August 2015 - New York State Academy of Family Physicians

Meeting: Advocacy Commission
Date: August 8, 2015
Members Present: Chair Marc Price, DO; Members Drs. Phil Kaplan, Christine Doucet, John Buddenhagen, Rachelle
Brilliant, Lauralee Yalden, Lalita Abhyanker, Zane Martindale, Elizabeth Lynn and Keashe Guerrier and students
Howard Lanney and Jafeen Ilmudeen and Marcy Savage of Reid, McNally & Savage and guest Dr Rupal Bhingradia
Agenda Item
Approval of
Minutes from
Albany Update,
2015 session recapwritten update sent
in advance
AAFP Leadership
Physician Burn Out
Access Issues
Discussion on Bills
for Discussion in
chart below and
what position
NYSAFP should take
(as indicated in far
right column)
Reso 15-03:
Action (assigned to)
Update from Marcy Savage, RMS
FYI for member review
Discussion on members’ experiences; feelings
of being under appreciated, overworked,
underpaid, financial stress were common
themes. Also burn out can impact physician
physical health in addition to mental health.
Recommendation to hold a retreat with other
colleagues (NYSAFP and local communities of
family physicians) who may be feeling the same
way to share information and suggestions for
how to address burn out. Also important to
provide more information to members to keep
them apprised of issues impacting them or
other interest. Discussion on whether there is
legislative action that could be taken to help
like reduce regulations, address physician
shortage etc.
Discussion on health insurance plans/PBMs
limiting patient access to essential drugs due to
cost, lack of adequate reimbursement to local
pharmacies so they can’t stock, clinical criteria,
step therapy protocols etc.
Sharing this information on the views
and opinions of Commission for
Board consideration.
See chart below with recommended positions.
Will support legislation in this regard
Recommendation to raise with
MSSNY and others in organized
medicine since this is not only a FP
issue. Also there is a federal bill on
this issue which we would ask the
Board to approach AAFP about.
“The NYSAFP strives to improve the health of patients, families and communities by serving members of the Academy through
education and advocacy.”
“The Mission of the American Academy of Family Physicians is to improve the health of patients, families, and communities by
serving the needs of members with professionalism and creativity.”
Reso 15-4: Climate
Reso 15-7:
Marijuana for
Personal Use
10 Reso 15-8: Oppose
Drug Testing of
Pregnant Women
11 Reso 15-9: Raise
Minimum Wage
12 Reso 15-11: ISTOP
13 Reso 15-13:
Will track legislation in this area and lend
Support taxation of marijuana where sales/use
currently legal as long as the funding is used for
substance abuse treatment; Will track
legislation in this area and lend support to laws
where consistent with the Resolution
Will track legislation and oppose any requires
mandatory drug testing of pregnant women
We recommend looking into what other
organizations are doing in this regard with the
existing campaigns and participate where
consistent with Resolution to reduce health
NYSAFP reach out to ISTOP law sponsors
Lanza/Cusick to discuss methadone exemption
and why it should be eliminated; Letter from
NYSAFP President to NY VA Hospitals urging
that their providers consult the PMP
Advocate against discriminatory policing
activities that affect access to care issues.
14 Reso 15-14: Schoolto-Prison Pipeline
15 Reso 15-20: FM
Rotation as License
16 Reso 15-22: Law re:
Violence Against
NYSAFP will reach out to Hannon/Gottfried
about possible introduction of legislation in this
area. We would ask for Dr. Ebarb’s and Dr
Keber’s assistance in this regard.
NYSAFP will research how similar law was
passed providing such protection for nurses and
engage in similar campaign possibly with same
legislative sponsors.
Board Action Items
We suggest a letter from NYSAFP
President to NY VA Hospitals urging
that their providers consult the PMP.
We would ask Donna to reach out to
Resolution sponsor to seek advice on
their thoughts on how they felt
action should be taken on this and
any existing campaign in this regard.
We would ask Donna to reach out to
Resolution sponsor to seek advice on
their thoughts on how they felt
action should be taken on this and
any existing campaign in this regard.
“The NYSAFP strives to improve the health of patients, families and communities by serving members of the Academy through
education and advocacy.”
“The Mission of the American Academy of Family Physicians is to improve the health of patients, families, and communities by
serving the needs of members with professionalism and creativity.”
Physician Burn Out
Access Issues
Discussion on members’ experiences; feelings
of being under appreciated, overworked,
underpaid, financial stress were common
themes. Also burn out can impact physician
physical health in addition to mental health.
Recommendation to hold a retreat with other
colleagues (NYSAFP and local communities of
family physicians) who may be feeling the same
way to share information and suggestions for
how to address burn out. Also important to
provide more information to members to keep
them apprised of issues impacting them or
other interest. Discussion on whether there is
legislative action that could be taken to help
like reduce regulations, address physician
shortage etc.
