Technical specification can be downloaded here.

1. Terms of Reference for repairs and construction works in the Ambulatory of Verbki village of
Pavlogradskiy district of Dnipropetrovsk region (104 Solntseva St.)
The ToR incorporates technical specifications for general purpose construction works. Local authorities
themselves reconstruct the building now. At the moment of the on-site visit, they conducted finishing and
specialized construction works in all premises of the facility.
Main parameters of the ambulatory building:
A single-storey brick building with the overall floor area 365 m2.
Construction parameters of the building:
Engineering installations in the building:
foundations - concrete;
walls - brickwork, 1.5 brick thick;
floors - timber;
roof coatings - corrugated asbestos-concrete
plates on timber frames;
floor coatings - concrete, ceramic tiles, linoleum;
windows - reinforced plastic window units;
indoor wall/ceilings finish - ceramic tile coatings,
dispersion paint coatings.
heating - a water hearing system with household
grade electric convector heaters;
water supply - a standalone water well;
power supply - overhead 0.4 kV transmission
line, three phase AC;
sanitation - a decentralized system with
discharge to a cesspit;
ventilation - natural;
communication network - wired, operational;
Internet access - cable connection;
fire alarms - available.
The ToR stipulates installation of a new roof and thermal insulation of the floor structure.
The following works are needed at the main roof:
The roof
 dismantling the existing roof coatings - 472 m2;
 dismantling the timber support framework of
the roof - 472 m2;
 removal of old thermal insulation and
demolition waste from the timber roof floor 365 m2;
 installation of the new timber supporting roof
framework (50 х 150 mm timber elements, a
square type framework assembly, 3.0 m high) on
the existing floor - 472 m2;
 securing wall plates (100 х 100 mm) by anchor
bolts to the bearing walls - 87 m;
 securing the wall plates by brickwork - 1.5 m3;
 plastering the new brickwork - 14 m2;
 installation of a vapour-proof insulation layer on
dried roof floor (rolled materials) - 365 m2;
installation of a heat insulation of the roof floor
(claydite or rolled mineral wool - 100 mm thick) 365 m2;
installation of timber roof boarding (50 х 50 mm
timber elements) - 472 m2;
installation of a water-proof insulation layer on
the roof boarding - 472 m2;
installation of new roof coatings (metal tile
sheets or profiled metal) - 472 m2;
dismantling the timber fronton - 13.4 m2;
installation of a timber support assembly and
covering the fronton by profiled metal - 13.4 m2;
covering cornices by profiled metal - 4.40 m2;
installation of a roof ridge - 52 m;
installation of rainwater chutes - 88 m;
installation of rainwater pipes - 3.5 х 10 m = 35
2. Terms of Reference for repairs and construction works in the Ambulatory of Yurievka village of
Yurievsky district of Dnipropetrovsk region (61 Radyanska St.)
The ToR incorporates technical specifications for general purpose and specialized construction works.
Main parameters of the ambulatory building:
A single-storey brick building, dimensions 16.85 х 11.73 m.
Construction parameters of the building:
 foundations - brickwork;
 walls - brickwork;
 floors - timber;
 roof coatings - corrugated asbestos-concrete
plates on timber frames;
 floor coatings - timber plank floors, linoleum;
 windows - glazed reinforced plastic window
units; doors - wooden door units;
 indoor wall/ceilings finish - oil and dispersion
paint coatings, wallpaper.
Engineering installations in the building:
Main construction works
heating - centralized;
water supply - centralized;
power supply - overhead 0.4 kV transmission
line, three phase AC;
sanitation - a decentralized system with
discharge to a cesspit;
ventilation - none;
communication network - wired, operational;
Internet access - cable connection;
fire alarms - none.
General purpose construction works
Dismantling the old roof and installation of a new 
one, capital repairs in all premises
The roof
dismantling the existing roof coatings - 255 m2;
dismantling the timber support framework of
the roof - 255 m2;
installation of the new timber supporting roof
framework (50 х 150 mm timber elements, a
pyramidal type framework assembly, 3.5 m high)
on the existing roof floor - 255 m2;
securing wall plates (100 х 100 mm) by anchor
bolts to the bearing walls - 33.5 m;
securing the wall plates by brickwork - 0.6 m3;
plastering the new brickwork - 5.4 m2;
installation of timber roof boarding (50 х 50 mm
timber elements) - 255 m2;
installation of a water-proof insulation layer on
the roof boarding (rolled materials) - 255 m2;
installation of new roof coatings (metal tile
sheets or profiled metal) - 255 m2;
dismantling the timber frontons - 41 m2;
installation of a timber support assembly and
covering the fronton by profiled metal - 41 m2;
covering cornices by profiled metal - 12 m2;
installation of a metal sill on the wall under the
fronton - 7 m2;
installation of a roof ridge - 17.5 m;
installation of rainwater chutes - 35 m;
installation of rainwater pipes - 3.5 х 6 = 21 m.
