essay style template

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Version 1.0 2015
Author Firstname Lastname
Essay Title in Title Case
1. Introduction
Use this template to structure and style your final submission to Rational Realm.
Add author name and essay title to Document Properties.
To update Author Name and Essay Title in page header, place cursor in each page
header field and press F9.
All element styles, such as body text, headings, Reference items, etc., use Microsoft
Word Styles. To see the style of an element, place cursor in element and on Home tab in the
Ribbon, click on expander arrow in Styles group to show styles.
In your Introduction, outline the areas you will be discussing and the approach you
will take.
2. Rational Realm Style Rules
2.1 General Style Notes
Set Spell Checker to English (UK).
Use Chicago Manual Title Case Capitalization for headings and publication titles.
Check each section/sub-section contains 2,000 words or less.
Locate footnotes at the bottom of each page.
Use only one space between sentences.
Do not add extra line between paragraphs.
Remove extra spaces at the end of paragraphs.
Place a space between each dot in ellipses (e.g. ‘. . .’)
Spell out acronyms on first use and enclose acronyms in brackets.
Use ending ‘ize’ instead of ‘ise’ (e.g. ‘realize’).
Search and replace straight quotes with smart quotes.
Use single quotation marks, except for quotes within a quote.
For quotations of 40 words or more, indent paragraph and avoid using quotation
Search and replace whilst with while.
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Author Firstname Lastname
Essay Title in Title Case
Use superscript style1 for footnotes. See section 2.5 below for guidance on adding
and formatting footnotes.
Below is a numbered list formatted with the List Paragraph style.
1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas porttitor
congue massa. Fusce posuere, magna sed pulvinar ultricies, purus lectus
malesuada libero, sit amet commodo magna eros quis urna.
2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas porttitor
congue massa. Fusce posuere, magna sed pulvinar ultricies, purus lectus
malesuada libero, sit amet commodo magna eros quis urna.
3. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas porttitor
congue massa. Fusce posuere, magna sed pulvinar ultricies, purus lectus
malesuada libero, sit amet commodo magna eros quis urna.
2.1 Styling Quotations
For short quotations, use the style illustrated in the next paragraph.
Lakatos had never appreciated this tension between his conditions and easily
conflated them into one harmonious standard: ‘progress in the theory of rationality is
marked by discoveries of novel historical facts, by the reconstruction of a growing bulk of
value-impregnated history as rational’ [1978: 133].
For quotations 40 words or longer, use the Quote style, as illustrated below.
Suppose a fundamentalist is reading the Biblical account of the—apparently
pointless—execution of someone (say, all men, women, and children among the
Amalekites) at the behest, allegedly, of God. He says to himself, ‘That’s strange.
But it must have been right; otherwise God would not have ordered it.’ This use
of ‘right’ appears to be a normal one.
[Brandt 1959: 230]
Footnotes are preformatted in this template with the Footnote Text style.
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Author Firstname Lastname
Essay Title in Title Case
2.1 Adding Figures and Diagrams
Example 1 – How to Include a Figure or Diagram
To include a figure or diagram in your essay, insert the image using the Insert >
Picture option on the Insert tab, Illustrations group, on the Ribbon. Do not copy the image
from another program or Microsoft Word document and paste it into your essay. Use Top
and Bottom text wrapping with no offsets and centred on the page.
Diagram 1 – Title of figure or diagram in sentence case
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas porttitor congue
massa. Fusce posuere, magna sed pulvinar ultricies, purus lectus malesuada libero, sit amet
commodo magna eros quis urna.
2.4 Styling References
Do not number references or use bullets.
List references in alphabetical order by author’s last name.
For authors with more than one publication, list in ascending order by year of
For authors with more than one publication in same year, distinguish by adding
lower case letter to year of publication (e.g. 2002a, 2002b).
For co-authored items, list after items authored by single author of same name.
