office for information.
I -1.061
Free Speech and Public Assembly
Guilford Technical Community College encourages its community to exercise the right to freedom
of speech granted by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.
This policy informs members of the College community and the public of the manner in which they
may engage in constitutionally protected speech and expression at Guilford Technical Community
College. It is intended to protect one’s right to freedom of speech without interfering with the
primary educational purpose of the College.
The College will protect the rights of freedom of speech, petition, and peaceful assembly. The right
to restrict the time, place, and manner of expression is specifically reserved for the College. Any
acts that are disruptive to normal operations of the College including but not limited to instruction or
College business, or actions that interfere with the rights of others will not be tolerated. Faculty,
staff, and students engaging in disruptive activity may be subject to disciplinary action. Any
participant in a disruptive activity may face criminal charges.
1. The College hereby designates the following areas as Free Speech/Expression areas:
Jamestown Campus - Front Lawn near the Gazebo at High Point Road
Greensboro Campus - Grass Area on North Side of Greensboro Campus Center
High Point Campus
- Grass Area between H2 and H3
Aviation Center I
- Grass Area on Southwest Side of T. H. Davis Center
These areas shall be available for use by both members of the College community and
members of the general public. However, events sponsored by members of the College
community shall have first priority in using the Free Speech/Expression areas. The College
reserves the right to relocate any assembly to ensure that the activity does not interfere with
the normal operation of the College or interfere with the rights of others.
2. Individuals or groups wishing to exercise their free speech right in a public manner and/or
display should use one of the designated Free Speech areas, and should submit a written and
signed request to the Director of Auxiliary Services at least three working days prior to the
desired date. The following information must be included in this written request:
Name of the person or organization submitting the request
 Address, email, and phone number
 Campus requested
 Date and times requested
 List of planned activities (i.e., speech, signs, distribution of literature)
 Anticipated number of participants and attendance
 Signature of requestor
Approvals are for one day only for a maximum of three continuous hours, between 8:00 a.m.
and 10:00 p.m. The Director of Auxiliary Services will notify the Chief of Campus Police of any
approved Free Speech event.
3. The following guidelines shall govern Free Speech and Public Assembly activities:
a) Amplification Systems: Because amplification systems pose a significant potential for
disruption of College operation, public address and amplification systems may not be
used. This includes, but is not limited to, megaphones and PA systems.
b) The Right to Dissent: The right to dissent is the complement of the right to speak, but
these rights need not occupy the same forum at the same time. The speaker is entitled
to communicate his or her message to the audience during their allotted time, and the
audience is entitled to hear the message and see the speaker during that time.
A dissenter must not substantially interfere with the speaker's ability to communicate or
the audiences’ ability to hear and see the speaker. Likewise the audience must respect
the right to dissent.
c) Picketing and Distribution of Literature: Picketing in an orderly manner or distributing
literature within the free speech area is acceptable when approved during the request
process as coordinated and approved by the Director of Auxiliary Services.
Picketing is not permitted inside College buildings.
d) Symbolic Protest: During a presentation, displaying a sign, gesturing, wearing symbolic
clothing, or otherwise protesting silently is permissible so long as the symbolic protest
does not unduly interfere with the ability of the person or entity reserving an area for
free speech/expression to express themselves.
e) Marches: Campus marches are permitted on campus only with the approval of the
Director of Auxiliary Services in coordination with the Chief of Campus Police.
In order to ensure the safety of participants and bystanders and to minimize the
disruption of College classes and daily operations, this request must specify the desired
march route and estimated total/maximum number of participants.
Pickets/marchers must march in single file, not abreast. Minor children, six years of age
or younger, may walk abreast or be carried by their parent or guardian.
Pickets shall not at any time nor in any way obstruct, interfere with, or block persons
entering or exiting vehicles; persons crossing streets or otherwise using the public way;
the entrance or exit of any building or access to property abutting the street or sidewalk;
or pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
4. Those who exercise free speech as a part of this policy must conduct themselves in an
appropriate manner.
a) Those who exercise free speech as a part of this policy must not:
Threaten passers-by
Interfere with, impede, or cause blockage of the flow of vehicular or
pedestrian traffic.
Interfere with or disrupt any other lawful activity in the same general location
at the same time.
Commit any act likely to create an imminent safety or health hazard.
Post materials on any walls, windows, doors, sidewalks, trees, light poles,
etc., or any other College equipment except in areas designated by the
Director of Auxiliary Services.
Carry signs or placards that exceed three feet by three feet promoting the
objective of the activity. They must not contain obscene language or words
that would tend to incite violence.
b) Public speech or activities likely to incite or produce imminent lawless action or that are,
under current legal standards, either defamatory or obscene are prohibited. Violations
of the GTCC Management Manual III-2.010 Student Conduct are prohibited.
c) Individuals who damage or destroy College property shall be held responsible for such
damage or destruction. This includes lawns, shrubs, trees, etc.
d) All applicable College regulations, state, and federal laws and municipal ordinances
apply when engaging in activities on College property. Failure to do so may result in
immediate removal from College property and other appropriate action by College
officials and/or police.
5. Persons engaged in Free Speech or Public Assembly activities shall not physically interfere in
the use of the sidewalk or address obscene, indecent, or threatening language to or at
individuals to provoke them or lead to a breach of the peace.
Whenever free passage is obstructed by a crowd, the persons composing such crowd shall
disperse when directed by College officials, security, or police. Failure to do so may result in
disciplinary action and/or criminal prosecution.
Speakers, Non-Classroom Guest
Individuals may be invited to speak at Guilford Technical Community College under the conditions
set forth in the procedural guidelines of this policy. The guest speaker may answer questions from
the floor relating to the content of the presentation. The college reserves the right to designate a
location for the program or presentation.
Outside speakers are not permitted to speak on campus unless the speaker has been
invited by a member of the faculty, staff, or approved student club/organization and as
provided for under these guidelines.
Individual students shall request guest speakers through instructors or approved campus
The college reserves the right to deny a particular speaker or program on campus if it
appears that such a speaker or program will constitute a danger to the college’s orderly
operation or if there is a reasonable apprehension of imminent danger to students, college
personnel and/or the essential functions and purposes of the college by the advocacy of
such actions as:
a. Willful destruction or seizure of the college’s buildings or other property.
b. Disruption or impairment, by force or otherwise, of the college’s regularly scheduled
classes or other educational functions.
c. Physical harm, coercion, intimidation, or other invasion of lawful rights of the
college’s officials, faculty, students or visitors.
d. Other campus disorders of a violent nature.
e. Violations of any federal, state, or local laws.
In determining the existence of a danger, the college may consider all relevant factors,
including whether the proposed speaker or program has, within the past five years, incited
violence resulting in the destruction of property at any institution or event, or has willfully
caused the forcible disruption of regularly scheduled classes or other educational functions
at any institution or event.
A club/organization sponsoring a speaker shall be responsible for all expenses incurred.
When a student group proposes to invite a speaker, the following process must be followed:
a. A request by an officer of the student group desiring to sponsor the proposed speaker
must be in writing to the Associate Vice President, Student Support Services not later
than ten business days prior to the date of the proposed engagement. The request
shall include the following, but need not include the content of the intended speech.
1) Name of sponsoring organization.
2) Signature of faculty/staff advisor.
3) Proposed date, time, and location of meeting.
4) Expected size of audience.
5) Topic and brief explanation of subject matter.
b. A written response from the Associate Vice President, Student Support Services should
be received within five business days after submission of the request. As deemed
necessary, any special conditions of acceptance will be cited in the response. Any
request not acted upon within this time will be deemed granted.
c. If the request is granted, the sponsoring group shall extend an invitation to the speaker,
informing him/her in writing of any special conditions of acceptance and that institution
policy requires guest speakers to agree to answer questions from the floor relating to
the content of the presentation.
d. If the speaker accepts the invitation, the sponsoring group shall immediately inform the
Associate Vice President, Student Support Services, in writing. Associate Vice
President, Student Support Services will notify the President (or designee).
e. If the request is denied any sponsoring organization and/or faculty/staff advisor may
make written application within three business days to the President (or designee), who
shall review the request and grant or deny it. The decision shall be final.
When a faculty or staff member or organization proposes to invite a speaker to address a
general meeting of the faculty and staff, the following process must be followed:
a. A request in writing shall be submitted by the faculty staff member sponsoring the
proposed speaker to the appropriate Vice President not later than ten business days
prior to the date of the proposed engagement. This request is necessary only for
speakers invited to address a general meeting of the faculty and staff. It does not apply
to faculty or staff clubs, associations, or groups.
The request shall include the following, but need not include the content of the intended
1) Name of faculty/staff member or group.
2) Signature of sponsor.
3) Proposed date, time, and location of meeting.
4) Expected size of audience.
5) Topic and brief explanation of subject matter.
6) Identity of speaker.
A written response from the appropriate Vice President should be received within five
business days after submission of this request. As deemed necessary, any conditions
of acceptance will be cited in the response. Any request not acted upon within this time
will be deemed granted.
If the request is granted, the sponsoring faculty/staff member shall extend an invitation
to the speaker, informing him/her in writing of any special conditions of acceptance and
that institutional policy requires guest speakers to agree to answer questions from the
floor relating to the content of the presentation.
If the speaker accepts the invitation, the sponsoring faculty/staff member shall
immediately inform the appropriate Vice President in writing. The Vice President will
notify the President (or designee).
If the request is denied, the sponsor of the proposed speaker may make written
application within three business days to the President (or designee), who shall review
the request and grant or deny it. The decision shall be final.
Use of Facilities by College-Affiliated and Outside Groups
Guilford Technical Community College's buildings and allied facilities are available to responsible
groups when such use is determined to be beneficial to the citizens of Guilford County and/or
GTCC and when it will not interfere with or be detrimental to the ongoing educational programs of
the college.
Student and faculty organizations and activities are integral parts of the educational process;
therefore, all campus-affiliated groups may use the college's facilities when their activities are a
part of the college's mission.
Groups affiliated with GTCC shall have priority in reserving campus facilities. When space is
available and subject to reasonable procedures for reservations, GTCC welcomes other
organizations to campus for meetings when their work supports or enhances the educational
purposes of the college.
Non-affiliated groups may use GTCC facilities. However, such groups may not use the facilities for
profit-making purposes except as specified under G. S. 66-58(c) and G. S. 115D-20(12). UNC
Institutions may have access to GTCC facilities as specified in the Memorandum of Understanding
between the North Carolina Community College System and the University of North Carolina.
Private businesses that loan or donate instructional equipment may use college facilities on a
limited basis to demonstrate the equipment to customers or potential customers in accordance with
State Board of Community College Code SBCCC 02C.0503.
Attendance at any event may not be restricted on the basis of race, sex, color, religious affiliation,
national origin, or disability.
When required, charges for the use of the facilities shall be made according to the schedule of fees
outlined in the procedural guidelines of this policy.
Any group or organization using GTCC facilities shall save the Board, the individual members
thereof, and any other employees, free and without harm, from any loss, damage, liability, or
expense that may arise during, or be caused in any way by, such occupancy for use of the
college property. In the event damage to college property is incurred as a result of the use of
the facility by any group, the using group shall be assessed an amount which shall cover the
damage and related costs. The using group obligates itself to maintain order and decorum,
to prevent smoking in the classrooms and all non-smoking areas, and to prohibit use of
alcoholic beverages or of any controlled substances in the buildings or on the grounds unless
specifically authorized according to Policy I-1.020, Alcohol and Controlled Substance Use.
Future use of GTCC facilities by any group is contingent upon the group protecting the
college's property, ensuring complete safety of the participants, and observing fire and other
safety ordinances. If the facility is misused, the Vice President for Administrative Services
will advise the group in writing of such misuse and direct appropriate corrective action.
Misuse may result in prohibition from any future use of the college's facilities by that group.
For the activities specified below, groups may use certain institutional facilities at no charge.
Charges may be levied to cover expenses for services such as set-up, added security, or
unusual clean-up. These activities include:
a. All GTCC sponsored activities,
b. Public service activities (i.e., voting polls, blood drive, mass inoculations, etc.),
c. City, county, state and federal agency meetings or functions,
d. Educational, civic or cultural group meetings or functions if no admission is charged.
e. Up to three educational programs (seminars, courses, training) per fiscal year offered
by groups that have a mutually beneficial relationship with GTCC, and whose needs
are not met by a GTCC program.
Groups may use college facilities for the following purposes for a fee to be established by the
Associate Vice President for Administrative Services:
a. Profit-making or commercial organizations for non-profit-making meetings, seminars,
b. Meetings or events where registration or admission is charged or collections taken that
are not GTCC sponsored,
c. Educational, civic or cultural groups when admission is charged and the events are not
GTCC sponsored.
5. Private businesses that loan or donate instructional equipment to the college may be permitted
limited use of college facilities to demonstrate the equipment to their customers or potential
a. Businesses may be permitted this limited use for up to three years following the
donation, unless the Executive Vice President approves a different time period.
b. Demonstrations must be scheduled during the normal operating hours of the college,
must not disrupt or interrupt instructional classes, and must be approved by the
division chair of the appropriate program. Appointments must be made at least two
weeks in advance. A representative of the college must be present at all times during
the demonstration.
As required by law, the Vice President for Instruction will submit an annual report
regarding the use of facilities by business enterprises that have loaned or donated
instructional equipment. The report must be sent before September 1 to the Director
for Administrative and Facility Services at the North Carolina Community College
System Office.
6. Room reservations shall be made in the order requested. The college reserves the right to
change the assigned room or cancel a reservation if an emergency or urgent need justifies
such a change. Every effort will be made to suitably accommodate the affected group should
such a situation arise. Groups will not be booked for more than three meetings in advance,
unless approved by the Associate Vice President for Administrative Services.
7. The following fees shall be charged for use of college facilities on all GTCC campuses:
a. Facility
Single Session Use
Classroom or Conference Room
$ 50.00
Auditoriums (except Koury Auditorium),
Guilford Room, ATC Training Rooms,
Medlin Level One
Koury Auditorium
Parking Lots and/or Grounds (per area)
b. Teleconferencing
1) Interactive TV Classroom (North Carolina Information Highway):
Non-profit organization or government agencies
$80.00 /hr
$120.00 /hr
For-profit groups or organizations
$145.00 /hr $220.00 /hr
Time needed for set-up and breakdown constitutes an additional hour of billing.
*Additional charges will be charged by outside agencies that provide the offnet link.
2) Satellite downlinking facilities are available in Room 325 of the Learning Resource
Center or the Guilford Room of the Medlin Campus Center.
Non-profit organizations and government agencies
For-profit groups or organizations
$80.00 /hr
$145.00 /hr
Time needed for set-up and breakdown constitutes an additional hour of billing.
c. Audiovisual Equipment
One TV/VCR and overhead projector per room may be provided at no charge. The
college supplies the AV equipment listed below depending upon availability of
equipment and technician.
1) Additional TV/VCR and/or overhead projector - $25.00 per hr
3) Podium with built-in microphone - $50.00 per day
4) Dedicated technician working the event - $30.00 per hr
If a group intends to use any other equipment, rental is available from local vendors.
They may be found in yellow pages of the local phone directory under the heading
“Audio Visual Equipment and Supplies.”
d. Fees are due at the time the room is scheduled and no later than one week before the
scheduled event. GTCC may cancel the event if payment is not received by the due
e. In cases where the requested use of the facilities does not clearly fit the uses specified
in section 4 or section 6, the Executive Vice President/Associate Vice President for
Administrative Services shall determine an appropriate fee assessment.
f. If the presence of any GTCC employees (technicians, campus police) is necessary
under this policy for a meeting which occurs after their normal working hours, the
college will charge the using group a fee sufficient to reimburse the college for overtime
pay and benefits for such personnel. The Executive Vice President/Associate Vice
President for Administrative Services may waive the fee if it is in the best interest of
8. The official representative of a requesting group must contact the appropriate person, listed
below, to request and schedule a campus facility. Private businesses must sign a written
agreement stating terms and conditions including costs for using college facilities and
personnel. Any external group wishing to have use of GTCC facilities, whether or not the
intended use is a college-sponsored activity, must submit a Campus Activity Registration Form
to the appropriate office, as listed below. The appropriate office below will provide other forms
that may be necessary:
a. Jamestown Campus general areas - Administrative Services Office
b. Jamestown Campus classrooms – Office of the Vice President for Instruction
c. Jamestown Campus Business & Industry conference room – Office of the Vice
President of Corporate and Continuing Education
d. Greensboro (including the Small Business Center) or High Point Campuses –
Dean’s Office
e. Aviation Center - Division Chair for Transportation’s office
f. Koury Hospitality Careers Center auditorium, dining rooms, theater, parlor, and
conference room - Division Chair for Business Technologies’ Office
g. Teleconferencing facilities shall be booked through the office of the Director, Library
Services, who shall ensure that the Campus Activity Registration Form is completed
and properly submitted to the appropriate person listed above. That office, not the
NCIH site facilitator, will provide the additional appropriate agreement to a private
business wishing to use the facilities, and will maintain records of the signed
9. If arrangements are made through any other person at the college, that person shall ensure
that the Campus Activity Registration Form is completed and properly submitted to the
appropriate person listed above. The completed Campus Activity Registration Form should be
submitted at least one week prior to the date of requested use and two weeks prior if meals,
multiple facilities, special set-up or audiovisual equipment are needed.
10. At the end of each day, the designated persons responsible for scheduling will submit all
Campus Activity Registration Forms completed or received that day to the Events Scheduler in
the office of the Associate Vice President of Administrative Services.
a. The events scheduler will review the forms immediately to determine appropriateness
and raise any questions about the group's request. The events scheduler will forward
forms from all external groups and any others that raise questions to the Associate Vice
President for Administrative Services. The Vice President will inform the President's
Office or other appropriate offices about any requested event with a questionable
intended purpose and/or audience.
b. Within two working days, if possible, the college events scheduler will notify the
designated schedulers of each event’s approval status. If the group is not approved,
the college events scheduler will provide in writing the reasons for disapproval to the
designated scheduler and requesting group.
c. The events scheduler will route Campus Activity Registration Forms to Campus Police,
housekeeping and any other office necessary to make special physical arrangements
for the event. (Multiple copies of the Campus Activity Registration Forms are provided
for this purpose.)
11. The events scheduler will send approved groups a packet of information, which shall include:
a. A confirmation of the room assigned, day, date and time of the event;
b. Copies of relevant college policies and rules governing use of facilities, and such other
information (i.e., maps, directions) that might be helpful; and
c. An invoice, if applicable. (Note: The appropriate Learning Resources personnel will
send any invoices for teleconferencing.)
12. In general, college-owned kitchen facilities or equipment, including coffee-making equipment,
shall not be used for events. Arrangements for meals, coffee breaks, receptions, and other
food services may be made through the cafeteria manager.
13. Weekend Meetings
a. Saturday Meetings -- Guilford Tech sponsored (FTE-earning) meetings may be
scheduled on Saturday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. All other groups
will be scheduled on a limited basis with approval of the Vice President for
Administrative Services. Placement will depend on which buildings are open and
heated/cooled. Special charges will be levied for services needed and not normally
available on Saturdays. The Associate Vice President for Administrative Services may
waive such charges if it is in the best interest of GTCC.
b. Sunday Meetings -- Sunday meetings will be scheduled on a very limited basis subject
to the approval of the Associate Vice President for Administrative Services.
c. A member of the GTCC Police staff is required to be on duty to supervise an activity
when the facility is closed. A group using the facilities at such times will be charged for
any required personnel according to section 6 of this policy.
Lake and Shore Area Use
The Guilford Technical Community College lakes and shore areas are open to the general public
for limited recreational purposes from dawn to 11:00 p.m. daily. No recreational wading, swimming
or boating is permitted. Fishing is governed by state fishing licensure requirements and state fish
size and creel limits. GTCC reserves the right to prohibit fishing at any time and for any length of
time in order to prevent depletion of the fish population. Use by the general public may be
preempted for approved college uses.
Anyone may request use of the lake according to procedures associated with this policy.
Requests for group use from instructors or leaders of recognized campus groups:
The instructor of a class or the leader of a recognized campus group wishing to use the
lakes and shore areas must submit a request in writing to the Associate Vice President
of Administrative Services for permission to use the lake. Requests must be submitted
at least two weeks (excluding official holidays) before the intended use of the lakes and
shore areas. The request must include:
 Instructor’s or leader’s name
 Title of class or group name
 Class or group meeting time
 Number of students in the class or people in the group
 Purpose of using the lake
 Nature of use intended
 Proposed schedule for using the lake
The Vice President of Administrative Services or designee will answer the request in
writing within one week (excluding official holidays) of its receipt.
All other requests should be sent to the Administrative Services Office. The Associate Vice
President of Administrative Services or designee will answer the request in writing within one
week (excluding official holidays and days the campus is closed). Requestors must sign a
Waiver of Liability for approval to be granted. Once approved, the requestor will receive a
written confirmation that will serve as a use permit and a copy of the Lake and Shore Area
Use Policy.
Skateboarding and Other Conveyances
Skateboarding is prohibited on all GTCC campuses because of potential risks to the skateboarder,
pedestrians, motorists and other individuals on campus.
Other wheeled conveyances such as sneaker skates, roller blades, bicycles, scooters, or any such
items must not be used in a way that endangers the person using them, other people, or property.
They may not be used inside buildings, on sidewalks, steps or ramps that are being used by
pedestrians, on benches or tables, and/or in any way that might destroy property or landscaping.
Any skateboarders, and individuals using other conveyances in a dangerous or destructive
manner, will be reported to the Campus Police Officer on duty. The officer shall contact the violator
of this policy and:
a. Warn the violator to cease and desist the action;
b. If the violator fails to cease and desist, the officer shall require the violator to leave the
c. If the violator fails to leave campus as ordered, the officer shall invoke NC General
Statute 14-159.13 Second Degree Trespassing and take the person into custody.
An employee who fails to comply with any part of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary
action. Such disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to probation, suspension or
A student who fails to comply with any part of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action
in accordance with the Student Conduct procedure. Disciplinary action may include a written
reprimand, being dropped from class, receiving a failing grade on a test or course, probation,
suspension from the college, dismissal from the college, and/or prosecution.
1/22/14 President’s Council Reviewed, no change
Naming of Facilities
Final authority for naming facilities (or any specialized campus center or activity) rests with the
Board of Trustees.
The character and use of the facility to be named should be considered when a name is chosen.
Individuals for whom facilities are named should, as a rule, be alumni, college personnel, trustees,
major donors, or other distinguished persons, whether living or deceased. Duplication of names
should be avoided; no facility should be named for a person whose surname has already been
assigned to another facility.
The word "facility" as used above applies to buildings, conference rooms, streets, courts, athletic
fields, and other named places. Use of the words "individual" and "person" above need not
preclude the naming of facilities for groups or organizations.
1. The naming of buildings involves the public identity of the college at a significant level. Building
names, therefore, should be reserved for honoring people who have made significant
contributions to the community and/or the college. The naming of rooms, areas, or special
purpose facilities is generally understood by the public not only to be an honor, but also to
recognize generous donations. Buildings and all other facilities may be named to honor a
person or group whether or not a donation is involved.
2. The Foundation Board and other individuals or groups may submit recommendations for
naming facilities to the Personnel and Policy Committee of the Board of Trustees. Facility
names will be adopted by vote of the full Board of Trustees at a regular meeting.
3. The Foundation Board may indicate to potential major donors that naming of a facility in their
honor will be recommended to the Board of Trustees in recognition of their gifts, particularly
when the gifts make possible the furnishing or equipping of those spaces. However, the Board
of Trustees retains the sole authority to determine how all facilities are named, and that should
be made clear to donors. The Foundation Board may set targets for the levels of gifts, which
indicate that naming a particular facility in recognition of a gift at that level would be considered
by the Board of Trustees.
Board Reviewed 4/18/13
Public Complaint Policy
Guilford Technical Community College strives to satisfy the public to the greatest extent possible.
College personnel will work diligently to answer questions, clarify information, and resolve
problems. If informal efforts to solve problems do not satisfy the complainant, members of the
public may submit formal complaints to Campus Deans, Vice Presidents, or the President.
1. A formal complaint must be placed in writing and submitted to a Campus Dean, a Vice
President, or the President. Students with complaints must follow the established student
grievance policy (III-2.013).
2. The President, Vice President, or Campus Dean will direct an investigation to begin within
five working days from the date the complaint is received.
a. Formal complaints will be logged and immediately forwarded to the appropriate
supervisor. They will be monitored as necessary to ensure timely response.
b. The supervisor will conduct an investigation and respond to the Campus Dean, Vice
President, or President in writing. Both offices will retain copies of the response.
c. Changes in policies and/or procedures may be made as necessary based on the
legitimacy of the complaints and the feasibility of the remedy.
3. The Campus Dean, Vice President, or President receiving the complaint will inform the
complainant of the process and/or outcome of the investigation within ten working days
from the date the complaint is received.
The Instructional Process
Academic Freedom and Responsibility Policy
Guilford Technical Community College is committed to the objective of educating its students.
Since academic freedom is essential to the pursuit of this goal, the College encourages, supports
and protects all staff members (teaching and non-teaching) in their academic pursuits—teaching,
performing academic research, discussion and publication. Academic Freedom carries with it
duties correlative with that freedom. Each staff member is free from restraints and penalties that
would restrict responsible academic endeavors.
It is the staff member’s responsibility to present material objectively. Within a course, discussions
and assignments should relate to the material designated by the course outline. Under other
conditions, discussion and assignments should be in accordance with the College’s mission,
philosophy and goals.
Each staff member has the right to perform research and to publish the results of this research.
This right is subject to restraint only if it imposes upon the first priority of each member at Guilford
Technical Community College, which is to maintain excellence in job performance.
As a citizen of the community, the staff member is free from institutional censorship and discipline
in the exercise of the freedom to speak and write as a private citizen. The staff member must
recognize that as an employee of Guilford Technical Community College, the public may assume
that one speaks for the College; therefore, each employee is responsible for alerting the public that
he/she is not serving as a college spokesperson.
Further, Guilford Technical Community College provides books and other learning resources which
reflect the needs of its educational programs and includes materials with all points of view for the
information, interest and enlightenment of the community the Learning Resource Center serves.
Materials are selected using the best knowledge and criteria of the staff members of the College.
1. Employees:
a. An employee who decides to perform academic research during the established work
schedule must inform his/her immediate supervisor in writing. The notice should precede
the beginning of the research.
b. The notification should include:
1) name of employee
2) summary of proposed project
3) expected length of the project
c. In oral or written public expression, the employee must indicate in a definite manner that
one is speaking/writing as a private citizen.
2. Learning Resources
In the fulfillment of the responsibility to provide information and enlightenment, censorship will be
a. The Director, Library or designated staff member will notify the appropriate vice president of
any attempts to abridge this freedom.
b. The vice president will insure that this freedom is not abridged.
3. Rules:
a. Academic research conducted by an employee during the established work schedule must
not impose upon teaching, student, or institutional obligations.
b. Such research must relate to the employee’s responsibilities as specified by the job
c. All instructional faculty must maintain the relevance of lecture content and course
requirements as specified by the course outline. Supplementary learning resources must
be directly related to the course as a whole.
Credit Hours and Coursework
Guilford Technical Community College (GTCC) uses directives from the State Board of Community
Colleges Code 1G SBCCC 100.1 Definitions, 1D SBCCC 400.97 Courses and Standard for
Curriculum Programs and from Federal Regulations 34 CFR 600.2 to define credit hour and
determine the amount and level of credit awarded for courses. A credit hour reflects the amount of
work required to achieve identified learning outcomes and is validated by student achievement of
those outcomes. The credit awarded is the same for courses regardless of instructional delivery
method. In addition, GTCC complies with the directives from the North Carolina Community
College Combined Course Library.
According to the State Board of Community College Code (SBCCC), semester hours are defined
as follows:
1. Credit of one semester hour is awarded for each 16 hours of "class work." Classwork
consists of lecture and other classroom instruction. Classwork is under the supervision of
an instructor.
2. Credit of one semester hour is awarded for each 32 hours of "experiential laboratory
work." Experiential laboratory work means instruction given to a student by an instructor to
increase the student's knowledge and skills without immediate student application.
3. Credit of one semester hour is awarded for each 48 hours of "faculty directed laboratory
work." Faculty directed laboratory involves structured and coordinated demonstration by an
instructor with immediate student application.
4. Credit of one semester hour is awarded for each 48 hours of "clinical practice." Clinical
practice is a structured, faculty-directed learning experience in a health sciences program
which develops job proficiency. Clinical practice requires significant preparation,
coordination, and scheduling by the faculty and is under the supervision of an instructor or
preceptor who is qualified for the particular program.
5. Credit of one semester hour is awarded for each 160 hours of "work experience" such as
cooperative education, practicums, and internships. Work experience involves the
development of job skills by providing the student with employment that is directly related
to, and coordinated with, the educational program. Student activity in work experience is
planned and coordinated by a college representative, and the employer is responsible for
the control and supervision of the student on the job.
In addition, GTCC awards the same semester credit hours for distance learning courses as for
traditional seated courses. Distance learning courses are created with instructional materials
and student work/assignments comparable in amount to courses offered via traditional
Outcomes-Based Education Policy
Guilford Technical Community College is dedicated to utilizing an outcomes-based educational
approach to validate and improve the educational experience. Through involvement of the faculty
and staff, advisory committees, professional organizations, and community representatives,
knowledge and skill-based outcomes are identified for each program. In addition, employability
skills are embedded in courses to encourage students to exhibit professionalism in their
interactions with college employees and current/future employers.
The faculty designs the general education and program curriculum and course offerings using the
identified outcomes as a focus. Embedded assessments are utilized to determine student
achievement of the defined outcomes thus providing a framework for continuous program
improvement in accordance with established procedures.
General Education Outcomes:
a. The faculty has identified general education outcomes essential for success of students
pursuing a degree or certificate greater than one year in length. The number of general
education outcomes that must be met is determined based on the degree/certificate
b. There are six core areas of general education outcomes: oral and written
communication, humanities and fine arts, information literacy, behavioral and social
sciences, natural sciences, and mathematics.
c. The faculty designs the program curriculum and course offerings using the identified
outcomes as a focus.
d. Outcomes are assessed at the course level using an embedded method thus providing
evidence that students are meeting general education outcomes prior to graduation.
e. All stated outcomes will be assessed within a five year cycle.
f. All associated assessment data and associated program revisions will be documented
in a college-wide process.
Program Level Outcomes:
a. Through a DACUM process, national or state skills standards, or other means, the
faculty has identified a set of program level outcomes for graduates of each curriculum
b. Course outcomes are developed to support the attainment of established program level
outcomes. This linkage is evidenced in the curriculum mapping developed by each
program faculty.
c. Program level outcomes are assessed through testing by external agencies as required
for licensing or certification, through portfolio review, exit exams, or through other
embedded methods thus providing evidence that students are meeting program level
outcomes prior to graduation.
d. All stated outcomes will be assessed within a five year cycle.
e. All associated assessment data and associated program revisions will be documented
in a college-wide process.
Student Grievance
A grievance is a student allegation that a college action or decision is unfair or has a negative
impact on the student’s status at Guilford Technical Community College. A grievance may or may
not be grade related. Any student may file a grievance and request a review of the college
decision or action which prompted the grievance.
Effective date: May 2014
1. Cases/Appeals regarding Academic Integrity violations/sanctions are processed through
the procedure outlined in III-1.031 Student Academic Integrity. Cases/Appeals regarding
Student Conduct violations/sanctions are processed through the procedure outlined in III2.010 Student Conduct. The following are procedures for all other student grievances.
2. General Guidelines:
a. A student should visit the Office of the Vice President for Student Support Services
to obtain a copy of the grievance procedure and required forms or print the
documents directly from the college website.
b. During any step in the procedures outlined below, either the student or employee
may request a college facilitator (often a department/division administrator, or an
advocate) to sit in on the discussion to help facilitate the process. The facilitator’s
job is to help with communication and maintain a neutral position.
3. Timeliness:
A non-grade related grievance must be presented within 30 calendar days after the action
or decision being questioned.
A grade related grievance must be filed within 15 working days of the beginning date of the
subsequent term (fall, spring, or summer) (e.g., a complaint regarding a spring term grade
must be filed by the 15th working day of summer term even if the student is not enrolled for
summer classes).
While every attempt will be made to resolve the grievance in the shortest possible
timeframe, processing at each step cannot exceed 10 working days; however, the time may
be extended by agreement of both parties or by extenuating circumstances as decided by
the administrator to whom the grievance is presented.
If the issue is not resolved at one level and the student chooses to move the concern to the
next step of the appeal process, s/he must complete that action within 5 working days of
receiving a decision.
If the supervisor/administrator at each step does not meet processing time limitations, the
student may then request administrative assistance from the next-level
supervisor/administrator in obtaining requested relief. If the student does not meet the
stated time limitations, the process will be terminated and such grievance cannot be
4. Non Grade Related Grievance Procedure:
a. The student shall first informally discuss the matter in question with the College
employee most directly involved unless the issue is a claim of discriminatory
harassment. In that case, the student may appeal directly to the employee’s immediate
b. If the student is unable to resolve the matter in question through discussion with the
College employee directly involved, the student must file a formal, written appeal form
for non-grade related grievances with the employee’s immediate
supervisor/administrator. All such appeal submissions shall state the basic facts in the
c. If the matter is not resolved, the appeal may be processed through the employee’s
supervisor/administrator in succession until a resolution is obtained or until the appeal
reaches the appropriate Vice President. The decision of the Vice President will be final.
d. Upon resolution of the grievance, all records related to the grievance will be forwarded
to the appropriate Vice President’s office for retention and tracking. A confidential log of
formal written grievances will be maintained. Informal grievances will not be
documented on the log.
5. Grade Related Grievance Procedure:
a. It is the responsibility of faculty at GTCC to assign course grades according to methods
which are professionally acceptable, communicated to everyone in the class, and
applied to all students equally. Any questions about assigned grades are best
addressed with the faculty member who assigned the original grade.
b. A student may appeal a final grade for the following reasons:
1) Inconsistency between what is written in the syllabus and what is practiced in the
2) A grade miscalculation
3) Errors in the final exam if a change in final exam grade would cause a change in the
course grade
4) Inconsistent classroom practices
A student may not appeal a final grade based on:
1) Disagreements with teaching methodologies
2) Attendance policies
3) Documented grade weighting methods
NOTE: While a grade is being appealed, a student is obligated to abide by the written
division/department policies concerning continuation in the program or in courses with
c. Any student who contests a course grade must first attempt to resolve the matter
informally with the faculty member who assigned the grade. Failing to reach a
resolution with the faculty member, the student may appeal the course grade in
accordance with the formal procedure outlined below.
1) The student must complete and submit the Student Grievance Grade Related
Appeal Form to the department chair/coordinator where the contested grade was
awarded. This written appeal must be filed within 15 working days of the
beginning date of the subsequent term and cannot be appealed beyond this
period (See Section 3, “Timeliness”). The written appeal will become the
document of record.
2) When the department chair/coordinator reviews the case and renders a decision,
s/he will communicate that decision in writing to the student and the faculty
3) If the issue is not resolved, the student may appeal to the division chair where the
contested course grade was awarded.
4) Using the Student Grievance Grade Related Appeal Form and other supporting
documents submitted by the department chair/coordinator, the division chair will
confer with the student and the faculty member to seek resolution. Based on
these discussions the division chair will render a decision.
5) When the division chair renders a decision, s/he will communicate that decision in
writing to the student, the faculty member, and the department chair/coordinator.
6) Failing resolution, the student may contact the Associate Vice President of
Instruction (AVPI) for an appointment. The AVPI will request all documentation,
including the Student Grievance Grade Appeal Form from the division chair prior
to meeting with the student. The AVPI will confer with the student, faculty
member, department chair/coordinator, and the division chair. Based on these
discussions, the AVPI will render a decision.
7) When the AVPI renders a decision, s/he will communicate that decision in writing
to the student, the faculty member, the department chair/coordinator, and the
division chair.
8) If the conference with the AVPI does not resolve the matter, then the student may
request a review by the Vice President of Instruction (VPI) The VPI will request all
documentation, including the Student Grievance Grade Appeal Form and all
subsequent documentation prior to meeting with the student. The VPI will confer
with the student, faculty member, department chair/coordinator, the division chair,
and the AVPI. Based on these discussions, the VPI will either render a decision
in writing or if appropriate convene the Grade Appeal Committee. The decision
of the VPI regarding the status of the grade appeal is final.
9) If the VPI determines that further evaluation of the student’s work is warranted,
the VPI will convene a Grade Appeal Committee. This committee will consist of
the convening administrator, four faculty members and one student government
representative. The Faculty Association will appoint one faculty member; the
college will assign three faculty members from the curriculum committee; and the
Student Government Association President will assign a student member. The
student and faculty member who assigned the grade will be present at the
meeting. The student may bring one guest as an observer. The student and
faculty member will be given an opportunity to address the committee and to
answer questions. The Grade Appeal Committee will move into closed session
to deliberate and make a decision on the appeal. The committee’s decision will
be final. The VPI will communicate the committee’s decision in writing to the
student, the faculty member who assigned the grade, department
chair/coordinator, division chair, and the AVPI.
10) Upon resolution of the grievance, all records related to the grievance will be
forwarded to the appropriate Vice President’s office for retention and tracking. A
confidential log will be maintained. Informal grievances will not be documented in
the log.
Extension Programs Offered to Captive or Co-Opted Groups
Offering courses to students in captive or co-opted settings is a valid component of the mission of
GTCC. State Board of Community College Code SBCCC 2E.0403, "inmates in a correctional
facility; military personnel on military bases when classes are designed exclusively for military
personnel; clients of sheltered workshops, domiciliary care facilities, nursing facilities, mental
retardation centers, substance abuse rehabilitation centers; and in-patients of psychiatric
hospitals.") The college shall ensure that courses taught to students in these agencies are
appropriate educational experiences based on the needs and capabilities of the students.
Program offerings may be work-related or non-work-related and may include basic skills,
community service, occupational extension and/or curriculum courses.
1. GTCC will require each agency with jurisdiction over a group of immured students to sign a
Memorandum of Understanding which states that the agency will ensure that students enrolled
in classes will be capable of participating in and benefiting from the educational experiences to
be offered.
2. Any enrollments of students in captive or co-opted settings will be with the full knowledge of the
3. Courses offered will not supersede the normal operating functions and activities of the agency
which are mandated by licensing authorities.
4. The President or designee will monitor programs offered in immured settings to ensure that
appropriate educational experiences are provided.
5. Students will be allowed to repeat courses only with the instructor's and/or program director's
permission and in accordance with State Board policy.
Rev. 8/17/95
Federal Loan Default Management Plan
In accordance with recommendations from the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan)
programs, Guilford Technical Community College has adopted a default prevention and
management plan. The purpose of this plan is to reduce defaults, promote student and college
success, help preserve the integrity of the college’s loan programs, and reduce costs to taxpayers.
1. Default prevention and management activities employed by the college, include but are not
limited to the following:
a. Entrance Counseling
b. Financial Literacy for Borrowers
c. Communication Across Campus
d. Exit Counseling
e. Timely and Accurate Enrollment Reporting
f. NSLDS Date Entered Repayment (DER) Report
g. Late Stage Delinquency Assistance (LSDA)
h. Periodic review of the Loan Record Detail Report (LRDR)
i. Review of Defaulted Loan Data to identify the characteristics of students who typically
2. First time borrowers of Direct Loan program loans will receive entrance counseling to include
information regarding:
a. How a master promissory note works
b. The importance of repaying the loan
c. A description of the consequences of default
d. Sample monthly repayment amounts based on the student’s program of study
e. Financial literacy information
3. The Financial Aid Office will identify and counsel students who are at risk for default of their
loans due to premature withdrawal from their educational program and/or who do not meet
standards of satisfactory academic progress. Counseling of at-risk students will focus on the
causes of withdrawal or unsatisfactory academic progress and solutions to resolve these
4. Information related to the prevention and management of loan defaults will be communicated to
all relevant offices across the college. This information will include, but not be limited to;
students’ academic progress and enrollment status.
5. The Director of Financial Aid will appoint a staff member of the Financial Aid Office to serve as
the primary Default Prevention and Management coordinator.
6. The Financial Aid Office will provide exit counseling to students with federal loans that will
include an explanation of repayment plans and choices that fit the individual student’s needs,
clear up any misconceptions the student has about their loan obligation, and re-emphasize the
consequences of default.
7. The Financial Aid Office will contact students with federal loans who withdraw before the
completion of their program of study and encourage them to complete their program by helping
them to identifying the issues that prompted their withdrawal and referring them to college and
community resources as appropriate.
8. The Financial Aid Office will provide accurate and timely enrollment reports to the Department
of Education to ensure that students receive their full grace period, and ensure that contacts
from the loan server occur in the appropriate timing and sequence.
9. Following withdrawal or graduation of students with federal loans, the Financial Aid Office will
regularly review the NSLDS Date Entered Repayment Report (DER), make comparisons of the
data to internal records, and make any necessary corrections to their student(s) status. This
action will ensure that the data is accurate, that students with federal loans enter repayment in
the correct cohort year, and that the college receives accurate cohort default rates (CDRs).
10. The Financial Aid Office will participate in Early Stage Delinquency Assistance activities to
assist students who have withdrawn or graduated to prepare for entry into loan repayment and
thereby, decrease the chances of later loan defaults. These activities include, but are not
limited to, providing enhanced loan counseling and utilizing default aversion assistance offered
by guarantors and similar assistance from the Direct Loan Servicer for borrowers who are at
least sixty (60) days delinquent.
11. The Financial Aid Office will participate in Late Stage Delinquency Assistance (LSDA) activities
by working with lenders, guaranty agencies, and servicers to identify delinquent and hard to
reach students, or those who have not been contacted at all to assist them with their repayment
options and obligations.
12. The Financial Aid Office will periodically review the defaulted loan data found in the CDR to
identify defaulter characteristics and to determine who is defaulting and why. The college will
use this information to improve its default prevention and management plan. It is the college’s
responsibility to challenge incorrect data, request an adjustment, or submit an appeal of
inaccurate data.
Financial Aid, Coordination of
All donations or inquiries about donations to the college for student assistance must be directed to
the Guilford Technical Community College Foundation. In addition, the Financial Aid Office will
process funds from sponsors who choose to select their own scholarship recipients.
1. "Student assistance" refers to any private aid provided for tuition, fees, books, supplies, student
living expenses, book loans, emergency loans, and/or student employment or other similar
purposes. This aid is broadly referred to as a scholarship.
2. A "scholarship donor" is an individual, group, or business who gives a contribution to the
college for student assistance and allows the scholarship committee of the college to select the
recipient based on qualifying criteria which has been determined by the donor.
3. A "scholarship sponsor" is an individual, group, or business who offers financial assistance to a
specific student that they designate or who requires that they control the selection of the
student with the assistance of the Financial Aid Office.
4. Donations to the college for student assistance should be handled as follows:
a. Faculty or staff members will forward calls or inquiries from potential donors to the
GTCC Foundation Office.
b. The GTCC Foundation will counsel the potential donors about the ways they can give to
provide student assistance and will establish the necessary qualifying criteria of the
scholarship working with the donor and will explain the scholarship award process used
by the college.
c. The GTCC Foundation will notify the Financial Aid Office when the donor's contribution
is received. The GTCC Foundation will acknowledge the gift in writing with a copy
forwarded to the faculty or staff member who referred the donor to the GTCC
d. The Financial Aid Office will incorporate the availability of the new scholarship into its
financial aid publications.
e. Once the recipient is selected, the Financial Aid Office will notify the recipient and the
GTCC Foundation. The GTCC Foundation will notify the donor. Student recipients will
be required to write thank you letters to the donor before any funds are released.
Student assistance provided by sponsors should be handled as follows:
a. All checks received by faculty or staff members written to preselected students and/or
to the college for the benefit of preselected students from sponsors will be forwarded to
the Cashier’s office for deposit who will forward a copy to the Financial Aid Office for
processing. Processing includes checking records to insure compliance with federal
and state financial aid eligibility, authorizing student charges against the scholarship or
authorizing a check to be written and disbursed from the Finance Office in accordance
with the sponsor's wishes.
b. If requested, the Financial Aid Office will assist those sponsors who want to use their
own selection process by advertising the availability of the scholarship, getting faculty
or staff recommendations, and providing a pool of applicants for them to consider.
c. A list of sponsors will be forwarded to the GTCC Foundation for acknowledgement and
future solicitation.
Graduation exercises shall be held to honor students who successfully complete a program of
study. All of these students are encouraged to participate and are required to pay a nonrefundable graduation fee to cover the costs. Academic attire will be worn.
All regular full-time exempt employees, to include thirty-hour (30) employees, in pay status during
the semester of graduation are required to participate in graduation exercises. If the employee
cannot attend, prior approval from the President (or designee) must be secured. Full-time exempt
employees not in pay status during the semester of graduation are encouraged to attend the
exercises. Academic attire will be worn.
1. Employees who cannot attend graduation shall submit a written request detailing the reason(s)
for their expected absence to their immediate supervisor no later than fourteen calendar days
prior to the event. The supervisor will send the request through appropriate channels to the
President or the President's designee.
2. The President (or designee) will review the request and grant or deny it.
3. GTCC will provide employees with their initial cap, gown and hood for graduation exercises.
Program and Service Review
Guilford Technical Community College will monitor the quality and viability of all its programs and
services. All instructional and continuing education programs and all service areas shall be
reviewed on a three year cycle established by the President or designee. Information Summary
Reports outlining the critical outcomes of the review cycle shall be provided to the Board of
Instructional programs shall meet standards for performance set by the State Board of Community
Colleges and such other criteria deemed appropriate by the college. Programs that do not meet the
standards will be subject to further and/or more frequent review to document temporary or
permanent conditions, which shall be taken into account to justify continuation of the program. If
further review fails to provide a justification for the program or to lead to improvement so that the
program meets the standards, the program shall be terminated.
1. Program reviews will be conducted on an established 3 year cycle by a program review team
consisting of all staff of the program area to be reviewed. The review team for instructional
areas must include faculty and may include advisory committee members. A member of the
planning and research staff will act as consultant to each team.
2. The college will determine and the President will approve the key performance indicators to be
used within the Program Review process. These indicators will include those required by the
North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges.
3. The faculty/staff in each program and service area may develop a list of additional programspecific performance indicators to add to the list of key performance indicators. These
performance indicators will be defined, and methods of measuring each indicator will be
developed. If approved by the appropriate vice president, they will be reported as part of the
program and service review process in the program/service review and planning unit report.
4. The program review team will assess the instructional program's achievement of its
performance indicators as defined and document its findings and recommendations in the
program review and planning unit report.
5. Annual summary reports to the Board of Trustees shall be prepared by area Vice Presidents or
other appropriate lead administrator.
6. Program/service reviews will be reported to the advisory committee of the program/service area
(where applicable).
7. The faculty/staff in each program and service area will use the results of the program or service
review to develop and implement annual program or service improvement objectives. These
will be included in the planning unit report as part of the planning process. (See II-1.080,
Annual Program and Service Area Planning.)
8. In cases where programs/services have indicators that fall below established thresholds, an
Action Plan shall be developed for improvement. In these cases, the programs/services will be
evaluated at least annually to document results of the Action Plan. Only when all indicators fall
above established thresholds, does the program/service area re-enter the 3-year review cycle.
9. The appropriate vice president will review all program and service area reviews and
improvement objectives. Summaries of the reviews will be provided to the Board of Trustees.
10. The end-of-year status report will indicate progress toward achievement of the objectives.
Annual Program and Service Area Planning
All GTCC employees shall be involved in an annual planning process covering program and
service areas of the institution. The process shall support the goals of the college and the
president’s initiatives; respond to any planning mandates of the General Assembly and the State
Board of Community Colleges; and, where appropriate, address System identified goals and
objectives. The process should include the evaluation of progress toward goals, outcomes
assessment, awareness of trends, determination of the effects of technological change, and
strategic positioning. The process shall require that decisions and plans be based on data and
evaluation; that the needs of students and the community be recognized and considered; and that
every employee shall have an opportunity to participate. The result of the planning process shall
be the college’s Institutional Effectiveness Plan.
1. Planning groups, units, and subunits following the organizational chart shall be designated.
All planning units will belong to a planning group, usually headed by the area Vice
President. Each instructional department will be a planning subunit, and each instructional
division will be a planning unit. Subunits may be designated by the planning unit head with
the approval of the planning group head. The Institutional Research Effectiveness &
Reaffirmation (IRER) Office will publish a list of planning units and groups.
2. The IRER Office will publish an annual calendar for planning.
3. Each program and service area planning unit of the college is responsible for participating
in development of the college plan.
a. Each planning unit or subunit should meet in the fall to review a planning template
with data provided by the IRER Office and data gathered by the unit. Data should
include the results of the most recent program/service review. For instructional
programs, academic assessment data should also be evaluated.
Units should discuss trends in their related industry (ies), their professional area,
instructional methodologies, and educational administration.
Units should discuss their role in carrying out the president’s initiatives and in
addressing the institutional goals of the college; responding to any applicable
planning mandates of the General Assembly and the State Board of Community
Colleges; and, where appropriate, addressing System-identified goals and
From these discussions, desirable innovations and/or improvements should emerge,
which can be developed into planning objectives.
Each planning unit completes a template that provides a format for including data
collected at the unit level, and for reporting objectives, strategies, persons
responsible and estimated budget requirements.
All unit plans are compiled and coordinated at the planning group level. The plans are
reviewed for overlap and duplication.
a. The plans are reviewed to insure that the group’s leadership can support each
action and/or budget request.
Plans are submitted to the IRER Office, which prepares the objectives for prioritization. The
IRER Office is responsible for maintaining the completed plans and for compiling the endof-year progress report on plan objectives.
Objectives that involve technology are reviewed by the Information Technology Committee
and prioritized based on the committee’s judgment of the most effective and efficient use of
The heads of each planning group present their objectives and budget requests to the
Institutional Effectiveness Council (IEC), which then prioritizes the objectives for the
The IEC priorities shall be used by the president and administrative leadership to guide
budget decisions, as funding constraints and actual conditions allow.