The building
dismantling wooden door units - 10 items;
dismantling timber plank floors - 140 m2;
dismantling skirtboards;
dismantling old power supply cables, electric
sockets and switches;
sand upfilling under the floors (200 mm thick) 28 m3;
installation of a water-proof insulation layer by
rolled materials on dried floors - 150 m2;
installation of thermal insulation of floors
(claydite - 150 mm thick) - 21 m3;
installation of concrete 80 mm thick concrete
overlay - 140 m2;
installation of a cement leveling layer - 140 m2;
installation of a reinforced plastic glazed door
unit with matte-surfaced glass, dimensions 2.65
х 1.25 m - 3 items, dimensions 2.10 х 0.90 m - 7
installation of a door handle - 10 items;
fitting a dead lock and lock barrel into a door
panel - 10 items;
installation of ventilation grills in the lower
section of the door panel - 10 items.
All rooms and lobbies
removal of wallpaper and old paint coatings
from walls - 700 m2;
filling in the door opening in the accountant
room by brickwork - 0.5 m3;
plastering the new brickwork - 4 m2;
washing and treatment of walls by alkaline
solutions - 700 m2;
washing and treatment of jambs by alkaline
solutions - 32 m2;
installation of a new ceiling (jointless plastic
plankboard) - 140 m2;
installation of profiled moldings on ceilings 195 m;
laying new ceramic tile coatings on floors 140.00 m2 (matt ceramic tiles manufactured by
Kiev ATEM 30х30 RIM GR 1, item code
60106450 or VERONA B 30х30, item code
Hypermarket Chain or equivalent);
laying white-colored ceramic tiles on walls up to
the level of 1.5 m (white ceramic tiles
manufactured by Carpathian Ceramics or Kiev
ATEM or equivalent) in the laboratory, in the day
patient room, in the immunization room and in
the WC room - 62 m2;
laying white-colored ceramic tiles on walls up to
the ceiling level in the examination/treatment
room (white ceramic tiles manufactured by
Carpathian Ceramics or Kiev ATEM or
equivalent) - 31 m2;
laying ceramic tile coatings in the physician
reception room and in the nurse room in areas
of washstands installed - 3 m2;
covering walls up to the level of 1.5 m by waterproof plasterboard plates (in all other rooms and
lobbies) - 260 m2;
priming, filling up and painting plasterboard
plates on walls by textured acrylic paints - 260
priming, filling up and painting walls by
dispersion acrylic paints - 344 m2;
priming, filling up and painting window and door
jambs by dispersion acrylic paints - 32 m2;
installation of 100 mm high ceramic tile
skirtboards - 185 m;
 installation of moldings on walls - 185 m.
Specialized works
Electric lighting
Replacement of the electric lighting system in the The ToR stipulates complete replacement of the
building, repairs of water supply and sanitation power supply cabling in all the premises repaired.
The electric lighting system should be installed in
compliance with requirements of DBN V.2.5-232003, DBN D.2.2-21-99 (Compendium 21) and other
regulations. A shutoff protection unit should be
installed into the cable distribution switchboard,
power supply cables should be arranged according
to load groups and connected to the power
switchboard. The following electric appliances
should be installed (with references to item codes of
"Epicentre" Construction Hypermarket Chain or
The WC room
a high capacity ventilator (Vents 100 vk, 250
m3/hour, 60 W, 47 dB, item code 30105001 or
equivalent) for a forced exhaust ventilation
system - 1 item;
a moisture resistant lighting appliance (Brik 60
w, G 27 ip(54), item code 30808219 or
equivalent) - 2 items;
switches (1-key, manufacturer: Nilson, series:
Thema, color: white, item code 30456083 or
equivalent) - 1 item.
