Scope and Sequence for 20___-20___ School Year Instructor: Cluster: Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Course Name: Small Engine Technology (One to Two Credits) Course Requirements: This course is recommended for students in Grades 10-12 Course Description: This course is designed to provide training for entry-level employment in the small engine technology industry. Engine Technology includes knowledge of the function, diagnosis, and service of the systems and components of all types of small engines such as lawn mowers, motorcycle, and irrigation engines. Instruction includes the repair and service of cooling, air, fuel, lubricating, electrical, ignition, and mechanical systems and small engine overhauls. In addition, students will receive instruction in safety, academic, and leadership skills as well as career opportunities. Resources: Roth, Alfred C. (2004) Small Gas Engines Tinley Park, Illinois: The Goodheart-Willcox Company, Inc. Radcliff, Bruce R. (2009) Small Engines Homewood Illinois: American Technical Publishers, Inc. Webster, Jay (2001) Outdoor Power Equipment Albany NY: Delmar Week Number TEKS Taught 130.400c1A 130.400c1B Week 1 130.400c1E Week 2 Topic/Unit Title Career Opportunities and Certification. The student explores the employability characteristics of a successful worker in the modern workplace: The student will identify career development and entrepreneurship opportunities in the small engine technology industry, including how to search for and obtain employment, what qualifications are required for varying career fields, and how to advance in a position; AND identify careers in the small engine technology industry. Career Opportunities and Certification. The student explores the employability characteristics of a successful worker in the modern workplace: The student will identify employers' expectations, appropriate work habits, ethical conduct, legal responsibilities, and good citizenship skills. 130.400c1F Career Opportunities and Certification. The student explores the employability characteristics of a successful worker in the modern workplace: The student will explore career objectives and strategies to develop a plan for future career and educational goals. 130.400c3 Career Opportunities and Certification. The student identifies concepts related to geographic diversity: The student will identify significant similarities and differences in the small engine technology industry. Week 5 130.400c4A 130.400c4B 130.400c4C Week 6 130.400c4D 130.400c4E 130.400c4F Career Opportunities and Certification. The student describes the historical, current, and future significance of the small engine technology industry: The student will define terms associated with the small engine technology industry; identify the scope and effect of the small engine technology industry on society; and identify significant historical and current developments in the small engine technology industry; Career Opportunities and Certification. The student describes the historical, current, and future significance of the small engine technology industry: The student will identify potential future scenarios for the small engine technology industry; identify reasons for world trade and globalization; and review regulations and major laws to evaluate their impact on the small engine technology industry. Week 3 Week 4 Week Number TEKS Taught 130.400c2B 130.400c2C Week 7 130.400c1D Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 130.400c7A 130.400c7B 130.400c7C 130.400c7D 130.400c7E 130.400c7F 130.400c7G Topic/Unit Title Develop a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO). The student learns the value of and how to develop an improved occupational experience program as it relates to the small engine technology industry participate in youth leadership opportunities to create a well-rounded occupational experience: The student will participate in youth leadership opportunities to create a well-rounded occupational experience; and produce a program of activities for a career and technical student organization or other leadership opportunities. Safety in the Small Engine Shop. The student explores the employability characteristics of a successful worker in the modern workplace: The student will demonstrate knowledge of personal and occupational safety, health, and first-aid policies in the workplace. Safety in the Small Engine Shop. The student implements strategies to reduce sources of workplace hazards common in industry in order to promote a safe and accident-free working environment: The student will identify, assess, and control hazards to maintain safe working conditions; state the role and summarize the benefits of each component in a health, safety, and environmental management system; demonstrate emergency procedures to reduce and mitigate workplace accidents; perform tool, equipment, facility, and personal protective equipment audits and inspections to maintain compliance with regulations. Safety in the Small Engine Shop. The student implements strategies to reduce sources of workplace hazards common in industry in order to promote a safe and accident-free working environment: The student will identify rules and laws designed to promote safety and health in the workplace; demonstrate knowledge of first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedures and proper use of safety equipment; and determine causes of safety system failures. Week Number TEKS Taught 130.400c8I Safety in the Small Engine Shop. The student demonstrates the technical knowledge and skills for small engine technology: The student will discuss the proper handling and disposal of environmentally hazardous materials used in small engine technology. 