Fat Choy (Nostoc flagelliforme)

But Paul Pui-Hay, Cheng Ling, Chan Pui Kwan, Lau David Tai-Wai, But Joyce Wing-Hin
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Biology and Institute of Chinese Medicine, Shatin
N.T., Hong Kong, P.R. China
Journal of Applied Phycology
Springer Science+Business Media B.V., Formerly Kluwer Academic Publishers
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Adulteration, Conservation, Fat Choy, Nostoc flagelliforme, Starch
A survey was made to check the authenticity of both dried and cooked Nostoc flagelliforme retailed as
Fat Choy in Hong Kong, using microscopic and histochemical methods. Results indicated that faked
items were found in 70% of the 30 samples of dried Fat Choy retailed in seafood stores and herb
shops and in all 5 samples of cooked Fat Choy obtained from Chinese restaurants. The faked items
were non-cellular and packed with starch grains or masses and black pigments. Staining the faked
items with iodine solution turn them into dark blue or black, whereas the genuine samples remained
dull greenish. This widespread adulteration probably reflects the limited supply of this alga which is
banned in China from further collection and trading.
Un studiu a fost realizat pentru a verifica autenticitatea atât flagelliforme Nostoc uscate
şi fierte vândute cu amănuntul ca Fat Choy din Hong Kong, folosind metode
microscopice şi histochimice. Rezultatele au indicat că elementele falsificate au fost
găsite în 70% din cele 30 de probe de Fat Choy uscate vândute cu amănuntul în
magazine de fructe de mare si magazine de plante medicinale şi în toate cele 5 probe
de Fat Choy fierte obţinute de la restaurante chinezeşti.Elementele falsificate au fost
non-celulare şi ambalate cu granule de amidon sau de masele şi pigmenţi
negre. Colorarea elementele falsificate cu soluţie de iod a le transforma in albastru
inchis sau negru, în timp ce probele originale au rămas plictisitoare verzui. Această
alterare largă reflectă, probabil, de aprovizionare limitat al prezentei algelor, care este
interzis în China, de la mai mult de colectare şi de comercializare.
Fat Choy (Nostoc flagelliforme)
In Chinese cuisine, "fat choy" in Cantonese or "fa cai" in Mandarin refer to a black,
hair-like vegetable served in China during festive seasons, such as the Chinese Lunar
New Year. It is eaten as a vegetable primarily because "fat choy" reads the same as
"strike a fortune," as one would find in Chinese greetings such as "kung hei fat choy"
or "wishing you the luck to strike a fortune." This interesting vegetable comes from
the black, hair-like strands of Nostoc flagelliforme (Nostocaceae), a terrestrial
cyanobacterium native to northern China and other regions. Individual strands appear
dull greenish when wet, but dried strands resemble black hair. A mass of strands is
similar in size and shape to those of ordinary steel wool. Each macroscopic strand
(visible to the naked eye) is actually composed of many microscopic, bead-like
filaments of prokaryotic cells. This cyanobacterium grows very slowly in desert
steppe and in arid and semi-arid regions of northern and northwestern China.
According to Paul Pui-Hay But, et al. (2002), it forms a matlike growth that binds to
the substrate.
Extensive harvesting of this cyanobacterium has seriously damaged its natural
distribution, and further exploitation has been prohibited by the State Council of the
People's Republic of China. When fat choy is removed from the ground, the surface
soil is no longer bound together and is vulnerable to wind and water erosion.
Uncontrolled harvesting of this valuable soil cyanobacterium has resulted in the
desertification of large areas in northern China. Paul Pui-Hay But and his associates
have found that fat choy sold in the marketplace is often adulterated with non-cellular
strands of a starchy material. The starchy strands readily turn black in an iodine
solution and are easily identified under a light microscope. Government restrictions
on the harvesting of this cyanobacterium may be one of the reasons why fat choy for
sale in markets has been adulterated with fillers.
Dried "fat choy" (Nostoc flagelliforme) packaged in cellophane and sold in an
Asian market of San Diego County.
Macroscopic strands of fat choy (Nostoc flagelliforme) hydrated in water.
Microscopic view of a hydrated strand of "fat choy" (Nostoc flagelliforme)
showing bead-like filaments of prokaryotic cells and several thick-walled
Microscopic view of a hydrated strand of "fat choy" (Nostoc flagelliforme)
showing a bead-like filament of prokaryotic cells and a thick-walled heterocyst.
But, Paul Pui-Hay, Ling Cheng, Pui Kwan Chan, David Tai-Wai Lau and Joyce
Wing-Hin But. 2002. "Nostoc flagelliforme and Faked Items Retailed in Hong
Kong." Journal of Applied Phycology 14: 143-145.