Lobbies (2 lobbies: 9.72х1.78 m and 2.10х5.75 m –
the following items are to be installed in each lobby)
 sockets (2-plugs with grounding contacts;
manufacturer: Nilson, series: Thema, color:
white, item code 30456097 or equivalent) - 4
 switches (1-key, manufacturer: Nilson, series:
Thema, color: white, item code 30456083 or
equivalent) - 2 items;
 a suspended fluorescent lighting appliance
(LUMEN 2x36W IP65 (ABS|PS) or equivalent) - 5
The physician reception room
sockets (2-plugs with grounding contacts;
manufacturer: Nilson, series: Thema, color:
white, item code 30456097 or equivalent) - 2
switches (1-key, manufacturer: Nilson, series:
Thema, color: white, item code 30456083 or
equivalent) - 1 item;
a suspended fluorescent lighting appliance
(LUMEN 2x36W IP65 (ABS|PS) or equivalent) - 3
The laboratory
sockets (2-plugs with grounding contacts;
manufacturer: Nilson, series: Thema, color:
white, item code 30456097 or equivalent) - 4
switches (1-key, manufacturer: Nilson, series:
Thema, color: white, item code 30456083 or
equivalent) - 1 item;
a suspended fluorescent lighting appliance
(LUMEN 2x36W IP65 (ABS|PS) or equivalent) - 2
The day patient room
sockets (2-plugs with grounding contacts;
manufacturer: Nilson, series: Thema, color:
white, item code 30456097 or equivalent) - 4
switches (1-key, manufacturer: Nilson, series:
Thema, color: white, item code 30456083 or
equivalent) - 1 item;
a suspended fluorescent lighting appliance
(LUMEN 2x36W IP65 (ABS|PS) or equivalent) - 3
The examination/treatment room
sockets (2-plugs with grounding contacts;
manufacturer: Nilson, series: Thema, color:
white, item code 30456097 or equivalent) - 2
switches (1-key, manufacturer: Nilson, series:
Thema, color: white, item code 30456083 or
equivalent) - 1 item;
a suspended fluorescent lighting appliance
(LUMEN 2x36W IP65 (ABS|PS) or equivalent) - 2
All other rooms (9 rooms - the following items are to
be installed in each room)
 sockets (2-plugs with grounding contacts;
manufacturer: Nilson, series: Thema, color:
white, item code 30456097 or equivalent) - 2
 switches (1-key, manufacturer: Nilson, series:
Thema, color: white, item code 30456083 or
equivalent) - 1 item;
a suspended fluorescent lighting appliance
(LUMEN 2x36W IP65 (ABS|PS) or equivalent) - 2
Water supply and sanitation
The ToR stipulates installation of new water supply
and sanitation systems in the WC room. The new
water supply and sanitation system should be
designed and assembled in compliance with
requirements of DBN D.2.2-17-99. Compendium 17,
DBN D.2.2-16 and the ToR.
Water supply system should be assembled of
polyethylene pipes and connected to sanitary ware
and to the existing water supply system of the
building. Pipes (diameter = 15 mm) should be laid
under skirtboards (accounting for aesthetic
considerations) and insulated by merlon.
Sanitation system should be assembled of plastic
pipes, in addition the following works are needed:
 closing the sanitation discharge stack (100 mm
in diameter);
 installation of a vent stack for ventilation of the
sanitation system (vertically, through the roof).
Washstands and squat toilets should be installed
with siphons and valves according to requirements
of DBN regulations.
The following sanitary ware should be installed (with
references to item codes of "Epicentre" Construction
Hypermarket Chain or equivalent):
 a squat toilet (manufacturer "Dneprokeramika",
Ukraine, item code 70606009 or equivalent) in
the WC room - 1 item;
 fittings for a squat toilet (manufacturer SIAMP,
France, item code 70701219 or equivalent) - 1
 Sink pushbutton for a squat toilet (item code
70701201 or equivalent) - 1 item;
 washstands
"Budfarfor", Ukraine, item code 70602473 or
equivalent) - 7 items (replacement of 4 existing
washstands and installation of 3 new ones in the
day patient room, in the examination/treatment
room and in the WC room);
 washstand combination faucets (manufacturer
FERRO, Poland, Smile series, item code
70305803 or equivalent) for washstands - 7
Upon completion of assembling the water supply
and sanitation systems, the systems should undergo
hydraulic testing. Relevant testing protocols should
be compiled.