Tour guide manual 2012 EDITION!

Duke University Tour Guide
Training Manual
Revised September, 2012
Here you will find the tour guide procedures, facts, and figures. It includes almost everything you need
to know as a guide. It does not contain any stories regarding your experiences at Duke. You need to
provide those!
It exists to inform you, re-inform you, fill in gaps in your knowledge and help you be a great guide. Plus,
you will be able to amaze your friends with your knowledge of random statistics. As you update your
knowledge, keep the manual updated too.
The Manual is your guide to important statistics and facts. When touring, you add your personality, your
interests and your experiences to provide a comprehensive picture of life at Duke. What you have to
add is the key to a good tour.
Pay attention to campus events. Do research on your own. Make every effort to expand your knowledge.
It will make the tour better.
Every detail in the manual does not have to be in your tour. This is a guide. Study the manual and
familiarize yourself with the key areas so you can quickly refer to a specific section at any given time.
Do not feel obliged to use everything. Tour guiding is a craft. The facts/figures included here are your
medium. Use them, along with the tour outline, to make the tour your own.
A note on your authors: The Duke Manual is the love-child of Executive Board members and various tour
guides over the years who have added material, updated information and cut-and-pasted their little
hearts out. But, since the campus is constantly evolving, the Manual is always a work in progress.
Blue Devil Guides Advisors
Samuel Carpenter, Assistant Director of Admissions:
Will Niver, Admissions Officer:
Blue Devil Guides Executive Board 2012-13
Head Coordinators:
Adam Tomasiello ’13:
Lauren Taylor ‘15
Training Coordinators:
Perry Dinardo ‘14
Conor Quinn ‘15
Group Tours/Special Events:
Stephanie Egeler ‘15
Stephanie Egeler ‘15
Head Admissions Ambassador:
Keoni Kailimai’ ‘14
As Blue Devil Guide, you play an important role in Duke University recruitment. You have a
responsibility to our visitors and the entire University community. Your efforts and your willingness to
share your Duke knowledge and enthusiasm help bring talented students into the Duke community each
We expect you to share your experiences about Duke with visitors and to give them a positive
impression of campus. If a formal complaint is made against a guide, that person will be required to
have a conference with the tour guide advisor and the Head Coordinator. If a second complaint is made
against the same guide, that guide will be released from the program.
Weekly Commitment: When you agree to be a guide, you agree to make a commitment to be a tour
guide at least one time a week. You can choose between the scheduled tour times. The tour schedule
will vary during the course of the academic year, depending on anticipated visitor numbers. Tours
typically last a little over an hour. You are required to arrive at the office at least 10 minutes prior to
your scheduled tour and you will probably have to answer questions from visitors after the tour. You
should plan on spending an hour and a half total between the office and the tour. Please be aware of
your class schedules when signing up for a tour slot. You will not want to have a class the hour prior to
your tour or the hour immediately following your tour.
Group Tours: All Guides are also making a commitment to participate in Group tours given during times
other than the usual tour schedule.
*Weekday tour guides are required to give at least 2 group tours per semester
*Saturday tour guides are required to give at least 3 group tours per semester
Special Events: All guides are required to help with special events throughout the year. These events
include, but are not limited to: NC/SC Open House and Pratt in Focus programs in the fall along with
Blue Devil Days, LSRW (Latino Student Recruitment Weekend), and BSAI (Black Student Alliance
Invitational) in the spring and Scholarship weekends.
Duke Emissaries: A unique branch of our Admissions Ambassadors / Tour Guide program, as an Emissary
you will work closely with the Duke Football staff. Emissaries act as hosts/tour guides for prospective
student-athletes for approximately 2 ½ hours on home football dates during the fall. In the spring and
fall, Emissaries assist the Undergraduate Admissions office by leading special event tours.
You are a representative of Duke. You often establish visitors’ initial impressions of Duke and sometimes
their only impression. You speak on behalf of Duke, so your job is a big one. Both verbal and nonverbal
cues paint pictures for visitors as to what Duke is like. In general, how you speak, look, and interact with
others greatly impacts their first impressions of Duke and their perceptions of what a Duke student is
like. No single guide will be the representative of Duke- there is no “typical” Duke student. All of you
bring different personalities, backgrounds, majors, interests, and accomplishments. The one thing that
you all bring to this program is your dedication, commitment, and enthusiasm about Duke. It is
important that you use common sense and courtesy as you become the “face of Duke” while on your
tour. We do need to convey to prospective students and their families that Duke University is a warm
and welcoming community. Visitors will not necessarily remember what you say but they will always
remember how you made them feel.
You are a Student Representative: Visitors to campus expect a certain standard of excellence. As a
guide, consider how you may be perceived. Be aware of OFF-HAND comments about ways “around the
system.” Consider what messages your timeliness and language use send to visitors. Your every
comment can impact a visitor’s impression of Duke. Think before and while you conduct a tour, greet
visitors, and answer questions. Jokes about your dealings with specific campus offices, warnings you
give about services, and comments about activities not supported by the university can leave a negative
impression for visitors about Duke, you, and the Office of Admissions. Just BE CONSCIOUS AND AWARE
of your language – both verbal and nonverbal. Be honest, but tactful.