Discussion on health insurance plans/PBMs
limiting patient access to essential drugs due to
cost, lack of adequate reimbursement to local
pharmacies so they can’t stock, clinical criteria,
step therapy protocols etc.
Prohibits pharmacists from substituting a
prescribed abuse-deterrent opioid analgesic
drug products, brand or generic, with opioid
analgesic drug products lacking abuse-deterrent
properties when the prescriber writes
“dispense as written” or “DAW” on the
prescription. Any substitutions that would be
permitted must be with a drug product that
contains the same opioid active ingredient and
the same drug release or extended release
characteristics and which has the same level of
FDA-approved abuse-deterrent labeling claims.
The bill also requires commercial insurance
carriers licensed under Article 32 of the
Insurance Law to provide coverage for at least
one abuse deterrent opioid analgesic drug
product per opioid active ingredient.
Sharing this information on the views
and opinions of Commission for
Board consideration.
Recommendation to raise with
MSSNY and others in organized
medicine since this is not only a FP
issue. Also there is a federal bill on
this issue which we would ask the
Board to approach AAFP about.
We would ask Board to request
Public Health Commission’s opinion
from addiction medicine perspective
on whether to take a position
“The NYSAFP strives to improve the health of patients, families and communities by serving members of the Academy through
education and advocacy.”
“The Mission of the American Academy of Family Physicians is to improve the health of patients, families, and communities by
serving the needs of members with professionalism and creativity.”
Reso 15-11: ISTOP
Reso 15-13:
Reso 15-14: Schoolto-Prison Pipeline
NYSAFP reach out to ISTOP law sponsors
Lanza/Cusick to discuss methadone exemption
and why it should be eliminated; Letter from
NYSAFP President to NY VA Hospitals urging
that their providers consult the PMP
Advocate against discriminatory policing
activities that affect access to care issues.
We suggest a letter from NYSAFP
President to NY VA Hospitals urging
that their providers consult the PMP.
We would ask Donna to reach out to
Resolution sponsor to seek advice on
how to take action on this and any
existing campaign in this regard.
We would ask Donna to reach out to
Resolution sponsor to seek advice on
how to take action on this and any
existing campaign in this regard.
Bills for Review: Discuss NYSAFP Position (Support, Oppose, No Position)
BILL w/ Sponsor
Same As
S. 5170A, Hannon
Prohibits pharmacists from
substituting a prescribed
abuse-deterrent opioid
analgesic drug products,
brand or generic, with
opioid analgesic drug
products lacking abusedeterrent properties when
the prescriber writes
“dispense as written” or
“DAW” on the
prescription. Any
substitutions that would
be permitted must be with
a drug product that
contains the same opioid
active ingredient and the
same drug release or
extended release
characteristics and which
Passed Both
Ask Board to
request Public
opinion from
perspective on
whether to take a
“The NYSAFP strives to improve the health of patients, families and communities by serving members of the Academy through
education and advocacy.”
“The Mission of the American Academy of Family Physicians is to improve the health of patients, families, and communities by
serving the needs of members with professionalism and creativity.”
A8240, Glick
has the same level of FDAapproved abuse-deterrent
labeling claims. The bill
also requires commercial
insurance carriers licensed
under Article 32 of the
Insurance Law to provide
coverage for at least one
abuse deterrent opioid
analgesic drug product per
opioid active ingredient.
The patient cost sharing
shall not exceed the
lowest level applied to a
brand name non-abuse
deterrent opioid for a
brand opioid with abuse
deterrence and similarly it
shall not exceed the
lowest level applied to a
generic non-abuse
deterrent opioid for a
generic opioid with abuse
Provides the State
Passed Both
Education Department
with the necessary
statutory authority to
participate in the State
Authorization Reciprocity
Agreement and other
interstate reciprocity
agreements for post
secondary distance
education; Provides a
mechanism for New York
institutions of higher
education to offer distance
education programs to
“The NYSAFP strives to improve the health of patients, families and communities by serving members of the Academy through
education and advocacy.”
“The Mission of the American Academy of Family Physicians is to improve the health of patients, families, and communities by
serving the needs of members with professionalism and creativity.”
S5814, Bonacic
residents of participating
Relates to patient selfdetermination at end of
life; Authorizes the
dispensation of lethal
doses of medication to
certain individuals.
Senate and
Track, No
Position; If
Moving ask
Committee for
S5789, Valesky
Promotes the
development, provision
and accessibility of
Senate Rules
S5791, LaValle
Relates to access to
patient or client records in
the investigation and
prosecution of
professional licensing and
misconduct proceedings.
No Position
S6017, Hoylman
Repeals sections of the
public health law relating
to exemption from
vaccination due to
religious beliefs
Senate Rules