SEAI - Creating the right environment for ISO 50001 to thrive - Geng Wang, China National Institute of Standardization (CNIS) Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. It is my great pleasure to be here and to attend this excellent meeting. I think most of you attended last week and last week we did an excellent job in TC242 and I think everybody is satisfied and enjoying this day in Dublin and we thank the organizers. Today I am not going into great detail with this EMS implementation modelling so I only want to give you a brief view of what is going on in China. What we have done with EMS and what we achieved and what we are planning to do in the next couple of years. There are four parts that I will share with you. There is a quite brief introduction about the basic background. Then the EMS certification pilot project running in China for the last two years. And Shandong Province Experience because Shandong province is one of our pioneer local government who is running the energy management system quite earlier from 2006 so it’s one demonstration area for our central government to how to establish EMS program nationally. That is why there experience is quite important. And then finally a brief introduction about Top 10,000 program, which just recently kicked off from our central government. And probably as you already know in 2009 we already published our national standards with energy management requirements and of course last year with ISO 50001 published. What we did after this publication of national standards we did with several interesting parties with interesting things. Standardization organization of course would be the training for the national standards to increase the awareness of the EMS for the consumers. For the local government they really implemented national standards of EMS with some selected pilot enterprises to see how it is going on there. And for the industry sector they are trying to develop this sector specific implementation guidance already. It’s not necessarily to be a national standard at the moment but there are some technical supporting documents. CNCA is our administration of certification accreditation as a government agency. After the publication of the national standards they start the pilot certification program in China from 2009. And NDRC is the national development and reform commission. This is our highest government agency that is in charge of energy efficiency issues. So recently they combine EMS with the national energy conservation program as you might now as Top 10,000 program so it’s really starting a national EMS implementation. Here is a little bit about standardization. A standardization roadmap – as you might know in China we have a five-year plan. From 2012 and 2015 we covered 11 and 12-year plan to part of time. And actually for EMS first national standard development plan can be divided into 3 stages. In the first stage is in 2009 we already published GB/T 23331 national standards. Actually at this time we were also simultaneously developing this implementation guide for the standards. But it’s still not come and the reason is because of this second stage we are doing this ISO 50001 adoption. That means we are revising the national standard according to ISO 50001. Only after the revising and adoption of 50001 we will publish this implementation guidance otherwise this document will not arrive. And of course we are doing national standards with iron, steel and cements specific implementation guidance as a national standard now. And next stage, the end of the 12 5 year plan we are planning to have 10 sector specific implementation guidelines and of course we will develop some tools for example for energy performance and so on. Here is a little bit detail lists for the standard development list. This year definitely we will revise the GBT 23331 and the next year we will have implementation guidelines as I said and also some sector dependent implementation guidance including oil, steel, cements, glass and so on. Of course by end of years together there are almost 10 sectors, basically standards, will be published. That’s about some basic background for the EMS in China and next part will be the certification – well, a little bit. And just after the publications of the national standards in October of 2009 CNCA kick off this EnMS pilot program for the certification program. And here are some important issues I list here. They select 10 high energy consuming industrial sectors including iron, cements, coal, power, and chemical and so on. As the pilot sectors for each sector we will collect 2 or 3 certification bodies to do the certification project. That means almost that each certification body can do only one sector, not everything. And of course they need some skills, the certification bodies and auditors need skills concerning energy management systems and energy efficiency technologies and so on. And finally the certification requirements are based on two documents. First one is a national standard; secondly CNCA developed some sector specific implementation guidance for the certification. So these two documents are the basic documents for the certification program. Here is some achievement to the middle of last year there were already 20 enterprises that get the certification. And the certified will always talk about number because we have to report to the government. And certified energy saving amount is about 5.2 million and of course related economic benefit will be 300 million RMB. And the pilot project will end probably at the end of this year because they are waiting for the revision of the national standards. At the moment they already have 14 pilot sectors running the