You are expected to avoid the following:
· Chewing gum or eating on the tour
· Foul, derogatory or disrespectful language
· Being biased as it relates to campus affairs
Personal Opinion: Maintain a professional and unbiased attitude toward university policies, programs,
or activities whether or not you entirely agree with or personally endorse them. A tour guide or any
person representing the University to the public should offer visitors a fair and unbiased representation
of the University and campus life. For example, you may not agree with the new housing model, but
you should present the facts of the policy to your group and indicate that specific questions should be
directed to the Office of Residence Life & Housing Services. Another good example: Whether or not you
are in the Greek system, it is important to present information about fraternities and sororities in the
context of explaining that Duke recognizes over 500 student organizations. It is not our job to either
convince someone of the merits of the Greek system or to deter prospective students from getting
involved in the Greek system.
Comparisons between Duke and other Institutions: Do not draw comparisons between Duke
and other institutions or infer negative aspects about other schools. If people ask you where
else you applied or why you chose Duke, be honest but tactful. Focus on the positives and those
factors that led you to ultimately matriculate. Your two responsibilities as a guide are to share
factual information about Duke and to share your experiences and anecdotes about your time
here. Balance between the two is the key.
As a tour guide, you serve as a representative of Duke University for prospective students and parents
visiting the office every day. Your job will be to answer questions about the university from a student’s
perspective. Your perspectives are invaluable, but remember that they should be presented within the
context of the overall mission of Duke University. Duke is innovative, embraces change, and
encourages undergraduates to become partners in defining their educational experience via
exceptional and unique academic opportunities. Duke people can and do make a difference in the
What does a Tour Guide do?
Tour guides provide a student led tour of campus to campus visitors. Guides arrive at the Office of
Admissions 10 minutes prior to their tour time. Your job is to give visitors a view of campus and
enthusiastically provide them with information about students’ experiences here at Duke.
Tour guides need to go beyond statistics and geographical details to show students and families
Duke’s distinct personality and values. Try not to repeat the admissions information session. Tell
stories of your experiences at Duke, do not continually cite statistics.
Tour guides do not just talk at the students; they interact with the families, ask questions,
engage visitors, are proactive and ask visitors to ask them questions, and are always a gracious
Tour guides are aware of their audience. Remember that you are addressing a group of people, so you
do need to project your voice to ensure that everyone hears you. If the tour is a small size, tour guides
will engage visitors in conversation throughout the tour of campus. Walking backwards while talking is
NOT something we do. We walk to predetermined spots on the tour route, stop, gather, and engage.
That helps ensure that everyone can see and hear the guide.
Becoming a GREAT Guide
Be on time – All guides need to report for their scheduled tour at least 10 minutes prior to your
scheduled tour. This will allow you time to sign-in and grab a bottle of water without feeling
rushed at the beginning of your tour. It is important, however, that you DO NOT START THE
Be yourself and be enthusiastic- Share your stories/experiences and the stories/experiences of
your friends. These personal touches will make your tour more interesting and more
memorable for visitors. Talk about faculty/student interactions, Residence Hall programming,
student organizations, and your RA in your freshman residence hall. Share your favorite (and
appropriate) moments at Duke. Remember your feelings as you visited college campuses, and
think about some of the questions you wanted to hear answered. Share how you adjusted to
college and the opportunities you have discovered at Duke. Remember that you are addressing
a group of people, so you do need to project your voice to ensure that everyone hears you.
Know the facts - While it is important that you offer your own personal experiences at Duke, it
is also important that the information you provide to visitors is factual. Remember, in your role
you are representing the University and you have a responsibility to present accurate
information to visitors. It is your responsibility to keep up to date on information about the
University by reviewing the information in this manual, reading The Chronicle on a daily basis,
and just being aware of the various events/topics/issues on campus.
Be flexible - Visitors often travel a great distance to visit, so your adaptability to different types
of weather, sizes of groups, and energy level of visitors is crucial. You should be prepared to
give a tour in any weather (RAIN or SHINE), for 1 visitor or for 50 visitors. You may be able to
conduct your tour while walking with a small tour group but always wait for the group to gather
and talk to a larger group all together.
Encourage interactions with visitors
- Look at the people you’re speaking with – eye contact
can help people understand you and also helps make a connection with visitors. Also, if you are
leading a tour, project your voice so that everyone can hear you. Be attentive to visitors when
they ask questions and encourage participation. By doing you will give a clear image of
addressing of the group. Try to avoid wearing sunglasses.
6. Help all visitors feel welcome: Helping the university come alive requires that all visitors to Duke
feel comfortable during their entire visit. Your language should send messages of value and respect for
the diversity of people with whom you interact.
· Use both male and female pronouns
· Don’t assume anything about the visitors in your tour group. Not all students come from two-parent
families, attend private schools, participate in sports, etc. Make comments that make everyone feel
· Use examples of several different religious and cultural beliefs on campus
· Familiarize yourself with the location of accessible entrances to buildings on your tour route and
make sure that if someone is on your tour that will need to use those entrances that the EVERYONE on
your tour follows that route.
