Guide to Division of Academic Affairs Annual Report – Activity Insight

Guide to Division of Academic Affairs Annual Report – Activity Insight
General Information
Personal and Contact Information
This section is not required to complete the annual report, but does contain inputs that are needed to build a resume.
Additionally, if you are willing to talk with the media regarding your areas of expertise, please make sure you fill in the
section on research interests.
Administrative Data - Permanent Data | Yearly Data
Input permanent data only once. Yearly data must be input annually to reflect your current status on the annual report.
Make sure to indicate your full time equivalency as 100% if you are full time.
Academic, Government, Military and Professional Positions
This section is only needed if you plan on using the tool to build a resume
Administrative Assignments
Indicate administrative assignments in this section
Awards and Honors
Although this information does not show on the annual report, the College builds independent reports that document
the awards and honors received by faculty and staff over the year from this data base. Please limit your input to honors
and awards received beyond the College.
This section is used for indicating any external consulting that would not be covered by a grant or contract through the
Research Foundation and input under Scholarship
Only necessary if you are building a resume
External Connections and Partnerships
Although this section does not show on the annual report, the College can use your input to catalog external partners.
Faculty Development Activities Attended
This is not used on the annual report, but will become important when you prepare packages for personnel decisions.
Licensures and Certifications
This section is of special interest to disciplines that require or commonly have faculty who have to maintain licensures or
certifications in their field. This information does not show on the annual report, but will be used for program
accreditation purposes.
Media Contributions
Input items of popular media (e.g. TV, newspapers, magazines) where you have made a contribution as an author or
have been interviewed in areas related to your discipline. Do not repeat these items under Scholarship.
Professional Memberships
Although this information is not reported on our annual reports, it may be of value to input data here for using the tool
to build a resume.
Workload Information
This section may be ignored.
Professional Narratives
For professional staff only. This screen is used for building central elements of staff annual reports. Staff enter
activities in which they have engaged in support of a variety of college emphases (e.g., teaching, student success,
productivity). Staff also enter their Performance Plan objectives for the reporting year and how effectively they have
met them.
Faculty Narratives
For faculty only. This screen is important for the annual report. All narrative questions, whether teaching, scholarship or
service related are found here. In addition to these three areas, there are questions related to your assessment activities
and contributions to diversity.
Administrator Narratives
This section is used by chairs, deans, and professional staff unit heads to prepare department and school annual reports.
Academic Advising
Input your advisement load in this section.
Directed Student Learning (e.g., theses, dissertations)
Input your various non-scheduled but for credit activities including directed and independent studies, and graduate
Non-Credit Instruction Taught
Include any non-credit instruction. This may include off-campus activities.
Scheduled Teaching
Scheduled teaching and grades will be input for you, but check to make sure that things are correct. If needed, contact
campus administrator of Activity Insight. You will need to input your IAS scores.
Please input any scholarly or creative products produced during the current academic year into its appropriate category
below. Make sure that you indicate the status of the product with dates. As a product progresses, you may change the
dates on the entry by simply editing it. When doing so, it seems best to erase the previous dates and input the new ones.
For example, last year you had a journal article accepted (but not yet published). This year it was published. Erase the
accepted date from the entry and input the published date so that the only date in the entry is the published date.
To aid in data management, if more than one author is from Brockport, the lead author should be responsible for input.
The entry will show on all other author’s annual reports.
In general, a dropdown menu lists the types of contributions available in each category. An “other” category exists, but
should be avoided unless absolutely necessary to accurately describe the product.
Artistic and Professional Performances and Exhibits
Any artistic or creative contribution is input here. This would include pieces of original literature including non-fiction,
fiction or poetry.
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
Please input any externally funded grants or contracts here.
Intellectual Contributions
Written products ranging from books to conference proceedings and technical reports are input here. Make sure to
indicate if the product was peer reviewed and if any of the authors are graduate or undergraduate students.
Intellectual Property (e.g., copyrights, patents)
Input any patents or copyrights obtained during the reporting period.
Input any external oral presentations here.
Research Currently in Progress
This section allows you to input any work that you have currently in progress. Do not include manuscripts or creative
products that are in progress. These should be input in the appropriate sections above. This section is for the work you
have in progress before you get to the writing stage, for instance (e.g., data collection).
Service to your department, may include advising
College-wide service
Service at the SUNY level
Service to your professional discipline
Service to the public that is related to your discipline
Civic Engagement
Service to the community in areas not related to your discipline
Annual Report
Chair/Dean Comments
Chairs and deans will comment on your annual report here, and you may respond