Camp Galilee Counselor Applicant 2014 Reference Form Applicant’s Name:_____________________________________________ Reference Name:______________________________________________ Primary Phone: (______)_________________ Secondary Phone: (______)________________ Relationship to Applicant:________________________________________________________ The above named applicant is applying to become a counselor at Camp Galilee. If hired, he or she would participate in a rigorous 8-day training in teambuilding skills, leadership of outdoor adventure activities, conflict management, program implementation and evaluation. The counselor would then be assigned to work particular week-long camp sessions. In coordination with an adult staff member, the counselor would be responsible for planning and leading games, reflections, and excursions such as kayaking, rock climbing, or overnight backpacking trips for the group of children in their care. We seek applicants with a high level of maturity and self-confidence. Participants must also be able to actively give and receive constructive feedback. This reference is strictly confidential and will not be seen by the applicant, so please be honest in your responses. Thank you! 1. Please describe the nature and length of your relationship to the applicant. 2. Using the following scale, please rate the applicant: Excellent Good ADAPTABILITY [] [] RESPONSIBILITY [] [] RESOURCEFULNESS [] [] ENTHUSIASM [] [] LEADERSHIP [] [] SENSE OF HUMOR [] [] PATIENCE [] [] COOPERATION [] [] INITIATIVE [] [] Fair [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Poor [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] As a counselor, the applicant would be one of the providers of care and nurturing for a group of 6-9 boys or girls 22 hours a day for a week at a time, and would be responsible to help plan and lead a group of 13 boys and girls in an adventure group. They would work closely with a resident staff person, age range from 19-25. 3. What strengths and weaknesses do you see the applicant having in this position? Counselor Reference Form (page 2) 4. How would you feel about the applicant being responsible for caring and nurturing your own child? 5. Have you ever seen any behavior from the applicant that would lead you to believe they might misuse their position? 6. Any other comments you would like to share? Thank you for taking the time to complete and return this form. __________________________________________________ Signature _______________________ Date Return to: (scanned) or mail to: Camp Galilee Counselor Application Reference PO Box 236 Glenbrook, NV 89413 The priority deadline for receipt of application materials is March 15, 2014.