7. Use appropriate wording and proper grammar –
· Use RESIDENCE HALL instead of dorm.
· Use DINING HALL instead of cafeteria.
· Use STUDENTS/PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES instead of handicapped, disabled student, or disabled
It might not seem important at first, but speaking properly influences the opinions of visitors. This not
only applies to grammar, but also colloquialisms and generational tendencies (excessive use of words
such as “like” or “um”).
8. Be prepared – This means that you should understand how you are going to communicate the
Duke experience to visitors through examples, facts, anecdotes, etc. Know your goals for the tour and
what images you are trying to convey. Refer to the “Difficult and Frequently Asked Questions” section
of the manual (Section VIII) and think about your answers to these questions ahead of time. Knowing
how you would answer these questions in advance will help you avoid getting into a difficult situation.
Feel free to share examples with other guides as well.
9. It’s okay to say “I don’t know” - Your role is to speak from your perspective as a current
student, not an admissions counselor or financial aid officer. It is FAR BETTER to refer the visitor to an
Admissions Officer than to make up an answer or guess a statistic. Refer all admissions questions to this
10. Have fun! – Enjoy meeting visitors and sharing your enthusiasm for Duke. Your energy and
excitement will be contagious! Be your usual vibrant, effervescent self.
If you meet with a student for an extended period of time, you may give him/her a business
card with your information. Business cards are located in the tour guide check-in room.
Attendance: As a guide, you make a weekly commitment to tour at your designated time.
regularly scheduled tours. You MUST also arrive to give all Special Tours for which you sign up.
Because you play such an important role in the recruitment of students, your attendance and
your punctuality are ESSENTIAL!!! Not showing up for your scheduled tour is unacceptable.
If you cannot make your scheduled tour time, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find a replacement at least
3 DAYS prior to your tour time. You will be given a Tour Guide e-mail and phone list. This list and the
weekly schedule are also accessible on-line at
When you find a replacement for a TOUR time, you are required to e-mail your Head Tour Guide.
If you become ill and/or a family emergency arises that impacts your ability to greet visitors or give
your tour, please contact Samuel Carpenter. You MUST also email your Head Tour Guide. He/she will
be responsible for filling your spot if you have not been able to find a replacement. Be nice to your Head
Guide…if you can find a replacement, do it. Your Head Guide will be forever grateful.
During some of our slower months in the office, we will not have as many visitors. However, it is still
your responsibility to come to your assigned tour. When there are not a lot of visitors, please
understand that giving personal attention to our visiting families is just as important. It is fun and
beneficial to give tours in tandem. Tour Guides MAY NOT leave without the permission of your head
guide. Giving tours with another guide can give you new ideas and make the experience for our visitors
even better.
Attendance at two meetings per semester is also required. We are sensitive to your busy schedules.
However meetings are traditionally short and we simply want to keep you updated on the issues.
Signing In: When you arrive for your designated commitment, head to the kitchen area of
McClendon and:
Sign in using the appropriate binder
Glance at the bulletin board to see if there is any new information
Feel free to help yourself to bottled water
Report to the lobby area of McClendon Commons; meet with your fellow guides.
Be proactive by mingling with visitors rather than waiting for people to ask you questions.
Attire: We do not have uniforms, however we ask you to be conscious of what you wear while
interacting with visitors.
· “other school” shirts
· offensive T-shirts
· ripped clothing
· Clothing with negative messages (Duke or otherwise)
Wear clothing that is comfortable, but please be conscious of your choice of clothing on the days you
give a tour. Make sure you wear comfortable shoes and feel free to wear as much Duke apparel as you
Weather: We give tours RAIN or SHINE. Check the weather before coming the Office of
Admissions and dress accordingly. We will also have a limited number of umbrellas for the use
of our guests. Visitors will still be excited to see campus – many have traveled a long distance to
visit, so the weather will not impact their desire to learn about Duke. Should we have lightning
and thunder prior to leaving McClendon, we will delay the start of all tours. During this time feel
free to engage your visitors and answer any questions. A reasonable delay is 15 - 20 minutes
after the last flash of lightning. This will ensure that any weather front will have time to move on.
If after one half hour the front continues to remain over the area, we will cancel the tour for
safety reasons. Should you find yourself on campus when an unsafe situation arises (severe
weather), seek shelter immediately by heading indoors and follow the above guidelines. THE
Attitude: Above all, you are not “selling” Duke. Be friendly and enthusiastic but do not overdo it.
People realize that everything cannot be perfect here. Share your feelings and be honest, but if
you appear to be “selling” the school, your tour may lack credibility. On the other hand, being
too “laid back” can be seen as being disinterested or uncaring. It is our hope that you are excited
to be a part of the Duke community and your attitude / appearance should reflect that.
