Title: Produced Water Treatment with Smart Materials for Reuse in Energy Exploration Start Date: 03/01/2016 End Date: 02/28/2019 Project Funds Requested: $182,932 Principle Investigator: Dongmei (Katie) Li, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Wyoming, dli1@uwyo.edu, (307) 766-3592 Non-Technical Statement of Relevance to Wyoming Water Development: Both energy industry and the citizens of Wyoming are concerned with our limited resources of water. While energy companies are facing the constraints of availability and cost of water in the energy production loop, Wyomingites are mostly concerned with the potential detrimental environmental impact of produced water if it is not disposed properly. Concerns from both sides boil down to a group of chemicals that are often referred to as dissolved organic compounds (DOC) or dissolved organic matters (DOM) (referred to as DOC hereafter). Since DOC are often found to be above a critical concentration, they tend aggregate, consequently causing unexpected subsurface pore plugging during energy exploration activities. In addition, DOC are often found in aquifers, resulting in environmental concerns. Therefore, the focus of the proposal is to evaluate the feasible pathways from an engineering perspective to break down the DOC to smaller, harmless molecules such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and water. To achieve this overarching goal, smart nanoparticles will be applied to modify commercial water/oil separation module surfaces. Starting from commercial separation modules will expedite future process transfer to large-scale water treatment facilities. As such, the proposed technology will benefit energy industry economically and socially, and the citizens of Wyoming by allowing responsible and sustainable energy exploration. 1 Title: Produced Water Treatment with Smart Materials for Reuse in Energy Exploration Abstract Hydraulic fracturing, also referred to as Hydrofracturing, has enabled the economical recovery of gas and oil from the unconventional reservoirs, such as Marcellus Shale and Niobrara. Produced water refers to the water that returns to the surface, typically 10 to 30% of the original injected amount. The produced water is composed of the original components in the fracturing fluid as well as any materials that may have entered it through its contact with the surrounding geology and groundwater, which generally results in an aqueous mixture rich in organic and inorganic substances. Produced water management has been discussed and reported by government agencies and industrial partners. The soluble organics often result in problematic re-injection of the produced water (for pressure control), such as unpredictable pore plugging of the fractures, when used to make up part of the hydraulic fracturing fluid. However, to remove the dissolved organic compounds (DOC) requires advanced water treatment that can be as costly as $8/barrel in Wyoming. One of the primary reasons for high costs results from fouling on commercial surface treatment facilities caused by DOC. The fouling issue is a concern because it results in decreased process efficiency and, consequently, increased operating and capital costs. Here we propose to develop hybrid membranes by depositing smart materials, such as TiO2 nanoparticles, onto commercial membranes (the central pieces of a commercial water/oil separation module) via a recently developed technique in the Li lab. Thanks to the photo-oxidative and hydrophilic properties of smart materials, the hybrid membrane allows decomposition of DOC, consequently breaking up aggregations of organic molecules before the formation of much larger particles. As such, the proposed technology prevents pore plugging when rejecting produced water as part of the hydraulic fracturing fluid, providing a cost-effective reuse in energy exploration loop and, alleviating environmental concerns of the citizens of Wyoming. 2 Title: Produced Water Treatment with Smart Materials for Reuse in Energy Exploration Statement of critical regional or State water problem: Due to the vast amount of water used in hydrofracturing process, the cost of produced water treatment and the availability of water resources have become barriers for hydrofracturing in Wyoming. The proposed research addresses these challenges by developing hybrid membranes that can self-clean their surfaces, in addition to increase clean water flux, which provides a cost-effective, energy-efficient produced water treatment approach for reuse. Statement of results or benefits: We anticipate that this project will generate the following outcomes: 1) Novel hybrid membranes that can decompose dissolved organics in produced water, consequently reducing water treatment costs in capital and operation and enabling hydrofracturing practice in acrid areas in Wyoming. 