Application for Student Assistantship Department of Anthropology 2015-2016 The Department of Anthropology is authorized to hire a limited number of student assistants for 2015-2016. These assistants will help professors teach certain courses, primarily 1000-level introductory courses. Activities could include marking, invigilating, tutoring, or leading group discussions, as well as other activities. Applicants must be declared Anthropology majors. The stipend is approximately $490 per term, or $560 for students in their final honours year. Assistants will be expected to work 35-40 hours per term. To apply, complete this application and submit a paper copy of it to Department of Anthropology Chairperson Dr. Paul A. Erickson. Submit it to Dr. Erickson personally; submit it to the Department of Anthropology Secretary in the Department Office, who in turn will give it to Dr. Erickson; or place it in the drop box beneath the windows of the Department Office, sealed in an envelope addressed to Dr. Erickson. For both fall 2015 and winter 2016, the deadline for receipt of applications is 5:00 pm, Friday September 11th. Applications must be complete, including academic transcripts, to be considered. In ranking and hiring applicants, the Department will take into account their overall academic record, course history in anthropology, other relevant experience, and suitability for course needs. Where possible, preference will be given to honours students. 1. Print your name, University A-number, and e-mail address here. 2. Why do you want to become a student assistant? 3. Attach a copy of your academic transcript. It does not need to be an official copy. Then, on the beginning of page 2, list the numbers and names of all Anthropology courses you have completed, along with the grades you received in each. Also list the Anthropology courses in which you are currently enrolled; you will not be allowed to assist in these courses. 2 4. Consider the anthropological subfields of archaeology, biological anthropology, forensic anthropology, linguistic anthropology, and socio-cultural anthropology. Which of these subfields are you most interest in assisting? Which least interested? 5. Which particular assisting activities interest you most? Which least? 6. Have you been a student assistant before? If so, please describe how you assisted. 7. Sign your name here.