Behavior in McClendon: Remember that McClendon Commons and the Admissions Office are
public spaces and visitors will be hearing your conversations. Be aware of your voice level when
conversing with other tour guides or staff members; if an information session is going on, the
people at the back of the room may be able to hear you if you are speaking loudly in the lobby.
Please remember that as a Guide, you are a representative of the University and should act
· Training and Meetings: TRAINING IS AN ONGOING PROCESS! There will be optional
refresher training for those of you who would like a review after the summer break. Our
meetings offer continued training and an opportunity to discuss and share new ideas. The
bulletin board in the hallway will also offer Training Tips and announcements regularly. Please
feel free to contribute your ideas to the process as well by sending an e-mail to Sam or the
Training Coordinator.
· E-mail: Reading Tour Guide e-mail is your responsibility. If you are not receiving e-mail
from this list, you should contact Will Niver or the Head Coordinator immediately. All guides
are required to register on the tour guide list serve. The Publicity Chair is your point of contact
for this.
· Website: We now have a website for the tour guide program. You can use this page to check the
schedule, get announcements, etc. The address is
Please check the website regularly for important updates and meeting information.
· Parking: You MAY NOT park in the circle located in front of the Admissions Office, the
parking lot directly behind McClendon, or use an Admissions parking pass. Sorry! Please take
the bus, walk, or park in the parking lot where you have a permit. Please allow plenty of time
to get to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
Blue Devil Tour Guides serve to communicate their unique Duke experiences with all guests visiting
the University. However, tour guides should structure their talks around the following five key
messages, which MUST be communicated during every tour.
A Duke education centers on engaged, interdisciplinary scholarship between students and
Small classes, high student-faculty interaction
Lowest faculty-student ratio out of top 20 schools
All professors must teach undergraduates, unlike some schools
FLUNCH program facilitates student-faculty interaction outside class
Focus Program and mandatory freshman seminars
Many interdisciplinary options
Certificate programs or interdisciplinary minors, allow students to link disciplines
Program II allows for any academic pathway to be achieved
Low major requirements leads to many double/triple major/minor options
FOCUS Program gives access to the best professors and small classes from first days on campus
Major research focus
Large research grant programs for students (Deans Summer Research Fellowship, Pratt Undergraduate
Research Fellowship, Center for International Studies), some complete honors thesis/graduate with
Expansive academic resources
Nasher Museum of Art, which has hosted renowned exhibits featuring major artists like Picasso
Lemur Center, largest concentration of lemurs outside Madagascar
Duke Immersive Virtual Environment (DIVE), part of 15 new buildings around campus
Library system among the largest in the world, rated as one of the top University libraries in the US
A different kind of engineering school, Pratt is physically, academically, and socially well
integrated in the Duke community.
Great campus location
Minutes from Main West quad, 500 feet from the library
All new/renovated facilities (CIEMAS, renovated Teer classrooms, LSRC)
Interdisciplinary focus
Only 40% of Pratt students go on to pursue careers in engineering
30% of Pratt students go abroad, national average 10%
Two-thirds of Pratt students double major, minor, or do certificates
Tight-knit social community
Strong social community with high faculty-student interaction
E-ball every semester to celebrate accomplishments
E-social, happy hour each week on the e-quad
Duke students consistently apply their educations to real-world issues in service of global
DukeEngage, which gives every undergraduate the opportunity to perform service abroad
Engineers Without Borders/Engineering World Health, among the most active chapters in the US
Global Health Institute, which has pioneered major AIDS/emerging diseases research and fieldwork
Hart Leadership Program, the first endowed undergraduate leadership program in the US
Kenan Institute for Ethics, which sends students around the world each summer
Duke SmartHome, created by students to explore sustainable living
Duke is a friendly, collaborative, residential campus with many options for students to create
their own community.
House model: cohesive community over four years
East-->West or Central-->West/Central/Off Campus
Creates vibrant community and strong school spirit
Apartment style living for upperclassmen
Students must reside on campus for 3 years, 85% of students live on campus for all four years
Distinctive first year experience on East
All students transition into Duke together, creates bonds within classes
East is a fully-functioning campus, safe atmosphere for learning and growth
Balanced social scene
Greek groups are present but not dominant- just over ⅓ of students
Freedom to create your ideal of living community
Selective living groups (mainly around themes, no pledging), co-ed, multi-year blocking, East meets West
Durham is a strong, safe community full of rich cultural, artistic, and dining opportunities.
In reality, contrary to bad reputation, Durham is extremely cosmopolitan
Great location: three major research universities, Research Triangle as “Silicon Valley of the East”
Sophisticated, diverse resident base: Durham has the highest percentage of PhD residents in the country
Ranked #1 smartest city in the US, most residents come from major cities
Geographically well-positioned
Can reach to the beach or the mountains within a few hours
Major natural resources (Eno River, Umstead, Duke Forest, Duke Gardens)
Major cultural and artistic events
American Dance Festival, hosted by Duke and Durham
Largest documentary film festival in the United States, Full Frame, hosted in Durham
Durham Performing Arts Center—largest arts center in the South
Amazing food and restaurants
Food & Wine magazine voted Durham “America’s foodiest small city”
Highest concentration of 4 and 5 star restaurants outside a major urban area, many close to East
TOUR ROUTE and Information
1. Opening greeting before tour begins:
Campus Layout
Suggestion: Open with “news update” of something interesting going on with Duke
About 9000 acres of land make up Duke’s campus. 1000 of these acres comprise the academic and
residential facilities. The 8000-acre Duke Forest that surrounds campus includes numerous hiking/biking
trails, golf course, and Lemur Center. Martin Kratt, one of the creators/hosts of PBS children’s show
Zoboomafoo, is a 1989 graduate of Duke.