SACSCOC Compliance Substantive Change Policy
In accordance with 1B SBCC 400.96 Guilford Technical Community College (GTCC) will comply
with all policies of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
(SACSCOC) including the substantive change policies and procedures.
General Compliance Procedure:
1. The president appoints an Accreditation Liaison Officer who works to ensure the college
remains in compliance with all SACSCOC policies (Comprehensive Standard 3.13.1) through
the following activities:
a. Ensuring that compliance with accreditation requirements is incorporated into the planning
and evaluation process of the institution.
b. Notifying the Commission in advance of substantive changes and program developments in
accord with the substantive change policies of the Commission.
c. Familiarizing faculty, staff, and students with the Commission's accrediting policies and
procedures, and with particular sections of the accrediting standards and Commission
policies that have application to certain aspects of the campus (e.g., library, continuing
education) especially when such documents are adopted or revised.
d. Serving as a contact person for Commission staff. This includes encouraging institutional
staff to route routine inquiries about the Principles of Accreditation and accreditation
policies and processes through the Accreditation Liaison, who will contact Commission
staff, if necessary, and ensuring that email from the Commission office does not get trapped
in the institution’s spam filter.
e. Coordinating the preparation of the annual profiles and any other reports requested by the
f. Serving as a resource person during the decennial review process and helping prepare for
and coordinating reaffirmation and other accrediting visits.
g. Ensuring that electronic institutional data collected by the Commission is accurate and
h. Maintaining a file of all accreditation materials, such as, reports related to the decennial
review; accreditation committee reports; accreditation manuals, standards, and policies;
schedules of all visits; and correspondence from accrediting offices.
2. Substantive Change Monitoring Procedure (Effective 9/2014):
a. At least twice a year, the College SACSCOC liaison will request information related to
changes that have occurred since the last report. A checklist will be sent to vice presidents,
deans, division chairs, department chairs/coordinators, and the GTCC Curriculum
Committee to solicit change information.
b. The SACSCOC liaison will review the list and determine which changes need to be
reported according to SACSCOC Policy and Comprehensive Standard 3.12.1.
c. If a change is to be reported, the SACSCOC liaison and appropriate personnel will develop
the required materials for submission (i.e. letters, prospectus, etc.)
d. Substantive change documents will be reviewed and approved by the president prior to
submission to SACSCOC.
e. A log of all changes and correspondence with SACSCOC will be kept in the office of the
SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison Officer.
Other Campus Issues
Code of Ethics
Guilford Technical Community College is committed to maintaining the highest professional
standards in all of its academic and administrative operations; promoting ethical practices among
its administrators, faculty, staff, and students; and ensuring a level of accountability appropriate for
a public institution. Individuals are expected to observe all federal, state, and local laws including
those pertaining to equal opportunity, nondiscrimination, and harassment.
Personal interactions among members of the college community and between members of the
college community and those outside the college community should be characterized by
truthfulness, openness to new ideas, civility, and consideration for the rights of others. Each
member of the college should respect the rights of others to freedom of thought, opinion, speech,
and association.
Individuals shall present information accurately, comply with policies to the best of their abilities,
and use the institution’s resources appropriately. Each employee is responsible for avoiding real
or apparent conflicts of interest; ensuring that authority is exercised within a framework of
accountability; and ensuring that information is managed in accordance with relevant public record
and privacy statutes.
1. Individuals who have a concern about the conduct of a particular individual or the propriety of a
given situation should consult with the supervisor of the individual in question or with the
supervisor of the area in which the situation in question occurred, or notify their own
supervisors. College policy (Reporting Fraud and Misconduct, IV-4.110), provides protection
from retaliation for individuals who report such conduct in good faith and disciplinary action for
those guilty of malicious reporting.
2. Concerns about ethical practices may also be reported anonymously to the State Auditor’s
Fraud and Abuse Hotline by calling 1-800-730-8477.
3. A number of other college policies establish ethical guidelines or standards for appropriate
professional conduct for particular educational or administrative functions. These policies
include, but are not limited to: Use of College Facilities by College-Affiliated & Outside Groups
(I-1.090), Academic Freedom and Responsibility (II-1.010), Copyright (II-2.030), Intellectual
Property (II-2.031), Telecommunications policies (II-2.035), Student Conduct (III-2.010), Sexual
Harassment (III-2.014 and IV-4.070), Right to Privacy (III-2.060), Use of Human Subjects (III2.090), Conflict of Interest (IV-1.010), Equal Opportunity (IV-1.023), Nepotism (IV-1.040),
Outside/Dual Employment (IV-1.060), Drug-Free Workplace (IV-4.020). College rules also
apply, including, but not limited to “Honoraria, Gifts, Gratuities/Surplus Property,” “Media
Technologies Equipment Procedures,” and “Selling/Disposition of Desk, Review, Sample and
Complimentary Instructional Materials.”
Approved 6/2006
Advertising, External
All Guilford Technical Community College publications which generate funds from the sale of
external advertising are subject to regulations established by GTCC.
1. A "GTCC publication" is defined as any newspaper, pamphlet, report, brochure, or other
document bearing the name of Guilford Technical Community College and supported in whole
or in part by college personnel and/or students.
2. Any GTCC employee, student or organization seeking funds through the sale of advertising
space in a GTCC publication must submit a written request for approval of the solicitation to the
appropriate campus Vice President. The request must fully and specifically list and justify the
needs for such external support; that is, that GTCC funds are not available for this purpose
through either student activities or institutional printing/advertising budgets.
3. All forms to be used to contract for advertising must have prior content approval by the
Associate Vice President, Business and Finance in consultation with GTCC's legal counsel.
4. All advertising contracts procured on behalf of GTCC must be signed by the President or
his/her designee.
5. Funds generated from the sale of advertising shall be deposited, maintained and dispersed
through normal institutional financial channels. An account must be established for this
purpose through the Finance Office.
6. Funds generated from advertising may be dispersed only for those purposes expressly stated
and approved in the needs document reviewed by the GTCC Vice Presidents, following
procedures established by the Finance Office.
Rev. 8/17/95
Reviewed 10/7/13
Board Policy Development and Review
The Board of Trustees will follow an established procedure for development and review of official
1. Adding or Revising Policies
a. Any individual or group may submit to the Executive Vice President, in writing, a proposal
for a new policy or for a change in an existing policy. The document must include:
1. the policy/area addressed
2. the action requested
3. the rationale for the action
4. a draft of the proposed new/revised policy and procedure
b. At the discretion of the Executive Vice President, copies of the proposed new or revised
policy are sent to the President's Council. If President’s Council approves the proposed
policy, it is circulated to the college community via email for comment. Supporting
documentation may also be disseminated with the proposed policy.
c. The Executive Vice President will receive comments on policy and procedure proposals,
which will be considered by the President and President’s Council.
d. The proposed policy, incorporating any approved amendments, is submitted to the Board of
Trustees for approval.
e. The Board will make a decision regarding adoption of the proposed or revised policy or will
refer it for consideration at a future date.
The approved policy by the Board of Trustees is placed in the Management Manual on the
GTCC Intranet and an email is sent to notify the college community of the update.
2. Adding or Revising Administrative Procedures and College Wide Rules
a. Proposals to add, delete or change administrative procedures and college rules must be
made in writing to a member of the President's Council.
b. The member may place it on the agenda for the President’s Council's action.
President’s Council members may ask for additional input from other campus groups,
depending upon the scope and impact of the procedure.
c. If approved by the President’s Council, the new/revised procedure will be placed in the
College Wide Rules section of the Management Manual on the GTCC Intranet and
announced via an email.
Intellectual Property
Guilford Technical Community College adopts the following document as its Intellectual Property
Policy. The President and/or designees of the President have the authority to make changes in the
provisions of Section 6. Administration of Intellectual Property without further action of the Board of
This document establishes a policy for Guilford Technical Community College (“GTCC”) with
respect to intellectual property developed by faculty, staff, and students. The goals of this Policy
 To provide appropriate incentive to creative intellectual effort by faculty, staff, and
 To establish principles for determining the interests of GTCC, authors, inventors, and
sponsors in regard to original works of authorship, inventions, and/or discoveries;
 To enable GTCC to determine the significance of original works of authorship,
inventions, and/or discoveries that may be brought to the point of commercial utilization;
 To recognize the right of the author or inventor to financial benefits in the original works
of authorship, inventions, and/or discoveries.
The GTCC policy with regard to copyrightable works is intended to foster the traditional freedoms
of GTCC faculty, staff, and students in matters of publication, through a fair and reasonable
balance of the equities among authors, sponsors, and GTCC. At the same time, the policy is
intended to ensure that copyrightable materials in which GTCC has a legitimate interest are utilized
in a manner consistent with the public interest.
A. Definition of Copyrightable Material
Copyrightable materials include original works of authorship for which property rights are
protected under federal copyright legislation such as books, manuscripts, artistic works,
movies, television programs, software, music, and multimedia materials.
B. Copyright Use
GTCC supports the responsible, good faith exercise of fair use rights, as codified in 17 U.S.C. §
107, by faculty, librarians, and staff in furtherance of their teaching, research, service, and other
educational activities.
GTCC shall:
1. Inform and educate the GTCC community about fair use and the application of the four fair
use factors as set forth in 17 U.S.C. § 107 and as interpreted in applicable case law. The
four factors are:
a. The character and purpose of the proposed use.
b. The nature of the work to be used.
c. The amount and substantiality of the portion to be used.
d. The effect on the market or potential market for the work.
2. Develop and make available resources concerning copyright laws in general and the
application of fair use in specific situations.
3. Ensure that employees and students have access to assistance in making fair use
C. Ownership
A “non-directed work” is a pedagogical, scholarly, literary, or aesthetic (artistic) work
originated by a faculty employee resulting from an effort that is not specifically funded or
created at the direction of GTCC. Such works may include textbooks, manuscripts,
scholarly works, fixed lecture notes, distance learning materials not falling into one of
the other categories of this Policy, works of art or design, musical scores, poems, films,
videos, audio recordings, or other works of the kind that have historically been deemed
in academic communities to be the property of the author.
Except as otherwise provided in Section 2 of this Policy, non-directed works shall be
owned by the author (the word “author” as used in this Policy also includes the plural
where there is more than one author or contributor) of the work. (See Section 2(C)(2)
below for the definition of “work for hire;” under the Copyright Act GTCC is deemed the
“Author” of a work for hire.) If GTCC is to be involved in commercializing a non-directed
work, the work’s author shall assign the work to GTCC. In cases of ownership by the
author of a non-directed work, GTCC, where practical, shall be granted a non-exclusive,
nontransferable, royalty-free license to reproduce, distribute, publicly perform, publicly
display, or make derivative works of the work for its own educational or research use
(hereinafter referred to as a “Shop Right”).
“Exceptional use of GTCC resources” means GTCC support of non-directed works with
resources of a degree or nature not routinely made available to faculty in a given area.
The following are some examples of that are presumed to be exceptional use:
1) waiver of fees normally required to use specialized GTCC facilities (e.g.,
equipment, production facilities, service laboratories, special computing
resources, studios) where those facilities are used in creation of the work;
2) GTCC grants or gifts in support of the work’s creation;
3) reduction in levels of teaching, service or other GTCC employment
responsibilities (e.g., course load, student advising, division/department
meetings, office hours, administrative tasks) granted solely for the purpose of
facilitating creation of a specified work or works; and
4) use of GTCC personnel, laboratory space, equipment, or supplies not routinely
made available to faculty or employees.
Exceptional use does not normally include routine use of GTCC personnel, office
space, laboratories, desktop computers, libraries, telephones, and information
resources in a manner that (i) does not interfere with or delay use for GTCC business
purposes, and (ii) does not result in substantial direct costs to GTCC.
Non-directed works involving exceptional use of GTCC resources shall be owned by
GTCC. However, upon approval by the Intellectual Property Committee, GTCC may
release or transfer its rights to the work’s author, with GTCC retaining (1) a Shop Right,
and/or (2) the right to require reimbursement and/or income sharing from the author to
GTCC if the work produces income for the author. The parties may also negotiate for
joint ownership of such works, with the approval of the Intellectual Property Committee.
“Directed works” include works that are specifically funded or created at the direction of
GTCC (including, but not limited to, works for hire by faculty or other employees).
Directed works shall be owned by GTCC. The work’s author, where practical, shall be
granted a Shop Right. GTCC may release or transfer its authorship rights to the work’s
author under a written agreement negotiated between the author and GTCC, usually
with GTCC retaining (1) a Shop Right, and/or (2) the right to require reimbursement
and/or income sharing from the work’s author to GTCC if the work produces income for
the author. The parties may also negotiate for joint ownership of such works, with the
approval of the Intellectual Property Committee.
A “sponsored or externally contracted work” is any type of copyrighted work developed
using funds supplied under a contract, grant, or other arrangement between GTCC and
third parties.
For a sponsored or externally contracted work created under an agreement that
expressly requires copyright ownership by GTCC, the author of the work must disclose
the work to GTCC. Provided there is no conflict with a sponsored agreement, GTCC
may release or transfer its rights to the work’s author under an agreement negotiated
between the author and GTCC, usually with GTCC retaining (1) a Shop Right, and/or
(2) the right to require reimbursement and/or income sharing from the work’s author to
GTCC if the work produces income for the author; or the parties may also negotiate for
joint ownership of such works, with the approval of the Intellectual Property Committee.
For a sponsored or externally contracted work created under an agreement that does
not expressly require copyright ownership by GTCC or a third party, the author of the
work shall own the work, subject to required disclosure to GTCC. In case of ownership
by the work’s author, GTCC, if practical, shall be assigned a Shop Right.
For purposes of this Policy, a staff member that engages in academic instruction shall be
considered “Faculty” with regards to works created within the scope of the staff member’s
employment and relating to the provision of academic instruction by such staff member.
(See Section 2(C)(2) above).
Most works by GTCC staff members are considered to be “Works for Hire.” A “work made
for hire” is:
1) a work prepared by an employee within the scope of his or her employment,
including without limitation a work created in the context of carrying out
administrative duties for GTCC; or
2) a work specially ordered or commissioned for use as a contribution to a collective
work, as a part of a motion picture or other audiovisual work, as a translation, as a
supplementary work, as a compilation, as an instructional text, as a test, as answer
material for a test, or as an atlas, if the parties expressly agree in a written
instrument signed by them that the work shall be considered a work made for hire.
Works for hire made by GTCC staff shall be owned by GTCC. In special cases, however,
GTCC may enter into a written agreement in advance that the employee shall own the
copyright. In addition, the Intellectual Property Committee may waive GTCC ownership.
Works by independent contractors shall be owned in accordance with the contract under
which the work was created. GTCC shall ensure that there is a written contract for work by
an independent contractor specifying GTCC ownership.
“Student works” are papers, computer programs, theses, dissertations, artistic and musical
works, and other creative works made by students in the instructional process. For
purposes of this Policy, the term “students” includes teaching, graduate, and research
Except as provided below, student works shall be owned by the author, and GTCC, where
practical, shall be granted a Shop Right.
1) Sponsored or Externally Contracted Works: Ownership shall be in accordance
with Section 2(C)(1)(d) of this Policy on sponsored or externally contracted
works made by faculty or other GTCC employees.
2) Works for Hire: Student works created by students in the course of their
employment with GTCC shall be considered to fall within the scope of Work for
Hire in accordance with Section 2(C)(2) of this Policy on works for hire made by
GTCC staff.
D. Distribution of Income
Commercialization of Employee or Student Owned Works by GTCC: If a GTCC employee or
student wants GTCC assistance to commercialize a work for which he/she owns the copyright,
he/she must contact the Intellectual Property Committee. If the Intellectual Property Committee
agrees to assist in commercialization, the author must assign copyright in the work to GTCC.
The assignment agreement shall contain provisions outlining the commercialization
responsibilities of GTCC and a mechanism for the sharing of commercial proceeds with the
author. The author receives sixty (60%) percent of the net proceeds from the commercialization
of the work and GTCC receives forty (40%) percent.
Commercialization of GTCC Owned Works: GTCC may commercialize works owned by
GTCC. If a work created by a faculty member is owned by GTCC due to exceptional use of
GTCC resources and is commercialized by GTCC, GTCC receives sixty (60%) percent of the
proceeds and the author receives forty (40%) percent of the net proceeds.
Commercialization of Jointly Owned Works: Works that are jointly owned by GTCC and the
author may be commercialized in accordance with a written agreement negotiated by the
parties and the division of proceeds will be specified in that agreement.
E. Works Subject to Protection by Both Copyright and Patent Laws
In cases where an invention or creation is subject to protection under both patent law and
copyright law, if GTCC elects to retain title to its patent rights, then the inventor/author(s) shall
assign the copyrights to GTCC and the inventor/author(s) shall be compensated in accordance
with the royalty provisions of this Policy regarding patent revenue sharing.
F. Videotaping and Related Classroom Technology
Any courses that are videotaped, recorded, or transmitted using any media are GTCC property
and may not be further distributed without permission from the Intellectual Property Committee.
All videotaped courses shall carry an appropriate copyright notice.
G. Copyright Registration
The responsibility for determining the need for copyright registration of a GTCC owned work
shall rest with the Intellectual Property Committee.
H. Use of GTCC Name in Copyright Notice
In general, all GTCC owned works should bear appropriate copyright notice. Such copyright
notice should be composed and affixed in accordance with United States copyright law, as
Copyright (year) GTCC. All Rights Reserved.
The date in the notice should be the year in which the work was created, with separate dates
included for years in which any changes are made to the work.
GTCC shall own all rights and title in all inventions and discoveries of GTCC faculty, staff and
students that are: (1) conceived or first actually reduced to practice as a part of or as a result of
GTCC research or activities within the scope of the inventor’s employment by GTCC, or (2) that
involve the use of GTCC time, facilities, staff, materials or funds administered by GTCC.
Inventions that are made by faculty, staff, and students entirely on their own time and without
the use of GTCC facilities, equipment, staff, supplies, resources, or trade secret information,
shall remain the exclusive property of the inventor.
In the event there is a question as to whether GTCC has an ownership claim to an invention,
the invention should be disclosed according to Section 3(B) below. Such disclosure is without
prejudice to the inventor’s ownership claim. In determining ownership interest in an invention,
GTCC may determine that GTCC has no property interest in an invention because its
conception and reduction to practice were unrelated to the inventor’s duties as a GTCC
employee or involved only insignificant use of GTCC resources (such as office space or
libraries normally available to all faculty and staff). The inventor will receive a written statement
confirming GTCC’s property interest. If a student makes an invention that is, or may be,
subject to GTCC ownership in accordance with this Policy, the student shall disclose the
invention to GTCC as provided in Section 3(B) below, and GTCC, together with the student,
shall determine an equitable resolution of ownership rights.
GTCC faculty, staff, and students are required to report all inventions and discoveries in which
GTCC may have an interest to GTCC’s Intellectual Property Committee (a “Disclosure
Report”), at which time the possibility of exploring patenting should be considered. Students
should first discuss an invention with their instructor, who shall assist them in further
discussion with GTCC.
In order to preserve rights in unpatented inventions, it shall be the duty of the inventor, or of
the supervisor if the inventor is not available, to report to the Intellectual Property Committee
any publication, submission of manuscript for publication, sale, public use, or plans for sale or
public use, of an invention, if a Disclosure Report has previously been filed with respect to the
invention. If an invention is disclosed to any person who is not employed by GTCC or not
working in cooperation with GTCC upon that invention, a record shall be kept of the date and
extent of the disclosure, the name and address of the person to whom the disclosure was
made, and the purpose of the disclosure. The inventor shall promptly notify the Intellectual
Property Committee of the acceptance for publication of any manuscript describing the
invention or any sale or public use made or planned by the inventor.
In those cases in which GTCC has obtained a patent without obligation to any sponsor that
supplied funds under a contract, grant, or other arrangement for the development of the
underlying invention, and no arrangement has been made for commercial development of the
invention within a reasonable period from the date of the issuance of the patent, the
inventor(s) may request in writing a release of GTCC’s patent rights. The Intellectual Property
Committee will promptly either grant the request or will advise the inventor of GTCC’s plans for
the development of the invention.
As to any invention in which GTCC has determined that GTCC has an interest, the inventor,
upon request, shall execute promptly all contracts, assignments, waivers or other legal
documents necessary to vest in GTCC or its assignees any or all rights to the invention,
including complete assignment of any patent or patent applications relating to the invention.
GTCC personnel may neither (a) sign patent agreements with outside persons or
organizations which may affect GTCC’s rights and interests as stated in this Policy or as
provided in any grant or contract funding the invention, nor (b) without prior written
authorization use the name of GTCC in connection with any invention.
GTCC shall share revenue which it receives from patents or inventions with the inventors. As
noted above, specific provisions of grants or contracts may govern rights and revenue
distribution regarding inventions made in connection with sponsored research; consequently,
revenues GTCC receives from such inventions may be subject to payments of royalty shares
to sponsors or contractors. Moreover, GTCC may contract with outside persons or
organizations to obtain, manage, and defend patents, and any royalty shares of expenses
contractually committed to such persons or organizations may be deducted before revenues
accrue to GTCC.
The revenues (net, if applicable per the preceding paragraph) which GTCC receives from a
patent or invention will be applied first to reimburse GTCC for any incremental expenses
incurred by it in obtaining and maintaining patents and/or in marketing, licensing and
defending patents or licensable inventions. After provision for such expenses, the inventor’s
share of such revenues shall be as follows: 50% of the first $500,000 of the net revenue and
35% of net revenue thereafter. In the case of co-inventors, each such percentage share shall
be subdivided equally among them, unless GTCC in its sole discretion determines a different
share to be appropriate. Applicable laws, regulations or provisions of grants or contracts may,
however, require that a lesser share be paid to the inventor.
If the inventor believes that the invention was made outside the general scope of his or her
GTCC duties or entirely on the inventor’s own time and without the use of GTCC resources,
and does not choose to assign the rights in the invention to GTCC, he or she shall, in the
invention disclosure, request that the Intellectual Property Committee determine the respective
rights of GTCC and the inventor in the invention and shall include information on the following
1) The circumstances under which the invention was made and developed;
2) The employee’s or student’s official duties at the time of the making of the invention;
3) Whether he or she requests a waiver or release of any GTCC claims or
acknowledgment that GTCC has no claim;
4) Whether he or she wishes a patent application to be prosecuted by GTCC, if it
should be determined that an assignment of the invention to GTCC is not required
under this Policy; and
5) The extent to which he or she would be willing voluntarily to assign domestic and
foreign rights in the invention to GTCC if it should be determined that an assignment
of the invention to GTCC is not required under this Policy.
Employees engaged in external consulting work or business are responsible for ensuring that
agreements emanating from such work are not in conflict with this Policy or with GTCC’s
contractual commitments. Such employees should make their GTCC obligations known to others
with whom they make such agreements and should provide other parties to such agreements with
a statement of this Policy.
Trademarks and service marks (collectively “trademarks”) include any word, name, symbol, sounds
or device used by a person or entity in commerce to distinguish its goods/services from those of
others and to identify the source of those goods/services. Trademarks used for goods or services
distributed by GTCC shall be owned by GTCC. Examples include, but are not limited to, names
and symbols used in conjunction with computer programs or GTCC activities and events. The
ownership of a trademark is determined by the identity of the entity that uses the trademark. It
follows that the fact that a member of the faculty, staff or student creates a trademark used by
GTCC does not confer any ownership rights in the faculty member, staff or student. The
Intellectual Property Committee should be consulted about registration, protection, and use of
Proprietary information arising out of GTCC work (e.g. Actual and proposed terms of agreements,
financial arrangements, or confidential business information) shall be owned by GTCC. Trade
secret is a legal term referring to any business or technical information, whether or not
copyrightable or patentable, which derives commercial value from not being generally known or
readily ascertainable and is the subject of reasonable efforts to maintain its secrecy. Trade secrets
are proprietary information.
The Vice-President for Instruction is responsible for the administration of intellectual property
matters at GTCC. GTCC may contract with outside agents for certain technology transfer
services, including marketing and licensing of GTCC owned copyrights and inventions. The
Vice-President for Instruction is authorized to negotiate with reputable agencies or firms to
secure arrangements for intellectual property management, including evaluation of invention
disclosures, filing of patent, trademark, and copyright applications, and licensing and
administration of intellectual property.
The Executive Vice-President shall appoint an Intellectual Property Committee (IPC)
consisting of no fewer than three members. The Vice-President for Instruction shall serve as
Chairman of the Committee, and the Vice-President for Corporate and Continuing Education
and at least one faculty member shall serve on the Committee. The Committee shall be
responsible for the following:
1) Review and recommend to the Board of Trustees changes to these Procedures.
2) Decide upon appropriate disposition of intellectual property disclosures.
3) Resolve questions of intellectual property ownership.
4) Recommend the expenditure of royalties.
5) Make such recommendations as are deemed appropriate to encourage disclosure and
assure prompt and effective handling, evaluation, and prosecution of invention
opportunities and to protect the interests of GTCC and the public.
The President of GTCC shall have the right to review and overrule any decision of the
Intellectual Property Committee. Any interested party may appeal a decision of the Intellectual
Property Committee to the President of GTCC.
All college-sponsored instruction, activities, events, publications, theatrical, or musical performance
must be in compliance with federal copyright law (Title 17, U.S. Code). Employees of the college
are individually responsible for identifying and obtaining information about copyright requirements,
which relate to the performance of their duties, and for conforming to them. Employees who do not
adhere to copyright requirements are acting beyond the scope of their employment, and may be
subject to disciplinary action or dismissal. In order to assist employees in complying with the
copyright law, the college maintains guidelines and procedures on the copyright law and its
1. The college provides guidelines to assist employees in complying with copyright law. The
guidelines summarize explanatory materials available to the public that discuss the application
of fair use principles in greater detail. They do not purport to provide legal advice, but only aid
in identifying reasonable conduct in accordance with the principle of fair use. They do not
insure that a court would interpret a particular use as acceptable. No liability is assumed by
GTCC for the opinions and information presented.
2. Guidelines to assist employees in complying with copyright law are available on the campus
network and from appropriate areas (library, bookstore, audiovisual department, duplicating
center) for the following applications. Forms included in the guidelines must be used as the
guidelines indicate.
a. Audio programming
b. Bookstore
c. Classroom copying
d. Computer software
e. Duplicating center
f. Interlibrary loan
g. Internet
h. Library reserves
i. Multimedia fair use
j. Music and theatrical performance
Many of the decisions which instructors and others make in regarding and/or reproduction of
material must be made by the individual, without practical means for review. Therefore, each
employee is responsible for adhering to copyright law and for seeking appropriate legal advice
when questions arise.
3. Fair Use.
1. Copyright law begins with the premise that the copyright owner has exclusive right to many
uses of a protected work, notably rights to reproduce, distribute, make derivative works, and
publicly display or perform the work. Key statues make specific allowance for concerns
such as distance learning, backup copies of software, and some reproductions made by
libraries. The best-known and most important exception to owners’ right is fair use, which is
not an infringement of copyright. Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976 cites four factors
to be considered in determining fair use:
1) The purpose and character of the use, whether such use is of a commercial nature
or is for nonprofit educational purposes.
2) The nature of the copyrighted work (such as whether published or unpublished,
fiction or nonfiction, commercial audiovisual or printed work, consumable or not
3) The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted
work as a whole. Both length (amount) of the excerpt and how important the
excerpt is to summarizing the creative essence of the work are important.
4) The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.
2. Since all four of the factors may enter in to any determination by a court of whether fair use
has been violated, there is no binding formula what will always apply. Examples of court
deliberations and conclusions are available from many sources. GTCC guidelines
summarize some of these examples, and cannot be definitive.
4. See Internet Use Policy (II-2.0351)
Identity Theft Prevention Program
In compliance with the Federal Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (FACTA),
Section 114, and rules promulgated by the Federal Trade Commission to address identity theft,
GTCC will implement procedures to protect students and college employees from damages
associated with the compromise of sensitive personal information. The college will identify
patterns, practices, or specific activities (red flags) associated with new and existing accounts
which indicate the possibility of identity theft; take measures to prevent identity theft; and respond
to identity theft should it occur.
The Board of Trustees directs the President to be responsible for the oversight, implementation,
and administration of this Identity Theft Prevention Program. Particular direction should be given
to the implementation of this and related policies, to the continuing education of both employees
and students regarding the importance of properly protecting personal information, and to the
monitoring of any experiences which demonstrate a need for change in either policy or procedures.
1. For purposes of this policy, the following definitions apply:
a. Creditor—Any organization, including the community college, which regularly extends,
renews, or continues credit; or arranges for someone else to extend, renew, or
continue credit; or is the assignee of a creditor involved in the decision to extend,
renew, or continue credit.
b. Credit—Deferral of payment of a debt incurred for the purchase of goods or services,
including educational services.
c. Covered account—An account with a creditor used by individuals, families, or
households which involves multiple payments to that creditor.
d. Identifying information—Information which alone, or in combination with other
information, can be used to identify a specific individual. Identifying information may
include name, social security number, date of birth, driver’s license number,
identification card number, employer or taxpayer identification number, biometric data,
unique electronic identification numbers (including student number in Colleague),
address or routing code, or certain electronic account identifiers associated with
telephonic communications.
e. Identity theft—A fraud attempted or committed using identifying information of another
person without proper authority.
f. Red flag—A pattern, practice, or specific activity which indicates the possibility of
identity theft.
g. Sensitive information—Personal information belonging to any student, employee, or
other person with whom the college is affiliated.
h. Service provider—Person or organization providing a service directly to the college
related to covered accounts.
2. Activities of Guilford Technical Community College which require compliance with the red flag
rules include the following:
a. Utilization of deferred payments plans as authorized by State Board of Community
College Code SBCCC 02D.0201(b).
b. Provision of emergency loans to students.
c. Maintaining accounts for students from which the student can authorize payments for
goods and services such as books and food.
d. Use of debit card accounts.
e. Attempts to access academic or financial information.
The following red flags will be monitored as possible signals of identity theft:
a. Alerts, notifications, or other warnings received from the attorney general’s office,
consumer reporting agencies, service providers, fraud detection services, or other
entities used to collect data.
b. The presentation of suspicious documents to college officials (e.g., identification
documents that appear to have been altered or forged, documents which contain a
photograph or physical description not consistent with the appearance of the customer
presenting the identification, etc.).
c. The unusual use (based on established patterns) of existing accounts, or other
suspicious activity related to a covered account.
d. Notice from students or employees, victims of identity theft, law enforcement authorities,
or other persons regarding possible identity theft in connection with covered accounts
held by the college.
e. Requests for access to information from an account that has been inactive for a
prolonged period of time.
f. A student returning to register or apply for financial aid when that student’s account has
been inactive for a prolonged period of time.
4. The following methods will be used to obtain and verify the identity of persons opening an
account or making changes to an existing account in order to detect red flags:
a. Existing college policies regarding the protection of personal information, both written
and electronic, will continue to be enforced. All new employees will be provided training
about these policies and the procedures in place to implement them.
b. Procedures will be in place to verify a person’s identity when processing any activity to
all accounts including registration, financial aid, bookstore, and business office
payments or inquiries. Photo identifications should be required for both opening and
accessing covered accounts, and secondary sources of identification required when
identity is in doubt.
c. Receipt of notifications of possible red flag criteria from students, employees, or outside
agencies will be disseminated to appropriate college officials involved in the opening or
maintenance of covered accounts.
d. Under existing policy, college officials will be vigilant in dealing with security breaches in
information systems such as lost or stolen computers, network security attacks, and
data files (electronic or written) discovered to be open to the general public or to
unauthorized staff.
e. Third party agencies that handle student or employee accounts on behalf of the college
will verify that they have processes in place to protect the sensitive data of their
5. The following methods will be used to prevent and mitigate identity theft related to opening and
accessing covered accounts:
a. When a person does not provide proper identification, the college will have
procedures in place to verify the person’s identity before opening an account or
allowing access to an account.
b. The college will ensure that college employees have initial and on-going training on
issues of protecting personal information and preventing identity theft. The Director
of Human Resources and the Chief Information Officer, as directed in related
college policies, will ensure this training is current and provide general and on-going
monitoring of the college’s procedures to protect personal information.
c. Employees and students should be encouraged to report any perceived failure to
properly protect personal identification data.
6. The college will have a plan of action for responding to red flag alerts, including the
a. College personnel will ask for validation or supplemental identification before
carrying out a transaction through which identity theft could occur when a student’s
or employee’s identity is in question.
b. Access to information will be denied or accounts disabled pending further
investigation and resolution of suspicious activity.
c. The college shall follow its existing policies related to privacy and protection of
personal information; shall report thefts that could compromise sensitive data; shall
notify victims and proper authorities of possible identity theft; and shall disseminate
to appropriate media information concerning an improper disclosure of sensitive
Based on monitoring by the Director of Human Resources and the Chief Information
Officer and guided by any red flag activity, the President or designated staff shall annually
brief the Board of Trustees and recommend any changes in this policy or related college
Related Policies include:
a. Personal Information Protection Policy (II-2.034)
b. Right to Privacy (III-2.060)
c. Use of Private Information (II-2.0354)
d. Information Security and Confidentiality Policy (II-2.0355)
Personal Information Protection Policy
Guilford Technical Community College maintains electronic and written personal information which
is essential to performing college business. The college has both rights and obligations to manage,
protect, secure, and control identifying information. Personal identifying information includes but is
not limited to an individual’s name combined with any confidential distinguishing information and/or
numbers such as social security numbers, bank account numbers, credit cards numbers, driver’s
license numbers, and personal identification numbers (PINs). Every employee, student and
affiliate (including but not limited to contractors, temporary staff, consultants, volunteers, and
vendors) of GTCC should protect this personal information when collecting, using, transferring,
storing, and disposing of it.
Every student, employee and affiliate of GTCC should have access to a copy of this policy.
a. All employees should be made aware of the personal information protection policy and
their related responsibilities.
b. The Director of Human Resources and the Chief Information Officer will serve as the
privacy compliance officers (PCOs) and be responsible for the following:
1) Ensuring that all employees have access to training on protecting personal
2) Monitoring how the college protects personal information,
3) Answering questions about appropriate disposal methods, and
4) Ensuring that appropriate government agencies and affected individuals are notified
of breaches.
c. The Vice President of Student Support Services is responsible for notifying students of
personal information protection practices related to students.
d. Each primary college contact is responsible for informing each affiliate of the personal
information protection policy.
All documents requesting personal identifying information will contain a statement explaining
the intended use of that information.
Anyone who does not protect personal identifying information will be subject to disciplinary
action that may include termination of employment and/or prosecution.
Each employee, student and affiliate of GTCC is responsible for immediately notifying his/her
immediate supervisor about any perceived policy violations whether observed or intentionally
or unintentionally committed.
a. The immediate supervisor will then complete a personal information protection incident
reporting form and submit it to a privacy compliance officer.
b. Anyone perceiving a violation by his/her immediate supervisor or primary contact should
report it to the next level of supervision.
c. An individual reporting a perceived abuse will not be punished for reporting the incident as
long as the claim is not determined to be malicious in nature.
d. A privacy compliance officer will ensure that appropriate governmental agencies and
affected individuals are notified as soon as possible following a security breach.
5. Personal information must be disposed of in a manner that ensures confidentiality and prevents
the personal information from being recovered or reconstructed when it is no longer needed
and is no longer required to be maintained by law or under GTCC’s record retention
6. GTCC will adhere to all related policies, procedures, and mandates including but not limited to
the GTCC Management Manual and the NC Identity Theft Prevention Act. The management
manual contains the following related policies and procedures:
a. Use of Private Information - Management Manual II-2.0354
b. Management Information System Security - Management Manual II-2.0355
c. Communicable Diseases - Management Manual II-2.040
d. Right to Privacy - Management Manual III-2.060
Internet Acceptable Use Policy
Internet services are provided for Guilford Technical Community College students to support their
educational needs and for GTCC faculty and staff to support their professional activities. All GTCC
users are responsible for using the Internet in an effective, efficient, ethical and lawful manner.
Internet access is a privilege, not a right, and as such, can be withdrawn from those who use it
1. Acceptance of Internet access constitutes agreement with the college's policies and
understanding of appropriate and inappropriate use.
2. Users have access to a wide variety of information via GTCC Internet services. The availability
of such information does not imply that GTCC approves or endorses its content. Additionally,
there is no guarantee of the validity or accuracy of information accessed.
3. Efforts are made to maintain the reasonable privacy of users' files on college servers.
However, computer files, electronic mail and accounts on college networks are not the private
property of the user, and the user has no reasonable expectation of privacy. Individuals
designated by the President, Executive Vice President, or the Chief Information Officer of the
college may monitor use in the following cases:
a. To protect the integrity, security or functionality of the network or other computing
b. To protect the college from liability
c. When there is reasonable cause to believe that the user has violated this Internet
Acceptable Use Policy
d. When there appears to be unusual or unusually excessive activity as indicated by
monitoring general usage patterns
e. When requested by supervisors or the Director of Human Resources
f. When required by law.
The college, at its discretion, may disclose the results of any monitoring, including the contents
and records of individual communications to appropriate college personnel or law enforcement
agencies and may use the results in appropriate college disciplinary proceedings.
Communications made by means of the college computing resources are generally subject to
discovery requests to the same extent as paper copies.
4. Following is a list of unauthorized activities. It is not exhaustive; users should not assume that
any system use not specifically excluded is authorized or that it will be treated as such.
Questions about whether a specific use would be permitted it shall be referred to the Chief
Information Officer.
a. College provided accounts are to be used solely by GTCC faculty, staff, and students.
Employees and students may not give other persons including relatives or friends
access to their accounts.
b. Individuals may not conduct activities for personal gain via GTCC Internet services.
This includes advertising personal services, selling, soliciting jobs, sending mass
mailings or any other activities whose purpose is to generate revenue for an
organization or for the individual's personal gain (See Solicitation On Campus Policy, I1.060).
c. Activities which interfere with the ability of other users to make effective use of GTCC
computer services are prohibited. Such activities include but are not limited to
harassing or threatening other users; theft or attempted theft of passwords or other
restricted information; attempting to crash the system; attempting to gain access to
directories or files for which a user is not authorized; or actions which adversely affect
the performance of the computer system. Users are expected to abide by the rules of
other networks that they may access via the Internet.
d. Copying, providing, receiving, or using copyrighted material in violation of licensing
agreements is prohibited. Content creators using copyrighted material must obtain
written permission documentation from the copyright holder. (See Intellectual Property
Policy, II-2.030 and Copyright Policy, II-2.031).
e. Use of Internet services for any illegal activity will result in loss of access without prior
notice. Legal action may also be taken.
f. Certain materials available on the Internet are inherently inappropriate for educational
or administrative purposes. Examples include material that is of a sexually explicit
nature or that advocates violence or discrimination; humor of an offensive or sexually
explicit nature, or pirated commercial software, movies or music. Such material is
prohibited and users accessing and/or downloading this type of material may be subject
to loss of Internet access and/or college administrative sanctions.
g. Certain activities possible on the Internet are prohibited. These include:
1. Users shall not engage in activities that relate to material involving the sexual
exploitation of minors as defined by Federal Code Title 18, Part I, Chapter 110,
Sexual Exploitation and other abuse of children or other commercial acts.
2. Security programs or utilities that reveal or exploit weaknesses in college
servers and networks may not be downloaded or used. This would include
password cracking programs, packet sniffers or port scanners. Users must
report any knowledge of such activities to the Chief Information Officer. For
valid instructional needs such activities must occur on a segmented network
established by theITS Department.
3. Users may not operate network services from their computers. These would
include DNS services, chat services, bulletin boards, anonymous FTP, IRC,
POP3, SMTP, etc. Those individuals with legitimate need to operate such
services must obtain written permission from the Chief Information Officer.
4. Using college resources for playing games or gambling activities is prohibited
except in actual instructional applications.
5. GTCC reserves the right to examine user files, accounting information, and backups generated
by use of the computing system. System administrators have the authorization and ability to
monitor any user’s files if there is a performance reason to do so or a specific reason to believe
that a user has engaged or is engaging in unauthorized activities.
a. When a process is consuming excessive system resources or degrading system
response it may be terminated or its priority may be altered without notice.
b. Generally, a reasonable attempt will be made to notify users of a first offense. Serious
or repeated offenses will result in immediate suspension or cancellation of access
depending on the severity of the offense. Other disciplinary action may apply.
6. Violations will be reviewed by the Chief Information Officer and may be referred to appropriate
GTCC authorities who may impose disciplinary actions, up to and including termination of
7. Web pages on college websites contain information that will be seen by individuals outside the
college and should be accurate, consistent, and support the GTCC mission. All pages should
enhance the image of GTCC and may not include fraudulent, false, misleading or obscene
material, nor may they libel or defame any person or entity. Web pages shall follow these
a. Pages on the site shall support recruitment, admissions, retention,
information about college activities and the educational goals of students. This official
site is under the supervision of the Director of Marketing.
b. Pages shall be consistent with the overall design of the website, and may be
redesigned by the Marketing Department to insure a consistent look and functionality.
c. All links will be tested and if the link does not work, it may be removed.
d. Pages not maintained or that do not reflect current policy and practices may be
e. Pages must be accessible to all persons, including those with visual or other disabilities.
Social Media
Guilford Technical Community College (the “College”) may establish official College social media
networking sites to facilitate information sharing and collaboration. Social media communications
tools may be used for official College business such as marketing to potential students;
communicating with prospective and current students, alumni, and employees; educating the
public about the College and its mission, programs and events; and for emergency
communications. The Director of Marketing and Public Information shall coordinate with the Chief
Information Officer to establish and maintain appropriate College procedures governing use of
social media by College employees, independent contractors, and students (collectively, “College
Community Members”) and shall ensure that these procedures are readily accessible by such
College Community Members.
1. Social networking sites created by College Community Members shall follow the same
general guidelines as those for creators of web pages. Some social networking sites are
used for official College business, while others are personal sites reflecting College
Community Members’ opinions and viewpoints. Examples of social networking sites and
services, used both professionally and personally, include but are not limited to blogs,
forums, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr and YouTube.
2. Information published on social networking sites shall comply with all existing College
policies, including but not limited to the College’s Information Security and
Confidentiality policy (II-2.0355). This also applies to comments posted on other blogs,
forums or social media and networking sites.
3. Social media activities shall not interfere with an employee’s or independent
contractor’s work commitments. Employees and independent contractors who access
social networking sites and services on non-working time with their own personal
computing equipment should do so in a responsible and professional manner.
4. College Community Members’ online presence reflects the College's image.
Information posted online shall remain professional in nature and shall be conducted in
accordance with the College's communications policy, practices and expectations.
College Community Members are not permitted to use the College's name or official
logos, graphics, or information or to state or imply any official association with the
College in any sites created outside the College's resources without the prior written
consent of the Director of Marketing and Public Information ; provided, however,
College Community Members may factually state their association with the College as
an employee (staff member or faculty member), independent contractor, or student, as
appropriate, without the prior written consent of the Director of Marketing and Public
Information . Neither should College Community Members claim or imply that they are
speaking on behalf of the College. Any social media operated under the College's
sponsorship is subject to collection and preservation policies of the state. Information
posted on personal social media sites that identifies an affiliation with the College must
have a disclaimer that views expressed are those of the author and do not represent the
views of the College. The College reserves the right to request that College Community
Members avoid certain subjects, withdraw certain posts, and remove inappropriate
comments from any social media services and sites, and any other websites.
5. College Community Members must not use social media services or sites, or any other
websites, to disparage the College or other College Community Members. They may
not harass, bully or intimidate others. Behaviors that constitute harassment and
bullying include, but are not limited to, comments that are derogatory with respect to
race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, color, or disability; sexually suggestive,
humiliating, or demeaning comments; and threats to stalk, haze, or physically injure
another College Community Member. Employees engaging in such behavior will be
subject to appropriate sanctions in accordance with applicable policies such as IV-4.070
Anti-Harassment and IV-1.052 Disciplinary Action Including Termination. Students will
also be subject to related applicable policies such as III-2.010 Student Conduct.
6. Social media are public spaces and any discussion of confidential College issues is
7. Establishment of social media sites must follow the following guidelines.
a. The Marketing Department will establish and maintain the College's official social
media sites. Other areas of the College desiring to establish departmental sites
must obtain permission from the Director of Marketing and Public Information prior
to creating social networking sites. Once approval has been given, the webmaster
will register the account with the social networking service requested, record the
username and password, and notify the requestor. Username and password may
not be changed. The requestor will be responsible for maintaining the service and
may contact the webmaster for assistance as needed. The webmaster will maintain
account records in case content needs review or someone other than the original
requestor assumes responsibility for the site.
b. The College's YouTube channel is used by faculty and staff as a media repository
for videos such as class demonstrations or speaker presentations. E-Learning
maintains this service and can assist faculty and staff in providing such content to
online classes or the public. Students may also use the service by following the
guidelines maintained and provided by the e-Learning department.
c. When student organizations use College-sponsored social media for
communication, the Director of Student Life will monitor the sites on a regular basis
to ensure that all forms of communication are appropriate and do not portray the
College in a negative or false way. If such information is found, the Director shall
remove the communication.
8. College Community Members are personally and solely responsible for any legal liability
arising from or relating to their use of social networking services and sites in violation of
this Policy. Each College Community Member agrees to indemnify the College for any
and all claims brought against the College arising from or related to such College
Community Member’s violation of this Policy.
Telephone Use
College telephones, standard and cellular, are maintained primarily for official use; consequently,
personal calls by members of faculty and staff should be kept to a minimum. Any charges incurred
for personal long distance calls and personal use of cell phones, in excess of allowable personal
calls as defined in procedures, are the responsibility of the caller.
Public pay telephones, available for student use, will be maintained at various locations on
campus. The use of personal communications devices must be restricted to locations and times
when college functions and classes are not disturbed.
1. College telephones provide direct access from college offices to both Greensboro and High
Point for all employees. GTCC is a member of the state telephone communications
2. The president or designee may identify positions that require personal communications
devices (cell phones, pagers, etc.) to conduct job responsibilities, and supply employees
with these devices. Employees in these positions may use the assigned device in the same
manner and with the same requirements that any standard college-owned telephone may
be used.
a. Mobile telephone calls to conduct official college business should only be used
when more economical means of telephoning are not reasonably available.
b. Employees issued a cell phone are responsible for the safekeeping of the phone
and may be charged for the cost to replace a lost or stolen phone. In the event a
cell phone is lost or stolen, the employee must notify Campus Police and his or her
supervisor immediately so that the phone can be deactivated.
c. An employee separating from college employment must return all assigned personal
communications devices to his or her supervisor or the Purchasing Manager.
3. Allowable personal calls: An employee who is in travel status for two or more consecutive
days in a week is allowed one personal long distance call for each two days for which
reimbursement to the employee may not exceed $3.00 for each in-state call or $5.00 for
each out-of-state call. Reimbursement must be made from non-state sources. Because
mobile phone charges are based on measured use, no personal calls should be made on
mobile phones except in emergency cases determined by the college.
Any charges incurred for personal long distance calls beyond those allowable on standard
phones and all charges incurred for personal reasons on cell phones are the responsibility
of the caller. Employees who incur charges for personal calls will be required to reimburse
the college. Failure to do so will be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including
a. Monthly computerized printouts indicating long distance use from each telephone
extension, cell phone, and radio are audited, and are available to users upon
request. Charges for long distance and cell phone calls will be indicated.
b. Employees assigned a college cell phone should be aware that incoming calls also
use minutes from the phone plan. The employee is responsible for assuring that
incoming calls are business related and/or are paid for by the employee.
4. Student use of regular phones in college offices should be confined to extreme
emergencies only. Staff in each office area may require that students turn off personal
communications devices, which may otherwise be disruptive to staff and others in the area.
Appropriate notices may be posted in the office area.
5. Neither faculty members nor students will be interrupted during their classes for telephone
calls, except those of an emergency nature. Accordingly, faculty may require that students
turn off personal communications devices during class.
6. Public pay telephones are located in the following places:
Greensboro Campus
Aviation Facility
(1) Greensboro line
(2) High Point lines
(1) High Point line
(1) High Point line
(1) High Point line
High Point Campus
Jamestown Campus
Applied Technology Building - Level I
Medlin Campus Center – Bookstore/Breezeway
Health Careers - Level I
Public Safety Building – Rear Lobby
7. Problems or questions may be addressed to the ITS Department or the Jamestown
switchboard operator.
Use of Private Information
Individuals using Guilford Technical Community College’s computer resources may have the ability
to access sensitive information about students and college employees. The college takes
seriously the privacy of such information. All users, when signing onto the system, must
acknowledge responsibility to use such privileged information ethically and for academic or college
business purposes only.
Data that is subject to privacy rules may not be moved to an off-campus server, nor may
employees access the data on a college server from off-campus unless authorized by the Director
of ITS. Individuals not employed by the college or under a college contract requiring such action
are not allowed to access college data without specific prior approval.
Employees who have knowledge of campus security setups and configurations such as
passwords, IP addressing schemes, etc., are prohibited from sharing such information with
students or non-GTCC employees, with the exception of vendors working with the college on
specific projects. Attempts to break security setups or hack into systems are prohibited.
Violators may be prosecuted and will be subject to disciplinary action that may include termination
of employment.
Information Security and Confidentiality Policy
Guilford Technical Community College collects and stores varied types of data in order to facilitate
the college’s business. As a responsible organization, and to comply with state and federal
statutes, the college recognizes that data should be treated as any other valuable asset: it should
be protected from accidental or unauthorized use, theft, modification, or destruction; data should
be secured from the time of collection until the time of disposal; access to stored data should be
secure and at the minimum level necessary for effective job performance. Those with access to
college data must abide by college policies that prevent unauthorized disclosure of restricted
information. This policy covers both electronic and non-electronic data. Violators of this policy
may be prosecuted and will be subject to disciplinary action that may include termination of
employment. All exceptions to this policy must be approved by the President or designee.
