Intelligent Remote Control System For Street Light And Traffic

Intelligent Remote Control System For Street
Light And Traffic Control System
A.Siva Kalyani,
Department Of Electronics And Communications,
SRM University,
Chennai, India.
Abstract- A development of an intelligent remote control
system for street light and
traffic signal control system
needed because present traffic light controllers based on old
microcontroller such as AT89C51 which has very less internal
memory and no in-built ADC. These systems have limitation
because will use the predefined program that does not have
the flexibility of modification on real time application. The
present traffic system have fixed time interval for green and
red signal which does not provide the flexibility to the system
and street lighting system public sector are design according
to the old standards. The intelligent remote control system for
street light and traffic signal control system consist of highperformance, low cost, low power. The system will able to deal
two basic problems: i) Detection of traffic volume by using
genetic algorithm ii) automatic control of street light using
Keywords: Traffic Volume Estimation, Genetic Algorithm,
control system, CAN BUS ,PIR sensor
Fast transportation system and rapid transit system are
nerves of economic development for nation. All developed
nation have a well developed transportation system with
efficient traffic control on road in, rail, and air
transportation of good, industrial products, manpower and
machinery are the key factors which influence the
industrial development of any country. Mismanagement
and traffic congestion result in long waiting time loss of
fuel and money. It is therefore utmost necessary to have a
fast, economical and efficient traffic control system for
nation development.
The monitoring and control of city traffic is
becoming a major problem in many countries. With ever
increasing number of vehicle on the road, the traffic
monitoring authority has to find new method of
overcoming such problem [1-4].
one way to improve traffic flow and safety of the
current transportation system is to apply and intelligent
control method to roadside infrastructure and
vehicles[7].Transportation research has the goal to
optimize transportation flow of people and good. As the
number of road users constantly increase, and resources
provided by current infrastructures are limited, intelligent
control of traffic will become a very important issue in the
A.Joshna Jafferson
Department Of Electronics And Communications
SRM University,
Chennai, India.
future. The recent increasing pressure related to
environment issues are leading manufactures to develop
new techniques and technologies which allow significant
cost saving and a greater respect for the environment
In this paper, we present our system, which is able
to integrate the latest technologies, in order to describe an
advanced and intelligent management and control system
of the street lighting and traffic control. The problem of
typical conventional traffic light controller and street
lighting system are mentioned below:
A. Heavy Traffic Jams:
With increasing number of vehicles on road,
heavy traffic congestion has substantially increased in
major cities. This happened usually at the main junctions
commonly in the morning, before office hour and in the
evening, after office hours. The main effect of this matter is
increased time wasting of the people on the road. The
solution for this problem is by developing the program
which different setting delays for different junctions. The
delay for junctions that have high volume of traffic should
be setting longer than the delay for the junction that has
low of traffic. This operation is calling Normal Mode [7].
B. No traffic, but still need to wait:
At certain junctions, sometimes even if there is no
traffic, people have to wait. Because the traffic light
remains red for the preset time period, the road users
should wait until the light turn to green. If they run the red
light, they have to pay fine. The solution of this problem is
by developing a system which detects traffic flow on each
road and set timings of signals accordingly. Moreover,
synchronization of traffic signals in adjacent junctions is
also necessary [8].
C. Emergency car stuck in traffic jam
Usually, during traffic jam, the emergency
vehicle, such as ambulance, fire brigade and police will be
stuck especially at the traffic light junction. This is because
the road users waiting for the traffic light turn to green.
This is very critical problem because it can cause
emergency case become complicated and involving life.
Lighting system, especially in the public sector, is still
designed according to old standards of reliability and they
often do not take advantage of the latest technological
The use of intelligent remote street control system
which allow significant cost saving and a greater respect
for the environment. The main objective for this project is
to design a program and implement hardware of intelligent
traffic light system suitable for real life implementations.
This project also aims to design a safe and efficient traffic
flow ,to assign the right way and minimize the delay or
waiting time at road .the traffic jam will be reduced by
increasing the green signal time on busy road and decrease
the red signal time in non busy road .The information about
congestion on road inform to remote area.
This paper is organized as follows: section II a
brief study of traffic controllers and street light past in
literature is presented. The proposed model and design of
intelligent remote control system for street light system and
traffic control system presented section III. Section IV
gives the performance evaluation and finally, section V
concludes the paper.
A steady increase in metro-city population, the
number of automobiles and cars increases rapidly and
metro traffic is growing crowded which leads to the traffic
problem. An efficient traffic management techniques are
needed to reduce waiting and traveling times, save fuel and
The traffic light control system is lack of
emergency measures; the crossroads always meets a traffic
jam and leads to unnecessary economic losses. The author
Zhang Yuye [1] System use AT89C51 and CAN BUS
controller which leads to complicated design and cost of
the system more because of CAN BUS controller. Also
power requirement will be more in case of AT89C51 but
the proposed system will used low power, low cost
ARM® Cortex™-M0.