East and West Campus are 1.2 miles apart along Campus Drive. Each campus is fully functional
including eateries, residence halls, libraries, computer clusters, and auditoriums.
East Campus – Georgian Architecture – home to Fine Arts and Humanities
West Campus – Gothic Architecture – upperclassmen, Main Administration, Sciences, Pratt, and
Central Campus falls right between East and West and features apartment-style living; Campus
Drive features include Nasher Museum, Freeman Center, & International House
Sarah P. Duke Gardens
Freeman Center for Jewish Life
Nasher Museum of Art : Recent exhibits
The Duke Community Standard
A good transition into academics, could be done walking toward the chapel/academic buildings
· What the Community Standard Represents - Duke University is a community of scholars and
learners, committed to the principles of honesty, trustworthiness, fairness, and respect for others.
Students share with faculty and staff the responsibility for promoting a climate of integrity. As citizens of
this community, students are expected to adhere to these fundamental values at all times, in both their
academic and non-academic endeavors.
The Reaffirmation - Upon completion of each academic assignment, students will be expected to
reaffirm the above commitment by signing this statement: “I have adhered to the Duke Community
Standard in completing this assignment.”
2. On the Academic Quad (or in front of chapel)
Academic Life –
Trinity and Pratt
· Be prepared to present:
o Your major or your primary academic interest(s)
o If you’ve chosen your major, why you chose it
o If you haven’t, what subjects interest you and which majors are you considering
o Size of your classes
o Any minors or certificates you have chosen or are considering
o Favorite academic courses (not social dancing, etc)
o 2 or 3 memorable academic experiences
o Class discussions; meetings with professors; research in library or lab; independent academic work;
conversations with other students—undergrad or grad;
o If you have done any of the following, discuss in depth:
§ First year seminar
§ Writing 101 (if it was memorable)
§ Discovering a new, unexpected, or different discipline
§ Any one on one or small group experience with faculty (Focus program, etc)
-Academic Advisors
Study Abroad / Study Away
Academic year programs
Summer Programs
Duke in NY, Duke in LA
Approximately 50% of students will spend some time off-campus
4. Archway by Perkins and Bostock
The Duke Library system
Students can get research assistance from subject specialists or librarians 24/7.
Facts to touch on:
Undergraduates have access to all branches. The Duke Library system is considered to be one of
the Top 3 college libraries in the country (US News & World Report)
The Duke libraries own 5.4 million books.
Many libraries are open until 2:00 AM, with some offering 24 hr study areas.
FREE printing from computer clusters 24 hours/Day
Undergraduate Writing Tutors
Freshman year all students assigned a personal librarian to assist with research
Spend more time on:
How you use the library
Help you’ve received from the reference librarians
Resources (Link, Rare Book Room, Online Journals, Movie Rentals)
How your friends, roommates, teammates use the library, including special subject libraries
*If your tour is small enough (15 max.) feel free to walk into either library, Von der Hayden Pavilion or
5. Engineering Quad, enter CIEMAS or Fitzpatrick Center
· Building is LEED certified and has an environmental certification at the silver level. One of the
window etchings is a reproduction of Leonardo da Vinci’s “Spectra” pattern. Enter across from Twinnies
· If possible, show Schiciano Auditorium, which is located between the Robotics Lab and Visualization
Studio. It is an example of one the excellent lecture halls located throughout campus. Cite other
examples: White Lecture Hall (East) or facilities in French Science.
· Proceed toward the lobby/atrium and point out/show, if possible, the virtual reality room along with
the location of the Clean Room (nanotechnology research).
· Inform visitors of the work stations located on the second & third floor atrium levels. The study
carrels are complete with electrical outlets, network connection ports and are enabled for wireless
6. Outside in front of Hudson Hall or inside Fitzpatrick
· Research:
o Point out Levine Science Research Center; take a moment to emphasize the research opportunities
available in all subject areas.
o Over 50% of our undergraduates are involved in research. Research opportunities are available as
early as one’s first semester on campus, with possible funding available as early as second semester.
o Here’s where you need to talk about your research, or a friend’s research that you are aware of.
§ It can be in the sciences or social sciences or humanities
§ It can be as part of a class or summer or independent work
§ It needs to demonstrate either access to resources or work with faculty.
o If it makes sense, you can mention Home Depot Smart Home (located across from the Freeman
Center) is a 6,000 sq. ft. live-in research lab that functions as a classroom/living environment
highlighting sustainable technology in addition to exploring an energy efficient lifestyle. Open to all Duke
o Point out Teer Hall: Pratt offers tours of the engineering facilities and those depart from the 2nd floor
7. Walking toward Science Drive
Campus Safety
· Duke University Police Department – over 60 commissioned police officers
· Safe Rides is a free service that provides free rides from anywhere on-campus to any location
on-campus or close to campus.
