
Advanced Placement Psychology
Unit 1 Intro to Psychological Science Term Sheet
(History & Approaches 2-4%) & Research Methods (6-8%)
1. The Definition of Psychology
• Psychology
• Psyche
• Logos
• Behavior
• Mental Processes
2. The Goals of Psychology
• Describe
• Explain
• Predict
• Control
3. The Subfields of Psychology
• Professional Service
• Basic Research
• Applied Research
• Psychiatrist
• Types of Psychologists:
• Psychiatrist
Advanced Placement Psychology
Unit 1 Intro to Psychological Science Term Sheet
4. Typical Work Settings For Psychologists
Pie Chart 5. Psychology's Roots
• Socrates
• Plato
• Aristotle
• Rene Descartes
• John Locke
• Francis Bacon
• Charles Darwin
• Natural Selection • Empiricism 6. The History of Psychology
• Philosophy
• Biology
• Wilhelm Wundt
• Introspection
• Edward Bradford Titchener
• William James
• Mary Calkins
• G. Stanley Hall
• American Psychological Association
• Ivan Pavlov
• Jean Piaget
• Carl Rogers
• Abraham Maslow Advanced Placement Psychology
Unit 1 Intro to Psychological Science Term Sheet
• Sigmund Freud
--Free Association
-- Dream Analysis
• John B. Watson
• B.F. Skinner
7. Approaches or Perspectives To Psychology
• Neuroscience/Biological Perspective
• Evolutionary Perspective
• Behavioral Perspective
• Psychodynamic Perspective
• Behavior Genetics Perspective
• Cognitive Perspective
• Social-Cultural Perspective
• Levels of Analysis • Eclecticism or The Biopsychosocial Approach 8. Seven Themes of Psychology
Psychology is Empirical
Psychology is Theoretically Diverse
Psychology Evolves in a Sociohistorical Context
Behavior Is Shaped By Our Cultural Heritage
Behavior Is Shaped By Multiple Causes
Heredity and Environment Jointly Influence Behavior
Our Experience of the World Is Highly Subjective 9. The Need For Psychological Science
• Hindsight Bias
• Judgmental Overconfidence
Advanced Placement Psychology
Unit 1 Intro to Psychological Science Term Sheet
10. The Scientific Attitude
• Critical Thinking
11. Steps In A Scientific Investigation
• Scientific Method
• Theory
• Hypothesis
• Operational Definition
• Replication
12. Research Methods In Psychology
• The Experiment
• Placebo/Placebo Effect
• Double-Blind Procedure
• Experimental Condition/Group
• Control Condition/Group
• Random Assignment
• Independent Variable
• Dependent Variable
• Confounding Variables
• Extraneous Variables
• Descriptive Methods of Research
• The Case Study
• The Survey
• Wording Effect
• Sampling
• Representative Sample
• False Consensus Effect
• Population
• Random Sample
• The Naturalistic Observation
• Correlational Study
Advanced Placement Psychology
Unit 1 Intro to Psychological Science Term Sheet
13. Statistical Analysis of Research
• Statistics
• Descriptive Statistics
• Measures of Central Tendency
• Mean
• Median
• Mode
• Data Chart
• Histogram
• Frequency Polygon
• Symmetrical Distribution
• Positively Skewed Distribution
• Negatively Skewed Distribution
• Measures of Variability
• Range
• Standard Deviation
• Correlation
• Correlation Coefficient
• Positive Correlation
• Negative Correlation
• Scatter Plots
• Illusory Correlation's
• Making Inferences/Inferential Statistics
• Statistical Significance
• APA Ethical Guidelines