2) Generation of testing data related to water recovery for different produced water chemistries. Due to the complex nature of produced water chemistry, addressing the dissolved organics in produced has been challenging on a well-to-well base. Since the proposed TiO2 nanoparticles can decompose the organics by the radicals generated by photon, the hybrid membranes can self-clean without the need to ‘identify’ those compounds. 3) Through PI’s existing partnership with service and exploration companies, water sample from the drilling field will be tested, increasing our understanding on whether and how the treated produced water can be reused for irrigation and hydrofracturing. Nature, scope, and objectives of the project and a timetable of activities: We are proposing the construction of hybrid membranes consisting of a continuous polymer phase that contains pore structures that will be modified by TiO2 nanoparticles with well-controlled size and distribution density via both wet-chemistry and Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition (PEALD). The unique functionalities of TiO2 nanoparticles have been well recognized, studied and applied to tailor membrane structures to mitigate fouling and enhance flux. Although there is no limitation on the starting membrane materials, we will primarily focus on use of microfiltration (MF) and reverse osmosis (RO) polymeric membrane supports since they span the range of pore sizes used in produced water treatment systems, where oftentimes MF was used as a pretreatment step for RO desalination in produced water treatment. We will modify commercial flat membrane samples and test them in bench scale module in the PI’s lab. Briefly, to fabricate a hybrid membrane material, TiO2, as small as 1-2 nm, will be deposited onto a polymer membrane substrate via solution and vapor deposition approaches. While traditional in-situ nanoparticles deposition has been problematic due to nanoparticle aggregation, the proposed approach will take advantage of cutting-edge surface chemistry by adding a short, semi-rigid polymer chain so that the nanoparticles can be deposited on the substrate surface ‘indirectly’, with a bonding agent guiding the deposition to minimize nanoparticle aggregation and a strengthened bonding between the nanoparticle and modified substrate surface as shown in Fig. 1. Figure 1. Guided Nanoparticle Deposition with Strengthened Bonding Between Membrane Substrate and Nanoparticles 3 For comparison, Plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition (PEALD) will be employed since vapor phase deposition historically provides more accurate control in deposition density and . Before the PEALD deposition, the membrane surface will go through plasma treatment to enhance adhesion between TiO2 nanoparticles and membrane surface. The nanoscale deposited particle size is achieved by the nature of atomic layer deposition (ALD), which consists of two half reactions in vapor phase, resulting in its self-limiting nature [Figure 2]. By simply controlling the Figure 2. Schematic of ALD number of ALD cycles, the size of deposited TiO2 nanoparticles can be accurately controlled. In addition, the density of hydroxyl groups on the membrane surface before ALD deposition is proportional to the density of the deposited TiO2, which can be adjusted by tuning both the number of ALD cycles and surface plasma treatment process parameter [25, 26]. The notable innovations of this proposal are twofold: 1) the ability to integrate TiO2 nanoparticles onto a polymer support surface with a controlled distribution density, particle size; 2) to construct such hybrid membranes with polymer membranes of different pore sizes and structures (MF and RO). These innovations will enable a tremendous acceleration in the pace of anti-fouling hybrid membrane development, especially for the energy sector, such as produced water reuse, by significantly reducing fouling caused by dissolved organic compound, while enhancing clean water flux, thanks to the photo-oxidative and hydrophilic properties of TiO2 nanoparticles. Not only does this innovative approach present a more controllable platform for optimizing the antifouling and flux enhancement functionalities TiO2 nanoparticles allow, but also it does so in a fashion that is potentially translatable to facile manufacturing scale-up [7]. Related Research and Preliminary Results from Li Lab To reduce fouling and improve membrane performance including permeation enhancement, thermal and mechanical stabilities, nanoparticles have been implemented either to modify membrane surface or use them as filler to achieve different morphology. Among the