It is the intent of the college to comply with all applicable laws (such as but not limited to FERPA,
HIPPA, Gramm-Leach-Bliley, the NC Identity Theft Prevention Act) that specify information security
requirements. Each department head is responsible for periodically reviewing the procedures for
handling information in his or her area of responsibility, and for taking remedial action where
necessary to insure that data is handled in a secure manner. Information security is the
responsibility of every employee, and the college holds each employee accountable for the security
of any data accessed in the course of work.
1. The Chief Information Officer shall be responsible for the overall coordination and oversight of
information security. The CIO will work in coordination with the Executive Vice President, the
Privacy Compliance Officer(s), and department heads throughout the college, as well as serve
as a resource for questions and information.
2. Procedures for Electronic Data
a. Data owners. The college information system, Colleague, is split into modules by work
functions for greater security. Each module and screen has a data owner(s). The Human
Resource module data owner(s) are the Director of Human Resources and the Interim Vice
President for Business and Finance. The data owner(s) for the Student module are the
Vice President for Student Learning and Success or designees. The Finance Module data
owner is the Interim Vice President for Business and Finance. Access to the Core module
is restricted to the ITS department personnel. Data owners or authorized designees must
approve any access to data or screens in their area of responsibility.
b. Authorization for access to data should not exceed the minimum level required for each
user to carry out his/her role at the college effectively. To facilitate this, security classes are
set up in consultation with data owners that specify the screens and processes individuals
may access. Each employee must have an individual account for which specific access
has been approved by the data owners.
1. New employees. Employees who need a new account must complete the Request for
User Setup form. Completion of the form includes certification that the employee agrees
to abide by the college’s private information policy and knows the consequences for not
following it. The form must be approved by the appropriate data owner and sent to the
ITS department, for creation.
2. Temporary employees. Part-time or temporary employees may be given accounts if
deemed necessary by their supervisor and the module's data owner. The procedure is
the same as for a new employee. The supervisor of a part-time or temporary employee
is responsible for notifying ITS when the individual is no longer employed. Accounts for
these employees are often set up with an automatic ending date after which the account
is not accessible.
3. ITS will maintain all access requests and make them available to auditors as necessary
c. Changing access rights. If a change in access for an individual employee is required due to
a change in their job responsibilities, the supervisor must fill out the Change in Access form,
have it signed by the appropriate data owner, and send it to ITS. ITS will make the needed
changes and retain the request for auditor review.
d. Employees may not retain access past the time it is necessary.
1. Separated employees. When an employee separates from the college, ITS will be
notified by the Human Resources Department. ITS will delete the individual’s account.
2. Inactive accounts. If an individual has not used his or her account for ninety days, it will
be disabled. The individual may reapply for an account in accordance with procedure 2.
3. Temporary employees. Supervisors of temporary employees are responsible for
notifying IIRTS when the individual is no longer employed.
e. Annual accountability. Each year, two types of written accountability are required. Each
account holder must sign a statement reaffirming knowledge of the Information Security and
Confidentiality Policy. All data owners must revalidate the security classes for each
individual granted access to data under their responsibility. These annual
acknowledgements will be maintained for auditor review.
It is the responsibility of the ITS department to provide a safe and secure environment for
computing. In order to do so, ITS provides equipment and procedures that comply with
security standards such as the State of NC Security Standards, the IIPS security standards
and the PCI security standards.
g. Software patches for the Colleague system are provided by the North Carolina Community
College System Office, ITS division. When the college receives a patch, it is loaded into
the test account and users of screens and processes affected by the patch are notified. A
one week period is provided to test processes and screens after the patch. If no problem is
discovered during testing, the patch is then loaded to the live account the following week. A
log of all software patches is maintained by ITS for auditor review.
h. Data on the Colleague system are backed up on a regular basis. A full system backup is
performed weekly. Incremental data backups are done daily for data changed or entered
that day. In addition, work is replicated to an off-site disaster recovery site and data
snapshots are taken hourly. A copy of the backup tape is kept off-campus for business
continuity purposes. Files are periodically restored from tape to test the effectiveness of the
In the event of a data security breach, ITS will notify the proper parties and follow the
procedures in the Data Incident Response plan.
College equipment and peripherals used to store or access data must be disposed of
securely. All such equipment must be turned in to ITS for disposal. ITS insures that data
on such equipment are unrecoverable before final disposal. Media such as floppy disks,
CD’s, jump drives, tapes, etc. must be physically destroyed before disposal in such a way
that data are not retrievable.
k. Data must also be secured once it leaves the college's computer systems.
1. Files containing identifiable data can only be downloaded to a college-owned computer
for the time needed to perform the task for which the data was extracted. Once the
data is no longer needed, it must be deleted.
2. Sensitive college data must never be downloaded to personal laptops that are not
college equipment.
3. Laptops and media such as jump drives, CD’s, etc. containing identifying personal data
or other sensitive college data must be secured under lock and key when not in use.
4. College data shall not be sent by employees to servers or computers that are not
college property, unless such servers are maintained by a company that is under
contract with the college and which maintains a secure environment, or an organization
that the college is legally required to report data to.
5. College employees shall not send college data, particularly personal identifying data,
through email to individuals outside the college.
Employees who have knowledge of college security setups and configurations such as
passwords, IP addressing schemes, firewalls, VLAN schemes, etc., are prohibited from
sharing such information with students, non-GTCC personnel, or any unauthorized GTCC
employees. Attempts to break security setups or hack into college systems are prohibited.
Violators of this policy may be prosecuted and will be subject to disciplinary action that may
include termination of employment.
m. All accounts must have individual logons and password protection.
n. Screens that display college data must not be left up while the user is not at his/her station.
Individual Colleague sessions are monitored for activity. After fifteen minutes of inactivity,
the session is terminated.
o. Files downloaded to the college shall be screened for computer viruses, Trojan horses,
worms or other destructive programs. Virus detection programs and practices shall be
implemented throughout the college, along with a training program on virus prevention and
remediation. In order to prevent viruses from being introduced into the college network,
only ITS employees shall add any software or hardware to the system.
p. Only employees, supporting state organizations, or third party entities who have signed and
agreed to a local remote access agreement, will be given remote access to the college’s
network. Only VPN, SSH, SSL or industry standard clients with equal or greater
security/encryption as the college’s security/encryption shall be utilized to access the
college’s network or servers from a remote location. Employees are prohibited from using
unapproved software to access college computers from remote locations. This includes
access to office computers as well as servers.
q. Originators of telephone calls, telex/cables, facsimile transmissions, e-mail, computer
transactions, or any other telecommunications transmission should be aware of the
possibility of compromise of confidentiality, integrity, or inappropriate availability of the
information transmitted. They should determine whether the information requires additional
special protection and handling.
If an employee uses confidential information from another college or agency, he or she
shall observe and maintain the confidentiality conditions imposed by the providing college
or agency.
s. The college will provide an ongoing program of network user education for the purpose of
making all participants in the campus community aware of their important roles in providing
a unified defense against deliberate or inadvertent exploitation of the network. Particular
attention should be paid to “social engineering” where a user can be duped into revealing
login names and/or passwords to unauthorized entities by telephone, fax, e-mail or in
Enforcement. Non-compliance with the security architecture and this information protection
policy are subject to management review and action that conforms to college disciplinary
policies and any and all relevant legal actions.
u. ITS will publicize warnings and updates of current acute threats such as new viruses,
worms, Trojans, etc. to the campus community.
3. Procedures for Non-Electronic Data
a. The college collects data on paper forms. All forms must be reviewed by the issuing
department to insure that all data collected is required. Personal identifying data such as
social security numbers or credit card information must not be collected without a specific
requirement to do so, and a statement must be included on each form that includes
personal identifying data.
b. Paper forms containing personal identifying data must be secured in locked containers such
as file cabinets when not in use.
c. When data is no longer needed, it must be disposed of securely. The college complies with
state records retention policies. GTCC contracts with a vendor, certified by the National
Association for Information Disposal (NAID) to provide secure disposal of paper.
Employees should use the document container boxes found in various locations on college
property to dispose of their paper forms, or dispose of them using an approved shredder.
Related Policies
Personal Information Protection Policy – Management Manual II-2.034
Right to Privacy – Management Manual III-2.060
Adopted 10/25/03
Disease, Infectious or Communicable
Guilford Technical Community College places a high priority on the need to prevent the spread of
serious communicable diseases on its campuses. It is the intention of the College to promote the
health and safety of its faculty, staff and students.
Communicable disease is defined as an illness due to an infectious agent or its toxic products
which is transmitted directly or indirectly to a person from an infected person or animal through the
agency of an intermediate animal, host or vector (an agent that acts as a carrier), or through the
inanimate environment. Outbreak is defined as an occurrence of a case or cases of a disease in a
locale in excess of the usual number of cases of the disease. Quarantine authority is defined as
the authority to limit the freedom of movement or action of persons or animals which have been
exposed to or are reasonably suspected of having been exposed to communicable disease or
communicable condition for a period of time as may be necessary to prevent the spread of that
disease. The term also means the authority to limit the freedom of movement or action of persons
who have not received immunizations against a communicable disease listed in NC G.S. 130A-152
when the local health director determines that such immunizations are required to control an
outbreak of that disease (NC G. S. 130-A-133).
Communicable disease shall include, but not be limited to:
 Bronchitis
 Measles
 Chickenpox
 Meningitis
 Conjunctivitis
 Pneumonia
 Hepatitis A
 Tuberculosis
 Infectious Mononucleosis
 Upper Respiratory Infections
 Influenza
 Whooping Cough
The college will not discriminate against any applicant, employee or student who has or is
suspected of having a communicable disease. As long as the employee is able to satisfactorily
perform the essential functions of the job, and there is no medical evidence indicating that the
employee's condition is a threat to the health or safety of the individual, co-workers, students or the
public, an employee shall not be denied continued employment. As long as the applicant/student
is able to satisfactorily perform in the curriculum and there is no medical evidence indicating that
his/her condition is a threat to the health or safety of the individual, employees, other students or
the public, he/she shall not be denied admission to the campus or classes based on whether or not
he/she is infected or a known carrier of a communicable disease. The college will consider the
educational or employment status of individuals with a known communicable disease or suspected
communicable disease on an individual basis following procedures outlined by the President (or
All medical records shall be strictly confidential and kept separate from employees' personnel files
in accordance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended. In
addition, students' medical records shall be strictly confidential and kept separate from students'
academic files in accordance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act as
amended. Any release of information in a confidential medical file shall be in accordance with the
applicable law and regulations.
Exposure to AIDS, HIV infection, and Hepatitis B are dealt with in more specific detail in the
document, Infectious Disease Control Program: Bloodborne Pathogens, as well as in individual
department/division plans which are on file in the departments and in Human Resources.
1. Persons who know, or have reasonable basis for believing, that they are infected with a
communicable disease are expected to seek expert advice about their health circumstances
and are obligated, ethically and legally, to conduct themselves in a responsible manner toward
the employees and students of the college, patients served in clinical programs, and other
members of the community.
If necessary, all other faculty, staff, students, and employees of contractors or contracted
services are urged to share information related to the medical condition in question on a
confidential basis with the Director of Human Resources (or designee) or the Associate Vice
President (or designee) accordingly, so that the college can respond appropriately to their
health and educational needs.
2. In situations where exclusion, restriction or reassignment may be warranted for the health and
safety of the individual or the health or safety of other members of the college or public, if
practicable, the following individuals may be included as members of a committee, or may
provide input or recommendations to the committee, in evaluating such issues as may arise:
the individual's personal physician, local health director (or designee), a physician with
expertise managing communicable disease cases, the faculty member, supervisor or
department chairperson, the college attorney, the Director of Human Resources (or designee),
or Associate Vice President (or designee). All issues concerning persons infected with
communicable diseases will be considered on an individual basis. In the event that a decision
or determination is made concerning exclusion, restriction or reassignment of enrollment or
employment of the student or employee, the committee shall meet with the student or
employee, explain its decision, the basis for the decision, and attempt to reach a mutual
agreement. In the event that a student or employee disagrees with the decision of the college,
s/he shall follow the respective general grievance and appeal procedure.
Should an influenza outbreak reach a pandemic stage, the President or his/her designee shall
regularly monitor the situation by communicating with local and state health officials and by
reviewing media sources. Should an influenza outbreak reach a pandemic level within the
state or a county contiguous to Guilford, Randolph, Davidson, Forsyth, Rockingham or
Alamance counties the President or his/her designee will provide current information to
students and employees on preventing the spread of the pandemic flu. Should influenza reach
a pandemic level within the service area the President or his/her designee, after consulting with
local health officials, may close the College temporarily or exercise quarantine authority if
he/she feels it is in the best interest of the College and community, and deemed necessary by
state or local health/and/or law enforcement officials. Persons who are infected with the
pandemic flu, or know of someone in the College community who is, should contact college
officials immediately. Students should contact the Associate Vice President and employees
should contact the Director of Human Resources.
3. The confidentiality of medical information imparted to the college will be respected and held in
strict confidence and shared only as allowed by law. Medical information relating to the
communicable diseases of a student or employee will be disclosed to responsible college
officials only on a strictly limited need-to-know basis. Persons deemed to have a "direct need
to know" will be provided with the appropriate information.
4. All incidents involving exposure to communicable diseases should be reported to Associate
Vice President or the Director of Human Resources and the local health department as soon as
5. The college will conduct an ongoing education program, which will be included in new
employee/student orientation and will inform faculty, staff, and students about communicable
diseases, warning signs, and protective measures.
6. Faculty, staff, students, and employees of contractors or contracted services are encouraged to
maintain current immunizations as a preventive measure.
Tuition and Fees
Guilford Technical Community College assesses student tuition and fees as described in the
procedures which follow, subject to provisions of the State Board of Community Colleges, NC
General Statutes, and the college's Board of Trustees. The Board will set optional and specific fees
subject to limitations as provided in the State Board of Community Colleges Code 1E SBCCC
200.98. Approved fees will be reviewed annually and reported to the State Board. These fees
shall include:
1. In-state and out-of-state tuition.
2. Specific fees for items required for individual courses considered to be in addition to normal
supplies and material the college supplies such as tools, uniforms, insurance, physical
education fee, and certification fees.
3. Student activity fee.
4. Campus access, parking, and security (CAPS) fee.
5. Parking deck permit fee.
6. A computer use and technology fee.
All fees are assessed each term unless otherwise noted.
1. Curriculum Tuition
Credit Hours
16 or more
Credit Hours
16 or more
2. Specific Fees:
a. Course Specific Fees: Fees may be assessed for particular courses with shops, labs,
clinics, or unusual necessary supplies. The appropriate vice president will develop an
annual schedule of fees by course prior to registration for fall term. The executive vice
president will review and approve the fee schedule. Interim changes in this fee schedule
require approval from the division vice president as well as the executive vice president.
NOTE: Other students may be exempt from course specific fees if they are a part of
selected contracted programs in which comparable expenses are sufficiently covered.
b. Insurance Fees:
1. Accident insurance is assessed each semester. Paid by all curriculum students except
high school students. May also be paid by some continuing education and selfsupported class students.
Fall and Spring – per semester
Fee: $3.60
Summer semester
Fee: $1.90
2. Malpractice insurance is assessed each fall and spring semester. Paid by students in
the relevant programs only. Required in the following programs at the rates indicated:
Certified Nursing Assistant
Fee: $8.50
Fee: $8.50
Culinary Co-op
Fee: $8.50
Dental Assisting
Fee: $8.50
Dental Hygiene
Fee: $8.50
Early Childhood Education
Fee: $8.50
Emergency Medical Science
Fee: $8.50
Emergency Medical Technician
Fee: $8.50
Healthcare Mangement Technician Co-op
Fee: $8.50
Human Services Technician Co-op
Fee: $8.50
Medical Assisting
Fee: $8.50
Medical Office Administration Co-op
Fee: $8.50
Medical Transcription Co-op
Fee: $8.50
Fee: $8.50
Office Administration Co-op
Fee: $8.50
Pharmacy Technology
Fee: $8.50
Physical Therapist Assistant
Fee: $8.50
Fee: $8.50
Surgical Technician
Fee: $8.50
3. Student Activity Fee. Student Activity Fees are assessed each fall and spring semester.
a. All curriculum students taking 1-11 credit hours
Per Semester Fee: $10.00
b. All curriculum students taking 12 or more credit hours Per Semester Fee: $17.50
4. Campus Access, Parking, and Security (CAPS) Fee. CAPS Fees are assessed each
a. All curriculum students taking 1-11 credit hours
Fee: $25.00
b. All curriculum students taking 12 or more credit hours
Fee: $50.00
c. Continuing education students (per course)
Fee: $5.00
NOTE: Students in Basic Skills classes, certain self-supporting classes, or classes run
through certain special grants do not pay this fee.
5. Parking Deck Permit Fee:
a. Motorists who elect to use the parking deck must pay the applicable fee shown
below to obtain a permit.
1. Students
Fall and Spring – per semester
Fee: $100.00
No charge for Summer semester
2. Faculty/Staff
Fall and Spring – per semester
Fee: $125.00
No charge for Summer semester
3. Vendors/Non-Employees – per month
Fee: $ 25.00
b. A replacement fee of $5.00 will be charged for lost or damaged access cards.
c. Refunds shall be made as follows:
1. A 75% student refund of the parking deck fee may be made through the census
date, if the student officially withdraws from all classes.
2. No refunds will be made to faculty and staff unless they are separating from the
college and they request a prorated refund. The maximum prorated refund
allowed is 75% of the amount paid.
6. Computer Use and Technology Fee. The Computer Use and Technology Fee is
assessed each semester:
a. All curriculum students taking 1-11 credit hours
Fee: $ 10.00
b. All curriculum students taking 12 or more credit hours
Fee: $ 16.00
c. Continuing education students (per course)
Fee: $ 3.00
NOTE: Students in Basic Skills classes, certain self-supporting classes, or classes run
through certain special grants do not pay this fee.
7. Continuing Education Course Registration Fees:
Continuing education students pay course registration fees in lieu of tuition. The State
Board of Community Colleges sets these fees. Fees are based on course hours as
Course Length
Registration Fees
1 – 24 hours
$ 70
25 – 50 hours
51+ hours
8. Groups Eligible for Tuition and/or Registration Fee Waivers:
State law and other State Board of Community Colleges regulations (G.S. 115B-2,
G. S. 115D-5(b), S.L. 2011-145, Sec. 8.5 and State Board of Community College Code
SBCCC Chapter 5, Subchapter H provide for the waiver of tuition and registration fees
to certain groups. GTCC observes this law by waiving all fees except malpractice
insurance fees, if applicable, as follows:
Authorized Group
Basic Skills/Basic Skills
Persons taking courses in Adult Basic
Education (ABE), GED, Adult High
School (AHS), English as a Second
Language (ESL), Compensatory
Education (CED) or any Occupation
Extension Curriculum course that is a part
of a State Board-approved Basic Skills
Plus Program.
Child of Permanently
and Totally Disabled
Public Safety Officer
Any child, at least age 17 but not yet 24,
whose parent is a law enforcement
officer, firefighter, volunteer firefighter, or
rescue squad worker for this state or one
of its agencies or political subdivision who
is permanently and totally disabled of a
traumatic injury sustained in the line of
Customized Training
Courses must be conducted under the
Customized Training Program
This benefit is limited to 54 months for a
baccalaureate degree, otherwise, to the
number of months of the educational
program for which the child is applying.
Division of Adult
Corrections of the
Department of Public
Safety and Section of
Community Corrections
of the Division of Adult
Courses must support the organization's Division of Adult Corrections of
training needs and are on a specialized the Department of Public Safety
course list approved by the State Board - Full time custodial employees
of Community Colleges.
Fire Departments Volunteer, Eligible Lake
Authorities, Eastern
Band of Cherokee
Indians, Municipal,
County or State
Courses must support the organization's Federal departments excluded.
training needs and are on a specialized
course list approved by the State Board Lake Authority eligibility - authority
of Community Colleges.
was created by a county board of
commissioners prior to July 1, 2012.
Section of Community Corrections of
the Division of Adult Corrections Employees required to be certified
under Chapter 17C of the General
Statutes and the rules of the Criminal
Justice and Training Standards
Division of Juvenile
Courses must support the organization's Employees required to be certified
Justice of the Department training needs and are on a specialized under Chapter 17C of the General
of Public Safety
course list approved by the State Board Statutes and the rules of the Criminal
of Community Colleges.
Justice and Training Standards
EMS or Rescue and
Federal departments excluded. Lake
Lifesaving Departments - training needs and are on a specialized Authority eligibility - authority was
Volunteer, Eligible Lake course list approved by the State Board created by a county board of
of Community Colleges.
commissioners prior to July 1, 2012.
Authorities, Eastern
See note below.
Band of Cherokee
Indians, Municipal,
County or State
See note below.
First Aid/CPR
Elementary and secondary school
GTCC Employees
Full-time regular employees shall
have institutional fees waived for
curriculum and continuing education
Fees waived.
Curriculum courses provided through a
State Board-approved Career and
College Promise (CCP) pathway.
Early and Middle College High Schools
are approved under the Cooperative and
Innovative High Schools Program Act,
which is one of the CCP pathways.
Malpractice Insurance fee is waived.
High School Students
GTCC employees must pay for
all fees associated with selfsupporting classes.
High school students are not
exempt from paying registration
and student fees for continuing
education and self-supported
Human Resource
Development (HRD)
Courses must be conducted under
the HRD Program
Students must be one of the following
1. Is unemployed.
2. Has received notification of a
pending layoff.
3. Is working and is eligible for the
Federal Earned Income Tax Credit
4. Is working and earning wages at
or below two hundred percent (200%)
of the federal poverty guidelines.
Note: HRD students for whom
tuition is waived must sign a form
verifying that they meet one of these
Law Enforcement
Departments - Volunteer,
Eligible Lake Authorities,
Eastern Band of
Cherokee Indians,
County or State
Radio Emergency
Associated Citizens
Teams (REACT)
Spouse of
Permanently and
Totally Disabled Public
Safety Officer
Survivor of Deceased
Public Safety Officer
Courses must support the organization's
training needs and are on a specialized
course list approved by the State Board
of Community Colleges.
Federal departments excluded.
Lake Authority eligibility - authority
was created by a county board of
commissioners prior to July 1, 2012.
See note below.
Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET)
must be in a state-mandated Training
Trainees must submit a letter of
sponsorship from a municipal, county
or state law enforcement agency for
waiver to be applied.
Courses must support the organization's Team must be under contract to a
training needs and are on a specialized county as an emergency response
course list approved by the State Board agency.
of Community Colleges.
Any spouse of a law enforcement
officer, firefighter, volunteer
firefighter, or rescue squad worker
for this state or one of its agencies or
political subdivision who is
permanently and totally disabled of a
traumatic injury sustained in the line
of duty.
Any survivor of a law enforcement officer,
firefighter, volunteer firefighter, or rescue
squad worker for this state or one of its
agencies or political subdivision who was
killed as a direct result of a traumatic
injury sustained in the line of duty.
Ward of the State
Any child, at least age 17 but not yet 24, The child must be:
who is a ward of the state or was a ward 1. A resident of NC, and
of the state at the time the child reached 2. Eligible for services under the
the age of 18.
Chaffee Education and Training
Vouchers Program.
Waivers will only apply to the extent of
a balance remaining after any other
financial aid is received.
Note: Municipal, County, or State fire departments, EMS or rescue and lifesaving departments,
and law enforcement agencies are defined as agencies of the State of North Carolina, a North
Carolina municipality, or a North Carolina county. This definition does not include private, for-profit
entities, including those under contract to the State, a municipality or a county.
Fees, User and Patron
Consumers of Guilford Technical Community College services may be charged reasonable fees to
help the college offset the costs of delivering such services. Products produced in college
instructional programs may be sold at reasonable prices to offset the production costs. Approved
fee schedules are as follows:
A. Fees—Instructional Goods and Services
1. Cosmetology Fee Schedule
Senior Citizens (55 and over) receive a 50% discount on each service.
Current GTCC students with a valid student ID are allowed to receive free haircuts.
Additional services may be received at a 50% discount.
Products and Services
Shampoo and Set
Straight Back Braids
Design Set
Design Set – Senior Citizen
Advanced Hair Services
Haircut – No Shampoo
Haircut, Shampoo, Blow-dry
Deep Color Rinse
Semi-Permanent Color
Scalp Treatment
Permanent Color
Fees and Prices
$ 10.00
15.00 (base price)
1.00 per braid
1.00 per braid
Press & Curl – short hair
Press & Curl – long hair
Permanent Wave or Relaxer
Soft Perm
Spiral Perm
Wig Care & Styling
Design Set with perms, Iron Work etc. additional cost
Body Services
Hair Removal – Brows
Hair Removal – Chin
Hair Removal – Lip
Lash & Brow Tinting
Manicure/Hand Massage
Paraffin Wax Dip
2. Esthetics Fee Schedule
Senior citizens (55 and over) receive a 50% discount on each service.
Products and Services
Fees and Prices
Facial Add-Ones
(These amounts are charged in addition to the 3 facial charges above.)
High Frequency
Deep Exfoliant
Paraffin Facial
4-Layer Facial
Hair Removal
Legs – lower half
Full Legs
Specialty Treatments
Make-up Application
Lash & Brow Tinting
Lash Perm
Ear Candling
Other Body Treatments
3. Culinary Fee Schedule
Products and Services
4. Dental Clinic Fee Schedule
Products and Services
Dental Assisting
Initial Examination
Full mouth x-rays
X-ray additional
1 Bitewing x-ray
2 Bitewing x-rays
4 Bitewing x-rays
Panoramic x-ray
Sealants –per tooth
Amalgam – 1 surface – primary
Amalgam – 2 surfaces – primary
Amalgam – 3 surfaces – primary
Amalgam – 4 surfaces – primary
Amalgam 1 surface
Amalgam 2 surfaces
Amalgam 3 surfaces
Amalgam four + surfaces
Composite - 1 surface
Composite - 2 surface
Composite - 3 surface
Composite/incisal angle/or 4 surfaces
Resin – 1 surface – primary
Resin – 2 surfaces – primary
Resin – 3 surfaces– primary
Composite - 1 surface - posterior
Composite - 2 surface - posterior
Composite - 3 surface posterior
Stainless steel crown – primary
Stainless steel crown – permanent
Sedative filling
Pin retention
Pulp cap - direct
Pulp cap - indirect
Periodontal scaling and root planing/quad
Periodontal scaling
Periodontal prophy
30.00 - 45.00
Fees and Prices
not to exceed 10.00
Fees and Prices
Extraction single tooth
Extraction – additional
Root removal – exposed roots
Surgical extractions
Dental Hygiene
Oral prophylaxis, Fluoride, 4 BW’s
Children and adults
Adults 60 years +
Full mouth series radiographs
Additional radiographs
Panoramic radiograph
Screening – adult
Sealants – per tooth
Arestin Periodontal Medicament
50.00 per arch
5. Furniture Sales – CRAFT Program
Any Chair – Grade Gold
$ 99.00
Any Chair – Grade Silver
Any Chair – Grade Bronze
B. Student Services Fees
Products and Services
International Student Application
Student ID’s for Basic Skills Students
Replacement for lost student ID’s
Fees and Prices
C. Testing Fees
COMPASS test for colleges other than GTCC
GED Test
Mock Certification exam for students taking MED262
Proctoring fee per hour for any institution other than GTCC
Postage and handling fee for tests - USA priority mail
Postage and handling fee for tests - USA special handling
Postage and handling fee for tests - USA overnight
Postage and handling fee for tests - International
Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) (GTCC Applicants) 35.00
Test of Essential Academic Skills (Non-GTCC Applicants)
Transcript of test scores
Applied Mathematics
Applied Technology
Locating Information
Reading for Information
Business Writing
Fit Assessment
Performance Assessment
Talent Assessment
Workplace Observation
Job Profile
Career Readiness Certificate:
Reading for Information, Applied Math, Locating Information
No Child Left Behind Paraprofessional Certificate:
Reading for Information, Applied Math, Business Writing
Certificate (reprinting, duplicate or upgrade original certification) 5.00
D. Graduation Fees
Adult High School
Associate Degree
Re-Application for Graduation
Re-Print of Diploma
Re-Print of Certificate
E. Automotive Repair
GTCC’s Automotive Department does not work on cars for the general public, but does accept
automotive students’ personal vehicles, and occasionally employees’ vehicles if needed, to
meet educational program outcomes.
The Automotive Program Waiver Form must be completed and signed by the vehicle owner
prior to any work being done on the vehicle.
The student or employee must provide all materials needed for the repair. Materials must be
purchased from outside vendors.
Any subsequent sale of these items is considered a private contract between the student and
the purchaser. The college assumes no liability for said products.
F. Furniture Upholstery
GTCC’s Furniture Upholstery Department does not reupholster furniture for the general public.
Furniture Upholstery students may choose to reupholster personal items. In such cases, the
student must provide all materials necessary to reupholster the item. Materials must be
purchased from outside vendors.
Any subsequent sale of these items is considered a private contract between the student and
the purchaser. The college assumes no liability for said products.
G. Service Fees
Returned Check Fee
Deferment Late Fee
Access to Guilford Technical Community College’s programs and the excellence of the educational
experience at GTCC are greatly enhanced by the receipt of donations whether monetary, in-kind,
or comprised of other personal or real property from citizens, philanthropic institutions, public
agencies, and businesses. The GTCC Foundation is the major fundraising vehicle for the college.
All staff and faculty members are encouraged to promote the efforts of the college to secure gifts.
1. The Foundation is responsible for coordinating all fundraising efforts. The Foundation
currently works closely with many advisory committees, individuals, and college groups on
writing grants and on targeting and approaching likely donors of both cash and in-kind gifts.
College faculty and staff who know of opportunities for gifts are encouraged to share this
information with the Foundation.
2. The Foundation will serve as a clearinghouse for solicitation information about potential
corporate and individual donors. Any approaches to these sources must be coordinated
through the Foundation. The information collected by the Foundation is intended to avoid
duplicated requests by other college groups for small donations, whether monetary, in-kind,
or other property gifts, when a substantial gift is possible or in progress and to help the
college avoid duplication of fundraising efforts to the same sources.
The involvement of the Foundation is not to inhibit advisory committees and/or individuals,
especially faculty members who may have contacts in industry, from taking advantage of
opportunities to secure in-kind gifts or from planning and implementing fundraising efforts.
The purposes are to ensure that all solicitations are orderly and do not represent multiple
requests to the same source from several college groups and to ensure that gifts are
appropriate, properly acknowledged, and recorded into inventory.
The Foundation must be consulted prior to acceptance of gifts of substantial value or if there
are questions about a gift’s appropriateness, value, method of donation, tax documentation,
or other related issue.
3. Monetary gifts should be directed to the GTCC Foundation, Inc. GTCC personnel must
inform the Foundation Office BEFORE they solicit monetary gifts for the college.
4. Gifts of equipment, supplies, or materials must fulfill a genuine need verified by the
department and division chair (or dean or vice president as appropriate to constitute two
supervisory levels). The college is not obligated to accept any gift because it is offered and
cannot accept gifts that do not have a use. Equipment must be in working order or
salvageable for useful parts. GTCC does not assign a monetary value to the donation for use
by the donor for tax purposes. That is the responsibility of the donor. (The tax value may
differ from the inventory value of the gift to the college.)
a. If the donor contacts the faculty member, department chair, or division chair directly,
the person contacted is responsible for completing a GTCC Donations Form verifying
the value of the donated item(s) to the college and documenting the source of the
b. The GTCC Donations Form is submitted to the Foundation Office, which records the
gift and prepares an acknowledgment. GTCC cannot accept and acknowledge any
gifts of equipment, supplies, and/or materials that are of no use to the college.
c. If donors contact other personnel in the college, they should be referred to the
Foundation Office. The Foundation Office will see that appropriate faculty members,
department chairs, and division chairs are notified and that the GTCC Donations Form
is completed.
d. The Foundation Office refers all completed and recorded GTCC Donations Forms to
the Purchasing Officer for information and entry into inventory, as appropriate.
GTCC clubs, associations, and other organized on-campus groups will be limited to raising
money from people who come to the campus for services, GTCC students, and employees,
unless specifically approved to solicit others. The fundraising activities should not be
advertised to the general public without prior approval. See the Solicitation Policy I-1.060
for the procedures to be followed.
GTCC students, faculty, and staff value good citizenship and helping those in need. The
college supports fundraising for these purposes through United Way, individual and team
participation in events such as Multiple Sclerosis and Juvenile Diabetes Walks, and other
charity fundraisers. The solicitation process now in place (I-1.060) must be followed to
ensure that fundraising is orderly and appropriate.
GTCC and its students have many needs, including support of scholarships, equipment,
childcare programs and other student support programs, program start-up costs, and
professional development. The Foundation fundraising campaigns are planned with these
needs in mind. College groups also should be encouraged to consider these needs first
when planning their fundraising activities. Groups interested in general community service
should be encouraged to contribute time and talents as an alternative to raising money.
8. Groups sponsoring for-profit companies to sell goods and share profits to benefit college
causes should require terms favorable to the college. Such companies should be willing to
share at least 50 percent of gross profit with the college in exchange for space and access
to the campus community.
9. For the appropriate procedures on grant applications and management of grants, see
College-Wide Rules and Procedures.
Adopted 2/19/98
Reviewed 10/7/13
Internal Audit Plan for Continuing Education Classes
Guilford Technical Community College shall maintain an Internal Audit and Credibility Plan and
provide audit reports to the Board of Trustees in accordance with the State Board of Community
College Code, SBCCC, 2E.0305(c).
Investment and management of college funds will be in accordance with North Carolina General
Statute §115D-58.6. Funds eligible for investment include institutional funds that have
accumulated for future benefit of the college and any county funds paid to the college for approved
operating budgets or capital projects.
The Guilford Technical Community College Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees shall
serve as the Investment Committee for the Board. The Investment Committee shall make
decisions based on investment guidelines approved by the board, monitor performance of
investments, and report investment results to the board on a regular basis. The investment
program shall be so managed that investments and deposits can be readily converted into cash to
meet operating needs as determined by the chief financial officer. Moneys shall be invested only
in the form of investments pursuant to G.S. 159-30(c) or in any form of investment established or
managed by an investment advisor within guidelines established by the board.
The Board of Trustees shall discharge their duties with respect to the management and investment
of college funds as follows:
(1) Investment decisions shall be solely in the interest of the college and the students, faculty,
and staff of the college.
(2) The investments shall be for the exclusive purpose of providing an adequate return to the
(3) Investments shall be made with the care, skill, and caution under the circumstances then
prevailing which a prudent person acting in a like capacity and familiar with those matters
would use in the conduct of an activity of like character and purpose.
(4) Investment decisions shall be made impartially, taking into account the best interest of the
college, with special attention to conflicts of interest or potential conflicts of interest.
(5) Investments shall incur only costs that are appropriate and reasonable.
This policy should be understood not to include college foundation funds managed by a separate
board of directors and involving funds independent of college funds.
Marketing/Public Information
To ensure the timeliness, accuracy and consistency of news and information concerning GTCC,
the preparation and release of news, features, advertising copy, publications and other printing
projects will be coordinated by the Marketing/Public Information Office.
Inquiries from the media are to be referred to the Marketing/Public Information Office to determine
the appropriate employee to respond on behalf of the college.
1. The Marketing/Public Information Office shall coordinate news releases to the media; the
design, development, placement and purchase of advertising and printing; release of
information on Board or major administrative actions; and scheduled TV or radio coverage of
college events.
a. News and Publicity Releases
All pertinent data about general news items shall be submitted in writing to the
Director of Marketing/Public Information.
Publicity requests for scheduled events shall be submitted to the Director of
Marketing/Public Information at least one month before the scheduled event.
b. Advertising
1) The Marketing/Public Information Office will be responsible for all advertising
except classified advertising for job openings (handled by the Human Resources
2) The Marketing/Public Information Office plans the advertising budget for GTCC
for the year. In the event additional funds become available, requests for
unplanned advertising will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Requests for
both planned and unplanned advertising require the approval of the President or
the appropriate Vice President and the Director of Marketing/Public Information.
c. Printing
1) The Marketing/Public Information Office produces the course schedule(s),
catalog, viewbook, curriculum brochures, President's Report, mail-back card
brochures and an admissions packet. The budget is planned to cover these
items. In the event that additional funds become available, other printing
projects will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Requests for planned and
unplanned printing require the approval of the President or the appropriate Vice
President and the Director of Marketing/Public Information.
2) These projects must be approved by the President or appropriate Vice President
and reviewed by the Director of Marketing/Public Information. All copy for the
project should be submitted to the Director of Marketing/Public Information at
least three (3) weeks before the anticipated printing date. Producers of such
projects must adhere to all appropriate bid procedures, which are handled by the
Purchasing Office.
3) Institutional identification (including Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity
Institution designation, as appropriate) will be designed into all materials.
2. The Marketing/Public Information Office shall coordinate media contacts on behalf of the
3. The Public Information Officer is the official contact person for information concerning
college events and campus-wide activities.
4. Employees should answer questions from the media only when requested to do so by the
Director of Marketing or Public Information Officer. The employee will promptly inform the
Public Information Officer of the information shared with the media representative. The
Public Information Officer will relay the information to the Director of Marketing/Public
5. If an employee prefers not to answer media questions or believes he/she does not have
sufficient information to do so, he/she should inform the Public Information Officer who will
identify another appropriate respondent.
Public Records
Guilford Technical Community College will provide access to institutional records in accord with
state law State Board of Community College Code SBCCC 115D-78 and Chapter 132). The
President shall designate individuals authorized to provide such access, and shall set a schedule
for payment of the actual costs of complying with requests.
Requests for college records shall be complied with as promptly as possible. Only
those records protected by laws pertaining to student privacy and confidentiality of
employee records will not be supplied. (See policies III-2.8 and IV-4.8)
Requests for college records may be referred to the President, Vice Presidents,
Associate Vice Presidents, Campus Deans, or the Offices of Marketing/Public
Information, and Institutional Research.
If copying the records involves four or more pages, or if the copy is to be supplied on an
electronic storage device such as a CD or flash drive, the requestor shall pay the cost of
making the copies. In the case of paper copies, this shall be $0.15 per page. CDs or
flash drives shall be supplied by the college and the requestor shall be charged the
actual cost of the electronic storage device and computer time. Payment shall be made
at the time the copies are delivered.
Adopted 6/20/96
2/2014 Procedure update
Adopted 6/20/96
Children on Campus
To protect the safety of young visitors and to avoid disruptive behavior, children accompanying
students, visitors, or employees of Guilford Technical Community College must be under the
constant supervision of a responsible adult while on the property of GTCC or on the site of any
approved off-campus event. Employees of the college have assigned duties and cannot take
supervisory responsibility for the unattended children of students, visitors, or employees. Children
are not to be left unattended in any college facility at any time.
The college assumes no responsibility or liability for children, nor for any accidents or
injuries incurred by children, in any unsupervised situation not approved by the college
administration. For the purposes of this policy, the terms "child" or "children" mean any
youth under the age of 18, whether or not such youth is the offspring of the person
whom he or she accompanies.
Employees are expected to provide for the care of their children away from the work
site. In rare emergency situations, if it is necessary for the employee to bring a child to
the workplace during working hours, the employee's supervisor must approve. If an
employee has approval from his/her supervisor to bring a child to the workplace, the
employee is responsible for attending to the child at all times while on the premise.
Children accompanying employees, students, or visitors are not permitted in
classrooms, labs, shops, or common study areas as stated in the GTCC General
College Catalog and GTCC Student Handbook.
Persons wishing to patronize GTCC services to the public (cosmetology, dental, etc.)
may be refused service if accompanied by a child who will be unattended during the
time the patron is receiving services. College staff will not be expected to provide
supervision of such children.
If a child is found or identified as "unattended" Campus Police will be informed.
A Campus Police officer will attempt to locate the parent (or the adult
responsible for the child), and inform him/her of the college's rule regarding
unattended children. The parent/responsible adult will be asked to assume
direct supervision of the child(ren) at that time. Campus Police will call the
Department of Social Services for the safe keeping of the child if the parents are
not located.
Violation of this policy will result in appropriate disciplinary action.
Pets on Campus
No person may have an animal, excluding service animals, on campus without written permission
of the appropriate Vice President or Dean. Service animals are permitted on campus within
established guidelines.
1. A person found to have violated this policy will immediately remove the animal or bird from the
2. A student or employee found to have violated this policy will be subject to disciplinary action.
Repeated violations may result in student suspension or termination of employment.
3. Individuals with service animals will follow these guidelines:
a. Persons with disabilities may be accompanied by working service animals on all GTCC
campuses and sanctioned activities. As defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, a
“service animal” is any dog or miniature horse that has been trained to perform work or
tasks directly related to an individual’s disability (commonly referred to as “partner”).
1. Individuals are strongly encouraged to register a service animal with the DAS office.
If an animal does not meet service animal definitions, and the reason for the
animal’s presence is not readily apparent, the partner must provide documentation
supporting the need for and type of assistance that the animal will provide.
2. Service animals are not permitted to disrupt the educational process.
b. The partner’s responsibilities are to:
3. Maintain control of the service animal by leash, tether, voice control, signals, halter
and lead line or other effective means.
4. Clean up after the animal and repair or accept financial responsibility for incidental
damage caused by the animal (i.e. digging, chewing, kicking, biting, etc.).
5. Provide food, water, and general maintenance of the animal.
c. The campus community’s (faculty/staff/students) responsibilities are to:
1. Allow partners and their service animals access to appropriate areas on campus.
2. Avoid interacting with a service animal without the permission of the partner.
d. The disAbility Access Services Office‘s responsibilities are to:
1. Serve as the central point of contact for any individual using a service animal.
2. Implement safety measures for partners, service animals and the campus
3. Manage all complaints pertaining to the presence of a service animal.
d. A student has the right to initiate a complaint/grievance pertaining to his/her service animal.
The compliant/grievance policy is outlined in the Management Manual, Student Grievance
Policy III-2.013.
Adopted 2/15/96
Returned Checks
A service charge shall be established by the Board of Trustees to be assessed on each check
returned by the bank. Sanctions will be imposed on individuals who fail to redeem the check in a
timely manner.
The returned check policy shall be posted in prominent locations of the college, such as the
Cashier's window, Student Services, GTCC Bookstores, and satellite campuses. Money collected
from service charges shall be used to defray collection costs associated with collection of
delinquent accounts.
1. When a student or employee incurs a financial obligation to the institution, the Business
Office will initiate appropriate collection activity. An appropriate fee shall be established by
the Board of Trustees to be assessed for each returned check.
2. Currently Enrolled Students
a. A letter of notification identifying the nature of the debt shall be sent by the Business
Office to the student by registered mail. The Business Office will also send an email
notification. The student will be requested to redeem the check and service charge
within seven (7) days if the student fails to make payment, the instructor is contacted to
send the student to the Business Office. At this time, a hold shall be placed on the
student's file until the financial obligation has been satisfied. Students who have had
checks returned from the bank before classes have started will be dropped for
nonpayment if the student fails to make payment after the initial notification letter.
b. If the student has not paid or responded within seven (7) days, the Business Office shall
submit the student's name, student ID number and all pertinent information concerning
the debt to the Disciplinary Officer for appropriate action as determined by established
c. The account shall be submitted to the collection agency under contract with the state.
Accounts which meet the eligible threshold shall also be turned over to the North
Carolina Debt Set-Off Program for garnishment from the debtor's state income tax
refund. The student's name, student ID number, social security number and all pertinent
information concerning the debt shall be submitted with each referral.
d. After the college has received two (2) bad checks from a student, the student's file shall
be flagged with a financial code which will deny the student the privilege of paying for
registration by check. He/she shall also be denied the privilege of paying for future
services by check. This is also applicable if a student submits a fraudulent check.
3. Former Students
a. A letter of notification identifying the nature of the debt shall be sent by the Business
Office to the student by registered mail. The student will be requested to redeem the
check and service charge within seven (7) days. At this time, a hold shall be placed on
the student's file until the financial obligation has been satisfied.
b. If the debt is not paid within seven (7) days, a follow-up letter shall be mailed to the
c. The account shall be submitted to the collection agency under contract with the state.
Accounts which meet the eligible threshold shall also be turned over to the North
Carolina Debt Set-Off Program for garnishment from the debtor's state income tax
refund. The student's name, student ID number, social security number and all
pertinent information concerning the debt shall be submitted with each referral.
d. After receiving two (2) bad checks from a student, the student's file shall be flagged with
a financial code which will deny the student the privilege of paying for registration by
check. He/she shall also be denied the privilege of paying for future services by check.
This is also applicable if a student submits a fraudulent check.
a. The employee shall be notified by an appropriate Business Office staff member of the
debt. The employee will be requested to redeem the check and service charge within
three (3) days.
b. If restitution is not made within three (3) days, and the employee is a regular or time
limited employee, he/she shall be requested to come to the Business Office and sign a
payroll deduction form authorizing the debt to be deducted from his/her next payroll
c. Failure to respond or sign the payroll authorization within a reasonable time shall result
in a Business Office representative contacting the employee's supervisor to assist in
resolving the financial obligation.
d. Failure to make restitution by any full time or part time employee shall make him/her
subject to disciplinary action, which may include suspension or dismissal.
e. In the event the employee is no longer employed by the institution, the Business Office
shall send a letter of notification by certified mail identifying the nature of the debt. The
account shall be submitted to the collection agency under contract with the state.
Accounts which meet the eligible threshold shall also be turned over to the North
Carolina Debt Set-Off Program for garnishment from the employee's state income tax
refund. The employee's name, employee ID number, social security number and all
pertinent information concerning the debt shall be submitted with each referral.
f. Repeat offenders (two returned checks) shall be denied the privilege of writing checks,
as well as being subject to disciplinary action. The Business Office will notify the
appropriate departments to deny acceptance of personal checks from the employee
which could result in a financial obligation to the school.
After all collection efforts have been exhausted and have been proven to be unsuccessful,
the debtor's name, student ID number and all pertinent information concerning the debt
shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees for write-off approval in accord with the
Community College System Office Accounting Procedures Manual.
Self-Supporting Classes
Guilford Technical Community College will offer self-supporting classes when the administration
has determined that there is a need and where such classes are appropriate and consistent with
the mission of GTCC. The college will observe policies adopted by the State Board of Community
Colleges affecting such classes.
In accord with State Board policy State Board of Community College Code SBCCC
2DO203(6), the college will determine direct and indirect costs as follows:
a. Direct costs are those costs directly assignable to the class:
1) Instructor(s) salary, including FICA, travel, course development costs, etc.,
2) Instructional supplies and materials,
3) Rental of building, and other directly assignable costs,
4) Advertising; e.g.., printing costs associated with a brochure, postage, mailing, etc.,
5) Equipment associated with the instruction for a self-supporting class,
6) Refreshments, and
7) Other costs necessary for and directly assignable to a class or costs which are
directly assignable to self-supporting classes (could include administrative/clerical
costs if verified as directly assignable).
b. Indirect costs are the costs for activities supporting the offering of classes but cannot be
directly and exclusively assigned to a self-supporting class or the self-supporting
program. If indirect costs (see examples below) can be directly and exclusively
assigned to a self-supporting class or self-supporting program, the costs can be
considered direct costs.
Examples of indirect cost include:
1) Utilities, custodial, and security,
2) Coordinator/Administration, and
3) Clerical salary and fringes.
Proposals for self-supporting classes shall define the direct and indirect costs using the
above rules, and shall be approved by the appropriate dean or vice-president.
a. Permission to offer the class shall be based on the justification of the need for the class
and the cost estimates.
b. Costs shall be defined as directed in the above procedure, with a markup as determined
by current market conditions, but no more than 25% unless approved by the executive
vice president.
c. The cost to individual students shall be kept as low as possible.
The Finance Office annually will determine the amount of excess funds generated by selfsupporting classes. Proposals for the use of these funds shall be submitted through the
college's planning process. In accord with State Board policy, if self-supporting receipts (all
categories; e.g., curriculum, community service, etc.) exceed expenditures for the fiscal
year, the following provisions apply:
a. If receipts exceed direct and indirect expenditures, the surplus revenue should be
expended for student financial aid/scholarships and/or program improvement.
Expenditures should be of direct benefit to students.
b. Funds in excess of the above direct and indirect expense cannot be used for:
1) Supplemental salaries of any personnel.
2) Administrative support of the college other than noted above of direct benefit to
3) College entertainment expense. (Educational activities for non-college personnel or
college personnel to enhance student success would not be entertainment.
Functions in which the primary purpose is fund raising would be entertainment.)
College Closure/Delay
The following procedures will apply in the event of emergency and inclement weather
circumstances that required the college to close or to delay opening.
1. Curriculum
When the college is closed, delayed, or dismissed, curriculum classes will shift to an online
delivery method. Faculty will outline college closure/delay procedures in the course syllabi for
their courses.
a. Missed face-to-face instruction:
1) Faculty will post make-up activities through the online environment.
2) Faculty will document out-of-class activities on the roster via Web Attendance.
b. Missed final exams:
1) Faculty may choose to give the exam through an online delivery method, modify
the exam into a new assignment, or give an incomplete grade and place the test in
the Assessment Center.
c. Missed labs, clinical, or software assignments:
1) When impossible to provide instruction through an online environment, faculty may
choose alternative options:
Establish alternative face-to-face options. Note: This can cause serious
hardships for working students.
Create other learning experiences that can be delivered online and meet the
objectives of the student learning outcomes.
d. Missed instructional time prior to the census date:
1) For classes that have met or will meet at least once before the census date, the
original census date and schedule for the course will be observed.
2) For classes not having an opportunity to meet before the census date, the class
schedule will be revised and the census date will be recalculated.
2. Continuing Education
When the college is closed, delayed, or dismissed, Continuing Education classes will follow the
make-up procedures below. Faculty will outline college closure/delay procedures during class
orientation on the first day of class.
a. Making up missed class time within Continuing Education:
The Continuing Education individual instructor and program coordinator will
establish procedures to guide decisions as to how, when, and where missed
classes will be made up due to a college closure or delay.
Students who are unable to attend the designated make-up class will be counted
as absent on the class attendance roster.
