Testimonials - Angel Whisperer

To Whom it May Concern
I’m only too happy to provide you with some feedback as to the extreme benefits I’ve
derived from such a short period of counseling with you.
I’ve suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD) and acute clinical depression and
for several years had been receiving ongoing professional treatment from a psychiatrist,
various forms counseling from a clinical psychologist and was also receiving assistance from
the Commonwealth Rehabilitation Service (CRS).
In addition, I was prescribed anti-depressants and took rather large dosages twice a day,
morning and evening. My condition was so severe that it totally dominated my life. I had
become virtually reclusive and could best be described as an emotional vegetable. My days
were filled with despair and quite frankly Deb’s I saw absolutely no light at the end of the
tunnel and had simply given up any hope and so consequently I dwelt on suicide several
times a day. I slept extremely poorly, waking anything up to 20 times throughout the night
and when I did sleep I suffered terrifyingly vivid nightmares. I also experienced flash backs
several times each day.
My ongoing psychiatric and psychological treatment was simply not helping in any way and
in addition, the anti depressants I was prescribed only provided short term benefits which
resulted in my Doctor and Psychiatrist constantly increasing the dosages of my
medications. My psychiatrist also wanted me to begin using other forms of stronger
medication though I decided I did not want do that. The combined effects of all of this led to
further despair and in turn quite simply exacerbated my condition.
I remember when you first offered to assist me Deb’s I felt quite skeptical especially in view
of the fact that several years of professional treatment and various forms medication had
failed, however, I have to say that confiding in you and trusting in your abilities and your
systems was one of the very best decision I have made in my life.
I can tell you quite categorically that within 2 weeks of receiving counseling from you and
performing the tasks you assigned me, my life began to turn around. A couple of months
later I had recovered to the point that I faced every day with hope, I no longer spent my
days in bed, my sleep improved dramatically and the flash backs I was experiencing
diminished in frequency. Only a couple of months further Deb’s I was so confident in
dealing with the issues that drove and exacerbated my conditions that I was able to stop
taking all forms of medication and in fact ceased receiving treatment from my psychiatrist,
psychologist and personal doctor and the CRS. I am now employed in a full time position,
no longer dwell on suicidal, I look to the future with hope and as you’re aware I’ve
expanded my social circle and am no longer socially isolated.
I’ll be honest with you Deb’s and say that I still have a way to go, I still suffer from flash
backs though by comparison they are very infrequent. I can go a few weeks without
experiencing one whereas only a few short months ago I suffered several a day.
There are times that I experience varying degrees of anxiety and a myriad of emotions
though the truth is that most normal people will experience the same.
Deb’s, I really want to thank you for all your help. The results you achieved over a couple
of counseling sessions, and over the telephone mind you, is simply extraordinary. You’re
gifted in this field and have a lot to offer others who suffered similarly to myself.
My very best wishes for you Deb’s
.Michael Haill
Personal Reference for Debbi Kemp
It is with great pleasure that I write this personal reference for Debbi Kemp.
Throughout 2009 I attended a number of workshops in Bridgewater in the Adelaide Hills which were
facilitated by Debbi. The Workshops were very informative, professionally presented, easy to
understand, enjoyable, fun filled and beneficial from a personal development perspective.
Debbi has extensive knowledge and experience in a number of areas due to studies, courses and actual
experience which she has undertaken.
The types of workshops that Debbi facilitated to name a few were subconscious therapies, manifesting,
intuitive counselling, angel card readings, wholistic psychology, guided meditation, soul retrieval,
surviving abuse and neural skeletal therapy.
Debbi is a very pleasant and personable and provides a warm, caring environment where people feel
safe to gently release, heal and move forward in a positive direction on their healing journey.
I would have no hesitation at all in recommending Debbi as a workshop facilitator.
I wish her every success.
Kind regards
Pauline Nelson
My first encounter with Deb was overhearing her speak to another staff member. I was
drawn to the energy of the conversation and instantly wanted to know more about her and
the knowledge she held.
This was 11mths ago and in that time I have made a life changing decision. As a result of
that, and forming a friendship with Deb, I have continued to grow in my personal
development and learnt to deal with many issues that arose out of my decision, using the
skills Deb has passed on to me.