nanoparticles used for antifouling hybrid membranes, TiO2 is one of the most studied nanoparticles due to its photo-catalytic, hydrophilic properties. However, there exist several disadvantages in current manufacturing approaches of implementing TiO2 nanoparticles into membranes, where the following sol-gel wet-chemistry approaches were often applied to implement the nanoparticles: 1) dip coat a membrane in colloidal nanoparticle suspension; or 2) dip coat a membrane in nanoparticle precursor solution; or 3) directly incorporate commercially available nanoparticles into polymeric membrane casting solution. Due to the lack of precise control over deposition sites, hybrid membrane using above manufacturing methods resulted in well-known particle aggregation issue on membrane surfaces. However, our guided nanoparticle deposition technique shows the potential of addressing this challenge, as shown in Figure 3. 4 180 water flux [L/(m2*h)] 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Figure 3. Deionized water flux comparison among different substrates: 1) PVDF – neat commercial membrane; 2) PVDF-Ti2O: nanoparticle deposition with the guiding bonds; 3) PDVF/xhDA/Ti2O: dopamine coating before TiO2 nanoparticle deposition, with x being the number of hours used for dopamine self-polymerization time. Results above (Figure 3) showed that without the guiding bonds, DI water flux decreased, compared to the neat, microfiltration PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) membrane. With the DA guiding bonds, the water flux actually increased compared to the neat membrane, most likely due to the increased surface hydrophilicity. To test the antifouling properties of the guided deposition processes, we recently used a standard protein, Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) on the various membranes. As shown in Figure 4, four hour DA together TiO2 nanoparticle deposition resulted in best anti-fouling behavior, since the ratio of different water flux are defined as: 1) Jw1 = DI water flux before BSA testing; 2) Jw2 = DI water flux after BSA testing; 3) Jp: water flux with BSA in the solution. FRR, Rf, Rr and Rir are defined as flux ratios: 5 FRR Rt Rr Rir 100% 80% Percentage 60% 40% 20% 0% -20% -40% -60% -80% Figure 4. Antifouling behavior of various substrates: 1) PVDF – neat commercial membrane; 2) PVDF-Ti2O: nanoparticle deposition with the guiding bonds; 3) PDVF/xhDA/Ti2O: dopamine coating before TiO2 nanoparticle deposition, with x being the number of hours used for dopamine self-polymerization time. Since Proposed Project Objectives In situ photo-oxidative, hydrophilic TiO2 nanoparticles deposited via easily scalable ALD process may have the potential to heavily impact the field of cost-effective, sustainable produced water treatment by enhancing water flux and minimizing fouling caused by organic matters. To investigate the potential of this novel hybrid membrane manufacturing process, we will focus on 6 three research goals: Research Goal #1 establishes TiO2 ALD deposition conditions using common polymer materials that have shown promise in the past or are currently being used by researchers for RO or MF applications. Research Goal #2 will explore bench scale testing of the hybrid membranes in terms of fouling resistance and permeate flux using synthetic hydrofracturing produced water sample. Naturally, we are interested in identifying the optimal deposition conditions that generates lowest fouling with enhancing permeability for long-term use, but also evaluating the short-term performance of the hybrid material will shed light on importance of how to further optimize process parameters. In addition, we will begin to evaluate the long-term membrane performance. Research Goal #3 will investigate how irradiation intensity and duration affect hybrid membrane performance in decomposing dissolved organic in produced water. Research Goal #1: To deposit TiO2 via ALD onto common RO/MF Polymeric Membranes. We have recently coated a polyethersulfone (PES) MF membrane using the Fiji 200 ALD equipment available in Professor Bruce Parkinson’s lab in the Department of Chemistry on University of Wyoming campus. The preliminary AFM and X-ray-photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) results (not shown here) have demonstrated the feasibility of deposition TiO2 nanoparticles on PES MF membrane. Research Goal #2: To explore bench testing of the hybrid membranes in terms of fouling resistance and permeate flux using synthetic hydraulic fracturing produced water sample. While much effort has focused on developing hybrid anti-fouling membranes, bench testing using such membranes for hydrofracturing produced water treatment has been scarcely seen. The ambition of this goal is