In the event that classes are delayed, Continuing Education classes beginning
prior to the delayed college opening time and ending at least 30 minutes or after
the delayed college opening time will meet for class. For example, if the college
delays and opens at 10 AM, a 9 AM class will meet at 10:00 AM if there are 30
minutes or more of remaining class time. Therefore, in many instances, the class
may be able to make up some or all of the time that same day or if more make-up
time is needed, determine an alternative day/time for the class to meet. This
procedure would apply to both day and evening Continuing Education classes.
3. Basic Skills
Basic Skills classes generate contact hours; hours are not made up for a delayed opening or
early dismissal.
a. In the event that classes are delayed, Basic Skills classes beginning prior to the
delayed college opening time and ending at least 30 minutes after the delayed opening
time will meet for class. For example, if the college delays and opens at 10 AM, a 9 AM
class will meet at 10:00 AM if there are 30 minutes or more of remaining class time.
b. In the event the college dismisses classes early, Basic Skills students will be dismissed
at the designated time.
c. Off-site classes follow the same schedule as on-site classes with one exception. CED
classes follow the schedule for delayed opening or closing of the off-site facility where
the class is located.
4. The President shall designate a cadre of individuals who are responsible for notifying personnel
on campus and the media of the President’s (or designee's) decision concerning the
closing/delayed opening of the college. The cadre shall also have responsibility for carrying out
the college closing/delay plan.
a. Designated employees who are part of the college closing/delay cadre will report to
work during a college closing/delay as part of their regularly assigned duties unless
advised to the contrary by the President (or designee). Other selected employees may
be called in to work with the approval of a member of the cadre. Non-cadre employees
may be compensated with annual leave at the President's discretion. (See Section IV4.080 Work Schedules Non-Faculty, Section IV-4.081 Work Schedules, Faculty and
Section IV-3.010 Annual Leave)
b. The cadre will report to work at a specified time and implement their pre-arranged
procedures. They will work through the completion of their work schedule or until given
permission to leave for the day by the President (or designee).
5. To close the college:
a. The President (or designee) determines that the college is to be closed and uses
appropriate means of communication to inform the college community of this decision.
b. The President (or designee) will update the phone message, the GTCC website, and
the media as quickly as possible. Other communication methods such as e-mail and
electronic alert systems may also be used.
c. The President (or designee) will give the announcement to selected radio and television
stations in Greensboro, High Point and Winston-Salem in time to be aired at or before
6:00 AM for day classes and 3:00 PM for evening classes
d. Students will not report to classes. Unless announced to the contrary, employees will
not report to work without express permission from a member of the cadre.
6. For early dismissal:
a. The President (or designee) decides classes will be dismissed and uses appropriate
means of communication to inform the college community of this decision.
b. The President (or designee) will update the phone message, the GTCC website, and
the media as quickly as possible. Other communication methods such as e-mail and
electronic alert systems may also be used.
c. Instructors will continue with class until the designated time for dismissal.
d. If necessary, the campus grounds team will address the campus access based on a
pre-determined work plan.
e. All employees will work until the designated time for dismissal. Campus police and
cadre members will work as needed and until dismissed by the President or designee.
7. To delay college opening:
a. The President (or designee) decides when college opening will be delayed.
b. The President (or designee) will update the phone message, the GTCC website, and
the media as quickly as possible. Other communication methods such as e-mail and
electronic alert systems may also be used.
c. The President (or designee gives the announcement to selected radio and television
stations in Greensboro, High Point and Winston-Salem in time to be aired at or before
6:00 AM for day classes. There will be no delayed opening of evening classes. Evening
classes will be cancelled or held as scheduled.
d. The announcement through the media will indicate the hour at which the college will
open Curriculum classes that are scheduled to begin prior to the designated opening
will not meet with the following exception: Curriculum clinics, labs, and internships
scheduled to begin before the delayed college opening time and who have 50 minutes
or more of class time remaining, will meet (i.e. Biology labs), with staff and students
reporting at the announced time.
8. The GTCC's Children Center will establish and communicate to parents evacuation procedures
appropriate for emergency situations. The Children's Center will operate as follows when the
College is closed or delayed due to inclement weather
a. The Center will be closed on those days that GTCC is closed.
b. On those days when college opening is delayed the Center will open one half hour
earlier than the designated start time.
c. In the event of early dismissal, Children’s Center staff will notify the parents to pick up
their child/children immediately.
9. If the President (or designee) requires employees to report to work (or continue to work) when
the college is closed, employees shall:
a. Report to work as soon as practicable. The college expects each employee to,
whenever possible and without risk to personal safety, make reasonable efforts using
his/her best judgment to report to work in inclement weather situations. If weather
conditions delay/prevent an employee from reporting to work, the employee should
notify his/her immediate supervisor as soon as possible.
b. Work through the completion of their regularly scheduled workday or until given
permission to leave for the day (or evening) by the President (or designee).
c. Notify the department/division chair or supervisor if they cannot report to work.
10. Employees on annual or sick leave will not be charged leave for the time the college is closed.
However, if employees are required or requested to report to work and do not do so, or are late
reporting to work, they will be charged annual leave or other appropriate leave.
11. Employees who may need or wish to come to the campus must call a cadre member for
consent. The cadre member will notify Campus Police of this approval. Without prior
notification, campus police may deny access because the college is officially closed.
Sponsorship of Individuals to Attend Community Events
Guilford Technical Community College sponsors attendance at a variety of community events as
part of its commitment to support the community. The college may elect to invite persons in
addition to employees, students, and members of the Board of Trustees to participate in these
events and be included in the payment of the related fee. Such persons may include spouses or
other members of the immediate families of employees, students, Board members, and/or persons
with whom the college has a direct relationship. State and county funds shall not be used for this
1. Sponsorships will be paid with vending receipts or other funds specifically given to the
college for such purposes, as through a grant.
2. The President and/or the President’s designee shall approve any invitation extended to
such other persons.
3. Examples of persons with whom the college has a direct relationship includes finalists for
college positions, representatives of businesses with whom the college is working on
program design/implementation, official visitors, etc.
Academic Issues
Guilford Technical Community College operates under the "open door" policy of the State Board of
Community Colleges (SBCC 02C.0301 Admission to Colleges). Any individual 18 years old or
older and able to profit from further formal education, or high school graduate under the age of 18,
may be admitted to the college. Individuals under 18 years of age who have not attained
graduation from high school can attend GTCC as stipulated by the policies of the State Board of
Community Colleges and the procedures specified by GTCC. Admission to the college, however,
does not ensure admission to any individual program or course or continued enrollment in the
GTCC may refuse admission to any applicant during any period of time that the student is
suspended or expelled from any other educational entity. The college may also refuse admission to
any applicant if it is necessary to protect the safety of the applicant or other individuals. When
making a safety determination, the college may refuse admission to an applicant when there is an
articulable, imminent, and significant threat to the applicant or other individuals.
Upon making application to the college, the individual may be tested and/or interviewed as
required by certain programs or if deemed advisable by admissions personnel. An applicant is
granted admission into a specific program when there are instructional spaces available and where
the student has demonstrated aptitude for that program as determined by personal interest,
academic background and/or test scores. If there is any indication of academic deficiency, the
prospective student will be given an opportunity to remove the deficiency through preparatory
Admission to Curriculum Classes and/or Programs
a. Applicants 18 years and older who wish to complete a degree or diploma program
must do the following:
1) Complete the GTCC Application for Admission.
2) Have transcripts of high school education and all post high school course
work sent to the GTCC Admissions and Records Office. Applicants who
have earned a bachelor's degree are not required to furnish a high school
transcript unless they are applying for a limited enrollment program.
3) If applying for a limited enrollment program, schedule an interview with an
admissions representative.
4) Take the GTCC assessment battery in English, reading and math. Some
programs require a test in algebra, keyboarding and/or ratio/proportion. (See
Placement Test Practices and Procedures available on hard copy in the
Assessment Center, room 217 Medlin Campus Center, or on the GTCC
campus network h drive at h:\home\mgmtman\testingcenter.)
b. Applicants who wish to complete a certificate or take course work as a special (nondegree) student need only to complete the Application for Admission in order to
enroll. However, certain courses, including some certificate programs, have
prerequisites and/or assessment criteria, which must be met for enrollment and the
college will require appropriate documentation that the student has met those
c. Applicants who are still enrolled in high school, but are at least 16 years of age, may
enroll as dual or concurrently enrolled students. Applicants in this special group
must do the following:
1) Secure authorization from their high school principal in the form of a letter.
(A letter must be secured each term the student wishes to enroll.)
2) Complete the Application for Admission. The Application will not be
processed without the letter of authorization from the principal; continuing
enrollment is conditioned upon the receipt of a letter each term.
3) Take the GTCC assessment battery, if necessary for meeting course
prerequisite requirement(s).
d. Consistent with state law and State Board criteria, students younger than 16 years
old who are mature enough to function well in an adult education setting and who
are intellectually gifted may be admitted to the college.
1) The President or the President’s designee must approve admission of any
student under 16 years old.
2) The student must provide evidence of a score in the range between the 92nd
percentile and the 99th percentile on both an aptitude and an achievement
test selected from lists of tests available in the Records Office. Scores at
these levels provide evidence of experiences that reasonably predict a
student’s ability to make satisfactory progress. The student must arrange to
take the tests at his or her own expense.
3) The student shall be ranked by an official of the student’s school in the top
10 percent of the following behavioral characteristics: possess good
communication skills; has a desire to achieve; exhibits leadership skills, and
is mature, observant, inquisitive, persistent, innovative, analytical, adaptable,
and self-confident. The student shall insure that the applicable official
completes and submits the “Recommendation for Admission of Intellectually
Gifted and Mature Students” form attesting to the student’s ranking on these
criteria to the college Admissions Office.
4) Students younger than 16 years old shall not displace adults but may be
admitted any term on a space-available basis to any curriculum course for
which they meet prerequisites and placement testing requirements.
Students under 16 may not take courses below 100 in the Common Course
e. Any student younger than 15 years old must be accompanied on campus by a
parent or another responsible adult designated by the parent in writing.
f. The college will waive the placement tests for applicants to curricula other than
Associate Degree Nursing, Dental Hygiene, and Surgical Technology who have
earned a minimum of an associate’s or bachelor’s degree from an accredited
college or university.
College graduates who have not taken college level mathematics courses in recent
years are encouraged to take the math placement test to assess current math skills.
Admission of Undocumented Immigrants
a. GTCC admits to the college, undocumented students who attended and graduated
from a United States public high school, private high school or home school that
operates in compliance with State or local law.
b. When determining who is an undocumented immigrant, the college will use federal
immigration classifications.
c. Undocumented students are not eligible for Federal or State financial aid programs.
d. The college follows the approved application process already in place when
admitting undocumented students.
e. When considering whether to admit an undocumented immigrant into a specific
program of study, the college will take into account that federal law prohibits states
from granting professional licenses to undocumented immigrants.
f. Undocumented students are required to pay out-of-state tuition.
g. Undocumented students are not allowed to register for classes before legal
residents of the United States, and therefore, can only register after the conclusion
of the last day of the published registration schedule.
h. In accordance with the Cooperative Innovative High School status of the GTCC
Early/Middle College High Schools, undocumented EMC students will be treated like
all other EMC students who desire to take college-level courses while still in high
i. Undocumented students may enroll in the college’s Basic Skills Program at any
j. Permission to enroll in the college will not be granted to undocumented students
presenting with a GED.
Course Requisites
a. Many program courses at GTCC have pre-requisites and co-requisites which are
listed in the course descriptions in the back of the college catalog. It is the student’s
responsibility to ensure that all pre-requisite and co-requisite requirements have
been met. Definitions:
i. Pre-requisite: A requirement and/or a course that you must finish before you
can take a specific course.
ii. Co-requisite – A course you have to take before or at the same time as
another course.
b. Pre-requisites and co-requisites can be mandated by the state or designated by the
college. The state mandated course pre-requisites/co-requisites are in bold type at
the end of the course descriptions in the GTCC catalog and cannot be waived. The
college designated course pre-requisites/co-requisites are in regular font type.
c. GTCC awards transfer credit from other regionally accredited colleges and
universities when the student has successfully completed, with a grade of “C” or
better, the same course or a course with similar content and the same or similar
student learning objectives.
d. Students who want to receive transfer credit should submit official transcripts to the
Records Office prior to registration so that pre-requisite/co-requisite information is
available to academic advisors during the advising/registration process.
e. Transcripts cannot be faxed.
f. If a student is unable to submit an official transcript in time for registration, the
student must bring an unofficial transcript to the advising/registration session.
Students have 30 days from the first day of the term when admitted in the fall or
spring semester (15 days for summer), to submit their official transcript to the
college. Students who fail to meet this deadline will be administratively withdrawn
from their courses with loss of tuition. This will affect the amount of financial aid or
veterans benefits the student receives if applicable.
g. If the student is unable to provide an official transcript, s/he will not be allowed to
transfer in any credit and s/he will be required to take the placement tests.
h. Local pre-requisites/co-requisites can be waived by the department chair or division
chair of the students program of study, by filling out the Waiver Form and submitting
it to the Records Office where it will be placed in the student’s academic file. Each
individual academic department has written guidelines as to when local prerequisites/co-requisites can be waived for their respective program(s).
i. In order for a student to receive proficiency credit for a pre-requisite course and be
able to register and take the subsequent course in the same semester, the student
must pass the proficiency exam with a grade of “C” or higher and the grade must be
posted prior to the registration for the subsequent course.
j. When a student is registered in co-requisite courses during the same semester, and
the student drops or is dropped from one of the courses, the second course must
also be administratively dropped.
k. Should a student successfully complete a course for which the student did not
complete the required local pre-requisite/co-requisite, evidence of the student’s
success in the course will constitute documentation of the required waiver.
Admission to Continuing Education Classes
a. Information on course offerings is available from any GTCC campus. (Information
will be mailed upon request.)
b. A person interested in taking a continuing education class must complete the
registration form and return it, with registration fee, in person to the Continuing
Education Registration Office, Medlin Campus Center, Jamestown Campus, or by
mail to the address shown on the registration form.
Admission to Adult High School or GED Classes
a. Applicants 18 years old or older must do the following:
1) Complete the GTCC basic skills registration form.
2) Take the pre-assessment battery for course placement.
3) Have transcripts of high school work sent to the appropriate Adult High
School/GED department chair.
b. Applicants 16 or 17 years old may enroll by following the procedure below. A 16 or
17 year old student who has been suspended from public or private secondary
school for disciplinary reasons or who voluntarily seeks admission to GTCC's basic
skills program must wait a period of three months and be eligible for readmission to
that school before he or she may be admitted to GTCC. These waivers must be
approved by the President and the Vice President responsible for the basic skills
program. An applicant whose class has graduated may be considered for
admission to GTCC even if ineligible to return to his/her former school.
1) Secure release from the principal of the last school attended and the
superintendent of the school system (form provided by GTCC).
2) Complete the GTCC basic skills registration form.
4) Interview with the Coordinator of the basic skills program on the appropriate
campus; a legal guardian must be present.
5) Take the pre-assessment battery for course placement.
6) Have transcripts of high school work sent to the appropriate Adult High
School/GED department chair.
Denial of Admission
a. When refusing admission on the basis of a health or safety threat, the college shall
document the following:
Detailed facts supporting the rationale for denying admission;
The time period within which the refusal to admit shall be
applicable and the supporting rationale for the designated time
period; and
The conditions upon which the applicant is refused and a
timeframe for when the applicant would be eligible for further
review of admission status.
07/05/05 (procedures)
8/13/12 (procedures)
III-1.011 Appeal of Denial of Admission or Readmission
Applicants denied admission or readmission to Guilford Technical Community College or specific
academic programs of the college have the right to appeal their denial following established
administrative procedures.
An applicant denied institutional admission to Guilford Technical Community College may
appeal in writing to the Associate Vice President of Student Support Services, stating the
reason(s) for the appeal.
a. The Associate Vice President of Student Support Services will review the applicant's
admissions record and make a decision in writing within seven (7) calendar days
from the date of the receipt of the appeal.
b. If the denial is affirmed, the applicant can further appeal in writing to the Vice
President of Student Support Services, who will review the credentials of the
applicant and render a written decision no more than fourteen (14) calendar days
after the request for further appeal is made.
c. The decision of the Vice President is final.
An applicant denied admission or readmission to a specific academic program at GTCC
may appeal in writing to the Division Chair of the program, stating the reason(s) for the
a. If, after review by the Division Chair, a denial decision is upheld, further appeal can
be made to the Vice President of Instruction.
b. The Vice President of Instruction will review the credentials and produce a written
decision to the applicant no more than fourteen (14) calendar days after the request
for further appeal is made.
c. The decision of the Vice President is final.
Applicants to limited enrollment programs, which by definition prohibit admission to some
applicants, may appeal a denial of admission to those specific programs by following the
procedures indicated in item (2) above.
Student Academic Integrity
Guilford Technical Community College (GTCC) is an academic community with its fundamental
purpose being the pursuit of learning and student development. Consistent with this purpose and
in order to uphold and support standards of personal honesty and integrity for all members of the
college community, it is the policy of GTCC to enforce standards for academic integrity of our
programs and courses. Conduct that violates standards of academic honesty and integrity is
subject to academic disciplinary action. This conduct may include, but is not limited to, cheating,
fabrication and falsification, plagiarism, abuse of academic materials and complicity in academic
dishonesty. Any student who violates these standards is subject to academic disciplinary action.
Procedure: (Effective Date: May 2014)
1. Introduction:
It is the expectation of the College that students maintain absolute integrity and high
standards of individual honor in their academic work. Violations of this policy will result in
actions which may include, but are not limited to, entry of the incident in the records of the
Office of the Vice President of Student Support Services, reduced grades, and dismissal
from college classes, programs, and activities. Records of all incidents will be kept on file in
the Office of Student Support Services.
2. Definitions:
a. Cheating – the intentional use or attempt to use unauthorized materials, information,
notes, study aids, or other devices in any academic exercise and includes the
unauthorized communication of information during an academic exercise
b. Fabrication and falsification – the intentional and unauthorized invention of alteration of
any information or citation in an academic exercise. Fabrication is a matter of inventing
or counterfeiting information for use in any academic exercise; falsification is a matter of
altering information
c. Plagiarism – the intentional or knowing presentation of the work of another one’s own
without proper acknowledgment of the source. The sole exception to the requirement of
acknowledging sources is when the ideas or information is common knowledge
d. Abuse of academic materials – Making inaccessible, destroying, or stealing library or
other academic resource material, including equipment. Violations may be referred to
civil authorities for prosecution under the law
e. Complicity in academic dishonesty – aiding or attempting to help another commit an act
of academic dishonesty
3. Documentation and Possible Ramifications for Violations:
a. Documentation of violations of this policy must be recorded on the Student Academic
Integrity Violation Report form and filed in the office of the Vice President of Student
Support Services.
b. Faculty members, College administrators, librarians, lab personnel, counselors, or other
personnel noticing infractions of the standards of academic honesty and integrity may
be responsible for instituting disciplinary procedures in response to the defined
violations. The penalties that may be assessed include, but are not limited to:
1) A formal warning
2) A reduced grade (including F) for the assignment
3) A reduced grade (including F) for the course
4) Temporary dismissal from class
5) Dismissal from class for the remainder of the term
6) Referring violations to civil authorities for prosecution under the law
c. In cases when the act of academic dishonesty is particularly flagrant, having import
beyond the specific course in which the violation occurred (e.g., the outright or
attempted theft of materials or equipment) or when there is a pattern of dishonesty
which seems to be undeterred by imposing lesser penalties, the College faculty or staff
member may institute proceedings leading to disciplinary suspension from the College.
The College faculty or staff member, with approval of his/her immediate supervisor, may
refer such cases to the Office of the Vice President for Student Support Services with a
written recommendation that disciplinary suspension proceedings be initiated. The
request should include a description of the dishonest act(s) and any available
documentation. The current College regulations for Disciplinary Suspension and Due
Process will be followed.
d. The following factors are considered in all determinations of penalty:
1) The nature and seriousness of the offense
2) The injury or damage resulting from the misconduct
3) The student’s prior disciplinary record
4) The student’s attitude and demeanor subsequent to the violation
4. Academic Integrity Appeal Process (excluding disciplinary suspension):
a. A student wishing to appeal an academic integrity decision, other than disciplinary
suspension, that affects his/her status at the College should first appeal to the College
faculty or staff member making the decision.
b. If the issue is not resolved after making his/her appeal to the faculty or staff member,
the student may appeal the decision to the appropriate department chair. The student
will be required to submit the Student Academic Integrity Violation Report and any other
supporting documentation.
c. If the issue remains unresolved after presenting his/her formal, written appeal to the
department chair/coordinator, the student may appeal to the appropriate division chair
using the process outlined in b.
d. If appropriate resolution cannot be reached at the division chair level, the student may
appeal to the Associate Vice President of Instruction using the process outlined in b.
e. Failing to reach a resolution at that level, the student may appeal to the Vice President
of Instruction. The decision of the Vice President of Instruction is final.
Grade Assignment and GPA
Faculty at Guilford Technical Community College will assign course grades according to methods
which are professionally acceptable, communicated to everyone in the class, and applied to all
students equally.
1. General Guidelines for evaluation and grade assignment:
a. Each instructor is responsible for evaluating the achievement of his/her students.
During the first day of every class, students will have access to the course syllabus
informing them, in writing, of the evaluation components to be used to determine grade
assignment. Evaluation components of the course may be weighted differently.
b. Instructors will provide for frequent assessment with clear communication of course
progress, including the evaluation and timely return of all work submitted by the
c. Instructors will use the institutional grading scale to evaluate student performance.
Each student shall be informed of the institutional grading scale by the instructor in each
of his/her courses.
d. To change a grade (including a grade of I upon completion of course work), an
instructor will submit the appropriate form to Enrollment Services.
e. Instructors will record final grades in accordance with directions from the Registrar by
the due date and time established per semester in order to avoid negative effects on
f. A student who wishes to appeal a grade will need to follow the Student Grievance
Policy and procedures for grade related appeals
2. Grade Assignments:
a. The letter grades of A, B, C, D, and F represent a completed performance, numerical
value and specific quality points as follows:
A - Superior
B - Above average
C - Average
D - Below average
F - Failure
90 - 100
80 - 89
70 - 79
60 - 69
Below 60
4 grade points/credit hour
3 grade points/credit hour
2 grade points/credit hour
1 grade points/credit hour
0 grade points/credit hour
Note: Certain departments are required by accreditation policies or credentialing
agencies to establish minimum performance levels which students must meet to
progress but which are not reflected in the grading scale.
b. The letter grade of S indicates that the student has successfully achieved the outcomes
expected for the course and completed the minimum requirements for the course. The
letter grade of U indicates that the student has not mastered the expected outcomes
and/or completed the minimum requirements for the course.
S - Satisfactory 70 - 100
U - Unsatisfactory Below 70
c. The following grade notations will be used for the developmental math courses.
P = Pass
R = Repeat
NR = Never Entered
CC = Course Completion
NC = Non-Course Credit
3. The letter grade of AU indicates that the student has audited the course. In order to audit a
course, a student either must indicate the intent to audit upon registration, prior to the end
of the schedule adjustment period for the term, or must obtain the instructor's approval to
change to an audit grade prior to the 5/8th point of the course.
4. The letter grade of I indicates that the student is passing a course but has not completed all
of the required course work for the course. A grade of incomplete is given at the discretion
of the instructor. All incompletes must be satisfactorily removed prior to the 5/8 point of the
term following the term in which the incomplete was received. If the incomplete is not
removed, the student will receive a grade of F for the course.
5. The letter grade of X may be given in special circumstances to indicate that the student is
making sufficient progress to have mastered a substantial portion of the course content but
still has too much content yet to complete to receive a grade of I (incomplete). Students
who receive an X in a class must complete/retake the class and earn a grade of A, B, C, or
D to progress. The X is given instead of I to prevent the grade from automatically changing
to a F before an I could be fulfilled.
6. The letter grade of W indicates that the student has withdrawn from the course.
7. The transcript of a student who transfers credit to GTCC will show grades of courses
transferred to GTCC prefixed with a T. Credit toward graduation will only be awarded for a
course completed with a grade of C or better and/or S. Transfer credits will not be used in
calculating grade point average.
8. In the case of courses completed by proficiency exam, the letter grade will be prefixed with
a P. Credit toward graduation will be awarded only for courses with a proficiency grade of
C or better and/or S. Proficiency credits will not be used in calculating grade point average.
9. When a student repeats a course, the letter grade(s) earned by the student in previous
attempts to pass that course will be prefixed with an R. Only the grade earned the last time
the student took the course will be counted in the student's GPA and will earn credit hours
toward graduation. This will not apply if a student takes a class for credit and subsequently
audits the course.
10. The grade for courses in which a student receives a grade of A, B, C, D, or F will be
converted to quality points for purposes of computing the student's quality point average.
The number of quality points earned for a course is determined by multiplying the number
of credit hours for the course by the quality point value of the grade earned by the student.
11. A student's grade point average (GPA) is determined by adding the quality points earned
for each course for which the student received a grade of A, B, C, D, or F and dividing the
sum by the total number of credit hours for which the student received a grade of A, B, C,
D, or F.
12. Each student will have a program GPA which is based only on those courses in his/her
program of study, and a cumulative GPA which includes all courses attempted for credit at
13. To earn a degree, diploma or certificate, a student must have a program GPA of 2.0 or
higher, a grade of A, B, C, D or S in each course in his/her program of study, and must
successfully complete all program requirements.
Minimum Grade Point Average Policy
A student must maintain a program grade point average of 2.0 or better and complete all required
course credits in his/her program of study to be eligible for graduation.
1. At the end of each semester, Management Information Systems will determine the
semester grade point average of each student. (See Probation policy, III-1.044.)
2. Students will be placed on probation and or suspended in accordance with policies III1.044 (health programs) and III-1.045 (non-health programs).
3. The Registrar or designee will notify the students who have applied for graduation and are
Forgiveness Policy for Previously Earned Credits
Enrolled students will be provided with the opportunity to request that credits earned five (5) years
or more before the current date not be considered in determining the courses completed toward a
degree, diploma, certificate, or any other college requirement, and thus also not be considered in
determining grade point average.
1. Students currently enrolled at least half-time, whether continuously enrolled or student(s)
who have not attended the institution on a continuing basis, and whether continuing in a
single curriculum or enrolling in a new curriculum, may petition, in writing, to the Vice
President for Instruction (or his/her designee) that credits earned at GTCC which are at
least five (5) years old not be considered in meeting college requirements or grade point
2. The petition (letter) should be addressed to the Vice President for Instruction and will be
processed by the Registrar, and must indicate the student's name, social security number,
periods of attendance, courses to be deleted, and a statement of reason for the request.
3. If the request is approved, a new transcript will be prepared and maintained. The new
transcript will show all courses affected by the forgiveness of credit and quality points using
an appropriate identifier, i.e., a prefix before the grade (NZ, where Z is the grade). Only
credit hours and quality points will be purged from the student's transcript; course numbers,
course titles and grades, appropriately prefixed, will remain on the record, i.e., the grade
point average of the student will not be affected by those courses with forgiven credit hours
and quality points.
4. If the request is denied, the student may reapply for consideration no sooner than six
months from the date of the denial, provided the student has been at least a half-time
student during the six months prior to re-admission.
5. If a student has received or has applied for federal student aid, the petition must also be
approved by the Director of Financial Aid; if a student has received or has applied for
veteran's benefits, the petition must also be approved by the Veterans/Military Benefits
Honor Roll(s)
The honor rolls consist of the President's List, Dean's List and Honors List. The President's List
will include all curriculum students completing at least twelve (12) credit hours for the fall or spring
term or nine (9) credit hours for the summer term while earning a 4.0 grade point average. The
Dean's List will include all curriculum students completing at least twelve (12) credit hours for the
fall or spring term or nine (9) credit hours for the summer term and earning a grade point average
less than a 4.0 but no lower than a 3.5 with no grade being lower than a "C". The Honors List will
consist of all curriculum students completing at least two courses for the term for a minimum of six
(6) credit hours, but no more than eleven (11) credit hours in the fall or spring term or eight (8)
credit hours in the summer term, while earning at least a 3.5 grade point average with no grade
lower than a "B."
Students receiving an incomplete ("I") for any course are ineligible for honor rolls. Courses
awarding grades of S, U, X, or AU will not be considered for honor rolls, nor will they be considered
for accumulation of the minimum hours for consideration for honor rolls. Grades earned in
developmental courses which do not carry credits that can be applied toward graduation cannot be
used to determine honor roll status.
President's List
a. A list of qualifying students will be submitted to the President each term by the
b. Students will be notified in writing by the President that they have earned a
place on the President's List honor roll.
Dean's List and Honors List
a. A list of qualifying students will be submitted to the Vice President for Instruction
by the Registrar each term.
b. Students will be notified electronically by the Vice President for Instruction that
they have earned a place on the Dean's List or Honors List honor roll.
The Registrar shall provide a list of all honor roll students to the Director of
Marketing/Public Information, who provides the lists to appropriate local newspapers
each term.
Academic Difficulties
Regular attendance in class is essential to receiving maximum benefit from the educational
experience. A curriculum student is expected to attend and be on time for all classes and
lab/shop/clinic sessions.
1. Students in face-to-face and webbed courses must be in attendance and recorded as
present at least one time on or before the census date of the class or be dropped from the
class. Students enrolled in online courses must log into an online course and participate in
an online activity before the census date of the course or be dropped from the class.
Departments and individual instructors may not waive this requirement.
Some programs have outside regulatory bodies that require a minimum of course
attendance hours (i.e. BLET, Cosmetology, Aviation).
2. It is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor of circumstances which may
cause him/her to be away from class. The student is responsible for completing any work
missed in a timely manner.
3. Approval for a military leave of absence will be given when the instructor has received prior
official notification. Responsibility for initiating such notification rests with the student: a
student reporting for military drill must provide the instructor with a letter from the
commanding officer prior to the military leave. The student is responsible for making up all
work missed in a timely manner. Military personnel must be able to enter the class prior to
the census date. Leave that interferes with course entry before the census date, will require
that the individual drop the course.
4. In accordance with N.C. General Statute 15D-5(u) and State Board of Community College
Code SBCCC 02c.0213, GTCC curriculum and continuing education students are allowed
two (2) days of missed classes each academic year for religious observances required by
the faith of the student.
a. Curriculum students must notify their instructor(s) in writing of expected absence(s)
during the first three (3) weeks of the semester in which the student will not attend.
b. Continuing Education students, attending CE courses with attendance or
grading/examination policies, must notify the department in writing of expected
absence(s) at least three weeks before the date the absence(s) will occur. Make-up
for some Continuing Education courses may mean that the student will make-up the
portion of the course missed during the next CE course that the college offers.
c. Students will be allowed the opportunity to make-up work or tests missed as a result
of the religious observance required by the faith of the students, as long as the
student follows the proper notification protocol. The student is responsible for
making up the missed work in a timely manner.
5. Following the Schedule Adjustment Period, a student may formally withdraw from a class or
the college by completing a Drop/Add form which can be obtained from the Records Office.
The student should notify the instructor(s) of his/her withdrawal.
9. The student must follow the withdrawal procedures in order to avoid receiving a grade of F.
7/14/11 (CP&P)
Early Alert
The success of students in their academic programs is very important to Guilford Technical
Community College. The college has a variety of sources of assistance that are available to help
students with both personal and academic problems that may be impeding their academic
progress. It is in the interest of students and the college to make students aware of their academic
progress and aware of the sources of assistance available to them. Instructors, advisors,
departmental and divisional leaders must take a proactive approach to inform students when their
progress is unsatisfactory and to help them find appropriate assistance.
In a typical 16 week semester, students who are not making satisfactory progress by the
30% point shall be made aware of their status in the class. Each instructor will notify
students of their status using a method of their choice (email, conversation, instant
message, memo, or alert form)
The early alert notice will indicate the reason(s) for the student’s lack of progress in the
course. It will also suggest available campus services to assist the student with any
problems interfering with course work. Faculty should retain a copy of the communication.
A student’s primary contact for progress in any course is the instructor for that course. If
students have problems of any kind that interfere with course work, they should make an
appointment with the instructor to discuss the difficulties. If a student receives an early alert
communication, he or she should contact the instructor as quickly as possible. The student
should follow suggestions made by the course instructor. This may include a required
conference with the instructor, Department Chair, and/or academic advisor.
Suspension, and Appeal of Suspension in Health Programs
Students in limited enrollment health programs will maintain a final grade no lower than “C” in each
course with a prefix of BIO, CHM, DEN, EMS, MED, NAS, NUR, OST, PHM, PHY, PTA, RAD, and
Health program students making a grade of “D” or “F” in any health or health related course will be
suspended from the program at the end of the course in which the grade occurs. In addition, health
program students who are not eligible to continue at clinical sites may be suspended.
Students on academic suspension have the right to appeal.
1. The respective Department Chairs in the limited enrollment health programs of students
who are academically suspended each semester will notify the appropriate Division Chair.
2. A student may appeal an academic suspension to the appropriate Division Chair prior to the
last day to add classes for the semester in which the suspension takes effect. If the
suspension occurs at the midpoint of the semester (minimester), then the student may
appeal prior to the third day of the next minimester of that semester. During the appeal
process the student may register and attend classes until the final disposition of the appeal.
3. To appeal the decision, the student must complete the Academic Suspension Form
(obtained from department chair or division chair) and submit it to the Division Chair. The
Division Chair will review pertinent records, such as the student's transcript, and may
consult with faculty, counselors, the student involved, and others who can aid in the review
process and will make a decision within five business days after receiving the appeal.
4. The Division Chair will render one of the following two decisions:
a) Lift the suspension with or without provisions. All provisions will be monitored by the
Department Chair; or
b) Let the suspension stand.
5. The Division Chair will notify the suspended student of the decision in writing within five
business days.
6. Once the decision has been communicated to the student, the Division Chair will notify the
Department, the Registrar, Counseling, Financial Aid, Bursar, the Vice Presidents of
Instruction and Student Support Services, and the Veterans Office. There is no further
appeal beyond the Division Chair.
7. Students who register while appealing their suspensions will be required to pay normal
tuition and fees. If an appeal is denied, the student will be entitled to a full refund of tuition
and fees.
Probation and Suspension in non-Health Program
All non-health program students are expected to maintain a Grade Point Average of 2.0 or higher.
All health programs are governed by policy III-1.044.
A student will be sent an academic warning letter after any semester in which the student earned a
semester GPA below 2.0 on 6 or more attempted credit hours. Developmental education courses
will not be included in the attempted credit hours.
A student will be sent an academic probation letter after two consecutive semesters with semester
GPAs below 2.0 on 6 or more attempted credit hours.
A student will be sent an academic suspension letter after three consecutive semesters with
semester GPAs below 2.0 on 6 or more attempted credit hours. The student will be suspended for
one semester commencing at the end of the semester in which the student receives the
suspension letter. The suspension will be lifted if the student earns a semester GPA of 2.0 or
higher on 6 or more attempted credits during his/her suspended semester of enrollment.
1. At the beginning of each semester the Vice President for Student Support Services
will request that Management Information Systems prepare:
a) A list of non-health program students (excluding special credit students) who have
earned a semester GPA below 2.0 on 6 or more attempted credit hours, excluding
developmental coursework, for the previous semester;
b) A list of non-health program students (excluding special credit students) who have
earned a semester GPA below 2.0 on 6 or more attempted credit hours, excluding
developmental coursework, for the previous two consecutive semesters; and
c) A list of non-health program students (excluding special credit students) who have
earned a semester GPA below 2.0 on 6 or more attempted credit hours, excluding
developmental coursework, for the previous three consecutive semesters.
2. The Counseling staff will send warning letters to those students who have earned a
semester GPA below 2.0 on 6 or more attempted credit hours, excluding
developmental coursework, for the first time.
3. The respective Division Chair will send probation letters to those students who have earned
a semester GPA below 2.0 on 6 or more attempted credit hours, excluding developmental
coursework, for the previous two consecutive semesters
4. The Division Chair will send suspension letters to those students who have earned a
semester GPA below 2.0 on 6 or more attempted credit hours, excluding developmental
coursework, for the previous three consecutive semesters. A registration hold will be
placed on the students who are currently enrolled when suspension letters are sent and
they will not be allowed to register for the following semester.
If the student earns a semester GPA of 2.0 or higher on 6 or more attempted credits in the
current semester, the suspension will be lifted, the hold will be removed, and the student
may register for the following semester. The student must meet with his/her department
chair to get the hold removed after the semester of suspension
5. Suspended students have the right to appeal. A student may appeal an academic
suspension to the appropriate Division Chair prior to the last day to add classes for the
semester in which the suspension takes effect. During the appeal process the student may
register and attend classes until the final disposition of the appeal.
6. To appeal the decision, the student must complete the Academic Suspension Form and
submit it to the Division Chair. The Division Chair will review pertinent records, such as the
student's transcript, may consult with faculty, counselors, the student involved, and others
who can aid in the review process, and make a decision within five school days after
receiving the appeal.
7. The Division Chair will render one of the following two decisions:
a) Lift the suspension with or without provisions. All provisions will be monitored by the
Department Chair; or
b) Let the suspension stand.
8. The Division Chair will notify the suspended student of the decision in writing within five
school days.
9. Once the decision has been communicated to the student, the Division Chair will notify the
Department, the Registrar, Financial Aid, and the Veterans Office. There is no further
appeal beyond the Division Chair.
10. Students who register while appealing their suspensions will be required to pay normal
tuition and fees. If an appeal is denied, the student will be entitled to a full refund of tuition
and fees.
All students who have been suspended or dismissed or who have withdrawn for academic or other
reasons may apply for readmission.
Health program students will be readmitted under conditions specified by their individual
Non-health students seeking readmission must complete the general admission
procedures. Such students must meet all requirements for the curriculum and all
prerequisites for courses to which entry is being sought.
Students wishing readmission to health programs must submit a new application to the
Admissions Office.
a. A student who has withdrawn for non-academic reasons prior to completion of the
first term must reapply and will be considered as a new applicant.
b. For readmission, the appropriate health program department must accept a student
who has withdrawn for academic reasons including suspension or dismissal:
1) Admissions shall refer the student's application to the appropriate health
program department once it is completed and meets specific program
2) The respective health program readmission committee will decide whether
to accept or to deny the candidate's request for readmission. I n the case
of acceptance, the applicant must abide by the recommendation(s) of the
committee in regard to courses that must be repeated and/or substituted.
3) The Department Chair will notify the student of readmission to the program
and the related conditions or the denial of readmission.
Advanced Standing
The college recognizes and values knowledge and skills gained in many ways. Advanced
academic standing may be earned by any or all of the following methods:
Transfer of Credit from Approved Institutions.
Guilford Technical Community College Proficiency Examinations.
College Level Examinations Program (CLEP).
Advanced Placement Examinations (AP).
High School Articulation.
Professional Certification
Students who have gained knowledge and skills through continuing education courses, where no
avenues for cross-walked credit exists, and work experiences may receive credit through the use
of proficiency examinations.
Transfer of Credit From Approved Institutions
a. Institutions recognized by a regional accreditation association, such as the Southern
Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), are approved sources of transfer credit.
The Records Office will determine the appropriate course equivalency for acceptance of
transfer credit. Students must provide transcripts from previously attended colleges or
universities to receive transfer credit. Credits will be evaluated on a course by course
basis. Students will receive credit for courses with an earned grade of “C” or better.
Transferred courses may require department validation before acceptance.
Transfer credit will be awarded from international colleges on a case-by-case basis. A
certified copy of an English translation, with semester hour and degree equivalents, is
b. GTCC will accept all approved courses for transfer of credit with the stipulation that a
minimum of one-fourth of the required hours in the degree program and one-third of the
major course work applicable to graduation be earned at GTCC. Some programs may
have time limits for transfer of certain courses.
c. GTCC does not include transfer credits when computing a student’s overall grade point
average. If the department chair requires an exam to validate transfer credit, an exam
grade of at least a “C” is required; the test grade and transfer grade will not count in the
GTCC grade point average. No fee is required to validate transfer credit.
When a proficiency exam is required by a Department Chair to validate transfer credit from
another institution, the following conditions apply:
a. The applicant/student must make a minimum grade of "C" on the proficiency exam for
the transfer credit to be validated and thus accepted.
b. Neither the proficiency grades nor the transfer grades count in the grade point average
nor are they used to determine semester or college academic honors.
c. There will be no charge to the student for the proficiency exam when required to
validate transfer credit.
The Department Chair of the department offering courses(s) equivalent to those being
transferred from approved institutions will determine the appropriate course equivalency for
acceptance of such credit.
Requests for transfer credit from other institutions should be made prior to enrollment at
GTCC. Credit will be awarded by the end of the first academic term in which the student is
enrolled for those transcripts received prior to the end of the schedule adjustment period for
that term.
Transfer of credit will be secured by the following process:
a. The applicant must provide the official transcript(s) from institutions previously attended
to the GTCC Records Office upon admission to the college.
b. The Registrar (or designee) will review the transcript and complete an Advanced
Standing Certificate, recommending courses for credit.
c. If there is a question as to whether the institution from which the student is requesting
transfer is an approved institution or as to the appropriateness of the courses being
considered for transfer, the Records Office may require that the student supply
additional documents, including: a college catalog, a course syllabus, a textbook list or
similar documents that identify course content and structure.
d. The Advanced Standing Certificate and supporting documents are forwarded to the
Chair of the department offering course(s) parallel to those for which transfer is
requested or to the department of the student's proposed curriculum program. The
Department Chair may do one of the following:
1) Accept the recommendation, initial the Certificate and return it to the Records
2) Require that the student undergo a proficiency examination/demonstration to
validate the acceptability of the credit, and so notify the Records Office. (See
procedures for credit by proficiency examination/demonstration, below.)
Credit by Proficiency Examination/Demonstration
a. The student and the student's advisor or Department Chair determines readiness for a
proficiency demonstration.
The student must submit a brief written request for demonstration of proficiency to the
appropriate Department Chair. Evidence of preparedness for a proficiency
demonstration (e.g., high achievement in secondary school, military service and/or work
experience) must be submitted to the Department Chair for review along with the written
The Department Chair alerts the Records Office via the drop/add form, registration form
or other acceptable substitute. The student registers and pays the appropriate
tuition/fees, if required.
The Department Chair arranges for the demonstration of proficiency.
1) The Department Chair completes a class attendance form with course code and
name, credit hours, names and Colleague ID numbers of students registered to
take the proficiency, and the actual hours of contact with the students
completing the proficiency.
2) If the Assessment Center is to administer the proficiency examination, the
instructions form provided by the Assessment Center must be completed and
attached to the proficiency examination, along with the class attendance form.
The date and hours present will be recorded on the form by the Assessment
Center personnel when the student(s) complete the proficiency examination.
The evaluation of the demonstration will serve as the grade for the course. Credit for
proficiency demonstration may not be granted for a course being audited by the student
during the term in which the course is being audited.
The Department Chair will submit the grade for the proficiency demonstration to the
Records Office on an Advanced Standing form. A grade of "C" or above is required for
credit to be granted. In the event that the demonstration grade is below "C" the
demonstration evaluation is filed in the student's permanent record and no grade or
course name is posted on the transcript.
Proficiency demonstrations may be taken only one time in each subject area.
A student may earn a maximum of fifty percent of credit towards graduation by
Completed attendance forms must be submitted to the FTE Auditing Office within five
(5) business days of the demonstration of proficiency.
Credit by the College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
a. The following process must be followed to secure credit by the College Level
Examination Program (CLEP):
1) The student must provide an official copy of his/her scores on the CLEP Subject
Matter Examination(s) to the GTCC Admissions Office. The Registrar (or
designee) will review scores and complete an Advanced Standing Certificate,
recommending courses for credit.
2) The Advanced Standing Certificate is forwarded for approval to the appropriate
Department Chair, either the Chair of the department offering course(s) parallel
to those being considered for acceptance, or the Chair of the department of the
student's proposed curriculum program.
3) After initialing the Certificate, the Department Chair returns it to the Admissions
and Records Office for posting of grade(s) on the student's transcript.
b. Only scores at the 50th percentile or above will be approved for credit.
c. Scores for subject matter examinations only will be accepted. No scores from the
general examination will be considered.
d. In tests where an essay is part of the subject matter examination, the appropriate
Department Chair will evaluate the essay and make the initial recommendation.
Credit by the Advanced Placement Tests of the CEEB (AP).
a. The applicant/student must request that an official copy of his/her score(s) on the
AP test be sent to the GTCC Admissions Office.
b. Only scores of three (3) or above will be approved for credit.
c. AP tests in some subject areas may not be accepted for consideration if not
applicable to the degree/diploma/certificate program of the student.
Credit by High School Articulation
a. The student should notify the Department Chair of the program to which the
advanced standing credit is to be applied upon enrolling at GTCC.
b. To secure credit for courses taken in high school under an articulation agreement, a
signed agreement must have been in place between Guilford County Schools and
Guilford Technical Community College when the student earned the credits
specified in the agreement.
1) Students must submit a copy of their high school transcript showing that credit
has been earned for the courses specified in the agreement with a minimum
grade average of “C” or better in the course. (Some programs may require that
a “B” average be maintained in the course to earn the college credit.)
2) The Department Chair or the person doing the initial review of the high school
transcript should complete an Advanced Standing Certificate and secure the
required signatures.
Professional Certifications
a. The student should notify the Department Chair of the program to which the
advanced standing credit is to be applied upon enrolling at GTCC.
b. For each certification the appropriate Department Chair will determine the GTCC
course equivalencies and corresponding certifications required for credit.
1) Students must submit their original professional certification or credential to the
appropriate Department Chair.
2) The Department Chair will complete the Advanced Standing Certificate and
attach a photocopy of the certification or credential and submit it to the Records
Office, with the appropriate signatures.
Maximum Course Load
In the interest of student success, the maximum number of credit hours of course work that a
student may take in any term without the approval of the department chair is twenty-one (21).
1. A student may enroll for up to twenty-one (21) credit hours of course work for which he/she
is eligible and in which seats are available.
2. The department chair for the program in which the student is enrolled (or division chair in
the absence of the department chair) must sign an approval for a student to take more than
twenty-one (21) credit hours of course work in any term.
3. The twenty-one (21) hours is inclusive of developmental and audited courses.
Health Program Student Screening Requirements
Health facilities that serve as student rotation sites have enacted requirements that ensure that
students and faculty who enter their facilities meet the same qualifications as any potential hires.
Guilford Technical Community College requires Criminal Background Checks (CBC), Office of the
Inspector General Reviews (OIG), and Drug Testing of students in such curriculum programs as
have clinical or internship placements at health facilities where these screenings are required.
Accordingly, completion of the CBC, OIG Review, and submission of a negative Twelve Panel
Urine Drug Screen report from a National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) approved laboratory is
required by GTCC prior to the first assignment/student experience at any requiring health facility
1. Once accepted to a program of study, the student will receive written instructions that
define the screenings and detail how to complete the above requirements.
2. The process will be carried out with a company selected by the college after review for the
most cost effective customer service.
3. Results are verified and sent directly by the company to the contact person at the clinical
facility for review no less than 10 days prior to the scheduled arrival of the student.
4. The clinical facility will notify the program department chair of student(s) with any findings
that would preclude the assignment of the student in their setting.
5. The department chair will confirm the manner of the review with the facility to ensure that no
error was made. The department chair will at no time be privy to the actual summary of
results for the CBC, OIG Review, or Drug Screen.
6. If a criminal charge or conviction occurs while the student is enrolled and is assigned to
requiring agency, the student will be immediately removed from the placement until a
review is conducted. The final decision will rest with the clinical agency as to any possibility
of reinstatement at the site.
7. Should a student be barred from completing clinical assignments with partnering agencies,
GTCC will not be able to ensure the completion of program requirements and graduation
8. Inability of a student to complete program requirements and graduation competencies will
result in suspension from the Health program.
9. Any student suspended from a Health Program can avail themselves of the standard GTCC
processes for appeal, grievance, and/or readmission.
Graduate Guarantee
Guilford Technical Community College believes in the quality of its students, faculty, and staff.
Therefore, we guarantee transfer credit for those graduates obtaining Associate of Arts, Associate
of Fine Arts, and Associate of Science degrees at Guilford Technical Community College. Also, we
will guarantee entry-level technical skill competency for those who have obtained an Associate of
Applied Science degree at the College.
Effective Fall Quarter 1994, all students entering degree, diploma, or certificate programs at
Guilford Technical Community College are eligible for the Graduate Guarantee that applies to their
degree program.
This tuition-free education as described below constitutes the sole and exclusive remedy under the
Guilford Technical Community College Graduate Guarantee.
Guarantee of Transfer Credits
Guilford Technical Community College guarantees that graduates of the A.A., A.S., and
A.F.A. degree programs will receive transfer credit for courses completed at GTCC with a
grade of “C” or above to those North Carolina colleges and universities that have written
transfer agreements with GTCC. In this case, the guarantee refers to courses transferring,
and not to student performance. Transfer must take place within 12 months after
graduation to be covered under the guarantee.
GTCC will permit a graduate to take a tuition-free alternative, acceptable course to replace
any course which is rejected for transfer credit under the provisions of a written transfer
agreement. The cost of books, insurance and fees will be the responsibility of the graduate.
Guarantee of Skill Competency (AAS Degree)
Guilford Technical Community College guarantees to its Associate of Applied Science
graduates appropriate technical job skills identified in the program outcomes for a specific
degree. The guarantee applies only to graduates employed on a full-time basis directly
related to the area of program concentration as certified by the Vice President of Curriculum
and Instructional Technology. Employment must commence within six months of
graduation to be covered by the guarantee.
If an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) or diploma graduate is judged by his/her employer
to be deficient in entry level technical job skills identified by the program outcomes for
his/her specific degree program, the graduate will be provided up to ten tuition-free
semester credit hours of additional training by Guilford Technical Community College under
the conditions of the guarantee policy. The cost of books, insurance and fees will be the
responsibility of the graduate or employer.