project, after that add in some transportation, public sectors, institutions and buildings and so on. At the moment there are 32 certification bodies involved in this pilot project and we already have the certified enterprises – about 60. Okay, next part I told you is Shandong. Probably some of you before last year attend this workshop in Shandong; you have some experience there. And Shandong province is located here in this red part. It’s okay the area and population are written there. And this province is among the top 5 list based on the GDP numbers for our local government so they are quite rich. And this is some kind of industry components. As an industrial province they have several important oil producers there and now recently became a new chemicals industry centre in China. And the background for EMS running in Shandong is because of in 2006 according to this Top 10,000 program the local government started to do some energy auditing projects there and they found some problem just now as said a lot of bottle neck problems and for example the related law and regulation standards is not working effectively and that enterprises will have difficulty to get enough information, technology information to support their energy conservation program. And also they have difficulty to establish energy management structure and statistics and so on. So because of that Shandong local government decided to start and EnMS project and they decided to first develop local standards. As you know in China we have four level kinds of standard, national standards, sector standards, local standards and enterprises standards. So they can do their standards and they have requirements standards earlier than the national one. In 2008 they have the standards. Until now they have the 6 local standards concerning EnMS of course including some sector specific implementation guidance. And here is some achievement. In 2008 – 2009 the Shandong programs started the EnMS pilot with 8 enterprises distributed in 6 sectors different. And they are quite successful that after that they are promoting, the government promoting the pilot experience to 44 enterprises all-together all over the province. In 2011 last year the local government established an EnMS demonstration area in Dezhou city where we have the workshop in 2010. And till now there are already 52 enterprises already involved in the EnMS project get the certification of course. And local government gets some special funding from the enterprises who can run the project. And expected energy saving amount will be 1.2 Million tonne coal equivalents. Okay finally I give you summary about Top 10,000 program. As you might know during the last 5 years plan the top 1,000 energy consuming enterprises program was run in China and originally the target was 100 million tonne coal equivalents but finally we got reported saving was around 150. So it’s a quite successful project. You can see in the figure, these thousand enterprises are distributed all over the country. There are some numbers and that’s why last end of year NDRC and other 6 ministries of central government started top 10,000 program aim to cover 2/3 of the total energy consumption and including 15,000 industry enterprises added with about 160 large transportation companies, large shipping companies and so on, also including large buildings which annually they must consume 5000 million tonne coal equivalent. That means that this project will cover 17,000 different kinds of energy user. Including the building enterprises, including public buildings, including some transportation companies and so on. It’s quite big but it is 20 times bigger than the original one and the target of this project is for the energy savings of 250 million tonne coal equivalents. As you know with each of our 5 years plan there is an annual savings target. This amount is about 40% already for our 12 5 years plan target so it is quite an important target. There are some key issues within this project. There are about 10 important measures we will use with this about 20,000 enterprises. The third one you can see with red colour is where we establish with the enterprises the EMS according to our national standards and also NDRC want to get on board with ISO 50001. That’s why they asked us to make the adoption as soon as possible to revise this old 23331 national standard. Of course there are some other issues such as statistics, auditing, technology, transportation and so on. I will not go very detailed because we will have the coffee break. And finally concerning this Top 10,000 program especially some point about EnMS. The NDRC is now developing the detailed implementation and rules that means how we will do that is still under development in progress and it will finish about August. Now SAC of course now is going to develop more than 10 national standards till end of 12 5-year plans as I already list before. And the certification program will be used as an important tool only for this top 10,000 programs. At the same time energy performance assessment will be another important issue we will cover. That means not only with the certification we will pay a lot of attention with the performance. And the local energy monitoring unit and certification that means the local agency will play an important role to make this EMS program implement efficiently in the local area. I think that is all I am going to talk about and we are still in the developing stage in China. We started this program only 3 years but you might see EMS is already in China became very hot just because of this Top 10,000 project. I wish I can present you soon some new results during the next conference. Thank you very much for your attention.