to use synthetic produced water sample to test the performance of the hybrid RO membranes. For the testing at this stage, the modified MF and RO membranes will be tested in a stirred cell testing system available in the PI’s laboratory. Research Goal #3: To study the effect of irradiation As suggested by literature, irradiation intensity and duration affected TiO2 photo-oxidative properties. We will also explore these effects with our hybrid membranes. Training Potential: The proposed project will involve one Ph.D. Student from Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. One undergraduate will also be recruited by the Undergraduate Research for Credit program, then the undergraduate will be require to apply for fellowship. Currently, all three undergraduate researchers in the PI’s group are supported by fellowship awarded while the students are working in her lab. Investigator Qualifications: Dr. Li has extensive industrial and academic experience in product and process development in addition to over twenty years of materials research. She has authored and co-authored 4-peer reviewed papers, 2 patents, several technical reports and 15+ conference proceedings. 7 Dongmei Li Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering University of Wyoming PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION: University of Colorado at Boulder Chemical and Biological Engineering University of Colorado at Boulder Chemical and Biological Engineering Tianjin University, China Chemical Engineering Shandong University (Formerly Shandong University of Technology) Chemical Engineering Ph.D., 2003 M.S., 1999 M.S., 1997 B.S., 1994 APPOINTMENTS: 2011- present Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 2010 - 2011 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 2010 - 2011 Senior Research Scientist, Department of Chemistry, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 2007 – 2008 Sr. New Product Development Engineer , DRC Metrigraphics, Wilmington, MA 2006 – 2007 Sr. Process Engineer, Intel Corporation, Phoenix, AZ 2005 – 2006 Sr. Engineer, Metafluidics, Inc., Golden, CO 2003 – 2005 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder HONORS AND AWARDS: Anadarko Faculty Fellowship Award (2013) Intel Fab12 Achievement Awards (2007) Intel Fab12 Achievement Awards, (2006) 14th North American Membrane Society (NAMS) Graduate Student Paper Award – First place (2003). th 12 North American Membrane Society (NAMS) Graduate Student Paper Award – Third Place (2001). Beverly Sears Graduate Student Grant Award (2001). Three-value Student Scholarship, Tianjin University, China, 1997. Excellent Student Leader of Dept. of Chem. Eng., Shandong University of Technology, China, 1993. PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS Shuai Tan, Steve Paglieri and Dongme Li, Nano-scale Sulfur-Tolerant Lanthanide Oxysulfide/Oxysulfate Catalysts for Water-Gas-Shift Reaction in a Novel Reactor Configuration, Catalysis Communication, accepted, September, 2015. Dongmei Li, W. Medlin, Application of Polymer-Coated Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Sensors in Detection of Dissolved Hydrogen, Applied Physics Letters, 88, p.233507, 2006. 8 Dongmei Li, W. Medlin, R. Bastasz and T. McDaniel, Effects of Membrane Coating on the Response of Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor (MIS) Sensors, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 115, p.86-92, 2006. Dongmei Li, R. L. Sani, A. R. Greenberg and W. B. Krantz, Membrane Formation via SolidLiquid Thermally Induced Phase Separation (TIPS) - Model Development and Validation, Journal of Membrane Science, 279, p.50-60, 2006. Huaxian Ma and Dongmei Li, Synthesis and Application of Methyl 1-Naphalene Acetic Ester, Modern Chemical Industry, p.76-78, 1996. CONFERENCE PROCEEDING PAPERS Jennifer Hegarty, Dongmei Li and Jonathan Brant, Integration of Accelerated Precipitation Softening - Microfiltration (APS-MF) Assembly to Maximize Water Recovery from the Treatment of Brackish Water, Proceedings of NAMS 2013, June, 2013. Shuai Tan and Dongmei Li, Catalytic Micro-Membrane Reactor (MMR) Development for Hydrogen Purification, Proceedings of NAMS 2013, June, 2013. Shibely Saha and Dongmei Li, co-Catalyst Modified Nafion Membrane for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Application, Proceedings of NAMS 2013, June, 2013. Dongmei Li, Beyond TIPS (Thermally-Induced Phase Separation), Proceedings of American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), October, 2012. Dongmei Li, W. Medlin, Performance of Polymer Film Modified Sensors in Hydrogen Detection, Proceedings of North American Membrane Society, June 2005. Dongmei Li, W. Medlin, Catalytic Sensors for Hydrogen Detection in Industrial