Guarantee of Transfer Credits
The guarantee can be initiated by contacting the office of the Vice President of
Instruction. Transfer Agreements with colleges and universities to which this guarantee
applies are on file with the Division Chair of Arts and Sciences.
Guarantee of Skill Competency (AAS Degree) and One-Year Diploma Guarantee
a. The employer must:
Certify in writing that the employee is deficient in skills which relate directly to
the degree’s program outcomes.
Specify areas of deficiency within six months of the graduate’s initial
Develop a written educational plan for retraining in cooperation with the
appropriate academic department at the college.
b. Retraining will be limited to ten semester hours of credit related to the identified skill
deficiency and to those classes regularly scheduled during the period covered by
the retraining plan and must be completed within a calendar year from the time the
educational plan is agreed upon.
c. The guarantee does not imply that the graduate will pass any licensing, certification,
or qualifying examination for a particular career.
Rev 10/15/98
Disability Access
The college is committed to providing access to facilities and reasonable accommodation in the
instructional process, in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Guilford Technical Community College does not
discriminate nor does it approve of discrimination against students or applicants on the basis of
race, color, gender, age, national origin, disability, religion, pregnancy, veteran’s status or political
belief/affiliation. (See Equal Opportunity Policy IV-1.023.) This policy of non-discrimination covers
participation in all programs, support services, and activities. Guilford Technical Community
College is committed to providing equal access to technology, including the Internet and the
institution's web presence.
Guilford Technical Community College does not make pre- or post-admission inquiries or referrals
based on an assumption that a student has a disabling or handicapping condition. It is the
responsibility of the student with a disability to initiate the request for accommodations/services by
contacting the disAbility Access Services Office.
1. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of
1990 both require institutions of higher education to provide equal access to educational
opportunities to otherwise qualified “persons with disabilities.” “The term ‘disability’ means
with respect to an individual – a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one
or more of the major life activities of such individual; a record of such impairment; or being
regarded as having such an impairment.” It is the responsibility of the student with a
disability to provide documentation of the disability. In order to establish eligibility for
protection under the law, the documentation must certify that the disability creates a
substantial limitation of a major life activity.
2. Official notification of a disability requires that the student provide documentation of his/her
disability to the disAbility Access Services Office. To receive services, the student must
provide acceptable documentation.
a. All requests for accommodations/services must be made directly to the disAbility
Access Services Office by the student who is seeking the accommodations/services.
The request should be made as early as possible and must be made in a timely manner
to allow for an appropriate response. Requests for accommodations/services will be
addressed as soon as practicable, once received.
b. Documentation of disability must be provided from an appropriately
licensed/certified professional and must be complete enough to establish the
student’s status as a person with a disability as well as establishing the need for any
requested accommodations. Necessary documentation to request
accommodations/services may include one or more of the following:
1) A copy of the most recent DEC 3 and the complete IEP;
2) A psychoeducational evaluation;
3) A medical report;
4) A psychological evaluation; or
5) Records from Vocational Rehabilitation, the Division of Services for the Blind,
and/or Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
c. Upon receipt of the documentation necessary to request accommodations/services, the
disAbility Access Services Office will determine, based on its disability-specific
guidelines, whether the documentation reveals the existence of a disability as defined
under the Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and/or North Carolina
3. When a student has a disability and has requested accommodations the disAbility Access
Services Office shall make an appropriate determination of the students’ eligibility for
accommodation and recommend reasonable accommodations based on documentation.
That decision will be made according to disability-specific documentation guidelines
maintained by the disAbility Access Services Office. Faculty will determine if the
accommodation request is appropriate and reasonable. The authority to make such
decisions on behalf of the institution has been assigned by the President and approved by
the Board of Trustees.
a. Students shall notify faculty of the accommodations/services which the disAbility Access
Services office has determined they are eligible to receive by presenting a Letter of
Accommodation which is provided to the student by the disAbility Access Services
b. A student with a disability may be eligible for a reduced course load while receiving all
of the benefits, rights, privileges and status of a full-time student.
1) The disAbility Access Services Office will determine eligibility for this
accommodation on an individual basis each semester.
2) A recommendation will be made based on the student's documentation of
disability and other established criteria.
3) The Registrar will assign full-time status on behalf of the institution.
c. With rare exception, disAbility Access Services will support course substitutions only in
situations where a student’s documentation supports such a request and ONLY after
the student has attempted the required course utilizing all resources and
accommodations made available.
d. Procedures that define roles and responsibilities for providing/receiving specific
accommodations are outlined in the disAbility Access Services Student Handbook and
the disAbility Access Services Faculty/Staff Handbook.
4. Students have the right to initiate a complaint/grievance if the agreed-upon
accommodations/services are not provided appropriately. The complaint/grievance policy
(III-2.013) is outlined in the college management manual, catalog and student handbook.
5. Disability-related information is considered to be highly confidential and, in accordance with
Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act and Title 1 of the ADA, and in keeping with general
practice under disability law, such information will be kept in secure files with limited
a. The disAbility Access Services Office will be responsible for collecting and holding
disability-related information on behalf of the institution.
b. Access will be limited to disAbility Access Services staff and will be shared ONLY on a
need-to-know basis.
c. The Chief Information Officer in collaboration with disAbility Access Services is
responsible for monitoring all technology purchases to assure access and compliance
with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities
Act and the spirit of the institutional commitment.
6. The college (disAbility Access Services Office) reserves the right to review the
accommodations provided from time to time to determine whether they continue to be
necessary and appropriate to the student.
Adopted 2/17/2000
Non-Academic Issues
Student Conduct
Students may not display conduct on Guilford Technical Community College premises or at GTCC
sponsored events 1) that adversely affects the college's educational objectives, 2) that is illegal, or
3) that is contrary to the rules and regulations of the college. Students who display such conduct
may be subject to disciplinary action under the college's disciplinary policy. Such students have
the right to appeal under the policy.
Conduct prohibited by this rule shall be determined by the President, consistent with this definition.
Prohibited conduct is illustrated by the list below. However, the list does not include all
conduct that could be prohibited:
a. All forms of academic dishonesty, including but not limited to the following: taking or
acquiring possession of any academic material (test information, research papers,
notes, etc.) from a college employee or student without permission; receiving or
giving unauthorized help on assignments or during tests; submitting papers or
reports (that are supposed to be original work) that are not entirely the student's
own; not giving credit for other's work (plagiarism); altering or misrepresenting
grades, reports or laboratory/clinic records.
b. Theft of, misuse of, damage, or defacement to college property, or theft or damage
to property of a member of the college community or a campus visitor on college
premises or at college functions; unauthorized entry upon the property of the college
or into a college facility or portion thereof which has been restricted in use and
thereby placed off limits; unauthorized presence in a college facility after closing
c. Possessing, manufacturing, using, distributing, selling or being under the influence
of alcohol and/or any controlled substance in violation of any local, state, or federal
law on college premises, at any college-sponsored activity, or in college-owned
vehicles. Controlled substances include but are not limited to the following: heroin,
marijuana, hallucinogens, cocaine, PCP, "crack," and prescription drugs not
prescribed for the individual by a licensed physician.
d. Lewd or indecent conduct, including physical or verbal action, or distribution of
obscene or libelous material or that which may cause a material and substantial
disruption of school activities.
e. Assault on or communicating a threat to any person on college premises or at
college-sponsored or college-supervised functions including verbal or physical
actions which threaten or endanger the health or safety of any such persons.
f. Any unsolicited or unwelcomed act, comment, or behavior which is of a sexual
nature or which has sexual implications and which interferes with a student's or an
employee's performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive
environment. See Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures.
g. Obstruction or disruption of study, teaching, research, administration or disciplinary
proceedings, or other college activities, including public service functions and other
duly authorized activities on college premises.
h. Occupation or seizure in any manner of college property, a college facility or any
portion thereof for a use inconsistent with prescribed, customary, or authorized use.
i. Participating in or conducting an assembly, demonstration, or gathering in a manner
which threatens or causes injury to person or property; which interferes with free
access to, ingress or egress of college facilities; which is harmful, obstructive or
disruptive to the educational process of the college; remaining at the scene of such
an assembly after being asked to leave by a college employee.
j. Possession, use, sale, or distribution of a gun, rifle, pistol, dynamite cartridge, bomb,
grenade, mine, powerful explosive, any type of ammunition, bowie knife, dirk,
dagger, sling shot, leaded cane, switchblade, blackjack, metallic knuckles, or other
weapon of like kind.
k. Issuing a bomb threat; setting off a fire alarm or using or tampering with any fire
safety equipment, except with reasonable belief in the need for such alarm or
l. Gambling.
m. Smoking and/or using other forms of tobacco products on ant GTCC campus or
n. Violation of college regulations regarding the operation and parking of motor
o. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of college documents, records, or instruments of
identification with intent to deceive or providing false information to the college.
p. Failure to comply with the instructions or directions of college employees acting in
the performance of their duties.
q. Violation of the terms of disciplinary probation or any college regulation during the
period of probation.
r. Fiscal irresponsibility such as failure to pay college-levied fines, failure to repay
college-funded loans, or the passing of worthless checks to college officials.
s. Violation of local, state, or federal criminal law on college premises adversely
affecting the college community's pursuit of its educational purposes.
t. Behavior in a class, lab, shop, or clinical setting which conflicts with the safety of
others and/or which conflicts with safety rules for the area.
u. Theft or other misuse of computer time, including, but not limited to, unauthorized
entry into a file to use, read, or change the contents or for another purpose;
unauthorized transfer of a file, unauthorized use of another's identification and
password; use of computing facilities to interfere with another student, college
employee or administrator; use of computing facilities to send obscene or abusive
messages; and use of computing facilities to interfere with normal operation of the
college computing system.
v. Abuse of the judicial system, including but not limited to: failing to respond to the
summons of a judicial body or college official; falsifying, distorting or
misrepresenting before a judicial body; disruption or interference with the orderly
conduct of a judicial proceeding; institution of a judicial proceeding knowingly
without cause; attempting to discourage an individual's proper participation in or use
of the judicial system; attempting to influence the impartiality of a member of the
judicial body prior to or during the course of the proceeding; harassment or
intimidation of a member of the judicial body, failure to comply with the sanctions
imposed; and influencing or attempting to influence another person to commit an
abuse of the judicial system.
w. Serving as an accessory to a violation or aiding another individual in the commission
of an offense as defined by the Student Conduct Policy.
The college will name a Chief Disciplinary Officer and a Disciplinary Officer for each
campus. The Jamestown campus officer will serve as Chief Disciplinary Officer and provide
oversight and assistance to other campus Officers. The Chief Disciplinary Officer will also
maintain original files on all disciplinary cases, regardless of campus.
Emergency Procedures:
a. Emergency procedures are to be followed only in cases of an act of misconduct
which presents an immediate threat to the health, safety, or well-being of any
member of the college community or of any visitor, or which seriously disrupts the
function and good order of the college or which damages or threatens to damage
property on college premises.
b. If any college employee observes student(s) conduct which threatens the health,
safety or well-being of any member of the college community or of any visitor or
threatens damage to property, the employee may select a course of action from the
1) Summon a Campus Police Officer by dialing 50911 and requesting Campus
Police assistance; or
2) If, in the judgment of the employee, the situation presents immediate danger
and no Campus Police Officer is available, she/he may summon assistance
from the law enforcement agency which has jurisdiction in that area; (e.g.
Greensboro Police Department, Guilford County Sheriff's Department, High
Point City Police Department).
3) Instruct the student(s) to cease and desist and that failure to do so will result in
immediate suspension; or
a) If the student(s) fail to cease and desist, the employee is empowered to
suspend the student(s) from the class or activity.
b) The suspension may be extended, at the request of the employee, by an
administrative officer (Coordinator, Director, Department/Division Chair,
Assistant Dean, Dean, or Vice President). The administrative officer may
extend the student(s)' suspension until a resolution of the matter is
reached by the Campus Disciplinary Officer or, in the case of arrest, until
the matter is adjudicated in the courts. If suspension is extended, the
student shall be notified in writing, via certified mail, by the administrative
c) The employee or administrative officer who invoked the suspension shall
submit a written report of the incident to the campus Disciplinary Officer
immediately, but no later than the next school day. The report should
include the name(s) of the student(s) involved; date, time, place, and
description of the incident; action taken and employee(s) involved, as
well as name(s) of any witness(es) to the incident; and desired
d) The campus Disciplinary Officer will resolve the matter in a timely
manner following the steps outlined below in Standard Procedures.
Standard Procedure:
a. Any college employee, faculty member, other employee, or student may file charges
with the campus Disciplinary Officer against any student or student organization for
violation of college regulations. The individual(s) making the charge must complete a
charge form available from the office of the campus Disciplinary Officer, from
department chairs on the Jamestown Campus, and from the administrative office on all
other campuses. These forms state the following:
1) Name of the student(s) involved.
2) The alleged violation of the specific Code of Conduct.
3) The immediate place and date of the incident.
4) Name(s) of person(s) directly involved in or witnesses to the infractions.
5) Any action taken that relates to the matter.
6) Desired resolution(s).
The completed charge form should be forwarded directly to the campus Disciplinary Officer
a. The student will be allowed to remain in class(es) until the case is finally resolved,
unless a suspension has been invoked under emergency procedures.
b. Within ten (10) school days after the charge is filed, the Disciplinary Officer shall
complete a preliminary investigation of the charge and shall schedule a meeting with
the student. After discussing the alleged infraction with the student, the Disciplinary
Officer may:
1) Drop the charges.
2) Impose a sanction consistent with those shown in Section 5 below.
3) Refer the student to a college office or community agency for services.
c. The decision of the Disciplinary Officer shall be presented to the student in writing
immediately following the meeting with the student. In instances where the student
cannot be reached to schedule an appointment with the Disciplinary Officer or where
the student refuses to cooperate, the Disciplinary Officer shall send a certified letter to
the student's last known address providing the student with a statement of the charges,
the Disciplinary Officer's decision, and instructions governing the appeal process
(Section 6).
a. Interim Suspension: Exclusion from class and/or other privileges or activities as set forth
in the notice, until a final decision has been made concerning the alleged violation.
b. Reprimand: A written communication which gives official notice to the student that any
subsequent offense against the Student Conduct Policy will carry heavier penalties
because of this prior infraction.
c. General Probation: Appropriate response to a minor disciplinary offense, has two
important implications for the individual: (1) the individual is given a chance to show
capability and willingness to observe the Student Conduct Policy without further penalty;
(2) if the individual errs again, further action will be taken. This probation will be in
effect for no more than four (4) terms.
d. Restrictive Probation: Results in loss of good standing and becomes a matter of record.
Restrictive conditions may limit activity in the college community. Generally the
individual will not be eligible for initiation into any local or national organization, and may
not receive any college award or other honorary recognition. The individual may not
occupy a position of leadership or responsibility with any college or student
organization, publication, or activity. This probation will be in effect for not less than two
(2) terms. Any violation of restrictive probation may result in immediate suspension.
Suspension: Exclusion from class(es), and/or all other privileges or activities of the
college for a specified period of time. Students who receive this sanction must get
specific written permission from the Disciplinary Officer before returning to campus.
Expulsion: Dismissing a student from campus for an indefinite period losing student
status. The student may be readmitted to the college only with the approval of the
Restitution: Paying for damaging, misusing, destroying or losing property belonging to
the college, college personnel, or students.
Loss of Academic Credit or Grade: Imposed for academic dishonesty, which may also
result in other additional sanctions.
Withholding Transcript, Diploma, Degree, Certification or the Right to Register or to
Participate in Graduation Ceremonies. For example, a student will not be allowed to
register until all financial obligations are met.
Group Probation: Given to a college club or other organized group for a specified period
of time. If group violations are repeated during the term of the sentence, the group
restitution or group charter revocation may be appropriate.
Group Restriction: Removing college recognition during the term in which the offense
occurred or for a longer period (usually not more than one additional term). While under
restriction, the group may not seek or add members, hold sponsored events in the
college community, or engage in other activities as specified.
Group Charter Revocation: Removal of college recognition for a group, club, society, or
other organizations for a minimum of two years. Recharter after that time must be
approved by the President.
Appeals Procedure:
A student who disagrees with the decision of the Disciplinary Officer may request a hearing
before the Disciplinary Review Committee. This request must be submitted in writing to the
Disciplinary Officer within three (3) school days after receipt of the Disciplinary Officer's
decision. The Disciplinary Officer shall refer the matter to the Disciplinary Review
Committee together with a report of the nature of the alleged misconduct, the name of the
complainant, the name of the student against whom the charge has been filed, and the
relevant facts revealed by the Disciplinary Officer's investigation.
a. Composition of the Disciplinary Review Committee:
Membership shall consist of:
1) Three faculty and two professional or classified staff members appointed by the
2) Three student members appointed by the Student Government Association and
approved by the Chief Disciplinary Officer.
3) One administrator, appointed by the Chief Disciplinary Officer to serve as
committee Chairperson, who will vote only in case of a tie.
4) The Disciplinary Officer as an ex-officio non-voting member.
Committee members will serve one-year appointments beginning with each fall term,
with replacements appointed by the appropriate Vice Presidents or by SGA, if
necessary. At least one faculty member, one staff member and two students, plus the
chairperson must be present in order for the committee to conduct business in a given
b. Procedures for Hearings Before the Disciplinary Review Committee:
1) The Disciplinary Review Committee must meet within ten (10) working days of
receipt of a request for a hearing (except near the end of summer term when
additional time may be needed).
2) At least five (5) working days prior to the date set for the hearing, the
Disciplinary Officer shall send a certified letter to the student's last known
address providing the student the following information:
a. A restatement of the charge or charges.
b. The time and place of the hearing.
c. A statement of the student's basic procedural rights.
d. A list of witnesses the college expects to call. (Any witnesses not listed will
not be allowed to testify in the absence of showing of good cause for delay in
e. The composition of the committee.
f. A copy of the Hearing Rules.
3) On written request of the student, the hearing may be held prior to the expiration
of the five-day (5) notification period, if the Disciplinary Officer concurs with this
4) Basic procedural rights of the student include the following.
a. The right to counsel. The role of the person acting as counsel is solely to
advise the student. The counsel shall not address the committee.
b. The right to produce witnesses on one's behalf. (List of witnesses must be
provided to the Disciplinary Officer no less than two full working days prior to
the hearing. Any witnesses not listed will not be allowed to testify in the
absence of a showing of good cause for delay in identification.)
c. The right to request, in writing, that the Chief Disciplinary Officer disqualify
any member of the committee for prejudice or bias. (This request must set
forth reasons.) A request for disqualification, if made, must be submitted at
least three (3) working days prior to the hearing. If such disqualification
occurs, the appropriate nominating body shall appoint a replacement to be
approved by the appropriate Vice President.
d. The right to present evidence.
e. The right to know the identity of person(s) bringing the charge(s).
f. The right to hear witnesses on behalf of the person(s) bringing the charges.
g. The right to testify or refuse to testify.
h. The right to appeal the decision of the committee to the appropriate Vice
President who will review the official record of the hearing. The appeal must
be in writing and it must be made within five (5) working days of the
completion of the hearing.
5) The committee hearings shall be conducted according to the following rules:
Hearings before the committee shall be confidential and shall be closed to all other
persons except the following:
1) The student(s).
2) Counsels.
3) Witnesses who shall give testimony singularly and in the absence of other
witnesses and shall leave the committee meeting room immediately upon
completion of their testimony.
a) The hearing will be recorded. The tapes/transcripts of the hearing will
become the property of the college, and access to them will be
determined by the Vice President, Administrative Services. All
transcripts or tapes will be filed in the office of the Disciplinary Officer.
b) The committee shall have the authority to adopt supplementary rules of
procedure consistent with this code.
c) The committee shall have the authority to render written advisory opinions
concerning the meaning and application of this code.
d) Upon completion of a hearing, the committee shall meet in executive
session to determine concurrence or non-concurrence with the decision of
the Disciplinary Officer and to determine appropriate sanction(s), which
are not limited to those imposed or recommended by the Disciplinary
Officer. Deliberations of the committee will not be recorded.
e) Decisions of the committee shall be made by majority vote. Once made,
committee decisions will be announced and recorded.
f) Within two (2) working days after the decision of the committee, the
Disciplinary Officer shall send a certified letter to the student's last known
address providing the student with the committee's decision.
g) The college has the right to limit the number of witnesses to be called by
both parties.
c. Appeal to the Appropriate Vice President:
1) A Student/Staff/Faculty Member who is not in agreement with the decision of the
committee may appeal in writing to the appropriate Vice President within five (5)
school days after receipt of the committee's written decision. The only appropriate
grounds for such an appeal are: (1) the severity of the penalty; or (2) alleged
violation of the college's procedures in the conduct of the hearing or investigation.
The appropriate Vice President is defined as the Vice President who has
administrative responsibility for the area in which the infraction occurred.
2) The Vice President shall:
a) Review the findings and the proceedings of the committee.
b) At his/her discretion, hear from the student, the members of the committee, or
any other employee who may provide information on the facts, before ruling on
an appeal.
c) Uphold, modify, or overturn the decision of the committee.
d) Inform the student and committee members in writing of the final decision within
ten (10) working days of the receipt of the appeal.
3) The decision of the Vice President shall be final.
Identification Card
Guilford Technical Community College is concerned about the safety of our students, employees
and visitors to our campuses. Therefore, all students who are consistently present on a GTCC
campus are required to have in their possession a GTCC issued ID. Any exemptions must be
approved by the appropriate vice president.
1. The college defines “consistently” as enrolled for a curriculum semester or enrolled in a
Basic Skills course.
2. All applicable individuals must carry their GTCC issued ID cards at all times. The GTCC ID
card is intended to serve as proof of an individual’s status at the college.
3. All non-curriculum students, excluding Basic Skills, must have their personal photo
identification in their possession anytime they are on any GTCC campus.
4. Any transfer, alteration, falsification or forgery of an ID card constitutes a violation of this
policy and will result in disciplinary action.
5. The GTCC issued ID card is and at all times will remain the property of GTCC. It may be
revoked at any time by the college if misused. It must be presented or returned upon
request by an appropriate college official.
6. Fees related to student ID cards can be found in the GTCC Management Manual, II-2.043,
Fees, User and Patron. The cardholder is responsible for the care and safekeeping of the
card. If the card is lost or stolen, there is a fee for each replacement card.
7. Faculty and staff should refer to College Rule “Identification Badges for Employees”.
Rev. 10/14/10 (Effective 1/2011)
Sexual Harassment
(Refer to Section IV, Policy 4.070)
Dress Code
Guilford Technical Community College expects all students and employees to dress in a manner in
keeping with the serious academic intent of the college and in a manner acceptable to the
community. In keeping with the mission to prepare students for success in the workforce, students
are expected to dress appropriately within the general accepted bounds of good taste. The college
respects individual style and creativity, as long as students dress in a manner which is not
disruptive or distracting to the educational environment and conforms to the expectations and
standards of the professional community.
1. All college personnel have the authority and responsibility to make sure these guidelines
are followed. Students who fail to adhere to the general guidelines listed will not be allowed
on campus or to participate in any college activities and will be subject to disciplinary action
which may include suspension from their program of study/or expulsion from GTCC.
2. Students enrolled in certain technical or vocational curricula, such as allied health,
automotive, or culinary programs, may be required to wear special attire for clinical or
laboratory classes. If special attire is required, students may not attend classes or
laboratory work if their dress is in violation of the dress code for such areas according to the
policy of the program. Special attire may include specialty shoes, protective goggles,
uniforms or lab coats.
3. For all students who are deemed inappropriately dressed, the following actions will occur:
a. Students will be asked to leave the learning environment or activity.
b. Students in violation of this policy must surrender their ID. Confiscated ID’s will be
sent to the appropriate Dean for disciplinary action.
4. Guidelines for inappropriate clothing:
a. Clothing with nudity
b. Clothing displaying profanity
c. Deeply low cut shirts/blouses
d. Clothing depicting violence
e. Sagging or low cut pants (no skin or undergarments exposed)
f. Shirts/blouses with midriffs showing
5. Employees should reference policy IV-4.010 Dress
Rev. 8/17/95
10/14/10 (Effective 1/2011)
Freedom of Expression
It is undeniable that students are protected in their exercise of freedom of expression by the First
Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Accordingly, Guilford Technical Community
College officials are responsible for ensuring freedom of expression for all students, within the
principles embodied in the Constitution.
The student newspaper and the literary magazine, the official, school-sponsored publications of
GTCC, have been established as forums for student expression and as voices in the uninhibited,
robust, free, and open discussion of issues. Each publication should provide a full opportunity for
students to inquire, question, and exchange ideas. Content should reflect all areas of student
interest, including topics about which there may be dissent or controversy.
Student journalists shall have the right to determine the content of official student publications.
Accordingly, guidelines shall be issued relating only to establishing grounds for disciplinary actions
subsequent to publication.
In cases where a student(s) is considered to have violated the rules set forth in this policy,
the procedures of the Student Conduct Policy (III-2.010) will be followed.
In cases where a school official(s) is considered by students to have violated the rules set
forth in this policy, the procedures of the Student Grievance Policy (III-2.013) will be
Official school publications.
a. Students who work on official student publications determine the content of those
publications and are responsible for that content. These students should:
1) Determine the content of the student publication.
2) Strive to produce a publication based upon professional standards of
accuracy, objectivity, and fair play.
3) Review material to improve sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and
4) Check and verify all facts and verify the accuracy of quotations.
5) In the case of editorials or letters to the editor concerning controversial
issues, determine the need for rebuttal comments and opinions and provide
space for them if appropriate.
b. Prohibited Material:
1) Students cannot publish or distribute material that is obscene. Obscene is
defined as material that meets all three of the following requirements:
a) The average person, applying contemporary community standards,
would find that the publication, taken as a whole, appeals to a
person's prurient interest in sex.
b) The publication depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way,
sexual conduct such as ultimate sexual acts (normal or perverted),
masturbation, and lewd exhibition of the genitals.
c) The work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or
scientific value. Indecent or vulgar language is not obscene.
2) Students cannot publish or distribute libelous material. Libelous statements
are probably false and unprivileged statements that do demonstrated injury
to an individual's or business's reputation in the community. If the allegedly
libeled party is a "public figure" (a person who either seeks the public's
attention or is well known because of personal achievements) or "public
official" (a person who holds an elected or appointed public office), then
school officials must show that the false statement was published "with
actual malice," i.e., that the student journalists knew that the statement was
false or that they published it with reckless disregard for the truth without
trying to verify the truthfulness of the statement.
3) When an allegedly libelous statement concerns a private individual, school
officials must show that the false statement was published willfully or
negligently, i.e., the student journalist who wrote or published the statement
has failed to exercise reasonably prudent care.
4) Under the "fair comment rule," a student is free to express an opinion on a
matter of public interest.
5) A student may criticize school policy or the performance of teachers,
administrators, school officials, and other school employees.
6) Students cannot publish or distribute material that will cause "a material and
substantial disruption of school activities."
a) Disruption is defined as student rioting; unlawful seizures of property;
destruction of property; or substantial student participation in a school
boycott, sit-in, walk-out, or other related form of activity. Material
such as racial, religious, or ethnic slurs, however distasteful, are not
in and of themselves disruptive under these guidelines.
b) Material that stimulates heated discussion or debate does not
constitute the type of disruption prohibited.
c) School officials must protect advocates of unpopular viewpoints.
d) In determining whether a student publication is disruptive,
consideration must be given to the context of this distribution as well
as the content of the material.
e) "School activity" means educational student activity sponsored by the
school and includes, by way of example and not by way of limitation,
classroom work, library activities, physical education classes, official
assemblies and other similar gatherings, school athletic contests,
band concerts, and school plays.
c. Legal advice
1) If, in the opinion of the student editor, student editorial staff, or staff/faculty
adviser, material proposed for publications may be "obscene," "libelous" or
would cause an "immediate, material and substantial disruption of school
activities," the free legal services of the Student Press Law Center (202/4665242) may be consulted. The services of the college's general counsel may also
be utilized with the approval of the advisor and the appropriate administrator.
2) The final decision of whether the material is to be published will be left to the
student editor or student editorial staff.
Nonschool-sponsored publications.
School officials may not ban the distribution of nonschool-sponsored publications on school
grounds. However, students who violate any rule listed under 3.b. above may be disciplined
after distribution.
a. School officials may regulate the time, place, and manner of distribution.
1) Nonschool-sponsored publications will have the same rights of distribution
as official school publications.
2) "Distribution" means dissemination of a publication to students at a time and
place of normal school activity, or immediately prior or subsequent thereto,
by means of handing out free copies of the publication in areas of the school
which are generally frequented by students.
b. School officials cannot:
1) Prohibit the distribution of anonymous literature or require that
literature bear the name of the sponsoring organization or author.
3) Ban the distribution of literature because it contains advertising.
a. (See Policy II-2.010.)
4) Ban the sale of literature.
5) Create regulations that discriminate against nonschool-sponsored
publications or interfere with the effective distribution of sponsored or
non-sponsored publications.
Protected speech
a. School officials cannot:
1) Ban speech solely because it is controversial, takes extreme, "fringe" or minority
opinions, or is distasteful, unpopular, or unpleasant.
2) Ban the publication or distribution of material relating to sexual issues including,
but not limited to, virginity, birth control, and sexually-transmitted diseases
(including AIDS).
3) Censor or punish the occasional use of indecent, vulgar, or so-called "four-letter"
words in student publications.
4) Prohibit criticism of the policies, practices, or performance of faculty, school
officials, the school itself, or of any public officials.
5) Cut off funds to official student publications because of disagreement over
editorial policy.
6) Ban speech that merely advocates illegal conduct without proving that such
speech is directed toward and will actually cause imminent unlawful action.
7) Ban the publication or distribution of material written by nonstudents.
8) Prohibit the school newspaper from accepting advertising.
9) Prohibit the endorsement of candidates for student office or for public office at
any level.
b. Advertising commercial speech
Advertising is a constitutionally protected expression. School publications may accept
advertising. Acceptance or rejection of advertising is within the purview of the
publication staff, who may accept any ads except for those for products or services that
are illegal for all students. Political ads may be accepted. The publication should not
accept ads only on one side of an issue or election.
Advisor job security.
The adviser is not a censor. No employee who advises a student publication will be fired,
transferred, or removed from the advisership by reason of his or her refusal to exercise
editorial control over the student publication or to otherwise suppress the protected free
expression of student journalists.
Prior restraint.
No student publication, whether nonschool-sponsored or official, will be reviewed by school
administrators prior to distribution or withheld from distribution. The school assumes no
liability for the content of any student publication, and urges all student journalists to
recognize that with editorial control comes responsibility, including the responsibility to
follow professional journalism standards.
These guidelines will be included in the student rights and responsibilities publication and
available to all students.
Guilford Technical Community College does not provide housing for its students. Limited
information on off-campus housing may be available in the Student Life Office.
(There are no procedures necessary for this policy.)
Right to Privacy
Guilford Technical Community College will protect the privacy of personally identifiable information
contained in a student's record. The exception to this rule will be directory information, as defined
in college procedures.
General access to information in a student's official records will be granted to the following
The student.
Parents of a student, if the student is a dependent of the parents.
Appropriate college officials.
Authorized persons/agency representatives having a legitimate educational interest in
information contained in the records.
Other persons/agency representatives wishing to obtain information from a student's record must
have prior written consent of the student. The college will maintain a record, kept with the
student's record and available to that student, of all requests for and disclosures of personally
identifiable information, other than requests for directory information or requests submitted by the
student and/or parent(s) of a dependent student.
Implementation of this policy will be subject to rules and procedures, which will be available from
the Admissions and Records Office upon request.
Persons who may have access to student records under this policy include:
a. Former students as well as those currently in attendance at GTCC may have access to
their own records.
b. A parent, legally assigned guardian, or an individual legally acting as a parent of a
student in the absence of a parent or guardian and who is financially responsible for the
student as defined under Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 may have
access to the records of the student for whom he/she is parent, guardian or legally
acting as parent.
c. College administrators, staff, and faculty at Guilford Technical Community College who
have legitimate educational interests in having access to student records, and officials
of institutions to which the student may be applying for admission.
d. Authorized persons/agency representatives having a legitimate educational interest
(defined as authorized research or college business, which requires access to student
records) in information contained in the records, provided information about students is
not used in a manner which permits identification of a particular student.
Student records covered by this policy may include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. The student's permanent file, maintained in the Admissions and Records Office, which
contains the following:
1) All transcripts of grades and other information on those transcripts.
2) Application for admission.
3) Health record.
4) Mental, aptitude, or achievement test results, if applicable.
5) GTCC placement test scores, if applicable.
6) Other information pertinent to the student's attendance at GTCC.
b. Formal or informal records used to determine eligibility for student financial aid and
other documents pertaining to the financial status of the individual, which are
maintained in the Financial Aid Office.
c. Departmental records regarding the placement of students or graduates in jobs.
d. Records maintained for advising purposes by the department in which the student is
enrolled. These records may include:
1) Standardized test answer sheets (not available to students for security purposes;
however, test scores are available to the student).
2) Records of conferences with the student.
3) Records of courses taken and grades earned.
4) Various departmental evaluations and other communications referring to the
5) Copies of correspondence relating to the student.
e. Library circulation records, maintained for statistical and informational purposes,
showing subjects of material borrowed by students or former students. (See Learning
Resource Center Policy on Privacy of Library Circulation Records, 1981.)
Directory information, which may be released without permission, includes the student's
name, address, telephone number, major field of study, participation in officially
recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates
of attendance, degree(s) and award(s) received, and most recent previous educational
agency or institution attended by the student.
For a student or the parent(s) of a dependent student to review the student's record, the
following procedure must be followed:
a. The student and/or parent must obtain and complete a Consent to Release
Student Information from the Registrar.
b. Submit the competed form to the Admissions and Records Office.
c. Make a mutually agreeable appointment with the Registrar to review records.
d. Meet the Registrar in the Admissions and Records Office at the appointed time
and review the records.
e. Sign the official form, which will also be signed by the Registrar, indicating the
record has been reviewed.
School official(s) and authorized persons/agencies with a legitimate educational interest
wishing to review a student's record must use the following procedure:
a. Contact the Registrar to make an appointment to review the record(s).
b. Meet with the Registrar or authorized representative of the Admissions and
Records Office to review the record(s).
c. Sign and date the Record Review Log(s), which will also be initialed by the
Registrar, to indicate the record(s) have been reviewed.
d. Faculty and staff must have a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to access
information from the college's mainframe computer(s). These numbers will be
issued by the Director of Computer Services upon submission of the appropriate
form, signed by a Division Chair (faculty) or Planning Unit manager (staff,
1) PIN's are to be kept confidential and not shared with another employee
under any circumstance. Each employee is responsible for any changes
made to the information in the databases while the system has been
accessed using his/her PIN.
2) Should an employee "lend" his/her PIN to another person, the employee
will be subject to disciplinary action and possible dismissal.
Authorized persons/agencies (such as the Community Colleges System Office or
the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina) with a legitimate
educational interest and an established relationship with GTCC may obtain records
through the Registrar, or through a direct request to the Director of Institution
Research Effectiveness and Reaffirmation (IRER) or Chief Information Officers.
Logs of such requests will be maintained by each office.
All persons/agencies not covered by the above situations who are seeking nondirectory information will use the following procedure:
a. The requesting party will:
1) Obtain and complete a Consent to Release Student Information from the
Admissions and Records Office.
2) Obtain the student's written consent.
3) The Registrar will seek written consent of the student(s), if it is not feasible
for the person/agency representative to do so.
b. In the event that consent is given, procedures outlined in 5.a.-c. above will be
c. In the event that consent is not given, the record will not be made available,
except in cases of an official court order.
When a copy(ies) of official transcript(s) are to be provided to educational
institutions, agencies, or prospective employers the following procedure will be
a. The student must submit to the Registrar a written request for transcript(s) to be
sent, which shall include the name and address of the institution, agency, or
prospective employers.
b. Three transcripts will be sent at no charge. Thereafter, a $5.00 fee for each
additional transcript must be paid to the Cashier prior to the release of the
A student who believes that information in his/her record is inaccurate or misleading
or violates his/her privacy or other rights may request in writing to the Registrar an
amendment of his/her record.
a. The request must specifically note the reason(s) amendment of the records is
needed with appropriate justification and/or documentation.
b. The Registrar will investigate the claims made in the request and render a
written response within ten (10) days of the receipt of the request.
c. The following action(s) may be taken by the Registrar:
1) If the decision is to amend the record in accordance with the student's
request, the Registrar will make the amendment.
2) If the decision is not to amend, the Registrar will inform the student of the
decision and of his/her right to appeal to the Associate Vice President of
Student Services and, if not settled at that level, to the Vice President of
Student Support Services.
Student Travel
Student Government Association Sponsored Travel
The Student Government Association of Guilford Technical Community College may sponsor
student travel that it considers to be an important educational experience. Such travel experiences
are subject to the procedures specified by the college.
Students will assume personal responsibility for complying with all Guilford Technical Community
College policies while involved in authorized travel.
All student club, student organization, and SGA sponsored travel must be approved by
the Director of Student Life.
All SGA sponsored travel will adhere to the college's official travel procedures.
Registered student clubs and organizations must follow approval and funding guidelines
established by the Student Life Office. These guidelines are available in the Student
Life Office.
Guilford Technical Community College has no legal responsibility toward student
travelers who must be hospitalized while away from campus. The Student Life Office
will inform student travelers that the lack of medical health insurance coverage may
result in delayed admission or non-admission to some hospitals with consequent delays
in medical attention.
Class Field Trips
The college supports and encourages field trips of genuine educational value and relevance.
1. At least two weeks prior to the proposed trip, the instructor will complete and submit the Field
Trip Request Form to the appropriate division/department chair.
Instructors may obtain copies of the Field Trip Request Form from the division/department
Field trips thus authorized constitute official college functions, and students are to be permitted
to make up work in any classes missed as a result of their participation.
Tuition and Fees Refund
Tuition refunds (including the registration fee for continuing education classes) will be consistent
with State Board policy, which provides that a partial refund (75 percent) may be made under
certain circumstances if withdrawal occurs prior to the ten-percent point in the class State Board of
Community College Code SBCCC, Sections 2D.0202 and 2D.0203.
A full refund of tuition and fees for credit students and registration fees for non-credit students will
be made to military and National Guard personnel called to active duty or to active personnel who
have received temporary or permanent reassignments as a result of military operations taking place
outside the state of North Carolina that make it impossible for them to complete their course
requirements. In addition, the college will buy back textbooks through the college bookstore to the
extent possible. The college will use distance learning and other educational methodologies to help
these students complete their course requirements [SBCCC 2D.0202(f)].
A full refund of curriculum student fees established by the college will be made if the student
officially withdraws from class(es) prior to the first day of class(es) of the academic term, if the
student officially withdraws from the college before the first day of the term, or if the class is
cancelled and the student fees are not applied to other class(es) taking place that same term. A full
refund of continuing education student fees established by the college will be made if the student
officially withdraws from class(es) prior to the first class meeting or if the class is cancelled or full.
Curriculum tuition and continuing education registration fees are set by State Board policy,
as are provisions for their refund. These policies provide for full refunds as described
above and for partial refunds (75 percent) if the student officially withdraws prior to the tenpercent point of the class. The full policies may be found in the SBCCC, 2D.0202 and
To receive a refund, a student must officially withdraw from class(es). A student is
considered officially withdrawn on the date that a student withdraws by using WebAdvisor,
or on the date that a curriculum schedule change form or continuing education withdrawal
form is received by the college.
A student called to military duty shall provide a copy of his or her orders to the Records
Office. Then, the Records Office shall authorize eligibility for refund of tuition, fees,
continuing education registration fees, and book buy-back. Upon receipt of authorization,
the Finance Office will issue the refund due and the bookstore will buy back textbooks to
the extent possible.
Student fees consist of course specific fees; student activity fees; campus access, parking
and security fees; computer use and technology fees; student accident insurance
premiums; and student malpractice insurance premiums. Fees are fully refundable if a
student officially withdraws on or before the first day of class of the academic term.
Otherwise, fees are non-refundable.
Registration fees for community service and self-supporting classes are not considered to
be student fees. Refund policy and procedures for these registration fees are included in
the SBCCC (2D.0203) governing continuing education registration fee refund.
a. A 75% student refund of the parking deck fee may be made through the 10%
census date, if the student officially withdraws from all classes.
b. No refunds will be made to faculty and staff unless they are separating from the
college and they request a prorated refund. The maximum prorated refund allowed
is 75% of the amount paid.
All refunds will be made by check.
Tuition and Fees Deferment
In cases of financial need or emergency, GTCC students may have up to fifty percent of their
tuition and fees deferred at the time of registration, to be paid later in the academic term, according
to the provisions of North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 23, Section 2D.0201, using
procedures established by the Board.
1. All tuition and fees are due at the time of registration. Tuition payment deadlines will be
established each term, and students' registrations will be cancelled if their tuition and fees
are not paid by the deadline. The only exception will be for students who have completed
an approved Tuition Deferment Application/Promissory Note.
2. No deferments will be considered or granted until the student registers for classes and the
total tuition and fees amount is known. An approved deferment must be completed prior to
the tuition payment deadline established for the student or the student will be dropped from
the registered course(s).
3. Students seeking a deferment of payment of tuition and fees must meet eligibility criteria
and enter into a contract with Guilford Technical Community College by completing a
Tuition Deferment Application/Promissory Note form in the Financial Aid Office and the
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
4. The Tuition Deferment Application/Promissory Note must be approved by the Financial Aid
Office. The original approved form will be maintained by the Financial Aid Office. The
student will be given three copies of the completed form with an authorization signature.
The student will deliver three copies of the authorized note to the Cashier’s Office.
Students will be required to pay half (50%) of the tuition and fees upon execution of the
contract and the other half (50%) no later than 30 days or the specified date.
5. A co-maker on the note will be required for students under the age of 18.
6. Students who withdraw from the college/courses after the refund period will still be
obligated to pay the entire contract balance to the college.
7. Students will be charged a service charge for any late payments. If a student fails to repay
the deferment on the agreed-upon date, the total deferment plus late fees will become due
and payable immediately. Failure to repay the deferment also will result in the student
being denied student services, including but not limited to receiving grades and official
transcripts, registering for future terms, no future deferments, and application for
graduation. Legal action may be taken against the student as specified in the promissory
8. Procedures for the Financial Aid Office:
a. Determine if the student is registered for at least 9 credit hours, has applied for
financial aid using the FAFSA, is making satisfactory academic progress, has no
outstanding debts to the College, and did not pay a previous tuition deferment debt
after the deadline before giving out the Tuition Deferment Application/Promissory
b. Give the student three copies of the approved form. The student will take the copies
of the form and their payment to the Cashier’s Office. The original approved form
will be maintained by the Financial Aid Office.
c. Once the tuition deferment deadline has passed, request a list of students who were
approved for tuition deferment and their account balances from Information
Technology Services (ITS). Review the list of students to identify students who
have paid, who have completed their financial aid paperwork and need to be
awarded, or who are scheduled to receive financial aid to pay the remaining balance
on the note before the tuition deferment due date.
9. Procedures for the Business Office:
a. Accept 50% tuition and fee payment from the student upon execution of the contract
and give the student a validated receipt. File the copy of the approved Tuition
Deferment Application/Promissory Note.
b. Receive payment of the remaining balance on or before the appropriate due date.
c. If the student fails to make the scheduled payment, the Business Office will deem
the note due and payable on demand. The Business Office will review the list of
students who have not paid or are not scheduled to receive financial aid for a final
determination that they have not paid. The Business Office will add a late fee to the
student’s account and place a hold on their file. Business Office hold will remain on
the student’s record denying student services including, but not limited to, the
release of grades and official transcripts, future registration for courses, future
deferments, and applying for graduation. Any method deemed appropriate
according to the terms of the promissory note may be used to collect the balance
Procedures for faculty:
a. Students with tuition deferments should appear on the rosters. A student whose
name is not on your class roster must show a paid registration receipt or a receipt
stamped FA Pending.
Adopted 8/22/96
Procedure Rev 11/2/98
Use of Human Subjects
Research or other activities conducted under the jurisdiction of Guilford Technical Community
College shall not expose persons who participate as subjects or respondents to unreasonable risks
to their health, general well-being, or privacy. All activities or projects involving human subjects are
subject to review and approval by the Director of Institutional Research Effectiveness and
Reaffirmation (IRER) to insure the protection of the rights and welfare of the individuals who
participate as subjects.
Internal Research
All research conducted by Guilford Technical Community College personnel and/or students,
including surveys, must be reviewed and approved by the Director IRER to eliminate duplication of
effort, to prevent the over-surveying of select groups, to ensure the quality of the instruments used,
and to protect the human subjects involved.
External Research
An external research project is defined as any research project, survey, or study not conducted
directly by Guilford Technical Community College personnel and/or students. Any individual,
group, or agency desiring to conduct research at GTCC, or to use college students, faculty, or staff
in research projects must obtain the written permission of the Director IRER at GTCC.
Instructional Program Requirements
As a component of the educational experience of some instructional programs, students and
faculty may be required to practice procedures and perform measurements on individuals within
the program, the college, or the community as indicated by the curriculum. Students and faculty
may be required to participate in activities and/or simulations to allow students opportunities to
apply didactic knowledge and laboratory skills. All students, faculty members, and others
participating in the activities and/or simulations must sign a written authorization for use as a
human subject. To insure the safety of all persons involved, the authorization form will require
disclosure of any personal limitations or conditions that might affect participation in such activities
and/or simulations.
Procedures and techniques learned in instructional programs may only be used to treat patients in
a clinical setting under the direction of a licensed/certified practitioner. Except for legally
authorized practitioners, students and faculty members may not diagnose or treat medical/dental
conditions of fellow students, faculty members, or others. Students learning procedures and
techniques in the academic setting may practice these skills during assigned
classroom/laboratory/clinical hours and during supervised open laboratory/clinical sessions.
Students or faculty members who fail to comply with this policy will be subject to disciplinary action
that may include suspension from the program or dismissal from employment.
The Director of Director of IRER will review all research proposals, both internal and
external. If the complexity of the proposal requires additional expertise, a Research Review
Committee will be formed by the Director of Institutional Research Effectiveness and
Reaffirmation (IRER) to review the proposal and make recommendations to the Director.
Internal Research
a. Because of the need to accumulate data for re-accreditation and other purposes,
some programs regularly require participation in various research surveys and
activities throughout the student’s tenure in the program. Students may be required
to provide blanket consent to participate in such research. A sample form is
provided in the Forms section of the Management Manual.
b. The use of human subjects in internal research projects other than projects
conducted for routine reports, management information and regular class
assignments will require the signature of the subject on an authorization form that
includes the following basic elements:
1) A statement that the study involves research, an explanation of the purposes
of the research and the expected duration of the subject's participation, a
description of the procedures to be followed, and identification of any
procedures which are experimental.
2) A description of any reasonable foreseeable risks or discomforts to the
3) A description of any benefits to the subject, or to others, which may
reasonably be expected from the research.
4) A disclosure of appropriate alternative procedures or courses of treatment, if
any, that might be advantageous to the subject.
5) A statement describing the extent, if any to which confidentiality of records
identifying the subject will be maintained.
6) For participation with more than minimal risk, an explanation as to whether
any compensation and as to whether any medical and/or psychological
treatments are available if injury occurs and, if so, what they consist of, or
where further information may be obtained.
7) An explanation of whom to contact for answers to pertinent questions about
the research and research subject's rights, and whom to contact in the event
of an research-related injury to the subject.
8) A statement that participation is voluntary (if possible), refusal to participate
will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which the subject is otherwise
entitled, and the subject may discontinue participation at any time without
penalty or loss of benefits to which the subject is otherwise entitled.
c. The privacy of respondents must be protected in any published reports or internally
shared records. Individual respondents must not be identifiable in any way through
the published data.
3. External Research
a. A written proposal for any study intending to use college students, faculty, or staff
must be submitted to the Director of IRER at least two weeks before the anticipated
beginning of the study. Depending upon the complexity of the proposal, additional
time for review may be required. The proposal will include brief summaries of the
rationale for the study, the methodology to be used, and the expected outcomes.
b. Normally, GTCC cannot provide facilities of any type for external research projects.
c. Unless the college feels that participation in a particular project is both educationally
valuable and a natural part of the course content, class time will not be used for any
project. In any event, the faculty member's permission, in addition to the approval of
the Director of IRER, must be obtained before class time will be used.
d. Participation in any project must be voluntary, and all participants must sign an
informed consent form describing purpose of the project, precisely what participation
will involve.
e. Students, faculty, or staff involved in any research project will not be identified when
the findings of that project are published.
f. All inquiries and proposals should be submitted to:
Director of Institutional Research Effectiveness and Reaffirmation (IRER)
Guilford Technical Community College
P. O. Box 309
Jamestown, NC 27282
Program Requirements
a) Student handbooks for each program will explain how this policy applies in the
particular program.
b) Each department will maintain current authorization forms under secure conditions.
The college will maintain the authorizations as long as legally necessary.
Rev 2/20/03
Rev. 9/11/06
Terms of Employment
Inconsistent Publications
Any terms or provisions of any departmental, student or other handbooks or similar publications
that are inconsistent with the policies set forth in this Section IV of the Management Manual shall
not be binding on the College, and the policies set forth in this Section IV shall be controlling.
Conflict of Interest
Members of the Board of Trustees and Guilford Technical Community College employees are
prohibited from acting as an agent, either directly or indirectly, for those furnishing goods or
services to any State agency, school, or institution. (General Statutes, Chapter 115D-26; North
Carolina Administrative Code T01:05B.1509.)
1. Every reasonable effort shall be made to avoid GTCC making purchases from or through
trustees and college employees.
2. The purchasing power of the State and GTCC shall not be used for private advantage of
any trustee or employee.
3. No trustee or college employee shall directly or indirectly act as an agent for any supplier of
goods or services to Guilford Technical Community College.
4. No trustee or college employee shall accept or solicit any gift that could reasonably be
construed to influence him or her in recommending or procuring goods or services for
Guilford Tech.
