Distinguished Alumnus Award and Special Recognition Award

Distinguished Alumnus Award and Special Recognition Award
Distinguished Alumnus and Special Recognition awards will be presented to qualified and deserving Alumni at the 130th reunion in 2016.
Each of you must know at least one HUP graduate to nominate. Read the criteria and consider nominating a candidate. The forms are below.
Return the nominating form to:
Please note that the below criteria is the same for both awards except that the Distinguished Alumnus award is given for leadership and
achievement beyond the local level, (i.e., Regional, National or International). The Special Recognition Award is given for leadership and
achievement at the local level, (i.e., Hospital, Community Health Agency, Local place of employment or service).
Alumnus of the School of Nursing of the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.
Preferably active in some field of nursing.
Outstanding leadership and achievement in nursing. This is characterized by: creative ability, originality, democratic attitudes and
methods of work, contributions to the growth and development of individuals, persistent constructive effort, strong sense of social and
professional responsibility, improvement in patient care, cooperative community and professional relationships.
Leadership achievement may take the form of clinical expertise, administration, teaching, writing, journalism, research, counseling,
professional or community organization work or public relations.
Summarize the major experiences, events, and achievements which support the nomination of the candidate in NOT MORE THAN 500 words.
(Please type, print or write legibly and double space.) Attach the candidate's resume, if available. Please submit by
I nominate the following candidate for: Distinguished Alumnus___________ Special Recognition_______ ___
Name of Nominee:____________________________________________________Class_________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________________Email: ______________________________________________________
Present Position: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Education: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Other Positions/Volunteer Activities: ____________________________________________________________________
Nominated by: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________