Applications, Proceedings of Western State Catalysis Club Meeting, Feb. 2005. Dongmei Li, W. Medlin, R. Bastasz and T. McDaniel, Hydrogen-Selective Sensors for Industrial Applications, Proceedings of AIChE, Nov. 2004. Dongmei Li, R. L. Sani, A. R. Greenberg and W. B. Krantz, Study of Solid-Liquid Thermally Induced Phase Separation (TIPS) Membrane Formation Process - Comparison of Model Predictions and Experimental Results, Proceedings of NAMS, May, 2003. Dongmei Li, R. L. Sani, A. R. Greenberg and W. B. Krantz, Modeling of Thermally Induced Phase Separation (TIPS) Membrane Formation Process”, Proceedings of NAMS, May, 2001 Dongmei Li, W. B. Krantz, R.L. Sani and A. R. Greenberg, Modeling Study of Thermally Induced Phase Separation (TIPS) Membrane Formation Process, Proceedings of NAMS, May, 2000. Dongmei Li, W. B. Krantz, R.L. Sani and A. R. Greenberg, Study of Thermally Induced Phase Separation (TIPS) Membrane Formation Process, Proceedings of The Third Joint China-US Chemical Engineering Conference, Sept. 2000. PATENTS Dongmei Li, W. Medlin, R.L. Bastasz, Anthony McDaniel, MIS-based Sensors with Improved Hydrogen Sensitivity, US Patent 7,340,938, 2008. 9 BUDGET (Project Year 1 - FY16) Start Date of FY: 3/1/16 End Date of FY: 2/28/17 Project Title: Produced Water Treatment with Smart Materials for Reuse in Energy Exploration Principal Investigators: Dongmei Li Cost Category Request $ 1. Salaries and Wages Principal Investigator(s) 9,077 Graduate Students Stipends Tuition/fees/health ins (not included in indirect costs) Salaried Students Technical Support (Staff) Non-benefited employees Total Salaries and Wages 2. Fringe Benefits (45.56% for benefited, 20% for nonbenefited, 9% for salaried students, and 1% for students on stipends) 3. Supplies 4. Equipment (List only items costing $5000 or more each as equipment and items less than $5000 as supplies.) 5. Services or Consultants 6. Travel UW $ 9,077 24,000 6,525 0 Total $ 18,154 0 0 0 39,602 9,077 24,000 6,525 0 0 0 48,679 4,375 4,135 8,511 15,000 15,000 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 7. Other Direct Costs 0 8. Total Direct Costs* 60,977 9. Indirect Costs (41.5% of total, requested and University, direct costs-except tuition/fees/health insurance and equipment) 10. Total Estimated Cost 10 60,977 13,212 74,190 28,081 28,081 41,293 102,271 *The UW direct costs total must be at least 20% of the total direct cost requested. That is, the UW direct cost contribution must be at least 11 $12,195 $60,977 BUDGET (Project Year 2 - FY17) Start Date of FY: 3/1/17 End Date of FY: 2/29/18 Project Title: Produced Water Treatment with Smart Materials for Reuse in Energy Exploration Principal Investigators: Dongmei Li Cost Category Request $ 1. Salaries and Wages Principal Investigator(s) 9,077 Graduate Students Stipends Tuition/fees/health ins (not included in indirect costs) Salaried (part-time) Students Technical Support (Staff) Non-benefited employees Total Salaries and Wages 2. Fringe Benefits (45.56% for benefited, 20% for nonbenefited, 9% for salaried students, and 1% for students on stipends) 3. Supplies UW $ 9,077 24,000 6,525 7. Other Direct Costs 8. Total Direct Costs* 39,602 9,077 4,375 4,135 8,511 15,000 15,000 0 0 2,000 2,000 0 0 60,977 12 18,154 0 0 0 24,000 6,525 0 0 0 48,679 4. Equipment (List only items costing $5000 or more each as equipment and items less than $5000 as supplies.) 5. Services or Consultants 6. Travel Total $ 13,212 74,190 9. Indirect Costs (41.5% of total, requested and University, direct costs-except tuition/fees/health insurance and equipment) 10. Total Estimated Cost *The UW direct costs total must be at least 20% of the total direct cost requested. That is, the UW direct cost contribution must be at least 13 60,977 28,081 28,081 41,293 102,271 i.e. $12,195 20% of $60,977 BUDGET (Project Year 3 - FY18) Start Date of FY: 3/1/18 End Date of FY: 2/28/19 Project Title: Produced Water Treatment with Smart Materials for Reuse in Energy Exploration Principal Investigators: Dongmei Li Cost Category Request $ 1. Salaries and Wages Principal Investigator(s) 9,077 Graduate Students Stipends Tuition/fees/health ins (not included in indirect costs) Salaried (part-time) Students Technical Support (Staff) Non-benefited employees Total Salaries and Wages 2. Fringe Benefits (45.56% for benefited, 20% for nonbenefited, 9% for salaried students, and 1% for students on stipends) 3. Supplies UW $ 9,077 24,000 6,525 18,154 0 0 0 39,602 9,077 24,000 6,525 0 0 0 48,679 4,375 4,135 8,511 15,000 15,000 4. Equipment (List only items costing $5000 or more each as equipment and items less than $5000 as supplies.) 