5. Should GTCC become aware of a conflict of interest of a trustee or college employee in any
procurement of goods or services, action shall be taken immediately to cease such
6. Any employee determined to have violated the conflict of interest policy may be subject to
disciplinary action according to the Disciplinary Action Policy IV-1.052. Furthermore, such
violation may result in termination of employment and/or notification to the State Auditor
that a violation of the conflict of interest statue has occurred.
7. A violation of the conflict of interest policy by a trustee will be forwarded to the State
8. Each September, the President, Vice-Presidents, and all regular staff shall complete an
Annual Reporting of Secondary Employment, Self-Employment and Affiliations form. All
trustees shall complete an Annual Reporting of Employment and Affiliations form. These
forms will be signed by the appropriate Vice-President or the President and maintained in
Purchasing. Each newly hired employee will complete a Conflict of Interest form during
new hire orientation.
9. Upon conviction of a violation of general statutes governing conflict of interest, a trustee or
college employee shall be deemed guilty of a Class I Misdemeanor.
9/15/97 (procedures only, President's Council)
11/18/02 (Procedures only, President’s Council)
Guilford Technical Community College is committed to equal employment opportunity. Except in
cases of reorganization or reassignment of personnel approved by the President, all vacancies for
full-time and part-time regular positions will be advertised. Announcements of the positions may
be mailed to "target population" institutions or agencies.
1. The hiring manager is responsible and accountable for providing administrative oversight
throughout all aspects of the selection and hiring process for all positions. Hiring decisions for
temporary positions are delegated to the hiring manager who is expected to use good judgment
in applying comparable employment practices described herein for the hiring of regular and
time-limited positions. The hiring manager must:
a) Communicate the College’s commitment to non-discrimination:
1) Articulate the value the College places on diversity and play an active role in
developing a diverse workforce;
2) Plan and allow sufficient time in advance of need for advertising, interviewing and
the selection process;
3) Conduct the selection process in a timely and professional manner that respects the
rights of applicants to some level of confidentiality;
4) Provide applicants with a positive impression of the College throughout the selection
5) Use merit, qualifications such as education, experience or competencies and other
job-related criteria as the primary basis for hiring recommendations and decisions.
b) Other administrative responsibilities include conscientious recordkeeping consisting of
creating, maintaining, managing and retaining all documents as may be used during the
process of recruiting, screening, interviewing, applicant scoring/ranking and
recommending candidates for hire. In particular, this policy must be strictly observed to
record the disposition for each applicant which specifies the applicant’s results for each
screening tool utilized. Some examples of these documents include: applications,
transcripts, minimum qualifications screen, interview selection matrix and hire ranking
grid. The hiring manager’s oversight responsibility explicitly includes:
1) Tracking, collecting and filing all documents in the recruitment file for the vacant
position. This file must be submitted to Human Resources within two (2) business
days of the offer being extended and accepted.
2) Preparing documentation which records the name and position of the hiring
manager providing administrative oversight for each hiring decision. This document
must be retained and archived in the recruitment file for the vacant position.
2. Prior to advertising, the hiring manager will:
a) Review the primary duties and responsibilities of the position, determine what duties
and responsibilities are essential for the employee to perform and what abilities are
reasonably required for these tasks, and revise the job description as necessary.
b) Prepare a new or modified job description, with edits highlighted, that must be approved
by the Director of Human Resources or his/her designee prior to completing a Job
Posting Request in NovusHR. The Human Resources office will input all job
descriptions into NovusHR.
c) Complete the Job Posting Request in NovusHR. The Job Posting Request will be
routed to the appropriate departments for review and approval. Each approving
department shall generally have 3 business days to approve a Job Posting Request.
Each approving manager must identify a proxy with his/her approval authority.
d) Be notified by Human Resources through NovusHR when positions are approved so
that recruiting may begin.
Positions will be advertised as follows:
a) Human Resources will maintain a list of standard employment advertising sources. The
hiring manager will provide input on advertising needs and preferences for
consideration as well. Concerted efforts to reach applicants from historically under161
represented groups shall be undertaken. Advertising will be approved and placed by the
Human Resources office.
The overall applicant pool will be assessed by the hiring manager for its quality and
depth. The Human Resources office will review for diversity. If the applicant pool is
determined to be inadequate based on this information, Human Resources will consult
with the hiring manager/hiring manager’s manager to determine how the recruitment
effort should proceed.
All GTCC applicants are required to complete a GTCC employment application.
Completed applications are critical to salary calculations. A resume is not a substitute
for an application or an incomplete application.
All applicants considered for hire must be able to perform the essential duties of the
position and must meet the minimum requirements.
All materials including but not limited to application, resumes and transcripts received
directly by the hiring manager/hiring manager’s manager must be forwarded to the
Human Resources office for appropriate recording and processing. At the appropriate
time, Human Resources will release the applications to the hiring manager/hiring
manager’s manager or search committee for review and screening for minimum
qualifications. The Human Resources office will assist the hiring manager/hiring
manager’s manager or committee in determining candidates to be interviewed on an as
needed basis.
The hiring manager will screen for minimum qualifications and for receipt of transcript(s)
copy for faculty positions only. An evaluation of faculty transcripts to determine
compliance with Southern Association of Colleges & Schools standards will be
conducted by the department/division chair and the Special Assistant to the Vice
President of Instruction or designee.
Applications will be reviewed on a “first come, first served” basis. Therefore,
applications will not be reviewed if an adequate applicant pool is achieved prior to the
date additional applications are received.
Announcement of vacant positions:
1) All externally advertised positions must be posted for a minimum of 10 business
2) All internally advertised positions must be posted for a minimum of 3 business days.
3) In rare instances, a request for waiver of advertisement can be made on the Job
Posting Request in NovusHR and must be approved by the President or his/her
4. Each College employee who will participate in the interview process must have completed
hiring training or have been informed of role expectations, have received a copy of the current
Interview Guide and become familiar with the GTCC Employment Policy.
a) Hiring managers must submit an Interview Selection Matrix and proposed interview
questions to the Human Resources Director or his/her designee prior to conducting
interviews. Human Resources will provide a library of core interview questions. Hiring
managers may select up to 12 but not less than 7 core questions and may choose up to
6 but not less than 3 optional questions. An initial interview should have between 10-18
interview questions. All optional questions must be submitted to Human Resources for
approval prior to the interview.
Follow up or second interviews may be scheduled as deemed appropriate. Optional
questions for second interviews must be reviewed and approved by the Human
Resources office prior to the interview.
b) Applicants selected for interview will be interviewed by a hiring committee typically
consisting of 5-6 members. Efforts to achieve a diverse committee to include at least 1
member from outside of the hiring department or division will be made. Exceptions to
this may be approved by the area Vice President and with Human Resources
consultation but in all cases the size of the interview committee shall not be less than 3
members. The Human Resources office will assist in the interview process as needed.
c) During the interview, each candidate should be asked questions about their soft or
employability skills (e.g., teamwork, integrity, etc.). Attention should be paid to the
candidate’s background and experience relevant to the particular duties of the position.
Ask for examples of the desired behaviors. (See the Interview Question Bank.)
d) The interview committee will recommend a minimum of two unranked candidates for
interview by the hiring manager’s manager and/or vice president who generally will
make the final hiring decision. Department chair and above positions must be
interviewed by the President or his/her designee.
Prior to offering a position to an applicant:
a) Employment History Check forms will be obtained from Human Resources, completed
by the hiring manager and this information will be submitted to the Human Resources
office prior to Human Resources providing a salary calculation. Due diligence should be
exercised in following up on references and any questionable areas they may raise or
indicate. All reference forms, information and records must be returned to the Human
Resource office.
b) The Human Resources office will conduct criminal background checks on finalists
submitted for regular positions. Certain other positions such as childcare and campus
police officers may require criminal checks regardless of status as regular, time-limited
or temporary. Other background checks such as credit or motor vehicle record checks
may be conducted based on the position requirements, business necessity, and
applicable state laws. (See also IV. 1.025 Background Checks.)
c) The hiring manager must submit the completed hire ranking grid used to identify the top
two candidate(s) and any/all interview notes/materials to the Human Resources office
prior to receiving a salary calculation.
d) The hiring manager will submit the selected candidate to hire in NovusHR. The Hiring
Request will be routed to the Human Resource office for a salary calculation and then to
the hiring manager’s manager/vice president for final approval.
e) The hiring manager/hiring manager’s manager may discuss with the Director of Human
Resources or his/her designee, the salary to be offered to the candidate. Salary
determinations for faculty and staff positions will be made based on the applicable
salary scale after conducting a review of similar positions within the department and
across the College. The President or his/her designee will grant approval for salary
exceptions submitted by Human Resources. A hiring manager/hiring manager’s
manager may initiate a salary exception request by contacting Human Resources.
Once the salary determination is made, an offer of employment will be extended on
behalf of the College by the hiring manager/hiring manager’s manager.
g) The hiring manager/hiring manager’s manager will confirm offer acceptance and the
onboarding start date with the Director of Human Resources or his/her designee and
enter the information into NovusHR.
h) New hires cannot be added to an onboarding session unless at least 5 business days’
notice is given. Rare exceptions may be approved by the Human Resources
6. Once an offer has been made and accepted:
a) An offer letter and new hire packet will be sent to newly hired employees by the Director
of Human Resources or his/her designee.
b) Onboarding schedules and procedures for new employees will be on the HR homepage
/ Manager’s Toolkit.
c) The Human Resources office will correspond via NovusHR with all other applicants, not
hired, that the position has been filled.
d) It is the responsibility of the hiring manager to make sure their new employee has all
computer related access, phone access, and has all needed supplies prior to the new
hire’s first day of employment.
e) The hiring manager must meet with the new employee within the first two weeks of
employment to complete an initial Employee Performance Appraisal (EPA). For regular
positions, this will begin the new employee’s 9 month probation period. Faculty hired
into time-limited positions are evaluated at the end of each semester and staff hired into
time-limited positions are evaluated every four months during the initial 9 months of
7. All forms referenced in this policy may be obtained on the HR Homepage/Manager's Toolkit or
in the Human Resources office. Core questions may be found in NovusHR or in the Human
Resources office.
Classifications of Positions
Positions at GTCC are classified according to the following criteria. This classification is not
intended to be a list of job titles, but to describe broad classification groups.
1. Administrative positions include the President, Vice Presidents, and other senior
administrators with campus-wide administrative responsibilities.
2. Instructional Support Staff are classified in three types: College Support Staff, Campus
Support Staff, and Professional Support Staff.
a. College support staff provides services to students, staff and faculty to facilitate the
operation of the educational program.
b. Campus support staff provides services to the campus such as public safety,
building maintenance, accounting, food service, housekeeping, purchasing, grounds
maintenance and information services.
c. Professional support staff works primarily with students and the learning processes.
The minimal educational level for these positions is usually a Master's Degree.
Because of the unique nature of their responsibilities, basic skills instructors who
have supervisory responsibilities also are considered to be in this category.
3. Faculty
a. Regular Faculty
Regular teaching faculty are contracted normally for nine months when teaching
assignments are for two semesters per year and extensions may be given as
deemed necessary and with appropriate approval based on the needs of the
b. Adjunct Faculty
Adjunct teaching faculty will be employed after all regular faculty have been
assigned appropriate teaching loads. The following are the four categories of parttime adjunct instructors and the maximum loads they may carry per semester.
Maximum Load/Term
80% of the maximum teaching load of a
comparable full-time position*
25 contact hours
Occupational Extension--Regular Extension
25 contact hours
Community Service
25 contact hours
* This means 14-17 contact hours per week, per semester. However, the average teaching load
over the year is figured to determine the 80%. Thus, an instructor could teach 90% one term and
70% the next term and still meet the 80% average.
a. Division Chairs - Curriculum
Division Chairs report to the Vice President of Instruction. In addition to the role of
teaching, the Division Chair responsibilities include management, supervision, and
evaluation in their assigned area(s).
b. Department Chairs - Curriculum
Department Chairs report to a designated Division Chair. In addition to the primary
role of teaching, the Department Chair responsibilities include management,
supervision, and evaluation in their assigned area(s).
4. Classified Staff
a. Office Support/Clerical
Office support/clerical employees include all persons whose assignments typically
are associated with clerical activities or are specifically of an office support nature.
Such duties include responsibility for internal and external communications,
recording and retrieval of data (excluding computer programming), and/or
information and other paper work required in an office.
b. Technical/Paraprofessional
Technical/Paraprofessional employees include all persons whose assignments
require specialized knowledge or skills which may be acquired through experience
or in academic work such as is offered in two-year post-secondary institutions or
through equivalent on-the-job training.
c. Service Maintenance
Service Maintenance employees include those whose assignments require skills
and training appropriate for work as Campus Police Officers and Maintenance
5. All positions are classified as regular, temporary, or time-limited positions.
a. A regular position is one which is budgeted from year to year as need for it
continues to be demonstrated. Full or prorated benefits are provided based on the
full-time or part-time status of the position.
b. A temporary position is established to meet a short-term or intermittent need. An
appointment to this type position is granted for no more than one year. Full-time
temporary appointments will not be for continuous service arrangements.
Continuous service means more than one year for both faculty and non-faculty.
Persons appointed to temporary positions are not eligible for benefits.
c. A time-limited position is a temporary appointment to a budgeted line item normally
for a period exceeding three months, but no more than one year, exceptions to the
one year limitation must be approved, in writing, by the President or Executive Vice
President. Examples of this type of temporary appointment include the following:
replacement of employees on leave, instances where insufficient job applicants
have been received for a vacant position.
Persons appointed to time-limited positions receive the same benefits as employees
in regular positions, with the exception of longevity pay, and one tuition-free course.
(In the case of legislative salary increases, a review will be completed on a case by
case basis.)
6. All positions are classified as to full-time or part-time status.
a. Full-time: A position is considered full-time when it is scheduled as required to meet the
college's standard for that position. A typical non-faculty, full-time position is scheduled
for 40 hours per week (2080 hours per twelve-month period). An employee may be
appointed to a full-time position for a period of nine to twelve months at a specified
monthly salary. A full-time position may be regular, temporary, or time-limited.
b. Part-time: A part-time position is scheduled for fewer hours than full-time. Part-time
positions are often expressed in fractions of full-time, such as "half-time" or "quartertime". As a general rule, part-time staff should not work more than 25 hours per week.
A manager must obtain approval from his/her area Vice President to allow work beyond
25 hours per week. Area Vice Presidents will inform the Executive Vice President. A
part-time position may be regular, temporary, or time-limited.
Procedure revised 6/19/2006
Change in Employment Status
The President reserves the right to make changes in job status through reorganization or
reassignment of personnel (includes promotion, lateral transfer, demotion, work site location, and
work schedule). Promotions or transfers of employees also may be considered upon request
initiated by the employee or by appropriate supervisory personnel.
1. Significant changes in an employee's job status will be discussed with the affected employee in
a timely manner as determined by the college.
2. The employee may initiate a request for change of job status by submitting an application for
an announced vacancy to the Human Resources Office, or by informing his/her immediate
supervisor of a desire to change job status. Generally, the requesting employee should have
successfully completed an initial new hire probationary period and otherwise be in good
standing (not on or pending any disciplinary action) with the college. Exceptions to this may be
granted by the President.
3. The supervisor or appropriate administrator may initiate change of job status by referring the
employee to the appropriate administrator, or by encouraging the employee to apply for an
available position.
4. Vacant positions are filled as outlined in the procedural guidelines of the Employment Policy.
The position must be posted prior to acceptance of applications. If no qualified person applies
the president or his/her designee may reassign a qualified employee.
5. The position job description defines the job classification, thus determining whether an
applicant's change in job status constitutes a promotion or transfer.
Rev. 2/15/96
Equal Opportunity
Guilford Technical Community College offers equal employment opportunities to all qualified
applicants and to all employees of the college without regard to race, color, religion, national origin,
sex, age, political affiliation/belief, or disability of persons who are otherwise qualified. These
opportunities include all phases of employment and benefits, including but not limited to recruiting,
hiring, placement, rate of pay, promotion, transfer, demotion, and termination.
Further, Guilford Technical Community College will continue its affirmative policy of offering equal
opportunity to all qualified applicants for admission and to all students without regard to race, color,
religion, or disability of persons who are otherwise qualified. All the rights, privileges, programs,
and activities generally accorded or made available to students are so provided on a
nondiscriminatory basis, including but not limited to equal administration of admissions policies,
educational policies, financial aid programs, and other programs administered by the college.
GTCC will remain in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations
concerning equal opportunity.
This procedure provides the structure for the filing and resolution of complaints or allegations of
unlawful discrimination, other than sexual harassment which is covered by policy IV-4.070 AntiHarassment, shall be subject to this procedure.
1. This procedure applies to all employees, volunteers, and applicants. Student complaints
shall be investigated in the manner set forth in the College's Student Handbook and the
Student Grievance Policy III-2.013. A student believing that he/she (or a group of students)
has been the object of discrimination may register a complaint with the Disciplinary Officer/
Student Support Services.
2. Confidentiality is essential in any effort to investigate and resolve allegations of
discrimination. The interests of both the complainant and the respondent must be protected
as information is gathered and evaluated. Therefore, only persons who have a "need to
know" within the investigation and resolution of complaints and appropriate senior
administrative officials are entitled to information in the application of this procedure.
College employees or students who disclose information which is obtained within the
informal or formal steps of this procedure to persons not in the "need to know" chain will be
subject to disciplinary action.
3. Ordinarily, the individual responsible for investigating the complaint will be the Director of
Human Resources, or such other person or persons as may be designated by the Director,
Human Resources (the Complaint Officer). In most cases, the Complaint Officer is
responsible for determining if discrimination or harassment has occurred.
4. The College encourages its members to attempt informal resolution of complaints of
discrimination. The Complaint Officer may serve as a resource person to assist in informal
resolution of a complaint, including through facilitated communication between the
complainant and respondent.
5. The procedure for formal complaint resolution is as follows:
a. Any employee who believes that he or she has been a victim of unlawful discrimination
who is unable to resolve the matter informally or wishes to make a formal complaint
should bring the problem immediately to the attention of the Director of Human
Resources or his/her designee. The complainant shall be advised of the designated
Complaint Officer for the case.
b. A formal, written complaint utilizing the College's standard form obtained in Human
Resources shall be submitted to the College Complaint Officer. The purpose of the
complaint form is to assist the complainant in formulating a concise statement of his/her
concern and to assist the Complaint Officer to see the basic facts of the allegation, along
with the complainant's requested action. The complaint must be filed no later than 90
days from the date on which the subject conduct allegedly occurred. In unusual
circumstances, the College shall have discretion to extend this deadline.
c. The Complaint Officer shall review the charges made in the complaint with the
complainant and shall provide guidance and counseling as to the complainant's options
and available procedures. In order to achieve a complete view of the case, the
Complaint Officer shall notify the respondent (alleged wrong-doer) of the complaint,
confer as necessary with the respondent and any other person who may have
information regarding the incident. The Complaint Officer may also review any relevant
documents. With the approval of both the complainant and respondent, the Complaint
Officer may attempt private mediation in an effort to resolve the alleged problem without
the need for additional proceedings.
d. Within 30 business days of receiving a written complaint, the Complaint Officer shall
issue a written report of the case. Extenuating circumstances may warrant an exception
to the 30 days, permitting a time extension. The complainant and respondent shall
receive a very brief written response:
1) If the Complaint Officer finds that the case cannot reasonably be construed to constitute
discrimination/violation of policy, or that there is insufficient information to conclude that
discrimination may have occurred, the Complaint Officer shall file a report closing the
case and stating the reasons why the complaint should be dismissed.
2) If the Complaint Officer concludes that a violation of this policy has occurred, the
Complaint Officer's report shall contain findings that reasonably support this conclusion.
In such cases, the College will take timely and appropriate remedial action such as
training, referral to the Employee Assistance Program for counseling,
education/awareness, coaching, and removal of certain privileges, up to and including
appropriate disciplinary action. Depending on the circumstances, disciplinary action
may include but is not limited to reprimand, verbal counseling, written warnings,
probation, suspension without pay, and dismissal. Discipline for a violation of this policy
need not be progressive; a first violation of this policy may warrant suspension or
6. Retaliation in any form against an employee, volunteer or applicant who exercises in good
faith his or her right to make a complaint under this policy or who cooperates in the
investigation of any such complaint is strictly prohibited, and will itself be cause for
appropriate disciplinary action. Anyone who believes he/she is a victim of retaliation should
report the matter immediately to the appropriate college administrator such as the Human
Resources Director, Complaint Officer, student Chief Disciplinary Officer or senior
administrator. Conversely, allegations proven to be made falsely and with malicious intent
are also violation of this policy, and will be treated as a serious matter. The College may
take disciplinary action against those who make allegations of discrimination which are
reckless, malicious or not in good faith.
Revised 10-3-12
Initial Probationary Employment
New employees receiving appointment to full-time or part-time regular positions must serve an
initial probationary period of nine months. In the case of part-time employees hired for nine
months or less, the probationary period will extend through the duration of the appointment.
At any time during the initial probationary employment period, an employee may be dismissed for
any reason. If the employee wishes to terminate employment from Guilford Technical Community
College, a 30-day written notice is requested and a minimum of two weeks is expected.
1. A new employee will be evaluated a minimum of three times during the nine month initial
probationary period. The evaluations will be scheduled at the discretion of the supervisor, but
should take place at approximate three-month intervals during the nine-month probationary
2. The employee will be apprised of his/her progress at each evaluation.
3. The employee can be dismissed at any time during the initial probationary period if it is
determined that he/she has not achieved a satisfactory level of performance. The decision to
dismiss an employee is made by the President, upon recommendation of the appropriate
Vice President.
4. Due process is not available to the employee serving an initial probationary period in the case
of his/her dismissal.
1/22/14 President’s Council reviewed
Background Checks
Hiring qualified individuals to fill positions is important to the success of Guilford Technical
Community College. The college uses background checks as an important part of the selection
process for all regular and other designated GTCC positions. Background checks are used to
obtain additional applicant information to help determine the applicant’s overall employability and
for the purposes of protecting GTCC property and information security and promoting a safe
environment for current and future GTCC students and employees. The type of information that
can be collected includes, but is not limited to, criminal background checks, education,
employment history, credit, drug and alcohol screens, and professional personal references.
1. Guilford Technical Community College will conduct criminal background checks on all
regular positions effective March 1, 2011. Other background checks such as credit or
motor vehicle record checks may be conducted based on the position requirements,
business necessity, and applicable state laws.
2. GTCC will ensure that all credit background checks are held in compliance with applicable
federal and state statutes, such as the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
3. In the instance where applicable background checks cannot be completed before
employment begins, the offer for employment may be made contingent upon completion of
the background check(s) and acceptable results. Hiring managers and the Human
Resources Director will confer to determine whether a position lends itself to a contingency
offer or is too sensitive for this approach.
4. Internal and external applicants must authorize all/any background checks/investigations in
writing using the approved release form.
5. The college will inquire only about convictions and probation status, if any, and not about
arrests unless required by applicable laws.
6. The following factors will be considered for those applicants with a criminal history in
determining whether to hire the external applicant or transfer or promote the internal
a. The nature of the crime and its relationship to the position;
b. The time since the conviction;
c. The number (if more than one) of convictions; and
d. Whether hiring, transferring or promoting the applicant would pose a risk to the
7. The applicant will be given an opportunity to review the criminal, credit, or motor vehicle
background check results and may submit additional information.
8. If any applicant is found to have falsified or withheld any information regarding conviction
history, the applicant will not be considered for employment.
9. If an employee seeking a transfer or promotion to a position requiring a criminal history
record check is found to have falsified any information regarding conviction history, the
employee may be immediately discharged.
10. When GTCC collects credit information on applicants such checks will be consistent with
the guidelines set forth by the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The Act requires
organizations to obtain a candidate's written authorization before obtaining a credit report.
11. Motor vehicle record checks will be conducted for applicants to, and periodically for
employees in, positions requiring routine use of college vehicles, as designated in the job
description. Such checks will help assess risks of damage to persons and property.
Applicants may not be hired, and employees may be discharged if the risk of such damage
is deemed to be too great based on the record check.
12. If an employee seeking a transfer or promotion to a position requiring a motor vehicle
record check is found to have driving violations making them ineligible, the employee will
not be further considered for any position requiring the use of college vehicles (as
determined by the job description and in keeping with the Use of College Vehicle rule).
13. Some departments may require additional background checks appropriate to the position,
e.g., campus police officer, child care worker, etc.
14. Effective August 1, 2009, GTCC began requiring Criminal Background Checks (CBC),
Office of the Inspector General Reviews (OIG), and Drug Testing of students, all full-time
faculty and staff and assigned part-time faculty in curriculum and continuing education
programs that involve them in clinical or internship placements at health facilities where
these screenings are required. Accordingly, completion of the CBC, OIG Review, and
submission of a negative Twelve Panel Urine Drug Screen report from a National Institute
of Drug Abuse (NIDA) approved laboratory is required by GTCC prior to the first
assignment of a faculty or staff member or of a student at any requiring health facility
partner. Therefore, the following rules apply for employees:
a. The required drug testing shall be conducted on a pre-employment/pre-assignment
b. An employee’s refusal to sign either an Acknowledgement, Consent & Agreement to
Comply Form or a Chain of Custody Form will result in the employee’s being unable
to participate in the program, and may also be treated as a voluntary resignation
from employment. (See Forms section of this manual.)
c. Clinical partnership positions made available to faculty are contingent upon the
results of these screenings and drug test, and submitting a negative drug and
screening report will be a requirement prior to the start of clinical courses.
d. Positive CBC and OIG Review results will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. In
addition, employees must immediately self-report (to the College’s Human
Resources Director) any subsequent charges/involvement in criminal or fraudulent
activity that would violate CBC or OIG standards. Failure to self-report will result in
appropriate action being taken, up to and including termination of employment.
e. An employee who does not test negative for inappropriate drug or alcohol use is in
violation of the partnership agreement. A confirmed positive or inconclusive drug
test result, validated by the medical review officer, will result in the employee being
removed from the clinical agency, and may result in disciplinary action up to and
including termination of employment.
f. GTCC shall pay the cost of the CBC, OIG Review, and drug tests, initial and
confirmation, which are required by the clinical agency. The employee shall pay the
costs of any additional screenings or drug tests not required by the clinical agency,
as outlined above or for a specimen retest.
g. Screening and test results will be confidential with disclosure of results provided
only to approved persons in the Human Resources Office and those with a need to
know. GTCC shall maintain as confidential records, separate from other personnel
records, all screening/drug test results and related information.
h. GTCC may offer an Employee Assistance Program to employees and their
immediate family members in appropriate cases. Employees are encouraged to
seek assistance with drug-related problems prior to being selected for drug testing.
IV-1.026 Employment Preference for Veterans & Their Spouses/Surviving Spouses
It shall be the policy of the Guilford Technical Community College that, in appreciation for their
service to this State and this country during a period of war, and in recognition of the time and
advantage lost toward the pursuit of a civilian career, eligible veterans shall be granted preference
in employment with Guilford Technical Community College when the qualifications and experience
of the final candidates for a position are generally equal. The provisions of this policy are
congruent with the provisions of North Carolina General Statutes §128-15.
The veterans’ preference is not absolute. The college is allowed to hire the best qualified
candidate and to consider recent/remote experience and how relevant the experience is to the
position. The preference applies to each stage of the hiring process, initial employment, and other
employment events including subsequent hirings, promotions, reassignments, and horizontal
For purposes of this policy, an “eligible veteran” is:
1. A veteran who served during a period of war. "A period of war" includes World War I (April 16,
1917, through November 11, 1918); World War II (December 7, 1941, through December 31,
1946); the Korean Conflict (June 27, 1950, through January 31, 1955); the period of time
between January 31, 1955, and the end of the hostilities in Vietnam (May 7, 1975); the Persian
Gulf War (August 2, 1990 through January 2, 1992); or any other campaign, expedition, or
engagement for which a campaign badge or medal is authorized by the United States
Department of Defense.
2. The spouse of a disabled veteran.
3. The surviving spouse or dependent of a veteran who dies on active duty during a period of war
either directly or indirectly as the result of such service.
4. A veteran who suffered a disabling injury for service-related reasons during peacetime.
5. The spouse of a veteran described in subdivision 4 of this subsection.
6. The surviving spouse or dependent of a person who served in the Armed Forces of the United
States on active duty, for reasons other than training, who dies for service-related reasons
during peacetime.
1. To be considered for hiring preference, a person who considers himself/herself to be an
“eligible veteran” under the provisions of this policy must indicate veteran or qualified
spouse status on the appropriate forms submitted as part of the application and submit DD
form 214.
2. HR will identify applicants who are “eligible veterans” and who wish to claim veterans’
preference. The interview committee will determine if the veteran(s) meet minimum
qualifications. The interview committee is not required to interview all qualified eligible
veterans if their inclusion would result in a burdensome number of interviews, but eligible
veterans must be represented in the interview pool.
3. The interview will be considered critical to determine how relevant the experience of the
eligible veteran is compared to other qualified candidates in the pool. If a non-veteran is
hired over a preferred eligible veteran, the interview committee must document and justify
the decision. This documentation will be submitted to the Human Resources Department
with the committee’s recommendation for hiring.
Employment Agreements
Employment agreements are prepared annually for each employee of Guilford Technical
Community College. The agreements may be either contracts, letters of employment, or hourly
employment approval forms. They may be either for full-time or part-time positions, regular, timelimited or temporary.
1. Employment agreements will be issued to those employees who are determined by the
President to be necessary for the continuation of operations. (See non-renewal policy, IV1.051.) Employment agreements will be issued on or after July 1 of each year. (The exact date
of the issuance of employment agreements is subject to the actions of the North Carolina
General Assembly.) Employment agreements for new employees are issued upon hire, at any
time during the year.
2. Initial employment agreements for all regular positions will be probationary for nine months.
During the initial probationary period, if the employee's performance is deemed unsatisfactory,
the agreement may be terminated by GTCC without the application of due process.
3. Full- and part-time regular employees, other than those in the initial probationary period, are
afforded due process, to the extent provided by GTCC policy.
4. Should it be determined that the performance of an employee who has completed an initial
probationary period is or becomes marginal, he/she may be offered an interim probationary
employment agreement, and he/she must fulfill the stipulations listed in the agreement or
referenced in related source documents, including but not limited to performance improvement
plans or last chance agreements in order to continue to be employed by GTCC.
5. Employees who occupy positions that are specially funded may be subject to additional
guidelines that govern the privileges, conditions and terms of employment as required by the
funding agency.
6. The President (or designee) is the only individual empowered to offer employment agreements.
7. All full-time and part-time regular employees shall receive letters of employment. After the initial
letter of employment, all employees may receive employment contracts for a term up to twelve
months. Contracts cannot extend across fiscal years.
8. An employee occupying a temporary full or part-time position will may be issued an
employment agreement for a specified hourly wage and a specified number of hours per week
or month. The term of employment generally will not exceed three months, though exceptions
may be authorized by the President or his/her designee.
9. In case of extenuating circumstances affecting the employer and/or employee, management
has the prerogative of altering scheduled workdays, hours of work and /or work location.
Guilford Technical Community College adheres to the North Carolina Community College System's
position that there is no tenure.
When "closely related" individuals are employed concurrently at GTCC, no individual shall be
permitted, either individually or as a committee member, to supervise or to participate, either as a
judge or an advocate, in the evaluation of another employee to which that individual is "closely
related;” or to participate in other management or personnel considerations that directly affect the
other person. The State Board of Community College Code SBCCC, 02C.0204(1), shall be
adhered to in the administration of this policy.
1. A "closely related" individual is defined as mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, fatherin-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandmother,
grandfather, grandson, granddaughter, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, husband, wife, first cousin,
step-parent, step-child, step-brother, step-sister, guardian or ward, or any other persons living
within the same household.
2. Applicants for employment at GTCC will be informed of this policy.
3. Employees of GTCC must report relationships, which are covered under this policy to the
Human Resources Office.
1/22/14 President’s Council Reviewed
Guilford Technical Community College, at its sole discretion, reserves the right of nonrenewal of
any employment agreements issued by the college. Any employee who establishes a prima facie
case that his or her right to academic freedom has been violated by nonrenewal has the right to
request due process.
1. The appropriate Vice President, in consultation with the Human Resources Director or
designee, determines if a recommendation for non-renewal will be forwarded to the President.
2. If non-renewal is approved by the President, the employee shall be provided an advance notice
of not less than thirty (30) days prior to the end of the employment contract. The President, at
his/her discretion, may make the 30 day advance notice null and void in instances of employee
sub-standard performance, misconduct, or otherwise egregious offenses.
3. Except as expressly provided above, employees whose employment is not renewed shall not
have recourse to the Due Process procedure.
2/2014 Procedure update
Disciplinary Action Including Termination
Guilford Technical Community College shall have the right to discipline or discharge an employee
for failure to meet acceptable standards of performance and/or conduct or for violating the college
rules and regulations.
1. Any employee who fails to meet acceptable standards of performance and/or conduct or who
violates the rules and regulations of the college shall be subject to disciplinary action.
2. Infractions of the rules and regulations of the college by any employee are to be reported to
that employee's immediate supervisor.
3. The immediate supervisor, in consultation with the Director of Human Resources, will conduct a
thorough investigation of the alleged violation or failure to meet acceptable standards,
interviewing observers and parties involved. This consultation should take place in privacy to
protect the rights of all concerned.
4. The immediate supervisor should determine the seriousness of the offense and the disciplinary
action, which should be taken. The two types of disciplinary action and the procedures to
implement them are as follows:
a. Written warnings.
1) All pertinent information shall be contained in the written warning: the date and nature
of the initial offense, the investigative information, the decision of the immediate
supervisor. There shall be a space where the affected employee shall be given the
opportunity to respond in writing to the warning.
2) The written warning should be forwarded by the supervisor to the appropriate area
head, the Director of Human Resources (who will place the documentation in the
personnel file of the employee), and the employee involved.
3) The first written warning may result in the employee being placed on interim
probation. This status requires that the employee correct specific performance or
conduct in order to continue employment. The length and terms of the interim
probationary period will be determined by the appropriate area head in consultation
with the Director of Human Resources, and the employee's supervisor.
4) An employee placed on interim probation is ineligible for salary increases during the
term of the probation. Appropriate salary increases will be awarded beginning with
the effective date the employee returns to regular status through the ending date of
the current employment agreement.
5) A second written warning within a period of twelve months may result in suspension
or discharge of the employee. This action will be decided by the President in
consultation with the appropriate area head and the employee's supervisors.
6) Suspension means that the employee is removed from his or her duties and from the
payroll, unless otherwise specifically stated.
b. Suspension or discharge without prior warnings.
7) An employee may be suspended or discharged without prior warning if the offense is
determined to be serious enough to warrant such action. This action will be taken by
the President in consultation with the appropriate parties.
5. The employee may use employee grievance procedures if he/she wishes to appeal. The due
process procedure shall be available only when disciplinary action results in discharge from
Due Process for Employment Termination
Employees occupying full-time or part-time regular positions -- excluding those on initial
probationary status -- are entitled, upon timely request, to a hearing to review the termination of
their employment.
1. Following discharge from employment in a full-time or part-time regular position, the
employee concerned may request a hearing to review the decision made by the college.
The request must be made to the President in writing within ten (10) business days.
2. Except for announcements as may be required, public statements and publicity about the
case by either the discharged employee or by the college will not be permitted until the
proceedings have been completed.
3. The discharged employee may at any time request in writing that the proceedings be
discontinued and will waive all further hearing rights.
4. After receiving the dismissed employee's request for a hearing, the President will, within
three (3) business days, set the time for a hearing and request that the Director of Human
Resources notify the Employee Relations Committee to designate a hearing committee
from its membership.
5. The Director of Human Resources will notify the Chair of the Employee Relations
Committee to designate a hearing committee from its membership. (The composition of the
Employee Relations Committee is described in the section of this manual on Standing
Committees). The hearing committee will consist of one member of the Employee
Relations Committee from each employment category. There will be no representation
from the operational unit from which the complaint arises. Note that "operational unit" does
not refer to one of the employment categories but to the department in which the
complainant works. The Chair of the Employee Relations Committee will also serve on the
hearing committee unless he/she is employed in the operational unit from which the
complaint arises, in which case the Vice Chair will serve.
6. During the proceedings, either party may have an advisor who may be an attorney. The
proceedings shall be closed to all except the discharged employee, his/her advisor, college
representative(s), the college attorney, the Director of Human Resources and the Employee
Relations Committee conducting the hearing.
7. The fact-finding portion of the hearing shall be tape-recorded. Committee deliberations
after the fact finding portion shall not be recorded, to protect the rights of employees serving
on the Employee Relations Committee.
8. The President shall review the Employee Relations Committee's recommendation.
9. Within five business days of receipt of the Employee Relations Committee's
recommendation, the President shall render a decision to the dismissed employee and to
appropriate administrative personnel; that decision shall be the final decision of Guilford
Technical Community College.
Reduction in Force
Guilford Technical Community College reserves the right to reduce its personnel in the event of
financial exigency, material changes in duties or organization, abolishment of a position or
positions, or other related reasons. Those terminated under this policy will be given consideration
for a period of one year on future openings for which they are qualified. Decisions to reduce
personnel within a department or area shall be initiated by the Vice Presidents (or other senior
administrator, when such an administrator reports directly to the President) in coordination with
deans, directors, division chairs, and department chairs utilizing the following criteria, in the order
1. Necessity to the operation and the objectives of the college.
2. Individual performance and standing based on evaluation. Standing with the college
includes the existence of current or pending disciplinary action, a pattern of disciplinary
action, or pending notice of termination or non-renewal of employment.
Decisions for reduction in force (RIF) within a department or an area shall be subject to final
approval by the President.
In the event a reduction in force is necessary, it shall be college policy to reduce the numbers of
temporary, time-limited and/or part-time personnel prior to reducing the numbers of full-time
personnel in all cases where it is practicable to do so.
1. The President of GTCC will publish a notice, at minimum, to all directly affected college
personnel stating the need for a reduction in force. Details concerning the amount of the
funding cutback involved, the funding source in which the cutbacks occurred, how many
part-time or full-time positions the reduction may affect and the deadline for a final decision
on the reduction in force, shall be included if relevant and known.
2. Area heads (Vice Presidents and other senior administrators reporting to the President)
shall, in writing, direct supervisors who report to them to submit a written report within a
given period of time which identifies organizational units within their jurisdictions that could
be considered for a reduction in force.
a. Managers shall seek input from the supervisors who report to them (if any) prior to
making a decision.
b. Identification of organizational units in which reductions may take place will be
based on the effect the reduction will have on direct and indirect generation of FTE,
and on the ability of the college to accomplish its goals and objectives.
3. Each area head shall call a general meeting of the supervisors who report to them to allow
each one an opportunity to present his/her views and make any special remarks.
4. At this meeting, or within five business days thereof, the area head shall render in writing a
decision as to which organizational units shall be recommended to the President for
reduction in force, and how many individuals will be affected within each organizational unit.
Further, the area head shall notify, through appropriate channels, those supervisors whose
areas will be affected, and direct them to make written recommendations within a given
time for the specific positions which will be discontinued. Leave status does not exempt an
employee from organizational changes or reduction in force.
5. Supervisors shall submit their reports through appropriate channels to the appropriate area
head for consideration. Personal interviews for clarification may be requested.
6. Written recommendations for reduction in force shall be submitted by the area heads to the
President, for final approval.
7. If the recommendations are approved, the President or his/her designee shall, in writing,
notify those persons affected of the intent of the institution to reduce in force.
8. Any employee separated from employment while in good standing with the college under
this procedure shall retain a right to consideration for re-employment in the same position or
for openings for which he/she is qualified, for a period of one year from the date of
separation. Reinstatement shall be in inverse order to the order of reductions in force. At
the time of reinstatement all benefits, including accumulated sick leave shall be restored.
However, should an employee refuse to accept a job opening which is equal in pay and
status to the position held prior to the reduction in force, or fail to respond to an offer within
ten (10) business days after receipt of the offer by registered mail, the employee's right to
re-employment is terminated.
9. When employment is terminated under this policy, regular employees may retain health
insurance coverage for up to twelve months. The college will continue to pay the employer
portion of the cost for twelve months, but the employee must continue to pay the employee
portion of the cost of coverage.
10. On the day of separation the employee may request consideration for re-employment in any
future job opening in a lower grade position for which he/she is qualified. No employee,
however, shall be offered more than three (3) such positions.
11. Employees rehired after the reduction in force into the same or similar position held prior to
the reduction in force shall be employed at their previous salaries if funds permit. In no
instance, however, will an employee be paid less than the minimum salary required by the
job classification to which he/she is assigned.
The President may, in his/her sole discretion, implement furlough policies applicable to any or all
employees in the event of either a reduction or an elimination of State, local, federal or other funds
or grants, or in the event of any other financial exigency. Furloughs of College employees may
also be implemented by the President in response to direction by the State through legislative
action, executive order of the Governor or other measures. Furloughs may apply to any or all
employees regardless of their salary funding source, and may alter, reduce or terminate
employees’ work schedules, duties, compensation or benefits.
11/2013 reviewed
Outside/Dual Employment
Employees may secure and maintain employment beyond their regular, full-time work. If an
employee engages in outside employment, such employment must not conflict with or interfere
with his/her institutional duties and responsibilities.
1. Outside Employment: refers to work done for pay, whether self-employment or as an
employee of agents or agencies other than Guilford Technical Community College.
a. An employee may use approved annual leave to engage in outside employment.
b. An employee who obtains outside employment will notify his/her immediate
supervisor of the nature of the employment, employer, and any information that
is necessary for scheduling of the employee's work hours to meet institutional
needs. Supervisors will notify the appropriate Vice President or Dean of the
outside employment. Employees will report any outside employment at the time
it occurs. Any employee subject to the Conflict of Interest policy (IV-1.010) and
procedures must report all outside employment at least annually.
c. An employee's notice of outside employment may be challenged by the
supervisor on the following grounds:
1) When such outside employment will interfere with the employee's
performance of his/her institutional duties by causing the employee to be
late reporting to work, to leave early, or to be unavailable for required
work (included in the job description) beyond regular work hours.
2) When such outside employment would be conducted during regular
working hours or on GTCC property.
3) When such outside employment creates the appearance of impropriety
or constitutes a conflict of interest.
4) When such outside employment adversely affects the employee's level
of job performance.
c. The employee must demonstrate that challenged outside employment does not
violate this policy and procedures, or he/she must give up such employment
2. Dual Employment: refers to work done for additional pay by an active employee of GTCC
in addition to the employee’s primary job with GTCC.
a. GTCC does not permit non-exempt staff to take time away from regular duties to
teach during regular business hours.
b. To avoid potential compliance issues with the Fair Labor Standards Act (and the
appearance of “double-dipping”), non-exempt staff should be hired for additional
work outside the regular business day only in exceptional circumstances.
c. In the event an exempt or non-exempt staff person is requested to work temporarily
in a department other than his or her usual department, for even a portion of the
person’s regularly scheduled work day, prior consent must be granted by the
Director of Human Resources.
3/21/2005 – procedures revised
Guilford Technical Community College benefits greatly from the services of volunteers, who may
be current and former students as well as members of the community. Volunteers may serve the
college in many capacities, including service on committees, providing assistance to students,
supporting staff and faculty, and assisting with college services to the public. Such service, which
shall not be remunerated, is very valuable, and much appreciated. All volunteers are expected to
observe policies and rules that govern conduct on campus, such as the Drug Free Workplace
policy, Sexual Harassment policy, and computer use policies.
To protect the college from liability, volunteers who serve the college on more than a sporadic
basis, providing services that are commonly remunerated here and elsewhere, shall be required to
meet minimum criteria as specified by the president. They may be required to sign a release of
liability and other agreements indicating that they understand and will abide by such rules and
policies as may affect their work.
Students may volunteer as a means of documenting to potential employers that they have gained
some practical experience in their areas of study, to include work references. However, managers
must employ students for these purposes and not as a source of free labor. Student volunteers in
these types of activities also may be required to sign a release of liability. Supervisors must
carefully observe all regulations governing the employment of minors, as well as OSHA and safety
standards that may be applicable to the work being performed.
1. In all cases, supervisors of volunteers must insure that all OSHA and safety standards that may
affect the work area of volunteers are met, and all regulations governing work by minors are
2. Recruitment and employment of volunteers who serve the college on more than a sporadic
basis and provide services that are commonly remunerated, must be coordinated through the
Human Resources office.
a. These volunteers must be selected through an interview process in which the
supervisors of the potential volunteers must play an active role.
b. These volunteers must sign a Release of Liability Form.
c. Volunteers may be required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement for Computer
Network Accounts, and other similar agreements as applicable.
d. Volunteers may be required to sign other releases or agreements specific to the
type of work and the area of the college in which they are employed.
Compensation: Pay and Benefits
Official Holidays
Effective January 1, 2004, Guilford Technical Community College observes the following twelve
holidays each fiscal year:
Number of Days
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Good Friday
Independence Day
Labor Day
At the President’s discretion, additional day/s off during holidays such as Christmas, New Year’s,
Memorial Day or any other such holiday(s) may be designated as a mandatory leave day/s. New
Year’s Day and Christmas Day may be observed either the previous Friday or the following
Independence Day holidays are observed on the actual date (July 4). If it falls on Saturday or
Sunday, either Friday or Monday will be observed as the holiday, as scheduled by the President on
the official college calendar.
Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday is observed the third Monday in January. Labor Day is the first
Monday in September.
The college will make reasonable effort to accommodate the religious needs of our employees
where such accommodation can be made without undue hardship on the operations of the
college. Employees may, under these guidelines and in accordance with leave policies IV-3.010
and IV-3.080, take religious holidays not designated as a college holiday as an annual leave day or
(faculty may use) a personal leave day or an employee may request a day without pay if all other
applicable leave has been exhausted. Prior approval must be obtained from the supervisor.
The salaries of college employees are computed using the salary schedules and computation
sheets specified for the employment status, type and category of the position to which each
employee is appointed. This system is designed to ensure that college employees receive
appropriate compensation for the services rendered. Any exceptions must be approved by the
1. The Director of Human Resources recommends salary schedules for regular positions following
a study of positions to be filled. This study includes consideration of like positions in the
employment area and GTCC positions with similar responsibilities and tasks. Salary schedules
and compensation work sheets are published as part of the procedures of this policy.
2. Salaries for particular positions are recommended by the Director of Human Resources based
on the applicable salary schedule and approved by the appropriate Vice President and the
President. Recommendations for placing selected individuals within ranges may be made by
hiring supervisors based on a candidate’s unique qualifications and/or market conditions.
3. Pay is affected by the employee's full or part-time status, regular or temporary position type,
and category. Definitions of these terms are found in IV-1.021. Additional information
regarding pay procedures may be found in the College-Wide Rule entitled Fair Labor
Standards Act Compliance.
Overtime Pay
Guilford Technical Community College adheres to the guidelines set forth by the Fair Labor
Standards Act. Classified non-exempt employees will earn overtime at a rate of 1 1/2 to 1 for all
hours worked in excess of 40 hours weekly, when such work is authorized by the supervisor, or by
his/her designee.
A maximum of 160 hours of overtime work, which equates to 240 overtime hours, may be banked
for use at a later time. Unless authorized to the contrary, overtime hours will be compensated with
scheduled time-off periods. Should an employee separate from service, he/she will be paid for the
accumulated hours in the overtime bank.
In order to control overtime liability, the college subscribes to the implementation of an active timeoff program that does not unduly disrupt the operations of the College.
1. All classified (non-exempt) employees must complete a GTCC Employee Time Record
Sheet. All hours worked and all leave time must be recorded on the Record Sheet. (See
also Fair Labor Standards Act Compliance under College Wide Rules & Procedures.)
2. When a supervisor requests that an employee work in excess of 40 hours during a
workweek, the employee is entitled to overtime pay.
3. If an employee works any extra time beyond his/her regularly scheduled workday, and has
not worked a full 40-hour week, he/she receives time-off on a one-hour-for-one-hour basis.
For each hour or fraction thereof worked by an employee in an overtime status (in excess of
a full 40-hour week), the supervisor computes the time at a ratio of 1 1/2 to 1. Overtime
hours are banked for use at a later date.
4. Overtime hours must be taken before other types of leaves are requested. The employee's
supervisors must approve the use of overtime hours in advance.
5. Normally, overtime hours earned will be compensated through implementation of a time-off
plan. In emergency situations, the President or Vice President can authorize payment for
overtime work. Such overtime work payments should appear in the employee's monthly
paycheck if possible, or no later than the next monthly paycheck. Additionally, an employee
will be paid for accumulated hours in the overtime bank when he/she is separated from
Substitute Compensation
Substitute compensation will be provided to individuals who assume extra assigned work because
of the absence of another employee of the college. Extra assigned work occurs when a full-time
faculty member substitutes in excess of four accumulated hours in a semester.
1. The immediate supervisor or appropriate administrator may assign substitutes for faculty
members on leave as needed.
2. The immediate supervisor or appropriate administrator shall complete a course approval
form with the appropriate hourly rate and forward it to the appropriate administrator.
3. Hours worked in substitution (beyond the four accumulated hours per semester) shall be
paid at the rate established for the course.
Longevity Pay
Longevity pay is provided to recognize long-term service. An eligible employee who has at least
ten(10) years of total State service shall receive a lump sum payment annually as provided by the
State Personnel Act and state regulations.
1. Payment shall be made during the same monthly pay period in which the employee is eligible
to receive longevity pay. This includes employees on workers’ compensation leave.
2. Eligibility
a. Full –time: regular and probationary employees are eligible.
b. Part-time (20 hours or more): regular and probationary employees are eligible.
c. Temporary, term or intermittent employees are not eligible for longevity pay.
3. Annual longevity pay amounts are based on the length of total State service and a percentage
of the employee’s annual rate of base pay on the date of eligibility. Longevity pay amounts are
computed by multiplying the employee’s base pay rate by the appropriate percentage from the
following table: (Note: Salary increases effective on the longevity eligibility date shall be
incorporated in the base pay before computing longevity.)
