Student`s name: #: ______ Homework 5 Doyle Date: Oct. 2

Student’s name: _______________________
Homework 5 Doyle
#: ______
Date: Oct. 2-9, 2015
PLEASE NOTE homework is DUE on the following Friday. Students may submit
assignments before this date. Questions or concerns should be addressed before
this date and are the responsibility of you the student!
1. Home Reading - Read this week for a minimum of 90 minutes. Include parent
signature and minutes read on October Reading Calendar.
2. Math – Numbers & Basic Facts
o Compare & Order Large Numbers - Complete the attached sheet.
o Xtra Math – Complete at least one other session. Remember the basic facts
need to be mastered to help you with other math learning this year 
3. Science – Weather
o Cloud assessment next week. Know how clouds form and how to identify
types of clouds. This science assessment will be on Thursday, October 8th.
o Watch the DE video ‘Weather Smart: Forecasting and Weather
Instruments’ and complete the following true and false statements.
Video Quiz
Directions: Answer either true or false.
1. ________ The wind controls which way weather moves.
2. ________ A thermometer tells you air pressure.
3. ________ Satellites show us the clouds over Earth.
4. ________ Computers use math to make weather forecasts.
5. ________ One day weather forecasts will be perfect.
6. ________ Radar shows you where there is rain or snow.
7. ________ Meteorologists have to measure the weather before they forecast.
8. ________ Air pressure is measured with a barometer.
9. ________ Low pressure usually means dry, sunny weather.
10. ________ Snow can be measured with a ruler.