5. Services or Consultants 6. Travel Total $ 0 0 2,000 2,000 7. Other Direct Costs 0 8. Total Direct Costs* 60,977 9. Indirect Costs (41.5% of total, requested and University, direct costs-except tuition/fees/health insurance and equipment) 10. Total Estimated Cost 14 60,977 13,212 74,190 28,081 28,081 41,293 102,271 *The UW direct costs total must be at least 20% of the total direct cost requested. That is, the UW direct cost contribution must be at least $12,195 $60,977 BUDGET (Total Project) Project End Date: Project Start Date: 3/1/14 2/28/17 Project Title: Produced Water Treatment with Smart Materials for Reuse in Energy Exploration Principal Investigators: Dongmei Li Cost Category 1. Salaries and Wages Principal Investigator(s) Request $ Graduate Students Stipends Tuition/fees/health ins (not included in indirect costs) Salaried (part-time) Students Technical Support (Staff) Non-benefited employees Total Salaries and Wages 2. Fringe Benefits (45.56% for benefited, 20% for nonbenefited, 9% for salaried students, and 1% for students on stipends) 3. Supplies 4. Equipment (List only items costing $5000 or more each as equipment and items less than $5000 as supplies.) 5. Services or Consultants 6. Travel 7. Other Direct Costs 8. Total Direct Costs* 15 UW $ Total $ 27,231 0 0 0 27,231 0 0 0 54,462 0 0 0 72,000 19,575 0 0 0 118,806 0 0 0 0 0 27,231 72,000 19,575 0 0 0 146,037 13,126 12,406 25,533 45,000 0 45,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 0 6,000 0 0 0 182,932 39,637 222,570 9. Indirect Costs (41.5% of total, requested and University, direct costs-except tuition/fees/health insurance and equipment) 10. Total Estimated Cost *The UW direct costs total must be at least 20% of the total direct cost requested. That is, the UW direct cost contribution must be at least 16 182,932 84,243 84,243 123,880 306,813 i.e. $36,586 20% of $182,932 SUMMARY OF AMOUNTS REQUESTED Project End Date: Project Start Date: 3/1/16 2/28/19 Project Title: Produced Water Treatment with Smart Materials for Reuse in Energy Exploration Principal Investigators: Dongmei Li Annual, and Total, Funds Requested Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Project $ $ $ $ Cost Category 1. Salaries and Wages Principal Investigator(s) 9,077 0 0 0 9,077 0 0 0 9,077 0 0 0 27,231 0 0 0 24,000 6,525 0 0 0 39,602 24,000 6,525 0 0 0 39,602 24,000 6,525 0 0 0 39,602 72,000 19,575 0 0 0 118,806 4,375 4,375 4,375 13,126 15,000 15,000 15,000 45,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 6,000 7. Other Direct Costs 0 0 0 0 8. Total Direct Costs 60,977 60,977 60,977 182,932 Graduate Students Stipends Tuition/fees/health ins (not included in indirect costs) Salaried (part-time) Students Technical Support (Staff) Non-benefited employees Total Salaries and Wages 2. Fringe Benefits (45.56% for benefited, 20% for nonbenefited, 9% for salaried students, and 1% for students on stipends) 3. Supplies 4. Equipment (List only items costing $5000 or more each as equipment and items less than $5000 as supplies.) 5. Services or Consultants 6. Travel 17 9. Indirect Costs (41.5% of total, requested and University, direct costs-except tuition/fees/health insurance and equipment) 10. Total Estimated Cost 18 60,977 60,977 60,977 182,932 BUDGET JUSTIFICATION - Year 1 Project Title: Produced Water Treatment with Smart Materials for Reuse in Energy Exploration Salaries and Wages. Provide compensation proposed for each individual. (Tuition remission and other forms of compensation paid as or in lieu of wages to students performing necessary work are allowable provided that the tuition or other payments are reasonable compensation for the work performed and are conditioned explicitly upon the performance of necessary work.) 1. Dongmei Li, Ph.D. The principle investigator at the University of Wyoming is an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering and will supervise project progress, provide guidance on atomic layer deposition process as well as single-cell testing of hybrid membranes. Dr. Li’s salary was calculated using procedures that are established by the University of Wyoming. Summer salary is requested for the PI (Dr. Dongmei Li: = $9,077. Also, an equivalent UW match. 