Swipe card entrances to residence halls
Yellow emergency phones throughout campus
Crime prevention presentations, Rape awareness presentations, Alcohol law presentations
Personal property engraving, Personal safety escorts services, Facility surveys, Victim assistance,
and Workforce violence educational programs are just a few examples of programs run through
the police department.
Summer of 2008 saw the installation of a campus-wide outdoor siren warning system, as part of
DukeALERT. The system will notify the Duke campus of any imminent life-threatening emergency.
In addition this will used in combination of voice, web, and email notification for any on-campus
emergency. Sirens are located on each campus area (East, Central, Duke Gardens, West, & Medical
-Student Health
8. Proceed Up Science Drive
Science Drive
o Sciences, Mathematics, and Engineering departments are housed along Science Drive.
o Modern Research facilities and multi-media potential in buildings
o French Family Science Center- completed in 2006. It was named in honor of alumna and trustee
Melinda French Gates and her family. It is a state-of-the-art facility incorporating math, biology, physics,
and chemistry in 280,000 sq. ft. of space.
· DukeEngage (tie in to Gates family/French Family)
§ Represents a new Duke commitment to nurturing a life-long passion for making a difference in the
world, a flexible service-learning program with faculty and full financial support.
§ Flexible program that encourages students, regardless of financial resources, to spend a full summer
immersed in field work that contributes to the public good.
§ This can take place as close as in Durham NC, or as far as Africa. Students have no limits as far as
location is concerned.
§ Formally in place since 2007, more than 1400 students have participated
9. Bryan Center / BC Plaza
● Dining
Overview of freshman and upperclassman dining plan: freshmen have all-you-can-eat meals in
Marketplace plus food points for use in other eateries.
After freshman year, you have food points for use in any of the 30 campus eateries.
Can mention your favorite place to eat, Merchants on Points, hanging out with friends at the
Marketplace, etc.
● Student Life
This is where you talk about yourself and your friends in some detail
What are your non-academic activities?
Duke students are incredibly active outside of class.
What extracurricular activities/clubs/organizations/groups do you spend your time with?
Internships/Community service (clubs in a range of interests from arts, to politics, to Quidditch)
Feel free to go into some detail here…show them the richness of your non-academic life.
Time spent in the City of Durham- DPAC, restaurants, movies, concerts…no Shooter’s stories !!!!!
Your friends and acquaintances
Their academic interests
The range of things they’re studying
Their backgrounds, particularly if they are different than yours
Their interesting talents, experiences, and accomplishments
How their interests sometimes overlap & sometimes don’t
10. Walk through Plaza, then stop on Residential Quad
Residential Life
Residential Community, 3 year on campus requirement
Housing is guaranteed for 4 years
New housing model effective in 2012. Key points for the new housing model:
● Designed to foster sense of community beyond freshman year
● Students will be placed in same house sophomore and junior years,
● Students will be placed in communities (houses) on either West (49 Houses) or Central
(up to 23 houses) Campus
● Each house will be approximately 50% sophomores
· Renovations to campus are always underway. New Keohane Quad (4K) added 150 students in
December 2011 (suite style living), Few Quad renovation completed Spring 2009
First-year housing is on East Campus, West Campus has 6 residential quads
-Discuss what makes having all freshman on East Campus great (community, eases transition to college,
etc) Mention facilities on East (Brodie, Marketplace, Lilly, etc)
You choose single-sex or co-ed. All East Campus (14 residences in 4 “neighborhoods”) and West
Campus (6 residential quads) are non-smoking.
East Campus is a dry campus.
Residential Coordinators (RCs) all have advanced degrees, and they supervise Graduate Assistants
(GAs) and Resident Advisors (RAs). Together they work to build community and plan programming in
the residence halls.
Campus Council directs policy concerning all matters of residential life. Consists of students living in
the residence halls that come together and encourage interaction through educational and social
programming. Programming is a central part of residential life.
All sophomores will move to either West or Central Campus as part of new House model, West will
be approximately 75% sophomores
Fraternities & other SLG’s (Selective Living Groups) will have increased housing presence on Central
Campus. 17% of men participate in fraternities
Sororities have housing on Central Campus, but not all members live in the house. 32% of women
11. Towerview Road – do not cross the street
Athletic Life
Wilson Recreation Center (West) and Brodie Center (East) offer free workout facilities for students.
There is a smoothie bar, rock climbing wall, swimming pool, aerobics facilities, etc.
Duke has Varsity (26 teams 13 men, 13 women), Club level, and intramural sports opportunities
Varsity games are free for Duke students, Duke is a Division I scholarship institution and a member of
the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC); Overall Duke has won 12 National Championships and 107 ACC
Discuss the opportunities within club sports. Explain that it is a way to remain involved in
competitive team sports. Club sports are available in almost every varsity sport and many more.
