1.The state of atmosphere at a place
2The weather prevailing at a place for a long time.
3.Cause for the change in season
4.Strong winds usually with rain ,thunder or snow
5.A thick cloud of tiny water droplets present in air which restricts visibility.
Answer the following
1.Name the four factors on which weather depends?
Ans:Weather depends upon the sun, the wind, the clouds and the rain
2.Why are the cloudy nights warmer than the clear nights?
Ans:The cloudy nights are warmer than the clear nights because the heat of the earth is not allowed to
3.How the weather does influence our lives?
Ans:The weather influence us in following ways,
a)on cold windy days we wear heavy woollen clothes.
b)During summer we wear light cotton clothes
c)In rainy season we remain indoors feel sticky and sweat a lot.
4.Describe the main seasons.
Ans;There are five main season,Summer,Winter,Spring,Autumn and monsoon.
Summer is the hottest time of the year and winter is the coldest season. It rains during monsoon.
Leaves fall in autumn, In spring ,there are flowers everywhere.
5.Why are morning and evenings cooler than noon?
Ans:The morning and evening cooler than noon because at noon time the sun is overhead it is closer to
us and therefore we feel very hot.
6.Why cloudy days are cooler than sunny days?
Ans:cloudy days are cooler than sunny days because the sun’s rays cannot reach the earth on cloudy
7.Sunil lives in Mumbai ,If he wants to travel to Pune by road in July .What care should be take before
his journey?
Ans:He should have a rain coat because July is a month of rainy season.
Give one word for the following
1.Heavenly bodies which wander around the sun in spaces are called
2.The part of the universe that lies outside the earth atmosphere
3.Naturally useful things found in nature
Ans:Natural Resources.
Answer the following
1.What is environment?
Ans:The surroundings in which we live and all the living things and non living things that play a role in
our lives form our environment.
2.Why our planet is known as blue planet?
Ans:The earth is called the blue planet because ¾ of its surface is covered with water.
3.Mention four things which spoil our environment
Ans:Smoke from cars and factories makes the air impure.
b)All waste from the cities are poured in to rivers ,lakes and seas
c) Sometimes poisonous chemicals in the water harm fish
d)We throw garbage on the street.
4.How can we conserve our natural resources?
Ans: a) We should use solar cooker to cook our food instead of coal or gas.
b)We should not waste petrol
c)We should not hunt animals as this can cause animals to become extinct.
d)We should use products that are eco-friendly.
1.The place on the road when the people cross it and also known as zebra crossing
Ans:Pedesrtain crossing
2A substance used on wounds to kill germs
Ans:Antiseptic lotion
3The first help given to injured person before the doctor arrive
Ans:First Aid
4.We should follow3 safety rules to stay safe from this
5.An underground path used to cross busy roads
Answer the following
1. Describe any three rules of safety to be followed at home
Ans:a)Never touch electric switches ,plugs or wires with wet hands. You might get an electric shock.
b)Do not go near the gas stove or play with sharp objects like knives and scissors. You might get a burn
or cut yourself.
c)Do not leave your toys, bags and books lying on the floor .You might trip over them and injure
2.Describe any three rules of safety to be followed in school
Ans:a)Never run around benches in the class room
b)Do not get in to or get down from a moving bus. Always stand in a queue and wait for your turn.
c)Never push your friends while playing .
3.Describe any three rules of safety to be followed on the road.
Ans:a)Use a zebra crossing or subway to cross roads.
b)Do not play on the road.
c)Do not stick your face or any part of your body out of a moving vehicle.
Give one word answer.
1.The unit for measuring length
2.A weighing balance is used to measure this
Ans:Mass of a substance
3.The amount of liquid a container can hold
4.This is measured using a clock or a watch
Answer the following
1.Name any two measures that were used to measure length in early days
Ans:Hand Span, Foot span.
2.Name two units for measuring length
3.What is mass? Name the unit of mass
Ans:Mass is the amount of material an object contains. The unit of mass is g,mg,kg.
Long answer questions
1.Why do we need to have a fixed unit for measuring things?
Ans:We need to measure different things in our daily life like length,weight,capacity and time.
2.What is capacity?Name any two commonly used unit for measuring capacity.
Ans:The capacity of a liquid a container can hold is called its capacity.Capacity is measured in litres and
3.Define the following
Ans:Measurements:The process of measuring things called measurements.
Volume: The amount of space taken up by a substance.
Temperature:The condition of heat or cold of a body or an areas.
4.How do we measure gold?
Ans;Gold is measured in milligram and gram.