130.400c8I Safety in the Small Engine Shop. The student demonstrates the technical knowledge and skills for small engine technology: The student will discuss the proper handling and disposal of environmentally hazardous materials used in small engine technology. 130.400c7D Tools and Measuring Devices. The student implements strategies to reduce sources of workplace hazards common in industry in order to promote a safe and accident-free working environment: The student will perform tool, equipment, facility, and personal protective equipment audits and inspections to maintain compliance with regulations. Tools and Measuring Devices. The student demonstrates the technical knowledge and skills for small engine technology: The student will identify and safely use small engine measuring tools; and safely use tools used in the operation, maintenance, and repair of two- and four-cycle engines. Tools and Measuring Devices. The student demonstrates the technical knowledge and skills for small engine technology: The student will identify and safely use small engine measuring tools; and safely use tools used in the operation, maintenance, and repair of two- and four-cycle engines. Small Engine Construction and Principles of Operation. The student demonstrates the technical knowledge and skills for small engine technology: The student will identify the use and application of small engines and components; demonstrate knowledge of small engine designs, components, and applications; discuss the characteristics of two- and four-cycle engines; and identify the major engine components and their functions. Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Topic/Unit Title 130.400c8D 130.400c8E 130.400c8D 130.400c8E 130.400c8A 130.400c8C 130.400c8F 130.400c8G Week Number Week 17 Week 18 Week 19 Week 20 TEKS Taught 130.400c8A 130.400c8C 130.400c8F 130.400c8G 130.400c8A 130.400c8C 130.400c8F 130.400c8G 130.400c6A 130.400c6B 130.400c6C 130.400c6D 130.400c6E 130.400c6A 130.400c6B 130.400c6C 130.400c6D 130.400c6E Topic/Unit Title Small Engine Construction and Principles of Operation. The student demonstrates the technical knowledge and skills for small engine technology: The student will identify the use and application of small engines and components; demonstrate knowledge of small engine designs, components, and applications; discuss the characteristics of two- and four-cycle engines; and identify the major engine components and their functions. Small Engine Construction and Principles of Operation. The student demonstrates the technical knowledge and skills for small engine technology: The student will identify the use and application of small engines and components; demonstrate knowledge of small engine designs, components, and applications; discuss the characteristics of two- and four-cycle engines; and identify the major engine components and their functions. Student use of Information Technology. The student uses information technology tools to access, manage, and create information: The student will use personal management software, email applications, and Internet applications; use word-processing, database, spreadsheet, and presentation software; use collaborative or virtual meeting software; explain Geographic Information Systems and Global Positioning Systems applications; and use other computer-based equipment in small engine technology. Student use of Information Technology. The student uses information technology tools to access, manage, and create information: The student will use personal management software, email applications, and Internet applications; use word-processing, database, spreadsheet, and presentation software; use collaborative or virtual meeting software; explain Geographic Information Systems and Global Positioning Systems applications; and use other computer-based equipment in small engine technology. Week Number Week 21 TEKS Taught 130.400c6A 130.400c6B 130.400c6C 130.400c6D 130.400c6E 130.400c8H 130.400c8J Week 22 130.400c8B Week 23 Student use of Information Technology. The student uses information technology tools to access, manage, and create information: The student will use personal management software, email applications, and Internet applications; use word-processing, database, spreadsheet, and presentation software; use collaborative or virtual meeting software; explain Geographic Information Systems and Global Positioning Systems applications; and use other computer-based equipment in small engine technology. Student use of Information Technology. The student demonstrates the technical knowledge and skills for small engine technology: The student will read and interpret documents such as engine schematics, charts, and servicerepair manuals and bulletins; and demonstrate knowledge of new and emerging small engine technologies. Electrical Fundamentals. The student demonstrates the technical knowledge and skills for small engine technology: The student will identify the basic components of electrical-electronic systems. 