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Author Firstname Lastname
Essay Title in Title Case
2.5 Styling Citations and Footnotes
Single author, single source: Jackson [1982: 42] says . . .
. . . (as found in Smith [1996: 22], for example).
Single author, multiple sources ordered chronologically:
[Jones 2006: 10–19, 2009: 45–8, 2011: 110–19].
Multiple authors:
. . . (see Jones [2006: 131]; Smith [2008]).
Multiple authors ordered chronologically:
[Campbell 1970: 48, 1982; Block 1978: 277–82; Jackson 1982: 23–5, 1990: 71]
Referencing two pages, chapters and sections:
[Jones 1997: 100ff, 2011: ch. 4, 2014: sec. 7].
Referencing multiple chapters, parts and sections:
[Jones 2011: chs 4, 5, 2013: parts 1–5, 2014: secs 7, 9–11].
To add a footnote, click on the References tab and click on Insert Footnote in the
Footnote group (or press Ctrl + Alt + F).
Remove the initial space at the beginning of each new footnote text so that there is
no space between the footnote number and the footnote text.
Here is an example referencing a single author in a footnote.2
Here is an example referencing two authors in a footnote (ordered chronologically).3
Here is an example referencing multiple authors in a footnote (ordered
Here is an example referencing your own work in a footnote.5
3. Conclusion
In your Conclusion, summarize your key arguments and your conclusions. Outline
the implications of your conclusions for other areas of inquiry.
See, for example, Ayer [1971: 71, 162–4, 187].
See also Whiteley [1940: 90] and Dicker [1980: 141].
See, for example, Gardner [1978: part 1, sec. 2], Manis [1973: ch. 3], Mussen [1973: ch. 3], Piaget [1970, 1973]
and Vernon [1971: ch. 2].
See my Allan [2014: 13ff].
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Author Firstname Lastname
Essay Title in Title Case
Allan, Leslie 2015. Contraception and Abortion: A Utilitarian View, URL =
Armstrong, David M. 1961. Perception and the Physical World, London: Routledge and
Kegan Paul.
Ayer, A. J. 1965. Phenomenalism, in Perception and the External World, ed. R. J. Hirst, New
York: Macmillan: 283–301.
Berkeley, George 1710 (1974). Principles of Human Knowledge, in Berkeley’s Philosophical
Writings, ed. D. M. Armstrong, New York: Macmillan: 41–128.
Bird, Alexander 2012. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions and its Significance: An Essay
Review of the 50th Anniversary Edition, URL =
<> The
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (Advance Access: October 30, 2012):
BonJour, Laurence 2007. Epistemological Problems of Perception, The Stanford Encyclopedia
of Philosophy (Spring 2013 Edition), ed. Edward N. Zalta, URL =
Chalmers, A. F. 1982. What Is This Thing Called Science?, 2nd edn, Queensland: University of
Queensland Press.
eChalk Education 2012. The Rotating Mask Illusion, URL =
<> (Published: 20 July, 2012).
Feyerabend, Paul K. 1981. Realism, Rationalism and Scientific Method: Philosophical Papers
Volume 1, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: chs 8 and 9.
Hinckfuss, Ian 1985. Critical Notice, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 63/1: 88–95.
Hoyningen-Huene, Paul 1992. The Interrelations between the Philosophy, History and
Sociology of Science in Thomas Kuhn’s Theory of Scientific Development, URL =
<> The British Journal for the Philosophy
of Science 43/4: 487–501.
Minnesota Law Review 1970 (1973). A Cause of Action for ‘Wrongful Life’: A Suggested
Analysis, reprinted in The Problem of Abortion, ed. J. Feinberg, Belmont: Wadsworth:
Weiskrantz, L. et al, 1974. Visual Capacity in the Hemianopic Field Following a Restricted
Occipital Ablation, Brain 97: 709–28.
Williams v. State of New York 1965 (1973). reprinted in The Problem of Abortion, ed. J.
Feinberg, Belmont: Wadsworth: 161–9.
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