01 Jul 09 Research Fortnight Opportunities issue 327 This email contains only summary information for each item. For LINKS TO ORIGINAL SOURCES and the FULL TEXT, click on the link for an item and sign in to the site using your username and password (Note: If you are accessing this from on campus, you will be able to use the 'Campus access' option to sign in without a username and password). United Kingdom RESEARCH FOR PATIENT BENEFIT PROGRAMME Department of Health including NIHR (DH), GB The scheme aims to provide high quality research that will be of direct benefit to users of the NHS in England. Projects are likely to fall into the areas of health service research and public health research, although other areas are not excluded from the programme. Project grants will last up to 36 months, with a total maximum cost of £250,000 including overheads. Award amount max: £250000 Closing date: 14 Aug 09 NEW AGENT COMMITTEE TRIALS Cancer Research UK, GB NAC aims to provide a one-step process for selecting new anti-cancer treatments and diagnostics and taking them into early clinical trials. Grants last an average of two years and will provide support for an NAC trial at a UK university or clinical centre. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 17 Jul 09 ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONAL TRAINING FELLOWSHIPS Arthritis Research Campaign, GB These are offered to AHPs who are, or are eligible to be, registered with the Health Professions Council, Nursing and Midwifery Council or other appropriate regulatory body to undertake training in clinical or basic science research at a UK institution leading to a PhD or other appropriate higher degrees. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 01 Feb 10 TRAVEL SCHOLARSHIPS British Society for Haematology, GB The aim of these scholarships is to support attendance at international conferences, workshops, symposia or courses. Awards have a maximum value of £1,000. Award amount max: £1000 Closing date: No deadline RESEARCH PROJECT GRANTS Medical Research Scotland (formerly the Scottish Hospital Endowments Research Trust), GB These fund medical research projects carried out in Scotland. Grants will not exceed £150,000 over a duration of three years. Award amount max: £150000 Closing date: 16 Oct 09 MAJOR RESEARCH GRANTS BackCare, GB Grants will support research into back pain, providing that: it is people orientated; is original and of high quality; relates to pain in the human spine rather than to pain in general. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 11 Nov 09 GENERAL TRAVEL GRANTS Biochemical Society, GB These are designed to help members of at least one year’s standing to attend scientific meetings and make short visits to other laboratories. Grants are worth up to £500. Award amount max: £500 Closing date: 01 Sep 09 RESEARCH PROGRAMMES Leverhulme Trust, GB The themes for 2010 are beauty and the impact of diasporas. For each theme, a minimum of £500,000 and a maximum of £1.75 million is available for the support of work extending over periods of up to five years. Awards provide salaries for research staff and associated research costs. Award amount max: £1750000 Closing date: 08 Jan 10 SHORT-TERM RESEARCH LEAVE AWARDS IN THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE FOR CLINICIANS AND SCIENTISTS Wellcome Trust, GB This scheme enables clinicians or scientists to undertake a short period of full-time research at a centre or department with academic expertise in medical history. The focus should be on the history of 20th century medicine and medical science. Awards will last for three to four months and provide the salary of a locum or replacement lecturer, plus a set amount for travel to conferences. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 20 Oct 09 CAREER DEVELOPMENT AWARD Medical Research Council, GB This provides up to five years' support for outstanding postdoctoral researchers who wish to consolidate their research skills and make the transition from postdoctoral research trainee to independent investigator. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 29 Jan 10 MAURICE WOHL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP IN SURGERY/DENTAL SURGERY Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, GB This is intended for qualified and experienced young surgeons to undertake research in surgery or dental surgery. The funding allocated for this fellowship is currently £45,000 per annum and provides salary, National Insurance and superannuation costs only. Award amount max: £45000 Closing date: 14 Nov 09 START-UP GRANTS British Society for Haematology, GB These support consumable expenses so that young investigators can follow research plans leading to full grant applications. Grants are worth up to £7,000 each. Award amount max: £7000 Closing date: No deadline HISTORY OF MEDICINE UNIVERSITY AWARDS Wellcome Trust, GB These allow universities in the UK, RoI or the Netherlands to attract outstanding research staff at early to mid-stage in their career by providing support for up to five years. The trust provides the applicant’s full salary for three years, 50 per cent in the fourth year and 25 per cent in the fifth year. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 20 Oct 09 HISTORY OF MEDICINE PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT AWARDS Wellcome Trust, GB This scheme enables the history of medicine to reach wider audiences such as schools, the public and the media. Proposals may involve a wide range of approaches, such as television, radio, exhibitions, theatre, websites, educational resources, lecture and debate series. Funding will normally exceed £30,000 per award. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 20 Oct 09 JUNE AND SIDNEY CROWN AWARD Royal College of Physicians, GB This allows young members of the RCP faculty of public health to gain experience or further training outside the UK. Up to £150 is available. Applicants should be under the age of 35. Award amount max: £150 Closing date: 01 Feb 10 MICROCIRCULATION CONFERENCE GRANTS British Microcirculation Society, GB These assist two student members of the society to attend the European Society for Microcirculation conferences or the international microcirculation conferences in the years when these are held, and to assist one student member in attending a national microcirculation society meeting abroad on the alternate years. The initial grant is set at £500. Award amount max: £500 Closing date: 31 Jan 10 INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE GRANTS Houghton Trust, GB These are for young researchers of any nationality working in the field of avian diseases. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 15 Nov 09 RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS IN THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE Wellcome Trust, GB These support postdoctoral scholars, not in tenured or otherwise long-term established academic posts, who wish to carry out an extended period of research on a specific project. Awards last up to three years and provide a salary and research expenses, including travel. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 20 Oct 09 GRANTS FOR FIELD-BASED GENETIC RESEARCH Genetics Society, GB These provide up to £1,000 to cover the costs of travel and accommodation associated with pursuing a field-based genetic research project or a visit to another laboratory for training, ie to learn a new technique. Award amount max: £1500 Closing date: 31 Jan 10 BIOMEDICAL AND THERAPEUTIC RESEARCH COMMITTEE GRANTS Scottish Government (previously the Scottish Executive), GB Project grants are limited to £225,000 for direct costs spread over a maximum of three years. Also available are: small grants of up to £50,000 for a duration of up to 12 months; portfolio or programme grants of up to £450,000 in fields of mental health, public health or cancer. Award amount max: £450000 Closing date: 25 Sep 09 BIOMEDICAL ETHICS RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS Wellcome Trust, GB These support scholars not yet in tenured or otherwise long-term established academic posts wishing to undertake a period of postdoctoral research. Fellowships last for up to three years and include a salary and essential research expenses, such as travel and fieldwork costs. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 20 Oct 09 NON-CLINICAL CAREER DEVELOPMENT FELLOWSHIPS Cancer Research UK, GB These support outstanding non-clinical scientists who have shown special promise in their initial studies in a cancer relevant research field, but may not yet have sufficient experience or the track record to obtain a more senior fellowship. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 24 Jul 09 SENIOR CANCER RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS Cancer Research UK, GB This scheme aims to provide an opportunity for outstanding scientists to establish or to further develop an independent research group. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 24 Jul 09 FELLOWSHIP Kidney Research UK (formerly the National Kidney Research Fund), GB Applications that will inform the evidence base for improving delivery of care in renal medicine are particularly welcome. A maximum total amount of £75,000 over a period of up to three years is available. Award amount max: £75000 Closing date: 18 Sep 09 RESEARCH GRANTS WellBeing of Women, GB Proposals are welcome in the following areas: research into the causes or prevention of stillbirth in collaboration with Sands; research into gynaecological cancer; projects in basic science, clinical or translational research in the areas of pregnancy and childbirth and quality of life issues. Up to £300,000 is available. Award amount max: £300000 Closing date: 07 Sep 09 RENEWABLE MATERIALS LINK PROGRAMME Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, GB The programme encourages investment in research and the exchange of knowledge between the private sector and the research base in furthering thenon-food uses of renewable materials to support sustainable development. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 30 Oct 09 GE HEALTHCARE (MEDICAL DIAGNOSTICS) FELLOWSHIP British Institute of Radiology, GB The fellowship supports visits to centres abroad in the field of medical diagnostics. Up to £5,000 is available. Award amount max: £5000 Closing date: 31 Dec 09 BIOINFORMATICS AND BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES FUND Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, GB The fund supports the establishment, maintenance and enhancement of resources required by researchers working in the biosciences in the UK. Grants are available for up to five years. A total budget of up to £6.5 million to fund 10-12 resources has been allocated to this call. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 29 Sep 09 SPIRITUALITY AND PSYCHIATRY PRIZE Royal College of Psychiatrists, GB This has been established to promote interest, to harness and disseminate reliable information on the subject and to motivate psychiatrists to build up evidence in the area of spirituality as it relates to patients and practice. The award is £250. Award amount max: £250 Closing date: 31 Dec 09 PROGRAMME GRANTS FOR APPLIED RESEARCH Department of Health including NIHR (DH), GB The awards will provide support for research that will have practical application for the benefit of patients through improved health care or better health care delivery. All NHS organisations and other providers of NHS services in England may apply, in collaboration with an appropriate academic partner or partners. Awards will be for a maximum of £2 million over a period of three to five years. Award amount max: £2000000 Closing date: 05 Oct 09 BIOMEDICAL ETHICS UNIVERSITY AWARDS Wellcome Trust, GB These allow universities in the UK and RoI to attract or retain outstanding research staff at early to mid-stage in their career by providing support for up to five years. The trust provides the applicant’s full salary for three years, 50 per cent in the fourth year and 25 per cent in the fifth year. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 20 Oct 09 COLLABORATOR BURSARIES Cancer Research UK, GB These provide funding for: applicants or their team members when visiting a collaborating research group in the UK or overseas; or the collaborating team's visit hosted by the applicant's research group. The maximum funding amount is worth £6,000. Award amount max: £6000 Closing date: 04 Sep 09 METHODOLOGY RESEARCH PROGRAMME - NEEDS-LED RESEARCH Medical Research Council, GB Proposals are open to UK-based researchers. Eligible applicants include MRC unit staff. Commercial organisations and applicants from international institutions are welcome to apply as co-applicants. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 14 Oct 09 SYSTEMS BIOLOGY FOR MEDICINE - CROSS-BOARD HIGHLIGHT NOTICE Medical Research Council, GB Under this initiative, applications are welcomed to all MRC research boards, particularly at programme-level, for systems medicine: using systems approaches in medical research. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: No deadline VICE PRESIDENT’S FUND Royal Microscopical Society, GB The fund supports projects that use microscopy to contribute to the public understanding of science or benefit the developing world. Up to £5,000 is available. Award amount max: £5000 Closing date: 31 Jul 09 BURSARIES Royal Microscopical Society, GB These enable society members to attend conferences to present a paper orally or as a poster. up to £250 is available. Award amount max: £250 Closing date: No deadline Austria FELLOWSHIP AWARDS TO YOUNG NEUROLOGISTS European Federation of Neurological Societies, AT The aim is to support young neurologists wishing to expand their knowledge in the field. The net salary will be in accordance with the salary scale of the host institution up to a maximum of 2,000 euros per month plus travel expenses. Award amount max: €24000 Closing date: 31 Dec 09 Belgium YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARDS European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, BE These recognise ESGCT members who received their first PhD between two and nine years ago, and who show promise in the field of gene therapy. Three awards, worth 1,000 euros each, are available. Award amount max: €1000 Closing date: 31 Aug 09 OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, BE This recognises a long term contribution to the field by an established researcher. The prize is worth 2,000 euros. Where a significant breakthrough has been made, the winner will be eligible for the breakthrough investigator award, worth an additional 500 euros. Award amount max: €2500 Closing date: 31 Aug 09 France ULTRAFAST STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS IN PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, BIOLOGY AND MATERIAL SCIENCE SHORT VISITS European Science Foundation, FR Funding supports visits by European researchers to European countries outside their own. Grants include a per diem of 85 euros, plus actual travel expenses of up to 500 euros. Visits may last for up to 15 days. Award amount max: €1775 Closing date: No deadline ULTRAFAST STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS IN PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, BIOLOGY AND MATERIAL SCIENCE EXCHANGE GRANTS European Science Foundation, FR Funding supports visits by European researchers to European countries outside their own. Exchange grants include a per diem of 57 euros per day, plus actual costs for travel, up to a maximum of 500 euros. Exchange grants may last from 15 