Mention how intramural teams form – residence halls, fraternities/sororities, classes, etc.
While Duke may be known for basketball (4 overall men’s titles including 2010), men’s lacrosse is our
most recent national champion, winning the title in 2010. Women’s tennis won the title in 2009.
Women’s golf has 5 overall titles. Women’s Soccer was in the 2011 national championship.
Traditionally Duke has one the highest graduation rates in the country; 400 Duke student-athletes
have been named to the ACC Academic Honor Roll and 395 have been named Academic All America
Talk about school spirit and give examples of how you’ve participated in community and school
activities that show this sense of Duke pride. School spirit is contagious- not only athletic people get
into the spirit of Duke.
K-Ville- mention the tradition of tenting to showcase Duke school spirit
Be prepared to discuss in response to questions…
Career Center (for older tour guides)
On-campus recruiting by top companies for internships and full-time positions.
Online job and internship search systems
Of the 2009 graduates 92% completed at least 1 internship (55% had 2-3)
Top 5 employment sectors = finance, consulting, education, technology, engineering
Top employers: Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Teach for America, Google,
Top 5 destinations of graduates: NYC, Washington DC, Boston, San Francisco, RDU
Resume/interview skills counseling
Alumni network of 6,000 for career advice and internships
Buses run frequently between East and West campus through Central.
Buses run 7am-2am
Sunday-Thursday and 7am-3am Friday-Saturday.
Durham City bus system, DATA, makes frequent stops on Duke’s campus and provides transportation
to off-campus destinations. Robertson Scholars bus provides free transportation to UNC-CH during the
day and evening hours.
Religious Life
· The Chapel oversees all the Religious Life programming on campus, which includes 24 different
religious life groups.
· The Freeman Center for Jewish Life, The Newman Catholic Student Center, Center for Muslim Life, &
The Episcopal Student Ministry have services and programs as well.
· Approximately 1/3 of Duke undergraduates are involved in a religious life group.
VII - DUKE QUICK FACTS (Random information that is
applicable at multiple points in the tour but doesn’t apply
solely to one station. Feel free to place where you see fit).
Location: Durham, North Carolina (approximately 200,000 residents)
Founding Date: 1924
Size: 9,000 Acres = 8000 Duke Forest, 1000 East, West, Central
Closest Airport: Raleigh-Durham International Airport
2 Undergraduate Schools, 7 Graduate Schools
President: Richard Brodhead, Ph.D.
Durham is part of the Research Triangle Park area of North Carolina. RTP is home to roughly 1.3
million people and 70,000 students; RTP is about 3 hours from the beach and about 3 hours
from the Appalachian Mountains; and RTP supports one of the highest concentrations of Ph.D.s
and M.D.s in the country.
● Approx. 6,400 Students in 2 Undergraduate Schools
○ Approx. 5,200 Students in the Trinity School of Arts and Sciences
○ Approx. 1,200 Students in the Pratt School of Engineering
○ Undergraduate libraries: Perkins, Bostock, Lily (Fine Arts), Music, Pearse (Marine)
● Approx. 7,000 Students in 7 Graduate Schools
○ School of Medicine, School of Law, Fuqua School of Business,
○ Nicholas School of the Environment, Divinity School,
○ Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
○ Graduate libraries: Ford (Business), Divinity, Goodson (Law), Medical Center,
● ~15% North Carolina, 85% from outside North Carolina
● ~30% Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern
● ~30% Midwestern and Western
● ~8% International
● ~21% Asian-American
● ~10% African American
● ~7% Hispanic/Latino
● ~3% Multi-Racial
● 50 States Represented
85 Nations Represented
● 96+% Graduate in four or fewer years.
● Approximately 50% receive financial assistance (need-based aid)
● 814 Undergraduate Faculty
● 8:1 Student/Faculty Ratio
● Over 4,000 courses at the undergraduate level
● 50% participate in one of over 120 study away from campus opportunities
● 40+ Undergraduate Majors in the Trinity School of Arts and Sciences, including the Program II
Major, which allows you to design your own major. Most popular: Public Policy, Economics,
Biology, English, & Psychology. Recent increase in Theater, Dance, and Music majors.
● Certificate programs: Aerospace Engineering Architectural Engineering, Documentary Studies,
Children in Contemporary Society, Early Childhood Education, Energy and Environment,
Genome Sciences and Policy, Health Policy, Human Development, Information Studies &
Information Science, Islamic Studies, Jewish Studies, Latin American Studies, Markets &
Management, Marine Science and Conservation, Neurosciences, Perspectives on Marxism &
Society, Science, Technology & Human Values, and Study of Sexualities.
● 4 Undergraduate Majors in the Pratt School of Engineering: Biomedical, Civil and
Environmental, Electrical and Computer, and Mechanical and Materials Science
● 99% Acceptance Rate to Law and Business Schools.
● For entry in 2010, the acceptance rate to medical/dental/veterinary schools was 85% (National
Average was 50%).
