He is risen indeed!

Morning Worship
Rev. Mark G. Johnston, Officiating Pastor
Rev. Matthew M. Pieters, Assisting in Worship
Preparation for Worship: Meditation and Prayer
The Stone is Rolled Away
Members of The Chancel Choir
Mary, Mary, come and see, the stone is rolled away.
Mary, Mary, have no fear. He is risn’ He is not here.
Go tell Matthew, Peter too – the stone is rolled away. He has
gone to Galilee. He said, “My brothers follow me.” He has
ris’n and set us free. The stone is rolled away. Let all Christians
praise His name, the stone is rolled away; risen from the tomb;
gone the days of dark and gloom. Let all Christians praise His
name, the stone is rolled away.
Welcome & Announcements
Ministry Moment: Christianity Explored
Still Your Heart before the Lord:
Sing, Rejoice the Lord is Risen
The Chancel Choir and Soli Deo Gloria Handbells
*Call to Worship: Psalm 116:1, 8-9
*Hymn: 274 Thine Be the Glory
*Declaration of Faith: Ephesians 2:4-7
But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy,
made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in
transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. And God
raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly
realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might
show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his
kindness to us in Christ Jesus.
Confession of Sin: Psalm 14:2-3
Assurance of Forgiveness: Psalm 14:7
*Hymn of Assurance:
In Christ Alone (see insert)
*Those who are able, please stand.
Songs used with permission. CCLI 660322
Giving of Tithes and Offerings
All That Hath Life & Breath Praise Ye the Lord!
The Chancel Choir
All that hath life and breath praise ye the Lord, shout to the
Lord, Alleluia! Praise the Lord with joyful song, Sing to the
Lord with thanksgiving, Alleluia, praise Him!
Sing to the Lord a new-made song, praise His name, Alleluia.
Unto Thee, O Lord have I made supplication, and cried unto
the rock of my salvation; but Thou hast heard my voice, and
renewed my weary spirit. Praise to the Lord the Almighty the
King of creation, O my soul praise Him for He is thy health
and salvation.
*Offertory Hymn: 733 Doxology
Sermon Notes
Lasst uns Erfreuen
*Prayer of Thanksgiving for Offering
Reading through the Bible
Elder Jim Rogers
Psalm 39 (p. 400 in pew Bible)
Congregation reads the even numbered verses.
Children’s Hymn: 267 The Day of Resurrection!
The day of resurrection! Earth, tell it out abroad;
The Passover of gladness, the Passover of God.
From death to life eternal, from this world to the sky,
our Christ hath brought us over with hymns of victory.
Children’s Message:
Dave Moneymaker
Children, ages seven (7) years and younger, are now dismissed to Rooms
147 & 149 for Children’s Church.
Prayer of Intercession
Scripture: Colossians 3:1-4 (p. 834 in pew Bible)
Sermon: “How the Resurrection Changes Everything”
*Hymn of Response: 277 Christ the Lord is Risen Today
Hallelujah from Messiah
The Chancel Choir
At the conclusion of the 11:00am service, please feel free
to take one of the potted Easter flowers for a shut-in, a
friend or yourself.
Thank you to all the musicians who participated
in our Holy Week worship services.
The Chancel Choir, Jonathan Moser, Director
Adult Handbell Choir, Martha Alford, Director
Bryan Anderson, organ; Asaki Nakagawa, piano;
Richard M. Amoroso, Mary Moser, violin;
Jonathan Moser, viola; Richard Amoroso, Sr., cello;
Hiro Nakagawa, bassoon; Ephraim Chen, clarinet;
Dr. Stuart Sacks, timpani
Evening Worship
This Week at Proclamation
Rev. Mark G. Johnston, Officiating Pastor
Preparation for Worship: Meditation & Prayer
Bryan Anderson, organ
Welcome and Announcements
Call to Worship: 1 Corinthians 15:55-57
* Hymn: 286 Worship Christ, the Risen King!
Prayer of Adoration and Confession
* Hymn: 275 The Strife Is O’er, the Battle Done
Giving of Tithes and Offerings
Welcome, Happy Morning! (see #268 for text)
Sermon Text: John 20:1-18
Prayer of Intercession
* Hymn: See What a Morning (see insert) Getty/Townend
Sermon: “A Woman’s Testimony”
* Hymn of Response: 276 Up from the Grave He Arose
* Benediction
Next Sunday’s Worship
11:00 am “What is the Gospel? (1 Corinthians 15:1-11)
Dr. David Garner
6:30 pm “One Dazzling Union (1 Corinthians 15:12-19)
Dr. David Garner
Prayer for the Church – Parlor
Sunday School – All Ages
Fellowship Time
Morning Worship
Japanese Congregation Lunch
Evening Worship Service
Pastoral Staff Meeting
Church Prayer Meeting
Sr. High Vocational Training
Women’s Bible Study
Japanese Bible Study
EAGLES Program
Kid’s ESL
Dinner on the Go
Men’s Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study
Boys of the Bible
Girls of Grace
Jr. High Youth Group
Japanese Bible Study
Missions Committee
Kids’ ESL & Mom’s Meeting
Soli Deo Gloria Handbells
Chancel Choir
Japanese Praise Team Practice
Men’s Bible Study
Covenant Kids
Country Carnival – Youth Missions
Trip Fundraiser
Easter Sunday
April 8, 2012
He is risen!
He is risen indeed!