I found Deb to be likeable and approachable. She has good people skills and a rapport with
people and her manner in which she relays her knowledge is easy to comprehend.
I will continue on my journey knowing that I have good resources and a real person to turn
Johanne Camfferman
July 2010
'Being a Woman' is a program for all women from all walks of life who
come together to exchange life experiences and to learn and discuss
new and exciting things through a varied range of diverse workshop
style sessions that have been chosen by the ladies. They celebrate
being a woman within a relaxed friendly atmosphere sharing a free
lunch. The group runs once a month offering a creche with
interesting speakers and facilitators who are invited to run exciting
sessions. This happens at Aberfoyle Community Centre, you need to
phone to book a place as numbers fill up fast, the number is: 8270
One of our speakers was 'Angel Whisperer' Debbi Kemp who graced
us with her amazing inspirational presence running a wholistic
workshop discussing:emotions, Angel cards and Archangels and
their purposes, tools to enhance intuitive abilities.... The ladies
enjoyed Debbi's down to earth friendly approach and positive
engaging energy! Questions flowed freely and an atmosphere of pure
calm enveloped the group. The ladies found Debbi's talk motivational
and have been talking about signing up for one of her workshops.
Debbi's attitude and intuitive clarity is refreshing and makes us stop
and question the here and now and the past. Her positive style is
motivational and gives guidance and hope for the future!
The ladies want to say a BIG thank you to Debbi for visiting their
You are an Earth Angel!
Many Thanks,
Karen Berry
Being a Woman Co-ordinator.
Debbi Kemp is a person who has made it her mission to improve people’s lives
by helping them make subtle changes in the way they think, feel and experience
day to day living.
I am one of those lucky people who met Debbi earlier this year.
With her very natural unassuming manner and skills, she has helped me to
restructure my life to free me from many preconditioned thoughts and reactions I
had to different situations.
With these changes of thinking and feeling from my heart, life has been on a
growth spurt, both in a social, and a business sense.
Life was really meant to be easy, but in order to enjoy it we need to know a lot
more about ourselves.
One person cannot have all the answers.
Debbi has definitely made a very significant contribution to my life, and I am sure
she will continue with her “ recipes” as I call them, and help unravel the many
questions we have asked about ourselves.
I wish her well and highly recommend the work she does.
Peter Silins
December 2011
"The most important lesson I have learned from Deb is that we must "learn from our learning". We all
have baggage: we all have regrets and we all have attitudes and behavior that maybe isn't doing us
much good. Life deals us all many problems but how we learn to overcome them by letting go, by not
letting ourselves be ruled by past events and guilt is extremely uplifting and fulfilling.
We are told to learn by our mistakes but if we feel that that’s all we are making in our lives then that’s
all we are learning!
I really feel Deb helped me with a very important element-to learn from the positive things we have,
say and do and how to recognize them in ourselves and others.
I have attended workshops and have had several readings and have honestly felt an intense sense of
achievement and well-being since I have met Deb.
I have the courage to move from a very unsatisfying career and have made shifts in the focus of my
thoughts and deeds which have been extremely beneficial.
Not least in a long list of positive changes that I attribute to my association with Deb is a shedding of
pointless guilt and emotional responsibility we needlessly take on in regard to how others perceive us.
That is not an easy lesson but one that is very freeing.
I take great pleasure in writing this for Deb. I would suggest that anyone looking to make changes in
their world should not waste any time...you have come this far so deep down you know it is possible
and, importantly...It is time.
Jennifer Selth.
2012Emotional problems that I was not consciously aware of were causing me allot of stress and anxiety for
many years. I thought I was a weak and overly emotional person and would berate myself for not being
able to deal graciously with life's stresses the way other people seemed to.
I saw Debbi initially for a neural-skeletal energy alignment and have now had many counselling sessions
with her. Her honest, yet caring approach has helped me develop strategies to overcome negative
conditioning and shift limiting beliefs on a soul level.
Each day I work to overcome past conditioning and live deeper in the now and I thank Debbi
wholeheartedly for her wisdom and guidance on my journey, the world needs more Angel Whisperers!
Natalie, 24