Years of Total State Service
10 but less than 15 years
15 but less than 20 years
20 but less than 25 years
25 or more years
Longevity Pay Rate
1.50 percent
2.25 percent
3.25 percent
4.50 percent
4. Total State Service is the length of time in a full-time or part-time (20 hours or more) regular
position. If an employee is in pay status or is on authorized military leave for one-half or more
of the regularly scheduled workdays and holidays in a pay period, credit shall be given for the
entire pay period.
Credit shall be given for:
a. Employment with an institution in the community college system and the public school
system of North Carolina, with the provision that a school year is equivalent to one full year
(credit for a partial year is given on a month-for-month basis for the actual months worked).
b. Employment with departments, agencies, and institutions of the State of North Carolina
(e.g., State Department of Administration, State Revenue Department, University of North
Carolina, State Department of Community Colleges, State Department of Public
c. Employment with other governmental units which are now agencies of the State of North
Carolina (e.g., county highway maintenance forces, War Manpower Commission, judicial
d. County agricultural extension service.
e. Employment with local mental health, public health, social services or civil preparedness
agencies in North Carolina, if such employment is subject to the State Personnel Act.
f. An authorized military leave from any of the governmental units for which service credit is
granted provided the employee is reinstated within the time limits outlined in the North
Carolina Administrative Code.
g. An authorized workers’ compensation leave from any of the governmental units for which
service credit is granted.
h. Temporary and regular employment of employees of the General Assembly and the full
legislative terms of the members. Service of legislative interns and pages will not be
5. A prorated longevity payment shall be made to an eligible employee who retires, resigns or is
otherwise separated before the date of annual eligibility. When an employee dies, any
payment due shall be made to the employee’s estate.
6. The longevity pay amount shall be computed on the salary as of the last day worked; then it is
prorated by an amount equal to the proportion of the year worked toward the annual eligibility
date. The specific computation shall follow the rules set forth in the State Personnel Act.
7. Longevity pay is not considered a part of annual base pay for classification and pay purposes,
nor is it to be recorded in personnel records as a part of annual base salary.
Approved 8/18/05
Professional Development
Guilford Technical Community College recognizes the importance of providing a comprehensive
professional development program for employees, which will assist them in advancing their
personal and professional knowledge, competence, skill, and behavior. GTCC is committed to
supporting these efforts with fiscal, human, and time resources.
Employees are expected to participate in professional development activities, which support
institutional goals and serve to improve the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the college and
the quality of services it provides to the community. They are also encouraged to take the initiative
in promoting their own growth by identifying and participating in professional development activities
which meet their individual needs and enhance their performance.
Full-time employees may take one GTCC curriculum or continuing education course per semester,
tuition-free, subject to admission requirements. (Employees who are required to maintain CPR
and/or First Aid certification may take a GTCC CPR and/or First Aid course at no cost in addition to
another course.)
All professional development activities (including taking a GTCC course) which affect the
individual's work schedule must receive approval of the appropriate administrator.
1. GTCC's comprehensive professional development program addresses four major areas:
organizational development, manager development, staff development, and individual
2. GTCC assumes financial responsibility for many professional development activities by
providing opportunities for employees to participate on campus within working hours. GTCC
also provides funding through regular travel budgets, Tier A (state funded), Carl Perkins
(federal funds), educational/return-to-industry leave (see Policy IV-3.040) and other grant
3. To apply for reimbursement of expenses through the travel or special funds budgets, the
employee follows this procedure:
a. The employee submits a Travel Request form to his/her immediate supervisor. The form
should be accompanied by a faculty substitute schedule or appropriate recommendation for
covering the work of the position during the employee's absence (as applicable).
a. If the supervisor agrees to recommend the experience, the request is forwarded to the
appropriate administrator for review. The administrator returns the request to the employee
and supervisor with his/her approval or denial within ten workdays, if possible.
4. If the supervisor requests that the employee become involved in a professional development
activity which affects his/her work schedule, the following process applies:
a. The employee and supervisor submit a joint request to the appropriate Vice President. The
request should include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Employee's name, position and department
2. Rationale for the experience
3. Present work schedule
4. Proposed extension of the workday or other accommodations of work
b. The Vice President will respond to the employee and the supervisor, in writing, within five
workdays, if possible.
5. Tier A funds may be available for professional development experiences initiated by the
employee (and approved by the supervisor) or initiated by the supervisor. Tier A Proposal
forms are available from the Organizational Development Office.
6. Carl Perkins Vocational Education and Technology Grant funds may be available for
professional development experiences initiated by the employee (and approved by the
supervisor) or initiated by the supervisor. Carl Perkins Proposal forms are available from the
Disability Access Services Office.
7. If an employee wishes to become involved in a professional development experience affecting
his/her work schedule, and is willing to take financial responsibility for the costs of the
experience, the following process applies:
a. The employee submits a request in writing to his/her supervisor for permission to be
involved in the activity during his/her scheduled workday. The request should include, but
not be limited to, the following:
Employee's name, position and department
Rationale for the experience
Present work schedule
Proposed extension of the workday or other accommodations of work
b. The supervisor submits the request, along with his/her recommendation in writing, to the
appropriate Vice President. The Vice President will respond to the employee and the
supervisor, in writing, within five workdays, if possible.
Vehicle Use and Mileage Reimbursement
College employees and trustees using their personal vehicles for official college business may be
reimbursed for mileage at a rate not to exceed the prevailing IRS standard business mileage rate.
This applies to reimbursements of local mileage from all fund sources available to the college. All
reimbursements require supervisory approval and are contingent upon the availability of funds.
This policy is not intended to reimburse normal commuting expenses.
College employees may use their private vehicle at a reimbursement rate not to exceed the IRS
standard business mileage rate in effect at the time of travel when such use is at the convenience
of the college. Two examples of such use are 1) when such use is to the college's advantage due
to particular requirements of the employee's duties, or 2) when the employee has a physical
handicap that requires specialized equipment for operation of a motor vehicle that is not available
on cars purchased on state contract.
College employees on official college business may elect to use their private cars for personal
convenience at a reimbursement rate that is 10¢ less than the approved rate for driving private
vehicles for the convenience of the college.
1. A college employee may use his/her own vehicle for the college’s convenience when college
vehicles are not available for use on approved college business, or when it is otherwise to the
benefit of the college. Reimbursement will be equal to the IRS standard business mileage rate.
2. College employees may seek approval to use their own vehicles for their own convenience and
be reimbursed at a rate that is 10¢ less than the IRS standard business mileage rate.
3. The Finance Office will communicate any increase or decrease to the approved IRS mileage
reimbursement rate and the effective date of each rate change as it occurs during the year.
4. Reimbursement of costs incurred through use of a private vehicle is for direct mileage between
points on the employee's itinerary. Mileage should be calculated from the employee’s assigned
duty station or home, whichever is less.
5. Tolls and parking are reimbursable to employees when using personal vehicles. Receipts must
be provided when costs of tolls and parking exceeds four dollars ($4.00) per day.
6. Reimbursement may not be made for commuting between an employee's home and the duty
station, except for temporary or part-time instructors, not coordinators.
7. Temporary or part-time curriculum and extension instructors who travel more than 15 miles to
or from a duty station for the purpose of teaching curriculum and extension courses may be
paid mileage expense in justified cases approved in writing, in advance, by the Director of
Finance. Employee expenses for commuting from home to duty station are not reimbursable.
8. Reimbursement may be made to college Board of Trustees members for their commute from
their home to their duty station to conduct official college board meetings.
9. Each employee is responsible for his/her own request for reimbursement. All approved
reimbursement requests must be submitted to Finance within thirty (30) days after the travel
period has ended. Travel Period is defined as the calendar month during which the travel
occurred. Reimbursement requests not filed monthly may not be approved for payment,
contingent upon funding availability or other factors.
10. The college rules on Use of College Vehicles and Travel Reimbursement Procedures must be
observed (See Rules).
Approved 02/17/05
Other Benefits
Full-time and part-time regular employees are eligible to enroll or otherwise participate in employee
benefits and programs from the first day of employment.
1. Information about insurances such as medical, dental, disability, vision, etc. and benefits
related to retirement may be obtained from the Human Resources Department.
2. College courses: Employees are encouraged to take advantage of the many courses available
at Guilford Technical Community College for their professional and personal development.
Full-time regular employees are eligible to enroll in one curriculum course or one continuing
education course per term, including any co-requisite lab, without payment of tuition, lab, or
activity fees. If an employee chooses a self-supporting course (any course coded CSP 4000,
SEF 3001 or classes with numbers of 7000 or 8000), the employee must pay the registration
Employees who enroll in a course (either curriculum or continuing education) must pay for
books and any other special fees associated with the course. A regular employee may take a
course during his/her regular workday only with the prior written approval of his/her immediate
administrator. Approval is not required for a course taken during the lunch hour or outside of
the employee’s usual work hours.
1. Parking: the college has designated parking areas to be used without cost by employees on a
first-come, first-served basis. These spaces are intended to accommodate the parking needs of
employees only and are not to be used by employees' friends or families.
Other benefits available to employees are detailed in specific policies found in Section IV of the
Management Manual. These include holidays (IV-2.010), sick leave (IV-3.070), annual leave (IV3.010), and professional development (IV-2.030).
Pres. Council approval 12-14-04
Board approval 8-18-05
Annual Leave
All eligible administrative, instructional, instructional support, and classified employees occupying
regular positions who work or are on paid leave for half or more of the regularly scheduled
workdays in any month shall earn annual leave.
The amount of annual leave earned will be based on an employee’s years of aggregate state
service and will be computed according to the following schedule for employees as of January 1,
Year of Total State Service
Less than 5 years
5 but less than 10
10 but less than 15
15 but less than 20 year
20 years or more
Hours per Year
Days per Year
Eligible employees occupying regular part-time positions will earn annual leave proportionate to
time worked.
1. Eligible employees are full- or part-time regular employees of the college whose employment
agreements call for a standard workweek. Most faculty members are excluded from this
2. Eligible employees may accumulate a maximum of 30 days annual leave; leave accrued
beyond 30 days as of June 30 of each year will be added to the employee's sick leave balance.
3. New employees may be granted leave only as it is earned through the first six months' service.
After six months, upon the appropriate supervisor's discretion, an employee may be advanced
that amount of leave he/she would earn during the remainder of his/her employment
agreement. Annual leave that has been advanced, but not earned by June 30, will be
deducted from the June paycheck, if other applicable leave is not available or approved. Upon
termination from employment at GTCC, any annual leave that was advanced, but not earned,
will be deducted from terminal pay.
4. Annual leave may be taken only in one-hour increments.
5. If a paid holiday or day the college is closed falls within a period when an employee is on
annual leave, the holiday or day the college is closed is not counted against the employee's
leave balance.
6. An employee shall be paid in a lump sum for accumulated leave not to exceed a maximum of
30 days (240 hours for a full-time employee, prorated for part-time employees) when he/she is
separated from service due to conclusion of employment agreement. When an employee
transfers to a position that does not accrue annual leave, he/she will be paid for his/her unused
leave balance at the time of the transfer.
7. Annual leave must be exhausted before leave without pay is granted, unless leave without pay
is approved under the Family and Medical Leave Act.
8. To claim annual leave, an eligible employee must use the following process:
a. Submit a completed annual leave form to his/her immediate supervisor at least one week
prior to the requested beginning date of leave, except in case of emergency.
b. If the leave request is approved by the immediate supervisor, the signed request will be
forwarded as directed on the form. Approved annual leave forms are due in the Finance
Office no later than the fifth day of each month. If the leave request is not approved, the
annual leave forms will be returned to the employee.
c. It is the responsibility of each employee and his/her supervisor to assure that all annual
leave is reported accurately. Failure to do so may be grounds for disciplinary action.
d. Annual leave records are maintained in the Finance Office, as well as in each
division/department. Before disposing of annual leave records, the designated
departmental record keeper should verify leave balances with the Finance Office.
e. Leave accruals may change from time to time based on such factors as changes in state
policy or other relevant data. Previous leave accrual tables are maintained in Human
9. Faculty receives personal leave days in lieu of annual leave.
a. Faculty with less than five years of service in the state system will receive one personal
leave day per year. Those with five or more years of service will receive two personal
leave days per year.
b. Personal leave must be requested from and approved by the immediate supervisor.
This leave is non-cumulative year to year. The supervisor shall report the absence(s) to
the Finance Office
c. Faculty is charged personal leave using the following formula (refer to sick leave policy
for examples): first figure hours absent divided by scheduled work hours, then multiply
the result by 8 hours which will equal hours charged (rounded to the nearest whole
Bonus Leave
The NC General Assembly may on occasion approve the award of bonus leave to community
college employees. Bonus leave eligibility and use criteria must comply with the
requirements established at the time of the award by the General Assembly, State Board of
Community Colleges and GTCC.
a. Eligible employees are full- or part-time regular employees of the college whose
employment agreements provide eligibility to accrue regular annual leave. Term and
temporary employees, as well as regular curriculum faculty members, are excluded
from this definition.
b. Bonus leave awards are pro-rated for part-time regular employees and full-time regular
employees working less than 12 months.
c. Bonus leave must be tracked separately from regular annual leave and sick leave.
d. Bonus leave is not subject to the 240-hour maximum annual leave carry forward at
year-end. Bonus leave does not convert to sick leave at year-end.
e. Bonus leave may be used for any purpose for which annual leave or sick leave can be
used, and may be taken at any time, subject to supervisory approval.
f. Bonus leave may be taken only in one-hour increments.
g. If a paid holiday or day the college is closed falls within a period when an employee is
on bonus leave, the holiday or day the college is closed is not counted against the
employee's leave balance.
h. When an employee is separated from service due to the conclusion of the employment
agreement, he/she shall be paid a lump sum for all accumulated bonus leave. When an
employee transfers to a position that is not eligible for bonus leave, he/she will be paid
for his/her unused leave balance at the time of the transfer.
i. Bonus leave must be exhausted before leave without pay is granted, unless leave
without pay is approved under the Family and Medical Leave Act.
j. To claim bonus leave, an eligible employee must use the following process:
1) Submit a completed leave form to his/her immediate supervisor at least one
week prior to the requested beginning date of leave, except in case of
2) If the leave request is approved by the supervisor, the signed request will be
forwarded as directed on the form. Approved leave forms are due in the
Finance Office no later than the fifth day of each month. If the leave request
is not approved, the leave form will be returned to the employee.
3) It is the responsibility of each employee and his/her supervisor to assure that
all bonus leave is reported accurately. Failure to do so may be grounds for
disciplinary action.
4) Bonus leave records are maintained in the Finance Office, as well as in each
division/department. Departmental leave record keepers must keep a
separate record for bonus leave. Bonus leave hours may not be combined
with annual or sick leave records. Before disposing of bonus leave records,
the designated departmental record keeper should verify leave balances with
the Finance Office.
Bereavement Leave
An employee occupying a regular position may be granted leave in case of the death of an
individual deemed close to the employee.
An employee may elect to use annual or sick leave for bereavement leave. However, if leave is
exhausted, the bereavement leave may be without pay.
1. Employees of GTCC occupying full-time or part-time regular positions are eligible for leave
under this policy.
2. To request bereavement leave, an employee must use the following process.
a. The employee submits a request for leave to his/her supervisor for approval, noting the
requested length of absence.
b. The supervisor accepts or rejects the request.
c. If approved, the supervisor reports the absence to the appropriate administrator and to the
Finance Office by forwarding a Sick Leave or Annual Leave Report on the date the
employee returns to work.
3. If both sick leave and annual leave (if applies) are exhausted, the employee may request leave
without pay.
1/22/14 President’s Council reviewed
Required Court Attendance
An employee attending court or an administrative hearing in connection with his/her official duties
shall be granted leave with pay for the period of required absence. Additionally, an employee
summoned to jury duty shall be granted leave with pay for the period of required absence.
The employee serving in the above capacities must report to work for all or part of his/her work day
that he/she is not actually engaged in judicial proceedings or required to be in attendance.
1. An employee receiving notice of required attendance in court or at an administrative hearing of
a duly constituted government agency shall advise his/her supervisor immediately by
submitting a copy of the notice/subpoena.
2. An employee receiving notice for jury duty shall advise his/her supervisor immediately by
submitting a copy of the summons. Employees serving on jury duty are entitled to leave with
pay and may keep jury duty fees, in lieu of receiving a travel allowance.
3. Absence due to required court/administrative hearing attendance related to institutional
concerns shall not be deducted from any leaves (sick leave, annual, etc.) accrued by the
4. An employee attending court on voluntary or involuntary noninstitutional business (other than
jury duty) will be required to take personal leave, annual leave, or make other accommodations
for work.
Rev. 12/14/95
1/22/14 President’s Council reviewed
Educational Leave with Pay
Eligible employees may be granted educational and/or industrial leaves with pay for study and
professional self-improvement under provisions of the State Board of Community College Code
SBCCC, Section 2D.0103.
1. Educational leave with pay as used in this policy is the release from duties or time normally
required of a full-time employee in carrying out his/her full load of assigned responsibilities to
pursue academic or field experience.
2. Employees of GTCC who meet all the following criteria are eligible for educational leave with
a. The employee has been employed full-time on at least a nine-month basis for at least
three years. The president may authorize exceptions to this requirement.
b. The employee has not taken educational leave within the past three years.
c. The employee will engage in academic and/or return-to-industry activities during the
educational leave which are directly related to improving competence in his/her
regularly assigned duties.
d. The employee agrees to be legally committed to returning to GTCC for the year
following the educational leave. An employee who fails to honor the contract stipulated
in this provision of these procedures shall be required to repay the amount expended by
the college for the educational leave. If the employee fulfills a portion of the contract
before defaulting, repayment shall be based on a prorated portion of the amount due
[i.e., an employee who returns to work for four months of the contracted year would be
required to repay two thirds (66.7%) of the cost of the educational leave]. (See b(4) in
SBCCC, Section 2D.0103)
3. The duration of an educational leave with pay may not exceed a period of ninety workdays
per calendar year.
4. To secure educational leave with pay associated with the Sponsorship of the Board of
Trustees OR the Faculty Upgrade Allotment Program (includes funds available for both staff
and faculty), the employee must use the following process.
a. The employee completes an application (See Professional Development Funding
Application) and submits it to his/her supervisor. A travel request form along with
supporting documentation, such as a description of the educational program,
training agenda, academic schedule, registration fees, travel expenses, and tuition
fees, etc. as applicable, should accompany the Application.
b. The immediate supervisor will verify that the employee’s employment status
qualifies him/her for the leave program, and determine whether the educational
experience meets the specified criteria. The supervisor may add his/her signature
and forward the application to the appropriate Division Chair, Dean, or Manager.
c. The Division Chair/Dean/Manager may add his/her signature to indicate approval of
the request and will forward all applications that meet the criteria to the appropriate
Vice President.
d. The Vice President will forward only the requests that meet the criteria and have the
approval of all supervisors in the “chain” to the Director of Organizational
Development at least 10 days prior to a scheduled meeting of the Faculty/Staff
Professional Development Review Committee. The Director will present the
requests to the Committee for review.
e. The Faculty/Staff Professional Development Review Committee will schedule a
meeting on a designated day of the month as outlined in submission deadlines. The
Committee will prioritize requests for funds according to the length of time the
applicant has been employed at GTCC without such leave (the employee’s standard
work year, i.e., 9 months) will be considered one year for purposes of this
procedure, and part-time experience will be pro-rated). The Director of
Organizational Development will notify all applicants of the decision within one week
of Committee review and forward all necessary paperwork to the Finance
f. When notified that the leave has been approved, the employee must complete the
Educational/Return to Industry Contract Form and forward it to the Director of
Organizational Development at least 30 days before the leave is to begin.
g. Travel outside the United States associated with Faculty Upgrade funding must be
approved by the college President. The learning experience must relate directly to
the employee’s discipline or job requirements. A written request, in advance, with
Presidential endorsement must be submitted to the NC Community College System
Office prior to the activity as required by categorical funding and reporting
5. Any applications associated with contract extensions or replacement costs for substitutes
are subject to review for accuracy by Human Resources and Payroll. The Director of
Organizational Development will forward duplicate copies of the applications and completed
contracts to the Human Resources and Payroll Office after the leave is awarded.
Approved 6/2006
Family and Medical Leave Act
In accordance with federal law, employees of Guilford Technical Community College may be
eligible to take unpaid leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA).
Full-time or part-time regular employees of GTCC who have worked for at least one year
with a minimum of 1,250 hours over the twelve months prior to the requested leave period
are eligible for leave under the FMLA.
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 provides for an eligible employee to be entitled
to a total of up to twelve workweeks of leave during any twelve-month period for one or
more qualifying reasons. The Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 was expanded in 2008
under The National Defense Authorization Act which allows military family leave for
qualifying reasons.
The FMLA requires covered employers to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job protected
leave to eligible employees for the following qualifying reasons:
a. To care for the employee’s child after birth, or placement of a child with the employee
for adoption or foster care.
b. To care for the employee's son or daughter, spouse or parent who suffers from a
serious health condition. The definitions of child, spouse, and parent apply are
summarized below:
1) "Son” or “Daughter” includes biological, adopted, foster, stepchild, a legal ward,
or the "child" of a person acting "in loco parentis," who is either under the age
of 18 or is "incapable of self-care" because of a "mental or physical disability" at
the time FMLA leave is to commence.
2) A "parent" includes biological, adoptive, step or foster father or mother, or any
person who acted in the capacity of a parent (in loco parentis) when the
employee was a son or daughter as defined above.
3) "Spouse" is a husband or wife as defined in state law.
c. For an employee's own serious health condition that makes the employee unable to
perform his or her job.
d. For qualifying exigencies related to military family leave. An eligible employee whose
spouse, son, daughter or parent either has been notified of an impending call or order to
active military duty or who is already on active duty may take up to 12 weeks of leave
for reasons related to certain qualifying exigencies. Qualifying exigencies may include
attending certain military events, arranging for alternative childcare, addressing certain
financial and legal arrangements, attending certain counseling sessions, and attending
post-deployment reintegration briefings. Son or daughter for this type of FMLA leave
includes biological, adopted, foster, stepchild, a legal ward, or the "child" of a person
acting "in loco parentis," regardless of age.
The FMLA requires covered employers to provide up to 26 weeks of unpaid, job protected
leave to eligible employees to care for a covered servicemember during a single 12-month
period, if the employee is the spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin of the
servicemember. For this leave, “spouse” and “parent” are defined as set forth in paragraph
3b. above, and “son” or “daughter” are defined as set forth in paragraph 3d. “Next of kin of
a servicemember” means the nearest blood relative other than the covered
servicemember’s spouse, parent, son, or daughter, in the priority order as set out federal
A covered servicemember is a current member of the Armed Forces, including a member of
the National Guard or Reserves, who has a serious injury or illness incurred in the line of
duty on active duty that may render the servicemember medically unfit to perform his or her
duties for which the service member is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or
therapy; or is in outpatient status; or is on a temporary disability retired list.
An eligible employee is entitled to a combined total of 26 workweeks of leave for any FMLAqualifying reasons during the single 12-month period, provided the employee does not take
more than 12 weeks of leave for one or more of the reason specified in paragraph 3 above.
Employees must provide 30 days advance notice of the need to take FMLA leave when the
need is foreseeable. When 30 days notice is not possible, the employee must provide
notice as soon as practicable and generally must comply with any normal call-in
Employees must provide sufficient information for GTCC to determine if the leave may
qualify for FMLA protection and the anticipated timing and duration of the leave. Sufficient
information may include that the employee is unable to perform job functions, the family
member is unable to perform daily activities, the need for hospitalization or continuing
treatment by a health care provider, or circumstances supporting the need for military family
leave. Employees must also inform GTCC if the requested leave is for a reason for which
FMLA leave was previously taken or certified.
Employees may also be required to provide certification and periodic recertification
supporting the need for leave. The employee requesting leave due to his or her own
serious health condition will be required to obtain a fitness-for-duty certification before
returning to work.
Employees will be required to use any accrued sick leave for illness related absences while
taking FMLA leave. This applies in the case of the illness of the employee, the employee's
son, daughter, spouse or parent. Sick leave may be used only in accordance with GTCC's
current sick leave policy. Periods of absence covered by Worker's Compensation for a
FMLA-qualifying reason shall be designated as FMLA leave as provided by law.
Employees will have the option of using annual leave for serious illness of self, spouse,
son, daughter or parent once sick leave is exhausted, or may be granted unpaid leave.
For adoption of children, employees will be allowed to use a maximum of thirty (30) days
accrued sick leave. In the case of foster care of children, employees may choose to
exhaust available annual leave prior to taking unpaid leave. Employees are not permitted
to use sick leave for placement of a (foster) child in the home.
If a husband and wife are employed by GTCC, the aggregate number of workweeks of
leave to which they would be entitled may be limited to twelve weeks if the leave is taken
for the birth of a child, adoption, or placement of a child in the home, or to care for the
employee’s parent with a serious health condition.
For employees who are affected by a family member’s active duty or call to military service
(to include spouse, son, daughter or parent), employees may choose to exhaust available
annual or personal leave prior to taking unpaid leave.
Benefits shall be handled during the leave according to the following provisions:
GTCC will maintain benefit coverage under any “group health plan” for the employee
and the employee's dependents on the same conditions as coverage would have
been provided if the employee were not taking leave.
The employee is required to pay the health insurance premiums that he or she had
paid prior to the leave period.
If the employee elects not to maintain health coverage during the leave period, he/she
will be entitled to have health coverage resumed upon return to work without a waiting
period for pre-existing conditions.
GTCC shall recover the premiums if the employee fails to return to work after the
leave period is exhausted unless the employee has a continuation, recurrence or
onset of a serious health condition or other circumstances beyond the employee's
control as defined in the federal regulations.
The employee may be asked his or her intent to return to work before the leave period
A serious health condition is an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition
that involves either an overnight stay in a medical care facility, or continuing treatment by a
health care provider for a condition that either prevents the employee from performing the
functions of the employee’s job, or prevents the qualified family member from participating
in school or other daily activities. Subject to certain conditions, the continuing treatment
requirement may be met by a period of incapacity of more than 3 consecutive calendar
days combined with at least 2 visits to a health care provider or one visit and a regimen of
continuing treatment, or incapacity due to pregnancy, or incapacity due to a chronic
condition. Other conditions may be the definition of continuing treatment.
Intermittent or reduced leave may be available based on medical necessity in certain
circumstances. Leave due to a qualifying exigency may be taken on an intermittent or
reduced leave basis. Employees must make reasonable efforts to schedule leave for
planned medical treatment so as not to unduly disrupt the employer’s operations.
Upon return from FMLA leave, most employees must be restored to their original or
equivalent positions with equivalent pay, benefits, and other employment terms. Use of
FMLA leave cannot result in the loss of any employment benefit that accrued prior to the
start of an employee’s leave.
To take leave under this policy, an employee must use the following process.
Notify the supervisor and the Director of Human Resources in writing at least thirty
days prior to the planned leave. If an emergency situation arises, notify the supervisor
and the Director of Human Resources as soon as possible.
Complete forms requesting leave under the FMLA. Forms may be obtained from the
Human Resources Office.
Supervisors will notify the next, appropriate levels of supervision, up to the Vice
President. The Vice President will determine final approval of the leave request.
Federal regulation requires that records of leaves taken under the FMLA be
maintained for a specified period of time. Any records required to be maintained will
be maintained by the Human Resources Office.
Leaves from employment that qualify as FMLA leave will automatically be considered as
FMLA leave, if the employee otherwise meets the eligibility requirements. This does not
prevent the employee from requesting unpaid leave under the college's Leave Without Pay
policy (IV-3.080).
GTCC will inform employees requesting leave whether they are eligible for leave under the
FMLA. If they are, the employee will be given notice of his or her rights and responsibilities.
If the employee is not eligible, GTCC will inform the employee of the reason for ineligibility.
GTCC will inform employees if the requested leave will be designated as FMLA-protected
and the amount of leave counted against the employee’s leave entitlement. If GTCC
determines that the leave is not FMLA-protected, GTCC will notify the employee of the
As provided by law, GTCC will not interfere with, restrain, or deny the exercise of any right
provided under the FMLA. GTCC will not discharge or discriminate against any employee
for opposing any practice made unlawful by the FMLA or for involvement in any proceeding
under or relating to the FMLA. Employees who feel that their rights have been violated may
file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Labor or may bring a private lawsuit.
Military and National Emergency Leave
Pursuant to State Board of Community College Code SBCCC1C SBCCC 400.97, leave with pay
shall be granted to members of reserve components of the U.S. Armed Forces for certain periods
of active duty training and for state military duty. Subject to the approval of the president of the
college, employees who are asked to respond to national emergencies or disasters as determined
by the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS), Office of Emergency Preparedness (OEP), or other
federal agencies that may be authorized to mobilize civilians during a time of emergency may also
be granted leave within the limits of this policy. Employees shall incur no loss of status or benefits
as a result of their military and/or national emergency service.
1. Military leave with pay
Leave with pay shall be granted to members of Reserve components of the United States
Armed Forces for certain periods of active duty training. Reserve components of the U.S.
Armed Forces are considered the National Guard, Army Reserve, Navy Reserve, Air Force
Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve and Coast Guard Reserve. The National Guard has a dual
role in that it serves as the State Militia and, in that capacity responds to the Governor and
serves as the military arm of State Government.
e. Periods of entitlement for all reserve components
1) Military leave with pay shall be granted for up to 120 working hours (prorated for
part-time employees) during the federal fiscal year, (October 1 – September 30)
for any type of active military duty for members not on extended active duty.
2) Although scheduled unit training drills occurring on weekends do not normally
require military leave, the college is required to excuse an employee for all
regularly scheduled military duty and, if necessary, rearrange the employee's
work schedule.
3) Within the 120 hours provided for training, an employee shall be granted
necessary time off when the employee must undergo a required physical exam
relating to membership in a Reserve component.
Additional periods of entitlement for members of the National Guard
1) Military leave in addition to the 120 hours for training shall be granted to
members of the National Guard for infrequent, special activities in the interest of
the State, usually not exceeding one day, when so ordered by the Governor or
the Governor’s authorized representative.
2) Leave with pay shall be granted for state duty (domestic disturbances, disasters,
search and rescue, etc.) for periods not exceeding 30 consecutive days. For
periods in excess of 30 days, employees shall be entitled to military leave with
differential pay between military and their regular state pay if military pay is
g. Periods of entitlement for Civil Air Patrol
1) When performing missions or encampments authorized and requested by the
U.S. Air Force or emergency missions for the State at the request of the
Governor or the Secretary of the Department of Crime Control and Public
Safety, a member of the Civil Air Patrol is entitled to military leave not to exceed
a combined total of 120 hours (prorated for part-time employees) in any
calendar year unless otherwise authorized by the Governor.
2) Regularly scheduled unit training assemblies, usually occurring on weekends
are not acceptable for military leave with pay; however, GTCC will make every
effort to arrange work schedules to allow employees to attend this training.
h. Periods of entitlement for members of State Defense Militia
The State Defense Militia is considered a Reserve component of the National Guard but
not a Reserve component of the US Armed Forces. Its members are not subject to
obligatory service unless they are assigned to a unit that is ordered or called out by the
Governor. Under the following conditions, state employees who are members of the
State Defense Militia are entitled to military leave with pay. Under the following
conditions an employee may be granted military leave not to exceed 120 hours
(prorated for part-time employees) during any fiscal year:
1) Infrequent special activities in the interest of the State, usually not exceeding
one day, when so ordered by the Governor or his authorized representative.
2) State duty for missions related to disasters, search and rescue, etc. State
employees are not entitled to leave with pay when volunteering for support
functions or events sponsored by civic or social organizations even though such
support has been authorized.
3) Regularly scheduled unit training, usually occurring on weekends, is not
acceptable for military leave with pay but the college is encouraged to arrange
work schedules to allow participation in these activities.
Periods for which military leave with pay is not authorized
Employees shall not be entitled to military leave with pay for the following periods, nor is
the college required to grant leave--with or without pay--for these purposes:
1) Duties resulting from disciplinary action imposed by military authorities.
2) Unscheduled or incidental military activities such as volunteer work at military
facilities (not on duty status), unofficial military activities, etc.
3) Inactive duty training (drills) performed for the convenience of the member, such
as make up drills, equivalent training, etc.
j. The college requires the employee to submit a copy of the orders or other appropriate
documentation to certify performance of required military duty.
k. During the period of military leave with pay, the employee shall not incur any loss of
state service or suffer any adverse service rating. The employee shall continue to
accumulate sick and vacation leave, aggregate service credit, and receive any
promotion or salary increase if eligible.
2. Military leave without pay
a. Military leave without pay shall be granted for certain periods of active duty to include
attendance at service schools. Except for extended periods of active duty, the
employee may use all or part of the 120 hours annual military leave (prorated for parttime employees) with pay or regular vacation leave in lieu of or in conjunction with
military leave without pay.
1) Military leave without pay shall be granted for attendance at service schools
when such attendance is mandatory for continued retention in the Reserve
2) For purposes other than retention, leave without pay may be granted
employees for attendance at resident military service schools. Such leave will
be granted when the employee is required to attend, and when the required
course is not available by any other means.
b. Leave without pay shall be granted for periods of active duty in the armed forces of the
United States. Use of military leave with pay is not authorized upon entry into
extended active duty.
c. Additional periods of military leave without pay shall be granted in the following
1) While awaiting entry into active duty provided any delay is not due to the
employee's fault. This shall include any period up to 30 days to allow for
settlement of any personal matters.
2) The period following military service while employee's reinstatement is
pending provided the employee applies for such reinstatement within 90
days following release from active duty.
3) Any period of involuntary extension of an enlistment which originally was
made for four (4) years or less when such extension was not voluntary or
due to the fault of the employee. Employees may be required to provide
evidence that such extensions were involuntary.
4) Extensions of enlistments due to hospitalization for service connected injury
or illness. This benefit is contingent upon the employee applying for
reinstatement within 90 days of release from active duty after any such
The employee shall inform his or her supervisor and shall provide a copy of orders to
report for active duty to the Human Resources Department as soon as they may be
available, and shall give the effective date of leave and the probable date of return.
The employee is responsible for making application for reinstatement within 90 days
from the date of separation from service and shall notify the college of any decision not
to return.
The college is responsible for determining the employee’s eligibility for leave without
pay. The employee’s department head must explain to the employee the rights and
benefits concerning leave, salary increases, retirement status, and reinstatement from
military leave.
The employee may choose to have accumulated annual leave paid in a lump sum,
may exhaust this leave, or retain part or all of accumulated leave until return to state
service. The maximum accumulation of 240 hours applies to a lump sum payment.
The employee shall retain all accumulated sick leave and continue to earn time toward
total state service.
The employee is entitled to retirement service credit for all active duty service in the
armed forces for which discharge, release, or separation was under honorable
conditions. Under this provision, credit is received for such service upon filing with the
Teachers’ and State Employees' Retirement System a copy of the service record
showing dates of entry and separation. (In addition, the retirement credit is available to
employees who return to state employment within a period of two years after the
earliest discharge date or any time after discharge and who have earned ten or more
years of credit in the Retirement System.) Voluntary enlistments following the earliest
discharge are not creditable. No contribution is required to receive this credit.
Those called to active duty cannot continue coverage under the State Health Plan.
Coverage ends on the last day of the month in which the employee enters active
service. Employees who use the military leave with pay option and employees who
are exhausting vacation leave are still on the payroll, but their health coverage ends on
the last day of the month in which they enter active service.
Employees on leave without pay who are separated or discharged from military service
under honorable conditions and who apply for reinstatement within the established
time shall be reinstated to the same position or one of like status, seniority, and pay in
the college. If, during military service the employee is disabled to the extent the duties
of the original position cannot be performed, the employee shall be reinstated to a
position with duties compatible with the disability. The employee's salary shall be the
same as when placed in a non-pay status plus any general increases granted during
military leave. In no case will the reinstated employee's salary be less than when
placed in military leave status. Employees who resign to enter military service without
knowledge of their eligibility for leave without pay and reinstatement benefits, but who
are otherwise eligible, shall be reinstated as if they had applied for this benefit.
In all cases, the college shall comply with The Uniformed Services Employment and
Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA 38 U.S.C. 4301-4335), Family and Medical
Leave Act (FMLA / see also policy IV-3.060) and any other federal or state laws and
regulations as may be applicable.
3. National Emergency Leave
Guilford Tech employees may be asked to respond to national emergencies or disasters as
determined by the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS), the Office of Emergency
Preparedness (OEP) or other federal agencies. For example, an employee who is a member
of the National Medical Response Team (NMRT) could be requested to serve on a Special
Operations Response Team (SORT). Upon approval of the President of the college,
employees may be granted leave as follows:
Periods of entitlement for national emergency leave with pay
1) Guilford Tech requires the employee to submit a copy of the orders or other
appropriate documentation to certify performance of required duty.
2) When activated, an employee is entitled to paid leave not to exceed a combined
total of 120 hours (pro-rated for part-time employees) during any calendar year.
3) During the period of national emergency leave with pay, the employee shall not
incur any loss of state service or suffer any adverse service rating. The employee
shall continue to accumulate sick and vacation leave, aggregate service credit,
and will receive any promotion or salary increase if eligible.
Employees shall not be entitled to national emergency leave with pay for the following
periods, nor is the college required to grant leave, with or without pay, for the following
1) Unscheduled or incidental activities such as volunteer work (not on required duty
status) or unofficial activities associated with the USPHS and/or OEP, etc.
2) Training performed for the convenience of the member, such as make-up and/or
equivalent training, etc.
2/14 Procedure update
Sick Leave
An employee occupying a full-time regular or time-limited position who is in pay status for at least
one-half of the regularly scheduled workdays in any month shall earn sick leave computed at the
rate of one day (8 hours) per calendar month. Employees occupying regular or time-limited parttime positions will earn prorated sick leave. The proration is determined by calculating the parttime hours worked per week, divided by a regular workweek, to arrive at the allowable
proportionate time [i.e., 28 part-time hours per week divided by 40 hours per week equal .700 day
(5.6 hours) accruable sick leave per month].
Sick leave may be used for the following purposes:
1. Illness or injury not covered by Workers' Compensation, which prevents an employee from
performing usual duties.
2. Actual period of temporary disability, (Examples include, but are not limited to,
chemotherapy, rehabilitative services, pregnancy and childbirth, etc.).
3. Quarantine as duly placed by proper authorities.
4. Illness or injury of a member of an employee’s immediate family or individual deemed close
to the employee.
5. Medical or dental appointments for the employee, an employee’s immediate family
member, or an individual deemed close to the employee.
6. Bereavement leave as defined in GTCC policy IV.3.020.
1. Sick leave is provided for the reasons stated in this policy and may not be used for other
2. Immediate family member includes (spouse, parent, child, brother, sister, grandparent, or
grandchild). The term “immediate family member” includes the step, half and in-law
relationships and other dependents or individual(s) deemed close to the employee living in
the household.
3. An "individual deemed close to the employee” may or may not be a relative.
4. It is the responsibility of every employee to report sick leave to his/her immediate supervisor
by the employee's usual starting time in order to provide ample time to obtain adequate
coverage for the employee's workstation. The employee must notify his/her supervisor on
each day of absence unless other arrangements have been made. Failure to provide proper
notice may result in disciplinary action. Failure to provide timely notice could be grounds for
disciplinary action.
5. The employee and the supervisor report the absence to the Payroll Department by filling
out a Sick Leave Request form on the date the employee returns to work and forwarding
the form the following day. Copies of the form should be distributed as indicated on the
6. Sick leave of more than three consecutive days may require supportive documentation
signed by the physician providing satisfactory evidence of incapacity. Employees will not
normally be required to furnish certification substantiating a request for approval of sick
leave for three days or less. Exceptions may include excessive absenteeism not covered
under FMLA. The supervisor will notify the Human Resources Department when an
employee has been out for three consecutive days. Communication with the employee
may be made at the discretion of the Director of Human Resources. Communication may
be made with the medical provider upon consent of the employee and in keeping with any
applicable federal and state laws.
7. Sick leave can be taken only in one-hour increments.
8. A sick leave day will only be deducted when an employee is absent on a scheduled
9. Full-time regular employees and part-time regular employees must deduct the number of
hours they were scheduled to work on the day(s) missed. Faculty is charged sick leave
using the following formula:
hours absent
x 8 hours = hours charged (rounded to the nearest whole hour)
scheduled work hours
1 hour absent x 8 hours = 2 hours charged
4 hours scheduled
2 hours absent
x 8 hours = 3 hours charged
6 hours scheduled
absent full day
x 8 hours = 8 hours charged
hours scheduled
10. The appropriate supervisor may advance sick leave not to exceed the amount an employee
can earn during the period of his/her employment agreement. Upon termination, sick leave
that has been advanced, but not earned, shall be deducted from terminal pay. At June 30,
sick leave that has been advanced, but not earned, shall be deducted from the June
paycheck, if other applicable leave is not available. Any residual balance of advanced leave
will be subject to collection as any debt owed the college.
11. When accrued or advanced sick leave, or available compensatory time for the employment
year, has been totally exhausted, an employee may be able to draw from his/her accrued or
advanced annual leave. When an employee has exhausted all accrued or advanced time,
he/she may request Voluntary Shared Leave if eligible and applicable (see IV-3.071
Voluntary Shared Leave policy) or s/he may be granted a leave of absence without pay
(see IV-3.080 Leave Without Pay policy).
12. Sickness or disability covered by Workers' Compensation shall not be considered as sick
leave. However, during the mandatory waiting period before the commencement of
Workers’ Compensation, the employee may use his/her sick leave. Also, if Workers’
Compensation is approved, the employee may use sick leave for the one-third salary not
compensable by Workers’ Compensation.
13. It is the responsibility of an employee and his/her supervisor to assure that all sick leave is
reported accurately. Sick leave forms must be completed for every use of sick leave. Sick
leave records are maintained on an annual basis and recorded in the Finance Office Payroll
Department as well as by a record keeper in each division or department. Before disposing
of sick leave records, the designated departmental record keeper should verify leave
balances with the Payroll Department.
14. All GTCC employees in an active status shall accrue sick leave days on a perpetual basis,
accumulated from their commencement of employment at GTCC.
15. Employees having accumulated sick leave days from prior service in North Carolina public
schools or other state employment may transfer that sick leave provided the transfer meets
all the requirements of the State Personnel Manual. Sick leave accumulated at a
community college shall also be transferable to other subsequent North Carolina state or
public school employment. Accumulated sick leave may be used for retirement credit.
Voluntary Shared Leave (VSL)
Sometimes employees have prolonged medical conditions that cause them to exhaust all available
leave and to lose income. This policy allows regular or time-limited employees at Guilford
Technical Community College to assist another employee on a one-to-one basis when a medical
condition requires absence from duty for a prolonged period of time. In addition, any regular or
time-limited employee of Guilford Technical Community College may share leave voluntarily with
an immediate family member who is an employee of a North Carolina community college, public
school, or state agency. This policy shall conform to state personnel policies for Voluntary Shared
Leave, 25 NCAC 01E.1300.
1. Recipient Guidelines
a. Participants must be full- or part-time (half-time or more) employees who are regular,
probationary, or time-limited.
b. “Medical condition” means that an employee is likely to require an absence from work
for 20 or more consecutive workdays and that absence will result in a loss of income to
the employee who has exhausted his/her earned leave account.
c. The medical condition may involve the employee or immediate family (spouse, parent,
child, brother, sister, grandparent, or grandchild and dependents living in the
employee’s household). The term “immediate family member” includes the step, half,
adoptive, foster, in loco parentis, and in-law relationships.
d. This policy does not apply to short-term or sporadic conditions or illnesses. This
includes such things as sporadic, short-term recurrences of chronic allergies or
conditions; short-term absences due to contagious diseases; or short-term medical or
therapeutic treatments. These examples are illustrative, not all inclusive.
e. If an employee has had previous random absences for the same condition that has
caused excessive absences, or if the employee has had a previous, but different,
prolonged medical condition within the last twelve months, the College may make an
exception to the 20-day period.
In order to receive voluntary shared leave, an employee must have complied
with existing leave rules and:
Have a prolonged medical condition (or a member of the employee’s immediate
family has a medical condition that requires the employee’s absence for a
prolonged period of time),
Apply for or be nominated to become a recipient,
Produce medical evidence to support the need for leave beyond the available
accumulated leave, and
Be approved to participate in the program.
f. An employee on workers’ compensation leave who is drawing temporary total disability
may be eligible to participate, but would be limited to partial use of vacation and sick
leave, earned prior to the injury.
g. An employee on maternity leave may be eligible to receive voluntary shared leave to
cover the period of disability related to the pregnancy and/or birth as documented by a
h. An employee who is receiving benefits from the Disability Income Plan of North Carolina
(DIPNC) is not eligible to participate in the program. Shared leave may be used during
the required waiting period and following the waiting period provided DIPNC benefits
have not begun.
i. Voluntary shared leave cannot be used for parental care of a newborn child absent a
documented prolonged health condition.
Donor Guidelines
a. In order to donate voluntary shared leave, an employee must at the time of donation:
1) Be an active employee (not separated);
2) Be in a position that earns leave; and
3) Have sufficient leave balances
b. To donate leave, employees may request a form from the Human Resources Office or
access the form online via the intranet under Human Resources Forms.
1) Donation will include donor’s name, employee ID number, department/division, the
amount of leave to be donated, recipient’s name and relationship to the recipient.
The donation form must be accompanied by an approved leave form, signed by
the donor’s supervisor.
c. Employees on workers’ compensation leave without pay (LWOP) can donate leave
earned prior to going on LWOP. The employee must have been in active leave earning
status prior to workers’ compensation LWOP and otherwise qualified to donate leave.
Leave earned while on workers’ compensation LWOP is not available for donation until
the employee is reinstated from LWOP.
d. An employee of any agency, public school system, or community college may donate
vacation/bonus or sick leave to another immediate family member in any agency, public
school or community college. This includes family members on leave without pay.
e. An employee may donate the following leave to a non-family member:
1) An employee of a State agency may donate vacation or bonus leave to another
employee in any State agency.
2) An employee of a State agency may donate vacation/bonus leave to a coworker’s
immediate family who is an employee in a public school or a community college.
The employee and coworker must be in the same agency. This includes nonfamily members on leave without pay.
3) An employee of a State agency may donate sick leave to a nonfamily member of
a State agency under the following provisions effective January 1, 2011:
i. The donor shall not donate more than five days of sick leave per year to
any one nonfamily member;
ii. The combined total of sick leave donated to a recipient from a nonfamily
member donors shall not exceed 20 days per year;
iii. Donated sick leave shall not be used for retirement purposes, and
iv. Employees who donate sick leave shall be notified in writing of the State
retirement credit consequences of donating sick leave.
Advisory Note: At retirement, a member of the Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement
System (TSERS) with an earned sick leave balance receives an additional month of service
credit for each 20 days or portion thereof. The additional service credit increases the
retirement benefit for the remainder of the life of the retiree.
The minimum amount of vacation and/or bonus leave that may be donated is four
g. The maximum amount of vacation leave that may be donated:
1) May not be more than the amount of the donor’s annual accrual rate, and
2) May not reduce the donor’s vacation leave balance below one-half of the annual
vacation leave accrual rate.
3) Bonus Leave may be donated without regard to the above limitations on vacation.
h. The minimum amount of sick leave that may be donated is four hours.
i. The maximum amount of sick leave that may be donated:
1) Is 1,040 hours, but
2) May not reduce the sick leave account below 40 hours.
Administration of the Program
a. An employee may not directly or indirectly intimidate, threaten, coerce, or attempt to
intimidate, threaten, or coerce any other employee for the purpose of interfering with
any right which such employee may have with respect to donating, receiving or using
annual or sick leave under this program. Such action by an employee shall be grounds
for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal on the basis of personal misconduct.
To request donated leave, employees must apply through the Human Resources Office.
A prospective recipient shall apply or be nominated by a fellow employee to participate
in the program. Application may be requested from the Human Resources Office or
accessed online via the intranet under Human Resources Forms.
1) Applications will include name, employee ID number, classification,
department/division, and estimated length of time needed to participate in the
2) A physician’s statement must be attached to the application and a signed release
to allow Human Resources to obtain further necessary information. (Employee
medical information will not be released by HR unless employee signs a consent
form. Appropriate forms may be obtained from the HR office.)
3) The employee’s immediate supervisor must be notified that a VSL request has
been submitted.
The Human Resources Office shall review the merits of the request and approve or
An employee may begin using voluntary shared leave after all available sick and
vacation/bonus leave has been exhausted. While using voluntary shared leave,
employee continues to earn leave; when accounting for leave, this vacation and sick
leave should be used first.
The amount of leave a recipient may receive is 1,040 hours (prorated for part-time
employees), either continuously or, if for the same condition, on a recurring basis.
However, Human Resources may grant continuation, on a month-to-month basis, to a
maximum of 2,080 hours, if Human Resources would have otherwise granted leave
without pay.
Voluntary shared leave donations will be processed through completion of official leave
Individual leave records will be kept private and only individual employees may reveal
their donation or receipt of leave.
An employee donating leave cannot receive remuneration for the leave donated.
Conversely, a separating employee cannot be paid for donated leave received but not
yet used.
Voluntary shared leave and donations must be taken in increments of whole hours.
At the expiration of the medical condition, as determined by a physician, any unused
leave in the recipient’s donated leave account shall be treated as follows:
1) The recipient’s combined annual and sick leave account balances may not
exceed 40 hours (pro-rated for regular part-time employees.)
2) Any additional unused donated leave shall be returned to the donor(s) on a prorated basis and credited to the leave account from which it was donated.
Fractions of one hour shall not be returned to an individual donor.
3) Donated leave shall be credited to recipient’s sick leave account.
Leave donated shall be available for use on a current basis or may be retroactive for up
to 60 calendar days to substitute for advanced vacation or sick leave already granted to
the recipient or leave without pay. Donated leave should be applied to advanced leave
before applying it to leave without pay.
If a recipient separates due to resignation, death, or retirement from the College,
participation in the program ends.