● 400 First Year Students (25%) participate in the FOCUS Program annually: semester of engaged
reading, writing, and classroom discussion with shared living on East Campus in order to
facilitate the development of a close-knit academic community and strong support network
● Ongoing renovation/construction—Engineering, Divinity, Library, K4 residence hall on West
Campus, Art Museum, Page Hall renovation planned for 2013
● Number of languages taught at Duke = 22. Newly added: Creole
● Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy
● Mary Lou Williams Center for African-American Culture
● Writing Studio
● Academic Resource Center
● Center for Documentary Studies
● Center for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Life
● Center for Teaching, Learning, and Writing
● Levine Science Research Center
● Primate Center
● Freeman Center for Jewish Life
Career Center
Kenan Institute for Ethics
Dewitt Wallace Center for Communications and Journalism
Beaufort Island (Duke's Marine Biology Campus)
Nasher Museum of Art
John Hope Franklin Institute for Interdisciplinary and International Studies
John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising, & Marketing History
Community Service Center
Center for International Studies
Women's Center
Asian/Pacific Studies Institute
Multicultural Center
DukeEngage: total programs = 42 for summer 2012, both domestic & international
The Link: opened in 2008, teaching/learning facility that “links” teaching and technical services
for entire Duke community. Features: classrooms, seminar spaces, Media Wall for interactive
displays of art, programming animation
● 500 Clubs and Organizations
● 220 average sunny days per year
● 99+% First Year Students return for their Sophomore Year
● 30 Campus Eateries
● Faculty in Residence in almost every first year dorm
● Visiting Lecturers and Performers Annually: 750+
● Cost of a Duke Student Basketball Ticket--$0
● Campus Publications include: The Chronicle (newspaper), The Chanticleer (yearbook),
DukEngineer, Vertices (science), Latent Image (photography), Tobacco Road (creative writing),
Prometheus Black (cultural magazine) and Voices (feminist writing)
VIII. Some difficult questions you may be asked, and ideas for
appropriate responses:
What is the party scene like?
You can find lots of other opportunities that don’t involve drinking, such as attending student
productions, Freewater movie screenings, Devils After Dark events, etc.
Is the campus safe? I recently read something about a robbery? What’s been done?
Need common sense that you would need anywhere, but generally campus is safe.
What is Greek Life like?
“Present but not dominant”- Greek students represent about 30% of undergraduates (17% of
men, 32% of women). You can have a great experience whether or not you join a Greek organization.
We also have SLGs.
Do graduate assistants or TAs teach undergraduate classes?
Mostly they only lead recitations and help in class, don’t usually teach.
How difficult is it to get classes? How big are classes?
93% of classes are smaller than 40 students. Seniors register first, but there are lots of freshman
classes available.
How are academic advisors assigned? Is it easy to talk to / meet with advisors and professors?
Every advisor has 12 or less advisees so they are generally very available. Professors have office
hours and are available to meet by appointment.
How are roommates and residence halls?
You have a random roommate freshman year, but then you can choose your roommate for
every year after. Residence halls are all different- some are older than others, but they are constantly
Talking Points: Academic Experiences
Duke Academic Experiences:
· What are your academic interests? Why did you choose your major? If have not chosen it,
what subjects are you interested in and why?
· FOCUS- talk about your experience or a friend’s experience, and how this gets first year
students into small classes with great faculty. How this allows you to explore interesting topics.
· Talk about Duke’s liberal arts focus. In Trinity, the only requirements as a freshman are to
take Writing 101 and a seminar. Other than that, no general education requirement- you can
come in and take whatever you want.
o Also, in Trinity, Duke does not require you to declare a major until spring of sophomore year,
and majors often only require you to take ten courses in the department. Maybe talk about
some cool elective courses that you have taken just because you were interested in the subject.
o Certificate programs are unique to Duke. If you are in a certificate program, talk about the
different types of classes.
· Study abroad- great programs in the summer and during the school year. Talk about how
engineers at Duke study abroad much more often than the national average. Talk about a cool
study abroad program that you or a friend has done, or where you are thinking about studying
· Research- Duke provides an incredible amount of resources to undergraduates looking to
conduct research. Maybe talk about a research project that you or a friend is doing. Talk about
how students graduate with distinction by completing a senior thesis. Maybe talk about Smart
· University resources- Talk about the great lab space that you have worked in at French, or the
excellent selections of publications that you can only get at Duke special collections.
· What have been your favorite classes at Duke? Why have they been your favorite? Was it a
small seminar where you had interesting discussions?
· Have you ever had a particularly good relationship or experience with a professor? Talk about
going into their office hours, how much professors want to meet their students, how willing they
are to help
· Talk about group work that you have done and how you have learned from that. Maybe how
the Link facilitates group work.
· What academic achievements are you most proud of? Talk about those. Was it a big paper?
Or a group project? What was it on? What makes this experience so special?
· Have you worked with DIVE (Duke Immersive Virtual Environment)? Know of any projects
that have happened there?
· Have you seen any cool speakers that have come to campus? What did you learn from
them? Some recent examples are Robert Gates and Thomas Friedman.