ICORE Dec. 2013 newsletter - Israeli Center of Research

ICORE-ALGO's December Newsletter
Last Chance:
I-CORE Post-Doc Programs
The deadline for applying is just around the corner (Dec. 15, 2013)
We are seeking excellent candidates for postdoctoral positions at the I-CORE ALGO (Israeli center of research excellence in algorithms)
For more information regarding deadlines and application instructions click here.
I-CORE Algo – Israeli Center of Research Excellence in algorithms, and the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing are seeking excellent
candidates for a joint postdoctoral program starting in the academic year 2014-2015.
For more information regarding deadlines and application instructions click here.
I-CORE Algo – the Israeli Center of Research Excellence in algorithms, CNR – the National Research Council of Italy and ENEA – the Italian
National agency for new technologies, Energy and sustainable economic development are seeking excellent candidates for postdoctoral
For more information regarding deadlines and application instructions click here.
April 9, 2014 - Save the Date for the I-Core Algo Spring Event!
More details to come soon...!
I-CORE ALGO Supported Upcoming Events:
Celebrating Nati Linial's
sixtieth birthday:
Celebrating Ron Shamir's
sixtieth birthday:
The dates of the workshop are December
16-18, and we have a panel of 16
illustrious speakers.
The workshop will be taking place
on December 12, 2013.
Featuring talks by Ilan Adler,
Martin Golumbic, Dorit Hochbaum,
Richard Karp, Martin Kupiec, Hans
Lehrach, Pavel Pevzner, Martin
Vingron and Michael Waterman.
Featuring talks by Mike Saks, Jeff Kahn,
Ron Aharoni, Gil Kalai, Noga Alon,
Gideon Schechtman, James Lee, Bella
Bollobas, Lee Tomasz, Vera Sos, Michael
Tarsi, Luczak Jiri, Uri Feige, Avi
Wigderson, Micha Perles and Shafi
Please note that entrance is free but
registration is requested.
For more information and registration
details please go to:
n/Nati/ .
For more information please go to:
A celebration of the work of
Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio
A three-days celebration of Shafi
Goldwasser and Silvio Micali will be held at
Weizmann in mid-December 2013. The
program is as follows:
* Dec 10 (TUES): Weizmann Distinguished
Lectures Day, featuring talks by Boaz Barak,
Irit Dinur, Johan Hastad, and Salil Vadhan,
and crowned by lectures of Shafi
Goldwasser and Silvio Micali (serving as the
annual Amir Pnueli Lectures).
* Dec 11-12 (WEND+THURS): Visions of
Cryptography, a two-day cryptography
workshop (by invitation).
For more information please go to:
Alumni Post-Doc Fellows:
During 2012/13 we had our first round of I-CORE postdocs. Now we are happy to feature the first alumni of I-CORE
Amitabh Trehan is an I-CORE postdoc (working with Danny Dolev) at HUJI. Hisbroad research interestsare in
theory and algorithms, especially those arising from or applicable to real world and human engineered systems. He has specific
interests in distributed algorithms, networks, graph theory, and game theory. He did a PhD (with distinction) from Computer Science,
University of New Mexico, USA, in May 2010 where he was advised by Prof. Jared Saia. His dissertation research on 'self-healing
networks', introducing some new concepts in reliable distributed computing and interesting algorithmic ideas. After a short post-doc
with Prof. Valerie King at University of Victoria, where he worked on load balanced scalable byzantine agreement, he joined as a
postdoctoral scholar with Professors Shay Kutten and Ron Lavi with whom he has worked on a combination of distributed computing
and algorithmic game theory. This has resulted in some interesting work on Leader Election and on game theoretic Consortium
Amitabh is an I-CORE postdoc at Computer Science, HUJI since April 2013. Here, he is continuing to evolve his research on
distributed algorithms and models for networks exhibiting dynamic behaviour/churn i.e. networks where the nodes and edges are
changing (as evidenced by the self-healing model and other work). In particular, he is investigating questions involving selfstabilization. He is also investigating questions involving distributed routing and such fundamental issues of distributed algorithms.
Amitabh comes from a varied academic background having a bachelor's degree in Biology (from Punjab University, India) and two
Masters Degrees (the later, a M.Tech. from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India). He has worked in various capacities as a
faculty, researcher, system administrator, administrative project officer with a university etc. His hobbies include playing sports
especially Cricket and Tennis - he plays in the Israeli Cricket League.
He also does photography, writing (some time way back, he published some poems), and music (he's a struggling student of the
Piano). He and his wife were co-hosts of a radio show on the Technion Radio called the International Hour. Overall, he is a wanderer
always looking for some interesting things to do!!
Thomas Dueholm Hansen is working at Tel Aviv University as a postdoc from October 1, 2012 to September 30,
2013. His main collaborators within the I-CORE Center of Excellence in Algorithms are Uri Zwick and Haim Kaplan. From October 1,
2013 he will go to Stanford University as a postdoc for a year to work with Yinyu Ye.
Before coming to Tel Aviv, Thomas finished his ph.d. in computer science from Aarhus University, Denmark. In recent years,
Thomas has primarily studied algorithms for linear programming, Markov decision processes, turn-based stochastic games,
and related problems.
Amitabh and Thomas have graduated from the I-CORE postdocs program recently. We wish them the best of luck on their academic
and personal future!
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