Unused leave shall be returned to the donor(s) on a prorata basis and credited to the
same account from which it originally came.
n. If a recipient transfers to another State agency, unused voluntary shared leave shall be
returned to the donors. The employee must make a new request in the receiving
Adopted 10-25-03
Procedures Revised 5/16/04
Leave Without Pay
Leave without pay (LWOP) is a temporary non-pay status and absence from duty that may be
approved at the discretion of the college administration. Approved leave without pay may be
granted to full-time and part-time regular employees of the college for a period not to exceed one
year. Approved leave without pay (LWOP) is intended to be used for protracted absences.
Separate leave policies within the Management Manual govern military leave, Family and Medical
Leave Act (FMLA) leave, educational leave, workers’ compensation leave and Disability Income
Plan leave. Reasonable notice shall be given by the employee requesting approved LWOP.
Leave will be granted only when the employee expresses in writing his/her intent to resume
employment at GTCC at the end of the leave period.
In extraordinary circumstances, employees may request an extension of the leave period; such
request must be in writing to the college President.
Area Vice Presidents or the President may make approval of LWOP on a case-by-case basis
considering the needs and circumstances of the employee and the impact that the employee’s
absence will have on the workplace. Approved LWOP is intended for protracted absences and is
not a substitute for short-term unexcused absences resulting from an employee's lack of earned or
advanced leave balances to cover time out of work.
1. Employees must request approval of LWOP in writing to the Director of Human Resources.
Requests for approved LWOP should be made in writing at least 90 days prior to the
desired beginning of the leave period, and must include a statement of intent to resume
employment at GTCC at the end of the leave period. Except in cases of educational leave,
employees must have exhausted all paid annual, bonus and personal leave, all
compensatory time balances, and any approved voluntary shared leave prior to the start of
approved LWOP. If approved LWOP is requested because of medically related
circumstances not covered by FMLA, then sick leave (in addition to all other paid leave)
must also be exhausted before the start of LWOP. The employee's department leave
record keeper shall reconcile the employee's leave and compensatory time balances with
the Payroll Department prior to the approval of LWOP. In emergency circumstances, the
President or appropriate Vice President may approve leave without pay to begin less than
three months from the time of the request. In all such cases of approved emergency LWOP
requests, the President or appropriate Vice President shall as soon as possible notify the
Human Resources Director and take steps to assure that the employee's leave records are
reconciled. The Human Resources Director will forward documentation of approved LWOP
to the Payroll Department.
2. In cases where it is not practical for the employee to submit the request and in rare
instances where the college deems it appropriate, Human Resources may initiate a LWOP
request on behalf of an employee.
3. Area Vice Presidents or the President may grant employees in probationary status an
approved LWOP; however, employee will have his/her probation extended by an equal
number of weeks/months.
4. Emergency LWOP may be approved when an employee does not have enough sick or
annual leave balance (earned or eligible to be advanced) to cover a protracted illness or
other absence.
5. Approved LWOP shall not exceed a period of one year; however, in extraordinary
circumstances, extensions may be approved by the President.
6. Approved LWOP status does not exempt the employee from organizational changes (reorganizations, furloughs, etc.) or reductions in force, which may be made in his/her
7. Annual leave, sick leave and service credits do not accrue while on approved LWOP.
8. Confirmation of intent to resume employment at GTCC must be made in writing by the
employee on planned approved LWOP to the Director of Human Resources no later than
90 days prior to the end of the leave period. Failure to provide written notice relieves the
college of any reinstatement commitments and failure to return to work at the expiration of
the approved leave period will be considered a resignation.
9. Employees desiring health insurance coverage while on approved LWOP must pay both
employer and employee costs of the coverage. Employees may also elect to continue
optional insurance plans by paying the monthly premium to the college; otherwise,
coverage will lapse and employees may re-enroll during the next annual enrollment period.
All such insurance payments are due to the Payroll Department by the 18th of the month for
coverage beginning on the 1st of the following month.
Educational Assistance
Guilford Technical Community College encourages all employees to improve their effectiveness in
their job performance and prepare themselves for future career opportunities within GTCC. The
purpose of tuition assistance is to develop a better educated workforce.
1. Employees of GTCC who meet all the following criteria are eligible for educational assistance:
a. The employee has been employed full-time or part-time on at least a nine-month basis
for at least three years. Part-time employees must work at least 30 hours per week to
be eligible. The president may authorize exceptions to this requirement.
b. The employee has not taken educational leave with pay within the past three years.
c. The employee’s most recent performance evaluation must reflect a “meets
expectations” rating.
d. The employee will engage in academic activities during the specified term which are
directly related to improving competence in his/her regularly assigned duties. Courses
must be taken for academic credit and/or certification but do not have to be taken
toward the completion of a degree.
e. The employee will maintain a passing grade (defined as receiving a minimum of a “C”
grade in undergraduate studies and a “B” for graduate studies) for academic credit or
pass the certification satisfactorily to qualify for tuition assistance.
f. The employee must be accepted for admission to the institution and/or program.
Tuition assistance is available for employees who attend accredited institutions of higher
learning only.
Tuition assistance will be based on the cost of credit hours only. Student fees (e.g., parking,
library, activity, registration, late fees, books, supplies, etc.) are excluded.
In return for receiving tuition assistance, the employee must agree to continue employment at
GTCC for at least one year following the completion of the course or courses for which he/she
received tuition assistance. Should the employee voluntarily resign within one year of
completing a course or courses for which he/she received tuition assistance, he/she will be
required to pay back the full amount of the assistance received.
Tuition Assistance Limits: Tuition assistance for approved expenses is limited to $1,000 per
fiscal year for employees who meet eligibility requirements.
To secure educational assistance, the employee shall use the following process:
a. The employee will complete a Request for Tuition Assistance application and submit it
to his/her immediate supervisor for approval. A travel request form along with
supporting documentation, such as a description of the academic program, academic
schedule, and tuition should accompany the application. Completing the application is
not a guarantee of assistance.
b. The immediate supervisor will verify employment status with Human Resources and
determine whether the Tuition Assistance request meets the specified criteria. The
supervisor will submit the application to the Division Chair/Dean/Manager.
c. The Division Chair/Dean/Manager may add his/her signature to indicate approval of the
request and will forward all applications that meet the criteria to the appropriate Vice
d. The Vice President may add his/her signature to indicate approval of the request, and
will forward only the requests that meet the criteria and have the approval of all
supervisors in the “chain” to the Director of Organizational Development at least 10
days prior to a scheduled meeting of the Faculty/Staff Professional Development
Review Committee.
l. The Faculty/Staff Professional Development Review Committee will review applications
on a quarterly basis and make recommendations for funding to the Director of
Organizational Development. Priority will given to those employees who have not
received tuition assistance in the last two years. Ultimate approval for distribution of
funding will reside with the President or designee. The Director of Organizational
Development will notify applicants of the decision within one week of Committee review.
f. Upon successful completion of the course(s), the Employee will be required to submit
his or her certification, transcript/official grade documentation and travel reimbursement
form to the Director of Organizational Development. Only those applicants who have
received prior approval and have achieved a passing grade will be considered. The
Director of Organizational Development will then submit required forms to the Finance
Department for reimbursement.
Approved 6/06
Conditions of Work
Faculty and staff members will dress in a manner, which observes health and safety regulations,
appropriateness to respective work environments, and consideration of Guilford Technical
Community College's position as a college serving the public.
1. Any recommendation/complaint concerning a deficiency or inappropriateness in dress on the
part of an employee shall be brought to the attention of the employee's immediate supervisor.
2. The immediate supervisor judges whether or not a recommendation/complaint concerning
dress is justified in terms of the college policy.
3. If the immediate supervisor believes the recommendation/complaint to be valid, he/she informs
the employee of the nature of the recommendation/complaint and the changes that must be
Drug Free Workplace
The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance
in the college's workplace is prohibited. The workplace is defined as an official college location
and/or any location at which an employee or student is engaged in work or college activities on
behalf of the college.
Any employee or student violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and
including termination or dismissal.
Any employee who sells or manufactures a controlled substance while on the job or on
college premises will be subject to immediate dismissal.
Any employee, who uses, gives or in any way transfers a controlled substance to another
person while on the job or on college premises will be subject to disciplinary action up to
and including dismissal.
The term "controlled substance" means any drug listed in Title 21 United States Code
Controlled Substances Act, Subchapter I, Section 812 and other federal regulations.
Generally, these are drugs which have a high potential for abuse. Such drugs include, but
are not limited to, methamphetamines, heroin, marijuana, cocaine, PCP, and "crack." They
also include "legal drugs" which are not prescribed by a licensed physician.
Each employee is required by law to inform his/her supervisor or the President in writing
within five (5) days after he or she is convicted for violation of any federal or state criminal
drug statute where such violation occurred on the college's premises. A conviction means
a finding of guilt (including a plea of nolo contendere) or the imposition of a sentence by a
judge or jury in any federal or state court.
If an employee is convicted of violating any criminal drug statute while at the workplace, he
or she will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. This action may
include, but is not limited to, probation, suspension, termination, or the required successful
completion of a drug abuse program sponsored by an approved private or governmental
institution as a precondition for continued employment.
The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, Public law 101-226, requires
Guilford Technical Community College to certify that it has adopted and implemented a
program to prevent the possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by
students and employees. Therefore:
a. Each year Human Resources Director or designee will distribute to all employees
and the Vice President of Student Support Services or designee will distribute to
each student who is taking one or more classes for academic credit, except for
continuing education credits, a written notice that describes:
The standards of conduct that clearly "prohibit, at a minimum, the unlawful
possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and
employees on its property or as part of any of its activities";
The applicable legal sanctions under federal, state, or local law for the unlawful
possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol;
The health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol;
The drug and alcohol programs (counseling, treatment, rehabilitation, and re-entry)
that are available to employees or students; and
The disciplinary sanctions the college will impose on students and employees for
violations of the standards of conduct and a description of those sanctions, up to
and including expulsion or termination of employment and referral for prosecution.
b. The Vice President of Student Support Services or designee will conduct a biennial
program review to determine its effectiveness and implement changes to the
program if needed, and to ensure that disciplinary sanctions are consistently
Employee Grievance
Guilford Technical Community College is committed to the employee's right to redress of
grievance. Therefore, any employee occupying a full-time or part time regular position – excluding
those in initial probationary status - may utilize the College’s grievance process. Preference is to
be given to the informal resolution of all employee problems. Procedures to resolve grievances
shall require following the organizational pattern through the supervisor and the appropriate Vice
President to the President.
An employee occupying a full-time or part-time regular position – excluding those on initial
probationary status - who has a problem or complaint about his/her job or something that
affects the job should discuss it with his/her supervisor. If the issue is not resolved to the
employee's satisfaction at this level, or if the complaint is of such a nature that the employee
is unable to discuss it comfortably with the supervisor, the employee may go to the next level
supervisor or administrator or the Director of Human Resources, following the steps detailed
Step One: Informal Discussion with Immediate Supervisor.
a. An employee having a grievance must first present the issue for informal discussion
to his/her immediate supervisor within five (5) working days of the event(s) giving
rise to the complaint or within five (5) days of the time when the complainant
became aware of the event(s).
b. In cases of sexual harassment or another issue of such a nature that the employee
is unable to discuss it comfortably with the supervisor, or in which the charge is
against the immediate supervisor, the complainant may present the issue to the
Director of Human Resources or to the next level supervisor or administrator (see
Sexual Harassment Policy, IV-4.070).
c. The immediate supervisor will meet with the employee within five (5) working days
of receiving the complaint to respond to the issue.
d. The employee having the grievance may contact the Director of Human Resources
regarding the procedures for filing and processing a grievance. The Director of
Human Resources also may be consulted by the supervisor or administrator during
this step to provide advice on the procedures for filing and resolving grievances.
Step Two: Written Grievance.
a. If the grievance is not resolved during Step One, the employee may file a written
grievance with the immediate supervisor within five (5) working days following the
immediate supervisor's oral response to the grievance.
b. The supervisor will respond to the written grievance in writing within five (5) days of
receiving it.
c. The supervisor will forward a copy of all written correspondence related to the
grievance to the Human Resources Director.
Step Three: Appeal to Next Level Supervisor.
a. If the employee wishes to appeal the decision of the immediate supervisor, he/she
must submit a written request for appeal to the next higher level supervisor or
administrator within five (5) working days of receiving the response of the immediate
b. Within five (5) working days of receipt of the appeal, the employee and the
immediate supervisor will meet with the next level supervisor/administrator,
individually and/or jointly.
c. At this point, the supervisor/administrator shall inform the Director of Human
Resources that a grievance is in process and will consult with him/her before a
decision is made.
d. The supervisor/administrator will respond in writing to the complainant within five (5)
working days of receipt of the appeal.
e. If the complaint is not resolved to the satisfaction of the employee, he/she may
forward a written request for appeal to the Director of Human Resources to signify
continuation of the appeal process.
The Director of Human Resources will establish a meeting within five (5) working
days of the receipt of the appeal with the next appropriate administrator and
complainant up to but not including the President.
g. All responses of supervisors to the complainant will be in writing.
Step Four: Appeal to the Employee Relations Committee.
a. Grievances involving the following may be appealed to the Employee Relations
1) Suspension.
2) Dismissal.
3) Reduction in force.
4) Reduction in pay.
5) Disciplinary demotion.
6) Allegations of inaccurate or misleading material in personnel files or
unauthorized examination or copying of confidential material in personnel files.
7) Failure to post a notice of vacancy when required by State law.
8) Failure to accord priority consideration and promotion when required by State
9) Allegations of discrimination because of age, sex, race, color, national origin,
religion, creed, political affiliation, or handicapping condition as defined by State
Grievances based on any of the following may not be appealed to the Employee
Relations Committee:
1) Performance rating and salary adjustments based on performance ratings
except when discrimination is alleged.
2) Required overtime assignments.
3) Disapproval of leave requests.
4) Disciplinary warning (oral or written).
5) Job and shift assignments and reassignments that do not affect salary or
6) Requests for reclassification to equal or higher level.
7) Departmental functions, programs and budgets.
c. If a grievance involving an issue not included in b. above is not resolved during the
previous steps, the complainant may choose a hearing before the Employee
Relations Committee or may request direct review of the grievance by the President.
d. Hearing before the Employee Relations Committee.
1) The complainant shall submit a written request to the Director of Human
Resources that the grievance be heard by the Employee Relations Committee.
The request must be submitted within five (5) working days of receipt of the
decision of the highest appropriate administrator.
2) The Director of Human Resources will notify the chair of the Employee Relations
Committee to designate a hearing committee from its membership. The hearing
committee will consist of one member of the Employee Relations Committee from
each employment category. The Chair of the Employee Relations Committee will
also serve on the hearing committee. There will be no representation from the
operational unit from which the complaint arises. Note that "operational unit" does
not refer to one of the employment categories but to the department in which the
complainant works.
The Director of Human Resources will convene the hearing committee to conduct
the hearing within five (5) working days of receiving the request from the
The complainant may be represented by legal counsel. If the complainant is to be
so represented, he/she must notify the Director of Human Resources. If the
complainant is represented by legal counsel, the college's legal counsel will be
present at the hearing.
Only parties directly involved in the hearing will be allowed to attend. Individuals
who are to participate will be informed as to when it is appropriate for them to be
in the hearing room.
The fact-finding portion of the hearing will be tape recorded. Committee
deliberations after the hearing will not be recorded.
The hearing committee will arrive at its decision by simple majority vote and will
communicate its conclusions, recommendations, and findings of fact in writing to
the President within five (5) business days after the hearing.
The committee only recommends to the President; it does not decide the result of
the complaint.
e. Review by the President.
1) The complainant may instead submit a written request to the Director of Human
Resources for an appeal directly to the President within five (5) working days of
receipt of the decision from the highest appropriate administrator.
2) The President will consider the appeal in person within five (5) working days of
receipt of the request for appeal. The complainant shall have no more than one
(1) hour in which to present his/her grievance to the President. The complainant
may not be represented by legal counsel or by other advisors in this proceeding.
3) Within five (5) working days of either receiving the recommendation of the
Employee Relations Committee or meeting with the complainant and reviewing
the grievance personally, the President will render the final decision of the
college to the Director of Human Resources, who will respond to the
complainant, in writing.
4) The Director of Human Resources will conduct a final meeting with the
complainant to review the President's decision, discuss other options at the
disposal of the complainant, and formally end the grievance process.
5) The written record of the employee's grievance and the resolution of that
grievance are filed in the Human Resources Office's grievance files. The
Employee Relations Committee or the President (or designee) is responsible for
filing these documents with the Director of Human Resources within five (5)
business days of the close of the grievance process.
Employee Performance Appraisals
To ensure quality performance, retain qualified employees and facilitate the communication of
expectations between supervisors and employees, job performance is reviewed regularly for new
employees, continuing employees, and employees on probation.
1. An Employee Performance Appraisal (EPA) will generally be completed for each regular
employee once a year using the appropriate EPA form.
2. Effective January 1, 2011, an Employee Performance Appraisal (EPA) will be completed for
each time limited (TL) employee. Time limited employees will be evaluated using the
appropriate (TL) EPA form. Time limited faculty will be evaluated once per semester. Time
limited staff will be evaluated once every four months.
3. At the beginning of the review period, the employee and his/her supervisor may meet for the
purpose of reviewing the employee’s job description, identifying critical dimensions, and
establishing individual performance objectives. The supervisor will consider the employee’s
input in the process. Responsibility for identifying critical dimensions and individual
performance objectives remains with the supervisor.
a. The job description should be updated as needed by the supervisor with input from the
employee. Then, the appropriate senior administrator (Vice President, Associate Vice
President or Campus Dean) reviews and approves the updated job description, and Human
Resources receives the approved job description for any further review and for the records
of the college.
b. The employee and supervisor will also review the performance dimensions listed on the
Employee Performance Appraisal and defined in a separate document. At the time of the
review, the supervisor, with input from the employee, will mark the employability skills and
performance attributes that are most critical to the function of that position. In most cases,
six or more skills and performance attributes will be identified.
c. The supervisor, with input from the employee, will establish individual performance
objectives for the employee.
1) In most cases three objectives will be established for regular employees.
2) Time limited employees will have two objectives.
3) All objectives should support the college initiatives.
4. During the review period, the employee and supervisor will communicate formally and
informally as needed.
a. Regular employees should provide feedback on the supervisor at mid-year. (See # 8 for
b. The regular or time limited employee and his/her supervisor should review the employee’s
performance objectives.
5. At the end of the review period, the employee receives an overall assessment on his/her
a. The employee may evaluate his/her own job performance and provide a copy to his/her
supervisor for consideration in the performance appraisal.
b. Each supervisor completes an Employee Performance Appraisal on each regular and time
limited employee.
c. Prior to the discussion with the employee, the supervisor’s supervisor should review and
sign the form if the employee’s supervisor rates the employee overall “Needs Improvement”
or overall “Does Not Meet Expectations.”
d. The supervisor reviews the evaluation with the employee. Both the supervisor and the
employee sign the form and may write comments. Regular employees shall have ten
business days to submit written comments.
e. Both the employee and the supervisor retain a copy of the completed, signed instrument.
f. The supervisor forwards the original completed, signed form to the Human Resources office
for filing.
6. If a regular employee changes supervisors during the year, all supervisors under whom he/she
has worked for at least three months should evaluate him/her.
a. Ideally, at the time the change occurs, an evaluation should be completed according to
year-end procedures.
b. The employee may have an overall assessment from each supervisor rather than one
combined overall assessment for that cycle.
7. Regular employees reporting to more than one supervisor should have an Employee
Performance Appraisal completed for each position.
a. Each supervisor should complete a form if the employee reports to different supervisors
because he/she has different job descriptions.
b. The supervisors should complete one form and agree on assessment if the employee has
one job description with more than one supervisor.
8. Regular employees who separate from employment with the college may receive a written
evaluation if more than six months have elapsed since their last evaluation.
a. The evaluation may be conducted prior to the employee’s date of exit.
b. If an evaluation is not conducted before the exit date, the supervisor may complete the
written evaluation in the employee’s absence.
1) Human Resources will determine whether, in its discretion, a copy of the evaluation will
be delivered to the employee.
2) If delivered to the employee, he or she will sign the evaluation, make any desired
comments, and send the evaluation back to GTCC for his/her personnel file.
3) If the employee does not return the evaluation as requested, the unsigned copy of the
evaluation will become the official document for the personnel file.
9. Supervisor feedback will be sought at the mid-year point of the review period.
a. Supervisors' supervisors will request that regular employees evaluate their supervisors
using the Supervisor Feedback Form. All regular employees will be encouraged to
complete the form.
b. The supervisor’s supervisor will take these evaluations into account when evaluating the
10. Students will evaluate faculty (regular, time limited, and adjunct) once per semester. The
student evaluations will be taken into account by faculty supervisors when completing the
Employee Performance Appraisal.
11. New (regular) employees under letters of employment or contracts should be evaluated at
intervals of approximately ninety days for the nine months of the initial employment period.
12. A regular employee (excluding initial probationary employees) receiving an overall “Does Not
Meet Expectation” evaluation may be placed on probation, discharged, or given notice of nonrenewal at the discretion of the college. If probation:
a. The supervisor will request a Notice of Probation from Human Resources.
b. The supervisor will notify the employee in writing by the Notice of Probation that he/she is
on probation for a specific time period.
c. The supervisor will send a copy of the form to the Director of Human Resources and a copy
to the appropriate administrator(s).
d. The Notice of Probation will give the employee specific recommendations for improving job
e. The employee on probation will have his/her performance reviewed at appropriate intervals
(typically 30, 60 or 90 days approximately) until one of the following occurs:
1) His/her performance has improved and he/she is evaluated as overall “Meets
Expectations,” or
2) The defined probationary period ends before the employee receives an overall “Meets
Expectations.” Then, the immediate supervisor and appropriate administrative
personnel will consider dismissal from employment with the college.
13. A time limited employee receiving an overall “Does Not Meet Expectations” will not have his/her
employment continued.
14. Policies, job descriptions, and other information that clarifies the expectations of positions will
be made available to employees.
15. All evaluations shall be kept confidential. (This is the responsibility of the supervisor, employee,
Human Resources Office, and other appropriate administrators.)
Revised 10/17/96
Personnel Records, Public Access to
Community College employee personnel records are governed by Section 18(c) NC G.S.115D-28
which provides that certain records shall be open to inspection.
Personnel information maintained by the College which is open to inspection and public
information on each employee:
1. Name
2. Age
3. Date of original employment or appointment
4. The terms of any contract by which the employee is employed whether written or oral, past
and current, to the extent that the college has the written contract or a record of the oral
contract in its possession.
5. Current position
6. Title
7. Current salary
8. Date and amount of each increase or decrease in salary
9. Date and type of promotion, demotion, transfer, suspension, separation, or other change in
position classification
10. Date and general description of the reason for each promotion.
11. Date and type of each dismissal, suspension, or demotion for disciplinary reasons. If the
disciplinary action was dismissal, a copy of the written notice of the final decision of the
president setting forth the specific acts or omissions that are the basis of the dismissal.
12. Office or station to which the employee is currently assigned.
Further, subject only to college policies for the safekeeping of records as adopted by the board of
trustees, every person having custody of the records shall permit them to be inspected and
examined and copies made by any person during regular business hours. If copies are made the
requesting party may be charged the actual cost of making the copies. Any person who is denied
access to any record for the purpose of inspecting, examining or copying the record shall have a
right to compel compliance with the provisions of Section 18(c) NC G.S.115D-28 by application to
a court of competent jurisdiction for a writ of mandamus or other appropriate relief.
All information in an employee's personnel file not specified above is confidential.
1. A staff member of the Human Resources Office shall be present during examination of
personnel files.
2. No personnel file or original documents contained in the file may be removed from the
Human Resources Office without written permission of the president or his/her designee.
3. All information in an employee's personnel file shall be open for inspection and examination
by an official of an agency of the federal government, state government, or any political
subdivision thereof, when authorized by law.
Rev. 8/17/95
Political Activities of Employees
Each employee of the college retains all rights and obligations of citizenship provided in the
constitution and laws of North Carolina and the Constitution and laws of the United States. The
college encourages its employees to exercise these rights and obligations of citizenship.
It is the policy of the college that an employee shall neither engage in political activities while on
duty nor do so at any time in a manner which interferes with the functions and/or mission of the
college. Examples of political activities include, but are not limited to, circulating petitions,
conducting or participating in opinion polls, soliciting votes or contributions and fundraising.
Nor may any employee use his/her position as an employee of the college to influence the political
activities of other college employees.
The following conditions apply to the President or any employee who seeks public office:
a. "Public office" means any national, state, or local government position of public trust
and responsibility, whether elective or appointed, which is created or prescribed or
recognized by constitution, statute, or ordinance. Membership in the North Carolina
General Assembly is a full-time public office under this definition.
b. Any employee who decides to run for public office shall notify the Board of Trustees
through the President of his/her intention to run and certify that he/she will not campaign
or otherwise engage in political activities during his/her regular work hours or involve
the college in his/her political activities. The President shall so notify the Board directly.
c. Any employee, who is elected to a part-time public office, shall certify through the
President to the Board of Trustees that his/her office will not interfere with his/her
carrying out the duties of his/her position with the college, or shall request leave. The
President shall so notify the Board directly.
d. Any employee, including the President, who is elected or appointed to a full-time public
office or the General Assembly, shall be required to take a leave of absence without pay
upon assuming that office. The length of the leave of absence shall be determined by
the Board of Trustees.
e. Any employee is prohibited from soliciting support on college property while on duty.
However, college employees retain the same rights and privileges as other candidates
concerning the use of facilities and participating in candidate’s forums while they are not
on duty.
In addition, no employee may:
a. Take any active part in managing a campaign or otherwise engage in political activity
while on duty or within any period of time (when) expected to perform services for which
he/she receives compensation from the college.
b. Otherwise use the authority of his/her position or utilize college funds, supplies, or
vehicles to secure support for or oppose any candidate, party, or issue in a partisan
election involving candidates for office or party nominations or affect the results thereof.
c. Promise rewards, threaten loss of job, or coerce any college employee to support or
contribute to any political issue, candidate, or party.
The Board of Trustees shall notify the State Board of Community Colleges if the President
of GTCC should become a candidate for public office or if he/she is elected or appointed to
a public office.
Anti-Harassment Policy
Guilford Technical Community College is committed to providing an educational and working
environment that is free from harassment for faculty, staff, and students. This commitment extends
to prospective employees (applicants) as well. The college values diversity and recognizes the
dignity and worth of every individual. Unlawful harassment in any form is contrary to these goals
and will not be tolerated. Incidents of unlawful harassment will be met with appropriate disciplinary
action, up to and including dismissal from the college.
Unlawful harassment includes jokes, comments, gestures, or actions that create an intimidating,
hostile or offensive work environment and that are based on or directed at a person because of
race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, or any other class protected by law.
Sexual harassment is considered a form of discrimination based on sex and as such is
prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, which prohibits sex
discrimination in employment, and by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972,
which prohibits sex discrimination against students and employees in educational
institutions receiving federal funds.
a. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal and/or
physical conduct of a sexual nature or with sexual implications could constitute
sexual harassment if it:
b. has direct employment consequences resulting from the acceptance or rejection of
such conduct;
c. has direct academic consequences resulting from the acceptance or rejection of
such conduct;
d. creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or learning environment; and/or
e. interferes with an employee’s work performance or a student’s academic
While it is not possible to list all of the circumstances that might constitute sexual
harassment, the following are some examples of conduct that, if unwelcome, could
constitute sexual harassment depending upon the totality of the circumstances,
including the severity of the conduct and its pervasiveness. Consequently, this
behavior is considered a violation of the college’s policy:
a. sexual epithets, jokes, written or verbal references to sexual conduct; gossip
regarding one’s sex life; comments on an individual’s body; comments about an
individual’s sexual activity, deficiencies or prowess;
b. displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons; use of electronic
communications to download or transmit materials with pornographic, profane, or
sexually explicit content;
c. unwelcome leering ,whistling, brushing against the body, sexual gestures,
suggestive or insulting comments;
d. inquiries into one’s sexual experiences;
e. discussion of one’s sexual activities.
Consensual dating relationships may give rise to actual or perceived conflicts of interest
when they occur between instructional staff and their students, or between supervisors
and their subordinates. This is due, in part, to the power differential that exists between
the participants. Such a relationship, whether in a class or work situation, has the potential
to affect the educational or employment environment by creating an appearance of
improper, unprofessional, or discriminatory conduct. Therefore, the college prohibits these
a. Should an employee or student become aware of the existence of such a relationship,
he or she has a duty to communicate the matter to the Chief Disciplinary Officer (if a
student is involved) and/or the Director of Human Resources so that appropriate steps
may be taken.
b. The college does not intend for this policy to discourage friendships or social activities
among its employees. This policy applies solely to employees who are in a powerdifferentiated relationship at work with the same person with whom they also have an
intimate, romantic or dating relationship outside of work
No personnel decision may be made by any supervisor on the basis of the acceptance or
rejection of communications or conduct of a sexual nature. Personnel decisions include,
but are not limited to, hiring, promoting, demoting, transferring, and terminating an
Employees or prospective employees have a duty to report immediately incidents of
alleged sexual or other unlawful harassment to their immediate supervisor, the
supervisor’s manager and/or to the Director of Human Resources for review, investigation,
and response.
An employee may initiate a grievance if incidences or circumstances of alleged sexual or
other unlawful harassment are not resolved.
No academic decision may be made by an instructor or staff member on the basis of a
student’s acceptance or rejection of communications or conduct of a sexual nature.
Academic decisions include, but are not limited to, grades, status in class, privileges
granted to students, and/or admission to programs.
Students have a duty to report immediately incidents of alleged sexual harassment to the
Chief Disciplinary Officer for review, investigation and response. If the allegation is against
an employee of the College, the Chief Disciplinary Officer must notify the Director of
Human Resources. The Director of Human Resources will, in cases where there has been
a violation of this policy by an employee, recommend appropriate disciplinary action up to
and including termination.
A student may initiate the student grievance procedure if the incidence or circumstances of
alleged sexual harassment are not resolved.
All complaints of alleged sexual or other unlawful harassment and related information will
be investigated promptly. To the fullest extent practicable, the college will keep
complaints, the investigation of complaints and the nature of the resolution of complaints
Supervisors shall take appropriate action to prohibit the occurrence of sexual or other
unlawful harassment, including incidents that involve vendors or other persons who may
visit the campus for business or other purposes.
No employee or student may engage in interference, coercion, restraint, or reprisal against
any person who utilizes this policy in good faith to resolve a concern regarding alleged
This policy shall not be used knowingly to bring false or malicious charges against any
faculty, staff, students, vendor, or campus visitor. Disciplinary action will be taken against
any person or group found to have brought a charge of harassment in bad faith.
Any violation of this policy will lead to serious disciplinary action up to and including
dismissal or expulsion.
Employees shall be required to participate in periodic training as set forth in the college’s
schedule of mandated trainings and/or when otherwise instructed to do so.
Work Schedules, Non-Faculty
Non-faculty employees of Guilford Technical Community College shall arrange their work hours in
order to meet the professional demands of their jobs. Schedules shall be set by the unit head in
accordance with the objectives of the employee's position and the philosophy and goals of the
Each employee shall coordinate his/her work schedule with his/her immediate supervisor.
Consideration of the operating hours of the institution will govern the approval of
schedules. An employee’s work schedule may be altered if the staffing needs of the
assigned work area change.
Copies of the office hours shall be forwarded to the Human Resources Office and the
campus switchboard operator.
Exempt Employees (Professional support staff members) based upon such considerations
a. the institution's operating hours;
b. the staffing needs of the area;
c. the requirements of the job responsibilities;
d. and in keeping with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and other laws as may be
Non-exempt employees (Paraprofessional and Technical, Secretarial, Clerical, Skilled
Crafts and Service Maintenance employees) must be compensated for all hours worked.
Employees record their time worked on a timesheet. These hours may be flexibly
a. To ensure maximum service during regular and peak work periods of the
b. To insure employee opportunity for participation in professional development
c. To provide employee opportunities to serve on institutional committees.
d. With prior approval of the immediate supervisor, an employee may alter his/her work
schedule for a limited time to accommodate peak work demands/periods.
e. Within each workday, employees shall be allowed two 15 minute breaks away from
their work station. The two 15 minute breaks may not be combined for a 30 minute
break except by approval of the supervisor.
f. Work time in excess of 40 hours per week must be at the request and approval of
the supervisor. Stated another way, non-exempt employees must seek pre-approval
for hours worked in excess of 40 per week and this includes work performed from
home. Failure to obtain approval will result in disciplinary action as determined
appropriate, up to and including termination.
g. The meal period may be scheduled within the normal work hours to meet the needs
of the employee and the working unit but may not be used to shorten the workday.
During the meal period, the employee will be completely relieved of duty. The meal
period does not count as hours worked. Non-Exempt employees who work on a
day schedule must take their lunch hours between the hours of 10 AM and 3 PM.
h. Employees have the responsibility for ensuring that their actual hours worked and
absences (sick, vacation and/or other unscheduled time off) taken are recorded
accurately on their timesheet. Falsifying recorded time (fraud) is an act of
misconduct and considered a violation of policy and may be subject to corrective
action, up to and including termination.
All employees are expected to report to work on time every day that they are
scheduled to work and to maintain a satisfactory record of attendance. If employees
are unable to report to work they are expected to notify their supervisor prior to their
scheduled start time.
Any late report, failure to report, patterned or unapproved absence(s) and excessiv e
absenteeism shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of
employment. Failure to report to work for three (3) consecutive days without notice
will be deemed a voluntary termination by the employee.
2/14 (procedure update)
Work Schedules, Faculty
The full-time curriculum and continuing education faculty of Guilford Technical Community College
are professionals who prepare for and teach classes, advise and assist students, evaluate student
performance, participate in committee, departmental, divisional, and institutional activities, engage
in continuous professional improvement, and perform other duties as assigned. Curriculum faculty
will be at a campus site and/or other designated location for 30 hours each week, except for
holidays and faculty break days which are identified in the academic calendar, and will spend the
additional time necessary to accomplish these responsibilities. Continuing education faculty will be
at a campus location and/or other designated location for 40 hours, except for holidays.
1. Teaching Assignments.
Prior to the beginning of each term, each department chairperson will assign a teaching
schedule, which includes courses, times and locations, to each member of the faculty in
his/her department. The factors to be considered in making equitable assignments include
the following: number of students, number of course preparations, number of course
sections, number of locations within the same day, length of the teaching day, length of the
teaching week, new course preparations, and the use of new technologies and/or alternative
methods of delivery. Continuing education faculty will establish their teaching schedules with
their direct supervisor. Business and Industry Services faculty, working with their supervisor,
are responsible for generating their teaching schedules.
Each member of the faculty will be available to teach classes as assigned. Curriculum faculty
will teach 18 - 21 contact hours per week per term, except in extenuating circumstances or in
cases where the program requires. Continuing education faculty will teach 32 - 40 contact
hours per week per term. In addition, faculty should have adequate time reserved for
preparation of classes and evaluation of student performance.
Each division chairperson will monitor the teaching assignments of faculty in his/her division
to ensure that they meet the needs of students, are equitable to the faculty, and consider the
financial resources available.
Adjustments to Teaching Load.
Curriculum faculty will be eligible for an adjustment to the teaching assignment below the 18
hours for supervising faculty and staff, teaching courses with high enrollment and performing
additional instructional and/or administrative duties for the college.
An appropriate adjustment will be individually determined for each faculty member who has
supervisory responsibilities. Likewise, an appropriate adjustment will be individually
determined for each faculty member who normally teaches classes with high enrollment.
A member of the curriculum faculty will receive one contact hour adjustment to the teaching
load for each 1.5 hours per week which he/she is assigned to one or more of the following
activities on a regularly scheduled basis and in addition to class time scheduled as a part of
the teaching load.
1) Teaching continuing education classes.
2) Assisting students in labs, shops, clinics or other instructional settings.
3) Working another department of the college.
4) Conducting workshops and/or training for faculty, staff, and/or the community.
5) Tutoring students with special needs.
6) Returning to industry.
7) Performing project assignments.
All reductions in curriculum faculty teaching load must be recommended by the department
chairperson and approved by the appropriate division chairperson. Reductions which result in
an instructor having an actual teaching assignment of less than 15 contact hours per week
must be approved by the appropriate Vice President. Reductions in teaching loads for
continuing education faculty must be recommended by a Dean and must be approved by the
appropriate Vice President.
Additional Assignments.
An additional teaching assignment occurs when a member of the curriculum faculty is
assigned to teach more than 21 contact hours per week for a term. The President of the
College or his designee may identify specified faculty positions, which will not receive
additional pay for teaching more than 21 contact hours. A faculty member within a department
will not be assigned a teaching overload except in extenuating circumstances and when all
full-time faculty in the department are assigned full loads.
A curriculum faculty member will be paid for a teaching overload when the hours taught result
in a teaching assignment of more than 21 contact hours per week for the term and when the
hours taught require the faculty member to be available more than 30 hours per week at a
campus site and/or other designated location. The faculty member will be paid at the part-time
faculty course rate for the course with the least number of contact hours necessary to adjust
the assigned teaching load to 18 - 21 hours. Payment will be made during the term in which
the teaching overload occurs. All overload payments must be recommended by the
appropriate division chairperson and approved in advance by the appropriate Vice President.
In addition, the college and a faculty member may enter into an agreement for the faculty
member to perform duties in addition to the teaching assignment for additional pay. The
specific duties and rate of pay should be mutually agreed to prior to the work being performed.
Substitute Teaching Assignments.
Prior to the beginning of each term, each department chairperson will develop a plan to
provide for coverage of classes in the event of the absence of a member or members of that
department. The faculty in a department is responsible for providing coverage of classes for
their colleagues on a short-term and/or emergency basis. A faculty member will not be paid
for a substitute teaching assignment which involves monitoring a class activity and/or test
which has been prepared by someone else.
A faculty member will be paid for a substitute teaching assignment when the hours taught
result in a teaching assignment of more than 21 contact hours in the week in which the
substitute assignment occurs and require the faculty to be available more than 30 hours at a
campus site and/or other designated location. The rate of pay will be pro-rated based upon
the part-time faculty course rate for the course in which the substitution occurs. Payment for
substitute teaching assignments will be made during the subsequent pay period following
when the substitution occurs. Payment must be recommended by the division chairperson
and approved by the appropriate Vice President.
Office Hours.
Each member of the faculty will be available 5 hours per week at a designated location for the
purpose of assisting students enrolled in his/her courses and/or program. These hours shall
not be used in calculating a reduction in teaching load.
Academic Advising Assignments.
Each department is responsible for the academic advising of students assigned to that
department. The department chairpersons are responsible for the equitable distribution of
advising duties.
Recruitment and Employer Contact.
Faculty members are responsible for helping to recruit new students and for maintaining
contact with and knowledge of the employer community.
Curriculum Currency and Outcomes.
Faculty members will participate in maintaining the currency of curriculum, and in insuring that
program outcomes are met.
Required Meetings.
Each faculty member will agree to serve on 1 - 3 committees per year and will attend
institutional meetings, meetings of his/her department and division and meetings of
committees to which he/she is assigned. A faculty member can expect to spend 2 - 3 hours
per week preparing for and attending meetings.
Professional Development Activities.
Each faculty member will engage in a program of continuous professional improvement. Each
faculty member will participate in required professional development activities, including those
scheduled on specified days in the academic calendar, and will complete required
Registration Assignments
Each department/division is responsible for providing coverage during the posted hours on
registration days. Department chairpersons are responsible for the equitable distribution of
registration duties. Each member of the faculty will assist with registration as assigned.
Faculty Prep Days.
Prior to the first day of classes in each term, each faculty member will complete assigned
individual and departmental responsibilities, which are necessary to the beginning of classes,
including the preparation of a syllabus for each course which he/she is assigned to teach.
Final Examination Assignments.
Final exams are to be given at the time and location scheduled by the college. Any change in
the exam schedule must be submitted in writing by the faculty member, recommended by the
department chairperson and the appropriate division chairperson and approved by the
appropriate Vice President at least two weeks prior to the examination period.
Each faculty member will complete and submit grade sheets, attendance sheets and other
department assignments prior to the end of the scheduled grade day for each term.
Graduation Assignments.
Each faculty member will participate in graduation activities and will perform duties related to
graduation as assigned. A faculty member may be exempted from graduation upon written
request to and approval by the President of the college or his/her designee.
Reporting Fraud and Improper Activities
Employees and anyone else providing services to the college are encouraged to report either orally
or in writing all evidence of any activity on the part of its current or former employees, trustees, or
anyone else with whom Guilford Technical Community College has a business relationship that
may constitute:
1. A violation of any state, federal, or local law, rule, or regulation applicable to the operations
of the college;
2. Misappropriation or misuse of college resources;
3. Substantial and specific danger to the employee’s or public’s health and safety; or
4. An act of gross mismanagement, gross waste of public funds, or gross neglect of duty.
The college shall promptly investigate all alleged violations and provide a response to the
person(s) reporting the violation (unless the report was submitted anonymously) within 30 calendar
days after the close of the investigation.
Any employee who reports such violations as described above in good faith shall be protected from
any retaliatory action including discharge, suspension, demotion, or any other adverse employment
action. In addition, employees are also protected for refusing to carry out a directive which
constitutes a violation as described above. Any alleged retaliatory actions shall be promptly
investigated by the college.
Employees who commit any of the violations described above or retaliate against someone who, in
good faith, has reported a violation shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including
termination of employment and/or criminal or civil prosecution. Likewise, any employee who
knowingly or maliciously reports a violation or retaliatory action that has no factual basis shall be
subject to disciplinary actions up to and including termination of employment.
These employee protections extend to violations reported both internally and to the “hotline”
maintained by the North Carolina Office of the State Auditor. GTCC will, to the extent possible
and consistent with the need to conduct an adequate investigation, maintain confidentiality of
reported violations.
This policy shall in no way affect the requirements of NC General Statute § 114-15.1 whereby
employees and state agencies must report cases of damage, theft, embezzlement, or misuse of
state-owned personal or real property to the State Bureau of Investigation.
The process for reporting an alleged violation shall be:
a. Any person who has knowledge of a violation should report this information as soon as
possible to the Executive Vice President. Should this be inappropriate, the report
should be made to the Director of Human Resources. All reports should be factual
rather than speculative in nature and should contain as much specific information as
possible to demonstrate that there are sufficient grounds for concern. The Executive
Vice President and/or the Director of Human Resources will conduct an investigation
and report his or her findings to the President, or if the allegation of wrongdoing
includes the President, to the Chair of the Board of Trustees.
b. A report may be filed anonymously using the same steps described above.
Anonymously filed reports must provide sufficient evidence to justify the
commencement of an investigation. An investigation of unspecified wrongdoing or
broad allegations will not be undertaken without sufficient grounds for concern.
Because an anonymous whistleblower cannot be interviewed, it may be more difficult to
evaluate the allegations and less likely that an investigation can be initiated.
c. An employee who is asked to aid in an investigation should not discuss the investigation
with anyone other than the individual or individuals officially assigned to investigate the
The process for reporting retaliatory actions shall be:
a. An employee is protected from retaliation only if he/she did not participate in the
alleged violation, the alleged violation is brought to the attention of the college, and
the employee provides the college with the opportunity to investigate and correct the
alleged violation.
b. Any whistleblower who believes that he/she is the subject of retaliation may file a
written complaint with the Director of Human Resources, or, as appropriate, with the
Executive Vice President. The complaint must be filed within 30 days of the
employee’s discovery of the retaliatory action.
c. This protection from retaliation is not intended to prohibit supervisory personnel from
taking, directing others to take, recommending, or approving any adverse personnel
action, including disciplinary action, in the usual scope of their duties and based on
evidence separate from the fact that the person has made a protected allegation.
Any media inquiries concerning an allegation or retaliation should be directed to the
Executive Vice President.
Any employee dissatisfied with the official conclusions of the investigative process shall be
afforded due process rights through the college grievance procedure (IV-4.030) and the
disciplinary procedure (IV-1.052 and IV-4.053).
Laptops/Computer Systems, Use of
Guilford Technical Community College is committed to providing an appropriate computer system
for each fulltime faculty and staff member whose job requires it.
A computer system may be a laptop, netbook, tablet, desktop or other device deemed appropriate
for job requirements. It is for use only for college-related business as a productivity tool, curriculum
tool, and for research and communication. Mobile computers are intended to provide increased
productivity due to flexibility and business continuity in the case of disaster. It is not intended as a
replacement for personally owned computers or for personal use. Use of the system shall be
within the standards of good judgment and common sense, in compliance with the college’s
published policies, and with national standards such as Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA) and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and as required through
the terms and conditions of applicable software license agreements.
The computer is intended for use solely by the employee to whom it is assigned. Employees shall
not allow other individuals, such as friends, family or students, to use the computer for non-college
1. All orders for computer systems must be processed through the Management Information
System (ITS) department and the normal purchasing procedures. Computers must be the
configuration, model and brand approved by the ITS department. Replacement will be
according to the college’s normal established replacement cycles.
a. Computer systems issued by the college are owned by the college. They must be made
available annually for inventory, and must be returned when employment ends or on
demand of college officials.
b. GTCC will offer operating system and application software upgrades as needed.
c. ITS will provide technical support for college owned computer systems. Direct support such
as hardware upgrades, software installations, or troubleshooting will only be provided while
systems are on campus.
d. Individual departments can order peripherals such as a mouse, keyboard, or numeric
keypad from Central Store using their departmental supply budgets.
2. Off-campus use by any employee requires the completion of a Request for Usage of GTCC
Equipment Off Campus form with supervisor approval. Supervisors must monitor all work off
campus by any non-exempt staff as work outside normal work schedules may obligate the
college to compensatory time. Non-exempt employees must obtain prior approval before
working hours beyond his/her normal work schedule (failure to obtain prior authorization may
lead to disciplinary action). In the event an immediate supervisor approves for a non-exempt
staff member to complete work assignments off campus, the supervisor must assure that all
work, including but not limited to work outside normal work schedules, is documented properly
on college time sheets and in accordance with college procedures.
3. It is the employee’s responsibility to take appropriate precautions to prevent loss, theft, or
damage to the computer system assigned to him/her. Damaged systems may be replaced with
cascaded computers the college owns if they are not repairable. Employees may be
responsible for certain costs to repair or replace the system if the damage or loss is due to
negligence or intentional misconduct.
a. Care of the system to prevent damage:
1) Food and drink should not be next to the system when in use.
2) Cords, cables, and removable storage devices must be inserted carefully.
3) Mobile computers should not be carried while the screen is open.
4) Employees are responsible for charging batteries if a mobile computer is to be used
while not connected to the campus network.
5) Mobile computers should always be carried within the protective case.
6) Some carrying cases can hold other objects (such as folders), but these must be kept to
a minimum to avoid placing too much pressure and weight on the device screen.
7) The computer must be turned off before placing it in the carrying case.
b. Precautions against theft and reporting theft:
1) Security cables will be provided from ITS to secure the computer in an office, wherever
2) Mobile computers not secured with a cable should not be left unattended in an office
without closing and locking the door.
3) Unsecured computers left unattended overnight should be kept in a locked office or in a
locked drawer or cabinet, if available. Otherwise, it should be kept out of plain sight.
4) Under no circumstances should mobile computers be left in unsupervised areas
including the college grounds, the cafeteria, library, unlocked classrooms and hallways
or unlocked offices. Unsupervised systems may be confiscated by staff and taken to
the ITS department for safekeeping.
5) Mobile computers left unattended in a locked parked car should be kept out of plain
sight or locked in the trunk.
6) If any computer system is lost or stolen it must be reported to Campus Police
immediately. Theft or loss off campus, it should be reported to local police as well. The
police report should include the serial number of the computer, as well as the make and
model and state tag number. Employees assigned mobile computers should keep a
copy of this identification information separate from their systems. Following notification
to law enforcement agencies, ITS should also be notified so that anti-theft devices
loaded into the system can be remotely activated.
4. Employees shall not have sensitive information on their mobile computers without precautions
against theft of that information. Sensitive information refers to any data that is protected by
college policy, or by any local, state or national laws or regulations. This includes, but is not
limited to, educational records, personally identifiable information, and confidential internal
college information. Precautions to prevent loss of such information include:
a. Employees are expected to password protect their computers by setting a network logon
password, and keeping that password confidential.
b. If sensitive information is needed for work purposes, it shall be either encrypted or
password protected.
c. Any sensitive information no longer needed for work purposes shall be deleted from the
computer. The trash should be emptied weekly.
5. The computer will be configured with a standard suite of programs that are appropriate based
on the campus software standards. Based on professional needs, the college may provide
additional applications. Periodically the college changes software agreements; when it does,
the mobile computer must be made available for upgrades.
If employees need to install privately owned software, they must demonstrate a business
related need and receive permission from the college’s Chief Information Officer before
installation. If approved, a copy of the license agreement for any software not supplied by the
college must be sent to the ITS department before installation on a college-owned computer.
Games, entertainment software, or personal finance software must not be installed on a
college-owned computer. For additional information regarding software piracy and software
licensing visit: or
6. The college is not responsible for providing off-campus Internet access. Those employees
approved to work at home are responsible for the cost of such service. The ITS department
does not provide configuration for specific ISP’s. While ITS employees may offer some tips or
advice about best practices for off-campus use, it will be up to the employee and his/her ISP to
make remote connections work.
7. Employees are responsible for maintaining backups of documents and data files on the
computer. Documents and files may be backed up to removable storage devices or to the
storage available on the H drive of the campus network server. If removable storage devices
are used, those devices should be kept in a secured location. To insure that virus protection
and other security patches are current, employees should plan on connecting to the campus
network at least once a week.
8. Laptops in laptop carts are intended for student use in the classroom only and must not be
removed from cart or used for any other purpose. Classrooms must have an instructor present
while student(s) are using laptop computers and the instructor is responsible for distributing
laptops to and collecting from student(s). Laptops must be returned to the assigned laptop cart
which must be kept in a secure, locked area at all times when not being used by student(s).
Rev. 12/15/11
Rev. 2/4/13