The dried "black moss" imported from China and sold in Asian markets in San
Diego County also appears to be Nostoc flagelliforme.
Size comparison between the strands of fat choy and ordinary steel wool.
Left: Colonies of mat-like cyanobacteria growing on the bottom of a bird bath.
It took about one year for these cyanobacteria to become established in this
new concrete bird bath. Right: Microscopic view (400x) of the prokaryotic
filaments of cells. One filament has a distinct heterocyst at the end (red arrow).
In many cyanobacteria this is the site of nitrogen fixation where atmospheric
nitrogen is converted into ammonia.
Kunshan Gao‡,
Changpeng Ye
Article first published online: 27 MAY 2003
DOI: 10.1046/j.1529-8817.2003.02013.x
Journal of Phycology
Volume 39, Issue 3, pages 617–623, June 2003
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blue-green algae;
colonial filament;
Nostoc flagelliforme;
sheath disintegration;
single filament
Both colonies and free-living cells of the terrestrial cyanobacterium, Nostoc flagelliforme (Berk. & Curtis) Bornet &
Flahault, were cultured under aquatic conditions to develop the techniques for the cultivation and restoration of this
endangered resource. The colonial filaments disintegrated with their sheaths ruptured in about 2 days without any
desiccating treatments. Periodic desiccation played an important role in preventing the alga from decomposing, with
greater delays to sheath rupture with a higher frequency of exposure to air. The bacterial numbers in the culture
treated with seven periods of desiccation per day were about 50% less compared with the cultures without the
desiccation treatment. When bacteria in the culture were controlled, the colonial filaments did not disintegrate and
maintained the integrity of their sheath for about 20 days even without the desiccation treatments, indicating the
importance of desiccation for N. flagelliforme to prevent them from being disintegrated by bacteria. On the other
hand, when free-living cells obtained from crushed colonial filaments were cultured in liquid medium, they developed
into single filaments with sheaths, within which multiple filaments were formed later on as a colony. Such colonial
filaments were developed at 15, 25, and 30° C at either 20 or 60 μmol photons·m −2·s−1; colonies did not develop at
180 μmol photons·m−2·s−1, though this light level resulted in the most rapid growth of the cells. Conditions of 60 μmol
photons·m−2·s−1and 25° C appeared to result in the best colonial development and faster growth of the sheath-held
colonies of N. flagelliforme when cultured indoor under aquatic conditions.
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Nostoc flagelliforme (dry) heat and weight loss
Posted by admin on December 6, 2011 in Food calories | Short Link
Heat: 189 kcal (per 100 g)
Function: second star weight loss foods, high heat
Category: bacteria-alga, algae
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Nutritional value
1. are rich in protein and calcium, iron, phosphorus and other Nostoc
flagelliforme, than pigs, cattle, meat and eggs; 2. The protein rich, higher than
the chicken, lean pork, also containing carbohydrate, calcium, iron, iodine,
plastic algae, red algae and other nutrients, very little fat, it is good “thin,” said
3. With qingre xiaozhi, ruanjian Nostoc flagelliforme and resolving phlegm and
eliminating intestinal functions such as dysentery; 4. Also has a role of
regulating neural Nostoc flagelliforme and as hypertension, coronary heart
disease, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, ideal for conditions such as
chronic bronchitis secondary diet food.
Food effect
Sweet flavor of Nostoc flagelliforme and cold; with qingre xiaozhi and ruanjian
phlegm, intestinal fouling detoxification tonic, laxative and diuretic, and wet to
greasy, Jie and antihypertensive effect.
Applicable people
Generally consumption 1. Suitable for lung-heat cough, phlegm heat-knot
included in elderly patients with chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasis,
abscess of lung and purulent sputum and phlegm, green 腥臭 pollution lutein in
patients with hypertension, obesity, and rickets and other edible; 2. Women’s
menstruation, malnutrition, surgical patients and patients in trauma healing
phase is also very affordable.
Nutrition information
Nutrients per 100 g
Calories (kcal) 189
Carbohydrates (g) 60.8
FAT (grams) 0.5
Protein (g) 20.2
Vitamin a (μg) vitamin c (mg) 6 vitamin e (mg) 0.07 huluobosu (mg) thiamin
(mg) 0.15
Riboflavin (mg) of 0.54
Niacin (mg) 0.9
Cholesterol (mg) magnesium (mg) 129
Calcium (mg) 1048
Iron (mg) 85.2
Zinc (mg) 1.68
Copper (mg) 0.93
Manganese (mg) 3.29
Potassium (mg) 217
Phosphorus (mg) 76
Sodium (mg) 100.7
Selenium (μg) 5.23
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