2. Graduate Research Assistant (12 CM): One graduate student will be supported under this project to carry out experiments, go to conferences and lead efforts on journal publication. Fringe Benefits. Provide the overall fringe benefit rate applicable to each category of employee proposed in the project. Fringe benefit rate for the PI: 45.56% Fringe benefit rate for the graduate student: 1% Supplies. Indicate separately the amounts proposed for office, laboratory, computing, and field supplies. $150,000 total for Year 01 for laboratory supplies, which include chemicals for manufacturing the hybrid membranes, such as commercial polymeric membranes, titanium precursors for TiO2 nanoparticle deposition as well as laboratory consumables. Equipment. Identify non-expendable personal property having a useful life of more than one (1) year and an acquisition cost of more than $5,000 per unit. If fabrication of equipment is proposed, list parts and materials required for each, and show costs separately from the other items: N/A Services or Consultants. Identify the specific tasks for which these services would be used. Estimate amount of time required and the hourly or daily rate. N/A Travel. Provide purpose and estimated costs for all travel. Attendance at one technical conference for one project personnel to present findings of studies. $2000 is requested for Year 01, which will cover registration, lodging and airfare. Other Direct Costs. Itemize costs not included elsewhere. We are requesting annual tuition and fees plus health insurance of $6525 for the Ph.D. student. No indirect costs are assessed on tuition, fees or health insurance. 19 Indirect Costs. Provide negotiated indirect (“Facilities and Administration”) cost rate. $28,081 total. The University of Wyoming assesses Indirect Costs for on-campus organized research at a rate of 41.5% on all budget items such as salaries, fringe benefits, materials and supplies, services, travel, subgrants, and subcontracts up to $25,000. Items for which indirect costs are not assessed include graduate student tuition, fees and health insurance, rental costs, individual equipment items with a cost in excess of $5,000, and subcontracts in excess of $25,000 (initial $25,000 is assessed indirect costs). 20 BUDGET JUSTIFICATION - Entire Project Project Title: Produced Water Treatment with Smart Materials for Reuse in Energy Exploration Salaries and Wages. Provide compensation proposed for each individual. (Tuition remission and other forms of compensation paid as or in lieu of wages to students performing necessary work are allowable provided that the tuition or other payments are reasonable compensation for the work performed and are conditioned explicitly upon the performance of necessary work.) 1. Dongmei Li, Ph.D. The principle investigator at the University of Wyoming is an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering and will supervise project progress, provide guidance on atomic layer deposition process as well as single-cell testing of hybrid membranes. Dr. Li’s salary was calculated using procedures that are established by the University of Wyoming. Summer salary is requested for the PI (Dr. Dongmei Li: = $9,077 per year. Also, an equivalent UW match. 2. Graduate Research Assistant (12 CM): One graduate student will be supported under this project to carry out experiments, go to conferences and lead efforts on journal publication. Fringe Benefits. Provide the overall fringe benefit rate applicable to each category of employee proposed in the project. Fringe benefit rate for the PI: 45.56% Fringe benefit rate for the graduate student: 1% Supplies. Indicate separately the amounts proposed for office, laboratory, computing, and field supplies. $450,000 total for three years of supplies, including chemicals for manufacturing the hybrid membranes, such as commercial polymeric membranes, titanium precursors for TiO2 nanoparticle deposition as well as laboratory consumables. Equipment. Identify non-expendable personal property having a useful life of more than one (1) year and an acquisition cost of more than $5,000 per unit. If fabrication of equipment is proposed, list parts and materials required for each, and show costs separately from the other items: N/A Services or Consultants. Identify the specific tasks for which these services would be used. Estimate amount of time required and the hourly or daily rate. N/A Travel. Provide purpose and estimated costs for all travel. $2000/year is requested for attendance at one technical conference for one project personnel to present findings of studies. Other Direct Costs. Itemize costs not included elsewhere. 21 We are requesting annual tuition and fees plus health insurance of $6525 for the Ph.D. student. No indirect costs are assessed on tuition, fees or health insurance. Indirect Costs. Provide negotiated indirect (“Facilities and Administration”) cost rate. $84,243 total. The University of Wyoming assesses Indirect Costs for on-campus organized research at a rate of 41.5% on all budget items such as salaries, fringe benefits, materials and supplies, services, travel, subgrants, and subcontracts up to $25,000. Items for which indirect costs are not assessed include graduate student tuition, fees and health insurance, rental costs, individual equipment items with a cost in excess of $5,000, and subcontracts in excess of $25,000 (initial $25,000 is assessed indirect costs). 22