days to three months. Award amount max: €5300 Closing date: No deadline Germany PHD FELLOWSHIPS Boehringer Ingelheim Fund, DE These support basic biomedical research conducted in an internationally leading laboratory by scientists under 27 years of age. Scholarships are granted for at least two years, with the option of renewal for a further 12 months and the basic monthly grant is worth 1,550 euros. All scholars are paid an additional 150 euros per month to cover minor project-related costs Award amount max: €61700 Closing date: 01 Oct 09 SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZE MEETINGS European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, DE These support the organisation of meetings attractive to other EAESP members. Small meetings are worth 4,000 euros each and medium meetings are worth 6,000 euros each. Award amount max: €6000 Closing date: 15 Sep 09 EFSD/GLAXOSMITHKLINE PROGRAMME IN IMMUNOMODULATION OR MODULATION OF THE INCRETIN PATHWAY IN DIABETES AND ITS COMPLICATIONS European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes, DE Projects should focus on islet function and survival, endothelial and myocardial cell function and survival, microvascular complications, cardiovascular disease and heart failure. The budget for this call is 500,000 euros and grants are worth up to 100,000 euros each. Award amount max: €100000 Closing date: 15 Oct 09 Netherlands DR HP HEINEKEN PRIZE FOR BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, NL This rewards outstanding achievements by a single individual in the field of biochemistry and biophysics, including the biochemical and biophysical aspects of microbiology, and the physiology of seed germination. The prize includes a cash award of $150,000. Award amount max: $150000 Closing date: 01 Nov 09 DR AH HEINEKEN PRIZE FOR MEDICINE Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, NL Nominees should be active researchers who are expected to continue their research activities for at least 10 years.The prize includes a cash award of $150,000. Award amount max: $150000 Closing date: 01 Nov 09 DR AH HEINEKEN PRIZE FOR COGNITIVE SCIENCE Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, NL Nominees should be active researchers who are expected to continue their research activities for at least 10 years. The prize includes a cash award of $150,000. Award amount max: $150000 Closing date: 01 Nov 09 YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARDS European Charcot Foundation , NL These recognises the best poster presentations at the Foundation symposium by investigators under 40 years of age. The best presentation receives 5,000 euros, the second best receives 3,000 euros and the third best receives 2,000 euros. Award amount max: €5000 Closing date: 01 Oct 09 Switzerland TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH UNIT VISITS GRANTS European Society for Medical Oncology, CH The grants are educational events for young oncologists that provide crucial practical information on how translational research is performed, focussing on important issues such as technology, project history and management, funding, relations with clinicians and quality control. Funding of 1,000 euros is available for a three to four day visit. Award amount max: €1000 Closing date: 01 Sep 09 United States RESEARCH GRANTS Hereditary Disease Foundation, US These support research projects that will contribute to identifying and understanding the basic defect in Huntington’s disease. Grants are worth up to $50,000, usually for one year with a possibility of renewal. Award amount max: $50000 Closing date: 15 Oct 09 JOHN J WASMUTH POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS Hereditary Disease Foundation, US Support is offered for research projects that will contribute to identifying and understanding the basic defect of Huntington’s disease. Funding ranges from $40,500 to $56,000 per year for a duration of two years. Award amount max: $56000 Closing date: 15 Oct 09 HERBERT WEINER EARLY CAREER AWARD American Psychosomatic Society, US The award is intended to identify individuals who, early in their career, have contributed significantly to the field of psychosomatic medicine and show promise of continued success. The award is worth $1,000. Award amount max: $1000 Closing date: 01 Dec 09 COLGATE-PALMOLIVE POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP IN IN VITRO TOXICOLOGY Society of Toxicology, US This is to advance the development of alternatives to animal testing in toxological research. The award includes stipend and research-related costs of up to $38,500 for two years. Award amount max: $77000 Closing date: 09 Oct 09 NURSING RESEARCH GRANTS Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses, US Grants are awarded to researchers who will investigate variables relevant to women’s health, obstetric and neonatal nursing. Grants worth up to $10,000 are available. Award amount max: $10000 Closing date: 01 Dec 09 RESEARCH GRANTS American Association for Hand Surgery, US These grants are intended to foster creativity and innovation in basic or clinical research in all areas pertinent to hand surgery. Up to three one-year grants of up to $5,000 each will be made. Award amount max: $5000 Closing date: 01 Nov 09 RESEARCH AND EDUCATION GRANTS American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, US Researchers may apply for a grant in the following ultrasound-related areas: teaching, clinical ultrasound research and basic science ultrasound research.Grants will fund up to $10,000 for any one project. Award amount max: $10000 Closing date: 01 Nov 09 GENETICS PRIZE Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation, US This is awarded for insights in the field of genetics. The prize includes a gold medal and an unrestricted $500,000 award. Award amount max: $500000 Closing date: 15 Dec 09 TREATMENT TRIALS FOR SCHIZOPHRENIA AND BIPOLAR DISORDER Stanley Medical Research Institute, US The purpose of this program is to facilitate the direct testing of new treatments for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in academic centers and uncer contract with treatment trial organizations. The awards are granted for up to $300,000 per year for up to three years. Award amount max: $900000 Closing date: 01 Oct 09 IADR/GLAXOSMITHKLINE INNOVATION IN ORAL CARE AWARDS International Association for Dental Research and American Association for Dental Research, US These innovation awards offer opportunities for investigators to conduct dental research that will have a direct impact on the oral health of the public. The award is worth up to $ 75,000. Award amount max: $75000 Closing date: 14 Dec 09 RESEARCH ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS American Skin Association, US These awards seek to honor established physicians and scientists who have made significant contributions to cutaneous biology and medicine. Each recipient will be presented with an honorarium and a scroll at the annual meeting of the Society for Investigative Dermatology in 2010. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 01 Dec 09 RUTH L KIRSCHSTEIN NATIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE AWARDS FOR INDIVIDUAL PREDOCTORAL FELLOWS (F31): AIDS-RELATED NIH: National Institute of Mental Health, US The objective of this Aids-related funding opportunity announcement is to help ensure that highly trained scientists will be available in adequate numbers and in appropriate research areas to carry out the nation’s biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research agenda. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 07 Sep 09 SIGMA THETA TAU INTERNATIONAL/ONCOLOGY NURSING SOCIETY GRANT Sigma Theta Tau International, US This grant is intended to stimulate clinically related oncology nursing research. The grant is worth up to $10,000. Award amount max: $10000 Closing date: 01 Nov 09 ESA FOUNDERS’ MEMORIAL AWARD Entomological Society of America, US The aim of this award is to honor a scientist who has made major contributions that have had a significant impact on entomology. The award consists of $1,000, a plaque and free registration to the society's annual meeting. Award amount max: $1000 Closing date: 01 Oct 09 JOHN DYSTEL PRIZE FOR MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS RESEARCH National Multiple Sclerosis Society, US The purpose is to recognize outstanding contributions to research in the understanding, treatment or prevention of multiple sclerosis. The prize is worth $15,000. Award amount max: $15000 Closing date: 01 Nov 09 YOUNG INVESTIGATOR RESEARCH GRANTS American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, US The grants provide seed money or start-up funds for pilot projects and are intended for young investigators who are undertaking sports medicine research. Grants are worth up to $40,000 for a period of two years. Award amount max: $40000 Closing date: 01 Dec 09 SANDY KIRKLEY OUTCOME RESEARCH GRANT American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, US This grant provides start up, seed or supplemental funding for an outcome research project or pilot study in orthopedic sports medicine. The grant is worth $20,000 and will be distributed over 12 months. Award amount max: $20000 Closing date: 01 Dec 09 ASCRS INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, US The purpose is to provide a surgeon, residing outside of the US and Canada, who has demonstrated a strong interest in colon and rectal disease with an opportunity to visit clinical, teaching, and research activities in North America and to attend and participate in the society's annual meeting. The fellowship is worth $6,000. Award amount max: $6000 Closing date: 01 Nov 09 ASCRS TRAVEL SCHOLARSHIP American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, US The purpose is to assist those currently training in colorectal surgery in countries outside the US and Canada to attend the society's annual scientific meeting. Awards will be funded up to $3,000 on a matching arrangement which will consist of up to $2,000 provided by ASCRS, and $1,000 derived through the applicant’s national colorectal society or similar organization. Award amount max: $2000 Closing date: 01 Nov 09 OREF/CURRENT CONCEPTS IN JOINT REPLACEMENT AWARD Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation, US This rewards excellence in completed investigations focusing on health care policy, clinical outcomes, or translational research that has immediate clinical impact on the diagnosis and treatment of patients. The award consists of $2,000. Award amount max: $2000 Closing date: 01 Sep 09 RUTH L KIRSCHSTEIN NATIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE AWARDS FOR INDIVIDUAL PREDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS (F31) TO PROMOTE DIVERSITY IN HEALTH-RELATED RESEARCH NIH: National Cancer Institute, US The objective of this funding opportunity announcement is to help ensure that highly trained scientists will be available in adequate numbers and in appropriate research areas to carry out the nation’s biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research agenda. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 13 Aug 09 IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF SENSITIVE PERIODS FOR NEURODEVELOPMENT IN STUDIES OF MENTAL ILLNESS (R01) NIH: National Institute of Mental Health, US These R01 grants fund projects which aim to investigate the role of sensitive periods in the development of cognitive or affective function and behaviors relevant to mental health disorders. The NIMH intends to commit approximately $5 million in fiscal year 2010 to fund 10-15 grants in response to this FOA and the companion announcement. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 20 Oct 09 IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF SENSITIVE PERIODS FOR NEURODEVELOPMENT IN STUDIES OF MENTAL ILLNESS (R21) NIH: National Institute of Mental Health, US These R21 grants fund projects which aim to investigate the role of sensitive periods in the development of cognitive or affective function and behaviors relevant to mental health disorders. Direct costs are limited to $275,000 over an R21 two-year period. Award amount max: $275000 Closing date: 20 Oct 09 NHLBI SYSTEMS BIOLOGY COLLABORATIONS NIH: National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, US These fund collaborative systems biology research projects by multi-disciplinary teams to advance our understanding of normal physiology and perturbations associated with heart, lung, blood, and sleep diseases and disorders. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 14 Sep 09 CANCER INTERVENTION AND SURVEILLANCE MODELING NETWORK (U01) NIH: National Cancer Institute, US The goal of network is to use simulation and other modeling techniques to understand the impact of cancer control interventions on national trends in cancer rates and to inform national/regional/local decisions on the most efficient utilization of existing and emerging technologies and strategies for the control of cancer. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 03 Nov 09 PARTNERSHIPS FOR BIODEFENSE FOOD- AND WATER-BORNE DISEASES (R01) NIH: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, US These fund projects that support development of therapeutics, immunotherapeutics, medical diagnostics and broadspectrum vaccines for NIAID Category B food- and water-borne priority pathogens and toxins. The annual direct costs that can be requested may not exceed $750,000 for a maximum of five years. Award amount max: $3750000 Closing date: 23 Sep 09 PARTNERSHIPS FOR BIODEFENSE VIRAL PATHOGENS (R01) NIH: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, US These fund projects that support development of new therapeutics, immunotherapeutics or medical diagnostics for NIAID category A, B, or C viral pathogens. The annual direct costs that can be requested may not exceed $750,000. Award amount max: $750000 Closing date: 23 Sep 09 Copyright (C) 2009 ResearchResearch Ltd All rights reserved. 15 Jul 09 Research Fortnight Opportunities issue 328 This email contains only summary information for each item. For LINKS TO ORIGINAL SOURCES and the FULL TEXT, click on the link for an item and sign in to the site using your username and password (Note: If you are accessing this from on campus, you will be able to use the 'Campus access' option to sign in without a username and password). United Kingdom SMALL PROJECT GRANTS FOR CLINICAL RADIOLOGY Royal College of Radiologists, GB These are intended to pump-prime individuals, collaborations, ideas or institutions. The amount available per project will be up to £20,000. Award amount max: £20000 Closing date: 04 Sep 09 PROJECT GRANTS Arthritis Research Campaign, GB These support projects seeking answers to single questions or small groups of related questions. Awards are worth up to £300,000 for a duration of up to three years. Award amount max: £30000 Closing date: 26 Oct 09 ETHICON FOUNDATION GRANTS Royal College of Surgeons of England, GB The fund promotes international goodwill in surgery by providing financial assistance to fellows who are travelling abroad for research or training purposes. The fund will make a contribution of up to £1,000 towards travel expenses. Award amount max: £1000 Closing date: 07 Sep 09 EQUIPMENT GRANTS Arthritis Research Campaign, GB These grants support the purchase of major items of equipment, costing in excess of £30,000, which will facilitate multiple projects. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 26 Oct 09 LABORATORY VISIT GRANT British Microcirculation Society, GB The scheme assists eligible students or junior postdoctoral workers who are members of the society to visit a laboratory in the UK or abroad to learn new techniques or for other scientific purposes related to microvascular research. The value of each grant is up to £600 per annum. Award amount max: £600 Closing date: 31 Jan 10 SCHACHTER AWARD British Pharmacological Society, GB The grant enables postgraduate student members to visit a laboratory to learn a technique. Two grants of £500 each will be awarded annually. Award amount max: £500 Closing date: 30 Jan 10 ETHICON FOUNDATION FUND GRANTS Royal College of Ophthalmologists, GB The fund provides financial assistance to members and fellows of the college who are travelling abroad for research or training purposes. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 06 Nov 09 YOUNG CANCER RESEARCHER AWARD LECTURE European Association for Cancer Research, GB This recognises cancer researchers from European countries, aged under 40 at the time of application. The award is worth 2,000 euros plus expenses for travel, accommodation and fees. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 31 Dec 09 PHD STUDENTSHIPS Royal National Institute for Deaf People, GB This scheme encourages students to become involved in hearing, deafness and tinnitus research in the UK. Funding is provided for up to four years and is worth up to £93,500. Award amount max: £93500 Closing date: 24 Aug 09 DAME JOSEPHINE BARNES BURSARY Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Women’s Health, GB The bursary is designed for educational and research needs in the area of promoting women's health and continence. Up to £500 per award is available. Award amount max: £500 Closing date: 01 Jan 10 SMALL RESEARCH STUDY FUNDING SCHEME Posture and Mobility Group, GB Research should be focused on helping the group to achieve its aims of promoting best practice, providing training, collating information and advising stakeholders in relation to posture and wheeled mobility services. The maximum amount funded will not normally be over £5,000. Award amount max: £5000 Closing date: 31 Aug 09 SEEDING DRUG DISCOVERY Wellcome Trust, GB The objective of the scheme is to develop drug-like, small molecules that will be the springboard for further research and development by the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry in areas of unmet medical need. Awards will have a duration of two to three years. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 09 Nov 09 RESEARCH RESOURCES IN MEDICAL HISTORY Wellcome Trust, GB The scheme funds: high quality projects to catalogue and preserve significant history of medicine collections; projects based around the production of digital surrogates to improve access and reduce handling of fragile material. Grants range between £10,000 and £100,000 to fund projects of one to three years' duration. Award amount max: £100000 Closing date: 01 Jan 10 EDUCATION AND RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP FUND Association for Perioperative Practice (incorporatingNational Association of Theatre Nurses), GB The fund aims to: advance the study of and to promote excellence in perioperative practice; promote innovation in perioperative practice and extend knowledge and skills in order to meet changing needs; assist with fees and other financial requests as deemed appropriate by the trustees in order to enhance the professional development of the AfPP membership. Awards of up to £5,000 each are available Award amount max: £5000 Closing date: 19 Aug 09 SMALL GRANTS RESEARCH PROGRAMME Children's Liver Disease Foundation, GB The funds can be used widely but applicants must be able to demonstrate how it can contribute to knowledge in paediatric hepatology. Up to £5,000 is available per funding round. Award amount max: £5000 Closing date: 09 Sep 09 INNOVATOR OF THE YEAR AWARD Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, GB This annual prize rewards the work of BBSRC-supported scientists in delivering economic or social impact from their research. An award of £10,000 will be made to the winner with two runner-up prizes of £5,000 each. For team winners, the prize money will be split equally among the applicants. Award amount max: £10000 Closing date: 16 Dec 09 DEVELOPMENT PATHWAY FUNDING SCHEME SPECIFICATION Medical Research Council, GB This aims to strengthen the translation of fundamental research towards patient benefit. The objective is to support the translation of fundamental basic and clinical research findings towards the clinic. Projects will be funded at £250,000 to £750,000 for one to two years, or occasionally longer. Award amount max: £750000 Closing date: 04 Nov 09 STARTER GRANTS FOR CLINICAL LECTURERS Wellcome Trust, GB The aim of this programme is to provide modest start up funds to enable research active clinical lecturers to pursue their research work, gather preliminary data and so further strengthen their applications for longer-term fellowships and funding. Grants are worth up to £30,000 over two years. Award amount max: £30000 Closing date: 01 Sep 09 EDUCATION AND TRAVEL BURSARY British Society for Surgery of the Hand, GB Grants support the education and training of society members. Up to £5,000 is available. Award amount max: £5000 Closing date: 31 Jul 09 RESEARCH UTILISATION AND KNOWLEDGE MOBILISATION BY HEALTH CARE MANAGERS Department of Health including NIHR (DH), GB Projects should add to the evidence base on research utilisation and knowledge mobilisation by health care managers (both clinical and non-clinical). Ref: KM259 Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 20 Aug 09 RESPONSIVE MODE FUNDING Department of Health including NIHR (DH), GB Under this call, proposals are welcome for follow-on empirical studies, evidence synthesis, and scoping reviews for future research needs. Projects will be up to 12 months in duration, and up to £150,000 in cost. SDO1001 Award amount max: £150000 Closing date: 20 Aug 09 BSRF/RCS RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP Royal College of Surgeons of England, GB The surgical fellowship is for a period of one year in any aspect of research related to scoliosis. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 31 Jul 09 RESEARCH BURSARY British Scoliosis Research Foundation, GB The bursary supports a 12 month research project that is focused on the improvement in the care of scoliosis patients, particularly at the point of diagnosis. The bursary is worth up to £15,000. Award amount max: £15000 Closing date: 31 Aug 09 POSTGRADUATE PRIZE British Neuroscience Association, GB This prize is for postgraduate students who have made a significant contribution to neuroscience and have achieved an outstanding performance in their viva voce. The prize is worth £500. Award amount max: £500 Closing date: 01 Oct 09 INSECT POLLINATORS INITIATIVE Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, GB The funders will commit up to £10 million over five years to support multidisciplinary research in this area under the auspices of the living with environmental change partnership. Projects may last up to five years. The normal project duration is expected to be three years. The average funding level will be 75 per cent of full economic costs. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 23 Sep 09 RESEARCH GRANTS Coeliac UK, GB These support research that aims to advance understanding of coeliac disease and improve the life of people with the condition. The budget for the programme is £200,000. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 04 Sep 09 RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS Coeliac UK, GB These enable medical graduates to learn techniques and methodology to improve their scientific knowledge of coeliac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis. The budget for the programme is £200,000. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 04 Sep 09 Austria RISING STAR INITIATIVE Association of National European and Mediterranean Societies of Gastroenterology, AT This recognises achievements in the field by young researchers under 40 years of age, demonstrated by publications in major journals. Winners will receive 500 euros, plus free registration, accommodation and travel expenses to attend the ASNEMGE congress where they will deliver a talk. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 30 Sep 09 Belgium RESEARCH GRANTS European Society of Anaesthesiology, BE These promote research in Europe and encourage anaesthesiologists to extend the frontiers of their practice or understanding. Applications are sought for the following: project grants of up to 60,000 euros each, to support work of up to two years duration; research support grants for amounts up to 15,000 euros to assist work in progress or pilot studies. Award amount max: €60000 Closing date: 04 Sep 09 TRAVEL GRANTS European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, BE These recognise the highest scores achieved by PhD students or first postdoctoral researchers submitting abstracts for the ESGCT annual congress. Up to 10 grants, worth 250 euros each, are available. Award amount max: €250 Closing date: 31 Aug 09 GRANTS TO GENERATE A VALIDATED CRITICAL BODY CONCENTRATIONS/RESIDUES DATABASE AND VALIDATE A CBB CHRONIC TOXICITY RANGE FOR NARCOTICS European Chemical Industry Council, BE Projects should collect, validate and add data, in order to improve the interpretation of measured environmental exposure data in a toxicological context. The budget for this call is 500,000 euros and projects may last for up to 36 months. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 31 Aug 09 France LÉOPOLD GRIFFUEL PRIZE Association pour la Recherche sur le Cancer, FR This recognises a major breakthrough by an investigator or group in the field of cancer. The prize is worth 100,000 euros. Award amount max: €100000 Closing date: 28 Sep 09 Germany POSTDOCTORAL SEEDCORN RESEARCH GRANTS European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, DE These enable researchers to develop new research projects during the immediate postdoctoral period. Grants should not exceed 2,000 euros each. Award amount max: €2000 Closing date: 30 Sep 09 REGIONAL ACTIVITY GRANTS European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, DE These promote initiatives serving EAESP members from regions where access to scientific information, facilities or funding is scarce compared to European standards. Grants are unlikely to exceed 3,500 euros. Award amount max: €3500 Closing date: 30 Sep 09 FROM TARGETS TO NOVEL DRUGS GRANTS Bayer, DE These support research on novel targets in areas of mutual interest. Support grants for early stage research are worth 5,000 euros to 10,000 euros, focus grants for more mature ideas are worth 10,000 euros to 125,000 euros and collaborative grants are worth 50,000 euros to 250,000 euros. Award amount max: €250000 Closing date: 30 Sep 09 Netherlands RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS Federation of European Microbiological Societies, NL This programme is intended to enable young scientists to pursue microbiological research for up to three months in another European country. Grants are up to 4,000 euros and support travel and living costs. Award amount max: €4000 Closing date: 01 Dec 09 Norway KAVLI PRIZE IN NANOSCIENCE Norske Videnskabs-Akademi - Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, NO This is awarded for outstanding achievement in the science and application of the unique physical, chemical and biological properties of atomic, molecular, macromolecular and cellular structures and systems manifested in the nanometer scale. The prize consists of $1 million, a scroll, and a medal. Award amount max: $1000000 Closing date: 15 Dec 09 KAVLI PRIZE IN NEUROSCIENCE Norske Videnskabs-Akademi - Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, NO The prize will be awarded for outstanding achievement in advancing our knowledge and understanding of the brain and nervous system. The prize consists of $1 million, a scroll, and a medal. Award amount max: $1000000 Closing date: 15 Dec 09 Spain ED THOMAS FELLOWSHIP José Carreras International Leukemia Foundation, ES This supports research into the diagnosis, prevention and cure of leukaemia and related haematological malignancies. The fellowship provides $50,000 for one year, renewable for a further two years. Award amount max: $150000 Closing date: 02 Nov 09 Switzerland YAMAGIWA-YOSHIDA MEMORIAL INTERNATIONAL CANCER STUDY GRANTS International Union Against Cancer, CH The purpose is to enable cancer investigators from any country to carry out bilateral research projects abroad that exploit complementary materials or skills, including advanced training in experimental methods or special techniques. Grants are for up to three months and are worth $10,000 each. Award amount max: $10000 Closing date: 15 Jan 10 SCIENTIFIC TRAINING BURSARIES European League Against Rheumatism, CH These improve the standard of research and care and to foster collaboration across rheumatological, clinical and research units in Europe. The amount of the bursary depends of the length of stay and equals 1,000 euros for travel expenses plus 1,000 euros per month of stay to a maximum amount of 7,000 euros. Award amount max: €7000 Closing date: 30 Sep 09 COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH MEETING AWARD SCHEME European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases, CH These support meetings to discuss and develop international collaborative research based wholly or largely in Europe in a defined area of paediatric infectious diseases. Awards will normally be for 2,000 euros to 5,000 euros. Award amount max: €5000 Closing date: 01 Sep 09 TRAINING COURSES AND WORKSHOP AWARDS European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases, CH Grants fund training courses and workshops in paediatric infectious diseases. A typical award will be for 15,000 euros to 30,000 euros for a one to two day course for 15 to 40 delegates with larger awards only for courses of a large or complex nature. Awards will normally range from 75 euros to 150 euros per delegate per day. Award amount max: €30000 Closing date: 01 Sep 09 DAME SHEILA SHERLOCK EASL SHORT-TERM TRAINING FELLOWSHIPS European Association for the Study of the Liver, CH This programme aims to enhance the mobility of investigators within different European institutions and to actively promote scientific exchange among research units in hepatology. The maximum yearly grant of 24,000 euros will be divided as per the length requested by applicants, not exceeding a period of three months. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 15 Sep 09 NURSING FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care, CH Awards foster the exchange of knowledge and expertise between ESPNIC nursing members in Europe. Two awards, worth up to 1,000 euros each, are available. Award amount max: €1000 Closing date: 01 Nov 09 TRAVEL GRANTS FOR TRAINING IN FOREIGN INSTITUTIONS European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CH These provide up to 600 euros in travel costs for training in Europe and up to 1,000 euros for training outside Europe. Award amount max: €1000 Closing date: No deadline United States RESEARCH GRANTS Muscular Dystrophy Association, US The association supports research aimed at developing treatments for the muscular dystrophies and related diseases of the neuromuscular system. Funding levels are unlimited for a period of one to three years. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 15 Dec 09 UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE ESSAY AWARDS Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, US The purpose is to recognize the best university/college level student research paper, addressing Wilhelm Reich's sociological discoveries. The prizes are worth up to $500. Award amount max: $500 Closing date: 15 Dec 09 RESEARCH GRANTS IN BASIC AND CLINICAL SCIENCE Tourette Syndrome Association, US Grants are available for research into any area that has the potential to contribute to the understanding of Tourette syndrome, including genetics, pathogenesis, pathophysiology, clinical treatments and animal model development. Research grant awards are valued at up to $75,000 for one year. Postdoctoral fellowships are also available, valued at up to $40,000 for one year. Award amount max: $75000 Closing date: 01 Oct 09 DEVELOPMENT GRANTS Muscular Dystrophy Association, US The grants support research aimed at developing treatments for the muscular dystrophies and related diseases of the neuromuscular system. Grants are up to $60,000 per year for a period of one to three years. Award amount max: $180000 Closing date: 15 Dec 09 FRANKLIN W KOLK AIR TRANSPORTATION PROGRESS AWARD Society of Automotive Engineers, US This award is presented annually to an individual for unique and outstanding contributions to air transportation or to the work of the aerospace technical committees in developing aerospace standards, specifications, technical reports and data through cooperative research. The award consists of a certificate and a $500 honorarium and is presented at an SAE aerospace meeting. Award amount max: $500 Closing date: 31 Dec 09 CUTTING-EDGE BASIC RESEARCH AWARDS (R21) NIH: National Institute on Drug Abuse, US The awards aim to to foster highly innovative or conceptually creative research that advances understanding of drug abuse and addiction and how to prevent and treat them. Awards are limited to $125,000 per year for two years. Award amount max: $250000 Closing date: 21 Aug 09 OSBORNE AND MENDEL AWARD American Society for Nutrition (formerly known as the American Society for Nutritional Sciences), US This $2,500 award is given for outstanding recent basic research accomplishments in nutrition. Award amount max: $2500 Closing date: 01 Sep 09 CONRAD A ELVEHJEM AWARD FOR PUBLIC SERVICE IN NUTRITION American Society for Nutrition (formerly known as the American Society for Nutritional Sciences), US This $1,500 award, intended for public service in nutrition, is given for specific and distinguished service to the public through the science of nutrition. Award amount max: $1500 Closing date: 01 Sep 09 MEAD JOHNSON AWARD American Society for Nutrition (formerly known as the American Society for Nutritional Sciences), US This award of $2,500 is given to an investigator for a single outstanding piece of nutrition research or a series of papers on the same subject accomplished within 10 years of postgraduate training. Award amount max: $2500 Closing date: 01 Sep 09 BIO-SERV AWARD IN EXPERIMENTAL ANIMAL NUTRITION American Society for Nutrition (formerly known as the American Society for Nutritional Sciences), US This award, totaling $1,000, is to be given for meritorious research in nutrition by an investigator who received the doctoral degree in the 10 years preceding the month the award is presented. Award amount max: $1000 Closing date: 01 Sep 09 ELR STOKSTAD AWARD American Society for Nutrition (formerly known as the American Society for Nutritional Sciences), US This award of $2,500 is given for outstanding fundamental research in nutrition, with preference given to scientists at relatively early stages in their careers. Award amount max: $2500 Closing date: 01 Sep 09 DANNON INSTITUTE MENTORSHIP AWARD American Society for Nutrition (formerly known as the American Society for Nutritional Sciences), US The award, totaling $2,500, is given for outstanding mentorship in the development of successful nutritional research science investigators. Award amount max: $2500 Closing date: 01 Sep 09 BASIC AND CLINICAL STUDIES OF CONGENITAL URINARY TRACT OBSTRUCTION (R01) NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, US This R01 funding opportunity announcement is intended to address the numerous clinical and scientific uncertainties related to the development, treatment, and prognosis of congenital obstructive uropathy, by encouraging and facilitating research in diverse areas. Budgets for direct costs of up to $500,000 per year and a project duration of up to five years may be requested. Award amount max: $2500000 Closing date: 05 Oct 09 PETER REEDS MEMORIAL YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARD American Society for Nutrition (formerly known as the American Society for Nutritional Sciences), US This award is given for outstanding research in macro nutrient metabolism accomplished within five years of receiving a PhD, or completing residency training in the case of a physician. The award includes $1,500, a plaque, and travel funds to the society's experimental biology meeting. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 01 Sep 09 NEUROSCIENCE PRIZE Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation, US The prize seeks to honor scientists for major discoveries that have advanced the understanding of the nervous system. The prize includes a gold medal and a cash award of $500,000. Award amount max: $500000 Closing date: 15 Dec 09 VERNON YOUNG INTERNATIONAL AWARD FOR AMINO ACID RESEARCH American Society for Nutrition (formerly known as the American Society for Nutritional Sciences), US The award is given to an investigator for a single outstanding piece of research or for a series of papers in a related area of amino acid metabolism completed early in their career (usually interpreted as within 10 years of postgraduate training). The award is worth $2,500. Award amount max: $2500 Closing date: 01 Sep 09 CALCIUM OXALATE STONE DISEASES (R01) NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, US The purpose of this R01 funding opportunity announcement is to increase investigator interest in research into oxalate metabolism, transport and homeostasis, and oxalate stone diseases. Because the nature and scope of the proposed research will vary from application to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each award will also vary. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 05 Oct 09 BASIC AND CLINICAL STUDIES OF CONGENITAL URINARY TRACT OBSTRUCTION (R01): AIDS-RELATED NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, US This Aids-related R01 funding opportunity announcement is intended to address the numerous clinical and scientific uncertainties related to the development, treatment, and prognosis of congenital obstructive uropathy, by encouraging and facilitating research in diverse areas. Budgets for direct costs of up to $500,000 per year and a project duration of up to five years may be requested. Award amount max: $2500000 Closing date: 07 Jan 10 DAVID KRITCHEVSKY CAREER ACHIEVEMENT AWARD IN NUTRITION American Society for Nutrition (formerly known as the American Society for Nutritional Sciences), US This award is presened in recognition of a career devoted to promoting interaction among, support for, and assistance of outstanding nutrition researchers in governmental, private, and academic sectors resulting in the application of fundamental knowledge to delivery of better nutrition products and information to the public. The prize consists of a $2,500 award and an engraved plaque. Award amount max: $2500 Closing date: 01 Sep 09 E V MCCOLLUM AWARD American Society for Nutrition (formerly known as the American Society for Nutritional Sciences), US The award is intended for a clinical investigator who is perceived as a major creative force, actively generating new concepts in nutrition and personally supervising the execution of studies testing the validity of these concepts. The prize consists of a cash award and an inscribed plaque. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 01 Sep 09 ROBERT H HERMAN MEMORIAL AWARD American Society for Nutrition (formerly known as the American Society for Nutritional Sciences), US This award is given each year to a clinical investigator whose research work has contributed importantly to the advancement of clinical nutrition, particularly the biochemical and metabolic aspects of human nutrition. The prize consists of a cash award and an inscribed plaque. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 01 Sep 09 RONALD L WEINSIER AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN MEDICAL/DENTAL NUTRITION EDUCATION American Society for Nutrition (formerly known as the American Society for Nutritional Sciences), US The award is presented in recognition of an outstanding career in medical and or dental nutrition education. The applicant's efforts should be widely recognized and should have had a national or international impact. The award consists of a $2,500 prize and an inscribed plaque. Award amount max: $2500 Closing date: 01 Sep 09 NORMAN KRETCHMER MEMORIAL AWARD IN NUTRITION AND DEVELOPMENT American Society for Nutrition (formerly known as the American Society for Nutritional Sciences), US This award is given to a young investigator for a substantial body of independent research in the field of nutrition and development with potential relevance to improving child health. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 01 Sep 09 EXCELLENCE IN NUTRITION EDUCATION AWARD American Society for Nutrition (formerly known as the American Society for Nutritional Sciences), US This award recognizes outstanding contributions to teaching nutrition. The award consists of $2,500 and an engraved plaque. Award amount max: $2500 Closing date: 01 Sep 09 HIGHLY INNOVATIVE TACTICS TO INTERRUPT TRANSMISSION OF HIV (R01) NIH: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, US These aim to stimulate the discovery, design and early preclinical evaluation of highly innovative, risky but rational approaches that could provide long term protection from acquiring HIV infection. Direct costs of up to $500,000 per year and a project duration of up to four years may be requested. Award amount max: $2000000 Closing date: 03 Nov 09 THE EARLY DETECTION RESEARCH NETWORK: BIOMARKER DEVELOPMENTAL LABORATORIES (U01) NIH: National Cancer Institute, US These fund applications for biomarker developmental laboratories, one of the four components of the early detection research network. EDRN is a national consortium funded to discover, develop, and validate biomarkers for early cancer detection, risk assessment, and the molecular diagnosis and prognosis of early cancer. Budgets of up to $600,000 per year for up to five years may be requested. Award amount max: $3000000 Closing date: 29 Oct 09 FERTILITY PRESERVATION RESEARCH: ADVANCING BEYOND TECHNOLOGY (R01) NIH: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, US These grants fund research designed to: characterize the risks and mechanisms of gonadal damage secondary to exposure to chemotherapy; elucidate more reliable biomarkers of reproductive capacity; examine the social, legal, and ethical ramifications of fertility preservation technologies. Direct costs may not exceed $500,000 per year over five years. Award amount max: $2500000 Closing date: 20 Oct 09 NIDDK SMALL GRANTS FOR CLINICAL SCIENTISTS TO PROMOTE DIVERSITY IN HEALTH-RELATED RESEARCH (R03) NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, US These provide support for clinical scientists from underrepresented racial/ethnic backgrounds, disadvantaged backgrounds or clinical scientists with disabilities to conduct small research projects in the area of diabetes, endocrinology, metabolism, digestive diseases, hepatology, obesity, nutrition, kidney, urology, or hematology. Costs are limited to $125,000 per year for up to three years. Award amount max: $375000 Closing date: 16 Oct 09 NIDDK SMALL GRANTS FOR CLINICAL SCIENTISTS TO PROMOTE DIVERSITY IN HEALTH-RELATED RESEARCH (R03): AIDS-RELATED NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, US These Aids-related grants provide support for scientists from underrepresented racial/ethnic backgrounds, disadvantaged backgrounds or scientists with disabilities to conduct small research projects in the area of diabetes, endocrinology, metabolism, digestive diseases, hepatology, obesity, nutrition, kidney, urology, or hematology. Costs are limited to $125,000 per year for up to three years. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 07 Jan 10 MCCORMICK SCIENCE INSTITUTE RESEARCH AWARD American Society for Nutrition (formerly known as the American Society for Nutritional Sciences), US This award is presented to an investigator conducting clinical, translational, in vitro and ex vivo research, whose scientific contributions have advanced the understadning of the potential health benefits of culinary herbs and spices. The award consists of $2,500 and a plaque. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 01 Sep 09 MARY SWARTZ ROSE SENIOR INVESTIGATOR AWARD American Society for Nutrition (formerly known as the American Society for Nutritional Sciences), US This award is given to an investigator for outstanding research on the safety and efficacy of bioactive compounds for human health. The awards consists of $2,500 and a plaque. Award amount max: $2500 Closing date: 01 Sep 09 E V MCCOLLUM INTERNATIONAL LECTURESHIP IN NUTRITION American Society for Nutrition (formerly known as the American Society for Nutritional Sciences), US This award provides a means to encourage sound advancements in nutritional science and their application for improving the health and well-being of people worldwide. An outstanding nutritionist will be invited to lecture on a topic consistent with the purpose of the lectureship in a location that will assure a large and broad audience. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 01 Sep 09 MARY SWARTZ ROSE YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARD American Society for Nutrition (formerly known as the American Society for Nutritional Sciences), US This award is given to a young investigator within ten years of postgraduate training, for outstanding research on the safety and efficacy of bioactive compounds for human health. The award consists of $2,500 and a plaque. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 01 Sep 09 TOBACCO-DEPENDENCE RESEARCH FUND GRANTS American Thoracic Society, US The grants will be targeted to research in basic science, genetics, neurogenetics, pharmacology, neuropharmacology, and clinical intervention and treatment in the area of tobacco dependence. Applicants may request up to $50,000 per year for two years for salaries, supplies or a combination of these two. Award amount max: $100000 Closing date: 01 Sep 09 ORAL MUCOSAL VACCINATION AGAINST HIV INFECTION (R01) NIH: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, US These grants focus on harnessing oral mucosal and innate immunity to develop prophylactic HIV vaccines delivered through the oral mucosa. NIDCR intends to commit approximately $2 million in total costs in fiscal year 2010 through this announcement to support approximately four to six awards. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 02 Dec 09 MECHANISMS UNDERLYING THE LINKS BETWEEN PSYCHOSOCIAL STRESS, AGING, THE BRAIN AND THE BODY (R01) NIH: National Cancer Institute, US The purpose of this R01 program is to encourage aging-relevant research elucidating the underlying mechanisms and processes that link psychosocial stressors to health outcomes in older individuals. Because the nature and scope of the proposed research will vary from application to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each award will also vary. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 05 Oct 09