Tavladakis and Voulgaris describe a traffic light
controller using a simple predictor[12].Measurement taken
during the current cycle are used to test several possible
setting for the next cycle ,and the setting resulting in the
least amount of queued vehicles is executed. The system
seems highly adaptive. Since it only uses data of one cycle
,it could not handle strong fluctuations in traffic flow
well.In this case ,the system would adapt too quickly
,resulting in poor performance.Traffic volume in road
sections without the traffic information of road sections.
The author Cai Bai-gen[3] design a vehicle
detection system based on magneto-resistive sensor is
composed by wireless traffic information collection nodes
which are set on two sides of road to detect vehicle signal.
The magneto-resistive sensor is costly and maintenance
cost of the system will be more if the system fails. This
system is lack of emergence measures and proposed system
will able to solve this problem effectively.
The author S.L.Toral[4] design will provide
good result for vehicle detection where ARM-based video
processor not only deals with the video processing
algorithms but again the cost of system design will be more
because camera will be required to capture video.Because
camera will be required to capture video .
The author Shilpa S.Chavan[5] design of
traffic light controller handles major problem of
conventional traffic signal. At certain junction, sometimes
even if there is no traffic but people have to wait because
the traffic light remains red for the preset time and road
users waits until the light turn to green. They try to solve
this problem effectively by using GSM but system will
leads to complications. The proposed system solves this
problem by using genetic algorithm.
The author Ahmed S.[6] provide
integrated intelligent traffic light system using
photoelectric sensors distributed on long range before and
after traffic light on roads. Emergency cases such as, the
passing president car and ambulance that require
immediate opening of traffic signal. The system has the
ability to open a complete path for such emergency cases
until reaching the target but this system does not operate
wells when more than one emergence Vehicles come on
the signal from two sides.
Researchers [5][9] have developed a street lamp
system using the general –packet radio service, power-line
,or global system for mobile communication transmissions
but system will leads to complications . good real-time,
easy installation and complexity of system
reduces as no additional CAN bus controller, GPIO.
The proposed system consist of high performance
,low costs, inbuilt CAN bus controller, in built GPIO and
The basic operation of intelligent system can be realized by
using embedded system which has advantages of
simplicity, user friendly easily programmable. In our
proposed model the basic operations are implemented
using ARM® Cortex™-M0 and board of education shown
in figure1
Fig1:Board of Education
The Proposed layout of the Intelligent street light
control and Traffic control Signal are shown in Figure2.
The blocks, which are labeled N1, N2, N3, E1, E2, E3,
S1,S2 are the Traffic signal and P1 ,P2 and P3 are junction
communicate to CAN BUS . T1, T2, T3 and T4 are
sensors to identify the passage of a vehicle or pedestrian,
giving an input to turn on a lamp and if any malfunction is
detected, the remote area is informed through a graphical
The main reason for selecting this is ease of
programming, sufficient number of input output lines and
simple architecture. The block diagram of the proposed
model is show in figure3 can perform corrective action
.The intelligent system generates output signal for
red,green and orange signal and monitor their timing on
each road. Consider figure 1,if an emergency vehicle is
passing by the p1,p2,p3,the signal on road which are a
crossing this route will be immediately made red to stop
vehicle on the routes .This a very important feature which
is very useful in case of emergency.
The block diagram consists of the three nuvoton
board 3*3 input switching matrix, serial communication
interface, and leds interfacing with GPIO, inbuilt CAN.
The signals from each lane will be given to input port of
nuvoton can bus and through gateway information send to
remote area. this information is the input to controller to
determine various timings signals. the on and off time of
the three road will be calculated by using genetic algorithm
to keep waiting time .the out signal of leds at each road
observed in remote area. ARM® Cortex™-M0 is
programmed using keil software. Remote area graphical
representations done using genetic algorithm in matlab .
Figure3:Block Schematic of Intelligent Street
and Traffic Light Control.
The system consist of ARM CORTEX M0 with
inbuilt GPIO and CAN Bus transmitter and receive signal
. The 3*3 switches are used to detect the emergence
vehicle and open the divider gate to pass emergence car
and then immediately closed the gate and control of traffic .
This system used the genetic algorithm to find the traffic
flow information at signalized intersection using previous
data. Genetic algorithm calculates the green light time for
signal depending on the three factor’s demands, densities,
and flow.
Fig 4:Traffic Volumes To Vary The Red Signal Light
fig2:Baisc concept of proposed street and traffic light
Fig5:traffic volume to vary the green and red signal light
Fig 6:waveforem of traffic volume flow
V Conclusions
In this paper, an evolutionary approach to estimate the
traffic volumes of road networks has been proposed, in
which real time traffic information is not provided. Genetic
algorithm was used to estimate the unknown traffic
volumes for such road section whose traffic information
not available. Present work considered a simple road
sections under static environments.
Moreover, the deigned system has simple
architecture ,fast response time ,user friend line and scope
for further expansion.
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