130.400c8B Electrical Fundamentals. The student demonstrates the technical knowledge and skills for small engine technology: The student will identify the basic components of electrical-electronic systems. 130.400c8B Electrical Fundamentals. The student demonstrates the technical knowledge and skills for small engine technology: The student will identify the basic components of electrical-electronic systems. 130.400c1C Small Engine Shop Operations. The student explores the employability characteristics of a successful worker in the modern workplace: The student will apply competencies related to resources, information, interpersonal skills, problem solving, critical thinking, and systems of operation in the small engine technology industry. Week 24 Week 25 Week 26 Topic/Unit Title Week Number TEKS Taught 130.400c1C Week 27 130.400c2A 130.400c2D Week 28 Week 29 130.400c5A 130.400c5B 130.400c5C 130.400c5D 130.400c5E 130.400c1C Week 30 130.400c2A 130.400c2D Week 31 Topic/Unit Title Small Engine Shop Operations. The student explores the employability characteristics of a successful worker in the modern workplace: The student will apply competencies related to resources, information, interpersonal skills, problem solving, critical thinking, and systems of operation in the small engine technology industry. Small Engine Shop Operations. The student learns the value of and how to develop an improved occupational experience program as it relates to the small engine technology industry apply proper record-keeping skills as related to industry-based occupational experiences: The student will apply proper record-keeping skills as related to industry-based occupational experiences; and develop a work plan and budget. Employability. The student demonstrates appropriate personal and communication skills: The student will describe and apply ethical and legal responsibilities in the workplace; demonstrate the uses of proper etiquette and behavior; identify benefits of personal appearance and health habits; practice written and oral communication skills and employ effective listening skills; and comprehend reading materials common to the transportation industry. Small Engine Shop Operations. The student explores the employability characteristics of a successful worker in the modern workplace: The student will apply competencies related to resources, information, interpersonal skills, problem solving, critical thinking, and systems of operation in the small engine technology industry. Small Engine Shop Operations. The student learns the value of and how to develop an improved occupational experience program as it relates to the small engine technology industry apply proper record-keeping skills as related to industry-based occupational experiences: The student will apply proper record-keeping skills as related to industry-based occupational experiences; and develop a work plan and budget. Week Number TEKS Taught 130.400c1C Week 32 130.400c2A 130.400c2D Week 33 Week 34 130.400c5A 130.400c5B 130.400c5C 130.400c5D 130.400c5E 130.400c1C Week 35 Week 36 130.400c5A 130.400c5B 130.400c5C 130.400c5D 130.400c5E Topic/Unit Title Small Engine Shop Operations. The student explores the employability characteristics of a successful worker in the modern workplace: The student will apply competencies related to resources, information, interpersonal skills, problem solving, critical thinking, and systems of operation in the small engine technology industry. Small Engine Shop Operations. The student learns the value of and how to develop an improved occupational experience program as it relates to the small engine technology industry apply proper record-keeping skills as related to industry-based occupational experiences: The student will apply proper record-keeping skills as related to industry-based occupational experiences; and develop a work plan and budget. Employability. The student demonstrates appropriate personal and communication skills: The student will describe and apply ethical and legal responsibilities in the workplace; demonstrate the uses of proper etiquette and behavior; identify benefits of personal appearance and health habits; practice written and oral communication skills and employ effective listening skills; and comprehend reading materials common to the transportation industry. Small Engine Shop Operations. The student explores the employability characteristics of a successful worker in the modern workplace: The student will apply competencies related to resources, information, interpersonal skills, problem solving, critical thinking, and systems of operation in the small engine technology industry. Employability. The student demonstrates appropriate personal and communication skills: The student will describe and apply ethical and legal responsibilities in the workplace; demonstrate the uses of proper etiquette and behavior; identify benefits of personal appearance and health habits; practice written and oral communication skills and employ effective listening skills; and comprehend reading materials common to the transportation industry. Revised by: CDC Custom Development Co., LLC for Texas A&M University. Copyright © 2014 Texas Education Agency